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Design for Learning
Instructor: Kaitlyn Wilson Grade/Cooperating Teacher: 2
nd , Milner Lesson Title: Counting Patterns Date: September 16, 2014 Curriculum Area: Math Estimated Time: 30 minutes Standards Connection: 6! Count "ithin 1000# s$ip%&ount by 's, 10s, and 100s (2%)*+2, Learning Objectie!s": +he students "ill be able to &ount by 's and 10s "ith -0. a&&ura&y Learning Objectie!s" stated in #$id%&riendl'( language: +oday "e are going to &ontinue "or$ing on &ounting by 's and 10s Ealuation o& Learning Objectie!s": +he students "ill &reate a number pattern "ith 's and 10s +he students must &orre&tly /inish the patterns "ith -0. a&&ura&y 0/ the student &annot &omplete a pattern in ea&h se1uen&e, they need /urther instru&tion on the &on&ept o/ using 's and 10s to &ount on Engagement: +oday "e are going to loo$ at number patterns and /igure out ho" to &omplete them We are going to start o// by &ounting e2eryone in our &lass by ones 3s 0 &ome around and point to ea&h person "e "ill &ount them, and the person "ill go to the /ront o/ the &lassroom 4et5s sho" an e6ample Start )ith the &irst table and hae the class count t)o students and hae those t)o students go to the &ront o& the classroom* 4et5s begin, "hen 0 point to someone e2eryone "ill &ount them, and that person "ill go to the /ront o/ the &lassroom 4et5s pra&ti&e +oint to the &irst person, and hae eer'one sa' one* 72eryone together8 9ne, +"o Correct an' problems the students are haing )ith the actiit'* 9$ay great: )o" let5s do that "ith e2eryone in the &lass 4et5s start again8 9ne, +"o, +hree, ;our< Continue until eer'one in the class has been counted and are standing at the &ront o& the classroom* =reat >ob: We ha2e &ounted by 1s and got to 20 )o" e2eryone get into a group o/ ' -ait &or the class to get into groups o& .* /elp students as needed* =reat >ob: ?oes e2eryone ha2e a group@ -ait &or students to respond* Wonder/ul: )o" let5s pra&ti&e &ounting our &lass by 's Count all the groups* ', 10, 1', 20 Wonder/ul >ob e2eryone: )o" 0 "ant you to do one more thing 4et5s get into groups o/ 10s -ait &or students to get into groups o& 01s* /elp students as needed* =reat: ?oes e2eryone ha2e a group@ -ait &or students to respond* 3"esome: )o" let5s pra&ti&e &ounting our &lass by 10s Count the class b' 01s* 10, 20 =reat >ob: )o" e2eryone head ba&$ 1uietly to your seat and ta$e out your math boo$ and hundreds &hart 2a$e sure ones and tens manipulaties are in the middle o& each table* Learning Design: 0 +ea&hing8 0 "ant e2eryone to loo$ at their hundreds &hart -ait &or students to put their hundreds chart on their des$* Ao" are the numbers that are right ne6t to ea&h other related@ -ait &or students to respond* =reat >ob: +he numbers are one more than the other 4oo$ at the number 3 Ao" is 2 related to 3@ -ait &or students to respond* Wonder/ul, 2 is one less than 3 and 4 is one more than 3 -rite the numbers ., 3, 4, 5, and )rite 6 blan$s* 4oo$ at the numbers on the board and tell me "hat numbers go ne6t@ -ait &or students to respond* 76&ellent: We need to add B, 10, 11 Ao" did you /igure out "hat numbers go ne6t@ -ait &or students to respond* =reat: Cou sa" that the pattern "as ea&h number is one more than the last number )o" 0 "ant you to loo$ at your hundreds &hart again -ait &or students to loo$ at their hundreds chart* )o" loo$ at the numbers belo" and abo2e ea&h number Ao" are the numbers that are abo2e and belo" ea&h other related@ -ait &or students to respond* Call on a student to ans)er* Wonder/ul: +he numbers abo2e and belo" are 10 more or 10 less than the number )o" 0 "ant you to put your hundreds &hart in the ba&$ o/ your math boo$ again and turn to page 41 in your math boo$ -ait &or students to turn to page 70* =o ahead and put your name and date on the top o/ page 41 2a$e sure eer'one is on the right page and putting their name and date on the top o& the page* Cou are going to /ill in the missing numbers on the hundreds &hart Cou &an use patterns "e >ust tal$ed about 4et5s loo$ at the /irst line together and &ount, 1, 2, 3, 4, ', 6, D, -, B, 10 So you need to /ill in the blan$s "ith 4, D, and B 9$ay no" use the patterns and strategies "e tal$ed about and /inish /illing in your hundreds &hart Gie students time to &ill in their hundreds chart and )al$ around and gie assistance as needed* Once the majorit' o& the class has completed the hundreds chart, hae them turn and share )ith a partner and get help &rom one another i& the' need it* Go ahead an )rite the patterns on the board &rom page 76 in their math boo$ belo) #2odel and Dra)( 0, 8, 6, 7, ., 3, 99, 99: 8;, 61, 60, 68, 66, 99, 99, 99: ., 01, 0., 81, 99, 99, 99, 99: .1, .., 31, 3., 99, 99, 99, 99* 9$ay no" that "e ha2e seen some patterns and di//erent "ays o/ &ounting in our hundreds &hart, let5s loo$ at page 42 in our math boo$ 4oo$ under "here it says Model and ?ra" 0 ha2e "ritten the numbers on the board 4et5s /inish this /irst pattern What &an you tell me about the pattern@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans)er* =reat, ea&h number is one more than the last number Who &an tell me "hat numbers "e need to add@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans)er* What are the ne6t numbers@ -ait &or student to respond and call on a student to ans)er* =reat >ob, "e need to add D and - -rite the numbers on the board* )o" let5s loo$ at our ne6t numbers Who &an help me /inish this ne6t pattern@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans)er* =reat >ob 34, 3', 36 )o" let5s loo$ at our ne6t set Who &an tell me "hat the pattern is "ith these numbers@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans)er* 3"esome: +he numbers are ' more than ea&h number Who &an help me /inish the pattern@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student* =reat, "e need to add 2', 30, 3', and 40 4oo$ at the ne6t problem Eaise your hand i/ you $no" the numbers to &omplete the pattern -ait &or students to respond and call on a student* =reat >ob, "e are &ounting by 's so D0, D', -0, and -' 00 9pportunity /or Pra&ti&e8 )o" 0 "ant you to loo$ at the bottom under FShare and Sho"G, 0 "ant you to &omplete this bottom part Cou &an "or$ "ith a partner to help /igure out the patterns 9n&e you ha2e &ompleted all the problems please raise your hand, and 0 "ill &ome &he&$ your "or$ Ma$e sure to &he&$ "hat you are &ounting by be&ause at the bottom it has you &ounting by 10s, so ma$e sure you loo$ at the patterns be/ore you /ill in the blan$s ?on5t /orget to "rite your name and date at the top o/ page 42 Cou may begin -al$ around and assist students as needed* As students begin to &inish chec$ their )or$ and hae them redo an' )rong problems* A&ter 'ou hae chec$ed their )or$, the students can )or$ on page 76 independentl'* 0 li$e the "ay e2eryone is "or$ing hard: Allo) students time to &inish page 76* I& most students are &inished go ahead and )rap up 'our lesson, &or the struggling students gie them more guidance to &inish their )or$ and allo) them to use their hundreds chart or manipulaties* ?id anyone see anything di//erent about number 13 and 14 on page 43@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans)er* =reat: 9n those you are &ounting do"n instead o/ up 000 3ssessment +ass out their assessment sheet* 72eryone go ahead and "rite your name and date at the top o/ the paper Once eer'one has a sheet and the' hae their name and date on it continue* Eead your dire&tions 9n the /irst set o/ /our blan$s you are going to &ount by 's Cou &an start at any number, but you need to &ount by 's ;or e6ample i/ 0 started "ith -0, 0 "ould "rite -0, -', B0, B' 0n the se&ond set o/ 4 blan$s, you are &ounting by 10s ;or e6ample i/ 0 "as starting at 40, 0 "ould "rite 40, 4', '0, '' 3re there any 1uestions@ -ait &or students to respond and ans)er an' <uestions* Please $eep your eyes on your o"n paper When you /inish raise your hand and 0 "ill &ome get your sheet Cou may begin Collect students= papers as the' &inish* A&ter the' &inish hae students sit <uietl' at there des$ until eer'one is &inished* 0H Closure8 What numbers did "e &ount by today@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student* Wonder/ul, "e &ounted by 1s, 's, and 10s Why "ould someone "ant to &ount by something other than 1s@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student* =reat, it &an help speed up the &ounting pro&ess Cesterday "e tal$ed about &ounting 3 pa&$s o/ 10 pen&ils Would it be /aster ta$e all the pen&ils out and &ount them or &ount ea&h pa&$ o/ 10@ -ait &or students to respond and call on a student* 76&ellent, you5re right it "ould be /aster to &ount on by 10s instead o/ &ounting ea&h pen&il indi2idually =reat >ob today e2eryone: Please put your math boo$ under your des$ 2aterials and >esources: F=o Math:G by Aoughton Mi//lin Aar&ourt +ea&her 7dition Chapter 1 pages 413%43 F=o Math:G student boo$ pages 41%43 3ssessment sheet atta&hed Aundreds &hart 9nes and tens manipulati2es Di&&erentiation Strategies !including plans &or indiidual learners": 4o" end learners8 =, I, S may use hundreds &hart and ones and tens manipulati2e blo&$s Mid%le2el learners8 More tea&her support and modeling Aigh%end learners8 May try page 44 i/ they /inish be/ore e2eryone is /inished Data Anal'sis: 100.% 12 students 60.% 4 students 0.% 3 students +he students "ho s&ored 0.%60. are students "ho are the lo"%end learners to lo"%a2erage learners +hese students need small group inter2ention in math +hey need to understand basi& patters and numbers be/ore they &an begin "ith s$ip &ounting >e&lection: +he ma>ority o/ the students had trouble "ith this in/ormation be&ause they still do not ha2e the basi& &on&ept o/ s$ip &ounting o2er 100s +here "ere a small group o/ students Jmy high%end learners! "ho grasped on to the &on&ept 1ui&$ly +he high%end learners helped the lo"%end learners +he high%end learners "ere as$ing to help the students 92erall the students did "ell "ith the s$ip &ounting "ith numbers under 100, but they need /urther instru&tion on s$ip &ounting numbers o2er 100 Samford University Design for Learning ?ame 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Date 999999999999999999999 Choose a number to begin )ith and count up b' .s* 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999 Choose a number to begin )ith and count up b' 01s* 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999
Math Fluency Activities for K–2 Teachers: Fun Classroom Games That Teach Basic Math Facts, Promote Number Sense, and Create Engaging and Meaningful Practice