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Brighton in The Rain

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I. Pre-listening 1. Answer the questions in the song with Yes, I have or No, I havent? a.

Have you ever travelled abroad? ............................................ b. Have you ever sung in the rain? .. !. "at#h the in$initive $or% o$ the $ollowing verbs with their &ast &arti#i&le $or%s'

(e )ee )ail )&end +at ,rinHave *now 0ead ,rive *iss .at#h Hear )tudy /earn

)tudied Heard *issed Had (een .at#hed /earnt ,run)een )&ent ,riven )ailed +aten *nown 0ead

3. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the past participle forms of the verbs: 1horus Ive never 213444444444444 to Athens and Ive never 2!3444444444444 to 0o%e Ive only 253444444444444 the 6yra%ids in &i#ture boo-s at ho%e Ive never 273444444444444 a#ross the sea or 283444444444444 inside a &lane I9ve always 2:3444444444444 %y holidays in (righton in the rain. Ive never eaten $oreign $ood or 2;3444444444444 in a $oreign bar Ive never 2<3444444444444 a $oreign girl or 2=3444444444444 a $oreign #ar Ive never had to $ind %y way in a #ountry I don t -now Ive always -nown >ust where I a% and where Ill never go. Ive 21?3444444444444 travel boo-s by writers who have been to 6a-istan Ive 2113444444444444 &eo&le telling stories o$ adventures in Iran Ive 21!3444444444444 @A do#u%entaries about 1hina and (raBil (ut I9ve never 2153444444444444 abroad %ysel$C it s %a-ing %e $eel ill. Ive studied several languages li-e Hindi and "alay Ive learnt lots o$ use$ul senten#es Ive never been able to say @he $urthest &la#e Ive ever been was to the Isle o$ "an And that was $ull o$ tourists $ro% *orea and Da&an. 1horus

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