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Unit 5 Mastery

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Introduction to Fractions

Students will be able to… create a fraction to represent part to whole.
Students will be able to... determine if a fraction is equivalent though comparison.
State Standards:
3NSF.1 Develop an understanding of fractions (i.e., denominators 2,3,4,6,8,10) as numbers.

a. A fraction 1/b (called a unit fraction) is the quantity formed by one part when a whole is
partitioned into b equal parts;
b. A fraction a/b is the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b;

Context: I am teaching this lesson so my students will reach the SC third grade standards. The
previous lesson included taking a whole and dividing it into parts. For example, 7/7, 8/8 and
relating it to a number line. The students will know basic fraction terminology. For example, the
terms what is a fraction, denominator, numerator, etc. The next lesson will be comparing
fractions. I will be teaching equivalent fractions.
Data: In this lesson, students will be grouped based on their ability after taking a pre-assessment
the day before. The groups are based on data collected from a pre-test based on the same type of
problems. I will collect data from teacher observations in small groups, through the student
tracking sheet in small groups and the online activity will provide me with their positive
achievements. How will data be collected in this lesson for future groupings and teaching?
Materials: Colorful snap cubes (each child needs two different colors), domino tracking sheet,
Chromebook or iPad, and writing utensils.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes):
I thought that this would be a great way to increase student interest and to review what we
learned the day before. Students love hearing songs; they even sing along!
Teacher Directed (15 minutes):
Students who are in my group get to actually create a visual model of their fractions, and this
gives me the opportunity to observe 1-on-1 if the students understand the concept of part to
whole to create a fraction.
Collaborative (15 minutes):
The students will play a game with a partner and they will draw fractions using dominoes. The student is
going to draw a fraction out of a mystery bag, and there will be two numbers. Tell the students to put
the small number on top and the big number on the bottom, and that is their unit fraction. Then
students will record their fractions on their tracking sheets. After finding out their fractions, the student
and their partner will compare fractions and determine whose fraction is bigger. Whoever has the
bigger fraction wins the “Fraction War,” and the student will play the game until time is up.

Independent Digital (15-minutes):

The students will individually watch “Introduction to Fractions” video on YouTube. The video will already
be pulled up on the students tablets at that station. Students will create their own examples and write a
reflection on what they learned

Link: https://youtu.be/bFosWzDPALg

Closure (5 minutes):
Students will complete a 5 question exit slip after the lesson, to insure that I am able to
move onto the next concept tomorrow.

(Multimedia 1= Song during Intro): The kids love learning through song and the song
reviewed some of the material from the lesson before during this song. This song
supports my objectives because it covers what I wanted to achieve coming into this
lesson. This song was recommended by an old math teacher of mine, whom I admired.
The music song by Number Rock is specifically made for elementary school teachers.
They have been nominated for multiple Emmys, and it is great for piquing student
interest. After watching the video in its entirety, it matched the SC third grade standards,
and it is appropriate for the age level. If students are interested, then they will have a
higher motivation to learn. They will have more motivation to do the activity. The
presentation design is very easy to follow without too much stimulation, I will also be
able to use it in the future for review. On the video, I can use the closed-caption button so
the students can sing along.
(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.): Some
students will benefit by hearing the information from another teacher. The students are
getting the same information, just hearing it in a different way. The group is made up of
two teachers whose goal is to make math enjoyable and to give students the tools they
need to succeed. The math antics provides appropriate content that meet my objectives
for me to provide to my third-grade students. The video reviews some information of
parts of a set and some vocabulary, but it also goes into an into to number lines. I really
like that my students can go back and review this video at home if they have any
questions and I can’t be there to help them. This will be good for this unit, but a different
video will be needed for different objectives. The concepts in the video cover the third
grade standard. Students are able to re watch the video multiple times.

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