Unit 5 Mastery
Unit 5 Mastery
Unit 5 Mastery
Lesson Title:
Rhyme with Me!
Students will be able to:
Recognize rhyming words while piecing together a puzzle.
Practice rhyming pairs on abcya.com.
State Standards:
ELA.1.F.1.3 Recognize and produce pairs of rhyming words and distinguish them from
non-rhyming pairs in spoken words.
Before the students learn about rhyming words, they will have studied vocab words. They
will have prior knowledge of vocabulary words so they can use them to help them rhyme. After
learning the lesson on rhyming, they will learn how to write a simple poem using the rhyming
words they have brainstormed. They can use the information they learned from vocabulary
words as well as rhyming to contribute to their poem.
Students will be grouped based on low, medium, and high levels of learning. These
groupings will be based on teacher observations from the previous unit on how well the students
performed and how quickly they could pick up on the material being taught. The data from this
lesson will be collected by a short google form quiz at the end of class.
-Dry erase board and marker.
-Computer to access websites.
-Puzzle worksheets.
Introduction (5 minutes):
I will start off the lesson by asking if anyone has any previous knowledge about
rhymes. If no one raises their hand, I will ask if anyone can take an educated guess on what it is.
I will then explain what a rhyme is and include some examples. We will then watch the video
clip "Does it Rhyme?" on Kids Learning Videos on YouTube. Students will raise their hand and
answer some questions about rhymes before they break off into groups to practice their rhyming
Teacher Directed (10 minutes):
In this portion of the lesson students will brainstorm their own rhyming words
while the teacher writes them up on a poster. We will spend five minutes brainstorming until we
fill up the poster with words. After that, we will go through the list and practice pronouncing the
rhyming words while clapping the syllables. To finish up the teacher directed lesson, I will ask
each student in the group to give me one more rhyming pair that isn’t on the poster to show me
what they’ve learned.
Collaborative (10 minutes):
In this section students will work together to complete a puzzle by identifying
rhyming words. Each person in the group will have a turn to select two rhyming words from the
puzzle pieces and connect them together. After they connect all of the correct puzzle pieces
together, it will make a picture of an apple.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):
In this section of the rotation students will independently practice their rhyming
skills. To do this, students will open up their computers and go to the website abcya.com and
click on the category rhyming. Students will match the rhyming words together, come up with
their own rhyming words, and play a short game after their practice on the same website.
Closure (5 minutes):
After all the rotations are complete students will head back to their seats. I will
then ask them to get their computers if they haven’t put them away already. I will direct them to
google classroom where there is a link in the stream to the very short quiz so I can assess their
knowledge. The quiz will have three short questions with two being multiple choice and the last
one being a short answer.
I chose this piece of multimedia because it is a fun and engaging website for kids
to help practice certain topics such as rhyming. This supports my standards and objectives
because they will be practicing recognizing rhyming words while distinguishing them from
others. I know it is high quality because I have used it before and it has been reviewed by experts
that support this website and other educational websites. I would give this website a rating of all
2’s because it meets certain quality standards such as being accurate, relevant, and age
appropriate. This website incorporates adaptive technology and personalized learning features to
differentiate instruction for all learners. You can also adjust the difficulty level of the games
based on the child’s performance, which is another great way to differentiate instruction.
Google Forms:
I chose this piece of multimedia because it is a great way to assess students’
knowledge. Google forms has many functions, but using it for quizzes is very beneficial in the
classroom. This supports my standard and objectives because it is used to assess the knowledge
of their ability to recognize rhymes. I know this is high quality because it is made from google
which is a very well known and supported company that is used frequently in the classroom. I
would give this website a rating of all 2’s because many of the forms created on the website are
used for educational purposes and can be used across different educational systems and
platforms. Google forms differentiates learning because of the different type of questions you
can add to the forms like short answer, multiple choice, and essay responses. You can also add
images or videos for more visual learners as well.