Staircase Problem
Staircase Problem
Staircase Problem
Materials: !in"in# sna$ cubes , Pattern Staircase %ecordin# Sheet, #rid, and colored $encils, Vocabulary pattern, table, rule, growing, repeating, extending, numeric pattern, geometric pattern Content Standards: Virginia Standard of Learning Patterns !unctions and "lgebra !ocus: Patterns and Property Concepts S&! 3.20 The student 'ill a( in)esti#ate the identit* and the commutati)e $ro$erties +or addition and multi$lication, and b( -denti+*$les o+ the identit* and commutati)e $ro$erties +or addition and multi$lication. Lesson #bjective$s%: /S&!(0 3.11, 3.20 a. The student 'ill reco#ni2e and describe a )ariet* o+ $atterns +ormed usin# numbers, tables, and $ictures, and e.tend the $atterns, usin# the same or di++erent +orms. b. The student 'ill create and sol)e sin#le3ste$ and multiste$ $ractical $roblems in)ol)in# addition, subtraction, multi$lication, and di)ision 'ith and 'ithout remainders o+ 'hole numbers. c. The student 'ill describe the relationshi$ +ound in a number $attern and e.$ress the relationshi$ 'ith )alue and 4uantit*. Differentiation Strategies to &eet Diverse Learner 'eeds: Mi(ed "bility Groups The student 'ill0 &r#ani2e and inter$ret data. Find $atterns in the data and use the data to direct the com$letion the tas". A$$l* 'hat is learned in the introductor* lesson to com$lete the tas". 5se )arious strate#ies to com$ute the end result o+ the tas". 5se and a$$l* 6s"i$ countin#7 /multi$les( to #uide their thin"in# in +i#urin# out the end result o+ the tas". 8a*s in 'hich tas" can be sol)ed0 Ma"in# table 'ith data, buildin# the staircase 'ith cubes, 6s"i$ count7, usin# an arra*, usin# a calculator, $ictures, usin# tall* mar"s to calculate totals, countin# the cubes one b* one, usin# a 100 chart to com$ute, create a #ra$h, usin# numbers and s*mbols /create a rule(, etc. Methods students ma* use0 9uildin# 'ith cubes, countin# cubes one b* one e)en 'hen as"ed not to do so, s"i$ countin#, dra'in# $ictures, ma"e a table or chart 'ith the data )'G"G)M)'T Describe ho' the teacher 'ill ca$ture students: interest. 8hat "ind o+ 4uestions should the students as" themsel)es a+ter the en#a#ement; *ntroduction: 1. Dis$la* a 33ste$ structure and introduce them as 6staircases7 to the class.
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011
COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan 2. As" children to build a co$* o+ a 33ste$ staircase and add another ste$. 3. A+ter the* ha)e added the ste$ to the staircase, as" children to $redict ho' man* Sna$ <ubes the* 'ould need to build the ne.t ste$ in the staircase and the total number o+ cubes in the staircase. @. >a)e students turn and tal" to share their $redictions. A. 9rin# students to#ether to e.$lain the tas". Direction for the Tas+ Tas+,- - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am not sure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13 ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; Find a $attern to *our stairs and i+ *ou can, #enerali2e *our $attern so - 'ould be able to +ind the number o+ bloc"s in an* ste$ o+ stairs. 9e sure to e.$lain *our reasonin#. Tas+ , - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am unsure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13 ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a @3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a A3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a B3ste$ staircase use; >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; Tas+ , . More Challenging Version: $Mi(ed "bility group% - am $lannin# to build a staircase. - am unsure ho' man* ste$s hi#h - 'ant m* stairs. - do "no' that a 13ste$ stair ta"es 1 bloc" to build. A 23ste$ stair ta"es 3 bloc"s and a 33ste$ stair ta"es B bloc"s. >o' man* bloc"s 'ill a 103ste$ stair use; 8rite a rule +or determinin# the number o+ bloc"s - 'ould need +or a staircase 'ith an* number o+ ste$s.
)/PL#0"T*#' As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; 6No', 'e are #oin# to e.$lore our $redictions b* buildin# a 103ste$ staircase. Cou are #oin# to +i#ure out ho' man* Sna$ <ubes *ou need to build a 103ste$ staircase 'ithout countin# e)er* cube70 8or" 'ith a small #rou$. 5se *our Sna$ <ubes, #ra$h $a$er, or other materials to build a staircase 'ith ste$s that are 1 cube 'ide. For each ste$, record the number o+ the ste$ and the number o+ cubes in the entire staircase at that $oint. !oo" +or a $attern that 'ill hel$ *ou $redict the number o+ cubes *ou 'ould need to ma"e a staircase 'ith an* number o+ ste$s. 8hat 'ill - hear to indicate com$rehension o+ the tas"0 6The column or ro' 'ith the number o+ cubes in each ste$ is addin# 1 each time.7 6The total numbers o+ cubes in the staircase increases b* ho' man* cubes are added +or each ste$.7 Students #atherin# the a$$ro$riate materials, ma"in# a $lan or discussin# strate#ies, countin#, cubes
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011
COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan sna$$in#, math tal" bet'een students, etc.
Student1Teacher "ctions $2hat students and teachers should be doing to facilitate learning%
1. =.$lain to students that the* 'ill be e.$lorin# $atterns b* buildin# staircase out o+ lin"in# cubes. The staircase 'ill be#in 'ith one cube, and each ste$ 'ill be a 6to'er7 o+ cubes that is t'o cubes hi#her than the $re)ious ste$. There must be at least ei#ht to'ers or ste$s. The to'ers 'ill be considered ste$s numbers 1, 2, 3, @D. 2. As" students 'hether the +ocus o+ this $attern has to do 'ith the color o+ the lin"in# cubes. Distribute co$ies o+ the Pattern Staircase %ecordin# Sheet. Put students into $airs or small #rou$s to build the staircases. As" #rou$s to describe the $attern in their staircases and record this in+ormation on their indi)idual recordin# sheets. >a)e students 'or" in their #rou$s to com$lete their recordin# sheets.
!aunch0 >o' 'ill *ou introduce students to the tas" so as not to reduce the $roblem sol)in# as$ects o+ the tas"/s(; 8hat 'ill *ou hear that lets *ou "no' students understand the tas"/s(; =.$lore0 As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; )/PL"'"T*#' Student e.$lanations should $recede introduction o+ terms or e.$lanations b* the teacher. 8hat 4uestions or techni4ues 'ill the teacher use to hel$ students connect their e.$loration to the conce$t under e.amination; !ist hi#her order thin"in# 4uestions 'hich teachers 'ill use to solicit student e.$lanations and hel$ them to Eusti+* their e.$lanations. Fuestions +or +ocusin# thin"in#0 >o' man* e.tra cubes did *ou use to ma"e the ne.t ste$; >o' man* cubes total did *ou use to ma"e the staircase 'ith A ste$s; B ste$s; G ste$s; >o' man* cubes do *ou thin" *ou 'ould need to ma"e 10 ste$s; 8hat did *ou notice as *ou built *our staircase; 8hat $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be; 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$;
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011
Mathematical ideas b* students0 Pictures, 33D re$resentation o+ the ste$s, arra*s, tables or charts 'ith data to "ee$ trac" o+ numbers o+ cubes bein# used, #ra$hs, etc. Fuestions +or assessin# math ideas, strate#ies, or re$resentations0 8hat $atterns do *ou notice in *our data; >o' did *ou arri)e at *our conclusion; 8hat strate#* did *ou use to +i#ure out the total number o+ cubes used +or A ste$s; 10 ste$s; >o' did *ou +ind the total number o+ cubes in the staircase; As students are 'or"in# inde$endentl* or in small #rou$s0 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to +ocus their thin"in#; 8hat 'ill *ou see or hear that lets *ou "no' ho' students are thin"in# about the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to assess students: understandin# o+ "e* mathematical ideas, $roblem sol)in# strate#ies, or their re$resentations; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to ad)ance students: understandin# o+ the mathematical ideas; 8hat 4uestions 'ill *ou as" to encoura#e students to share their thin"in# 'ith others or to assess their understandin# o+ their $eers: ideas; )L"3#0"T*#' Describe ho' students 'ill de)elo$ a more so$histicated understandin# o+ the conce$t. 8hat )ocabular* 'ill be introduced and ho' 'ill it connect to students: obser)ations; >o' is this "no'led#e a$$lied in our dail* li)es; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; Fuestions +or ad)ancin# students: ideas0 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be; 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$; >o' can *ou +i#ure out ho' man* total cubes 'ould be needed 'ithout countin# each cube +or a 203ste$ staircase; 8hat other $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; <an *ou create a rule to +ind total number o+ cubes +or an* staircase;
)V"L4"T*#' >o' 'ill students demonstrate that the* ha)e achie)ed the lesson obEecti)e; This should be embedded throu#hout the lesson as 'ell as at the end o+ the lesson Fuestions +or ad)ancin# students: ideas0 8hat 'ould *our ne.t ste$ be;
Paul A. Mills M5 <&MP!=T= MAT> STA-%<AS= P%&?=<T 12/3/2011
COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan 8h* do *ou thin" that 'ould be the ne.t ste$; >o' can *ou +i#ure out ho' man* total cubes 'ould be needed 'ithout countin# each cube +or a 203ste$ staircase; 8hat other $atterns did *ou notice in *our data; <an *ou create a rule to +ind total number o+ cubes +or an* staircase;
Fuestions +or encoura#in# the sharin# o+ thin"in#0 8h* did *ou decide on this strate#*; 8h* 'as this strate#* more hel$+ul +or *ou; 8hat ti$s can *ou #i)e us i+ someone decides to use *our strate#*; 8hich solution $aths do *ou antici$ate 'ill come u$ and 'hich do *ou 'ant to ha)e shared durin# the class discussion in order to accom$lish the #oals +or the lesson; 8hich 'ill be shared +irst, second, etc.; 8h*; -n 'hat 'a*s 'ill the order o+ the solution $aths hel$s students ma"e connections bet'een the strate#ies and mathematical ideas; Solution Paths and Se4uencin#0 1. 9uildin# 'ith Sna$ <ubes
2. Dra'in# $ictures
3. <reatin# a table
B. 5sin# numbers and s*mbols A 103ste$ staircase 'ill ta"e AA bloc"s. Students 'ho use a chart o+ sim$ler cases should be encoura#ed to loo" +or $atterns. H o+ Ste$s H o+ 9loc"s 1 2 3 @ A B I 1 1 3 B 10 1A 21 3B @A
10 AA A #enerali2ation +or this $roblem is0/number o+ ste$s( . /number o+ ste$s J1((/2 Total amount o+ cubes in an* number o+ ste$s0 n $n 5 -% 6 Connections: Tr*in# to #et them to understand numbers in consecuti)e order and $ush them to'ards al#ebraic reasonin# et students to ma"e #enerali2ations The student 'ill use $roblem sol)in#, mathematical communication, mathematical reasonin#, connections, and re$resentations to reco#ni2e re$eatin# and #ro'in# numeric and #eometric $atterns /e.#., s"i$ countin#, addition tables, and multi$lication tables(. Describe re$eatin# and #ro'in# numeric and #eometric $atterns +ormed usin# numbers, tables, and/o+ $ictures, usin# the same or di++erent +orms. =.tend re$eatin# and #ro'in# $atterns o+ numbers or +i#ures usin# concrete obEects, numbers, tables, and/or $ictures.
COMPELTE MATH LESSON STUDY 5E Lesson Plan "ssess&ent 7uestions !oo"in# at the #rid $attern that *ou created on the recordin# sheet, 'hat 'ould *ou 'rite as the 6rule7 o+ the $attern staircase; 8ould *ou describe this $attern staircase as a re$eatin# $attern or a #ro'in# $attern; =.$lain *our reasonin#. A )erbal or 'ritten descri$tion 6- +ound a $attern. =ach time - add a ste$, - add the ne.t number. -nstead o+ countin# all the cubes, - can add consecuti)e numbers to +ind out ho' man* cubes there are total.7 8ournal19riting Pro&pts Dra' a staircase that be#ins 'ith t'o lin"in# cubes and add t'o more to each ne' to'er. -denti+* ho' man* cubes 'ill be in the +i+th to'er and ho' man* cubes 'ill be in the tenth to'er o+ this staircase. =.$lain ho' *ou "no'.
This lesson $lan 6staircase $roblem7 'as based on lesson stud* de)elo$ed b* the Partici$ants Kir#inia 9olton, Priscilla <essna, <had =imer, ?en McPherson, Paul Mills, Tori Kioletta +or <&MP!=T= MAT> $roEect throu#h eor#e Mason 5ni)ersit*, Fair+a., Kir#inia. The lesson stud* $lan 'as ado$ted +rom Ada$ted +rom The Thin"in# throu#h a !esson Plan Protocol /TT!P(. De)elo$ed b* M. Smith L K. 9ill, School o+ =ducation at 5ni)ersit* o+ Pittsbur#h.