Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies
Case study from student (a). Case Study from student: Trauma or Anxiety?
A woman 31 years old was in a serious road a ident w!i ! !as led to !er "ein# disa"led and now !as to use rut !es to !el$ !erself #et around. S!e !as feelin#s of anxiety w!en s!e #oes to "ed% len !es !er teet! and feels !er !ands #ras$in# on !er "ody w!i ! lea&es mar's on !er arms. (ery tense as s!e t!in's s!e is distur"in# !er $artner% snorin#% #rindin# !er teet! and t!is auses !er to worry and so s!e does not #et a #ood ni#!ts slee$. )!en !er $artner #ets u$ in t!e mornin# s!e feels a"le to relax. *sed al#orit!m for anxiety+stress: ,nitial S*- 1. After 1st /a0ors: S*- 1. 12 orre tion and re$eated 1st /a0ors: S*- 3 4-#amut and 5nd /a0ors - did se6uen e on e more and anxiety went to S*- 1 Com$leted wit! eye-roll. S!e felt !er 0aw dro$ after S*- 3 and "e ame more relaxed and felt less anxious. Continued treatment as s!e !ad $ain. *sed al#orit!m for $!ysi al $ain: ,nitial S*- 1. After 1st /a0ors: S*- 7 After 4-#amut: S*- 7 12 C!an#ed to alternati&e al#orit!m for $!ysi al $ain as , t!ou#!t s!e may res$ond "etter to t!is one: S*- 7 After 1st /a0ors: S*- 3 4-#amut finis!ed se6uen e: S*- 1 8inis!ed wit! eye-roll. Client felt s!e !ad only an a !e to !er lower "a ' and to !er 0aw. A$$arently s!e is always massa#in# !er 0aw. My reply: Certainly a #ood result usin# "ot! Anxiety+8ear al#orit!m and t!en t!e 1ain al#orit!m. 9owe&er , dont t!in' you !a&e really #ot to t!e root of !er $ro"lem. T!e serious road a ident w!i ! !as e&en left !er wit! a $ermanent disa"ility would "e a ma0or trauma for !er. T!e teet! len !in# and "ody #ras$in# would "e $art of !er 1TS-. ,m sure% if you as' !er% t!e a tual a ident will "e ontinually re$layin# in !er !ead. T!is is t!e ore issue w!i ! is dri&in# all !er $resent anxieties and fears and $ossi"ly also !el$in# to ause !er $ain. So your first ste$ s!ould "e to #et !er to t!in' of "ein# in t!e a tual a ident now and treat t!at wit! om$lex Trauma to#et!er wit! any an#er or #uilt t!at may also 1
"e $resent. :ein# t!e root ause of !er $ro"lems% you will find t!at !er anxieties will almost ertainly !a&e disa$$eared after t!e treatment and s!e will also "e aware of a #reat wei#!t "ein# lifted w!i ! will lead to feelin# alm and relaxed. As it is% you !a&e remo&ed !er $resentin# anxiety $ro"lems "ut !a&e left t!e a tual ause untreated. ;our treatin# t!e $ain as you did was fine. ,nitially your $roto ol seems to "e a little muddled< )or'in# wit! t!e anxiety+fear you did t!e 12 orre tion after "ein# stu ' at S*- 1. and t!en re$eated t!e ma0ors - fine< T!en you seem to !a&e done t!e 4-#amut and t!e se ond ma0ors and did t!e se6uen e on e more? ? 9a&in# $ro#ressed so well from 1. to 3 after t!e initial 12 orre tion and re$eat of ma0ors% t!e next ste$ is 4-#amut and a#ain as' for t!e S*-. ,f it !as now dro$$ed to 5% finis! wit! t!e eye-roll to "rin# it to 1. ,f down to 3% now use t!e final $art of t!e al#orit!m re$eat t!e ma0ors. (=ne $oint dro$ from 3 to 3 is all ri#!t at t!is low le&el of S*"e ause 3 annot #o &ery far sin e its already low). 8inally if t!e S*- was stu ' at 3 after t!e 4-#amut% t!en orre t wit! a /ini 12 (12 to w!at remains of t!e $ro"lem) and t!en #o "a ' to t!e "e#innin# and re$eat t!e ma0ors. (2emem"er you always #o "a ' to t!e "e#innin# of t!e al#orit!m after any 12 orre tion). ,n t!e e&ent you mana#ed to #et t!ere and finis! wit! t!e eye-roll. , see you de ided to !an#e al#orit!ms for !er $ain !alf way t!rou#! t!e first !olon and t!ats fine as your !un ! seemed to "e orre t and you 6ui 'ly o"tained a #ood result. ,f you ould see !er a#ain% do address t!e initial trauma as s!e does need to "e treated for t!is and "e sure to loo' for se&eral asso iated traumas as $art of t!e total ex$erien e. >a ! one ould re$resent a different t!ou#!t field and you may need to treat ea ! one "efore t!e total traumati ex$erien e is om$letely resol&ed.
-oes it matter t!at t!e lient annot identify w!at t!e t!ou#!t is? ,s t!e sadness a natural mournin# t!at !as "een "lo 'ed? A My ans!er" ?)!en a $erson is tearful it almost always means t!ere are $ast traumas in&ol&ed. , t!in' in t!ese ases its im$ortant to remem"er two main $oints. T!e first is t!at many $eo$le will do t!eir "est to o$e wit! a $ast trauma "y re$ressin# it. T!is of ourse does not!in# to !eal t!e $ro"lem "ut is t!e "est $eo$le an do to !el$ t!emsel&es. So 'ee$in# it out of t!eir awareness an allow t!em to o$e wit! #ettin# on wit! life and so w!en t!ey ome to you t!ey are naturally t!in'in# a"out !a&in# !el$ wit! t!eir $resent $ro"lems. )!i ! "rin#s us to t!e se ond im$ortant $oint: you always need to address t!e ore issue to o"tain om$lete su ess. T!e lient is only e&er t!in'in# a"out t!e $resentin# $ro"lems w!i ! in t!is ase were t!e so ial and relations!i$ anxieties. Treatin# t!ese as you did will sometimes a ti&ate t!e ore issues w!i ! are often traumas - t!e &ery u$sets from t!e $ast your lient !as "een a&oidin# - may"e for many years. A #ood re$ressor will !a&e $us!ed a ore issue trauma so far into t!e "a '#round t!at t!ey an !a&e diffi ulty in remem"erin# w!at it was. ?All done and dustedA t!ey will tell you and from t!e emotional an#le it may well not "e ausin# any u$set now "ut an still "e affe tin# t!e $!ysi al "ody and so needs to "e treated. Bow t!e ore issue is t!e dri&in# for e "e!ind t!e $resentin# $ro"lems. T!is is w!ere 6uestionin# t!e lient fully a"out t!eir $resentin# $ro"lem is so &ital to findin# out exa tly w!at you really need to treat. So often a $erson will tell you% for exam$le: ?, always feel &ery anxious w!en , #o to C or see ; or do D et A /y rea tion is always to as' w!y. T!ere are many situations in life w!ere t!e $erson normally would not feel any u$set and so t!ere !as to "e a reason for t!e u$set. 8a ed wit! t!is sort of 6uestionin# t!e lient t!en !as to #o into t!eir $ast and will ome u$ wit! a &ast &ariety of $ossi"ilities w!i ! often are traumas from !ild!ood - w!i ! set t!e $attern - and #i&e t!e $resent $ro"lem you are addressin#. )it! your two lients% ,m sure t!ey started to #o into t!eir $ast due to t!e treatment you were #i&in# "e ause you were dealin# wit! ore issues "a 'wards - if you see w!at , mean. ;ou wor'ed on t!e $resentin# $ro"lem w!i ! in turn a ti&ated t!e ore issue and t!is $rodu ed t!e unex$e ted u$set. So finally% ould , su##est t!at if you an see t!em a#ain% tal' a"out any onne tions t!eir $resent $ro"lems may !a&e to t!eir $ast and try to #et t!em fillin# in wit! more $ast information until you are a"le to see a lear onne tion wit! t!e $resent u$set. ,m sure t!is will "e a $ast trauma% so #et t!em to ima#ine "ein# in t!e $ast situation now and treat wit! t!e om$lex trauma al#orit!m to#et!er wit! an#er and #uilt in ase one or "ot! are $resent. ,n t!is way you will
!a&e t!em $ro$erly tuned in to t!eir $ast $ro"lems w!i ! you will remem"er is essential if your treatment is to wor'. ,ts always w!at t!e $erson is t!in'in# a"out t!at is treated. #a$. Case Study from student" Depressed and an%ry & E was sufferin# from de$ression. S!e onta ted me t!rou#! a friend "e ause s!e was "e#innin# to "e more and more an#ry at t!e $eo$le around !er. Es mot!er !ad died one year a#o from an er. 9er ste$ fat!er died four years a#o and !er natural fat!er w!en s!e was 0ust six years old. S!e wanted to deal wit! !er an#er as s!e t!ou#!t s!e was o$in# all ri#!t wit! !er de$ression. )e esta"lis!ed t!at !er an#er didnt last &ery lon#% always wit! $eo$le lose to !er and% as s!e $ut it% irrational. =n as'in# t!e last time s!e was an#ry% s!e said t!at s!e !ad sna$$ed at t!e do#< After s!e realised !ow raFy t!is was% we were a"le to tal' a little dee$er and s!e realised t!at !er an#er was aused from t!e loss of !er mot!er. S!e was still li&in# in t!e family !ome alone% ta'in# are of t!e )ill and sale of t!e !ouse. )e s$o'e for one !our "efore any treatment. S!e entred e&eryt!in# around t!e fa t t!at s!e was lonely% s ared to fa e t!e future alone and !ow s!e ne&er mourned !er mot!er. At w!at , "elie&ed to "e !er lowest $oint , as'ed for !er S*- on !ow de$ressed s!e was feelin# now. ,t was a S*- 4 and , t!en as'ed !er to ta$ t!e ma0ors for t!e de$ression al#orit!m (3.#- 4# s6.) w!ile t!in'in# a"out !er de$ression. S!e re$orted S*- G . , ontinued wit! t!e 4# and it redu ed to S*-5% t!en finis!in# wit! t!e eye-roll to om$lete t!e treatment at S*- .. , as'ed !er to try and feel !er de$ression "ut s!e ouldnt. T!en , as'ed !er to t!in' a"out a $arti ular tas' o&er w!i ! s!e was $ro rastinatin# and s!e was ready to do it. )e tested a furt!er t!ree future tas's% one of w!i ! was sill on ernin# !er. ,t was si#nin# t!e sale of t!e !ouse w!i ! was still ausin# !er on ern. 9er anxiety was at S*- H for t!is and was 6ui 'ly "rou#!t down to . usin# t!e anxiety al#orit!m. , onta ted E two wee's later. S!e was a different $erson. Still in t!e same !ouse wit! $a$ers "ein# si#ned t!at wee' and feelin# nostal#i and omforta"le. S!e was ta$$in# !erself for anxiety on a re#ular "asis and !er an#er !ad disa$$eared o&erni#!t. T!ere was lots of tal'in# wit! t!is lient - listenin#. , was tem$ted to ut in earlier and ta$ t!e indi&idual $ro rastinations. Somet!in# told me to !old "a '. /any tears ame "efore t!e realisation of !er de$ression and not fa in# u$ to t!e loss of !er mot!er. , !ad dis"elief myself t!at t!e treatment for de$ression would wor' so easily and 6ui 'ly< S!e did say t!at t!ere were days w!en s!e
was &ery down "ut t!e ta$$in# se6uen e e-a- - 4# s6. t!at , s!owed !er was wor'in# e&ery time.A My reply" An ex ellent result - well done< 9owe&er% , "elie&e t!at E was really sufferin# from trauma - trauma of !er mot!ers deat! to#et!er wit! an#er ($er!a$s) t!at !er mot!er !ad deserted !er and left !er now wit! all t!e learin# u$. Somet!in# li'e t!is an lead a $erson to feelin# de$ressed "e ause t!e traumati e&ent (w!i ! is t!e main dri&in# for e "e!ind !er $resent $ro"lem) !as "een re$ressed in an attem$t to o$e wit! t!e w!ole situation. ;our treatment was #ood inasmu ! you dealt wit! t!e $resentin# $ro"lem rat!er t!an t!e ore issue - t!e trauma of !er mot!ers deat!. ,f you !ad #ot !er to ima#ine "ein# at t!e deat! now s!e would $ro"a"ly #i&e a &ery !i#! S*- as s!e ima#ined !erself in t!e well 'nown (to !er) s enario. T!en w!ile !oldin# t!at t!ou#!t ta'e !er t!rou#! t!e om$lex trauma wit! an#er al#orit!m: e"-e-a-lf- 4# s6. ,n some ases t!is alone will sol&e all $resent $ro"lems "e ause t!e dri&in# for e !as #one. ,n ot!er ases you will find its still ne essary to address furt!er t!ou#!t fields indi&idually as you !a&e done. ;our re$ort of !er !a&in# days feelin# &ery down also su##est t!e effe t of t!e untreated trauma "ein# still &ery mu ! $resent and if you an see !er a#ain do treat t!is for !er. #'$. Case Study from student" (oc)ed in fallin% lift ?Client A !as an extreme fear of lifts. T!is o urred after "ein# lo 'ed in a fallin# lift< S!e !as "een a"le to deal wit! it to a ertain extent in t!at s!e is a"le to #et into "i#% sturdy new lifts wit! at least one $erson. , de ided to first use t!e trauma al#orit!m to #et rid of t!e trauma of "ein# lo 'ed u$ in a fallin# lift and t!en use t!e fear al#orit!m to om"at t!e fear. T!e trauma initial S*- was G. After a$$lyin# t!e ma0ors% t!e lient re$orted S*- 3. As t!is was a one $oint dro$ , de ided to orre t for s$e ifi 12 and re$eat t!e ma0ors. T!e S*- was now 3 so , ontinued wit! t!e 4 #amut se6uen e% t!e S*ame down to 1 and t!en , finis!ed wit! t!e eye-roll. T!e lient now loo'ed onfused "ut a e$ted w!at !a$$ened. 8or t!e $!o"ia treatment t!e initial S*- for t!e fear of lifts was 1.. After t!e ma0ors for t!e sim$le $!o"ia al#orit!m t!ere was no dro$ in S*- and so , orre ted for s$e ifi 12 and re$eated t!e ma0ors. T!e S*- remained un !an#ed at 1. so , orre ted for re urrin# 12% re$eated t!e ma0ors and t!is time t!ere was a two-$oint dro$ to S*- I. Continuin# wit! t!e 4 #amut se6uen e
unfortunately did not result in a furt!er dro$ in S*-. , ontinued wit! a orre tion for mini 12 "ut ,m not sure if , s!ould use t!is sin e t!e S*- !as not dro$$ed "elow t!e G $oint mar' and most of t!e $ro"lem still remains. After re$eatin# t!e ma0ors now t!ere is still no dro$ in S*-. , now ontinue wit! orre tion for 125 and re$eat t!e ma0ors. To my sur$rise and relief t!e S*- dro$s to a H. , ontinue wit! t!e 4 #amut se6uen e and a#ain !it a wall - t!e S*- remains at H< At t!is sta#e , de ide to do ollar"one "reat!in# as my last resort. , t!en re$eat t!e ma0ors on e a#ain and t!e S*- dro$s to 3. After t!e 4 #amut se6uen e t!e S*is 5. At t!is sta#e , de ide t!e treatment !as "een om$leted and do t!e eye-roll w!i ! "rin#s t!e S*- to 1. >&en t!ou#! t!e trauma treatment wor'ed% t!e lient was adamant t!at t!e fear will not #o away. )!en t!e S*- was not dro$$in# , ould see t!e , told you so loo'. T!e lient $atiently $ut u$ wit! me. =n e t!e S*- dro$$ed after t!e ollar"one "reat!in#% t!e loo' of onfusion was e&ident. )!en we finis!ed s!e was tryin# &ery !ard to feel t!e fear and all t!at s!e said was t!at t!e feelin# was &ery weird< T!is treatment too' $la e some mont!s a#o and sin e t!en s!e !as "een a"le to #et into lifts s!e ould not enter "efore. , s$o'e to !er re ently and it seems s!e is una"le to #et into t!e small lifts a#ain. , assume t!e $resen e of a toxin !as $artially re&ersed t!e treatment. My reply" Certainly you were a"solutely ri#!t first to address t!e root ause of !er fears - t!e trauma of "ein# lo 'ed in a fallin# lift. ,t sounds 6uite !orrifi < ;our treatment was ex ellent and , $resume you used t!e om$lex trauma al#orit!m? 9owe&er sin e it must !a&e "een su ! an u$settin# in ident% ,m a little sur$rised t!at !er initial S*- was only G? >it!er it !a$$ened many years a#o (you dont mention !ow lon#) and s!e !as "een a"le su essfully to re$ress t!e $ro"lem% or t!ere are still furt!er as$e ts of t!e in ident w!i ! !a&e not "een addressed. /ulti$le traumas in ases li'e t!is are 6uite usual and you need to find t!em "y dis ussin# fully wit! t!e lient exa tly w!at !a$$ened and so dis o&er all t!e t!ou#!t fields t!at need to "e resol&ed. =t!erwise you still !a&e se&eral onion layers remainin#. /o&in# into t!e $resent time wit! !er $!o"i fear next is fine - "ut you did stru##le< < , t!in' t!ere are two most li'ely reasons. T!e first is your !oi e of al#orit!m. ;ou !a&e not told me $re isely t!e al#orit!m you used% "ut you indi ated t!at it was t!e normal fear al#orit!m to om"at t!e fear. :y t!is , $resume you mean: e-a- 4# s6.? :*T you are dealin# wit! laustro$!o"ia< T!is to#et!er wit! s$iders and tur"ulen e must "e treated wit! t!e alternati&e se6uen e: a-e- 4# s6. ,f on t!e ot!er !and you were usin# t!e orre t al#orit!m% t!en t!e most li'ely reason is due to an initial in om$lete treatment of t!e trauma as ,&e s!own. Alt!ou#! s!e
would !a&e "een t!in'in# of "ein# in a lift durin# your $!o"ia treatment% it is most li'ely !er mind would !a&e strayed on to a $ast traumati as$e t not treated $re&iously and !en e you are stru##lin# wit! t!e wron# al#orit!m. T!is also tends to "e onfirmed "y t!e fa t t!at e&en now s!e still !as trou"le wit! small lifts - t!e siFe of t!e ori#inal faulty one? ;our $roto ol t!rou#!out was &ery #ood. ;ou didnt #et lost% and wor'ed t!rou#! all t!e 12 orre tions in turn &ery well indeed and e&entually #ot t!ere< )ell done< #c$. Case Study from student" T*e underlyin% stammer 8or 1I mont!s , !a&e "een oa !in# t!is youn# man usin# my oa !in# and BJ1 s'ills. -urin# t!at time !e !as $ro#ressed fantasti ally from "ein# totally inse ure% li&in# at !ome wit! mum% ne&er !a&in# a #irlfriend or any sexual relations!i$s% in a $art time 0o" earnin# K11' $a. - wit! no real $lans or !o$es for t!e future and "asi ally !atin# !imself - to a onfident $erson s!arin# a flat wit! two #irls% in a new fulfillin# 0o" earnin# K1I' $a. and really li'in# !imself< Two wee's a#o !e sur$rised me "y admittin# t!at !e !ad suffered wit! a stammer for most of !is life. 9e !ad de&elo$ed some amaFin# strate#ies to dis#uise it as , was om$letely unaware. :asi ally !e su"stituted words or om$letely a&oided usin# t!em. , did some initial wor' wit! !im and de&elo$ed some sim$lified o$in# strate#ies. T!is wee' at my session !e !ad $ro#ressed &ery well and was a"le to say all t!e diffi ult words wit!out mu ! of a $ro"lem until , $ut t!e $ressure on "y #ettin# !im to ima#ine "ein# in front of !is wor'mates readin# out t!e list. 9e said !e was feelin# anxious and of ourse stammered e&en wit! t!e strate#y in $la e. 9e said !e felt !ot% sweaty and si ' and wanted to run away< , t!en tal'ed to !im a"out T8T and introdu ed t!e idea t!at we ould use it to deal wit! !is $ro"lem. 9e a#reed to #i&e it a try. , de ided to use t!e $ani +anxiety al#orit!m: e"-e-a- 4# s6. , $lanned t!is as !e !ad told me !e felt anxious and was almost $ani 'y w!en !e t!ou#!t of s$ea'in# in front of !is wor'mates% w!o !e t!ou#!t would t!in' !e was a s$asti if !e stammered wit! !is words. 9a&in# tal'ed to !im a"out !is #reat anxiety !e #a&e an initial S*- of 4. , did t!e ma0ors and #ot a #ood redu tion to S*- H. T!en , did t!e 4# and !is s ore did not mo&e. (, t!en realised , !ad omitted t!e #amut $oint ta$$in#< ) so , did a re$eat 4# orre tly and !is s ore mo&ed to a G. As it !ad mo&ed only one $oint , did a s$e ifi 12 w!i ! mo&ed t!e S*- to a 3. t!en , re$eated t!e ma0ors and it mo&ed to a 3% t!en , re$eated t!e 4# "ut it remained at a 3 so , tried a /ini 12 and it still remained at 3 so , t!en did 125 w!i ! mo&ed it to a 5. 2elie&ed< ,
t!en a$$lied Collar"one :reat!in# and t!e s ore mo&ed to a 1. T!en , finis!ed t!e se6uen e wit! an eye-roll w!i ! !e seemed to en0oy< A$ex statement: ?, dont really t!in' it was a 4 to start wit!.A Classi really<< Client omments: ?Ta$$in# really wor's. , dont need to "e anxious any more. , an say all t!e words - , dont need to worry. Two wee's a#o you said we ould fix t!is and , did not "elie&e it was $ossi"le. To !a&e ome so far in t!at time is fantasti < A Student omments: , am om$letely t!rilled wit! t!is as , was not sure !ow , ould really !el$ !im "ut t!e T8T &ery 6ui 'ly remo&ed t!e last "lo 'a#e (or s!ould , say lum$< ) , am really seein# t!e $ower of om"inin# my BJ1 oa !in# and T8T s'ills to#et!er. My reply" (ery #ood wor' wit! a lo&ely result. T!an' you for t!e lassi A$ex ni ely $ro&in# !ow ne essary it is to write down t!e initial S*-< A ma0or $art of your su esses as s!own in all t!ree of your studies% is your a"ility to find 0ust t!e ri#!t t!ou#!t field w!i ! needs to "e addressed. ;ou may remem"er , said t!at t!is is $ro"a"ly u$ to 7GL of t!e final su ess rate a !ie&ed and an $us! your al#orit!m results "eyond t!e stated I.L. ,n t!is ase% !a&in# dis o&ered !is stammer% you #ot !im ni ely into a situation of #reat fear and realised it was t!en $ani . So t!e al#orit!m was fine "ut t!e $roto ol went a "it !aywire ausin# you to stru##le a little. Startin# wit! S*- 4 and arri&in# at H after t!e ma0ors is #ood and you orre tly arried on wit! t!e 4#. 8or#ettin# your little $e adillo w!ere you for#ot t!e #amut s$ot< - you arri&ed at S*- G and $ro$erly orre ted wit! side of !and 12 orre tion. Bow at t!is $oint you do not as' a#ain for t!e S*- "e ause t!ere is no #ood reason w!y it s!ould !a&e !an#ed. 2emem"er t!at doin# a 12 orre tion ma'es it now $ossi"le for t!e next $art of your treatment to wor'. T!erefore you immediately re$eat t!e ma0ors and t!en as' for t!e S*- at w!i ! $oint you an reasona"ly ex$e t t!e $ossi"ility t!at it !as now #one down. ,f not% you s!ould t!en $ro eed to t!e next 12 orre tion - 2e urrin# 12 - and a#ain re$eat t!e ma0ors "efore as'in# on e more for t!e S*-. ,n t!e e&ent% w!en you did re$eat t!e ma0ors% your 12 orre tion a tually redu ed t!e S*- from H to 3< After t!is you #ot "a ' on tra ' wit! t!e /ini 12 "ut , dont really understand w!y t!is did not redu e t!e S*- a#ain. Are you sure t!e lient was $ro$erly t!in'in# only of t!e little "it of $ro"lem remainin#% or was !is mind tendin# to wander off into an asso iated t!ou#!t field?
)!ate&er !a$$ened it seems t!e 125 orre tion did t!e tri ' and you were ni ely at S*- 5. 1lease do not now laun ! into a full "lown C:5 treatment< < =n e a S*- is down to 5 - always do t!e eye roll. T!e eye roll will !ardly e&er fail to "rin# a 5 down to 1. And you an test t!is for yourself - as' t!e lient after re$ortin# a S*- 1- are you sure t!at all u$set !as #one or is t!ere somet!in# w!i ! is still a"le to "ot!er you a little? T!e answer is in&aria"ly - no it really !as all #one T!e eye roll is a #reat little !a$ - dont underestimate its #reat a"ility to om$lete a treatment &ey 6ui 'ly and effi iently. And remem"er to use it to onsolidate and finis! a treatment already at a S*- 1. =! and do tell $eo$le to use it totally on its own as a #reat ra$id relaxation te !ni6ue< T!ey will en0oy it<
t!en followed t!rou#! wit! our ex ellent slimline al#orit!m for trauma wit! an#er and #uilt. S!e 0ust mana#ed to o$e wit! t!e 4 #amut wit! my !el$. After om$letin# t!e al#orit!m s!e sto$$ed ryin# om$letely - for a"out ten se onds< < T!en t!e $oor woman suddenly "urst out a#ain as $ainfully as "efore. So w!at !ad !a$$ened? S!e !ad swit !ed to anot!er asso iated t!ou#!t field t!at also !ad a startin# S*- of around 3.< , 6ui 'ly went t!rou#! t!e w!ole se6uen e a#ain - and a#ain s!e sto$$ed ryin# - t!is time for a"out 1G se onds - and t!en on e more "urst out as if !er w!ole world would "rea'< 2ealisin# t!at t!is was a ma0or multi$le trauma of se&eral different% "ut asso iated t!ou#!t fields% , a#ain too' !er t!rou#! t!e treatment and on e more s!e almed down om$letely for a little lon#er t!an "efore. And so we $ro#ressed until finally% after six treatments one after t!e ot!er% s!e finally sto$$ed wee$in# and totally let #o all !er $ent u$ tension. )e ould literally see !er "ody olla$se as an enormous wei#!t !ad "een lifted from !er and s!e ould "e#in to relax. S!e #ot off t!e massa#e ta"le% #a&e us a little wet smile and ex$lained s!e would li'e to #o and rest. ,m not sur$rised< < S!e was ex!austed from !er dee$ so""in# and wailin# as well as from t!e tirin# effe t of T8T w!en so mu ! ener#y is s!ifted &ia t!e meridians and t!e use of t!e "odys ener#y. After !er rest "y t!at e&enin# s!e was fully om$osed and loo'in# so mu ! "etter t!an s!e !ad on !er arri&al earlier in t!e afternoon.. S!e now wanted to tell us w!at it was all a"out% and 6uite almly wit!out t!e sli#!test tra e of u$set% s!e related a !arrowin# story of t!e treatment s!e re ei&ed w!en a small "a"y and later as a little !ild. S!e !ad literally often "een "eaten wit! sti 's and !alf star&ed w!en &ery youn#< As t!e wee'end $ro#ressed s!e t!ri&ed in !er new found ener#y and a"ility to "e relaxed. A ni e little se6uel: =n t!e Sunday mornin# w!en t!e ot!ers were u$stairs wit! /ary for !er"al !ealin#% s!e ame to me and as'ed if , ould !el$ wit! !er $ain? ,t trans$ired t!at s!e !ad suffered from $ain in !er "a ' and s!oulders for as lon# as s!e ould remem"er it. T!is is t!e traditional area in t!e "ody for arryin# t!e $ain of stress and anxiety. So , treated !er anxiety of !a&in# t!e $ain and t!en wit! t!e $ain al#orit!m w!ile s!e t!ou#!t a"out t!e $ain in !er s!oulders and "a '. After t!e treatment , as'ed !er !ow it felt now? ,nstead of answerin#% s!e #a&e me an ex ited smile% rolled !er s!oulders around as if sear !in# for somet!in# and t!en said% now wit! and enormous smile: ?,ts #one< < < /y $ain !ad om$letely #one< < A And wit! t!at s!e rus!ed out of t!e room in #reat ex itement to #o and tell t!e ot!ers wit! /ary. )!y !ad t!e $ain disa$$eared so easily? Sim$ly "e ause !er "ody no lon#er needed it. ,t !ad "een $ut in $la e years a#o due to t!e traumati stress
and emotional $ain s!e suffered from !er $!ysi al a"use - and now t!at !ad suddenly #one - t!e "ody was &ery !a$$y and relie&ed to let it #o. So $oor 2M w!o !ad suffered so mu ! t!rou#!out !er life from t!e terri"le traumas ex$erien ed w!en s!e was &ery youn#% was now at last% due to t!e mira le of T8T% a"le to lead a normal life unfettered "y de"ilitatin# flas!-"a 's and $!ysi al $ain.
Case Study - +ear of ,reensT!is lady ame to stay for a wee'end wit! us and on 8riday e&enin# as'ed me to !el$ !er wit! !er fear of #reens< T!in'in# t!is was a most unusual $!o"ia , $romised we would o$e wit! !er $ro"lem t!e followin# day. =n t!e Saturday mornin# we !adnt "een sittin# to#et!er and dis ussin# !er fear (w!i ! was a re&ulsion w!ene&er in t!e $resen e of #reen &e#eta"les) for more t!an t!ree minutes% w!en s!e suddenly "urst into tears wit!out t!e sli#!test warnin#< Baturally , !adnt t!e sli#!test idea w!y s!e was so u$set% "ut , was ertain it was not!in# to do wit! #reens< So a#ain we !a&e a situation w!ere we really 'now not!in#% "ut for a T8T !ealin# we 'now enou#!< T!is amaFin# a"ility of T8T to "e a"le to !el$ anyone wit! any emotional $ro"lem wit!out !a&in# any 'nowled#e of t!at $ro"lem at all% is , "elie&e% totally uni6ue. And for traumati stress in $arti ular t!is a"ility is a #odsend to t!ose sufferin# su ! extreme u$set and w!o need resol&in# !el$ fast. So !ere a#ain we 'now t!is $oor woman is sufferin# from a $ast trauma w!i ! !as "e ome u$$ermost in !er mind and suddenly o&erw!elmed !er. 9er S*- is 1. $lus and s!es t!in'in# of t!e $ro"lem to t!e ex lusion of e&eryt!in# else - now. T!erefore , too' !er !and ex$lainin# , was 0ust #oin# to ta$ #ently on &arious $la es to !el$ !er. After ta$$in# side of !and to remo&e any $ossi"le 12 "lo ' to treatment% , t!en ta$$ed t!e ma0ors of our friend Com$lex Trauma wit! An#er and Muilt: e" - e - a - lf - if N 4# s6. At t!is $oint - as usually !a$$ens s!e almed down a little and was t!en a"le to wor' wit! me as , too' !er t!rou#! t!e 4 #amut w!ile , was ta$$in# t!e #amut s$ot for !er. , om$leted t!e al#orit!m "y ta$$in# t!e ma0ors a#ain for !er. :y now s!e !ad relaxed and #a&e me t!an's wit! a wet smile. , as'ed #ently w!et!er s!e would li'e to tell me w!at it was all a"out? :ut s!e refused sayin# s!e would li'e to #o for a rest. 2emem"er in t!ese ir umstan es it is usual to s!ift a lot of ener#y fast and t!is will often lea&e t!e $erson feelin# &ery weary. :ut t!ats fine< ,ts one indi ation of a su essful treatment<
/u ! later t!at day s!e wanted to tell us all a"out !er $ro"lem: ?;ou see% t!e reason ,m stayin# !ere t!is wee'end is "e ause on )ednesday , !a&e to fa e t!e first anni&ersary of my dau#!ters sui ide< < :i# one< - no wonder s!e was so u$set< S!e t!en ontinued to tell us a"out !er lo&ely 1I year old dau#!ter w!o was now lost to !er and s!e was a"le to relate e&eryt!in# 6uite almly wit!out any u$set at all. :y t!e time s!e left s!e was feelin# fairly onfident a"out t!e a tual anni&ersary on )ednesday "ut understanda"ly a little a$$re!ensi&e. , assured !er , was at least 4.L sure s!ed !a&e no trou"le% "ut if s!e felt t!e sli#!test u$set% treat !erself wit! t!e al#orit!m t!at ,d #i&en !er and !ad tau#!t !er !ow to use if needed. , also as'ed !er to "e sure to rin# me if s!e needed furt!er !el$ and: ?1lease do let me 'now !ow you #et on.A :less !er - on t!e 8riday s!e did rin# - and a#ain really wantin# to 'now% , as'ed !ow was !er day on t!e anni&ersary? S!e said it was t!e most wonderful ex$erien e and s!e ould !onestly say t!at s!ed !ad a !a$$y day< T!is was "e ause s!e was now remem"erin# t!e many wonderful times "ein# wit! !er dau#!ter% doin# t!in#s to#et!er and en0oyin# t!e ex !an#e of warmt! and lo&e for ea ! ot!er. S!e t!en #a&e me a "rilliant des ri$tion of ex$erien in# 1ost Traumati Stress -isorder - 1TS-. S!e said: ?All t!is $ast year t!e terri"le ex$erien e of suddenly learnin# of my dau#!ters deat! !as "een li'e a &ideo - ri#!t inside my !ead and $layin# o&er and o&er a#ain - and , ould not #et away from it. :ut now% its not $layin# t!ere any more - its at least t!ree feet to one side and , dont !a&e to loo' at it - and e&en if , do it doesnt "ot!er me any more< A T!is is su ! a #ood des ri$tion of 1-S- "e ause $eo$le w!o !a&e suffered traumati ex$erien es dont remem"er t!em - t!ey $lay t!em o&er and o&er a#ain as if it was ontinually !a$$enin# now. T!erefore t!ey annot #et away from it and t!e de"ilitatin# effe ts an totally destroy t!eir life as t!ey "e ome in a$a"le of normal fun tion "e ause of t!e insistent &ideo ontinually $layin# t!eir $ast terror or #rief. Anot!er des ri$tion of 1TS- was #i&en to me "y a youn# man after treatment for !is $ast traumas w!en a small "oy. 9is $ast $ro"lems always o urred in a $arti ular room of t!eir !ouse. After my treatment !e was loo'in# "a ' and remem"erin# and for t!e first time e&er !e said: ?T!e room is now far away and om$letely em$ty.A And t!en !e said: ?Bo its not< ,ts full of lo&e< A T!is referen e to "ein# far away is 6uite usual for anyone w!o !as "een sufferin# 1TS-. T!is is "e ause now t!at t!e extreme emotional u$set !as "een remo&ed wit! T8T - meanin# t!e insistent &ideo !as #one - t!en normal memory ta'es o&er and immediately $uts t!e traumati ex$erien e "a ' into t!e $ast w!ere it "elon#s. As $re&iously ex$lained% T8T effi iently remo&es t!e
$ertur"ation in t!e t!ou#!t field from a ti&ity and !en e t!e emotional u$set disa$$ears. :ut most im$ortantly% it does not!in# to t!e t!ou#!t field itself and t!us t!e memory is totally untou !ed - only t!e emotion !as #one. 2emem"erin# !ow memory is in reased after T8T trauma treatment% and !ow some $eo$le !a&e "een told ("y t!e $rofession) t!at if a ure is $ossi"le it will "e "e ause t!e memory !as "een eradi ated< < - it reminds me of a time w!en a youn# mot!er ame to me for !el$ o&er !er distress from t!e loss of !er !ild. S!e was &ery anxious w!en s!e arri&ed and as'ed me o&er and o&er a#ain to assure !er t!at , would not do anyt!in# to !er memory. ?;ou see% , dont want to lose my memory of !er< < A Can you "elie&e it? T!is $oor woman was really fri#!tened t!at , would destroy !er memory and so e&en t!e one t!in# left to !ert!e memory of t!e lost !ild - would "e ta'en away from !er< < 1oor% $oor woman% s!e !ad "een fed su ! terri"le misinformation< , s$ent some time #ently ex$lainin# !ow T8T would "e a"le to !el$ !er and would do a"solutely not!in# to !er memory - ex e$t im$ro&e it< After treatment was o&er and s!e was "usily remem"erin# details and tellin# me all a"out it% , was t!en a"le to remind !er !ow s!e was now re allin# all t!ose details w!i ! s!e !ad $re&iously for#otten< S!e left feelin# relaxed and reassured. 2emem"erin# t!e $!o"ia of #reens% for interest #o to: www.$!o"ialist. om 9ere you will find around G.. 'nown $!o"ias listed% om$lete wit! t!eir Mree'+Jatin names. T!e list does not in lude #reens< <
E !as !ad two !i$ re$la ements and !as to "e areful doin# any la"our. S!e "at!ed and leaned /% was!ed all t!e soiled lot!es% t!e !ouse was o&ered in some $la es wit! fae es% s!e !ad to lean it u$ and sort it all out "e ause s!e ouldnt lea&e !er sister in t!at state. 1ro"lem 1. E des ri"ed t!is e&ent as traumati and afterwards s!e ouldnt slee$% wo'e u$ in t!e ni#!t se&eral times% felt an#ry "e ause dau#!ter wit! all !er money did not% and still doesnt $ro&ide a arer+ leaner. E did not want to attend any so ial fun tions or #o out for a meal. 1ro"lem 5. E felt &ery aw'ward onfrontin# t!e ot!er mem"ers on t!e "us for not sortin# t!e $ro"lem out. S!e is fearful to s$ea' u$ for !erself. S!e does e&eryt!in# to a&oid ar#uments. After tal'in# to E to dis o&er t!e ause of t!is $ro"lem% s!e mentioned an e&ent w!en s!e was only six years old. 9er mot!er and Es "rot!er !ad a !u#e ar#ument% !er "rot!er turned around and wanted to wal' off and !er mot!er too' t!e $o'er out of t!e fire $la e and was a"out to !it !er "rot!er on t!e !ead. T!en !er fat!er ame into t!e room and $re&ented !er "rot!ers !ead "ein# smas!ed in< E des ri"ed t!is e&ent as traumati and says s!e sees t!at mo&ie $lay o&er and o&er a#ain in !er !ead. Treatment for 1ro"lem 1: Al#orit!m: Sim$le Trauma :aseline S*-: 1. After /a0ors: H After 4-#amut: G Treated for 12% After re$eat /a0ors: 3 After 4-#amut: 1 8inis!ed wit! eye roll. 8inal S*- 1 After 1 wee': S*- 1 E !ad olour "a ' in !er fa e and s!e felt &ery #ood after treatment. S!e still felt fine e&en after a wee' w!en s!e saw / a#ain and s!e needed a was! "ut !er family still !adnt sorted out a arer+ leaner for / O 9. Bo si#n of A$ex. Treatment for 1ro"lem 5: Al#orit!m: Sim$le Trauma :aseline S*-: 4 After /a0ors: 3 After 4-#amut: 1 8inis!ed wit! eye roll. 8inal S*- 1 After 1 wee': S*- 1. E now told me t!at t!e mo&ie !ad sto$$ed and t!at t!is e&ent is not!in# more t!an a distant memory. S!e feels stron#er and !as sin e onfronted $eo$le a"out t!e situation wit! /. Bo si#n of A$ex.
/y omment: ,m #lad t!at , was a"le to !el$ E% s!e is so mu ! more relaxed at t!e moment. , must admit s!e is a model lient "e ause t!e w!ole treatment went &ery smoot!ly. , used your Al#orit!m re ordin# s!eet and Client -etail s!eet to do ument t!e treatment. , followed t!e Ste$ "y Ste$ T8T 1ro edure "ut t!e treatment was o&er in a matter of minutes and , was amaFed "y t!e s$eed - es$e ially t!e trauma from G7 years a#o t!at was lin'ed to t!e $ro"lem of fear and stress in t!e $resent. ,ts really interestin# to see !ow $ro"lems are lin'ed to a sin#le traumati e&ent in t!e $ast. My reply" )!at a !orrifi story E des ri"ed to you< 1oor woman< T!an' #oodness s!e !ad you to treat !er wit! T8T< ;ou were of ourse a"solutely ri#!t to treat E wit! trauma alt!ou#! , t!in' you may !a&e "een lu 'y to !a&e su eeded wit! 0ust t!e Sim$le Trauma al#orit!m. ,f we loo' at t!e first s enario you treated% t!is surely in&ol&es se&eral traumati ex$erien es? ,nitially t!e s!o ' of seein# !er sister #ettin# off t!e "us in t!at terri"le state and t!is t!en 6ui 'ly followed "y t!e realisation t!at no-one was $re$ared to !el$ !er lear u$. T!en t!e 0ustifia"le an#er "e ause ri ! dau#!ter was not $re$ared to lift a fin#er to or#anise and $ay for t!e mu ! needed !el$. 8urt!er , t!in' s!e also suffered 1TS- o&er t!e w!ole affair and t!is was ausin# !er loss of slee$ as s!e would "e worryin# o&er t!e issue. So , t!in' t!at an initial treatment usin# om$lex Trauma wit! An#er would !a&e "een more effe ti&e. /y #uess is t!at s!e is still !ar"ourin# some an#er wit! dau#!ter alt!ou#! now $ro"a"ly re$ressed. /y feelin# is t!at you !a&e &ery su essfully remo&ed t!e to$ layer of t!e onion w!i ! immediately left E feelin# a"le to o$e. 9owe&er t!ere are $ro"a"ly some lower layers still to "e addressed. ,f you mana#e to see E a#ain% , su##est you as' !er to t!in' of t!e w!ole $ro"lem a#ain and t!en as' !er if any as$e t of it still lea&es !er feelin# u$set t!en treat t!at $arti ular t!ou#!t field. ;ou did well to find t!e root ause of Es fear of onfrontation and !ere indeed you !ad t!e 1TS- w!i ! may !a&e lin'ed to t!e one ,&e 0ust su##ested. Alt!ou#! ,m in no way de ryin# t!e su ess you !a&e a !ie&ed% , still "elie&e usin# om$lex trauma wit! an#er (an#er wit! mot!er? ) and $ossi"ly #uilt (e&en as a little #irl of six s!e may feel s!e s!ould !a&e done more to !el$ !er "rot!er? ) would !a&e #i&en a more om$lete treatment. ,f you !a&e t!e !an e to see !er a#ain as' t!e 6uestion: ?,s t!ere anyt!in# else a"out t!at traumati time w!i ! still u$sets you now? Are you totally onfident w!en you now !a&e to onfront someone o&er t!eir unreasona"le "e!a&iour? A As you say% T8T wor's at #reat s$eed and time in years - or distan e - ma'es no differen e to its a"ility to !eal. )e are dealin# wit! a t!ou#!t% w!i ! !a&in# no mass% an tra&el instantly
t!rou#! time and s$a e. Also t!e lin'in# of $ast and $resent #i&in# t!e in redi"le a"ility to address "ot! asso iated $ro"lems at on e. T!is will fre6uently !a$$en w!en you !a&e dis o&ered t!e root ause - as !ere w!i ! is literally t!e dri&in# for e "e!ind t!e $resent diffi ulties. ;ou will find t!at most $eo$le will "e a"le% e&en anxious% to tell you a"out t!eir $resentin# $ro"lems now% "ut you will t!en !a&e to sear ! to find t!e ore issues. So often t!ey #o "a ' to !ild!ood and on e you !a&e treated any ore issue% t!en you are well on t!e way to sol&in# t!e total $ro"lem. Mood wor' - well done< ;our $roto ol was exa tly ri#!t. ,n $ro"lem 1. your 12 treatment s!ould "e /ini 12 w!en stu ' after t!e 4-#amut - i.e. - t!e lient will need to t!in' of w!at is still remainin# of t!e $ro"lem sin e at t!is sta#e it !as already !alf #one.
om$leted t!e 4-#amut and om$leted t!e ma0ors se6uen e. S!e t!en re$orted S*- 5. )e treated for re urrin# re&ersal and re$eated t!e ma0ors. 2 re$orted a 1 and we finis!ed wit! t!e eye roll. After t!is 2 told me of a new t!ou#!t a"out t!e fireman w!o was tryin# to ma'e !er lau#! and !ow s!e understood !is a tions "ut felt in someway it was ina$$ro$riate for !er. S!e identified t!is as S*- H+7. )e used t!e om$lex trauma al#orit!m and , added t!e outer eye $oint for !er an#er. 2 re$orted a sense of !er tears meltin# away "ut t!en !ad a feelin# of u$set - a dar' feelin# of "ein# alone% w!i ! s!e rated at S*- I+4. , was #ettin# t!e sense of #rief and de$ression and we used t!e om$lex se6uen e w!i ! in luded t!e sadness $oint of t!e eye"row. After t!e ma0ors 2 "e#an s$ea'in# a"out !er fat!er dyin# and !er sense of loneliness and &ulnera"ility. )e re$eated t!e ma0or se6uen e wit!out sto$$in# for S*-s as s!e was learly distressed. (,t may !a&e "een useful at t!is $oint to !a&e in luded a 12 orre tion "ut , did not onsider t!is at t!e time). 2 t!en s$o'e a"out !er $!onin# emer#en y ser&i es as a !ild. )e re$eated t!e ma0ors for om$lex de$ression. 2 t!en remem"ered tryin# to all for !er mot!er. T!is was ri#!t at t!e end of t!e session and , used t!e final few minutes to "rin# !er "a ' to t!e $resent wit!out attem$tin# to address t!e issue furt!er. )e a#reed we would wor' on t!e memory of !er fat!ers deat! next time wit! t!e assum$tion t!at !er re ent traffi a ident tri##ered some underlyin# t!ou#!t fields a"out &ulnera"ility w!i ! !ad t!en "een re-ex$erien ed at t!e time of t!e ras! and were t!en reinfor ed. Alt!ou#! , was una"le to #et any S*-s for t!e final sta#es of t!is wor'% t!e al#orit!m did seem to !el$ my lient a ess material t!at s!e may !a&e "een una"le to ons iously a ess durin# t!e on&ersation and learly indi ated some unresol&ed trauma w!i ! lay "eneat! !er urrent diffi ulties. My reply" ,ndeed an interestin# ase "ut , "elie&e not as om$li ated as it may a$$ear. :asi ally in T8T terms you !a&e a lar#e "as'etful of om$lex traumas. T!ese !a&e ine&ita"ly led to 1TS- to a #reater or lesser extent and t!ey all need addressin# in turn to relie&e !er $resent u$settin# ondition. ,m sure your initial dis ussions o&er two meetin#s to a ess and $in$oint !er !ots$ots of memory was #ood wor' from a $sy !olo#ists an#le% "ut my T8T mind is sayin#: ?Come on - lets #et on wit! it ASA1 and remo&e t!e u$set from t!ese !orrifi traumati memories.A >s$e ially as we are aware t!at t!ese $eo$le dont remem"er t!e $ast e&ents so mu ! as re-$lay t!em o&er and o&er a#ain as if it was still !a$$enin# now. T!is is t!e real distress w!i ! T8T an remo&e more 6ui 'ly and om$letely t!an any ot!er t!era$y. So , would !a&e started ri#!t at t!e "e#innin# w!i ! , #uess would !a&e "een t!e tremendous "an# as t!e lorry !it and t!e instantaneous !an#e of !er world as s!e wondered initially w!et!er s!e was still ali&e<
T!at would $ro"a"ly "e t!e first t!ou#!t field to treat wit! om$lex trauma $lus #uilt and an#er "e ause you ne&er 'now w!en t!ese an so easily $o$ u$. T!en mo&e on ra$idly to t!e next t!ou#!t field - e#. "ein# totally alone for a w!ile "efore any !el$ arri&ed and realisin# t!at s!es tra$$ed - t!en next% may"e t!e $ani of "ein# on t!e $!one to emer#en y ser&i es followed "y noise of "ein# ut from t!e wre 'a#e et . et . Eust followin# from one t!ou#!t field to t!e next in 6ui ' su ession as t!ey are "rou#!t u$ "y t!e lient. ,n t!is way you an s!ift an enormous amount of emotional u$set e&en if t!e $erson is &ery distressed "y t!e memories - dont worry "e ause any extreme u$set will last only for a &ery s!ort time. ,n t!ese ases dont "ot!er wit! S*-S and indeed use side of !and for 12 orre tion first "efore ea ! treatment. So you will treat trauma after trauma until t!e lient s!ows a ma0or relaxation "e ause all t!e emotion is now remo&ed. , may "e exa##eratin# t!is ase "e ause ,m not sure w!et!er 2 may !a&e used some o$in# te !ni6ues durin# t!e inter&enin# two years and so !er rea tions now are not so extreme. 9owe&er% treatin# t!e traumas in turn still a$$lies alt!ou#! you will "e a"le to dis uss and #et S*-S a ordin#ly. ;our treatment of !er $ani on t!e $!one was fine until you arri&ed at S*- 5 - do remem"er t!at 0ust a sim$le eye roll is all it ta'es to "rin# it down to 1. After t!is you #ot #oin# ni ely followin# 2 as s!e "e#an omin# u$ wit! t!ou#!t field after t!ou#!t field. ;our future $lans wit! 2 sound ex ellent. /o&in# to release !er $ast traumas of fat!ers deat! and !er &ulnera"ilities et . will now "e to t!e forefront of !er mind "e ause t!e u$set of t!e a ident and all t!at in&ol&es !as "een remo&ed first. 9owe&er ,m wonderin# w!et!er you #a&e !er at least t!e trauma al#orit!m to use on !er own at !ome if and w!en furt!er as$e ts ome into !er mind? T!is self treatment "etween &isits an often ma'e an enormous differen e to t!e o&erall su ess of a lients $ro"lems and your "ein# a"le to attain a om$lete and final resolution of all t!e $arts t!at ma'e u$ t!e om$lete $i ture. After t!is any $sy !olo#i al treatment to !el$ !er mo&e forward wit! !er life will "e in&alua"le.
An%er and /a%e 0*at is t*e Difference,t is most im$ortant to 'now w!i ! you are dealin# wit! as t!e T8T Al#orit!m for An#er is 6uite different to t!e one for treatin# 2a#e. And you dont 18
want to #et it wron# do you? - "e ause we all 'now w!at !a$$ens - not!in#< < T8T an "e so $rote ti&e in t!is way. So - -efinition: An#er an "e re#arded as an emotional state a om$anyin# irritation or frustration t!at does not extend to $!ysi al &iolen e a#ainst o"0e ts or $ersons and t!at an usually "e ontrolled "y a t of will. 2a#e% alt!ou#! arisin# in an#er% is a mu ! more se&ere emotional state t!at often extends to $!ysi al &iolen e a#ainst o"0e ts or $ersons and an rarely "e ontrolled "y a t of will. ,t is t!erefore !ara terised "y loss of emotional ontrol.
2a#e is a more dan#erous animal "e ause t!e indi&idual sees no way out of an irritatin# or frustratin# situation due to a $er ei&ed loss of status or a"ility to influen e t!e out ome. T!e desire to "rin# t!e tri##erin# ir umstan es to an immediate end "y any means "e omes o&erw!elmin#. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Case Study
9S% a /uslim of ;emen des ent% suffered from mi#raines. 9e was &ery o"&iously tense most of t!e time and was #i&en to ma'in# rude% ruel and a"usi&e omments. , su##ested to !im t!at , ould !el$ !im "y means of T8T and t!at t!ere would "e no !ar#e. 9S a e$ted t!e offer. , as'ed 9S w!at !e onsidered !is "i##est trou"le to "e and !e said !e didnt 'now and t!en as'ed me w!at , t!ou#!t !is $ro"lem to "e. , t!en as'ed !im if !e e&er felt trou"led "y irrational an#er. 9S t!en admitted t!at !e often !ad
#reat an#er a om$anied "y extremely &iolent fantasies towards Ameri ans% Eews and $eo$le !e onsidered to "e foolis!% wea' and stu$id. Sin e !e !as so far "een a"le to $re&ent !is an#er "e omin# a tion% we tried t!e an#er al#orit!m first. , as'ed !im to t!in' of Meor#e :us! and t!en #i&e me a S*-. 9S re$orted a 1. a om$anied "y #ra$!i des ri$tions of &arious a ts of mutilation to "e a$$lied to t!e aforementioned $resident. T!en as'in# 9S to 'ee$ in mind t!e o"0e t of !is !atred% , #uided !im t!rou#! t!e an#er ma0ors. T!e followin# S*- was a 3. 9S immediately seemed to "e somew!at slee$y in a$$earan e and un oordinated. T!e 4# was t!en $erformed and t!e se ond set of ma0ors wit! my assistan e due to !is la ' of oordination. , t!en as'ed 9S !ow !e felt a"out Meor#e :us! out of 1. and !e re$lied t!at !e lo&ed t!e man and if !e were sat !ere now !e would s!a'e !is !and< , t!en as'ed !im !ow !e felt a"out t!e wea' and t!e stu$id and t!e S*was I. )e went t!rou#! t!e an#er al#orit!m a#ain and t!e S*- was redu ed to 1 "y t!e end of t!e se6uen e wit!out t!e need to orre t for 12. :y t!is time 9S was "arely a"le to 'ee$ !is eyes o$en or stay u$ri#!t on !is !air% so , on luded t!e session. My reply" )!at ould , say? < An#er tri##ers t!e "odys ?8i#!t or 8li#!tA res$onse - $owerful a ti&ity of t!e sym$at!eti ner&ous system and t!e release of adrenalin #ets us ready for a tion. )e feel &ery roused% ready to fi#!t if t!e need arisesR our !eart rate and "lood #lu ose on entration rises to #i&e us t!e ?#et u$ and #oAR our fa es #o $ale as "lood is di&erted to mus les t!at will dri&e us on. 9S !ad t!ese ra$idly restored to minimal a ti&ity wit! T8T and almost ertainly !ad t!e sym$at!eti a ti&ity re$la ed wit! t!at of t!e $arasym$at!eti ?2est and -i#estA. )e feel lan#uid and relaxed% our !eart rate falls and our ?#et u$ and #oA #ets u$ and !eads off to "ed@ Bo wonder 9S felt so a e$tin# and slee$y<
t!ey&e learnt wor's $erfe tly and so now t!ey !a&e no fear at all< < ? )ell yes a tually% ,m 0ust as fri#!tened as , was "efore t!is fli#!t and now ,m so #lad its o&er< < 8lyin#? Bo not for me - its far too dan#erous< <
8inally s!e told me t!at wat !in# t!e landin# ta'e $la e wit! t!e runway #ently omin# u$ to meet t!em for a $erfe t landin# was almost a s$iritual ex$erien e and =ne of t!e most wonderful !a$$enin#s in !er life<
/y lient is a GH year old female w!o !as suffered from low self esteem% la ' of onfiden e and #eneral anxiety for many years. S!e is &ery anxious a"out wal'in# alone anyw!ere or tra&ellin# on "usses% e&en well 'nown routes. , !a&e wor'ed on t!is lient for 15 years #i&in# ,ndian 9ead /assa#e% 2eflexolo#y% 9y$not!era$y and 1ersonal -e&elo$ment. S!e !as im$ro&ed o&er t!e years "ut fundamentally is still &ery anxious and fre6uently feels out of ontrol. T8T Treatment was a#reed to in res$e t of tra&el to 1oland wit! !er family for a !oliday w!i ! was a !u#e !allen#e and !er first tri$ a"road. , !ad already tried !y$not!era$y and T8T for t!is. S!e also wanted to try T8T for !er fear of was$s and laustro$!o"ia in lifts. T!ere were no s$e ifi memories relatin# to any of !er sym$toms "ut all seemed to !a&e "een t!ere sin e !ild!ood. ,t was after t!e !oliday t!is lient t!en told me s!e !ad only underta'en T8T to $lease me as s!e trusted me - "ut didnt t!in' it would wor'< 8ear of tra&el: ,nitial S*- 1. Sim$le $!o"ia fear - , !ose t!is al#orit!m as it a$$eared to "e a strai#!tforward fear aused "y anyt!in# out of !er omfort Fone. e-a- ta$$in# ma0ors: S*- I 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- G 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- 3 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- 3 As t!ere was no furt!er redu tion used /ini 12% first le&el - as t!is is t!e first time it was needed to redu e S*-. S*- now 5 >;> 2oll: S*- 1 Bo identifia"le toxins $resent. Client did A$ex "y sayin# it was &ery diffi ult to t!in' of t!e $ro"lem es$e ially as s!e was !a&in# to on entrate on t!e te !ni6ue. S!e !ad suffered t!is $ro"lem for a lon# time and was used to t!is feelin# - it was !ard to t!in' a"out it for lon#% e&en t!ou#! "efore t!e treatment s!e was sayin# s!e was feelin# $ani 'y e&ery time s!e t!ou#!t a"out t!e 0ourney and e&eryt!in# s!e was a"out to underta'e. , was sur$rised !ow easily s!e res$onded to t!is treatment as , !ad ex$e ted it to "e more om$li ated. After t!e !oliday s!e ommented !ow amaFed s!e was at t!e treatments effe ti&eness and t!at its ma#i < 9er family were amaFed too at !er stayin# alm t!rou#!out t!e len#t!y and delayed ar 0ourney. 9er son ommented !e ouldnt "elie&e !ow alm s!e remained w!ile e&en !is 1olis! wife #ot more u$set wit! delays et . S!e e&en went to t!e lo al restaurant on t!e am$site on !er own to
try t!e lo al food for "rea'fast w!ilst t!e ot!ers ate in t!e a"in. ,m$ressi&e indeed in a stran#e ountry< 8ear of was$s: ,nitial S*- 1. - t!e loser t!e was$ #ets t!e more anxious s!e feels. S!e !as always "een afraid of t!em. Sim$le $!o"ia+fear al#orit!m used. /a0ors: S*- I 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- H 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- 3 4 #amut% re$eat ma0ors: S*- 1 >ye roll. Strai#!tforward treatment% no 12 orre tions re6uired. T!e lient felt &ery tired and wanted to slee$ after t!e session. After t!e !oliday s!e re$orted t!at t!ere were an un"elie&a"le num"er of was$s in 1oland "ut s!e remained alm and t!ou#!t: ?)ell its 0ust a was$ and it will #o awayA w!ilst !er son was fla$$in# around wit! news$a$ers et . 9e said !e ouldnt "elie&e !ow alm s!e was< T!e w!ole family were really im$ressed "y !er rea tion a#ain and my lient told me !ow !a$$y s!e was wit! t!e effe ts of T8T. )e also tried t!e same se6uen e for !er fear of lifts "ut t!is !asnt "een tested yet. My reply" ;our !oi e of t!e $!o"ia+fear al#orit!m for t!e first treatment (tra&ellin# to 1oland) is fine and you started well redu in# t!e initial S*- 1. to I after t!e ma0ors. So far so &ery #ood. :ut t!en you went into re$eat mode treatin# wit! t!e 4# and ma0ors t!ree times in a row< < ;es% usin# t!is $ro ess you mana#ed to !a ' your way down to S*- 3 and t!en - at last< - t!e little #rey ells% t!ey were wor'in# and you used t!e /ini 12 orre tion and immediately you were a"le to on lude t!e al#orit!m satisfa torily< -o you remem"er !ow , told you ne&er to re$eat somet!in# t!at is not wor'in#? So you see in t!is ase% after your redu tion from S*- 1. to I wit! t!e ma0ors% your next ste$ of 4# and re$eat ma0ors left you at G. At t!is $oint t!e al#orit!m is finis!ed and you are still at G. T!erefore "efore you start anyt!in# else you must t!in' - t!ere is a $ro"lem and w!at is t!e re6uired treatment now to o&er ome it. Sin e you !a&e already $ro#ressed to G% you are loo'in# at t!e need for a /ini 12 orre tion to address t!e 12 now $resent in t!e remainin# $art of t!e u$set. T!is you did orre tly "ut not until you !ad re$eated all t!ose 4#+re$eat ma0ors first< After t!e 12 orre tion% t!e S*- would !a&e immediately redu ed to 5 after 0ust re$eatin# t!e ma0ors. ;our eye roll after t!at was $erfe t and you arri&ed at a S*- 1.
,n future , do su##est t!at you always #et t!e S*- immediately after t!e 4# "efore arryin# on wit! t!e re$eat ma0ors to om$lete t!e al#orit!m. T!is is "e ause you will find ases (unli'e t!is one) w!ere t!e S*- does not redu e after t!e 4#. T!erefore you use a 12 orre tion at t!is $oint w!i ! sa&es you !a&in# unne essarily to do t!e re$eat of ma0ors "efore dis o&erin# t!e !old u$. 2emem"er t!at you must always #o ri#!t "a ' to t!e "e#innin# of an al#orit!m after any 12 orre tion and start a#ain. A #ood exam$le of A$ex< ?,ts diffi ult to t!in' a"out - or - ?, ant t!in' a"out t!e $ro"lemA always means a S*- 1. )ell done< ;our treatment for !er fear of was$s was fine "ut% of ourse t!e same remar's a"out re$etition a$$ly as "efore. , t!in' a &ery li'ely result would !a&e "een: S*- 1. /a0ors I 4 #amut H 2e$eat ma0ors 3 or 5 8inally eit!er treat 3 wit! /ini 12 and re$eat 0ust t!e ma0ors T S*- 1 =2 treat 5 wit! eye roll T S*- 1 9er final amaFement of t!e effe ti&eness of T8T s!owed !er lo#i al "rain !ad !ad enou#! time to understand and a e$t t!e treatment< ;our remar' a"out fear of lifts and usin# t!e same se6uen e would "e ineffe ti&e. 2emem"er t!is is laustro$!o"ia% and to#et!er wit! t!e fear of s$iders and tur"ulen e% t!ese t!ree need t!e alternati&e al#orit!m: a-e- 4# s6. >x ellent results<
!is life. Beit!er t!era$y !ad !el$ed at all% "ut rat!er tended to ma'e matters worse for !im. , de ided to start "y tryin# to find out w!y !e !ad t!is $ro"lem w!i ! !ad "een wit! !im for many years and was now% !e told me% "e omin# worse. After onsidera"le 6uestionin#% !e finally ex$lained t!at w!en !e was only a small "oy of fi&e or six% !e was ontinually fri#!tened and traumatised "y !is $arents w!o were always rowin# wit! ea ! ot!er and w!o would "e ome extremely an#ry wit! !im if !e interfered wit! &arious arti les and ornaments around t!e !ouse. 9e !ad a youn#er "rot!er and so !e !ad to 'ee$ !e 'in# t!at !is "rot!er also !ad not mo&ed any ornaments "efore !is fat!er ame in "e ause !e was &ery fri#!tened of !is fat!ers an#er. Startin# wit! !is trauma as a small "oy w!en $arents were ar#uin#% !e #a&e a S*- 1. w!i ! 6ui 'ly ame down to a 3 "y usin# Com$lex Trauma wit! An#er and Muilt Al#orit!m. 9e t!en swit !ed t!ou#!t field to !is extreme fear of !is fat!er findin# ornaments out of $la e. T!is a#ain was S*- 1. w!i ! &ery 6ui 'ly ame down to 1 usin# t!e Com$lex Trauma Al#orit!m. 9e t!en told me of t!e time w!en !e was 51 years old and in !is first year at uni&ersity. 9is $arents !ad !ad a ma0or row and !e was &ery traumatised "y t!is. Startin# at S*- 4 t!is also was leared wit! Trauma% An#er and Muilt Al#orit!ms. )!en SS arri&ed% , noti ed !e ontinued to wear !is a$ in t!e !ouse. (ery many years a#o my fat!er would !a&e "een extremely offended "y someone doin# su ! a t!in# in !is !ouse< Times !a&e !an#ed - and , too' little noti e of t!is. Bow% !owe&er% !e too' it off to re&eal a lar#e "ald $at ! on t!e front of !is !ead. 9e ex$lained !e !ad literally aused t!is !imself "y $ullin# and ru""in# !is !air and was &ery as!amed% em"arrassed and anxious a"out it. 9is S*- for t!is was 1. "ut immediately ame down to 1 "y usin# t!e om"ined Al#orit!ms of Anxiety% An#er% >m"arrassment and S!ame. ,t must !a&e ta'en a full 5. se onds to resol&e t!is $ro"lem< )!en my wife% /ary% ame in to meet !im later% !e too' off !is a$ to s!ow !er and $ro&e !is total la ' of u$set. 8inally% , addressed !is endless !and was!in#. 9is need to was! was now at S*- 1. and t!is was% as always% treated wit! t!e Anxiety Al#orit!m. A#ain at #reat s$eed !e ame down to 1 and t!en sat loo'in# "ewildered and loo'in# for A$ex ex$lanations<
9e t!en &olunteered to tou ! t!e floor wit! !is !and - somet!in# !e ould ne&er !a&e "rou#!t !imself to do "efore wit!out immediately rus!in# to was! !is !ands. After doin# so% , as'ed w!et!er !e now needed to was!% and !e said ?Bo% w!y "ot!erA? < < , sent !im away &ery !a$$y and aware of "ein# truly relaxed for t!e first time in as lon# as !e ould remem"er. 9e tou !ed t!e floor on e more "e ause !e wanted to and did not was! !is !ands t!e w!ole time !e was wit! me. , !ad #i&en !im t!e full =C- treatment to ontinue at !ome wit! instru tions to see me a#ain in two wee's for a !e ' on $ro#ress. 9e ran# me at t!at time to an el t!e a$$ointment ex$lainin# t!at !e !ad om$letely sto$$ed !and was!in# wit!in four days and all ot!er o"sessi&e and om$ulsi&e !a"its !ad disa$$eared. 9is old traumas aused no $ro"lems and !e was !a$$y to tal' a"out t!em sin e t!ere was no u$set at all. 9e told me !e ?would !a&e tra&elled to t!e moon and "a 'A to #et rid of !is o"sessions< , t!in' t!is is yet anot!er ase w!i ! s!ows not only t!e truly awesome $ower of t!e Calla!an Te !ni6ues T8T om$letely to resol&e a lon#-!eld $ro"lem% "ut also !ow im$ortant it is to loo' for $ossi"le ore issues w!i ! are dri&in# t!e $resentin# $ro"lems. T!is mans onsidera"le sufferin# was "ein# literally dri&en "y !is $ast traumati ex$erien es. *nli'e most =C-s and Addi tions% t!ere was not a ma0or in&asi&e underlyin# anxiety w!i ! ontinually needed to "e re$ressed "y t!e tran6uilliser ( i#arette% !and was!in# et .) "ut rat!er s$e ifi and $owerful traumas% t!e emotional im$a t of w!i ! demanded fre6uently to "e su"dued. 2emo&e t!ese $ast traumas om$letely% as we do wit! T8T% and e6ually immediately any need to re$ress t!e u$set !as disa$$eared.
Client re$orted not wantin# a i#arette and a$$eared relaxed followin# t!e session. 9as sin e re$orted t!at s!e does t!e ta$$in# t!rou#!out t!e day at t!e times s!e used to !a&e a i#arette and s!e !as not !ad one sin e. , feel t!at t!is lient entered into t!is t!era$y wit! an o$en mind and a $ositi&e attitude and !as found it to "e &ery easy to slot into !er daily life w!en needed and is deli#!ted wit! t!e results. My reply" )ell done< 9owe&er we an loo' at some im$ro&ements for use in t!e future. 8irstly% ri#!t al#orit!m for t!e $ro"lem and you were a"solutely orre t in not !a 'in# on wit! t!e s6. 0ust "e ause its t!ere w!en its o"&iously not needed. ,n t!is ase we ould !a&e ta'en t!e $rin i$le furt!er< ;ou started $erfe tly wit! t!e #reat need to indul#e and after t!e ma0ors only% t!ere you were at S*- 5< < Bo furt!er treatment needed - 0ust finis! wit! our friend t!e eye roll< -o you remem"er w!en , too' you all t!rou#! some sam$le treatments% t!e se ond one was 0ust t!is - strai#!t down from a 1. to S*- 5 after t!e ma0ors only? And , $romised all of you t!at you would ex$erien e t!is amaFin# t!in# !a$$enin#? T!e only t!in# , did not $romise was t!at it would !a$$en so soon as it !as for you< < Sin e your lient was already smo'in# so few a day% t!e addi ti&e ur#e would not !a&e "een &ery stron#. So lea&in# !er wit! only t!e treatment to remo&e t!e ur#e w!ene&er it arose was ade6uate and indeed seems to !a&e ured !er $ro"lem. 9owe&er for t!e a&era#e addi t smo'in# 5. or more a day% t!is treatment would not !a&e "een enou#! sin e you were not treatin# t!e addi tion. So do remem"er in future% you will normally !a&e to ma'e sure your lient is also ta$$in# 12 s$ot (side of !and) e&ery !our and doin# ollar"one "reat!in# ( "5) t!ree times a day. T!is is essential to ma'e sure t!e lient stays out of $ermanent 12 and also addresses !er neurolo#i al disor#anisation. )it!out t!is s!e will not treat !imself for t!e ur#e to indul#e and t!e treatment will "e a failure.
,f t!e idea is at first not a"surd% t!en t!ere is no !o$e for it. )e s!ould remem"er t!at t!e "ody will not transfer !u#e amounts of ener#y durin# !ealin# if it an "e a&oided. ,t will always #o for t!e route of lowest ener#y ex$enditure w!ene&er $ossi"le and t!is is "rilliantly #i&en "y usin# T8T. >&en t!en you will noti e t!at t!e amount of ener#y ex$ended durin# many T8T treatments will often ause t!e lient to feel a little weary after treatment - t!us yawnin# is usually a si#n of a su essful out ome<
Alt!ou#! t!e !all was full of $eo$le% s!e !ad a"solutely no fear (alt!ou#! at t!at $oint s!e mi#!t !a&e needed treatment for an#er<) , as'ed w!ere s!e was sittin# in t!e !all and s!e ex$lained t!at due to a traffi !oldu$ s!e was late and !ad to s6ueeFe in ri#!t at t!e "a '. T!is is exa tly w!at , ex$e ted and , said: ?So you were s$ea'in# o&er t!e "a 's of e&eryones !ead? A?;es% s!e onfirmed% "ut , ould see t!e s$ea'er on t!e $latform 6uite learly and , #a&e !im w!at for< A :ut s!e did not see t!e $eo$les eyes as noone would "e loo'in# at !er w!ile s!e was s$ea'in#. Bow t!in' a"out t!e sna'e. )!at does it do immediately "efore stri'in# its $rey? ,t fixes t!e animal wit! its eyes #i&in# a strai#!t $enetratin# stare. )!at normally !a$$ens to a $erson tal'in# to a !all full of $eo$le? >&ery"ody will "e loo'in# at t!e s$ea'er and so for t!e $!o"i $erson t!ere will "e t!is #reat fear of so many eyes loo'in# strai#!t at !im. T!ere was on e an ex$eriment wit! "lind $eo$le and t!ey found none !ad any fear of $u"li s$ea'in#< So% lets #o "a ' a#ain to our $erson terrified of s$ea'in# to a rowd or e&en 0ust a few ollea#ues in a small #rou$ and as': ?-o you 'now w!y you !a&e t!is fear and !ow lon# you !a&e suffered from it?A T!is time !e mi#!t well say: ?, ne&er used to "e afraid of s$ea'in# to any #rou$ of $eo$le and in fa t used to en0oy #i&in# t!e odd after-dinner s$ee !. :ut now its im$ossi"le - e&er sin e t!at traumati ex$erien e a"out ten years a#o w!en , was t!reatened "y@..and , !a&ent "een a"le to #i&e a s$ee ! sin e.A T!is would $ro"a"ly "e somet!in# t!at !a$$ened w!en !e was a tually s$ea'in# and may well !a&e in&ol&ed se&eral asso iated traumas and $er!a$s se&eral $eo$le also. T!is means you may find a om$li ated we" of $ro"lems to#et!er ausin# traumati fears w!i ! are now asso iated wit! any form of s$ea'in# in $u"li . ;ou treat wit! om$lex trauma "ut need to "e ertain "y in-de$t! 6uestionin# t!at you find and treat all t!e asso iated t!ou#!t fields t!at need to "e resol&ed. *ntil t!is is done% you annot "e sure t!at t!e full ore issue% w!i ! is dri&in# !is $resent fears% !as "een resol&ed. So now we an see !ow our sim$le $ro"lem an so easily not "e sim$le at all. T!is means t!at it will always "e your areful 6uestionin# t!at an s!ow u$ t!e t!ou#!t fields t!at really need treatin#. )!en t!ese are $ro$erly found% t!e a tual treatments are t!en often &ery strai#!tforward and 6ui ' and t!e relief for your lient will "e onsidera"le. Always remem"er t!at your lient will tell you all a"out t!e $arti ular $ro"lems u$settin# !im now. ;ou need to 'now a"out t!e underlyin# issues ausin# t!e $ro"lems and so you must always 6uestion arefully to re&eal t!em. -ont "e
worried t!at t!is ould ta'e a lon# time in more om$lex ases% it is time well s$ent.
So% !ere your really &ital 6uestionin# "e#ins. 9a&in# esta"lis!ed t!ere are many worries and anxieties in&ol&ed% "e#in $uttin# t!e details on t!em. 8or exam$le: ?)!at auses t!e most worry? ;our "oss% "e ause s!e doesnt &alue your wor' e&en t!ou#! you !a&e "een in t!is 0o" for many years and 'now exa tly w!at you are doin#. S!e also $uts unne essary $ressure on your time "y demandin# stu$id re$orts on t!e $ro#ress of your de$artmentA - et % et . T!is and its myriad &ariations are so ommon in t!e ommer ial world. )it! furt!er 6uestionin#% t!e lient in t!is exam$le will ome u$ wit! se&eral more on erns o&er !is "oss at wor' and ea ! one will "e a uni6ue t!ou#!t field needin# treatment. A&oid t!e tem$tation to sa&e time "y lum$in# t!e w!ole lot under one !eadin# my "oss and treatin# it as one $ro"lem w!ile your lient sim$ly t!in's of my "oss. >&en t!is mi#!t #i&e you a $!oney result "e ause your lient ould well "e t!in'in# sim$ly of !is nasty demandin# "oss and t!is ould #i&e !im a feelin# of "ein# more relaxed o&er t!e issue. :ut t!at still lea&es all t!e ot!er t!ou#!t fields sittin# in t!e "as'et untou !ed< Always remem"er t!at its w!at t!e lient is t!in'in# a"out t!at #ets treated. T8T is &ery $re ise in e&ery way and t!at is w!y its so $owerful in tar#etin# t!e &ery root ause or ore issue of t!e $ro"lem "ein# addressed N #i&en t!at you !a&e $ro$erly identified t!is root ause and are t!erefore treatin# t!e re6uired t!ou#!t field. 9a&in# s$ent time and identified as many t!ou#!t fields as you an find% you must t!en as' your lient to re&iew t!e "as'etful and as': ?)!i ! $ro"lem from t!e ones we !a&e found u$sets you t!e most? A *sually your lient will not !a&e any diffi ulty tellin# you and so #o a!ead and treat t!e $arti ular worry+anxiety+fear in&ol&ed. Always remem"er our 8ear al#orit!m e-a- 4# s6. will also address worries and anxieties sin e t!ese are really lesser forms of fear. )or'in# wit! a #rou$ of fears you must also remem"er t!at due to t!eir li'ely lose asso iation% your lient may easily swit ! to anot!er of t!ese t!ou#!t fields and you will suddenly find t!e S*- !as in reased. ,mmediately 6uestion w!at is now "ein# t!ou#!t a"out and #et your lient "a ' on tra ' or #o wit! !im and start wit! t!e next t!ou#!t field. Sin e stress will in&ol&e at least se&eral if not many $ro"lems% do remem"er t!at t!ere will usually "e a limit to !ow mu ! treatment your lient an o$e wit! durin# a sin#le session. ;es its ni e to !ar#e a!ead and remo&e as many u$sets as you an "efore runnin# out of time< - "ut is t!at fair to your lient? T!e $oor $erson may well "e fla##in# after wor'in# wit! t!ree or four $ro"lems and need to sto$.
,ts also ne essary to realise t!is is an on-#oin# #rou$ of $ro"lems. Ty$i ally w!en our lient a"o&e starts wor' a#ain% alt!ou#! !e may now feel far more onfident a"out "oss% its 6uite li'ely t!at "oss will ome u$ wit! some &ariation of a $re&ious demand w!i ! will "e different enou#! from $re&ious ones to ause a fres! t!ou#!t field om$lete wit! its new $ertur"ations needin# attention if furt!er u$set is to "e a&oided. T!is of ourse is w!ere your sendin# t!e lient away wit! full instru tions on !ow to treat !imself in t!ese ir umstan es is so im$ortant. 8or many it is so em$owerin# for t!em to 'now t!ey an do somet!in# to !el$ sel&es. Also it is t!ese $eo$le w!o ta'e t!e trou"le to !el$ t!emsel&es t!at finis! u$ wit! t!e most su essful and truly om$lete treatments.