Migration Lesson
Migration Lesson
Migration Lesson
3/10/14 Group Size: 25 Students A otted Time: 40 !inutes Su#$ect or Topic: Science adaptations Date: Grade Le"e : 4th Section: %/A
STA%DA&D: '(A Common Core): S.3.B.2.1.1 identi*+ adaptations o* p ants and anima s that ha"e he ped them sur"i"e, -, (er*ormance .#$ecti"es 'Learnin/ .utcomes) As a resu t o* this esson students 0i #e a# e to e1p ain 0hat mi/ration is and 0h+ it is important 0ith 203 accurac+ #+ 0ritin/ an entr+ in their science $ourna , --, -nstructiona !ateria s Computer (ro$ector http://adaptationunit,0ee# +,com/monarch4#utter+* +4mi/ration,htm Stic5ers http://adaptationunit,0ee# +,com/monarch4#utter+* +4mi/ration,htm science $ourna ---, Su#$ect !atter/ Content 'prere6uisite s5i s7 5e+ "oca#u ar+7 #i/ idea) !i/ration 4 This means the+ tra"e to other p aces 0here the 0eather is 0armer7 the+ can *ind *ood7 and to ha"e #a#ies, -nstinct 4 -s somethin/ that +ou are #orn 0ith7 somethin/ that +ou 5no0 ho0 to do 0ithout earnin/ it, 8i#ernation4is an adaptation that he ps man+ anima s conser"e ener/+ #+ remainin/ inacti"e7 /reat + s o0in/ their meta#o ism and reducin/ their #od+ temperature *or da+s7 0ee5s or e"en months at a time, T+pica +7 anima s hi#ernate in order to sur"i"e on/ periods 0hen *ood is scarce, 91amp es: :utter* ies ; *or 0armer 0eather and /ood hi#ernatin/ conditions Sa mon ; to ha"e #a#ies <ha es ; *or a #etter *ood source :i/ -dea: <hat do anima s mi/rate= ->, -mp ementation A, -ntroduction ;
1. http://000,#rainpop$r,com/science/anima s/mi/ration/ 2, 8a"e the students ta5e our there science $ourna s, 3, <hi e the+ are 0atchin/ these "ideo ha"e them ans0er these 6uestions? ' i* the+ don@t /et them a 0ritten do0n it is o5a+ #ecause 0e 0i /o o"er it as a c ass a*ter the "ideo) a, <hat is mi/ration= #, <hat anima s mi/rate= c, <h+ do the+ mi/rate= d, <h+ is it so important= 4, Go o"er the 6uestions as a c ass 5, Toda+ 0e are /oin/ to #e *ocusin/ on the mi/ration o* the monarch #utter* +, A, Sho0 them the map o* there the+ #utter* ies mi/rate *rom a. http://adaptationunit,0ee# +,com/monarch4#utter+* +4 mi/ration,htm B, <here are these #utter* ies comin/ *rom and 0here are the+ /oin/, a, 8a"e a student ans0er the 6uestion i* possi# e C, The+ are /oin/ *rom north to south ; to !e1ico 2, As5 the c ass 0h+ are the+ /oin/ *rom north to south= a, The+ are /oin/ *rom north to south #ecause the+ are oo5in/ *or idea 0eather to hi#ernate in, 10, As5 the chi dren i* the+ 5no0 0hat hi#ernation is= a, -* no one 5no0s 0hat it is then te them the de*inition o* hi#ernation, :, De"e opment ; 1, -ma/ine +ou 0ere a #utter* + and +ou had to ma5e it a the 0a+ *rom here to !e1ico do +ou thin5 it 0ou d #e eas+= <e 0e are /oin/ to /o outside and Dmi/rateE i5e a #utter* + 0ou d, 2, 9sta# ish outdoor c assroom e1pectations #e*ore tra"e in/ outside, Set $ourne+ #oundaries usin/ the *oot#a *ie d 3, <e 0i start the $ourne+ in a ine at on end o* the *oot#a *ie d a, Fou ha"e to *o o0 m+ directions to ma5e it to !e1icoG 4, <atch .utG (o0er ines ahead, Cra0 ahead 4 spaces on +our hands and 5nees, 5, ( ent+ o* nectar in this #utter* + /arden, Smac5 +our ips to/ether 10 times and mo"e ahead 4 spaces, A, Fou and in a po uted tin $un5ed in a s0amp near the Sus6uehanna &i"er and #ecome sic5 *rom the *ou 0ater, Sit do0n ho d +our stomach *or a count o* 127 /roan 3 times7 then mo"e ahead 2 spaces, B, Loo5 out *or that son/#irdG Hreeze7 count to 147 then mo"e ahead 3 spaces, C, Fou escaped #ein/ captured #+ a curious cat in Si "er Sprin/s7 !ar+ and #ut s i/ht + sprain +our 0in/, S o0 +7 s0in/ +our e*t arm around 10 times and mo"e ahead 1 space, 2, A #utter* + #ander in Iansas nets +ou *or research, A*ter ta//in/ +ou 0ith a research -D stic5er7 +ou are set *ree, '( ace stic5ers on 10 students) &esearcher hopes that someone 0i *ind +ou and report the -D num#er and ocation to !onarch <atch, 9"er+one mo"e ahead 3 spaces,
10, Fou *ind a #utter* + *eeder in a si1th /rader@s #ac5+ard in Te1as, Spend a *e0 da+s en$o+in/ the *ree *ood, Che0 12 times and mo"e ahead 5 spaces, 11, -t@s rainin/7 it@s pourin/7 and +ou don@t 0ant to * + in a rainstorm, Count to 15 0hi e +ou 0ait *or the storm to stop7 then mo"e ahead 4 spaces, 12, Hina +7 the 0inds support +ou as +ou success*u + * + into !e1ico and *ind a *ir tree to 0inter o"er, H + to the *inish ineG 13, 9"er+one ine up to /o #ac5 inside, C, C osure ; 1, Come inside 2, &e"ie0 "oca#u ar+ terms ; mi/ration7 hi#ernation7 instinct 3, -n +our science $ourna - 0ant +ou to te me? a, <hat cha en/es +ou *aced as a monarch #utter* + #, -* it is that hard *or the #utter* + to /et do0n to !e1ico 0h+ do the+ do it= D, Accommodations / Di**erentiation ; 1, Student in c ass 0ith autism a, This is a #it o* sensor+ o"er oad *or him so 0e are /oin/ to ha"e him set up most o* the thin/s and then 0atch and record #, <e can ha"e someone te him 0hat the+ are *ee in/ and he can 0rite do0n 0hat he thin/s it 0ou d *ee i5e, c, <e are a so /oin/ to ha"e him use a penci /rip 0hen 0ritin/ on his 0or5sheet so that can he p him 0ith his motor s5i s, 9, Assessment/9"a uation p an 1, Hormati"e a, <or5sheet #, 91it s ip 2, Summati"e >, &e* ecti"e &esponse A, &eport o* Students@ (er*ormance in Terms o* States .#$ecti"es :, (ersona &e* ection= 1, <hat 0ent 0e in this esson= <h+= 2, <hat pro# ems did - e1perience= <h+= 3, <hat cou d - ha"e done di**erent += 4, <hat did - earn *rom this e1perience that 0i he p me in the *uture= >-, &esources Sohmer, Laura. "Physical Adaptations." Animal Adaptations. N.p., 27 Mar. 2012. We . 21 Apr. 201!. "http#$$adaptationunit.%ee ly.com$physical&adaptations.html'.