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Dec 6th-12th

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Name:_____________ December 6th- 12th, 2013

Fa#i$y i%!: 5stab ish a dai # 6Dro% 57er#thin& and Read6 time for #our fami # $hen the te e7ision is turned off and e7er#one reads for 11 minutes! 8hen #our D59R time is o7er, each fami # member can brief # summari'e $hat he,she read, ta 3 about a fa7orite %art, or share ne$ and interestin& facts! :ther members of the fami # can as3 ;uestions if the# i3e! <earnin& to ta 3 about boo3s $i im%ro7e #our chi d=s readin& com%rehension! S%e$$in& "ord!: came, %u , ta3e, &ame, ate, &ate, $h#, $a 3, a$a#, cou d 'ha$$en&e (ord: $ater )*eadin& +o& , >i out the %i''as for the month to earn a >ree 4i''a ?ut certificate*

December 1Cth I 8inter .ho$case 6%m December 20th I /ath Dri .undae,?o ida# 4art#* December 23rd- Hanuar# 3rd I No .choo *?a%%# Jirthda# this month to .#dne# and /athias*

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Dec. 6th, 7th, 8th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! "ou ma# read a stor#, ne$s%a%er artic e or a ma&a'ine artic e! *Project: (ettin& Read# for a )ri%* +Due 12,12*.unshine /ath** Monday Dec. 9th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! *0se each s%e in& $ord in a sentence! +use attached ined %a%erue!day Dec. 10th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! * /ath: )o%ic 6-1 * /ath: )o%ic 6-10 "edne!day Dec. 11th, 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! *2erbs $or3sheet */a3in& 4redictions hur!day Dec. 12th , 2013 * Return home$or3* 4arent si&nature: _______________________


*9nother &reat $ee3 at 8indsor 4re%arator# 9cadem#** seuss andin&!$eeb #!com

*eadin&: )his $ee3 in readin& $e ha7e mo7ed onto 0nit 3** 8e s%ent the $ee3 ta 3in& about friendshi%s and ho$ $e can he % encoura&e friends and re # on them! )he stor# @9nansi and the 9nte o%eA tau&ht us that $e shou d a $a#s be $i in& to he %! 8e added the $ords: %u , $a 3, he o, cou d, a B oh to our first &rade si&ht $ord ist* 8e a so s%ent the $ee3 b endin& $ords $ith a on& ,a, sound i3e the $ords: ate, &ate, cane, &ame** Math: 8e are sti $or3in& in )o%ic 6! 8e ha7e s%ent the $ee3 earnin& ho$ to add fact to 1C and add tri% e di&it math %rob ems i3e 7D6D1E Science: Fn .cience this $ee3, $e s%o3e about the man# different $a#s our 5arth can chan&e! :ur 5arth chan&es s o$ # due to erosion and $eatherin&, but it can a so chan&e ;uic3 # due to earth;ua3es and 7o canoes! 0sin& soi , $e created our o$n andforms and obser7ed $hat ha%%ened $hen $e %oured $ater on our and, b e$ $ind and e7en made an earth;ua3e* Socia$ Studie!: )his $ee3 $e s%o3e ?anu33ah! 8e discussed ho$ the ei&ht cand es on the menorah re%resent the ei&ht ni&hts that the oi sta#ed it! 8e san& son&s and danced the hora! 8e a so tried Gha ah, $hich is a s$eet He$ish braided bread eaten durin& ho ida#s* "um**

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