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The School'S Learning Resources Center

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FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment

E"i#o$e %
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mary Angelie A. Madrona Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill -e com"etent in i$enti&ying an$
cla##i&ying re#o'rce# that &acilitate an$ learning "roce##e#.
It ,ill -e an intere#ting /o'rney to the ,orl$ o& e$'cational technology a
chance to vi#it an$ o-#erve a learning re#o'rce center o& a #chool ,ill #tart
yo' o0.
For thi# "roce##+ e1"lore the ,orl$ thro'gh the#e #te"#(
%. 2i#it a #chool# learning re#o'rce# center. Loo3 aro'n$ an$ #ee ,hat
re#o'rce# an$ &acilitie# are availa-le in#i$e.
4. A#3 the learning re#o'rce center in charge a-o't #ome e5'i"ment or
&acilitie# are '#e$.
3. 6a3e an inventory o& it# availa-le re#o'rce# an$ cla##i&y them
accor$ing to their characteri#tic# an$ &'nction#.
7. 8rite $o,n a -rie& re9ection o& yo'r e1"erience#. A&ter my o-#ervation+ I
can cla##i&y the re#o'rce# availa-le in the learning re#o'rce# center.
A&ter I o-#erve$+ I cla##i&y the re#o'rce# availa-le in the learning re#o'rce center.
ame o& Center O-#erve$( Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
Date o& o-#ervation( e!t "#$%&""
ame o& O-#erver ( 'rene M. (arres
Co'r#e: Year : School( CPRT First )ear
Li#t o& Availa-le Learning Re#o'rce#
Availa-le Learning
;En'merate in -'llet &orm<
Characteri#tic an$
Uni5'e Ca"a-ilitie#
Teaching A""roache#
,here the Re#o'rce# i#
6o#t U#e&'l
%.Print Resources
Printer Ea#y to "rint $oc'ment# To the teacher i# not
-'r$en to "ro$'ce "rint
o't &or han$ o't#+
4. Audio Resources
Ra$io It can recor$ voice an$
"lay+ '#e&'l in m'#ic
le##on an$ $ancing.
The le##on can -e
"re#ente$ thro'gh
recor$ing even i& the
teacher i# not aro'n$.
3. *on+electronic
,isual Resources
Fla#h car$#
Chal3 -oar$
6anila "a"er
Can -e ea#ily 3e"t an$
#tore$ &or a long "erio$ o&
The#e are the alternative
i& the #chool i# #lac3 o&
com"'ter or no com"'ter
or "ro/ector to -e '#e$ &or
their le##on.
7. 'CT Resources
Over hea$ "ro/ector
File# can -e 3e"t &or long
"erio$ o& time an$ ea#y to
'"$ate or e$it.
It can -e '#e$ a# a tool
&or any "a"er ,or3#. It
ea#ily $etect ,rong
#"elling an$ a# tool o&
'm!ression: Thi# li#t o& availa-le learning re#o'rce# i# mo#t '#e&'l in cla##room &or
an e0ective teaching learning an$ glo-ally com"etitive.
ame an$ Signat're o& O-#erver(
'rene M. (arres

-ere the learning resources.materials arranged !ro!erly according
to their /unctions and characteristics0
The learning re#o'rce#:material# are arrange$ "ro"erly accor$ing to their
&'nction# an$ characteri#tic# li3e the a'$io material# ,ere "lace in one
c'-icle+ the vi#'al ai$# an$ the com"'ter+ the#e are the e1am"le o& #ome
re#o'rce#:material# that they have a #"eci=c "lace to -e 3e"t.
Do the guidelines and !rocedures /acilitate easy access to the
materials by the teachers0 -hy0 -hy not0
The g'i$eline# an$ "roce$'re# &acilitate ea#y acce## to the material# -y the
teacher -eca'#e they are availa-le+ ,hen #omeone '#e$ it they /'#t log I to
the recor$ -oo3 a$ recor$ o& ,hat i# -eing '#e$ or -arro,.
-hat are the strengths o/ this Learning Resource Center0
The #trength# o& the#e learning re#o'rce# center are( The com"'ter# are
ne,+ they have their in charge to ta3e care an$ &acilitate the #t'$ent ,ho ,ill
'#e$ it an$ #ome al#o material# even i& it i# not ne, -'t #till &'nctioning an$
-hat its -ea1nesses0
The ,ea3ne##e# are( They $ont have internet &or the com"'ter+ #ome o& the
re#o'rce#:material# nee$# mentainance to -e ,ell &'nctioning an$ a,ay
&rom $'#t.
-hat suggestion can you ma1e0
The #'gge#tion I can ma3e i# that+ m'ch -etter &or the learning
re#o'rce#:material# that they #ho'l$ "rovi$e internet to -e glo-ally
com"etitive #t'$ent an$ teacher# an$ have -'$get &or any re"air.
%. -hich o/ the materials in the learning resources caught your
interest the most0 -hy0
The material# in the learning re#o'rce# ca'ght mo#t o& my
intere#t i# the com"'ter -eca'#e they are ne, an$ ,ell arrange$.
%.-hich gadgets.materials are you already con3dent to
The ga$get#:material# that I thin3 Im con=$ent to '#e :o"erate
are the com"'ter -eca'#e I have a little 3no,le$ge on ho, to '#e
com"'ter an$ I ,ant to e1"lore more on com"'ter.
4.-hich ones do you /eel need to learn more about0
The ,in$ #"ee$ monitor ,hich I nee$ to learn more a-o't.
5.Read an article about your ans6er in number 4.
Paste a co!y o/ the article here.
There are many different instruments used to determine the speed of a fluid flow (wind). They
are collectively known as anemometers. A related instrument called the wind vane or
weather vane determines the wind direction. A combination instrument, or aerovane,
measures both. Where the precise speed is not required, an orange cloth cone called
a windsock is commonly used to show the direction and the general velocity.
The term anemometer is derived from the reek word anemos, meaning wind. The first known
description of an anemometer was given by !eon "attista Alberti around #$%&.
Types of Anemometers
The most common is the cup anemometer, which is simply three or four cup shaped ob'ects
mounted on the arms of a centre shaft. The cups catch the wind and are spun around as a
result. The speed at which the cups rotate is used to determine the wind speed.
The ne(t most common is the windmill anemometer. )t is the same as any windmill, a
propeller mounted on a nacelle which allows the windmill to rotate around to face the wind.
The speed of the wind is determined by how fast the propeller is spinning.
There are several other methods of determining the speed of a flow but are usually assigned
to laboratory use due to their sensitive construction (e.g. hot*wire anemometer or laser
+oppler anemometer.)
FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment
E"i#o$e 4
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mr. A7emar T. 8on9aga Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill -e com"etent in a""rai#ing the
e0ectivene## o& $i#"lay -oar$# a# learning re#o'rce#.
Di#"lay -oar$+ or ,hat ,e more commonly re&er to a# -'lletin -oar$+ i#
one o& the mo#t rea$ily availa-le an$ ver#atile learning re#o'rce#.
To reach yo' target+ &ollo, the -oar$# -elo,@
As you look around and examine board displays, use the acti7ity /orms
"rovi$e$ &or yo' to $oc'ment yo'r o-#ervation#.
Look around a
school for
Bulletin boards
?ic3 one an$
eval'ate the
enhancement to
ma3e the $i#"lay
more e0ective
Read the /ollo6ing statements care/ully be/ore you obser7e.
%. !o aro'n$ the #chool an$ e1amine the -oar$ $i#"lay. Ho, many
-oar$# $i"lay $o yo' #eeA
4. 8here are the $i#"lay -oar$# &o'n$A Are they in "lace# ,here target
vie,er# can #ee themA
3. 8hat are the $i#"lay# a-o'tA 8hat are the image# an$ color# $o yo'
#eeA Ho, are the "iece# o& in&ormation arrange$A
7. 8hat material# ,ere '#e$ in ma3ing the $i#"lay#A Are -or$er# '#e$A
B. Do yo' notice #ome error#A ;mi##"elle$ ,or$#+ grammar
incon#i#tencie# an$ the li3e<
C. Are the me##age# clear an$ ea#ily 'n$er#too$A
D. Yo' may choo#e to ta3e a "hoto o& the $i#"lay -oar$ ;i& allo,e$<
:(;R,AT':* R;P:RT
*ame o/ the school: Dona Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central
:bser7ed: 'rene M. (arres
Location o/ the school: :utside Princi!al<s o=ce and 'nside
Date o/ 7isit: e!t.
A# I ,ent aro'n$ the #chool Ive #een -oar$# $i#"lay
o't#i$e the "rinci"al# oEce an$ al#o in#i$e cla##room#. The -oar$#
$i#"lay# can -e #een $irectly a# #omeone inter the "rinci"al# oEce or
having a #ign in &or atten$ance a# ,ell a# in#i$e the cla##room. The
-oar$# $i#"lay o't#i$e the "rinci"al# oEce i# all a-o't memoran$'m an$
g'i$eline# to tho#e ,ho ,ant to a""ly+ they are not attractive+ $ry color
an$ no $ecoration. The content o& $i#"lay -oar$# in#i$e cla##room i# all
a-o't #'-/ect matter+ they are attractive to the "'"il#. >oth the -oar$#
mention a-ove+ the me##age# are clear an$ no mi##"elle$ ,or$# or
grammar incon#i#tencie#.
An :bser7ation 8uide /or (:ARD D'PLA)
From among the board<s dis!lay that I #a,+ I "ic3 one that I got mo#t intere#te$
in. Eval'ate it '#ing the eval'ation &orm -elo,.
(:ARD D'PLA) ;,AL>AT':* F:RM
To"ic o& the >oar$ Di#"lay( Fili!ino ?alitang @ilosA
Location o& the >oar$ Di#"lay in School( 8rade '' section "
Chec3 the col'mn that in$icate# yo'r rating. 8rite comment# to -ac3 '" yo'r rating#.
7O't#tan$ing 3F2ery Sati#&actory 4 FSati#&actory %Fee$# im"rovement
7 Comment#
;Becti7e Communication
Convey# the me##age 5'ic3ly an$

Color# an$ arrangement catche#
an$ hol$# intere#t.

O-/ect# are arrange$ #o #ta-ility
i# "erceive$

Re"eate$ #ha"e# or color# or '#e
o& -or$er# hol$# $i#"lay together

The #tyle an$ a""roach entice
learner# to -e involve$

Letter# an$ ill'#tration can -e
#een &rom a goo$ $i#tance

Free &rom grammar error#+
mi##"elle$ ,or$#+ am-ig'ity

Item# are #ec'rely

>a#e on the !'i$eline# &or De#igning In#tr'ctional material#+
in In#tr'ctional Technology &or Teaching an$ Learning+ e,-y et.al+ %GGC.
An ;7aluation Re!ort o/ a (ulletin (oard
(ulletin (oard ;7aluated by: 'rene M. (arres
Location: :utside Princi!als :=ce$ Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial
Central chool
(rie/ Descri!tion o/ the (ulletin (oard: The bulletin board dis!lay<s
7ery im!ortant to all.
trengths -ea1nesses
The content o& the
-'lletin -oar$ are very
im"ortant an$
The -oar$ $i#"lay# i# not attractive
or $ry -eca'#e there i# no $Hcor or
-or$er# an$ not $'ra-le.
ation o/
content and
other as!ects:
The -'lletin -oar$ i#
#im"le -'t &'ll o&
in&ormation to the
ot #o color&'l com"are to the
cla##room -'lletin -oar$.
Recommendation or uggestion /or im!ro7ement: I recommen$ that the
#chool -'lletin m'#t -e attractive to all e#"ecially to the teacher #o that they ,o'l$
enhance al#o to their cla##room m'#t -e goo$+ attractive a$ '"$ate$ &or any #chool
'"coming activitie#.
ignature o/ ;7aluator o7er !rinted name:
'rene M. (arres
Did the board dis!lay design re2ect the li1es.interest o/ its target
audience0 -hy0 -hy not0
The -oar$# $i#"lay# in#i$e the cla##room re9ect the
li3e#:intere#t o& it# target a'$ience# -eca'#e the $i#"lay# are relate$ to their
#'-/ect le##on. Some o& the $i#"lay# are generaliIe$@ it can -e '#e$ -y the
#t'$ent to their $aily learning a# ,ell a# the incoming vi#itor# or the
-as the language used clear and sim!le /or the target audience to
understand0 -hy0 -hy not0
Ye# the lang'age '#e$ clear an$ #im"le &or the target
a'$ience to 'n$er#tan$ -eca'#e the "'"il# 'n$er#tan$ an$ relate ,hat i#
-eing $i#"lay# ,hen they are a#3.
-hat do you thin1 6as the !ur!ose o/ the board dis!lay0 -as it
eBecti7e0 -hy0 -hy not0
The "'r"o#e o& the -oar$ $i#"lay ,a# to remin$ the #chool
activitie#. It i# very e0ective to the "'"il# -eca'#e they can recall ,hat are
the #"eci=c event# in #chool an$ #ome $i#"lay# in the -oar$ can -e '#e$ to
their $aily living li3e+ #te"# in han$ ,a#hing.
-hat suggestion can you ma1e0
The #'gge#tion I can ma3e i# a$$ more $ecor# in or$er to -e
more "re#enta-le an$ '"$ate$ &or any #"eci=c #chool '"coming #chool
(ase on your suggestionD !ro!ose an enhanced 7ersion o/ the
dis!lay board. >se the /orm belo6.
My Pro!osed board Dis!lay
Theme: Health is Wealth
(oard Title: To be Physically Fit
Rationale: ?Pur!oseA : The "'r"o#e o& thi# -oar$ i# to "romote =tne##.
S"eci=cally+ it i# "romoting the li&etime activitie# o& -i3ing+ hi3ing+ an$ ,al3ing+ a#
not only a goo$ ,ay to en/oy the &all color# o& 8i#con#in -'t more im"ortantly to -e
healthy. The -oar$ al#o #erve# a# a re#o'rce &or #t'$ent# an$ &amilie# to #ee ,hat
local trail# an$ #ea#onal &re#h mar3et# ;o0ering healthy #nac3#< are near them that
they can ta3e a$vantage o& in the &all.
To -e "hy#ically =t ,e can com"ete glo-ally an$ a #'cce##&'l one in all
(est /eatures o/ my !ro!osed bulletin enhancement:
>e#t &eat're o& my "ro"o#e$ -'lletin enhancement+ it can -e '#e$ to generaliIe$
Content Resources ? *ame each needed resource ad gi7e each a brie/
The content re#o'rce# that are nee$e$ are the &ollo,ing( ?a"er &or c't o't letter#+
-or$er# '#e$ to $ecorate+ colore$ "rinter &or 3D "ict're an$ the com"'ter '#e$ &or
an electronic $ra,ing.
Materials /or aesthetic enhancement:
The material# &or ae#thetic enhancement are the &ollo,ing( 3$ "rinte$ "ict're#+
con#i#tent o& &ont #iIe "a"er c't o't an$ the ,oo$ that '#e$ a# &rame #ho'l$ -e
=1e$ ,ell an$ clean.
*ame at least F s1ills that a teacher should ha7e to be able to
come u! 6ith eBecti7e board dis!lays. ;laborate on 6hy each
s1ill needed.
Skills teachers need to create an effective board display could include:
#. ,reativity. )nstructional content can be dry and boring in a classroom setting. ,reative teachers
try to present concepts and content in an interesting way.
-. .isual skills. Teachers are somewhat like interior designers/ they must be able to visuali0e the
presentation and impact they want to create, and then apply those to the display.
1. 2rgani0ational skills. This goes along with 3-, but organi0ation includes comparing and
contrasting, grouping and arranging content in a meaningful way.
$. ,ommunication. Teachers know that words combined with visual content can often communicate
more than words alone. As well, the teacher must be a good communicator.
%. !astly, good teachers make visual displays part of the lesson plan. +isplays or decorated bulletin
boards are not 'ust to make the room pretty. A good teacher can use one display to help students
build many different skills.
". -hich o/ the s1ills do you already ha7e0 Recall your !ast
eG!eriences ' ma1ing board dis!lays. Ho6 do you !ractice these
The #3ill# that I have -een "ractice are the organiIational #3ill#. J'#t li3e
in my home+ /'#t li3e in my home+ it i# im"ortant that the thing# #ho'l$ -e organiIe
an$ "lace in one gro'" accor$ing to their '#age+ /'#t li3e in the -'lletin -oar$#. I&
the $i#"lay# i# all a-o't 'trition 6onth #ho'l$ not -e attach #ome $i#"lay# li3e
>',an ng 8i3a.
4. -hich s1ills do you still need to de7elo!0 Re2ect on ho6 you can
im!ro7e on or acIuire these s1ills.
The #3ill# that I nee$ to $evelo"e$ that I thin3 I never '#e it $aily i# the
creativity #3ill#+ may-e I can im"rove an$ ac5'ire the #3ill# y "racticing a$ engaging
#ome ,or3#ho".
FS 3F Technology in the Learning
E"i#o$e 3FSee an$ Say
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mrs. Jenaida A. (illones Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
Class :bser7ational 8uide:
%. 8hat i# the le##on a-o'tA
4. 8hat vi#'al ai$#:material#:learning re#o'rce# i# the teacher '#ingA
3. O-#erve an$ ta3e note# on ho, the teacher "re#ent#:'#e# the learning
7. Clo#ely o-#erve the learner# re#"on#e to the teacher# '#e o& learning
re#o'rce#. Li#ten to their ver-al re#"on#e#. 8hat $o their re#"on#e# in$icateA
Do their re#"on#e# #ho, attentivene##+ eagerne## an$ 'n$er#tan$ingA
B. Foc'# on their nonFver-al re#"on#e#. Are they leaning &or,ar$ #ho,ing their
intere#t on the le##on an$ the material#A Are they loo3ing to,ar$# the
$irection o& the teacher an$ the material#A Do their action# #ho,
attentivene##+ eagerne## an$ 'n$er#tan$ingA
:bser7ational Re!ort
*ame o/ chool :bser7ed: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central
8rade.)ear Le7el o/ Class :bser7ed: 8rade '' section "
Date o/ ,isit.:bser7ation: e!tember "K$ %&""
To!ic: Problem ol7ing
ubEect Matter: Math

D'ring the cla## $i#c'##ion the teacher ,ere '#ing only chal3 an$ chal3 -oar$.
The learner in thi# cla## ,a# attentive or re#"on#ive+ ,hen the teacher call# them
to an#,er they /'#t rai#e their han$ an$ ,hen their name i# -eing calle$ they
#tan$ '" an$ go to the -oar$ to an#,er the 5'e#tion. They are intere#te$ in their
II+ Analysis
>T'L'JAT':* :F T;ACH'*8 A'D F:RM
8rade.)ear Le7el o/ Class :bser7ed: 8rade '' section "
Date o/ :bser7ation: e!tember "#$%&""
ubEect Matter: Math
(rie/ Descri!tion o/ the Teaching A!!roach >sed by the Teacher: Teacher
Teaching Aids
trengths -ea1nesses Comments on the
A!!ro!riateness o/
the Teaching Aids
Chal3 -oar$
The chal3 i#
economical+ an$
ea#ily -e era#e.
Chal3 -oar$ i#
$'ra-le an$ =1e$
on the ,all.
It can ca'#e
a#thma ,hen not
"ro"erly '#e$
Chal3 -oar$ i# not
U#ing chal3+ chal3 -oar$
an$ manila i# an ol$
#tyle. 6ay-e the
teacher #ho'l$ '#e
other in#tr'ctional
material in or$er to -e
more com"rehen#ive
an$ more attentive+ #o
6anila "a"er
Al#o economical
an$ #im"le to
Ea#ily to #cratch. It
co'l$ not -e 3e"t
that the #t'$ent ,ill
enhance to "artici"ate
an$ eager to re#"on#e.
-hat do you thin1 !rom!ted the teacher to choose the materials.learning
resources that she.he used0
I thin3 the teacher '#e$ tho#e material#:learning re#o'rce# that ,a# the
ea#ie#t &or her to acce## an$ "ro$'ce.
-hat di=culties$ i/ any$ did the teacher eG!erience0 Ho6 can this be
The $iEc'ltie# I thin3 that the teacher e1"erience it i# time con#'ming on
,riting the -oar$# '#ing their re#o'rce material#+ chal3+ chal3 -oar$ an$ manila
"a"er+ ,here a# ,hen #he '#e$ any alternative material# or #he alrea$y ma$e their
vi#'al ai$e may-e the time #he '#e$ ,riting on the -oar$ can -e '#e$ to e1"lain
,ell or &acilitate the "'"il# nee$
:7er+all$ 6ere the learning resources.materials used eBecti7ely0 -hy0
-hy not0
The learning re#o'rce#:material# are not e0ective to the learner#+ may-e
the teacher can '#e$ 9a#h car$#+ "o,er "oint or any alternative &or the chal3+ chal3
-oar$ an$ manila.
I& I ,ere the teacher on thi# cla## I ,ill $o $i0erently ,ith their #tyle o&
teaching. 6ay -e i& I ,ill -e allo,e$ to '#e$ the com"'ter+ I can "re#ent "o,er "oint
to my $i#c'##ion in or$er to -e more attentive an$ re#"on#ive on the "art o& the
FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment
E"i#o$e 7
TOOLS OF THE TRADE ;Teaching Ai$# >an3<
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e: CPRT Year ) Section: First
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mrs. Melinda A. Colasito
Signat're( **************
Coo"erating School( Dona Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill gain com"etence in "re"aring
in#tr'ctional material# that are a""ro"riate to the learning content.
To reach yo' target+ &ollo, the #te"# -elo,(
Class :bser7ational 8uide:
%. Are there learning re#o'rce# '#e&'l &or yo'r to"ic# in the re#o'rce# center yo'
4. Are the availa-le material# a""ro"riate &or yo'r target gra$e:year levelA
3. Li#t $o,n tho#e that can -e '#e&'l &or yo'r to"icA
7. 8hat other material# can yo' ma3eA
:bser7ational Re!ort
*ame o/ chool :bser7ed: Dona Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
Location o/ chool:
8rade.)ear Le7el o/ Class :bser7ed: 8rade F section "
Ste"%. Deci$e on a #"eci=c content area.
Ste" 4. Fin$ o't the learning re#o'rce#
relevant to yo'r to"ic that i# availa-le
&rom yo'r #chool: 'niver#ity# learning
re#o'rce center.
3. Develo" a "ile o& teaching ai$# ; 9a#h
car$#+ "ict're#+ c'tFo't# tran#"arencie#<
7. OrganiIe them in a -o1.
Date o/ ,isit.:bser7ation: e!tember %"$ %&""
The learning re#o'rce# are '#e&'l to my to"ic in the re#o'rce center+ the
availa-ility o& the material# are a""ro"riate &or my target gra$e: year level. The
material# that are '#e&'l o my to"ic are the c'tFo't material# an$ tran#"arencie#.
The -ene=t# o& $oing a #'rvey &or the availa-le material# are that I can
"re"are ,hat i# -eing availa-le an$ #'ita-le to my a""ro"riate level o& learner# that
#'it to their #"eci=c le##on. Secon$ly+ $'ring #'rvey I can chec3e$ the material# or
&acilitie# & it i# ,or3ing. Thir$+ a&ter a #'rvey an$ chec3ing the availa-ility o& the
material# or &acilitie#+ I can '#e it in the cla## accor$ing to their &'nction.
". -hich o/ the materials did you li1e ma1ing the most0 -hy0
The material# that I li3e i# the c'tFo't material# -eca'#e a&ter c'tting "ict're I
can "lace it in my rea$yma$e $ra,ing a# re9ection or a mo$el.
%. -hat di=culties$ i/ any$ did you encounter in ma1ing the materials0
Ho6 did you o7ercome them0
The $iEc'ltie# I enco'nter in ma3ing the material# i# the time to =n$ #ome o&
the "ict're that =t or #'it to the le##on -eing $i#c'## or "re#ente$ to the
4. -hat ti!s can you gi7e t the teachers regarding !re!aration o/
teaching materials0
The ti"# I can give to the teacher# regar$ing o& teaching material# are the
It i# im"ortant that the material# "re#ente$ to the cla## i# economical "re#enta-le
-y '#ing the creativity o& a teacher an$ la#tly $'ra-l
FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment
E"i#o$e B
?A?ER 8ORKSL ;?re"aring Han$Fo't#<
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mrs. Jenaida A. (illones Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill gain com"etence in "re"aring
in#tr'ctional material# ;han$Fo't#< that are a""ro"riate to the learning
8ith a lot o& re9ective thin3ing co'"le$ ,ith yo'r creativity+ yo' can $e#igne$
han$#Fo't that ,ill tr'ly ,or3 ,ell to ma3e learning e0ective. Yo' ,ill #ee that
"re"aring han$#Fo't i# not /'#t any "a"er ,or3. 8hen yo' "ro$'ce high 5'ality
han$Fo't# an$ event'ally try them o't+ yo' ,ill $i#cover that+ in$ee$+ "a"er ,or3#L
To reach yo' target+ &ollo, the #te"# -elo,(
-hat are the good /eatures o/ a handout0
The goo$ &eat're# o& a han$o't are the &ollo,ing( Han$o't#
ha# a to"ic o'tline ,hat i# -eing $i#c'## to the learner+ the
han$ o't m'#t -e "re#enta-le to the learner #o that they ,ill
?re"are han$o't# &or a
#electe$ to"ic ;i.e.+
9o,chart#+ #chema+
an$ !ragra"hic
De#cri-e$ yo'r
?re#ent it to yo'r FS
teacher -e&ore
re"ro$'cing it
not $i#car$ it an$ the learner m'#t thin3 ,hat # the content
o& the to"ic o'tline.
". -hat di=culties$ i/ any$ did you encounter in
ma1ing the handouts0 Ho6 did you o7ercome
The $iEc'ltie# that I enco'nter in ma3ing the han$o't i#
on ho, to $e#ign my han$o't #o that the learner ,ill 3e"t
%. -hat ti!s can you gi7e regarding !re!aration o/
The ti"# I can give to the teacher # that+ ma3e yo'r
han$o't# "re#enta-le an$ &'ll o& in&ormation.
FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment
E"i#o$e C
SLIDESHO8 >IM ;Sli$e ?re#entation<
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mrs. Melinda A. Colasito Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill gain com"etence in $evelo"ing an$
'tiliIing material# ;#li$e "re#entation< ,hich involve #t'$ent# in meaning&'l
An e0ective teacher ma3e# it her:hi# -'#ine## to create #li$e "re#entation
that really enhance# in#tr'ction.
To reach yo' target+ &ollo, the #tory-oar$ -elo,(

lide " lide %
lide 4 lide 5
-hat are the good /eatures o/ a slide !resentation0
The goo$ &eat're# o& a #li$e "re#entation are that+ the
#li$e i# 9e1i-le+ can -e re arrange into $i0erent
Select a to"ic
or #'-/ect
Develo" a
to #'""ort a
activity on
the to"ic.
Try o't yo'r
to a gro'" o&
8rite a
o't the
o& yo'r
#e5'ence#+ #li$e# in 6icro#o&t "o,er "oint i# more
"re#enta-le an$ ea#y to a""ly #ome e0ect+ animation an$
-hich o/ these /eatures are !resent in the slide
!resentation you made0
The &eat're that i# "re#ent in my #li$e "re#entation #
'#ing 6icro#o&t "o,er "oint -eca'#e it i# ea#y to a""ly
e0ect# to -e "re#enta-le to the learner.
-hat di=culties$ i/ any$ did you encounter in
ma1ing the slide !resentation0 Ho6 did you
o7ercome them0
D'ring my =r#t "re#entation o& #li$e #ho, '#ing 6icro#o&t
"o,er "oint I &o'n$ $iEc'lt in it+ e#"ecially i& no internet
at home.
FS3 Technology in the Learning Environment
E"i#o$e D
6Y EF8ORLD ;8e-#ite<
ame o& FS St'$ent( Irene M. Barres
Co'r#e( CPRT Year ) Section( First year
Re#o'rce Teacher( Mary Angelie A. Madrona Signat're(
Coo"erating School: Doa Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central chool
At the en$ o& thi# activity+ yo' ,ill -e $eci#ive in term# o& '#ing onFline
re#o'rce material# an$ "rogram#.
For thi# "roce##+ e1"lore the ,orl$ thro'gh the#e ste!s:

'n this e!isode the resource learning school that '
obser7ed has no access on internet$ but on my
eG!erience internet is 7ery use/ul in some research$
u!dated and most o/ all it is a source o/
%.O-#erve a cla## an$
ta3e note o& the to"ic
-eing "re#ente$.
4. S'r& the net to =n$ #ite#
that "rovi$e #'""ort
material# an$: or
interactive "rogram# on
the to"ic
3. Eval'ate the
material# or "rogram#
7. Re9ect on yo'r FS
8od bless and than1 you so much Ma<am 8ome9
ubmitted by: 'rene M. (arres

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