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Sarah Fenton

2233 Eighth Street, Traverse City Mi, 49684

Cell: 231-383-501 - E-Mail: Sarahanne1723g!ail"#$!
The #areer %iel& '(! g$ing int$ is )r$%essi$nal )h$t$gra*hy" ' +,ali%y %$r this %iel& -e#a,se '(!
#,rrently &$ing )r$%essi$nal )h$t$gra*hy $,tsi&e $% s#h$$l" ' have a .e-site that ' !a&e
!ysel%, ' als$ have a /a#e-$$0 *age an& *e$*le %in& !e thr$,gh /a#e-$$0 an& the 'nternet" '
e&it all !y *h$t$s !ysel% an& han& *i#0 the -est %$r !y #lients" ' als$ .$r0 al$ngsi&e $ther
*r$%essi$nals in the area, an& '(! a *h$t$gra*her %$r the 1,#0ley 2l& Engine Sh$."
3est Seni$r 4igh S#h$$l 5376 5" 6$ng 6a0e 7$a&, Traverse City, M' 49685
4igh S#h$$l 8i*l$!a 9Class $% 2015:
Grade: Seni$r
3e- ),-lishing, '(ve ta0en 3e- ),-lishing t$ i!*r$ve !y .e-site !a0ing an& e&iting s0ills,
al$ng .ith i!*r$ving !y *h$t$-sh$* s0ills" )ainting, ' t$$0 *ainting #a,se y$, learn a l$t
a-$,t &esign an& #$l$r ,sing *ainting an& h$. t$ ,se #ertain #$l$rs t$gether" '(ve ta0en three
)h$t$gra*hy #lasses, ' t$$0 the %irst $ne t$ learn h$. t$ .$r0 an& ,se a -la#0 9r$$! t$
&evel$* %il!" ' t$$0 the se#$n& $ne %$r 3e-site !a0ing an& )h$t$-sh$* .$r0 al$ng .ith the
-asi#s in )h$t$gra*hy" ' t$$0 the thir& $ne .hi#h .as an a&van#e& )h$t$gra*hy #lass t$ ;,st
i!*r$ve an& learn !$re"
Extracurricular Activities:
)h$t$gra*her: 2008 < C,rrent
S#h$$l 1an&: 2008 < 2014
Mi#higan =irl S#$,ts: 2002 < 2008
6ang,ages: English
>$l,nteer E?*erien#e: 5@A
A.ar&s 7e#eive&: St,&ent 2% The M$nth
Work History:
July 2!" to #urrent
$on% $ake Grocery &'(" ) $on% $ake *d+ ,raverse #ity -i
$ine #ook
=reete& #,st$!ers in a ti!ely %ashi$n .hile +,i#0ly &eter!ining their nee&s"
7e#$!!en&e& !er#han&ise t$ #,st$!ers -ase& $n their nee&s an& *re%eren#es"
7es*$n&e& t$ #,st$!er +,esti$ns an& re+,ests in a *r$!*t an& e%%i#ient !anner"
C$!*lete& all #leaning, st$#0ing an& $rganiBing tas0s in assigne& sales area"
1,ilt relati$nshi*s .ith #,st$!ers t$ in#rease li0elih$$& $% re*eat -,siness"
)re**e& 0it#hen, at -eginning an& en& $% shi%t"
St$#0e& &airy, *$* an& -eer #$$ler"
June 2!' to Au%ust 2!'
$ocation: -ancinos West .ay /i00a And Grinders !'!1 S West .ay Shore 2r+ ,raverse
#ity+ -3 "&14"
/osition: $ine #ook
=reete& #,st$!ers in a ti!ely %ashi$n
7e#$!!en&e& !er#han&ise t$ #,st$!ers -ase& $n their nee&s an& *re%eren#es"
3r$te sales sli*s an& sales #$ntra#ts"
7es*$n&e& t$ #,st$!er +,esti$ns an& re+,ests in a *r$!*t an& e%%i#ient !anner"
C$!*lete& all #leaning, st$#0ing an& $rganiBing tas0s in assigne& sales area"
1,ilt relati$nshi*s .ith #,st$!ers t$ in#rease li0elih$$& $% re*eat -,siness"
Engage& .ith #,st$!ers in a sin#ere an& %rien&ly !anner"
)re**e& 0it#hen, %$$& an& -$?es"
Cleane& .h$le !ain %l$$r an& -athr$$!s"
Additional 3n5or6ation:
A little -it a-$,t !e, '(! a )h$t$gra*her $,tsi&e $% s#h$$l an& .$r0" '(! a )h$t$gra*her %$r
the 1,#0ley 2l& Engine Sh$., an& ' &$ )h$t$gra*hy !ysel% %$r *e$*le in the Traverse City
area" '(ve -een a !e!-er $% the 1,#0ley 2l& Engine Sh$. %$r eight years n$." ' .as a
!e!-er $% the s#h$$l -an& %$r si? years, ' &i& Mar#hing 1an& %$r three years" '(! a very har&
.$r0er .hen it #$!es t$ anything ' set !y !in& t$$" ' en;$y .$r0ing har& an& getting things
&$ne" '(! a very ,*-eat an& *$sitive *ers$n .h$ en;$ys !eeting ne. *e$*le every&ay an&
;,st living li%e" '(ve -een re#$gniBe& as an $,tstan&ing st,&ent at 3est t$$"

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