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Cambridge Celta Lesson Plan

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CAMBRIDGE CELTA LESSON PLAN Teacher Name Bishal Rai Main Aims Personal Aims Date 23/07/2013 Level

Elementary Length 60 minutes TP no 8

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to understand superlati es and their arious forms! "hey will also be readin# for spe$ifi$ information! %n this lesson, % will be wor&in# on pro idin# appropriate models of oral and written lan#ua#e in the $lassroom! % will be wor&in# on fo$usin# on lan#ua#e items in the $lassroom by $larifyin# rele ant aspe$ts of meanin#, form and phonolo#y to appropriate depth! 'y lesson aim of tea$hin# superlati es is a$hie ed! Class Profile Materials "e-t with the tar#et o$abulary "as&s and hand)outs adapted from .a$e to .a$e by /hris Redstone and 0illie /unnin#ham 1isuals

( multilin#ual #roup of 18)20 adult males with a ariation of le els, most of them elementary, but some are pre)intermediate! 'ost of the students wor& in hospitality business * $hefs, &it$hen staff, house&eepin#+ whereas some wor& in en#ineerin# departments! "hey ha e a basi$ &nowled#e of En#lish! 'ost of them are of the same le el! ,owe er, some students are at an upper elementary le el!

Previo s Learning!"no#le$ge % &Ass m'tions relevant to this lesson!Timeta(le )it* +hat $o ,o -no# or ass me learners alrea$, -no# a(o t #hat ,o are teaching them to$a,. "hey mi#ht be familiar with the tar#et o$abulary and lan#ua#e as it is related to their e eryday li es in des$ribin# thin#s and situations! "hey most probably use the e2ui alent of the tar#et lan#ua#e i!e! superlati es in their nati e lan#ua#e! "hey mi#ht ha e some idea about superlati es li&e hi#hest, tallest, stron#est et$! and understand some $on$epts of #rammar li&e ad3e$ti es! Meas ring Learning % &Achievement of Lesson Aims* /o# #ill ,o -no# if learning has (een s ccessf l or if ,o r lesson aims have (een achieve$. "hey will be able to use the tar#et o$abulary 4the ad3e$ti es in the superlati e form5 in tal&in# about their e eryday li es and to their friends espe$ially when des$ribin# somethin#! Consoli$ation of Learning % &)ollo# 0'* +hat $o ,o antici'ate #o l$ (e a logical to follo# ' this lesson #ith at a later stage. %ntrodu$in# further $larifi$ation on superlati e ad3e$ti es usin# most6 ad3e$ti es 4e!#! most6 beautiful5 more detailed e-planation of the $on$ept of ad3e$ti es and introdu$in# more polysyllabi$ words!

LANG0AGE ANAL1SIS )ORM +hat is the target lang age calle$. &Also 'rovi$e the act al e2am'les to (e se$ in the lesson3* "he o$abulary $onne$ted with superlati e ad3e$ti es! "hese words are7 ,i#h8,i#hest, "all8 tallest, 9tron#8stron#est, Bi#8 bi##est and :on#8 lon#est +hat is the meaning of the target lang age. &State #hat it means!#hen #e se it3* "he tar#et lan#ua#e is the superlati e form! %t means the hi#hest and that there is nothin# or nobody who is abo e it! %t is used in des$ribin# thin#s that are not normal and are at the hi#hest le el! ;e use it when we want to des$ribe somethin# that is /o# #ill meaning (e chec-e$. Provi$e e2am'les &e3g3 CC4s5 e2'lain ,o r 'ict res!$iscover, tas-* "he meanin# will be $he$&ed throu#h //<s, spea&in# e-er$ises and written tas&s! % will be as&in# them 2uestions li&e are we $omparin# these with a lot of thin#s or with only one thin#= %f it means the bi##est, does it mean that there is no other thin# that is bi##er than that! Sho# the -e, feat res of 'ron nciation3 &e3g3 'honemes5 #or$!sentence stress5 contractions etc* ,i#hest, tallest, stron#est, bi##est and lon#est irre#ular superlati e ad3e$ti es li&e bad and #ood "he lon#est lesson in the world

"he lon#est lesson in the world /> l?#st lesn n > wld/

Sho# the feat res of form3 &e3g3 grammatical str ct re5 'art of s'eech5 s'elling r les etc*

"he 6 lon#est or "he 6 4ad3e$ti e6 est5 4most6 ad3e$ti es5

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems #ith the target lang age % & se the anal,sis a(ove to hel' #ith this* Meaning "he learners mi#ht #et $onfused with $omparati e and superlati e ad3e$ti es! Pron nciation :1 interferen$e with the pronun$iation of some new words! )orm "hey mi#ht mi- up the $omparati e form with the superlati e form and #et $onfused with the irre#ular superlati e form! "hey mi#ht also #et $onfused with how some words ha e double # li&e bi# and some word li&e short ha e no double words e!#! shortest and bi##est!

S ggeste$ Sol tions for those 'ro(lems % &these nee$ to (e sol tions to the a(ove 'ro(lems* Meaning Eli$it answers from them and apply //<s! 'a&e the usa#e and meanin# $lear! Pron nciation 'odel $learly and drill durin# the $larifi$ation sta#e 4and feedba$& as needed5 )orm ,i#hli#ht form $learly and address in feedba$&!

PROCED0RE PAGE % fill in as many sta#es as you re2uire for your lesson STAGE NAME Lea$ in STAGE AIM To esta(lish an$ generate interest in the to'ic an$ clarif, the target voca( lar, TIME 6 min tes INTERACTION T%Ss!Ss%T

PROCED0RE7 0reet the students!

Eli$it from the students the idea of $omparison of different thin#s! % will as& them that when they $ome to $lass what do they see on the road! @o they see the hi#hest buildin# in the world= % will show 3 to A pi$tures of the tallest, lon#est and shortest and bi##est thin#s! % will eli$it answers from them informin# that we will learn words that des$ribe people and thin#s that are $ompared to a lot of other thin#s and that they are bi##er, or stron#er than all of them! "hat this word tells us that it is the best, that there is no other thin# that is better than that!

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 :earners are not familiar with the new words! :earners $annot personalise it as it is too abstra$t! :earners will #et $onfused with the $omparati e form and the superlati e form!

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 Be $lear in the //<s and ma&e the meanin# $lear to them in the be#innin#! Eli$it answers from them to &now that they ha e understood!

STAGE NAME /larifi$ation of the tar#et lan#ua#e

STAGE AIM .or learners to &now the meanin# and form of the tar#et lan#ua#e i!e! the superlati e form

TIME 10 to 1B minutes

INTERACTION ")9s/ 9s)9s

PROCED0RE7 /larifi$ation of the meanin#7 % will show them the pi$tures of the superlati e $hara$ters on the C,D on$e a#ain! % will write the tar#et senten$e on the board as7 %t is the tallest buildin# in the world!

% will use //<s to $larify the answer! .or e-ample7 @o they loo& the same= 4 % will as& $lose ended 2uestions5 (re we $omparin# two thin#s or many thin#s= %s this buildin# the hi#hest in this area= %s this the only buildin# that is the tallest= %s it the only one= %s there any buildin# whi$h is taller than this buildin#= %s there anythin# that is hi#her than this thin# 4e!#! buildin#5= ;hat is the differen$e= %s it lon#er or shorter= Eli$it answers from them throu#h //<s! Ese only one pi$ture at that time! "hen after showin# all the pi$tures as& them! ;hat is $ommon amon# all these pi$tures=
I #ill tr, to elicit ans#ers from them as m ch as 'ossi(le3 After the clarification of the meaning5 I #ill clarif, the form3

% will as& them, what is a syllable= % will use //<s to eli$it answers from them! % will #i e e-ample of my name whi$h has two syllables! "hen, % will ta&e the e-amples of other superlati e ad3e$ti es and brea& down the syllables! % will #o throu#h the basi$ rules of form on the board! % will write usin# different $oloured mar&ers li&e this7 9uperlati e ad3e$ti es7 1 syllable8 lon# /l?/ 4the lon#est5 1 syllable8 add the 6 F est 2 syllable8 hea y /he6 i/ #i e other e-amples li&e $raGy, fluffy use hand #estures to ma&e it $lear! 4the hea iest5 1)2 syllables that end in a HyH e!#! 8$han#e HyH to HiH 6 add the 6 F iest 4the most6 e-pensi e5 26 syllables add the most6 ad3e$ti e also #i e e-amples li&e beautiful, wonderful, brilliant, % will use pronun$iation drill usin# the most e-pensi e #i in# parti$ular emphasis on the word the most! (fter usin# the //<s and ma&in# sure that they ha e understood the form of the re#ular ad3e$ti es! % will also e-plain the irre#ular ad3e$ti es #ood) the best bad) the worst 4optional as too mu$h of e-planation mi#ht $onfuse themI this part is only if they as& me the 2uestion5 "hey mi#ht as& a 2uestion as the words li&e bi##est, hottest hot6 est uses a sin#le JtK at the last but when we write it as a superlati e it is usin# two ts! Cn the other hand when a word li&e short an$ long is $han#ed into a superlati e, short6 est, i!e! shortest it is only usin# one t!

% will e-plain that it is be$ause of the owel letter before bi# and hot it has two $onsonant letter after it li&e bi##est and hottest! "he word li&e lon# and short uses only one $onsonant 4% will say non) owel letter, $onsonant mi#ht $onfuse them5 letter li&e shortest and lon#est be$ause it has a $onsonant sound before the last letter! 9ome more //<s ;hen we $han#e the word endin# with y what do we do= e!#! $raGy be$omes $raGiest! %f it has a owel letter what do we do e!#! hot be$omes LLLLLLLLL %f it has a non) owel letter before it what do we do e!#! lon# be$omes LLLLLLLLLL ;hen we $han#e a bi# word to superlati e what do we do= Beautiful be$omes LLLLLL beautiful J"heK is used before e ery superlati e ad3e$ti e! % will en$oura#e them to loo& at the differen$e and eli$it answers from them!
Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 9ome of them mi#ht not understand and not #rasp the $on$ept! STAGE NAME Clarification of the 'ron nciation of the target lang age STAGE AIM To ma-e them 'rono nce the target lang age in the correct form Ese a lot of //<s and $lear $ut definitions to ma&e them understand the $on$ept! Eli$it answers from them! TIME 6 min tes INTERACTION ")9s


% will fo$us on three main senten$es for pronun$iation drillin# purposes!

% will write on the board with different mar&ers and will also hi#hli#ht the stress!

! ! !

! !

The longest lesson in the #orl$ /> l?#st lesn n > wld/ the and lon#est is $ontra$ted and in and the is $ontra$ted!

The (iggest (o#l of so ' in the #orl$! /> b#st bl sup n > wld/ the and bi##est is $ontra$ted and bowl and of and in and the!

The heaviest ( rger //> he est b#/ the an$ heaviest are contracte$3 EmphasiGe the fa$t that the JwordK or Jad3e$ti eK has to be stressed and the rest of the senten$e is not that important! (lso that the is used before e ery superlati e word! Ese different $olours "he 6 lon#est or "he 6 4ad3)est5 4most6ad3e$ti es5 @elete it from the board and drill the pronun$iation * superlati e ad3e$ti es will be stressed! "he pronun$iation drillin# will be usin# sin#le students and in #roups! 0roup first and then sin#le students!

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 9ome of them mi#ht not put the $orre$t stress on the ad3e$ti es!

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 % will ha e to ma&e sure that they understand that the stress falls on the $orre$t ad3e$ti e be$ause it is the main part of the senten$e!

STAGE NAME /he$&in# understandin#

STAGE AIM "o #au#e their le el of $omprehension for the new o$abulary and $on$ept of the tar#et lan#ua#e

TIME B minutes

INTERACTION 9s)9s/ ")9s


% will #i e them the wor&sheets and will pro ide the pi$tures where they will mat$h the pi$tures to the para#raphs in #roups of 2! "here will be two bundles, one with the pi$ture and the other one with the 2uestions! "hey will mi- and mat$h them! %n feedba$&, the whole $lass will pro ide the $orre$t answer! 4B minutes5
Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 %nstru$tions mi#ht not be understood! 9ome of them mi#ht finish early and some of them mi#ht be late! Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 0i e them $lear instru$tions with ade2uate use of %/<s and use #estures and modellin#! (fter B minutes the answer will be #i en!

STAGE NAME Readin# for spe$ifi$ information

STAGE AIM "hey pra$tise their readin# s&ills

TIME B minutes



/larify the words7 dollars and pounds! "hen in #roups of two, they will fill in the #aps for the para#raphs! (fter they ha e finished the #ap fill wor&sheets, the whole $lass will dis$uss the $orre$t answer! 4B minutes5 (fter this, % will ta&e a short test whether they ha e understood by ma&in# them $han#e the superlati es on the hand outs to its base form! "he students will put all those ad3e$ti es on the hand outs and transfer them to the base form! % will monitor them and the whole $lass will dis$uss the $orre$t answer!

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 9ome of them mi#ht find the #ap fill e-er$ise too $hallen#in# and mi#ht simply #i e up!

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 "he ones who finish early will help their friends! % will pro ide the $orre$t answers after some time!

STAGE NAME Controlle$ 'ractice

STAGE AIM Consoli$ate the learning of the ne# target lang age

TIME 9: min tes



"he students will pra$ti$e some $ontrolled pra$ti$e wor& to ma&e sure that they ha e understood the $on$ept! % will be pro idin# them the hand outs where they will ha e to transform the ad3e$ti es to its superlati e form! %t will be pair)wor&! % will dis$uss the $orre$t answer with them and pro ide it on the board!

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 Some of them might finish earl, an$ some of them might finish late3

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 'a&e the early birds help the ones who ha e not finished! E!#! 9atish from 9ri :an&a mi#ht finish early so he $an help /handulal from %ndia who is wea&!

STAGE NAME )reer 'ractice!'ro$ ction stage

STAGE AIM To consoli$ate the learning of the ne# lang age in the form of s'ea-ing

TIME 96 min tes


PROCED0RE7 % will pro ide the $ards to all of them! % will use %/<s to e-plain the #ame to them! % will model it too throu#h #estures and a$tions! "hey will also write the name of the person in the $ard and they will #o about the room and as& their friends about the information in the $ard! (fter they ha e finished, then they will ta&e a different $ard and will as& some other member in the $lass! "his pro$ess will #o on for some time! % will pro ide the feedba$& and error $orre$tion throu#h eli$itation from them!

Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7 %nstru$tions mi#ht not be understood! 'i#ht ta&e too lon# time!

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7 'a&e the instru$tions $lear and understandable! % will ha e to use %/<s and modellin# of the pro$edure usin# a olunteer!

'a-imum 10 minutes for this e-er$ise!






Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7






Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7






Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7






Antici'ate$ Pro(lems7

Antici'ate$ Sol tions7

The, #ill have com'lete$ a s'ea-ing!#riting tas- a(o t s 'erlatives an$ (e (etter a(le to tal-!#rite a(o t s 'erlative a$;ectives3 The, #ill also have clarification of s 'erlatives to a great e2tent3

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