Lesson Plan With Flickr
Lesson Plan With Flickr
Lesson Plan With Flickr
Level: elementary
Learning Outcomes: learners study new verbs and use them in sentences.
Procedures (tasks):
Learning new words 10 Learners look for pictures. They type the http://www.flickr.co
Run, jump, sing, dance, min words in the “search window” and try to m/
play, swim, read, write guess the meaning of these verbs. For example:
In groups http://www.flickr.co
The students learn new 10 The teacher shows slides, pronounces http://www.pimpam
words with the teacher min the words adds some new verbs. The pum.net/phrasr/?id=
All class learners repeat and try to remember 15518 (this is made
them. by me)
400 (I have found
Playing vocabulary 10 In order to revise and learn the verbs the http://www.manythi
games min students do some activities on the ngs.org/lulu/j3.html
Individually internet. #
The set of verbs: cook, clean, drink, eat,
cry, write, sing, dance, read.
Children can play 2-3 variants of games
with these verbs.
Learning the structure 10 The teacher shows slides. Learners guess http://www.pimpam
“I can…” min the meaning of the structure “I can”, pum.net/bubblr/?id=
All class “We can”. 14694
Doing slide shows 20 The learners do their own slide shows to http://www.pimpam
Individually / In groups min the verbs. pum.net/phrasr/
They are to type the verbs they want,
choose the picture they like.
The teacher helps while the children
Using the verbs 15 The groups show their slides and tell the
Commenting slide min class what they can do.
Assessment/Reflection 5 min The class chooses the most funny /
interesting slide show.
Home task The students make photos of their own
which illustrate what the children can
Individually / In groups do. Then they upload photos on Flickr.
tagging the photos “wecando” or by
their names. The children think of the
captions to the photos.