Handout 10-31-13 2
Handout 10-31-13 2
Handout 10-31-13 2
A Report and Recommendations Based on Initial Efforts Supported by the Teaching and Learning Initiative to a!e Bryn awr and "averford College Classrooms ore Responsive to #iverse Students
Submitted by Alison Coo!$Sather Coordinator% Teaching and Learning Initiative September &''(
Contents of the Report )* Introduction+ Striving to a!e ,ur Ideals ore Real .....3-4
&* A #escription of -Toward Culturally Responsive Classrooms./ and a Brief #iscussion of -Culture......4-6 0* 1aculty embers2 E3periences of 4or!ing Toward ore Culturally Responsive Classrooms ..6 a. Getting Inside Students Heads................6-7 b. Engaging in Dialogue about Whats in Thei !"n Heads ..........7-# 5* Identifying Culturally Responsive 6ractices ......#-$ Being e3plicit about aspects of pedagogical practices and classroom interactions that tend to remain implicit or assumed a. %a&ing Stan'e and (edagogi'al )ationale E*+li'it .............$-1, b. %a&ing E*+e'tations -Students and .a'ult/ %e0be s1 E*+li'it..........11-14 Attending to the more human or interactive aspects of the classroom7the !inds of relationships you build while wor!ing through the sub8ect matter of the course '. Getting to 2no" Students ...........14-13 d. Sha ing 4ou !"n E*+e ien'es .......13 ultiplying the literal and conceptual spaces provided within a class and how they are filled e. ( o5iding 6a ious .o u0s 7o (a ti'i+ation....16-17 7. 8sing %ulti+le9 In'lusi5e E*a0+les and Illust ations ........17-1# Considering issues of silence and advocacy7with who spea!s with and to whom% why% and how g. :onside ing the )ole o7 Silen'e......1$-;1 h. <eing =llies and =d5o'ates.........;;-;3
9* Student Consultants2 E3periences of 4or!ing Toward ore Culturally Responsive Classrooms..;3 a. Gaining (e s+e'ti5e on !the s E*+e ien'es ..........;3-;4 b. Engaging in Dee+e : iti'al Thin&ing about Tea'hing9 >ea ning9 and :ultu e..;4-;3 '. E*+e ien'ing In' eased :o07o t and :on7iden'e as Students .......;3-;6 d. De5elo+ing a Sense o7 E0+o"e 0ent.........;6-;7 6. Conclusion .......;7 a. <e'o0ing %o e :ons'ious and Delibe ate... ....;7 b. )e'o00endations Su00a i?ed. ..;7-3,
7. References ...............31-3;
Introduction+ Striving to a!e ,ur Ideals ore Real < /n %a" :ollege is 'o00itted to ' eating a 'o00unit/ o7 eBuals9 and "e de'la e + o7esso s and students in the 'o00unit/ to be 'olleagues. While "e 0a/ e0b a'e and st i5e 7o these ideals9 students do not al"a/s e*+e ien'e su'h eBualit/ and 'ollegialit/ in 'lass oo0s at the :ollege. So0e students att ibute this dis' e+an'/ bet"een ideals and ealit/ to the o7ten silen'ed but nonetheless ubiBuitous ineBuities that e*ist a' oss lines o7 a'e9 'lass9 ethni'it/9 and 'ultu eC at < /n %a" and Ha5e 7o d :olleges and in the la ge "o ldD
= lot o7 the students and 7a'ult/ dont unde stand the t ansition that inne 'it/ students o7 'olo ha5e to 7a'e "hen the/ etu n ba'& ho0e and "hen the/ ente Ebi-'oF s+a'es. The students ha5e to 'hange a huge as+e't o7 thei identit/9 and du ing the t ansition the/ 7ind the0sel5es Buestioning "ho the/ a e9 in elation to both s+a'es. So0e 'o0e to the 'on'lusion that the/ a e li5ing to the e*+e'tations o7 the !the . This o7 'ou se 'auses 'on7li't bet"een the students o7 'olo 9 and "ithin the students o7 'olo the e is also a di5ision. This di5ision is also silen'ed b/ the "hite s+a'e that students o7 'olo a e +a t o7 Ein the bi-'oF. It is silen'ed9 be'ause the one thing that as students o7 'olo "e all unde stand is9 no 0atte "hat ou so'ioe'ono0i' 'lass is and "he e "e a e 7 o09 the e is a g eate outside 7o 'e that "e ha5e to deal "ith and thats the "hite s+a'e. -S31 1
This students e7le'tions go di e'tl/ to the hea t o7 the 'hallenge o7 ' eating 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s. =s long as students e*+e ien'e the &ind o7 silen'ing and othe ing this student des' ibes9 "e ha5e signi7i'ant "o & to do be7o e "e ha5e su''eeded in ' eating a 'o00unit/ o7 eBuals. ="a e o7 the ga+ bet"een ou as+i ations and so0e o7 "hat ha++ens in +eo+les dail/ li5es at < /n %a" and Ha5e 7o d9 and in 0/ ne" ole as :oo dinato o7 the Tea'hing and >ea ning Initiati5e9 in .all ;,,6 I had se5e al 'on5e sations "ith g ou+s o7 non-0ainst ea0 students in "hi'h I hea d about the 'on'e ns these students ha5eC'on'e ns sha ed b/ 7a'ult/ and ad0inist ato 'olleaguesC ega ding the deg ee to "hi'h ou 'lass oo0s a e es+onsi5e to di5e se students. In es+onse to students sto ies o7 so0e o7 the st uggles the/ 7a'e as "ell as to 0/ 7a'ult/ 'olleagues eBuests to su++o t thei e77o ts to 0a&e thei 'lass oo0s 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se lea ne s9 I ' eated in S+ ing ;,,7 a + oGe't 'alled To"a d :ultu all/ )es+onsi5e :lass oo0s -T:):1 unde the aus+i'es o7 the Tea'hing and >ea ning Initiati5e.; In this e+o t I des' ibe T:): and o77e a sho t dis'ussion o7 the 'on'e+t at its 'ente C@'ultu e.A I then + esent a b ie7 o5e 5ie" o7 the 7i5e 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e*+e ien'esCs+e'i7i'all/9 o7 @getting inside students heads9A "ith the hel+ o7 student 'onsultants9 in "a/s the/ 7elt + e5iousl/ unable to do9 and in tu n ha5ing the o++o tunit/ to + o'ess in an ongoing "a/ "hat goes on in thei o"n heads. The 0aGo it/ o7 the e+o t 7o'uses on the lessons lea ned th ough T:): about ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s and a set o7 e'o00endations 7o "o &ing to"a d ' eating 0o e su'h 'lass oo0s at < /n %a" and Ha5e 7o d. I then + esent student 'onsultants
Th oughout this dis'ussion9 I identi7/ 7a'ult/ 0e0be s and student 'onsultants onl/ b/ lette -@.A 7o 7a'ult/ and @SA 7o student 'onsultant1. The nu0be s a7te the lette s si0+l/ indi'ate the o de in "hi'h I inte 5ie"ed +a ti'i+ants. 2 Su++o ted b/ a g ant 7 o0 The =nd e" W. %ellon .oundation9 T:): is +a t o7 a set o7 + oGe'ts that agg egate unde the u0b ella o7 Students as >ea ne s and Tea'he s "ithin the Tea'hing and >ea ning Initiati5e. =ll the + oGe'ts unde Students as >ea ne s and Tea'he s +osition students as 'onsultants to 7a'ult/ 0e0be s inte ested in engaging in 'onst u'ti5e dialogue about tea'hing and lea ning in < /n %a" :ollege 'lass oo0s.
e*+e ien'es o7 +a ti'i+ating in T:):9 "hi'h illu0inate not onl/ the "a/s these students hel+ 'ont ibute to ou unde standing o7 ho" 'lass oo0s at < /n %a" :ollege 0ight be 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e but also the "a/s in "hi'h +a ti'i+ating in a + oGe't li&e this 'an enhan'e and dee+en students o5e all edu'ational e*+e ien'e at the :ollege. I 'on'lude b/ etu ning to the dis'ussion o7 'ultu e and "hat the i0+li'ations a e 7o 'a0+us 'ultu e 'hange. A #escription of -Toward Culturally Responsive Classrooms./and a #iscussion of Culture With so0e slight 5a iations de+ending on 7a'ult/ 0e0be s and students situations9 the a++ oa'h "e too& "ith T:): "as the 7ollo"ing. I assigned to ea'h 7a'ult/ 0e0be a 'onsultant "ho "as a student o7 'olo and "ho "as eithe e'o00ended b/ a + o7esso o "ho 'onta'ted 0e e*+ essing an inte est in "o &ing on + oGe'ts th ough the Tea'hing and >ea ning Initiati5e. In the 'onte*t o7 "o &ing to ' eate 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s9 and "ith the 'on'u en'e o7 a 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+e ien'ed in add essing 0ulti'ultu al issues9 the EBual !++o tunit/ !77i'e at the :ollege9 and the non-0ainst ea0 students "ith "ho0 I 'on7e ed about thei e*+e ien'es9 I de'ided that 'onsultants needed to be students o7 'olo . =s an integ al +a t o7 this + oGe't I "anted to 'ounte the t/+i'al e*+e ien'e that non-White students ha5e o7 being @0ade to see the0sel5es as the Ha'ted u+on o the obGe'ts in edu'ationA -=sante9 1$$19 +. 1711. (ositioning students o7 'olo as a'ti5e agents in this + oGe't ensu ed not onl/ that these non"hite students "e e 'onsulted -Iieto9 1$$41 but also that thei &no"ledge and +e s+e'ti5es "e e autho i?ed -:oo&-Sathe 9 ;,,;1Cthat athe than obGe'ts o7 'on'e n the/ "e e subGe'ts and a'to s in the + oGe't o7 "o &ing to ' eate 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s. =s "ith the othe + oGe'ts th ough Students as >ea ne s and Tea'he s9 ea'h student 'onsultant 0et "ith the 7a'ult/ 0e0be "ith "ho0 she "as +ai ed to lea n e*a'tl/ "hat the 7a'ult/ 0e0be "anted to 7o'us on "ithin his o he 'lass and "ithin the la ge 7 a0e o7 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e +edagogi'al a++ oa'hes. Then9 she sat in on the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'lasses 7o the du ation o7 the 'ou se9 too& obse 5ation notes and so0eti0es inte 5ie"ed students en olled in the 'ou se9 0et egula l/ "ith the 7a'ult/ 0e0be to dis'uss "hat she obse 5ed and hea d and "hat sense to 0a&e o7 it9 and 0et "ee&l/ "ith 0e and the othe student 'onsultants +a ti'i+ating in the +ilot to dis'uss 'o00on the0es and issues. We also had se5e al 0eetings o7 7a'ult/ +a ti'i+ants9 "ho issued 7 o0 all th ee di5isions at the :ollege9 to dis'uss 'o00on the0es and issues. Th ee 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e0ba &ed on T:): on the 7i st da/ o7 the S+ ing-;,,7 se0este 9 and b/ 0id-.eb ua /9 7i5e 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "e e in5ol5ed. .a'ult/ 'hose to +a ti'i+ate 7o both indi5idual and de+a t0ental easons. =s one 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+lainsD @I "as 'on'e ned about "hethe o not I a0 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e in 0/ tea'hingA -.11. =nd as anothe +ut itD @I5e been "o ied9 and 0/ de+a t0ent has been "o ied9 about 0ino it/ students in the 'lass oo0Cand b/ that I 0ean s0all g ou+s ho"e5e /ou "ant to 'ut itCstudents o7 'olo in a 'ou se that is 0ostl/ not9 a gu/ in a 'ou se o7 "o0enA -.;1. These e*+ essions o7 inte est i00ediatel/ highlight the Buestion o7 "hat "e 0ean b/ @'ultu e9A "hi'h bea s atte0+ting to 0a&e e*+li'it. The e a e 0an/ 7o 0al de7initions o7 @'ultu e9A 7ou o7 "hi'h ha5e di e't bea ing on the + esent dis'ussionD -11 the totalit/ o7 so'iall/ t ans0itted beha5io +atte ns9 a ts9 belie7s9 institutions9 and all othe + odu'ts o7 hu0an "o & and thoughtJ -;1 intelle'tual and a tisti' a'ti5it/ and the "o &s + odu'ed b/ itJ -31 de5elo+0ent o7 the intelle't th ough t aining o edu'ationJ and -41 a high deg ee o7 taste and e7ine0ent 7o 0ed b/ aestheti' and intelle'tual t aining. -=ll de7initions 7 o0 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition.1 :ultu e9 then9 is about 'ulti5ation9 as its oot i0+lies9 and about the +assing on o7 "hat is 'ulti5ated. The e a e tensions in the de7initions bet"een 7i*edness and 7o 0ation9 bet"een "hat is established and "hat is e5ol5ing. In the eal0 o7 edu'ation as else"he e9 the e is o7ten a
tension bet"een9 on the one hand9 the 'o00it0ent to 'ulti5ating and +assing on the + odu'ts o7 hu0an "o & and thought that belong to a +a ti'ula subset o7 a +o+ulationCthe do0inant oneC and9 on the othe hand9 es+e't 7o 9 attention to9 and +assing on o7 the 'ultu e-s1 o7 the "ide 5a iet/ o7 o igins 7 o0 "hi'h students issue. .inall/9 the e a e tensions in di77e ent de7initions o7 'ultu e bet"een "hat is 'onside ed desi able and "hat is 'onside ed disad5antageousCbet"een 'ultu e as a esou 'e and bene7it and 'ultu e as a disabilit/ o de7i'it. These basi' de7initions and tensions e5ealed the0sel5es "ithin T:): as bet"een the notion o7 being @'ultu edAC'ulti5ated9 enlightened9 and e7inedCa state a'Bui ed b/ intelle'tual and aestheti' t aining -Websters International9 ;nd edition9 unab idged1Cand having 'ultu e as e*+e ien'ed b/ indi5iduals and g ou+s o7 students. The 7o 0e 5a iation o7 'ultu e -being 'ultu ed1 highlights a +a ti'ula + o'ess o7 e7ine0entCa 0o5e0ent to"a d a +a ti'ula state o7 de5elo+0entCbut th o"s into elie7 as "ell the 7i*edness o7 that desi ed stateD a 'ultu ed +e son has a +a ti'ula @st u'tu ed 'ultu al elationshi+9A as one 7a'ult/ 0e0be +ut it9 to a +a ti'ula &ind o7 &no"ledge -.41. The e "as so0e disag ee0ent a0ong the student 'onsultants as to "hethe being 'ultu ed in this "a/ "as elitist o Gust @the edu'ated idealA -Dis'ussion a0ong Student :onsultants9 ;K16K,71. This 5a iation o7 @'ultu eA "e 7ound to be in 0a &ed 'ont ast to the @'ultu eA 0an/ non-0ainst ea0 students asso'iate "ith thei o"n identitiesCthe histo i'al9 so'ial sel5es the/ inhabit. These 'ultu es a e sets o7 +a ti'ula 5alues9 attitude9 and + a'ti'es that 'ha a'te i?e g ou+s that ha5e been designated di77e ent &inds o7 status in the 8nited States. In the 7o'us g ou+ dis'ussions in .all ;,,69 non-0ainst ea0 students sha ed so0e o7 the e*+e ien'es the/ ha5e had in < /n %a" :ollege 'lass oo0s9 highlighting this 5a iation o7 'ultu eD
The/ loo& at 0e and the/ sa/9 @!h9 =sian gi l.A I5e de7initel/ had that ha++en in 'lass. =nd 0/ + o7esso " ote on 0/ +a+e D @Is English /ou se'ond languageLA I0 7i7th gene ation :hinese =0e i'an. I "as in a 'lass and "e "e e tal&ing about so0e theo / that a++lied di77e entl/ to +eo+le o7 'olo 9 and Ethe + o7esso F loo&ed at a gi l "ho ha++ens to be =sian but shes 7 o0 South =7 i'a9 and the + o7esso said to he 9 @What do /ou thin&LA =nd she said9 @I0 South =7 i'an.A I usuall/ dont 7eel 'o07o table s+ea&ing the "a/ I "ould s+ea& at ho0e o "ith 0/ 7 iends Gust be'ause I al"a/s 7eel that the es a stig0a atta'hed to it and also /ou a e +e +etuating ste eot/+es. I dont "ant +eo+le to atta'h that to 0/ g ou+ o7 7 iends and atta'h that to 0/ enti e a'e. I 7eel li&e +eo+le at < /n %a" tend to do that. ( o7esso s and students "ill as&9 @Well9 as a >atinaA and /ou e su++osed to s+ea& 7o the a'e9 /ou e su++osed to s+ea& 7o the +o+ulation. E5en be7o e I 'a0e9 +eo+le said to 0e9 @4ou &no" /ou onl/ got into < /n %a" be'ause /ou e a >atina.A I7 I "as doubting 0/sel7 be7o e9 /ou Gust 0ade it 1,,M 'lea that I a0 not "o th an/thing besides 0/ s&in 'olo and 0/ a'e that I 'he'& o77. =nd "hen I 'o0e he e9 do +eo+le Gust "onde 9 @!h9 is she Gust a + odu't o7 a77i 0ati5e a'tionLA = e the + o7esso s thin&ing that "a/L What a e thei +e 'e+tions o7 /ouL The/ loo& at 0/ na0e and sa/9 @!h9 shes ethni'.A So be7o e I e5en ste+ 7oot in the 'lass oo09 the/ ha5e notions o7 "hat I "ill be li&e.
The 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho +a ti'i+ated in T:): both e*+e'ted and "e e 'on7 onted "ith these de7initions9 tensions9 and student e*+e ien'es. .ou o7 the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho +a ti'i+ated "e e "hite and one identi7ied as 0i*ed he itage -"hite and >atina1. Sin'e @"hites
a e taught to thin& o7 thei li5es as 0o all/ neut al9 no 0ati5e9 and a5e age9 and also idealA -%'Intosh9 1$$,9 +. 3119 to Buestion thei +edagogi'al a++ oa'hes and to as& 7o 7eedba'& on the0 e+ esented an a"a eness on the +a t o7 these 7a'ult/ 0e0be s that @"hite 'ultu eis di77e ent 7 o0 othe s9 but it doesnt get na0ed as di77e ent. It gets na0ed as no 0alA ->ee9 ;,,49 +. 1411. Ha5ing students o7 'olo assu0e the ole o7 'onsultant "ould9 "e ho+ed9 'all that assu0ed no 0al'/ into Buestion9 as one 7a'ult/ 0e0be both desi ed and 7ea edD @The e "as so0ething slightl/ th eatening about ha5ing a student o7 'olo Eas a 'onsultantFD !n the one hand I 7elt that she had a 'e tain legiti0a'/ as an in7o 0ant9 but it also 0ade 0e 7eel 0o e e*+osedC that she "ould be able to see all the things that "e e + oble0sA -.11. Des+ite the th eat o7 being e5ealed as 'ultu all/ insensiti5e9 this sa0e 7a'ult/ 0e0be statedD @The e is a +e s+e'ti5e that onl/ she 'an + o5ide9 and it see0s to 0e an i0+o tant one. 4ou 'ould b ing e*+e ien'ed 0ulti'ultu al edu'ation +eo+le in and the/ "ouldnt see the sa0e thingsA -.11. I 'ondu'ted assess0ent inte 5ie"s "ith 7a'ult/ 0e0be s and student 'onsultants a7te thei +a ti'i+ation in the + oGe't. D a"ing on those inte 5ie"s9 I 7o'us in the ne*t se'tions on 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e*+e ien'es o7 thei +a ti'i+ation in T:):9 on the lessons lea ned about ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s that I ho+e "ill bene7it all 0e0be s o7 the 'o00unit/9 and on student 'onsultants e*+e ien'es in T:):. 1aculty embers2 E3periences of 4or!ing Toward ore Culturally Responsive Classrooms
!ne o7 the 0ost st i&ing the0es that e0e ged in 7a'ult/ 0e0be s dis'ussions o7 thei e*+e ien'es in :olleagues as >ea ne s and Tea'he s and Students as >ea ne s and Tea'he s in .all ;,,69 + io to the ad5ent o7 T:):9 "as that o7 +e s+e'ti5e gaining. =s I dis'ussed in 0/ e+o t on that 7i st se0este s + oGe'ts9 7a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about the +o"e o7 gaining +e s+e'ti5e on thei 'lass oo0 + a'ti'es as a esult o7 gaining a''ess to anothe +e sons +e s+e'ti5e on those + a'ti'es. .a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho +a ti'i+ated in T:): too& this one ste+ 7u the . <e'ause student 'onsultants s+ent the enti e se0este in the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'lass oo0s9 gaining +e s+e'ti5eCa++ ehending anothe angle o7 5isionCbe'a0e getting inside students headsCa'Bui ing an e0i' o inside +e s+e'ti5e on "hat "as ha++ening in 'lass oo0s as o77e ed b/ student 'onsultants. Gaining an e0i' +e s+e'ti5e on thei 'lass oo0s th ough dialogue "ith the student 'onsultants "as 'o0+le0ented 7o 7a'ult/ b/ the bene7it o7 ha5ing so0eone "ith "ho0 the/ 'ould tal& about "hat "as going on in thei o"n heads ega ding thei tea'hing. This a''ess and o++o tunit/ 7o e7le'tion9 as des' ibed belo"9 ' eated the 'onditions unde "hi'h 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'ould gain insights into and ta&e ste+s to"a d 0a&ing thei 'lass oo0s 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se students. :etting Inside Students "eads .a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about ho" T:): + o5ided the0 "ith a''ess to "hat is ha++ening in students 0inds and in thei e*+e ien'es that "ould not be a''essible othe "ise. !ne 7a'ult/ 0e0be des' ibed "hat she ho+ed to get out o7 this + oGe'tD
I "as ho+ing to get so0e s+e'i7i' 7eedba'& about beha5io s in the 'lass oo09 both 0ine and the students9 about ho" +eo+le "e e inte a'ting at that suble5el9 not "hen "e a e a'tuall/ ha5ing a 'on5e sation9 but "hat a e +eo+le doing "hen othe +eo+le a e tal&ing C "hen I a0 tal&ing9 "hen "e a e "o &ing in s0all g ou+s. -.;1
In e7le'ting on he "o & "ith this 7a'ult/ 0e0be 9 a student 'onsultant eite ated "hat the 7a'ult/ 0e0be des' ibed as he a'tual e*+e ien'eD
She said it "as 5e / hel+7ul to hea ho" students 7elt and 7o 0e to go ba'& to the0 as a neut al +e son. I "as loo&ing at things "e tal&ed about9 things she 0ight not ha5e thought o7. I thin& she eall/ li&ed the su 5e/s and the s+e'i7i' Buestions I as&ed students and to be able to hea 7 o0 the0 about s+e'i7i' things ha++ening in the 'lass. -S11
In he e7le'tions on the &inds o7 things she lea ned 7 o0 he +a ti'i+ation in T:):9 this sa0e 7a'ult/ 0e0be tal&ed about gaining a''ess to the student 'onsultants thoughts as "ell as to the thoughts o7 the students in he 'lassD
EI "as su + isedF that she "ould be "illing to tell 0e so 0u'h o7 "hat "as going on in he head "hen she listened and in the students heads about "a/s the/ 7elt that "e e not ationalC@It 0a&es 0e 'o07o table "hen /ou do this. This is un'o07o table 7o 0e o di77i'ult 7o 0e.A I thin& that that "as so0ething that I had not Buite ea'hed "ith students be7o e. -.;1
=nothe 7a'ult/ 0e0be also 'o00ented on ho" she 7elt that getting inside the student 'onsultants head ga5e he insight into "hat othe students "e e thin&ing and e*+e ien'ingD
Getting to hea he dail/ e*+e ien'e "as eall/ in7o 0ati5e be'ause she is not the onl/ one ha5ing these e*+e ien'es. EHe F ole "as a +o"e 7ul e0inde o7 ho" 0u'h students 'an tell /ou and ho" 0u'h it 0atte s "ho the/ a e 7 iends "ith and ho" the/ a e thin&ing o7 othe +eo+le in the 'lass. 4ou e tea'hing students9 not 'ontent. -.31
This sa0e 7a'ult/ 0e0be tal&ed about ho" 'on5e sations "ith he student 'onsultant ensu ed that she @thought about students in di77e ent "a/sA be'ause the student 'onsultant @"ould b ing u+ things about the0 and thei engage0ent and "hat the/ "e e thin&ingA -.31. She elabo ated on this +ointD
The e "e e a nu0be o7 ti0es "hen Ethe student 'onsultantF "as b inging +ositi5e obse 5ations that I also "ouldnt ne'essa il/ ha5e &no"nCthat so-and-so "as 7eeling +a ti'ula l/ inte ested and engaged b/ a to+i' o a tea'hing a++ oa'h that I "ouldnt ha5e ne'essa il/ thought about. I o7ten 7elt li&e9 !h9 I didnt see it that "a/9 and no" I doJ no" I ha5e that +e s+e'ti5e. -.31
These 7a'ult/ 0e0be s des' ibe ho" the/ gained a''ess to ho" students a e inte a'ting @at that suble5el9A ho" the/ gained +e s+e'ti5e on "hat students a e thin&ing9 and ho" the/ hea d9 in e*tended dialogue "ith student 'onsultants9 about "hat "as going on in students heads. Engaging in #ialogue about 4hat2s in Their ,wn "eads .a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about ho" ha5ing the o++o tunit/ to get inside students heads "as 'o0+le0ented b/ ha5ing ti0e and a 0i o to loo& at "hat ha++ens in thei o"n heads. So0e b ought this e*+e'tation to the + oGe'tD @I had the e*+e'tation that it "ould be g eat to tal& e*+li'itl/ about things that I "as Gust st uggling "ith in 0/ headA -.31. !the s dis'o5e ed this bene7it du ing the + oGe'tD
I enGo/ed ha5ing a 'olleague to thin& about tea'hing "ith. She had Buestions she "anted the ans"e s to that so0eti0es "e ent eall/ elated to "hat "as on the table 7o the 'lass Csu'h as ho" did I thin& about 'onst u'ting a 'lass 7 o0 the g ound u+. .o he it "as ba'&g oundJ 7o 0e it "as good to a ti'ulate it. >istening to he ea'tions 0ade 0e thin& #
about "hat I 0ight do in gene al "ith 7 a0ing "ith 'lass. That "as a0ong the une*+e'ted bene7its. Ha5ing that e*t a +e s+e'ti5e "as eall/ good 7o 0/ tea'hing. -.;1
The 7a'ult/ 0e0be abo5e e0+hasi?es ho" engaging in dialogue "ith the student 'onsultant hel+ed he e7le't on and 'la i7/ he e*isting ationale behind and 'hoi'es about tea'hing. !the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about ho" the dialogue 'hanged thei thin&ingD
EThe student 'onsultantF 'hanged 0/ thin&ing in + obabl/ hal7 a do?en instan'es. I "as al ead/ thin&ing along so0e o7 these lines9 but she also eall/ shi7ted 0/ thin&ing. -.41
>i&e the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho +a ti'i+ated in the Students as >ea ne s and Tea'he s + oGe'ts in .all ;,,69 onl/ in this 'ase as a esult o7 0o e e*tended dialogues "ith student 'onsultants 7o'used on ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s9 these 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 7elt the/ gained +e s+e'ti5e the/ 'ould not othe "ise ha5e had. <e'ause the dialogue "as e*tended and 0o e na o"l/ 7o'used9 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 7elt that the/ bette unde stood "hat students in thei 'lasses "e e e*+e ien'ing and thin&ing o5e ti0e and in 5a ious situations and 'ould the e7o e 0a&e +edagogi'al 'hoi'es that "e e 0o e es+onsi5e to the di5e se students in those 'lasses. Identifying Culturally Responsive 6ractices <elo" I list the insights into ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s that 7a'ult/ 0e0be s and student 'onsultants gained b/ "o &ing togethe th ough T:):. These insights a e not 0eant to be 7o 0ulas 7o ' eating the ideal 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0. )athe 9 the/ a e a sa0+ling o7 the insights gene ated th ough the +a ti'ula dialogues these 7i5e 7a'ult/ 0e0be s had "ith these 7i5e student 'onsultants and "ith one anothe . >i&e"ise9 the e'o00endations listed a7te the insights a e not intended to be one-ti0e9 su e-7i e st ategies. )athe 9 the/ a e 0eant as 7i st ste+s in a ne'essa il/ ongoing e77o t and dialogue eBui ed to ' eate 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s. The e a e t"o o gani?ing + in'i+les 7o this list. The 7i st 0ight best be des' ibed as 'h onologi'alD I list the insights in the o de it 0ight be 0ost use7ul 7o 7a'ult/ 0e0be s to unde ta&e the0. In othe "o ds9 I 0o5e th ough the set o7 insights and e'o00endations in the o de a 7a'ult/ 0e0be 0ight "ant to 'onside the0 as she o he is de5elo+ing and tea'hing a 'ou se. Within the 7 a0e + o5ided b/ that o gani?ing + in'i+le9 "hi'h onl/ goes so 7a sin'e 0an/ o7 these insights 0ight be a'ted on at an/ +oint in a 'ou se9 I +ai the insights and e'o00endations that 0ost di e'tl/ elate to one anothe 'on'e+tuall/. The 7i st +ai o7 insights and e'o00endations has to do "ith being e*+li'it about as+e'ts o7 +edagogi'al + a'ti'es and 'lass oo0 inte a'tions that tend to e0ain i0+li'it o assu0edD -11 -;1 %a&ing /ou stan'e and +edagogi'al ationale e*+li'it %a&ing e*+e'tations -+ o7esso s and students1 e*+li'it
The se'ond +ai o7 insights and e'o00endations has to do "ith the 0o e hu0an o inte a'ti5e as+e'ts o7 the 'lass oo0Cthe &inds o7 elationshi+s /ou build "hile "o &ing th ough the subGe't 0atte o7 the 'ou seD -31 -41 Getting to &no" students Sha ing /ou o"n e*+e ien'es
The thi d +ai o7 insights and e'o00endations has to do "ith 0ulti+l/ing the lite al and 'on'e+tual s+a'es + o5ided "ithin a 'lass and ho" the/ a e 7illedD -31 -61 ( o5iding 5a ious 7o u0s 7o +a ti'i+ation 8sing 0ulti+le9 in'lusi5e e*a0+les and illust ations
=nd the 7inal +ai o7 insights and e'o00endations has to do "ith silen'e and ad5o'a'/C"ith "ho s+ea&s "ith and to "ho09 "h/9 and ho"D -71 -#1 =nal/?ing the ole o7 silen'e in 'lass oo0s <eing allies and ad5o'ates
= the0e that su 7a'ed a' oss 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'o00ents "as that the/ 0a&e +a ti'ula 'hoi'es and engage in 'e tain st ategies 7o one +edagogi'al eason and no" eali?e that the e a e i0+li'ations o7 those 'hoi'es and st ategies 7o ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s. This the0e highlights an i0+o tant as+e't o7 de5elo+ing 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0sD that 0an/ +edagogi'al st ategies that a e good 7o all students a e +a ti'ula l/ i0+o tant 7o students 'o0ing 7 o0 di5e se ba'&g ounds and9 0o e s+e'i7i'all/9 'ultu al ba'&g ounds di77e ent 7 o0 those o7 the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho tea'h the0. ;)< a!ing =our Stance and 6edagogical Rationale E3plicit !ne o7 the ealities o7 the 'lass oo0 is that the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s stan'e and he easons 7o st u'tu ing and 'ondu'ting the 'lass the "a/ she does9 "hethe 0ade e*+li'it o le7t i0+li'it9 in7o 0 e5e /thing that ha++ens in that 'lass oo0. )athe than lea5ing students to t / to guess o lea n b/ t ial and e o "hat a + o7esso s stan'e and +edagogi'al ationale a e9 se5e al 7a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about the i0+o tan'e o7 0a&ing thei stan'es and ationales 'lea in o de to 'la i7/ thei +u +oses and goals 7o a 'lass. !ne 7a'ult/ 0e0be e5ealed the ga+ that 'an e*ist bet"een "hat a 7a'ult/ 0e0be thin&s she is doing and ho" students inte + et o ta&e u+ "hat the 7a'ult/ 0e0be doesD
I 'hose to do E'e tain thingsF 7o one eason and students ead the0 as di77e entl/ intentioned. E5en the 5e / s0all things9 "he e I 7eel li&e Id athe not 0eta'ognate "ith the students9 e5en the e the/ a e eading in things I do not intend. EThe student 'onsultantF tal&ed to the0 as a g ou+ +e iodi'all/ and then 'a0e ba'& to tal& to 0e9 and in so0e 'ases I had 'hosen o+tion =9 but it tu ned out o+tion < "ould ha5e been bette 9 but the/ "e e a7 aid o7 sa/ing an/thing. -.;1
This 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e7le'tion also e5eals the 7a't that9 "ithout the 'ollabo ation "ith the student 'onsultant9 she "ould not ha5e &no"n that she needed to 'la i7/ he ationale. She also tal&s about ho" ha5ing the student 'onsultant hel+ed to b idge that ga+ bet"een he +edagogi'al intentions and students inte + etationsD
The 7i st ti0e that Edis'onne'tF ha++ened9 it 7elt li&e Ethe student 'onsultantF "as ad5o'ating and listening9 and in tu n I "as listening. Students +e 'ei5e he as being so0e"hat neut al but also ad5o'ating. That the/ 7eel that the/ need an ad5o'ate is inte esting. <ut then9 a7te that 'on5e sation "ith he 9 the/ 7elt 'o07o table sto++ing in to 0/ o77i'e and stating "hat the/ didnt li&e. The/ didnt eali?e the/ 'ould a77e't 0/ tea'hing. I a0 +e 7e'tl/ ha++/ to listen and 'hange "hat I 'an o to sa/ ba'&9 @Io9 I 'ant and I ha5e a good eason.A I thin& Ethe student 'onsultantF ' a'&ed o+en that doo so the/ 1,
'ould "al& th ough and sa/ these things 0atte to the0. I "onde i7 it ga5e the0 0o e 'ont ol o7 thei o"n lea ning9 "hi'h is "hat "e eall/ "ant the0 to ha5e. -.;1
This 7a'ult/ 0e0be also highlights the elationshi+ bet"een being e*+li'itCth ough engaging in dialogue "ith studentsCand students being able to ta&e 0o e 'ont ol and es+onsibilit/ 7o thei o"n lea ning. Without the dialogue9 though9 the 7a'ult/ 0e0be is not li&el/ to gain a''ess to "hat the students thin& is going on o be able to hel+ the0 see that the/ 'an do so0ething about thatCo at least unde stand it bette . !77e ing a di77e ent angle on this sa0e issue9 anothe 7a'ult/ 0e0be saidD @EI lea ned that I need toF slo" do"n and stage things 0o e e*+li'itl/ than I al ead/ do. To e+eat the staging gestu es 0ulti+le ti0esA -.41. This 7a'ult/ 0e0be also highlights the ga+ that 'an e*ist bet"een "hat 0ight see0 ob5ious to a 7a'ult/ 0e0be ega ding his stan'e and +edagogi'al ationale and "hat students +e 'ei5e and e*+e ien'e. )e+etition o7 ones intentions hel+ b idge that ga+. = thi d 7a'ult/ 0e0be 7o'uses 0o e on stan'e as it in7o 0s +edagogi'al ationale "hen she des' ibes ho" "o &ing "ith a student 'onsultant 0ade he eali?e that she needed to 0a&e he biases 0o e e*+li'it9 athe than t /ing to obs'u e o hide the0D
!ne thing I thought about is being 'lea and e*+li'it about so0e as+e'ts o7 0/ +edagog/ that I thin& that I ha5e been a little bit 7u ti5e about 'o0ing out o7 the old 7 a0e"o & o7 dont +ut /ou biases on the table9 dont al"a/s + i5ilege the +e s+e'ti5e o7 students o7 'olo . So I thin& that +edagogi'all/ its 0ade 0e 7eel 0o e li&e its eall/ !2 and eall/ a good thing to thin& 5e / e*+li'itl/ about "he e +eo+le a e beginning and "he e I "ant us to go. It doesnt 0ean that I a0 going to 'ont ol ho" "e get the e o the +a'e o an/thing9 but its a good thing to be 'lea 9 its a good thing to 'on7 ont "he e +eo+le a e ente ing and e*iting these 'on5e sations. <ut I hadnt Buite a ti'ulated to 0/sel7 that it is +a t o7 0/ +edagogi'al es+onsibilit/ to hel+ +eo+le "he e5e the/ a e sta ting9 to hel+ the0 "o & th ough to a +oint that I a0 Gudging as a so'ial Gusti'e +osition. EThe student 'onsultantsF 7eedba'& all along eall/ 0ade 0e thin& di77e entl/ about thisIo" I thin&9 @Io9 "hate5e I a0 tea'hing9 I need to be e*+li'it and o"n 0/ agenda.A -.31
=ll th ee o7 these 7a'ult/ 0e0be s shed light on ho" the ga+ bet"een 7a'ult/ stan'e and ationale9 "hi'h o7ten e0ain not onl/ i0+li'it but un'ons'ious9 need to be 0ade 'ons'ious and e*+li'it in o de to edu'e the need 7o students to se'ond guess o s+end thei ene g/ na5igating un0a &ed te ainCa +a ti'ula 'hallenge 7o students "ho 'o0e 7 o0 'ultu al ba'&g ounds di77e ent 7 o0 that o7 thei + o7esso . Recommendations for Being E3plicit about Stance and 6edagogical Rationale
State e*+li'itl/ and e+eatedl/ the eason "h/ /ou a e doing so0ething o as&ing students to do so0ething. <e 'lea about but not i0+ositional "ith /ou o"n biases and 'o00it0ents. The/ in7o 0 /ou + a'ti'e ega dless o7 "hethe /ou na0e the0 o not9 so na0ing the0 0a&es 7o a 0o e genuine dialogue.
a!e E3pectations E3plicit >i&e stan'e and +edagogi'al ationale9 e*+e'tations 'an e0ain i0+li'it and 'an hinde students and 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e*+e ien'es o7 a 'ou se. E*+e'tations that in7o 0 an/ 'ou se in'lude the e*+e'tations that students ha5e o7 the 'ou se and the e*+e'tations the/ ha5e 7o "hat the + o7esso e*+e'ts 7 o0 the0. The/ also in'lude the "o & that the + o7esso e*+e'ts the students to + odu'e and "hat the + o7esso thin&s the students e*+e't 7 o0 the 'ou se. Su'h a 'o0+le* "eb o7 e*+e'tationsCe5en 0o e 'o0+le* "hen students 'a / 'ultu al assu0+tions and e*+e'tations di77e ent 7 o0 7a'ult/ 0e0be sCneeds to be untangled to the e*tent +ossible 7o both 7a'ult/ and students to ha5e the 0ost e"a ding e*+e ien'e o7 the 'lass. tudents E!"ectations Student 'onsultants 7ound that the ange o7 e*+e'tations that students b ing to a 'lass has a +o"e 7ul e77e't on ho" the/ +a ti'i+ate in a 'lass and that a''ess to those e*+e'tations a77o ds + o7esso s insights the/ a el/ ha5e. #egarding the $lass !ne set o7 e*+e'tations it is hel+7ul to unde stand has to do "ith "h/ students a e ta&ing a 'lass. = student 'onsultant e*+lains ho" she and the + o7esso "ith "ho0 she "o &ed de'ided that it "as i0+o tant to t / to a''ess student e*+e'tations 7o ta&ing the + o7esso s 'ou seD
Togethe Ethe + o7esso and IF sat do"n to tal& about "hat Ethe to+i' o7 the 'ou seF tends to 0ean to +eo+le9 s+e'i7i'all/ unde g aduates students stud/ing this 'ontent. =nd this began a dis'ussion about studentsN +u +ose-s1 in ta&ing a 'ou se. = e the/ the e be'ause the/ lo5e Ethe 'ontentF o a e the/ the e to 7ul7ill a gene al eBui e0ent o is it 0ate ial that belie5e -o ha5e been told1 that the/ need to be @'ultu edAL <e'ause this is an i0+o tant Buestion 7o 0an/ easons9 its a g eat sta ting +oint 7o gauging student ent / o7 unde standing o7 and e*+e'tations 7o the 'lass. I7 students belie5e that the/ a e 'o0ing into a 'ou se that is su++osed to 'o5e a s+e'i7i' te*t and ha5e s+e'i7i' inte + etations then it "ill di e'tl/ a77e't a tea'he "ho is atte0+ting to e- oute one t aditional lea ning t aGe'to / o7 the said 0ate ial. Gi5en all this9 Ethe + o7esso F suggested that ne*t "ee& I ta&e the last 1, 0inutes o7 'lass and as& the students Gust "h/ the/ a e ta&ing the 'ou se. What a e thei e*+e'tationsL Whe e a e the/ 'o0ing 7 o0 in light o7 the 'ou se 0ate ialL What the/ suggest 'an be 0ost 'ondu'i5e to both the tea'hing and lea ningLA -S31
Recommendation for a!ing E3plicit Student E3pectations Regarding the Class =t the beginning o7 the se0este 9 ideall/ the 7i st o se'ond 'lass 0eeting9 dist ibute inde* 'a ds to students and as& the0 to ta&e a 7e" 0inutes and " ite do"n "h/ the/ a e ta&ing the 'lass and "hat the/ ho+e to get out o7 it. Tell the0 /ou "ill 'olle't these. Ha5e a 'on5e sation "ith students a7te the/ ha5e " itten on thei 'a ds. =lso9 ta&e the 'a ds a"a/ and ead the0 and9 i7 it see0s a++ o+ iate9 sha e the student state0ents in gene i' 7o 0 -i.e.9 not "ith na0es o an/ othe identi7/ing in7o 0ation1 so that e5e /one &no"s the ange o7 easons "h/ +eo+le a e in the 'lass.
#egarding Disci"linary A""roaches =nothe set o7 student e*+e'tations has to do "ith dis'i+lina / a++ oa'hes to a to+i'. So0e students e*+e't that "ithin lite a / stud/9 7o instan'e9 the e is a single 'o e't inte + etation o7 a te*t. = student 'onsultant e*+lains he sense o7 this e*+e'tation 7 o0 ha5ing s+o&en "ith students in the 'lass9 and she 'ont asts that e*+e'tation "ith that o7 the + o7esso D @= lot o7 Ethe studentsF a e 'o0ing in ha5ing a s+e'i7i' "a/ that the/ a e e*+e'ting o7 inte + eting the language and ho" its su++osed to be ead ho" its su++osed to sound and "hat its su++osed to 0ean. EThe + o7esso sF e*+e'tation is that Ea te*tF has 0ulti+le eadingsA -S31. Des' ibing ho" she 'on5e/ed this dis' e+an'/ o7 e*+e'tations to the + o7esso 9 the student 'onsultant sa/sD
I e*+lained9 @I thin& the students 7eel li&e /ou ha5e an agenda in a "a/9 that /ou "ant the0 to inte + et the te*t in a +a ti'ula "a/ o at a +a ti'ula le5el9A and she said9 @!h9 I 'ould see that.A So shes going to +ose a se ies o7 Buestions in elation to the +la/ the/ e "o &ing on no"9 li&e @What 0a&es this di77i'ult to eadL = e /ou e eadingL Do /ou 7eel li&e I0 +ushing /ou too 0u'h "ithout doing enough on /ou o"nLA -S31
Recommendation a!ing E3plicit Student E3pectations Regarding #isciplinary Approaches .ind o''asions -in 'lass1 and 7o u0s -e.g.9 s/llabus9 in 7 a0ing assign0ents1 to 0a&e e*+li'it -a1 gene al e*+e'tations ega ding dis'i+line-s+e'i7i' "a/s o7 thin&ing and " iting and -b1 /ou o"n +a ti'ula e*+e'tations ega ding these in a +a ti'ula 'ou se. =s& students 7o thei e*+e ien'es o7 and 7eedba'& on these. #egarding Assignments = thi d set o7 student e*+e'tations 7o a 'ou se has to do "ith "hat @'ountsA and ho" to +a ti'i+ate in the 7o u0s o77e ed. T"o 7a'ult/ 0e0be s des' ibed Gou nal + oGe'ts the/ "e e +ilotingD
EThe students a eF " iting about E'ou se 0ate ialFbut I0 not going to be g ading an/thing until the end9 and this "ill 7igu e into e*+anded de7inition o7 'lass +a ti'i+ation. =nd I0 not going to be " iting 7eedba'& on these Gou nals9 I "anted to &ee+ it Gust thei o"n 7eedba'& to ea'h othe . -.31 I5e gi5en the0 a bun'h o7 assign0ents that a e " iting assign0ents but the/ e not g aded9 and its d i5ing the0 ' a?/. I said9 @I0 t /ing to 0o5e it out o7 the eal0 o7 e5aluation and into the eal0 o79 its /ou intelle'tual tool9A and the/ 'ant stand it. The/ e +issed at 0e. The/ Gust "ant to &no" "hats an e77e'ti5e Gou naling thing to do-.41
In a g ou+ 0eeting o7 the student 'onsultants9 "e tal&ed about the i0+o tan'e o7 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 0a&ing 'lea thei e*+e'tations 7o 7o u0s su'h as Gou nals. The 7ollo"ing e*'hange a0ong t"o student 'onsultants 0a&es the i0+o tan'e o7 su'h 'la it/ a++a entD
S3D EThe + o7esso F sa/s9 @I "ant the0 to &no" that thei " iting is 7o thei thin&ing. I0 not as&ing the0 to " ite so that I &no" the/5e ead the te*t. I "ant to see thei thin&ing.A =nd I dont thin& the students a e used to that o be'ause the/ ha5ent gotten 13
7eedba'& /et the/ dont &no" "hat this 0eans and ho" it elates. S;D Does she + o5ide e*a0+les o7 ho" 7o 0e9 I "ould need to &no"9 'ould /ou Gust list ideas o does it ha5e to be st u'tu edL S3D Io9 its not st u'tu ed. S;D Do the students &no" thisL S3D 4eah9 its eall/ u+ to the student9 the/ 'an ta&e it "he e5e the/ "ant. =nd the students eall/ st uggle "ith that. The/ dont &no" "hat it 0eans.
Recommendation for a!ing E3plicit Student E3pectations Regarding Assignments With an/ 7o u0 7o +a ti'i+ation in the 'lass9 g aded o ung aded but +a ti'ula l/ g aded9 be e*+li'it u+ 7 ont -in s/llabus9 in int odu'ing the 'lass o an assign0ent1 about "hat /ou goals and e*+e'tations a e 7o the assign0ent and 'he'& in "ith students egula l/ about ho" the/ a e e*+e ien'ing the assign0ent9 "hat the/ a e getting out o7 it9 and "hat thei 7 ust ations "ith it a e. This &ind o7 ongoing dialogue ta&es ti0e9 but it is "o th it so that students 7eel 'lea about and engaged in the assign0ents. %rofessors E!"ectations .a'ult/ 0e0be s e*+e'tations also ha5e a +o"e 7ul e77e't on ho" 'lasses un7old. The sets o7 student e*+e'tations dis'ussed abo5eC ega ding the 'lass9 ega ding dis'i+lina / a++ oa'hes9 and ega ding assign0entsCa e e*+e'tations 7a'ult/ 0e0be s also b ing9 and "hen the/ a e le7t uns+o&en9 the/ a77e't students "hethe o not students a e able to dis'e n the0. =n additional e*+e'tation that 7a'ult/ 0e0be s b ing is that thei 'ou se needs to be the best it 'an be. !ne 7a'ult/ 0e0be tal&ed about e5ising that e*+e'tationD
!ne thing that 'hanged "as that I lost 0/ 7antasies o7 0a&ing the 'lass +e 7e't. Thats + obabl/ good. I eali?ed the i0+o tan'e o7 a ti'ulating "hat I a0 o77e ing students ea l/ and o7ten so that students 7o "ho0 it doesnt 7it 'an lea5e. The/ 'o0e 7o the 'lass be'ause it is a 0eaning7ul "a/ I a0 + esenting the 0ate ial. It "ont be +e 7e't 7o all students. <ut no" I a0 0o e 'on7ident about sti'&ing "ith "hat I ha5e +lanned9 about the 7a't that the e is a 'o e and 'ohe en'e that I a0 doing e5en in a 'lass I a0 tea'hing 7o the 7i st ti0e. This eali?ation is not in 'on7li't "ith listening to students but athe 'o0es as a esult o7 listening to the0 and being es+onsi5e. -.41
This 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e7le'tion suggests that the e'o00endations abo5e ega ding 0a&ing student e*+e'tations e*+li'it and 'lea a++l/ to 7a'ult/ 0e0be s as "ellJ ea'h o''asion ta&en to 'la i7/ student e*+e'tations 'an also be an o''asion to 'la i7/ 7a'ult/ e*+e'tations.
Recommendations for
embers2 E3pectations
When as&ing students to " ite do"n "h/ the/ a e ta&ing the 'lass and "hat the/ ho+e to get out o7 it9 ans"e those Buestions /ou sel7 and sha e the0 "ith the 'lass. :la i7/ and a ti'ulate 7o /ou sel7 -a1 gene al e*+e'tations ega ding dis'i+line-s+e'i7i' "a/s o7 thin&ing and " iting and -b1 /ou o"n +a ti'ula e*+e'tations ega ding these in a +a ti'ula 'ou se and 7ind o''asions -in 'lass1 and 7o u0s -e.g.9 s/llabus9 in 7 a0ing assign0ents1 to 0a&e those e*+li'it. With an/ 7o u0 7o +a ti'i+ation in the 'lass9 be e*+li'it u+ 7 ont -in s/llabus9 in int odu'ing the 'lass o an assign0ent1 about "hat /ou goals and e*+e'tations 7o the assign0ent a e and 'he'& in "ith students egula l/ about ho" the/ a e e*+e ien'ing the assign0ent9 "hat the/ a e getting out o7 it9 and "hat thei 7 ust ations "ith it a e. Then 0a&e 'hoi'es about ho" to 'la i7/ o 0odi7/ /ou e*+e'tations.
;0< :et to >now Students <eing e*+li'it about stan'e9 +edagogi'al ationale9 and e*+e'tations9 and hel+ing students 0a&e thei e*+e'tations e*+li'it9 'an ' eate a 'lass oo0 in "hi'h the g ound ules9 the + e0ises9 and the goals o7 e5e /one in5ol5ed a e 'lea . Within that 'lea e 7 a0e"o &9 a 'lass oo0 'an be'o0e 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e i7 7a'ult/ 0e0be s also thin& about and a e delibe ate in 7oste ing the &inds o7 elationshi+s the/ build "hile "o &ing th ough the subGe't 0atte o7 the 'ou se. Getting to &no" students9 es+e'iall/ in la ge 'lasses9 'an be a 'hallenge. <ut s'hola s a gue that 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e tea'hing uses @the 'ultu al 'ha a'te isti's9 e*+e ien'es9 and +e s+e'ti5es o7 ethni'all/ di5e se students as 'onduits 7o tea'hing the0 0o e e77e'ti5el/A -Ga/9 ;,,;9 +. 1,61. Ga/ suggests that9 @"hen a'ade0i' &no"ledge and s&ills a e situated "ithin the li5ed e*+e ien'es and 7 a0es o7 e7e en'e o7 students9 the/ a e 0o e +e sonall/ 0eaning7ul9 ha5e highe inte est a++eal9 and a e lea ned 0o e easil/ and tho oughl/A -+. 1,61. In o de to ena't a +edagog/ that @ es+e'ts and uses the ealit/9 histo /9 and +e s+e'ti5es o7 students as an integ al +a t o7 edu'ational + a'ti'eA ->adson-<illings9 1$$39 +. 16,19 one has to a''ess the e*+e ien'es and +e s+e'ti5es o7 students. Getting to &no" /ou students does not 0ean lea ning e5e /thing about the0. =s >ee -;,,41 e*+lainsD @4ou dont ha5e to 7ill /ou head "ith little details about "hat othe 'ultu al g ou+s eat and dan'e. 4ou need to loo& at /ou 'ultu e9 "hat /ou idea o7 no 0al is9 and eali?e that it is Buite li0ited and is in 7a't Gust e7le'ting a +a ti'ula e*+e ien'e. 4ou ha5e to eali?e that "hat /ou e'ogni?e as uni5e sal is9 Buite o7ten9 e*'lusiona /A -+. 1461. The idea is to o+en u+ s+a'e into "hi'h students 7eel in5ited to be and sha e the0sel5es. Wo &ing "ith a student 'onsultant + o0+ted one 7a'ult/ 0e0be to e5isit ho" she gene all/ t ies to lea n about he studentsD
So I "ish no" I had done "hat I ha5e done in so0e /ea s9 but I "as doing it 7o a di77e ent eason. I "ould ha5e the0 all 'o0e to tea in 0/ o77i'e. I did it in s0all g ou+s. I got lots o7 in7o 0ation out o7 the0 and "a/s I 'ould 'onne't to thei o"n e*+e ien'es. In this 'lass9 be'ause it "asnt 7 esh0en9 I didnt do it. I ho+ed the/ "ould 0eet 0e and &no" "ho I "as and the/ "ould 'o0e to 0/ o77i'e. He e I didnt thin& I needed to build 13
that +ie'e in. I eali?ed that "hat I then didnt ha5e "as a sense o7 the0 and thei 'ultu al 'onte*t9 and I the e7o e 'ouldnt d a" out 7 o0 the0 in 'lass. !ne o7 the things I do 7o a di77e ent eason I no" thin& I need to do to &ee+ the 'onte*t "ithin a 'ultu e o7 that 'lass. I need that sense o7 it. I as&ed the0 to " ite so0ething 7o 0e9 but thats not the sa0e as tal&ing to the0. I "ould do it +e sonall/ again. =nd "ith e5e / 'lass9 unless I al ead/ &no" the0. -.;1
Recommendation for :etting to >now Students .ind "a/s ea l/ in the se0este to get to &no" /ou students9 su'h a Buestionnai e o an inte est o e*+e ien'e su 5e/. Sou 'es 7o ideasD What 2ids :an Do. -;,,31. @.i st =s&9 Then >isten.A %a'<eath et al. -;,,31. $onsulting %u"ils& A Tool'it for Teachers
;5< Share =our ,wn E3periences The 7li+side o7 7inding out about students e*+e ien'es in o de to 'onne't those to the 'ontent o7 the 'lass is 7a'ult/ 0e0be s sha ing thei o"n e*+e ien'es "ith students. !ne student 'onsultant e*+lains ho" one o7 he + o7esso s does thisD
He sha es his e*+e ien'es. .o a tea'he to sha e an e*+e ien'e9 I 0ean9 he still holds autho it/9 but he sha ed an e*+e ien'e9 so hes gi5en us Eso0e o7 hi0sel7F. So its li&e "e e e*'hanging so0ething. -S31
.a'ult/ 0e0be s also tal&ed about ho" the/ sha e e*+e ien'esD
So0e o7 Ethe st ategies the student 'onsultant +ointed out to 0e that she thought "e e su''ess7ulF "e e things about sel7-dis'losu e9 nothing too inti0ate9 but 7o instan'e the e "as a Buestionnai e the students did9 and a student aised he hand and e*+ essed 'on'e n that she "as so high on the s'ale. =nd I said9 @Well9 its 7unn/ /ou should sa/ that be'ause I a0 e*a'tl/ at the sa0e +la'e.A =nd Ethe student 'onsultantF said9 @4ou didnt need to sa/ that9 but it so 0u'h o+ened u+ the idea that the e is no ight "a/ to be.A -.11
The +oint he e is not to e5eal + i5ate details about ones li7e9 "hi'h student 'onsultants and 7a'ult/ 0e0be s ali&e ag ee is not a++ o+ iate9 but athe to 0a&e the 'lass oo0 e*+e ien'e 0o e o7 a hu0an e*'hangeD to a'&no"ledge that 7a'ult/ as "ell as students a e +eo+le9 tooCand9 s+e'i7i'all/9 +eo+le "ith both sha ed and 5e / di77e ent e*+e ien'es.
Recommendation for Sharing =our ,wn E3periences :onside /ou o"n Hso'ial lo'ation in /ou thin&ing about "hat and ho" to sha e as+e'ts o7 /ou li7e. Think ahead of timebefore you begin teaching a particular classabout the kinds of things you feel are comfortable and appropriate to share with students within the context of exploring the subject matter of any given
course, and be aware as you move through the course of opportunities to share your own personal angles on or experiences of the subject. ;9< 6rovide ?arious 1orums for 6articipation The thi d +ai o7 insights and e'o00endations has to do "ith 0ulti+l/ing the lite al and 'on'e+tual s+a'es + o5ided "ithin a 'lass and ho" the/ a e 7illed. Student 'onsultants 'o00ented e+eatedl/ on the need 7o 5a ious 7o u0s 7o +a ti'i+ation that a e es+onsi5e to 5a ious student needs. S+e'i7i'all/9 the/ dis'ussed oo0 'on7igu ations and o++o tunities 7o students to sha e thei thoughts. Student 'onsultants and 7a'ult/ 0e0be s ali&e e0+hasi?ed the i0+o tan'e o7 all students 7eeling 'o07o table +a ti'i+ating. Within s0alle 'lasses9 se0ina s o dis'ussion-based 'ou ses9 se5e al student 'onsultants and 7a'ult/ 0e0be s tal&ed about the i0+o tan'e o7 the 'on7igu ation o7 the des&s.
In the beginning o7 the 'lass9 Ethe + o7esso F s+o&e about the 'i 'le9 the sha+e o7 the 'i 'le9 and she "as sa/ing9 @It see0s li&e too 0an/ +eo+le on the le7t do"n the e 0a/ not be able to see the othe +eo+le on the ight9 so lets 0o5e it 0o e 'i 'ula 9 so "e 'an all see "hos tal&ing.A I thought that eall/ added to the d/na0i' and 0a/be the 'o07o t o7 the students. -S41
This student 'onsultant highlights ho" s+atial 'on7igu ationsClite all/9 ho" the seats a e a angedCsha+es the &ind and Bualit/ o7 inte a'tions that 'an un7old "ithin a 'lass oo09 the 0odes o7 +a ti'i+ation that a e +ossible. .a'ult/ 0e0be s 'on7i 0 this asse tionD
The oo0 I0 in is int a'table9 and Ethe student 'onsultantF and I eall/ need hel+ sol5ing thatWe a e in a 'i 'le9 but the 'i 'le is eall/ big and students a e eall/ 7a a+a t 7 o0 one anothe 9 and to get 'lose togethe /ou ha5e to get long and s&inn/-.41 We ha5e an a"&"a d sha+e so the es a little bubble9 "hi'h 0eans that +eo+le 'ant see ight he e Ein the 'i 'leFand its +al+ableCthis little ' e" o7 7i5e o si* +eo+le 'ant see ea'h othe 9 and the/ 'ant 'onne't-.31
Thin&ing about the 'on7igu ation o7 the 'lass oo0 is +a ti'ula l/ i0+o tant 7o students 7 o0 'ultu al ba'&g ounds that 5alue 0o e inte a'ti5e lea ning st/les -Ga/9 ;,,;1. Student 'onsultants also tal& about ' eating o++o tunities 7o students to sha e thei thoughts "ith one anothe to 'la i7/ and dee+en thei o"n ideas9 to gain 'on7iden'e9 and to + e+a e 7o 'ont ibuting to a la ge 'lass dis'ussion. These o++o tunities a++l/ in 'lasses o7 an/ si?eCla ge le'tu e 'lasses as 0u'h as dis'ussion-based 'lasses and se0ina s. !ne student 'onsultant e*+lains that9 in + e+a ation 7o a la ge dis'ussion9 @EThe + o7esso F 0ade us tal& to the +e son ne*t to usA -S11. =nothe student 'onsultant sa/sD
EThe + o7esso F does a lot o7 g ou+ a'ti5ities9 so I 7eel li&e the es a s+a'e 7o students "ho 0a/ not 7eel 'o07o table aising thei hands in 7 ont o7 a huge 'lass oo0 to a'tuall/ ha5e one-on-one 'on5e sation and in a s0all g ou+. -S31
The unde l/ing + e0ise 'on5e/ed in these +oints is that students need to be 'o07o table and able to +a ti'i+ate "ithin 'lass9 and that su'h +a ti'i+ation needs to be 7a'ilitated and su++o ted th ough 5a ious 7o 0s and st u'tu es. S'hola s o7 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e tea'hing e0+hasi?e the i0+o tan'e o7 attention to these issues9 +a ti'ula l/ o7 engaging in "hat Ga/ -;,,;1 'alls 'ultu al 'ong uit/ in 'lass oo0 inst u'tion.
Recommendations for 6roviding ?arious 1orums for 6articipation Thin& about the natu e o7 +a ti'i+ation /ou "ant 7 o0 studentsClistening and ta&ing notes9 engaging in dis'ussion9 et'.Cand thin& about "hat di77e ent lea ning st/les9 'ultu al and othe "ise9 students b ing to /ou 'lass oo09 then 'on7igu e the oo0 in 5a ious "a/s at di77e ent ti0es so that it is 0ost 'ondu'i5e to ea'h o7 those 0odes and st/les. .o a'ti5e student +a ti'i+ation9 ' eate s0alle 9 st u'tu ed 7o u0sCtal&ing b ie7l/ "ith one othe studentJ " iting 7o a 0inute9 then sha ing "ith a +a tne 9 then sha ing "ith the la ge g ou+J et'.C"ithin "hi'h students 'an 'la i7/ and dee+en thei o"n ideas9 gain 'on7iden'e9 and + e+a e to 'ont ibute to la ge 'lass dis'ussion.
;@< Ase Inclusive E3amples !ne o7 the non-0ainst ea0 students "ho +a ti'i+ated in the 7o'us g ou+ dis'ussions in .all ;,,6 saidD
We a e at this libe al s'hool and /ou e*+e't that +eo+le a e going to ha5e si0ila thought + o'esses about 'e tain things. <ut in that 'lass e5e /one had di77e ent ta&es on it9 and Ethe + o7esso F "as a''e+ting o7 those di77e en'es and a++lied the0 to the 'lass oo0 and to ou essa/ to+i's9 and thats "hat I lo5ed about he .
Tuitt -;,,31 'ites !bidah in 'lai0ing that @in'lusi5e +edagog/ allo"s intelle'tual and ' iti'al s+a'es to e*ist "he ein students 0a/ 0a&e 0eaning and 7ind +o"e 7o the0sel5esA -+. ;4#1. The de5elo+0ent o7 intelle'tual and ' iti'al s+a'es into "hi'h non-0ainst ea0Cas "ell as 0ainst ea0Cstudents 'an ente is 7a'ilitated b/ the use o7 in'lusi5e e*a0+les. Student 'onsultants and 7a'ult/ ali&e +oint out that it hel+s students t e0endousl/ "hen 7a'ult/ 0e0be s in'lude e*a0+les that 'onne't to students o"n li5es and "hen 7a'ult/ dont 0a&e assu0+tions about sha ed e*+e ien'es a0ong thei students. !ne 7a'ult/ 0e0be des' ibes t"o instan'es "hen she 0ade assu0+tions and 'hoi'es that 5iolated both these + in'i+lesD
So0eti0es I assu0e a uni7o 0 o na o" 'ultu al 'onte*t. .o instan'e9 I do Ean a'ti5it/ that assu0es e'all o7 $K11F. I assu0ed e5e /one had seen it on T6. I assu0ed "e all ha5e this 'o00on e*+e ien'e9 but "hat about students "ho dont li5e in the 8nited StatesL =nothe 'atego / "as "hen I didnt thin& about Estudents di77e ent e*+e ien'es in elation to the @gene al +atte nAF. When I tu ned ba'& the 7i st set o7 Bui??es9 I tal&ed about gene al +atte ns o7 +e 7o 0an'e and e o s. EThe student 'onsultantF said9 @What about the +eo+le "ho didnt 7it in those +atte nsLA She +ointed out that I "as not eall/ thin&ing about the 0ino it/ in those situations. The ne*t ti0e I handed ba'& Bui??es I said less and + o5ided less 'onte*t and 7o'used on these a e the &inds o7 ans"e s I "as loo&ing 7o "ithout sa/ing he e is "hat lots o7 +eo+le did and didnt do. -.11 1#
= + o7esso des' ibes ho" she atte0+ts not onl/ to a5oid assu0ing sa0eness but also to 7ind and integ ate +oints o7 di77e en'e.
I tend to t / to +ut e5e /thing "e e going to tal& about in a 'onte*t and +ull 7 o0 0/ e*+e ien'e9 i7 I &no" so0e 7 o0 thei e*+e ien'es9 7 o0 "hats in the ne"s9 7 o0 histo /. I eall/ "ant it 7i 0l/ g ounded in the e5e / da/. I eali?e in doing that I auto0ati'all/ gi5e it 0u'h 0o e o7 a slant than I "ould i7 I Gust stu'& to the boo&. We tend to thin& o7 s'ien'e as Gust 7a'ts. In 7a't9 all the 7a'ts ha5e a 'onte*t. =nd so0eti0es I thin& its inte esting 7o us to &no" the easons "h/ +eo+le un'o5e ed +a ti'ula 7a'ts. I eali?e that the things I 'hoose be'o0e 5e / +e sonal and 7inding a "a/ to tal& that b ings students in. -.;1
T"o student 'onsultants des' ibe the bene7its "hen a 7a'ult/ 0e0be atte0+ts to 0a&e 'onne'tions to students li5es and does not assu0e sha ed e*+e ien'es a' oss studentsD
!ne 5e / good "a/ that a + o7esso 'an 0a&e he 'lass oo0 "el'o0ing to students 7 o0 di5e se ba'&g ounds is to d a" on analogies 7 o0 'o00on so'ial the0es9 es+e'iall/ "hen e*+laining 'o0+le* 'on'e+ts. = g eat e*a0+le o7 this "as Ethe + o7esso sF analog/ o7 a +a ent sitting bet"een Bua eling siblings to e*+lain ho" an ato0 0ight lo'ate itsel7 bet"een e+ulsi5e ends o7 a 0ole'ule the eb/ stabili?ing the 0ole'ule. =nalogies that deal "ith 7ood o 'o00on so'ial + a'ti'es su'h as sho++ing a e also Buite e77e'ti5e. -S11 EThe + o7esso F "as a0a?ing in ega ds to the at0os+he e she sets u+. She "ould also ensu e that en'o0+assed e5e /ones e*+e ien'e as best she 'ould. She "ould gi5e e*a0+les that "ould a++l/ to e5e /one on a di77e ent le5el. I7 the/ "e e eligious o "hate5e 9 she "ould al"a/s 0a&e it so e5e /one 'ould elate. The e "as onl/ one ti0e "he e she didnt. .o the 0ost +a t9 e5en little 'o00ents she "ould 0a&e9 she "ould ne5e assu0e e5e /one 'a0e 7 o0 the sa0e ba'&g ound. She ne5e assu0ed sa0eness. She ne5e said it a "a/ that "ould 0a&e /ou 7eel bad it /ou "e ent a +a t o7 the g ou+ she "as tal&ing about be'ause she "ould t / to in'lude /ou in anothe "a/. I had ne5e seen that be7o e O so0eone "ho "as al"a/s so 'ons'ious o7 ho" /ou a e 7 a0ing thingsIt "as so e7 eshing to be able to 'o0e in and ne5e 7eel li&e /ou a e an outside be'ause /ou dont 0at'h u+ "ith the 0ainst ea0. -S;1
Recommendations for Asing Inclusive E3amples =nal/?e the e*a0+les /ou use to illust ate 'on'e+ts o +oints and 'onside "hethe /ou a e 0a&ing assu0+tions about ba'&g ound &no"ledge and e*+e ien'es. <uilding on "hat /ou lea n 7 o0 getting to &no" students and "hat /ou a e 'o07o table sha ing 7 o0 /ou o"n e*+e ien'es9 gene ate a ange o7 e*a0+les that illust ate di77e ent 'on'e+ts o +oints and in'lude 0o e than one e*a0+le o illust ation in /ou dis'ussions.
;(< Consider the Role of Silence Silen'e 'an 0ean 0an/ things in 'lass oo0s. Silen'e 'an be +o"e 7ulCa "ithholding o7 assent9 a +oliti'al a't. Silen'e 'an 0ean that a 5oi'e is not s+ea&ing be'ause it is not "o th"hile o sa7e to s+ea&Cout o7 &no"ledge o7 ones inabilit/ in a +a ti'ula situation to t ans7o 0 silen'e into a'tion ->o de9 1$#41. It 'an also be an in7o 0ed 'hoi'e a7te atte0+ting to s+ea& and not being hea d. =n =7 i'an-=0e i'an 0ale des' ibes his +e 'e+tion o7 his o"n @5oi'eA and 5oi'es li&e his9 as "ell as 5oi'es unli&e hisD @HWe got sBuea&/ "heels and 7lat ti es.So0e s0ooth "hite "alls ollin thei "a/ ight to 'ollege9 gettin oil all the "a/. =nd then the est o7 us7lat ti esP <u0+in on do"n the oad9 0a&ing all so ts o7 ' ude noises. ( obabl/ 7all o77 eal soon an/"a/. =int "o th the g easeA -Sil5a9 ;,,19 +. $31. While the &ind o7 silen'e that 'an esult 7 o0 7ea 9 esistan'e9 o esignation should be o7 'on'e n9 silen'e 'an also be 7ull and esonantCthe silen'e that 7alls @at the end K o7 a night th ough "hi'h t"o +eo+le K ha5e tal&ed till da"nA -)i'h9 1$#41. )ega dless o7 ho" silen'e is inte + eted and add essed9 it is an essential 'onside ation in dis'ussions o7 5oi'e -:oo&-Sathe 9 ;,,69 +. 36$1. Student 'onsultants 'o00ent on the ole o7 silen'e in 'lass oo0s. !ne student 'onsultant +oints to a +ositi5e &ind o7 silen'eD
I "as 5e / +leased last "ee& "hen "e tal&ed about silen'e be'ause I had been thin&ing o7 the e77e't o7 silen'e ea lie 0/sel7. .o 0/ =nth o. 'lass9 "e ead a +ie'e that dealt "ith the use o7 silen'e and +auses in the 'ou t oo0 and the e77e'ts this had du ing ' osse*a0inations. This led 0e to obse 5e the +auses o la'& o7 in Ethe 'lass I a0 obse 5ingF. I noted one in'iden'e in +a ti'ula in "hi'h Ethe + o7esso F used the ga+ ti0e bet"een he Buestion and the 'lass es+onse e77e'ti5el/. She as&ed a Buestion and i00ediatel/ so0e o7 the usual hands +o++ed u+. Ho"e5e 9 the/ o77e ed not Buite ight ans"e s and instead o7 gi5ing the ans"e to the 'lass9 she "aited. I 'ounted about #3 se'onds o7 silen'e in "hi'h e5e /ones e/es so t o7 "ande ed a ound9 "aiting. !ne student9 "hose singula 5oi'e I ha5e onl/ hea d on'e be7o e in the 'lass9 aised he hand and then ans"e ed the Buestion 'o e'tl/. =t anothe instan'e9 "Kin the sa0e 'lass +e iod9 Ethe + o7esso F as&ed 7o a es+onse 7 o0 so0eone othe than those "ho had aised thei hands9 loo&ing +ointedl/ -but "a 0l/9 s0ilingl/1 at the 0iddle se'tion o7 the 'lass "hi'h I ha5e noted is usuall/ silent. =7te about 43 se'onds o7 ga+ ti0e9 Ethe + o7esso F in5ited one student 7 o0 this 0iddle se'tion to ans"e b/ sa/ing9 @I see /ou sha&ing /ou head9 HIo. What a e /ou thin&ingLA The student es+onded + o0+tl/ and 'o e'tl/. -S11
This &ind o7 silen'e9 o "hat is o7ten 'alled @"ait ti0eA in edu'ation9 gi5es students a 'han'e to thin&9 to 7o 0ulate a es+onseCa + o'ess that eBui es di77e ent a0ounts o7 ti0e 7o di77e ent students. <e/ond allo"ing silen'e b/ "aiting9 though9 this 7a'ult/ 0e0be in5ites into the silen'es students "ho dont o7ten s+ea&. The student 'onsultant Buoted abo5e9 and othe student 'onsultants as "ell9 dee0ed this &ind o7 silen'e in the 'lass oo0 + odu'ti5e9 i0+o tant to ' eating a sense o7 'o07o t a0ong students9 and too a e. =nothe &ind o7 + odu'ti5e silen'e that a student 'onsultant identi7ied has to do "ith ' eating designated silent ti0es 7o + o'essing "hat is ha++ening in the 'lassD
I a++ e'iate tal&ing to othe +eo+le and 7eeding o77 o7 thei ideas9 but so0eti0es I "ant ti0e to Gust " ite and thin& on 0/ o"n. =nd then 0a/be9 i7 I 'hoose to do so9 b ing it ba'& to the la ge g ou+J i7 not9 i7 I "ant to &ee+ it and 'ontinue to + o'ess it on 0/ o"n9 ;,
I "ant to ha5e that o++o tunit/...I Gust need to ta&e that ti0e and sit and thin& on 0/ o"n. =nd I dont see a lot o7 that. -S41
!the &inds o7 silen'e a e not so 'o07o table9 + odu'ti5e9 o desi able. =nothe student 'onsultant des' ibes the silen'e that su ounded he +a ti'i+ation in a di77i'ult 'lass dis'ussionD
>ast "ee& "e "e e tal&ing about add essing "hite + i5ilege inside an inne 'it/ 'lass oo0 and not a lot o7 students s+o&e. The e "e e onl/ t"o students s+ea&ing9 and one o7 the students "as 0e. I sha ed so0e o7 0/ e*+e ien'es in the 'lass9 but no one else "as "illing to s+ea&. I a0 not eall/ su e "h/ students didnt s+ea&. %a/be9 it "as dis'o07o t9 7ea 9 o la'& o7 inte est. Ho" does a + o7esso o tea'he deal "ith silen'e and di77e entiate bet"een the silen'esL I7 it "as dis'o07o t9 "ill this dis'o07o t sto+9 on'e "e begin " iting ou Gou nals to one anothe L ! is this Gust anothe "a/ to 0a&e +eo+le 7eel 0o e un'o07o table o silen'edL -S31
=t anothe +oint9 this student 'onsultant des' ibes the "a/ she sees silen'ing o''u ing "ithin and be/ond 'lass oo0s on ou 'a0+uses. This is the sa0e state0ent I used in the int odu'tion o7 this e+o t9 and I etu n to it he e 7o "hat it has to sa/ s+e'i7i'all/ about silen'eD
The inne 'it/ en5i on0ent is 'o0+letel/ di77e ent 7 o0 the Ebi-'oF s+a'e9 be'ause "hethe /ou a e "ealth/ o non-"ealth/ the e is a 'ode that e5e /one has to abide b/9 a 'ode that is also silen'ed. .o the 0ost +a t this 'ode is not unde stood b/ the students "ho li5e outside o7 inne 'it/ a eas and "ho a e outside o7 the 8nited States. = lot o7 the students and 7a'ult/ dont unde stand the t ansition that inne 'it/ students o7 'olo ha5e to 7a'e "hen the/ etu n ba'& ho0e and "hen the/ ente Ebi-'oF s+a'es. The students ha5e to 'hange a huge as+e't o7 thei identit/9 and du ing the t ansition the/ 7ind the0sel5es Buestioning "ho the/ a e9 in elation to both s+a'es. So0e 'o0e to the 'on'lusion that the/ a e li5ing to the e*+e'tations o7 the !the . This o7 'ou se 'auses 'on7li't bet"een the students o7 'olo 9 and "ithin the students o7 'olo the e is also a di5ision. This di5ision is also silen'ed b/ the "hite s+a'e that students o7 'olo a e +a t o7 Ein the bi-'oF. It is silen'ed9 be'ause the one thing that as students o7 'olo "e all unde stand is9 no 0atte "hat ou so'ioe'ono0i' 'lass is and "he e "e a e 7 o09 the e is a g eate outside 7o 'e that "e ha5e to deal "ith and thats the "hite s+a'e. -S31
>a'& o7 ' oss-'ultu al unde standing and a la gel/ i0+li'it 'ode o7 "ho 0a/ s+ea& "ithin the "hite-de7ined s+a'e o7 the bi-'o 0a&es ' eating 0o e in'lusi5e and es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s s+a'es a se ious 'hallenge. Student 'onsultants and 7a'ult/ dis'ussed se5e al st ategies 7o in5iting and su++o ting di5e se student +a ti'i+ation in 'lass. !ne 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+lained an insight she had gained into a st ateg/ she "asnt a"a e she usesD
EThe student 'onsultantF has gi5en 0e 7eedba'& on is things that I sa/ that she sees as +ositi5e that I dont &no" I0 sa/ing9 li&e9 @Does an/bod/ "ant to tal& "ho hasnt had a 'han'e to s+ea& /etLA It "as inte esting to 0e be'ause I didnt eali?e I "as sa/ing it that "a/ and she "as sa/ing9 @!h9 thats good be'ause that 0a&es +eo+le 7eel good be'ause its not that li&e the/ "e e Buiet and its bad9 its Gust that the/ ha5ent had an o++o tunit/ to s+ea& /et.A -.31
=n e*'e +t 7 o0 a dis'ussion a0ong the student 'onsultants and 0e o77e s anothe idea ega ding ho" to ' eate 'lass oo0 s+a'es that a e 0o e su++o ti5e both o7 di77e ent 5oi'es and
o7 silen'eD
S4D Well9 this is b idging ba'& to an e*+e ien'e I had Gunio /ea . I "ent to this se0este + og a0 Eat anothe 'ollegeF and "e used to " ite in Gou nals e5e / . ida/. The tea'he "ould ead an e*'e +t 7 o0 ou Gou nal to the 'lass9 but o7 'ou se "ithout na0es. =nd she en'ou aged us9 @(lease Gust " ite "hate5e /ou "ant to tal& aboutD 4ou 'an " ite about /ou e*+e ien'e being he e9 /ou 'an " ite about "hate5e . <ut I thin& the tea'he a'tuall/ ta&ing the Gou nals and sa/ing9 @!29 this is an e*'e +t that I thin& is good 7o the 'lass9 that I "ant to sha e "ith the09A "as a'tuall/ hel+7ul9 instead o7 gi5ing it to anothe student9 be'ause the othe student9 /ou dont &no" ho" the/ e going to + o'ess it9 /ou dont &no" "hat thei intentions a e =lisonD So the tea'he 0anaged that sha ing o7 5oi'es 0o e delibe atel/ S4D E*a'tl/. =nd it "o &ed. S3D 4eah9 thats ho" 0/ E+ o7esso F does it. S4D Did /ou li&e thatL S3D 4eah. =lisonD So thats b inging the 5oi'es in but 'ont olling a little bit 0o e ho" the/ e 7 a0ed and ho" the/ e tal&ed about. S4D 4eah. De7initel/.
: eating 7o u0s "ithin "hi'h students 'an s+ea& o " ite and then b inging those 5oi'es into the 'lass is one "a/ o7 t /ing to add ess the negati5e &inds o7 silen'ing that o''u . It is not a su e-7i e solution9 and it does not add ess the la ge ineBuities that lead to the silen'ing in the 7i st +la'e9 but it is a ste+.
Recommendations for Considering the Role of Silence Du ing the 'ou se o7 a 'lass9 be 'ons'ious o7 allo"ing 7o student silen'eC and e0aining silent /ou sel7C"hile students ha5e the 'han'e to thin& and 7o 0ulate thei thoughts. : eate egula o++o tunitiesCsho t " iting ti0es9 0e0os9 <la'&boa d 7o u0s9 et'.C7o students to ha5e silent ti0es du ing and outside o7 'lass to + o'ess "hat the/ a e lea ning. :onside "a/s to b ing a 5a iet/ o7 student 5oi'es into dialogue "ithin the 'lass "ithout 0a&ing students too 5ulne able9 su'h as eading aloud anon/0ous Gou nal e*'e +ts and 7 a0ingK7a'ilitating dis'ussion a ound the0.
;B< Be Allies and Advocates :losel/ 'onne'ted to so0e o7 the e*a0+les and e'o00endations in the + e5ious se'tion9
a e'o00endation that e0e ged th ough T:): is that 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'an be allies and ad5o'ates 7o students "ithin and be/ond the 'lass oo0. Des' ibing he +e 'e+tion o7 a 7a'ult/ 0e0be s e77o ts to 0a&e he 'lass oo0 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se students9 one student 'onsultant saidD
These + o7s +ut the0sel5es out the e and ha5e so0eone 'o0e in and obse 5e9 the/ "e ent +utting on a sho" 7o 0e. I eall/ li&ed that be'ause it ins+i ed 0e to be not as 'autious i7 I ha5e so0ething to sa/ sa/ing it but 7 a0ing it in a "a/ that /ou t / not to alienate +eo+le. <ut the 7a't that the/ thin& about it is so ins+i ing and hel+s /ou 0o5e on9 es+e'iall/ in ti0e li&e this on 'a0+us9 to see so0e li&e Ethis + o7esso F "hen /ou 7eel li&e the/ Gust dont get it9 the/ dont 'a e. Es+e'iall/ "hen /ou al ead/ 7eel /ou a e not +a t o7 this 'o00unit/ o dont belong9 he ta&ing that e*t a ste+ to ensu e that /ou dont 7eel li&e that at least in he 'lass oo0 is so hel+7ul. -S;1
Des' ibing ho" the 7a'ult/ 0e0be "ith "ho0 she "o &ed "as able to be an all/ and an ad5o'ate9 the sa0e student 'onsultant saidD
EThe + o7esso F does a good Gob9 she "as so +ut togethe and so 'al09 she too& e5e /thing I "anted to sa/ but 'ouldnt sa/ and 7 a0ed it in a "a/ that /ou had to listen to he . I "as so ang /9 and I s+o&e and +eo+le "e e in7u iated that I "as ang /. She said e5e /thing I "anted to sa/ in "a/ that /ou 'ouldnt dis0iss he . 4ou had to listen. =nd she did it in a "a/ that didnt 0a&e othe +eo+le 7eel bad. -S;1
=nd 7inall/9 e7e ing to 0/ ole in 7a'ilitating these 'on5e sations th ough T:):9 anothe student 'onsultant saidD
4ou a e that 5oi'e that 'an t ansition into both s+a'es. I 'ould be tal&ing to a 'lass and be sa/ing all these good things but be'ause I a0 the ang / 0ino it/ no one "ill hea it9 but i7 /ou sa/ it9 +eo+le "ill hea . The 7a't that /ou had all these g eat ideas9 and I &ne" /ou "e e being honest. -S31
These student 'onsultants e0+hasi?e the i0+o tan'e o7 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 0a&ing the0sel5es 5ulne able as lea ne s in the sa0e "a/s that "e as& students to 0a&e the0sel5es 5ulne able. The/ highlight the i0+o tan'e o7 'a e7ul listening and9 "hen ne'essa /9 eite ation o inte 5ention on the +a t o7 7a'ult/9 "hen all 5oi'es in the oo0 dont 'a / the sa0e "eight. The/ +oint to the ' iti'al i0+o tan'e o7 sa/ing di77i'ult things so that the/ 'an be hea d.
Recommendations for Being Allies and Advocates %a&e 'ons'ious "ith "ho0 /ou align /ou sel7 and "h/ and t / to 'o0+li'ate9 Buestion9 and +e ha+s e*+and that +ositioning. .ind "a/s to be 'lea about ho" /ou +osition /ou sel7 in elation to students and s+ea& "ith students "hose 5oi'es a e o7ten 0a ginali?ed o silen'ed but "ithout silen'ing othe 5oi'es. .ind "a/s to b ing 5a ious students 5oi'es into dialogue.
:onside "a/s /ou 'an 0a&e /ou sel7 5ulne able and ta&e is&s 'o0+a able toCnot ne'essa il/ the sa0e asCthe ones /ou as& students to ta&e.
The lessons 7a'ult/ and student 'onsultants lea ned about ho" to 0a&e < /n %a" :ollege 'lass oo0s es+onsi5e to 0o e di5e se lea ne s a e lessons that a++l/ to all good tea'hing. In othe "o ds9 0a&ing 'lass oo0s 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se students "ill 0a&e the0 0o e es+onsi5e to all students. Ho"e5e 9 'lass oo0s that a e not built on 'onside ations li&e those abo5e + esent g eate 'hallenges to 0an/ non-0ainst ea0 students than the/ do to 0ost 0ainst ea0 students. .o that eason9 it 0a&es sense to etain the 7o'us on 'ultu al es+onsi5eness. Student Consultants2 E3periences of 4or!ing Toward Culturally Responsive Classrooms It is 'lea 7 o0 the e*'e +ts Buoted abo5e that 7a'ult/ 0e0be s lea ned a g eat deal about and gene ated use7ul st ategies 7o ' eating 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s. =nothe bene7it o7 T:):9 ho"e5e 9 "as the lea ning o++o tunities it a77o ded student 'onsultants. In e7le'ting on thei e*+e ien'es in T:):9 student 'onsultants tal&ed about -11 gaining +e s+e'ti5e and a bette unde standing o7 e*+e ien'es o7 othe s in the oo0Cstudents and + o7esso sJ -;1 ha5ing the o++o tunit/ to engage in dee+e ' iti'al thin&ing about tea'hing9 lea ning9 and 'ultu eJ -31 building a g eate sense o7 'o07o t and 'on7iden'eJ and -41 de5elo+ing a sense o7 agen'/ as students and9 in so0e 'ases9 as tea'he s. :aining 6erspective on ,thers2 E3periences In thei e7le'tions on thei e*+e ien'es o7 "o &ing "ith + o7esso s to 7oste the de5elo+0ent o7 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0s9 student 'onsultants tal&ed about gaining insight into the 'o0+le*it/ o7 'lass oo0 'ultu e9 the ange in te 0s o7 ho" students e*+e ien'e a 'lass and "hat thei 'ont ibutions 0ight signal9 and +ossible st ategies 7o 0a&ing 'ou ses 0o e a''essible. =bout he in' eased a"a eness o7 the 'o0+le*it/ o7 'lass oo0 'ultu e9 one student 'onsultant saidD
EI a0F 0o e a"a e as to "hats going on in the 'lass oo0. I eall/ 7eel that as a student in the 'lass I "asnt so a"a e. I &ne" I "asnt so a"a e to see othe +e s+e'ti5es o7 students so "ell. -S31
Student 'onsultants also gained insight into the di77e ent e*+e'tations o7 students ta&ing a 'ou seD
I began to unde stand +eo+les e*+e'tations o7 'ou ses and the 7a't that the/ a e di77e ent. So seeing +eo+le ans"e o not ans"e 'e tain Buestions is not an indi'ation o7 ho" othe +eo+le a e doing9 Gust an indi'ation o7 ho" that student is doing. -S11
Gaining su'h a"a eness o7 di77e ent students +e s+e'ti5es and e*+e ien'es hel+s students lea n ho" to 'ont ibute along "ith 7a'ult/ 0e0be s to a 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0Cb/ e'ogni?ing and a''e+ting the di77e ent +la'es +eo+le 'o0e 7 o0 and ta&e u+ "ithin a 'lass.
Engaging in #eeper Critical Thin!ing about Teaching% Learning% and Culture The heightened a"a eness that student 'onsultants gained led the0 to engage in 0o e ' iti'al anal/ses o7 tea'hing9 lea ning9 and 'ultu e. #econsidering Teaching Thin&ing about ho" 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 'an 0a&e thei tea'hing 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se lea ne s9 student 'onsultants 7ound thei o"n a"a eness dee+eningD
I eall/ lea ned in Ethe + o7esso F not sa/ing @IoA but sho"ing ho" othe +eo+le in 'lass 0ight ha5e 'o0e to that " ong 'on'lusion. It e5en hel+s as a student doing othe things9 the "a/ /ou "o & a + oble0 C I 'an thin& about ho" to hel+ +eo+le thin& ho" to est u'tu e a "a/ to "o & th ough + oble0s. It hel+s /ou lea n9 it hel+s /ou est u'tu e ho" /ou a++ oa'h a + oble09 and i7 othe + oble0s 'o0e along /ou 0ight thin&9 @I should a++ oa'h this di77e entl/.A It gets to the oot o7 /ou being " ong E"hi'h 'ould be to do "ith /ou + o'essF. -S11 EThe + o7esso F b ought it into a lot o7 a++li'ations to 'oo&ing and +ainting and the "a/ /ou house is designedCthings that I "ouldnt ha5e thought o7 at 7i st. Then I thought9 @4eahPA I7 I "e e tea'hing a 'lass o doing de0onst ations 7o +eo+le "ho a e not so in'lined to"a d 'he0ist /9 I "ould be able to thin& outside the bo* and b ing in things the/ 0ight be inte ested in. -S11 (a ti'i+ating in this + oGe't 0ade 0e sta t to thin& about ho" + o7s ha5e goals 7o ho" the/ "ant students to 'o0e out o7 the 'lass oo0. It 0ade 0e thin& about "hat a e the b oade things that + o7s "ant students to ta&e a"a/ as so'ial beings in the "o ld. It "asnt al"a/s Gust about &no"ing this o that 7o the 7inal +a+e 9 but "hat is it that /ou "ant /ou students to ta&e 7 o0 this as +eo+le. =s a 7utu e edu'ato thats a Buestion I 7eel that I "ould "ant to ha5e in7o 0 the +edagogi'al a++ oa'hes I "ant to ta&e on in the 'lass oo0. Its not Gust ho" do /ou 0a&e sense o7 this in this s+a'e9 but ho" does it s+ea& to /ou and /ou +e sonal e*+e ien'es 7 o0 he e on out. (la'ing edu'ation in a so'ial 'onte*t. -S31 I a0 0o e a"a e as a lea ne and as a tea'he . I unde stand that i7 I a0 at the 7 ont o7 the 'lass oo09 the e a e a lot o7 things that I 0a/ not noti'e that a e also b ought into the 'lass oo09 and that tal&ing to students about those things is the best "a/ to get insight into the09 i7 I dont ha5e a tea'he s aide o an obse 5e . Qust unde standing the e is al"a/s so0ething else going on besides tea'hing that 'lass. -S41
#econsidering Learning
I didnt e*+e't this to a77e't 0e in othe 'lasses as 0u'h as it did. Es+e'iall/ 0id"a/ th ough "hen "e "e e ha5ing these dis'ussions in ou student obse 5e 0eetings about ho" "e as students hel+ o do not hel+ students to lea n. <lu ting out ans"e s in 'lass o not lea5ing enough ti0e 7o othe +eo+le to + o'ess things. Going ba'& to e*+e'tationsD I 0ight be in the 'lass and "ant to b ea& it do"n to a basi' le5el9 but othe s dont. %/ as&ing a Buestion that see0s i ele5ant to othe students o ele5ant to the0. I de7initel/ thin& no" 0o e be7o e I as& o ans"e Buestions. I get 0o e i0+atient "ith othe students in this 'lassJ I thin& the/ should "ait a little longe be7o e tal&ing. -S11 4ou eall/ dont unde stand the "a/ /ou lea n and ho" othe s lea n until /ou 'an ste+ ba'& 7 o0 it and a e not in the 'lass "ith the 0ain ai0 to lea n the 0ate ial o7 the 'lass but 0o e to unde stand "hat is going on in the 'lass and "hat is going th ough +eo+les ;3
0inds as the/ elate "ith that 0ate ial. I Gust 7eel li&e it hel+s in gene al li7e to be able to loo& at an/ + o'ess /ou a e in5ol5ed in a bit 0o e obGe'ti5el/. >ea ning is eall/ big9 the e a e so 0an/ la/e s to it. Its a good e*+e ien'e to be able to 'hange oles and see things 7 o0 a di77e ent +e s+e'ti5e. It Gust en i'hes /ou li7e as a student in gene al. -S11
#econsidering $ulture
=s the 'lass "ent along9 0/ e*+e'tations shi7ted to"a ds unde standing ho" 'ultu e 'ould be in'o +o ated into a 'he0ist / 'lass. =t 7i st I didnt see ho" it 'ould be. %/ "hole +e 'e+tion o7 'ultu e 'hanged. -S11 I 7ound 0/sel7 thin&ing a "hole lot 0o e than I thought I "ould and anal/?ing9 li&e9 "hen the/ 0ade a Go&e. Things I no 0all/ "ouldnt thin& o7 had I not been +ut in this +osition. <e'ause o7 that I "ould noti'e things in 0/ othe 'lass oo0s and thin&9 @This is ina++ o+ iateP This is not 'ultu all/ es+onsi5ePA It 'hanged the "a/ I loo&ed at all o7 the 'lass oo0s9 not Gust the 'lass oo0s I obse 5ed. -S;1 I assu0ed I "ould be loo&ing at a'e O so ho" 0an/ students o7 'olo a e in the 'lass oo09 et'. :ultu all/ es+onsi5e tea'hing has been ede7ined 7o 0e as not Gust 5isible di5e sit/ but athe the 'ultu e o7 the 'lass oo0 that /ou 'an "o & "ithin. %/ e*+e'tation "as to loo& na o"l/ at "hat 'ultu e 0eant9 and it e5ol5ed to 0u'h bigge than that. -S31
Increased Comfort and Confidence as Students Student 'onsultants 'o00ented on thei +e 'e+tion that this + oGe't 'ont ibuted to in' eased 'o07o t a0ong studentsCboth students in the 'lasses and student 'onsultantsD
I 7eel li&e this "a/ able to se+a ate 0/sel7 a bit9 so t o7 be 0o e obGe'ti5e9 and that hel+ed 0e to e*+ ess "hat "as eall/ going on. It 7elt 0o e that + oble0s I "as seeing "e e 0o e li&e gene al student + oble0s instead o7 being Gust 0/ + oble0s. I 7elt 0o e 'o07o table sa/ing9 @I thin& this is so0ething that is a + oble0 "ith 'lasses at < /n %a" .A That ga5e 0e 0o e 'on7iden'e in tal&ing about things. -S11 =t 7i st I "as &ind o7 s&e+ti'al be'ause /ou a e a student and these + o7s ha5e been doing this 7o Buite so0e ti0e the/ ha5e ad5an'ed deg ees9 /ou e a &id "ith so0e 'ollege. =nd /ou a e t /ing to 'o0e in and sa/9 @Do this bette 9 do that.A =nd /ou 'ould easil/ be dis0issed. =nd I didnt "ant to ha5e that e*+e ien'e. I a0 hono ed that things I sa/ ha5e an/ 5alue. It "as so good that +eo+le "anted to hea and too& into the +e s+e'ti5e that I "as b ing. It "as so ni'e to thin& I had a +e s+e'ti5e I hadnt thought about. =nd then she "ould sa/ things I had thought about. So it 'hallenged both o7 us. So it Gust 0ade 0e thin& a "hole lot 0o e about issues that a ent al"a/s on the 7o e7 ont o7 0/ 0ind. -S;1 I 7eel li&e no" 0/ ole is 0o e than Gust the student. In +ast dis'ussions I5e al"a/s been tal&ing about "hat the + o7s do to us and its been a one-"a/ st eet. =nd no" I a0 able to loo& at it as a elationshi+ in the 'lass oo0J i7 "e e 'o0+laining about so0ething that is going on9 its also the students ole to ste+ u+ and sa/ so0ething about that. -S41 Qust being able to a++ oa'h the + o7esso and not be a7 aid to tell the0 that so0ething is " ong. =nd not Gust in this 'ase but in an/ situation. 8suall/ I Gust 7ollo" "hat the + o7esso sa/s O e5e /one does the sa0e thing to get the good g ade9 but its !2 to s+ea& ;6
u+ but at the sa0e ti0e be 'a e7ul. -S31 I0 su + ised about ho" "ell it "o &ed out. I didnt e*+e't to be able to go into the 0eetings "ith Ethe + o7esso and T=F and a'tuall/ ha5e so0ething to sa/. I thought I "ould Gust sit the e and sa/9 @!h9 I thought that a'ti5it/ "as g eat9A and the dis'ussion "ould be o5e . -S41
#eveloping a Sense of Empowerment The in' eased sense o7 'o07o t and 'on7iden'e students de5elo+ed led in 0an/ 'ases to a g eate sense o7 e0+o"e 0ent. The de5elo+0ent o7 this sense o7 e0+o"e 0ent "as g adual9 e5ol5ing and in' easing o5e the 'ou se o7 the se0este . Ea l/ in the se0este 9 one student 'onsultant a ti'ulated "hat all o7 the0 7eltD @Who a0 I to sa/ an/thingL I ha5e ne5e taught a 'ollege 'lass9 so that one ti0e I sat in /ou 'lass I thought /ou did this and this and this " ong9 o I thought /ou 'an do this bette A -S31. =t the end o7 the + oGe't9 this sa0e student 'onsultant saidD
=s a lea ne 9 /ou ha5e the ight to go to /ou + o7esso and sa/9 @This "a/ o7 tea'hing 0a/ not be hel+ing 0e.A 4ou ha5e that ight to "al& u+ and go u+ to the0 and sa/9 @= e the e othe "a/s /ou 'ould do this so I 'ould unde stand the 0ate ial and be 0o e engaged in the 'lass oo0LA =s&ing 7o a ationale. I did a lot o7 that "ith Ethe + o7esso I "o &ed "ithFD Wh/ a e /ou doing this and "h/ this 0eans. It 7o 'es the + o7 to eall/ thin& about it o a ti'ulate things the/ a ent as&ed to a ti'ulate. <eing able to 7eel li&e I 'an ha5e that &ind o7 + o7essional elationshi+ "ith 0/ + o7s as a lea ne . Thats de7initel/ o5e ti0e that I5e de5elo+ed thatD be7o e the/ "e e the autho it/. -S31
!the student 'onsultants also tal&ed about thei in' eased sense o7 e0+o"e 0ent based on in' eased a"a eness and esulting in a sense o7 agen'/D
It 0a&es /ou 0u'h 0o e a"a e o7 /ou sel79 /ou + esen'e in the 'lass. 4ou dont thin& about /ou sel7 and the i0+a't /oull ha5e Gust b/ "hat /ou sa/ and ho" /ou sa/ it. Its eas/ to not sa/ "hat /ou "ant to sa/ 7o the 7ea o7 ho" it "ill be +e 'ei5ed. Qust +utting /ou sel7 out the e 0ight 0a&e the di77e en'e in the "a/ the 'lass goes and the "a/ +eo+le thin&. -S;1 I e*+e'ted to t / to 'hange the d/na0i' in the 'lass oo09 sin'e I did 'o0e in late and I al ead/ had a 7eeling 7o ho" the 'lass "as going9 so to let he &no" "hat things she 'ould 'hange and see i7 she "as a'tuall/ going to listen to "hat I had to sa/. -S31 I de7initel/ 7eel as i7 being a +a t o7 the + oGe't I ha5e been able to tal& to 0/ o"n + o7s a little 0o e about "hat Id li&e to see in the 'lass oo0 and "hat I 7eel isnt noti'ed in the 'lass oo0. .o e*a0+le9 the e "as a 'lass9 0/ +s/'h 'lass9 and "e "e e tal&ing about ethni' identit/ de5elo+0ent9 and all o7 the students o7 'olo "e e s+ea&ing and the "hite students "e e not. I 0entioned that to the + o7 that e5ening9 and she di5ided us into g ou+s the ne*t da/ and 'hanged the eading C she in'luded an a ti'le that "as about "hite ethni' de5elo+0ent. So that a ti'le got the 'lass tal&ing. So being a"a e that I a0 an student and the e a e things 0/ + o7 0ight not see9 that I ha5e the ight to sa/9 @He/ did /ou noti'e thisLA -S41
( o7esso s sensed that students in the 'lass also de5elo+ed a sense o7 e0+o"e 0entD
I thin& that the/ 7elt e0+o"e ed a bit to thin& not onl/ about the 'lass oo0 7o the0sel5es but also the 'lass oo0 that othe +eo+le "ould ha5e in subseBuent /ea s. -.;1 ;7
Conclusion The lessons lea ned 7 o0 this initial e77o t to dis'e n "hat 'ont ibutes to a 'lass oo0 being 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e aise as 0an/ Buestions as the/ ans"e . The 'lea est lesson o7 all is that one 'annot ' eate a 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e 'lass oo0 b/ 7ollo"ing a set o7 + es' i+tions. )athe 9 one 0ust engage in ongoing + o'esses o7 e7le'tion and e5ision9 ideall/ in 'ollabo ation "ith othe 7a'ult/ 0e0be s and "ith students. Becoming ore Conscious and #eliberate Wo &ing "ith 'onsultants 'an hel+ 7a'ult/ 0e0be s be'o0e a"a e o7 "hat the/ al ead/ do that 0ight be 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e. =s one 7a'ult/ 0e0be +ut it9 the student 'onsultant @identi7ied a bun'h o7 things that I &ne" and did in a 'ons'ious "a/ but "ouldnt ha5e thought o7 as 'ultu all/ es+onsi5eA -.11. This 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+lainsD
I did the0 to sol5e a di77e ent + oble0D t /ing to 0a&e the 'lass 0o e inte a'ti5e -that "as 0/ goal1CHo" 'an I 0a&e the0 thin& about o do so0ethingL =nd Ethe student 'onsultantF +e 'ei5ed the0 as a'tuall/ 'onne'ted to the students +e sonal e*+e ien'es. So "hat I "as al ead/ doing 7o anothe eason had that unintended 'onseBuen'e. EThe student 'onsultantF said a lot about 0/ es+onses to students Buestions that I didnt see in a 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e "a/. I "as thin&ing about it na o"l/ in te 0s o7 the bene7it to the student "ho "as as&ing the Buestion9 ho" to 0a&e he 7eel 'o07o table "ith the 7a't that she as&ed the Buestion. EThe student 'onsultantF said9 @</ sa/ing that /ou 0ade everyone 7eel 'o07o table.A I had one +u +ose and she sa" othe +u +oses. !the things I do a e un'ons'ious and the/ a e also 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e9 so b/ he identi7/ing the09 I be'a0e 0o e 'ons'ious and delibe ate in doing the0. -.;1
=nothe bene7it o7 ha5ing a 'onsultant anal/?e ones + a'ti'e is "hen that 'onsultant is able to identi7/ un'ons'ious + a'ti'es that a e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e. = 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+lainsD
=nothe thing that Ethe student 'onsultantF identi7ied that I a0 un'ons'ious about is 7lagging things that a e i0+o tant. I dont thin& about that being +a ti'ula l/ hel+7ul9 its 0o e about o gani?ing 0/ o"n thoughts9 but Ethe student 'onsultantF said thats t e0endousl/ i0+o tant 7o students "ho 7eel at sea. I didnt &no" I "as doing an/ o7 that. She said thats eall/ use7ul 7o +eo+le "ho a e 7eeling out o7 'onte*t. =gain9 so0ething I 0ight ha5e done b/ a''ident9 then I be'a0e 0u'h 0o e delibe ate about doing it. When I "as + e+a ing9 I did it "ith that lens Cloo&ing 7o "hat I should 7lagC so it didnt 7eel s' i+ted but Gust that I a0 +a/ing 0o e attention. -.;1
Whethe 'ons'ious o un'ons'ious9 the 'hoi'es 7a'ult/ 0e0be s 0a&e about +edagogi'al + a'ti'e 'an be 0ade 0o e 'ons'ious and delibe ate. <e'ause it is eall/ 'hallenging to ste+ ba'& and i0agine othe +oints o7 5ie" that /ou dont /ou sel7 sha e9 the 'onsultants a e in5aluable. Recommendations SummariCed It is i0+o tant to note that the 7a'ult/ 0e0be s "ho +a ti'i+ated in the 7i st ite ation o7 T:): a e al ead/ a"a e and 'o00itted to being 0o e 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e. The ne*t 'hallenge "e 7a'e is ho" to ea'h 7a'ult/ "ho a e not a"a e and not inte ested. The o5e all 7indings 7 o0 this initial +hase o7 the + oGe't indi'ate that it is i0+o tant 7o all 7a'ult/9 those "ho a e al ead/ 'o00itted and those "ho ha5e not /et ta&en on these 'hallenges9 to 'onside the 7ollo"ingD
;)< Recommendations for Being E3plicit about Stance and 6edagogical Rationale State e*+li'itl/ and e+eatedl/ the eason "h/ /ou a e doing so0ething o as&ing students to do so0ething. <e 'lea about but not i0+ositional "ith /ou o"n biases and 'o00it0ents. The/ in7o 0 /ou + a'ti'e ega dless o7 "hethe /ou na0e the0 o not9 so na0ing the0 0a&es 7o a 0o e genuine dialogue. a!ing E3pectations E3plicit
Regarding the class+ =t the beginning o7 the se0este 9 ideall/ the 7i st o se'ond 'lass 0eeting9 dist ibute inde* 'a ds to students and as& the0 to ta&e a 7e" 0inutes and " ite do"n "h/ the/ a e ta&ing the 'lass and "hat the/ ho+e to get out o7 it. Tell the0 /ou "ill 'olle't these. Ha5e a 'on5e sation "ith students a7te the/ ha5e " itten on thei 'a ds. =lso9 ta&e the 'a ds a"a/ and ead the0 and9 i7 it see0s a++ o+ iate9 sha e the student state0ents in gene i' 7o 0 -i.e.9 not "ith na0es o an/ othe identi7/ing in7o 0ation1 so that e5e /one &no"s the ange o7 easons "h/ +eo+le a e in the 'lass. Regarding #isciplinary Approaches+ .ind o''asions -in 'lass1 and 7o u0s -e.g.9 s/llabus9 in 7 a0ing assign0ents1 to 0a&e e*+li'it -a1 gene al e*+e'tations ega ding dis'i+line-s+e'i7i' "a/s o7 thin&ing and " iting and -b1 /ou o"n +a ti'ula e*+e'tations ega ding these in a +a ti'ula 'ou se. =s& students 7o thei e*+e ien'es o7 and 7eedba'& on these. Regarding Assignments+ With an/ 7o u0 7o +a ti'i+ation in the 'lass9 g aded o ung aded but +a ti'ula l/ g aded9 be e*+li'it u+ 7 ont -in s/llabus9 in int odu'ing the 'lass o an assign0ent1 about "hat /ou goals and e*+e'tations a e 7o the assign0ent and 'he'& in "ith students egula l/ about ho" the/ a e e*+e ien'ing the assign0ent9 "hat the/ a e getting out o7 it9 and "hat thei 7 ust ations "ith it a e. This &ind o7 ongoing dialogue ta&es ti0e9 but it is "o th it so that students 7eel 'lea about and engaged in the assign0ents.
6rofessors2 E3pectations+ When as&ing students to " ite do"n "h/ the/ a e ta&ing the 'lass and "hat the/ ho+e to get out o7 it9 ans"e those Buestions /ou sel7 and sha e the0 "ith the 'lass. :la i7/ and a ti'ulate 7o /ou sel7 -a1 gene al e*+e'tations ega ding dis'i+line-s+e'i7i' "a/s o7 thin&ing and " iting and -b1 /ou o"n +a ti'ula e*+e'tations ega ding these in a +a ti'ula 'ou se and 7ind o''asions -in 'lass1 and 7o u0s -e.g.9 s/llabus9 in 7 a0ing assign0ents1 to 0a&e those e*+li'it. With an/ 7o u0 7o +a ti'i+ation in the 'lass9 be e*+li'it u+ 7 ont -in s/llabus9 in int odu'ing the 'lass o an assign0ent1 about "hat /ou goals and e*+e'tations 7o the
assign0ent a e and 'he'& in "ith students egula l/ about ho" the/ a e e*+e ien'ing the assign0ent9 "hat the/ a e getting out o7 it9 and "hat thei 7 ust ations "ith it a e. Then 0a&e 'hoi'es about ho" to 'la i7/ o 0odi7/ /ou e*+e'tations. ;0< Recommendations for :etting to >now Students .ind "a/s ea l/ in the se0este to get to &no" /ou students9 su'h a Buestionnai e o an inte est o e*+e ien'e su 5e/. Sou 'es 7o ideasD What 2ids :an Do. -;,,31. @.i st =s&9 Then >isten.A %a'<eath et al. -;,,31. $onsulting %u"ils& A Tool'it for Teachers ;5< Recommendations for Sharing =our ,wn E3periences :onside /ou o"n Hso'ial lo'ation in /ou thin&ing about "hat and ho" to sha e as+e'ts o7 /ou li7e. Thin& ahead o7 ti0eCbe7o e /ou begin tea'hing a +a ti'ula 'lassCabout the &inds o7 things /ou 7eel a e 'o07o table and a++ o+ iate to sha e "ith students "ithin the 'onte*t o7 e*+lo ing the subGe't 0atte o7 an/ gi5en 'ou se9 and be a"a e as /ou 0o5e th ough the 'ou se o7 o++o tunities to sha e /ou o"n +e sonal angles on o e*+e ien'es o7 the subGe't.
;9< Recommendations for 6roviding ?arious 1orums for 6articipation Thin& about the natu e o7 +a ti'i+ation /ou "ant 7 o0 studentsClistening and ta&ing notes9 engaging in dis'ussion9 et'.Cand thin& about "hat di77e ent lea ning st/les9 'ultu al and othe "ise9 students b ing to /ou 'lass oo09 then 'on7igu e the oo0 in 5a ious "a/s at di77e ent ti0es so that it is 0ost 'ondu'i5e to ea'h o7 those 0odes and st/les. .o a'ti5e student +a ti'i+ation9 ' eate s0alle 9 st u'tu ed 7o u0sCtal&ing b ie7l/ "ith one othe studentJ " iting 7o a 0inute9 then sha ing "ith a +a tne 9 then sha ing "ith the la ge g ou+J et'.C"ithin "hi'h students 'an 'la i7/ and dee+en thei o"n ideas9 gain 'on7iden'e9 and + e+a e to 'ont ibute to la ge 'lass dis'ussion. ultiple% Inclusive E3amples and Illustrations
=nal/?e the e*a0+les /ou use to illust ate 'on'e+ts o +oints and 'onside "hethe /ou a e 0a&ing assu0+tions about ba'&g ound &no"ledge and e*+e ien'es. <uilding on "hat /ou lea n 7 o0 getting to &no" students and "hat /ou a e 'o07o table sha ing 7 o0 /ou o"n e*+e ien'es9 gene ate a ange o7 e*a0+les that illust ate di77e ent 'on'e+ts o +oints9 and in'lude 0o e than one e*a0+le o illust ation in /ou dis'ussions.
;(< Recommendations for Considering the Role of Silence Du ing the 'ou se o7 a 'lass9 be 'ons'ious o7 allo"ing 7o student silen'eCand e0aining silent /ou sel7C"hile students ha5e the 'han'e to thin& and 7o 0ulate thei thoughts. : eate egula o++o tunitiesCsho t " iting ti0es9 0e0os9 <la'&boa d 7o u0s9 et'.C7o students to ha5e silent ti0es du ing and outside o7 'lass to + o'ess "hat the/ a e lea ning. :onside "a/s to b ing a 5a iet/ o7 student 5oi'es into dialogue "ithin the 'lass "ithout 0a&ing students too 5ulne able9 su'h as eading aloud anon/0ous Gou nal e*'e +ts and 7 a0ingK7a'ilitating dis'ussion a ound the0.
;B< Recommendations for Being Allies and Advocates %a&e 'ons'ious "ith "ho0 /ou align /ou sel7 and "h/ and t / to 'o0+li'ate9 Buestion9 and +e ha+s e*+and that +ositioning. .ind "a/s to be 'lea about ho" /ou +osition /ou sel7 in elation to students and s+ea& "ith students "hose 5oi'es a e o7ten 0a ginali?ed o silen'ed but "ithout silen'ing othe 5oi'es. .ind "a/s to b ing 5a ious students 5oi'es into dialogue. :onside "a/s /ou 'an 0a&e /ou sel7 5ulne able and ta&e is&s 'o0+a able to Cnot ne'essa il/ the sa0e asCthe ones /ou as& students to ta&e. = 7inal e'o00endation in7o 0s all o7 the + e5ious onesD ;D< Becoming ore Conscious and #eliberate Identi7/ the 'hoi'es "e 0a&e 7o +a ti'ula +edagogi'al easons and then anal/?e the0 7o ho" the/ 0ight also add ess othe +edagogi'al issues9 +a ti'ula l/9 ho" the/ 0ight be es+onsi5e to di5e se studentsJ Ta&e a ste+ ba'& 7 o0 the 'hoi'es "e 0a&e ega ding ho" "e 'onst u't and 7a'ilitate a 'ou se and as& ou sel5es i7 the e a e othe 'hoi'es "e 'ould 0a&e that "ould be 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se students. Ste+ ba'& and t / to loo& at the 'ontent o7 ou 'ou ses "ith the e/e o7 so0eone un7a0ilia "ith it and thin& about "hat 0ight need to be 7lagged o highlightedJ and .ind and de5elo+ a elationshi+ "ith a long-te 0 'onsultant9 ideall/ so0eone in a 'ogniti5e +la'e that is 5e / di77e ent than /ou o"n.
Culture Revisited To etu n to the de7initions o7 @'ultu eA that I b ie7l/ e*+lo ed at the beginning o7 the e+o t9 "e 'an see 'onne'tions bet"een the e77o ts e'o00ended he e and ho" 'lass oo0 'ultu e 0ight be 'hanged so that t is 0o e es+onsi5e to di5e se students. =s one 7a'ult/ 0e0be e*+lained about he e*+e ien'e o7 "o &ing in T:):D
I thin& its 0ade 0e 0o e a"a e o7 ho" the ole I +la/ in sha+ing the 'ultu e o the 'o07o t le5el in the 'lass oo0 and that needs to be sha+ed 7o ea'h indi5idual 'lass9 and that I need to +lan 7o that ahead o7 ti0e and then be "illing to shi7t it as the 'lass de5elo+s. -.;1
This 7a'ult/ 0e0be o77e s a st ateg/ 7o esol5ing the tensions bet"een 7i*edness and 7o 0ation that lies at the oot 0eanings o7 'ultu eCtensions bet"een "hat is established and "hat is e5ol5ing9 bet"een the 'ultu e o7 a +a ti'ula subset o7 a +o+ulationCthe do0inant oneCand the 'ultu e-s1 o7 the "ide 5a iet/ o7 o igins 7 o0 "hi'h students issue9 bet"een "hat is 'onside ed desi able and "hat is 'onside ed disad5antageous. I7 7a'ult/ 'an be es+onsi5e to di5e se students9 0a&ing "hat the/ tea'h 0o e a''essible9 the tension bet"een being 'ultu ed and ha5ing 'ultu e that students e*+e ien'e 0ight be alle5iated. Sources for Ideas About "ow to a!e =our Classroom ore Culturally Responsive+
Ga/9 G. -;,,;1. ( e+a ing 7o 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e tea'hing. (ournal of Teacher Education, )*-;19 1,6-116. Ho"ell9 =. R Tuitt9 .. -;,,31. #ace and higher education& #ethin'ing "edagogy in diverse college classrooms. Ha 5a d Edu'ational )e5ie". >adson-<illings9 G. -1$$31. To"a d a theo / o7 'ultu all/ ele5ant +edagog/. American Educational #esearch (ournal, *+-319 463O4$1. References :oo&-Sathe 9 =. -;,,61. Sound9 ( esen'e9 and (o"e D E*+lo ing HStudent 6oi'e in Edu'ational )esea 'h and )e7o 0. $urriculum In,uiry 369 4 -Winte 19 33$-3$,. CCC. -;,,;1. =utho i?ing Students (e s+e'ti5esD To"a d T ust9 Dialogue9 and :hange in Edu'ation.A Educational #esearcher 319 4 -%a/19 3-14. Ga/9 G. -;,,;1. ( e+a ing 7o 'ultu all/ es+onsi5e tea'hing. (ournal of Teacher Education, )*-;19 1,6-116. Ho"ell9 =. R Tuitt9 .. -;,,31. #ace and higher education& #ethin'ing "edagogy in diverse college classrooms. Ha 5a d Edu'ational )e5ie". >adson-<illings9 G. -1$$31. To"a d a theo / o7 'ultu all/ ele5ant +edagog/. American
Educational #esearch (ournal, *+-319 463O4$1. >ee9 E. -;,,41. Ta&ing %ulti'ultu al9 =nti-)a'ist Edu'ation Se iousl/. The -e. Teacher /oo' -= )ethin&ing S'hools (ubli'ation1. %a'<eath et al. -;,,31. $onsulting %u"ils& A Tool'it for Teachers. (ea son (ublishe s. %'Intosh9 (. -1$$,1. White + i5ilegeD 8n+a'&ing the in5isible &na+sa'&. Inde"endent chool, )0-;19 31O36. )et ie5ed De'e0be 139 ;,,39 7 o0 htt+DKK""".'" u.eduK+ esidentK aa'tionK8n+a'&ingThe2na+sa'&.+d7 Iieto9 S. -1$$41. >essons 7 o0 Students on : eating a :han'e to D ea0. Harvard Educational #evie., 64-41D 3$;-4;6. Tuitt9 .. -;,,31. =7te "o dD )eali?ing a %o e In'lusi5e (edagog/. #ace and Higher Education& #ethin'ing %edagogy in Diverse $ollege $lassrooms. What 2ids :an Do. -;,,31. @.i st =s&9 Then >isten.A