Flip Tutorial
Flip Tutorial
Flip Tutorial
User’s Manual
1. Introduction 2
2. Getting Started 4
3. Installing USB Drivers 5
4. Programming 9
5. Executing 12
6. Schematics/Pin-Out 13
7. Trouble shooting 14
8. Contact 16
Some of the Key features of the AISP-U Board are listed below:
- Suspend/Resume interrupts
- Power on Reset and USB Bus reset
- 48 MHz DPLL for full speed bus operation
- USB Bus disconnection on Microcontroller reset.
* USB Self powered mode is limited by the total current drawn by the board and the
interfaced devices. This depends on USB version and make. But the general current
carrying capacity of USB is 500mA
The below figure shows the top view of board with labels of components
1. Remove the board and accessories (if any) from their respective packages.
2. Go to Atmel’s website and download the latest version of Flip or use the set up
given on the utility CD ROM. Following the installation steps, install the Flip
Software in the required Computer.
3. Please read the instruction’s manual of the Flip software carefully, before
operating the board.
4. Set the position of power jumper PWR_J appropriately to select the supply
modes. Setting the jumper on 12 pin will require external 8-15V DC power supply
and setting it in on 23 pin will operate on self-powered mode viz. USB powered.
Initially set it on USB powered mode i.e. set the PWR_J jumper on 23 pin.
5. Leave the EA_J jumper open for internal code execution and closed for external
code execution. Initially leave it open, to run the default program in memory of
6. Bring the USB ON/OFF switch to the OFF position (un-pressed condition). See
the figure below.
7. Insert Type A plug of the USB cable in the computer and the Type B plug of the
cable in AISP-U board.
Type A Type B
8. Power LED will glow and the LED0-LED4 will start blinking.
9. Blinking LEDs are due to the default program loaded in the flash and indicates
that the board is working properly. If the LEDs do not start blinking, please
ensure that you again follow the steps 1 to 8 properly or refer to the trouble
shooting section.
10. You can load and execute your own programs. To load and execute your own
programs please read the programming and executing portions.
1. After running the default program loaded in the memory of AT89C5131, the
second step is towards installation of drivers. First of all turn the USB ON/OFF
switch to OFF position.
2. Press and hold the PSEN switch on the board and than press and release the
RESET switch. After that, release the PSEN switch. Allow at least 1 second time
for each operation. This will enter the board in programming mode.
3. After that turn the USB ON/OFF switch to ON position.
4. A ‘Found New Hardware – USB Device’ message will appear on task bar as
shown in the figure below.
5. Immediately after that Found new Hardware Wizard window will appear.
7. Select ‘Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’ and click next.
9. Please wait while the windows installs the driver. Following screen will appear
during this process
11. Open the Device Manger, you will find the device listed under Jungo –
AT89C5130/AT89C5131. This confirms the installation.
1. The first and important step for programming the AT89C5131 is to ensure the position
of the USB ON/OFF switch on the board. USB ON/OFF switch should be OFF i.e. in un-
pressed (up) position as shown in the figure. If it is not than press the switch again so that
it will be un-pressed position.
2. Press and hold the PSEN switch on the board and than press and release the RESET
switch. After that, release the PSEN switch. Allow at least 1 second time for each
operation. This will enter the board in programming mode.
Now from within FLIP, select SELECT from the DEVICES menu and select
AT89C5131 from the list of devices.
Click OPEN
FLIP will interrogate the hardware and display the software copies of the chips hardware
And select the hex file that you have just built and click on OPEN. Your program will be
loaded into FLIP’s buffer.
Ensure that Erase, Blank Check, Program and Verify are all checked and click on Run.
Your program will be written into flash memory on the AT89C5131.
1. Erasing Device
2. Blank checking Device
3. Programing Device
4. Verifying Device
After the program has been loaded successful in the flash memory, just press the RESET
switch on the board. Execution of the program will start automatically.
Program will continue to execute unless the supply is turned off or the switch is pressed
and the board is reset to enter the programming mode.
By default, when the supply is turned on or USB cable is connected to the board, the
program loaded in the memory of AT89C5131 will start executing.
Below mentioned are some trouble-shooting tips that may solve your problem caused due
to overlooking.
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This information is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty.
We disclaim any liability for the accuracy of this information.