Ouch! How Homeopathy Can Help With Those Pesky Insect Bites: Melanie Mayo Amy Lansky 5 Comments
Ouch! How Homeopathy Can Help With Those Pesky Insect Bites: Melanie Mayo Amy Lansky 5 Comments
Ouch! How Homeopathy Can Help With Those Pesky Insect Bites: Melanie Mayo Amy Lansky 5 Comments
"ve#y summe#$ % spend some time in Muskoka$ a #e&ion o' (nta#io no#t) o' *o#onto known 'o# its
mos+uitoes, %n 'a!t$ even wo#se a#e t)e -la!k 'lies t)at swa#m t)e a#ea -e'o#e it is 'ully wa#med up, .sually % miss -la!k 'ly season$ -ut sometimes it lin&e#s w)en a summe# &ets o'' to a !old$ wet sta#t, *)ese -u&&e#s a#e pa#ti!ula#ly nasty, *)ey a!tually take a -ite out o' you /you lite#ally a#e missin& a 1/16 in!) pat!) o' skin01 and t)e #esultin& it!)y welt !an last 'o# a week, And on a deli&)t'ul note$ t)ey espe!ially like to -ite you# ne!k and -e)ind you# ea#s0 *)ank'ully$ )omeopat)y )as a lot to o''e# 'o# inse!t -ites, 2ou# use'ul #emedies a#e t)e 'ollowin&: Apis! 3ed$ in'lamed inse!t -ites$ o'ten asso!iated wit) -u#nin& o# stin&in& pain, 4o#se '#om )eat$ -ette# '#om !ool appli!ations, % )ave o'ten 'ound topi!al Apis &el to -e wonde#'ul 'o# inse!t -ites, Le"um! *)e most !ommon #emedy 'o# it!)in& -ites '#om mos+uitoes$ -ees$ wasps$ spide#s$ and ti!ks, An impo#tant #emedy 'o# any pun!tu#e wound, Bette# '#om !ool appli!ations$ sensitive to tou!), Ledum !#eam !an also -e use'ul and !an -e -ou&)t '#om va#ious )omeopat)i! p)a#ma!ies, Hype#icum! Bites wit) s)a#p s)ootin& pains, Also an impo#tant pun!tu#e wound #emedy, $taphysa%#ia! .se'ul w)en inse!t -ites it!) e5!essively and tu#n into la#&e welts, /% )aven6t t#ied it$ -ut % will t)is summe# i' a -la!k 'ly &ets to me01 As mentioned a-ove$ a ve#y use'ul option is to use )omeopat)i! !#eams 'o# inse!t -ites, 7ometimes you !an &et !#eams made '#om Apis$ Ledum$ o# 8ype#i!um, 7u!) !#eams also o'ten in!lude Calendula$ w)i!) !an )elp t)e -ites to )eal, 9)e!k you# )ealt) 'ood sto#e 'o# p#odu!ts su!) as Boi#on Bitecare$ o# ot)e# !#eams o''e#ed -y va#ious )omeopat)i! p)a#ma!ies o# -y 2i#stAid9#eams,!om, 2inally$ don6t 'o#&et t)at many inse!t #epellants a#e ve#y to5i!$ espe!ially t)ose t)at !ontain :""*, 9)e!k you# )ealt) 'ood sto#e 'o# mo#e natu#al alte#natives -ased on va#ious oils t)at #epel inse!ts, Image Credit: erald !uvallos