This document provides a 3-day learning plan for a kindergarten reading enrichment unit on punctuation. The unit goals are for students to be able to recognize and name three types of ending punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) and determine the correct punctuation to use at the end of sentences. Over three days, students will learn about punctuation, create a digital story using photos and selecting punctuation, and review what they learned by viewing and discussing their stories.
This document provides a 3-day learning plan for a kindergarten reading enrichment unit on punctuation. The unit goals are for students to be able to recognize and name three types of ending punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) and determine the correct punctuation to use at the end of sentences. Over three days, students will learn about punctuation, create a digital story using photos and selecting punctuation, and review what they learned by viewing and discussing their stories.
This document provides a 3-day learning plan for a kindergarten reading enrichment unit on punctuation. The unit goals are for students to be able to recognize and name three types of ending punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) and determine the correct punctuation to use at the end of sentences. Over three days, students will learn about punctuation, create a digital story using photos and selecting punctuation, and review what they learned by viewing and discussing their stories.
This document provides a 3-day learning plan for a kindergarten reading enrichment unit on punctuation. The unit goals are for students to be able to recognize and name three types of ending punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) and determine the correct punctuation to use at the end of sentences. Over three days, students will learn about punctuation, create a digital story using photos and selecting punctuation, and review what they learned by viewing and discussing their stories.
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Reading Enrichment Unit
Title of Unit Punctuation Grade Level Kindergarten
Curriculum Area Reading Language Arts Time Frame 3 (30 minute sessions) Developed By Martine Robinson Identify Deired Reult !"tage #$ Content "tandard ELACCKL2: Demonstrate command of te con!entions of standard Eng"is ca#ita"i$ation% #unctuation% and s#e""ing &en &riting' a' Ca#ita"i$e te (rst &ord in a sentence and te #ronoun )' b' Recogni$e and name end #unctuation' Undertanding Eential %uetion &verarching Undertanding &verarching Topical *tudents &i"" recogni$e and name ending #unctuation' +at is #unctuation, +en do ) use a #eriod, +en do ) use a -uestion Mar., +en do ) use an E/c"amation #oint, Related 'iconception 0ere is on"1 one &a1 to end a sentence' (no)ledge *tudents &i"" .no&2 "*ill *tudents &i"" be ab"e to2 0at tere are tree di3erent t1#es of ending #unctuation' *tudents &i"" be ab"e to determine te correct #unctuation to end a sentence' Aement Evidence !"tage +$ ,erformance Ta* Decription Goal 4i!en a form of #unctuation% te student &i"" correct use it in a sentence' Role Media *#ecia"ist Audience Kindergarten "ituation *tudents &i"" distinguis bet&een tree t1#es of #unctuation' ,roduct-,erforman ce Digita" #unctuation stor1' "tandard ELACCKL2: Demonstrate command of te con!entions of standard Eng"is ca#ita"i$ation% #unctuation% and s#e""ing &en &riting' a' Ca#ita"i$e te (rst &ord in a sentence and te #ronoun )' b' Recogni$e and name end #unctuation' &ther Evidence *tudents &i"" a"so use non!erba" signa"s to re#resent te cosen ending #unctuation' Learning ,lan !Day #$ 0eacer &i"" as. students to identif1 te tree t1#es of #unctuation tat are used to end a sentence' *tudents &i"" be a""o&ed to gi!e teir res#onses' 0eacer &i"" te"" te students tat te1 are going to read a boo. ca""ed M556 71 Da!id LaRoce""e and as te stor1 is read% te students are going to "oo. and "isten to o& te #unctuation canges te meaning of te stor1' *tudents &i"" be gi!en te si"ent signa"s to use as te teacer reads' (#eriod8tug on ear9 E/c"amation Mar.8 s#irit (ngers9 and -uestion mar.8 sou"der srug) 0eacer &i"" read te stor1 and a""o& te students to use te si"ent signa"s trougout te stor1' At te end% te teacer and students &i"" a!e a brief discussion about o& te #unctuation enanced te meaning of te stor1' 0e teacer &i"" a"so discuss te !ideo tat te students &i"" create on teir ne/t !isit' Learning ,lan !Day +$ *tudents &i"" reca# Moo6 te stor1 tat &as read to tem "ast &ee.' 0e1 &i"" a"so re!ie& te di3erent t1#es of #unctuation and te si"ent signa"s tat &ere used "ast &ee.' 0e teacer &i"" introduce te stor1board tat te students &i"" use to create teir o&n digita" stor1 ca""ed 7oo.6 0en students &i"" be bro.en into 2 grou#s (tose &o a!e #ermission to be #otogra#ed and tose &o do not) 0ose &o a!e #ermission to be #otogra#ed &i"" begin rotating troug stations to ta.e sti"" #otos using adobe !oice' 0ere are si/ areas of te media center tat are set u# to create te setting for te stor1' 0e oter students &i"" create a ne& stor1 using stor1board'com' 7ot grou#s &i"" be encouraged to coose te correct #unctuation tat is a##ro#riate for teir scenario' Learning ,lan !Day .$ 0e teacer &i"" reca# a"" te acti!ities o!er te #ast tree &ee.s' *tudents &i"" re!ie& te tree t1#es of #unctuation and e/#"ain &en eac one is used' 0e students &i"" ten !ie& teir !ideos from te #re!ious &ee. and discuss o& te di3erent #unctuation &as used to cange te meaning of te stor1' :rom: +iggins% 4rant and ;' Mc 0ige' (<==>)' Understanding by Design% Association for *u#er!ision and Curricu"um De!e"o#ment )*7? @ 08>A<2083<38> (##.)