Why Be A Christian
Why Be A Christian
Why Be A Christian
By Ralph Martin
WHY BE A CHRISTIAN? Have you ever asked yourself that question? You might ask it for any of a number of reasons. Maybe someone has been talking to you about giving your life to Jesus, and youre wondering whether and why you should. Maybe you come from a Christian background and wonder whether all that religious training you received as a child still has any meaning for you. Maybe youve been trying to live a dedicated Christian life, but lately youve been tempted to give up and youre wondering if its worth the effort to hang in there.
I decided I needed to get in touch with the deeper human values; literature looked like the realm to investigate. I changed my major and threw myself into investigating the great themes of literature: life and death, love and hate. By now, I had stopped going to church, and I no longer was looking in the direction of Christianity. It wasnt very long before I realized that studying literature wasnt getting me to the essence of things. Literature addressed some helpful questions, but it didnt really tackle the ultimate questions: What is truth? How can you come to a sure knowledge of it? How can you know that you know? How can you know that you know that you know? To really get to the bottom of things, I thought, I needed to study philosophy. And so I changed my major yet again and immersed myself in the writings of the great philosophers. Two of my special favorites were Plato and Nietzsche.
Why Should I?
I was drifting away from Christianity, but since I was attending a Catholic school I would ask people Why are you a Christian? I was given a number of answers. People would say, You should be a Christian because it helps you be good. To this I could only reply, Why be good? And what is goodness anyway? (Philosophy majors are always asking maddening questions like that.) Even
aside from those kinds of retorts, I had to wonder what Christianity had to do with living a good or moral life. I saw lots of people who were living apparently moral lives, being generous and caring toward others, and they werent Christians. I even saw people who adhered to other world religions who were living good lives. So what did Christianity have to do with being good? Other people would say, You should be a Christian so you can help the poor. But I could see there were lots of people helping the poor who werent Christians. Any number of government agencies helped the poor. The United Nations helped the poor. If helping the poor was what I wanted to do, I could certainly do it without being a Christian. Still others would say, You should be a Christian in order to have meaningful religious experiences, to encounter the Absolute. Again, I wasnt impressed. From what I could tell, having a meaningful religious experience meant sitting in a church, listening to guitar music and hugging people. I could certainly listen to guitar music and hug people, if thats what I wanted to do, without being a Christian. As for encountering the Absolute, I thought Id rather do it outdoors amid the glories of nature than in a church. None of the reasons people gave for being a Christian seemed very compelling to me. They seemed to be saying that Christianity was just a means to something else: to personal morality, to social ac4
tion, to emotional experience. But clearly it wasnt the only means to those ends and maybe it wasnt even the best means.
Well, uh, gee, Phil, I mean . . . I couldnt possibly go this weekend. Im way behind schedule on my senior essay, and my girlfriend is going through a crisis, and . . . well, Im sorry, but it just wont work. There, I thought. That ought to settle that. It didnt. Phil began to plead with me. His expression had changed radically. I had never seen him so distraught. But, Ralph, he said, dont you understand? You told me youd go, and I turned in an application for you, and they didnt want to take you because they know how you feel about Christianity, but I talked them into taking you anyway, and now its all set and you can go and . . . And then I thought I saw some tears. That was too much. My girlfriend and my senior essay would just have to get through the weekend without me. Okay, okay, okay, I said in exasperation. Ill go. But I warn you: I am not going to pretend to have a religious experience just to make you happy. I know whats going to happen. Youre all going to sit around and sing songs and be nice to each other, and youre going to call it God. Well, Im not going to call it God. Im going to call it clever group dynamics. Ill go, Phil, but I wont sacrifice my intellectual integrity.
the content of the talks revelation, salvation, death and resurrection, eternal life rather interesting. I was especially intrigued by the Gospel of John, which I had never seriously read. As a philosophy student I had read the works of some of the worlds greatest minds, and I had to admit that whoever had written the Gospel of John had a pretty impressive intellect. In fact, it seemed to me that whoever had thought up Christianity had an impressive intellect. The uncomfortable thought began creeping into the back of my mind, Maybe it was God who invented Christianity. Maybe this profound intellect Im running into here is the mind of God. I tried not to think about it. I was further intrigued by the way people talked about Jesus. Actually, it made me a little uncomfortable. I wasnt used to hearing people call him by his first name as though he were someone they knew well and chatted with from time to time. I was used to people discussing the second person of the Trinity or rattling off the creeds. But these people talked about Jesus as if they had a relationship with him, as if he were a real and regular part of their daily lives. Either these people are crazy, I thought, or else theyve tuned in to something that Ive missed up until now. Somehow I didnt think they were crazy. In spite of myself, I was actually beginning to find the whole business of Christianity rather attractive. Love, unity, eternal life, cosmic reconciliation, a personal relationship with a wonderful, loving God
these were attractive concepts. Then they ruined it. They started talking about sin. Now, why did they have to go and do that? I thought to myself. Why did they have to start getting negative just when everything was going so well? Just when I was starting to get interested? The worst part was that what they were calling sin was what I called learning experiences. I prided myself on my openness, my authenticity, my readiness to take in all that life had to offer. Now it appeared that some of my favorite learning experiences fit the definition of sin. These people were suggesting that there were things in my life that werent loving, werent right, werent authentic, werent true, werent helpful for me or for others and I was beginning to see that they were right. I also prided myself on being an honest seeker after truth. Now I began to see that I had so fallen in love with the search that I couldnt or wouldnt let myself find the answer. As long as I didnt find it, there was nothing I had to submit to, nothing I had to conform to, no reality to which I had to relate on its terms rather than my own. As long as I kept searching and never finding, I could be my own god.
Searching or Hiding?
Clearly, something had gotten into my search that wasnt honest at all, a selfishness that wasnt inter8
ested in the truth as much as in preserving its sway in my life, no matter what the cost to me or to other people. Under the guise of searching, I was actually fleeing; under the guise of seeking, I was actually hiding from the One who was seeking me. I saw all this, and I didnt like what I saw. At the same time, I saw that if what I had heard on the weekend were true if there really was a God who loved me, and who sent his Son to die for me and then raised him from the dead, and who even now was ready to forgive all my foolishness and rebellion and sin, and take me back as his own adopted son if all that were true, then I had discovered the most important truth that anyone could ever know. I had discovered a teacher wiser than any I had known before. I had discovered a book, the Bible, more valuable than the greatest book written by the greatest human author. I had discovered the key to everything, the source of all life, in the person of Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, I was able to kneel down at the end of that weekend, repent of my sin, and surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I went to confession and was reconciled to God and the Church. I didnt know what all the implications would be. I didnt know what I was going to do about my girlfriend or my senior essay or my coming graduate studies in philosophy. But I did know that the essence of Christianity wasnt morality, or helping the poor, or religious experience: it was Jesus Christ himself.
And I knew that from that time on, my life had to be based on knowing, loving, and following him as Lord of my life.
only way we can know what reality is, and integrate ourselves into it in a meaningful and fulfilling way, is to discover what God tells us about the universe and our place in it. Listen to what God tells us through the opening words of the letter to the Hebrews: In times past, God spoke in fragmentary and varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in this, the final age, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he has made heir of all things and through whom he first created the universe. This Son is the reflection of the Fathers glory, the exact representation of the Fathers being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. (Heb 1:1-3) What a crucial revelation of the nature of reality! It was through and for the Son that God created the cosmos. It is by the Son that the cosmos continues in being. And it is in the Son that the cosmos find its ultimate meaning. Talk about relevance! There would be no universe, no human race, no life, no hope, no meaning at all, if it werent for the Son of God. If we miss that utterly fundamental fact, how can we possibly understand reality? How can we possibly relate to it meaningfully?
find their rest in thee. We were designed to be in a relationship of love, obedience, and service to God. We will never be fulfilled, we will never know peace, we will never overcome rootlessness and alienation, until we find the relationship with God for which we were designed. Thats the way reality is structured. The truth of the matter is that we have no lasting dwelling place here on earth. This world is passing away. Theres a new world coming, a new age, when Christ returns in glory to judge the living and the dead. Our time on earth is given to us so that we can align ourselves with him and be found on his side when he comes again. Thats the way reality is structured. It follow from this that we cant possibly understand reality we cant hope to make sense out of the world around us apart from the revelation of God given to us in Christ and through the Holy Spirit. We cant understand whats going on in the world, whats really important, what forces are really in play, unless God reveals it to us. Eye has not see, Paul writes in his letter to the Corinthians, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love him. Yet God has revealed this wisdom to us though the Spirit (1 Cor 2:9-10). The natural man, Paul goes on to say, unaided by Gods Spirit, cannot comprehend reality. Only the man or woman who has taken on the mind of Christ,
who has embraced Gods word in the power of the Spirit, can see things as they really are. We are literally in the dark unless we walk in the light of Christ. We cant see where were going unless God illumines our path. Were forever trapped in a blind alley unless the Holy Spirit opens a door through which we can see whats real, whats true, whats important. Why be a Christian? Because life makes no sense apart from Christ.
because he is Son of Man; no need for you to be surprised at this, for an hour is coming in which all those in their tombs shall hear his voice and come forth. Those who have done right shall rise to live; the evildoers shall rise to be damned. (Jn 5:24-29) There are many things that Jesus says to us in the Gospels, and all of them are important. But some of them are so vital that he calls our attention to them by beginning with the phrase, I solemnly assure you. Its as though he were saying, Look, if you dont remember anything else Ive said, remember this. Pay attention to what Im going to say next, because Im about to tell you something extremely important. Dont miss it. Dont pass it by. Its crucial. Lets look more closely, then, at what Jesus tells us in this passage. He tells us that all men and women will rise at the last day and face judgment. On the basis of this judgment, he says, some will rise to eternal life, others to eternal damnation. Who will do the judging? The Son of Man: Jesus himself. On what basis will he judge? On the basis of whether or not we have done right, whether or not we have heard Jesus word to us, heeded his voice, placed our trust in God. Dont let it take you by surprise, he tells us. Dont miss this utterly crucial, life-and-death decision: the decision for or against Jesus Christ, the decision whether or not to be a Christian.
Christianity is not a game. Its not a literary theme designed to enrich us. Its not a philosophical puzzle for the intellectually inclined to ponder. Its a cry of love and warning from the God who made us, who sees the desperate predicament were in because of our own sins, who has gone to incredible lengths to rescue us from that predicament, and who is urgently concerned that we not overlook the only means by which we can be saved. Why be a Christian? Because Christianity is the truth. Because without that truth, life makes no sense and has no meaning. Because becoming a Christian makes an eternal life and death difference to each of us.
True Fulfillment
Once we understand this, we can see how futile are the things that so many people and perhaps we ourselves try to live for. Many people are living for self-fulfillment, unable to see that there is no fulfillment apart from following Jesus Christ. We werent created to find complete fulfillment in this life. We were created for eternal life, but apart from Christ, were cut off from eternal life. We were created for the kingdom of God, but only transformation in Christ can make us able to enter the kingdom of God. We keep trying to find complete fulfillment in this life, but its not to be found there. Its to be found only in the eternal
life that Jesus holds out to us. Jesus said, Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. What profit would a man show if he were to gain the whole world and destroy himself in the process? What can a man offer in exchange for his very self? (Mt 16:25-26). The message of our culture is, Put yourself first. Look out for Number One. Seek your own way, your own will, your own pleasure, your own fulfillment. But it doesnt work that way. We were created by and through and for Jesus Christ, and apart from him we can have no fulfillment. The only way to save our life is to lose it by surrendering it to Christ. The only way to keep it is to give it away. What good will it do us if we gain all the fulfillment this life has to offer, but in the process throw away the eternal life for which we were created?
True Liberation
Many people today are living for causes. Im living for justice, they say, or for peace, or for liberation. Their very desire for those things reflects something inherent in having been created by God: without even realizing it, they are hungering for the kingdom of God, where there will be no injustice, no hatred, no strife, no oppression. But the simple fact is that you cant have the kingdom of God without the King. You cant have peace
without the Prince of Peace. You cant have justice without the Just One. Attempts to establish the kingdom without the King result in man being distorted, in man becoming a god unto himself. Before long he begins oppressing his fellow human beings in the name of the very liberation he strove for! We cant have liberation without the Liberator. And what we need is not mere political or economic liberation. Our need is for spiritual liberation, for redemption. We need to be forgiven, to be set free from the power of sin, to be spiritually reborn, before we can hope to have justice and peace.
True Riches
Many people today are devoting their energies to the pursuit of the good life. Their goals in life are success, money, possessions, and status. They dream of boats, saunas, vacation homes, the latest clothes, the finest foods. Now, I have nothing against all these things in and of themselves, and neither does God. They are all good things. But to make them the focus of our lives, to look toward them to give us happiness and security, is pathetic. Jesus told a story about someone who oriented his life in just this way: There was a rich man who had a good harvest. What shall I do? he asked himself. I have no
place to store my harvest. I know! he said. I will pull down my grain bins and build larger ones. All my grain and my goods will go there. Then I will say to myself: You have blessings in reserve or years to come. Relax! Eat heartily, drink well. Enjoy yourself. But God said to him, You fool! This very night your life shall be required of you. To whom will all this piled-up wealth of yours go? That is the way it works with the man who grows rich for himself instead of growing rich in the sight of God. (Lk 12:16-21) Its easy to update the words of the man in this parable. What shall I do? I have degrees, and a career, and houses and cars and investments Ive made it. Im secure. Where am I going to put it all? Isnt that the mindset that pervades our society? Isnt that the gospel thats preached to us on television and in magazines? Isnt that the ideal that energizes many of us? Relax! Eat heartily! Drink well! Enjoy yourself! But the same words of Jesus provide us with a shock treatment in spiritual reality therapy. You fool! he says. Thats strong language. You fool! To draw your happiness and security from those things! To think that those things would last! Why, an earthquake could take those things. A war could take those things. An economic collapse, a serious illness, an accident, an unfaithful spouse, an adverse court judgment could take those things. This very night your life might come to an end. To whom will all this
pile-up wealth of yours go then? Even today, thats the way it works with the man who grows rich for himself instead of growing rich in the sight of God.
Seeing Clearly
It grieves the heart of God to see the blindness and confusion that twist our thinking and turn us away from him. He knows it is our sin that blinds and confuses us; he wants to wipe away our sin and fill us with his Holy Spirit so that we can see clearly and think rightly. The tragic thing is that all those things that lead us into frustration and despair when we seek them apart from Christ actually find their proper place in Christ but we dont see it. In Jesus Christ, under his lordship, everything has its proper place and finds it fulfillment education, money, politics, sex, everything because everything has been created through and for him. Jesus tells us that when we choose to follow him, to make his kingdom the goal and ideal of our life, then all these other things will become ours as well and will take their right place in our lives, working for our good and not for our destruction. It is not for you to be in search of what you are to eat or drink. Stop worrying. The unbelievers of this world are always running after these things. Your Father knows that you need
such things. Seek out instead his kingship over you, and the rest will follow in turn. Do not live in fear, little flock. It has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom. (Lk 12:29-32) What a tremendous promise to us from the all-powerful God of the universe! We dont have to make trying to obtain the things we need the driving force or ideal of our life. Food, drink, clothing, shelter, relationships, jobs, education: the Lord already knows that we need them and already has a provision in store for us. All we need to do is get into right relationship with him, seeing ourselves as glad subjects of a loving King, and what we need will come in the right way, at the right time, in the right amount. We need not live in fear because it pleases God our Father to care for us in this way. We dont have to take it from him; he wants to give it to us. Why be a Christian? Because it is in relationship to Jesus Christ that we find all life, all love, all joy, all peace, all security, all provision.
hold of our lives. The Psalmist urges us to taste and see how good the Lord is (Ps 34:9), and Jesus himself assures us that my yoke is easy and my burden light (Mt 11:30). God doesnt want to make our lives miserable; he wants to make them joyful! Its sin that makes life miserable. Scripture tells us that all we get in return for sin is death (see Roman 6:23). Its true. There is death that comes on the installment plan, in the heartache and frustration and despair that inevitably flows from life lived apart from God. And there is death that comes at the end, death that never dies, in darkness and gloom and torment, separated from God forever. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23). Do not live in fear, little flock. It has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom (Lk 12:32). Why be a Christian? Because its the gracious gift of a loving and merciful, allwise, all-powerful God. Why not open your heart and receive it? Why live another year, another week, another day, apart from the God who loves you and who is calling you to himself? Why spend another day trying to build your life on the shifting sands of human wisdom? Heaven and earth shall pass away. His words, his grace, his life, are the only sure foundation. Nations rise and fall; seasons come and go; our own life is short-lived and full of trouble; like a flower that springs up and
fades, swift as a shadow that does not abide (see Job 14:1-2). Life is incredibly short in the context of eternity, and only one thing ultimately matters: deciding to live in and with and for Jesus Christ.
I wrote this in 1987 to help people take the first step in relationship with the Lord. I hope it is still useful as a basic evangelization tool to help people today take that first step. As such, this short booklet doesnt deal with what comes next - namely the discovery of the Church and all that is implied by that. Many other of our materials on our website unfold the full Catholic vision of the Christian life. www.RenewalMinistries.net