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Staircase Problem

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The lesson plan is about teaching students patterns through a 'staircase problem' activity. It uses linking cubes to have students discover the pattern in the number of cubes needed for staircases of increasing numbers of steps.

The lesson plan is about having students discover and describe patterns involved in building staircases out of linking cubes, where each additional step requires that number of additional cubes.

The 5E lesson plan model involves 5 steps: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan Topic: Staircase Problem Teacher: Paul A.

. Mills Date: December 3, 2011 Grade Level: Third rade

Subject area Mathematics/ Pattern, Number, Function

Materials: !in"in# sna$ cubes , Pattern Staircase %ecordin# Sheet, #rid, and colored $encils, Vocabulary pattern, table, rule, growing, repeating, extending, numeric pattern, geometric pattern Content Standards: Virginia Standard of Learning Patterns !unctions and "lgebra !ocus: Patterns and Property Concepts S&! 3.20 The student 'ill a( in)esti#ate the identit* and the commutati)e $ro$erties +or addition and multi$lication, and b( -denti+* e.am$les o+ the identit* and commutati)e $ro$erties +or addition and multi$lication. Lesson #bjective$s%: /S&!(0 3.11, 3.20 a. The student 'ill reco#ni2e and describe a )ariet* o+ $atterns +ormed usin# numbers, tables, and $ictures, and e.tend the $atterns, usin# the same or di++erent +orms. b. The student 'ill create and sol)e sin#le3ste$ and multiste$ $ractical $roblems in)ol)in# addition, subtraction, multi$lication, and di)ision 'ith and 'ithout remainders o+ 'hole numbers. c. The student 'ill describe the relationshi$ +ound in a number $attern and e.$ress the relationshi$ 'ith )alue and 4uantit*. Differentiation Strategies to &eet Diverse Learner 'eeds: Mi(ed "bility Groups The student 'ill0 &r#ani2e and inter$ret data. Find $atterns in the data and use the data to direct the com$letion the tas". A$$l* 'hat is learned in the introductor* lesson to com$lete the tas". 5se )arious strate#ies to com$ute the end result o+ the tas". 5se and a$$l* 6s"i$ countin#7 /multi$les( to #uide their thin"in# in +i#urin# out the end result o+ the tas". 8a*s in 'hich tas" can be sol)ed0 Ma"in# table 'ith data, buildin# the staircase 'ith cubes, 6s"i$ count7, usin# an arra*, usin# a calculator, $ictures, usin# tall* mar"s to calculate totals, countin# the cubes one b* one, usin# a 100 chart to com$ute, create a #ra$h, usin# numbers and s*mbols /create a rule(, etc. Methods students ma* use0 9uildin# 'ith cubes, countin# cubes one b* one e)en 'hen as"ed not to do so, s"i$ countin#, dra'in# $ictures, ma"e a table or chart 'ith the data )'G"G)M)'T Describe ho' the teacher 'ill ca$ture students: interest. 8hat "ind o+ 4uestions should the students as" themsel)es a+ter the en#a#ement; *ntroduction: 1. Dis$la* a 33ste$ structure and introduce them as 6staircases7 to the class.
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011

COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan 2. As" children to build a co$* o+ a 33ste$ staircase and add another ste$. 3. A+ter the* ha)e added the ste$ to the staircase, as" children to $redict ho' man* Sna$ <ubes the* 'ould need to build the ne.t ste$ in the staircase and the total number o+ cubes in the staircase. @. >a)e students turn and tal" to share their $redictions. A. 9rin# students to#ether to e.$lain the tas". Direction for the Tas+ Tas+,- - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am not sure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13 ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; Find a $attern to *our stairs and i+ *ou can, #enerali2e *our $attern so - 'ould be able to +ind the number o+ bloc"s in an* ste$ o+ stairs. 9e sure to e.$lain *our reasonin#. Tas+ , - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am unsure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13 ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a @3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a A3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a B3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; Tas+ , . More Challenging Version: $Mi(ed "bility group% - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am unsure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; 8rite a rule +or determinin# the number o+ bloc"s - 'ould need +or a staircase 'ith an* number o+ ste$s.

)/PL#0"T*#' As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; 6No', 'e are #oin# to e.$lore our $redictions b* buildin# a 103ste$ staircase. Cou are #oin# to +i#ure out ho' man* Sna$ <ubes *ou need to build a 103ste$ staircase 'ithout countin# e)er* cube70 8or" 'ith a small #rou$. 5se *our Sna$ <ubes, #ra$h $a$er, or other materials to build a staircase 'ith ste$s that are 1 cube 'ide. For each ste$, record the number o+ the ste$ and the number o+ cubes in the entire staircase at that $oint. !oo" +or a $attern that 'ill hel$ *ou $redict the number o+ cubes *ou 'ould need to ma"e a staircase 'ith an* number o+ ste$s. 8hat 'ill - hear to indicate com$rehension o+ the tas"0 6The column or ro' 'ith the number o+ cubes in each ste$ is addin# 1 each time.7 6The total numbers o+ cubes in the staircase increases b* ho' man* cubes are added +or each ste$.7 Students #atherin# the a$$ro$riate materials, ma"in# a $lan or discussin# strate#ies, countin#, cubes
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011

COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan sna$$in#, math tal" bet'een students, etc.

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011


Student1Teacher "ctions $2hat students and teachers should be doing to facilitate learning%

1. =.$lain to students that the* 'ill be e.$lorin# $atterns b* buildin# staircase out o+ lin"in# cubes. The staircase 'ill be#in 'ith one cube, and each ste$ 'ill be a 6to'er7 o+ cubes that is t'o cubes hi#her than the $re)ious ste$. There must be at least ei#ht to'ers or ste$s. The to'ers 'ill be considered ste$s numbers 1, 2, 3, @D. 2. As" students 'hether the +ocus o+ this $attern has to do 'ith the color o+ the lin"in# cubes. Distribute co$ies o+ the Pattern Staircase %ecordin# Sheet. Put students into $airs or small #rou$s to build the staircases. As" #rou$s to describe the $attern in their staircases and record this in+ormation on their indi)idual recordin# sheets. >a)e students 'or" in their #rou$s to com$lete their recordin# sheets.

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011


!aunch0 >o' 'ill *ou introduce students to the tas" so as not to reduce the $roblem sol)in# as$ects o+ the tas"/s(; 8hat 'ill *ou hear that lets *ou "no' students understand the tas"/s(; =.$lore0 As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; )/PL"'"T*#' Student e.$lanations should $recede introduction o+ terms or e.$lanations b* the teacher. 8hat 4uestions or techni4ues 'ill the teacher use to hel$ students connect their e.$loration to the conce$t under e.amination; !ist hi#her order thin"in# 4uestions 'hich teachers 'ill use to solicit student e.$lanations and hel$ them to Eusti+* their e.$lanations. Fuestions +or +ocusin# thin"in#0 >o' man* e.tra cubes did *ou use to ma"e the ne.t ste$; >o' man* cubes total did *ou use to ma"e the staircase 'ith A ste$s; B ste$s; G ste$s; >o' man* cubes do *ou thin" *ou 'ould need to ma"e 10 ste$s; 8hat did *ou notice as *ou built *our staircase; 8hat $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be; 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$;
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011


Mathematical ideas b* students0 Pictures, 33D re$resentation o+ the ste$s, arra*s, tables or charts 'ith data to "ee$ trac" o+ numbers o+ cubes bein# used, #ra$hs, etc. Fuestions +or assessin# math ideas, strate#ies, or re$resentations0 8hat $atterns do *ou notice in *our data; >o' did *ou arri)e at *our conclusion; 8hat strate#* did *ou use to +i#ure out the total number o+ cubes used +or A ste$s; 10 ste$s; >o' did *ou +ind the total number o+ cubes in the staircase; As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; )L"3#0"T*#' Describe ho' students 'ill de)elo$ a more so$histicated understandin# o+ the conce$t. 8hat )ocabular* 'ill be introduced and ho' 'ill it connect to students: obser)ations; >o' is this "no'led#e a$$lied in our dail* li)es; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; Fuestions +or ad)ancin# students: ideas0 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be; 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$; >o' can *ou +i#ure out ho' man* total cubes 'ould be needed 'ithout countin# each cube +or a 203ste$ staircase; 8hat other $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; <an *ou create a rule to +ind total number o+ cubes +or an* staircase;

)V"L4"T*#' >o' 'ill students demonstrate that the* ha)e achie)ed the lesson obEecti)e; This should be embedded throu#hout the lesson as 'ell as at the end o+ the lesson Fuestions +or ad)ancin# students: ideas0 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be;
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011

COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$; >o' can *ou +i#ure out ho' man* total cubes 'ould be needed 'ithout countin# each cube +or a 203ste$ staircase; 8hat other $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; <an *ou create a rule to +ind total number o+ cubes +or an* staircase;

Fuestions +or encoura#in# the sharin# o+ thin"in#0 8h* did *ou decide on this strate#*; 8h* 'as this strate#* more hel$+ul +or *ou; 8hat ti$s can *ou #i)e us i+ someone decides to use *our strate#*; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; Solution Paths and Se4uencin#0 1. 9uildin# 'ith Sna$ <ubes

2. Dra'in# $ictures

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011


3. <reatin# a table

@. <reatin# a bar #ra$h

A. <reatin# a line #ra$h

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011


B. 5sin# numbers and s*mbols A 103ste$ staircase 'ill ta"e AA bloc"s. Students 'ho use a chart o+ sim$ler cases should be encoura#ed to loo" +or $atterns. H o+ Ste$s H o+ 9loc"s 1 2 3 @ A B I 1 1 3 B 10 1A 21 3B @A

10 AA A #enerali2ation +or this $roblem is0/number o+ ste$s( . /number o+ ste$s J1((/2 Total amount o+ cubes in an* number o+ ste$s0 n $n 5 -% 6 Connections: Tr*in# to #et them to understand numbers in consecuti)e order and $ush them to'ards al#ebraic reasonin# et students to ma"e #enerali2ations The student 'ill use $roblem sol)in#, mathematical communication, mathematical reasonin#, connections, and re$resentations to reco#ni2e re$eatin# and #ro'in# numeric and #eometric $atterns /e.#., s"i$ countin#, addition tables, and multi$lication tables(. Describe re$eatin# and #ro'in# numeric and #eometric $atterns +ormed usin# numbers, tables, and/o+ $ictures, usin# the same or di++erent +orms. =.tend re$eatin# and #ro'in# $atterns o+ numbers or +i#ures usin# concrete obEects, numbers, tables, and/or $ictures.

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011

COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan "ssess&ent 7uestions !oo"in# at the #rid $attern that *ou created on the recordin# sheet, 'hat 'ould *ou 'rite as the 6rule7 o+ the $attern staircase; 8ould *ou describe this $attern staircase as a re$eatin# $attern or a #ro'in# $attern; =.$lain *our reasonin#. A )erbal or 'ritten descri$tion 6- +ound a $attern. =ach time - add a ste$, - add the ne.t number. -nstead o+ countin# all the cubes, - can add consecuti)e numbers to +ind out ho' man* cubes there are total.7 8ournal19riting Pro&pts Dra' a staircase that be#ins 'ith t'o lin"in# cubes and add t'o more to each ne' to'er. -denti+* ho' man* cubes 'ill be in the +i+th to'er and ho' man* cubes 'ill be in the tenth to'er o+ this staircase. =.$lain ho' *ou "no'.
This lesson $lan 6staircase $roblem7 'as based on lesson stud* de)elo$ed b* the Partici$ants Kir#inia 9olton, Priscilla <essna, <had =imer, ?en McPherson, Paul Mills, Tori Kioletta +or <&MP!=T= MAT> $roEect throu#h eor#e Mason 5ni)ersit*, Fair+a., Kir#inia. The lesson stud* $lan 'as ado$ted +rom Ada$ted +rom The Thin"in# throu#h a !esson Plan Protocol /TT!P(. De)elo$ed b* M. Smith L K. 9ill, School o+ =ducation at 5ni)ersit* o+ Pittsbur#h.

Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011

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