Handout 10-31-13
Handout 10-31-13
Handout 10-31-13
Mellon Teaching and Learning Institute Workshop on Creating More Culturally Responsive Classrooms
ene!its Brings more diversity to the conversation. Class and instructor get to know one another better.
"raw#acks Putting students on the spot. Shutting down the talkative students. Lack of understanding about why students aren t participating.
&ives student insight into why the final product may be useful. Chance for modification.
'nitial class meetings where students and prof may not know each other.
&ives students an opportunity to share who they are and where they come from. Also gives the prof an opportunity to show they are human too.
(iffering boundaries for students and profs may make sharing personal info a challenge. 't could also be used against prof later.
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