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A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A detailed lesson plan in Physical Education for Grade 5

At the end of the discussion, the students with the 9! accuracy should be able to"
#. identify the different types of field events in the discussion,
$. appreciate the i%portance of ju%pin& in the health issues of the individual,
'. perfor% ju%pin& with rhy%e
II.(ontents and )aterials

*ubject+ )APE,- Physical Education
.opic+ /ield Events- 0u%pin&
1eference+ Physical Education for Grade 5
Author+ Anne /redric2s
)aterials+ pictures, white board %ar2er, and ju%pin& rope
III. .eachin& *trate&ies
)ethod + Inductive )ethod

.eacher3s Activity *tudent3s Activity
.eacher+ Good %ornin& class. *tudent+ Good %ornin&, %a3a%.
.+ O2ay, prayer leader please lead the prayer *+ 4prayer leader leads the prayer5
.+ O2ay, now arran&e your chairs properly *+ 6es %a3a%.
and pic2 up those pieces of paper under
your chairs
.+ .a2e your seats, and let3s chec2 your attendance. *+ 7o one is absent %a3a%.
/irst colu%n who is absent8 *econd8 .hird8
.+ 7ow who can recall the topic that we had last *+ 4*tudents raisin& their hands5
.+ 6es, )ae. *+ 9ast %eetin&, we have tac2led about the
trac2 events and the different types of it.
.+ :ery &ood. 7ow who can recall the different
types of trac2 events8 *+ 4*tudents raisin& their hands5
.+ 6es, 0ohn. *+ .he different types of trac2 events is the
sprintin&, hurdles, relays, lon& distance and
race wal2in&.
.+ O2ay, very &ood. And now that we are done
discussin& the different types of trac2 events
we will now proceed into the field events, which is
ju%pin& and throwin&. ;ut we are &oin&
to focus into ju%pin&.
4.he teacher posted a pictures of the field events5

.+ As you can see on the board there are
' types of 0u%pin& events which is the
pole vault, the triple ju%p and the hi&h ju%p.
.+ ,i&h ju%p is a field event in which
co%petitors %ust ju%p over a hori<ontal
bar placed at %easured hei&hts without the
aid of certain devices. .riple ju%p so%eti%es
referred to as the hop, step and ju%p or the
hop, s2ip and ju%p, is a trac2 and field sport,
si%ilar to the lon& ju%p, but involvin& a
=hop, bound and ju%p=. >hile the pole vault
is a field event in which a person uses a lon&,
fle?ible pole which today is usually %ade
either of fiber&lass or carbon fiber5 as an
aid to ju%p over a bar.
*o, as you can see it all involved in ju%pin&. *+ 4students raisin& their hands5
/or you what is ju%pin&8
.+ 6es, 0a2e. *+ 0u%pin& is to sprin& off the
.+ :ery &ood. It is to sprin& off the &round
or other base by a %uscular effort of the le&s and feet.
.+ >hat else8 *+ 4students raisin& their hands5
.+ 6es, 9ea. *+ to %ove suddenly and in one
.+ :ery &ood. *o, ju%pin& is to %ove suddenly
or to leap over or across. 0u%pin& is a for% of loco%otion
or %ove%ent in which an or&anis% or non-livin&
%echanical syste% propels itself throu&h the air alon& a
ballistic trajectory.
.+ Is ju%pin& &ood for the health of an individual8 *+ 4in chorus5 6es, %a3a%.
.+ >hy8 *+ 4students raisin& their hands5
.+ 6es, )ichael. *+ ;ecause it stren&thens the lower
.+ yes, ju%pin& stren&thens the upper and lower
.+ 0u%pin& can be distin&uished fro% runnin&,
&allopin&, and other &aits where the entire body @is
te%porarily airborne by the relatively lon& duration
of the aerial phase and hi&h an&le of initial launch.
.+ Our activity is all about the ju%pin& rope.
I &uess all of you 2nows how to do the ju%pin&
rope. A% I ri&ht8 *+ 4in chorus5 yes, %a3a%.
.+ O2, before we proceed I will discuss about
the ju%pin& rope for fitness.
.+ >hy is so%e people consider ju%pin& rope *+ 4students raisin& their hands5
for fitness8
.+ 6es, 9ee. *+ because it is ine?pensive
.+ :ery &ood. >hat else8 *+ 4students raisin& their hands5
.+ 6es, :anessa. *+ *o%e consider it because they can do
it practically anywhere.
.+ :ery &ood. And so%e individual considered it for
fitness because they can do it to&ether with their fa%ily.
.+ Any Auestions or clarifications re&ardin& *+ 4so%e students raise their hands5
our lesson8
.+ 6es, 0anine. *+ Is ju%pin& rope &ood for the health8
.+ .han2s 0anine for that Auestion. Of course
ju%pin& rope is &ood for the health aside fro% the
fitness that we &et it is also certainly &ood for
the heart, it also stren&thens the upper and lower
body and burns a lot o calorie for a short ti%e.
.+ Any clarifications8 *+ 7one so far.
.+ O2ay now we3ll proceed into our activity.
.+ I told you to brin& ju%pin& rope. 6ou can now &et it *+ 4students for% a &roup5
and for% a &roup with B %e%bers. Each %ust have a
partner. >e are &oin& to do the ju%pin& rope with a
.+ 4write on the board the hu%pty du%pty rhy%e5
4outside the classroo%5
.+ 4 the teacher san& the hu%pty du%pty rhy%e5 *+ 4students followed5
.+ 6ou will find a place and it will be done with
you and your partner turnin& and sin&in& the rhy%e
with only one ju%pin& rope. .hen you are &oin& to
switch. 9et the other hold the ju%pin& rope and then
sin& and ju%p.
Jumping Rope Rubric
* 1
Forward jumping
* 2
jog step jumping
* 3
one foot jumping
* 4
Can correctly turn the jump rope eeping elbows close to the body!
* "
Can fast jump o#er a rope lying on the ground $buoyant landing%!
&coring Rubric
Grade 'aster
5 Can perform
fi#e sills
for 4
jumps! +hile
the rhyme!
Can perform
four sills
for 4 jumps
with the
Can perform
three sills
for 3 jumps!
the rhyme!
Can perform
two sills
for 3 jumps
with the
Can perform
one sill
for 3 jumps
with the
/ill in the blan2s.
#.DDDDDD is a for% of loco%otion or %ove%ent A
throu&h the air alon& a ballistic trajectory.
a. ju%pin& b. landin& c. runnin& d. none of the above
$.0u%pin& rope is certainly &ood for the DDDDD. (
a. %ind b. feet c. heart d. none of the above

'.0u%pin& rope stren&thens the upper and lower ;
body and DDDD a lot of calories.
a. build b. burns c. &ive d. none of the above
C. 0u%pin& is forDDDDDDD. (
a. physically fit b. ladies c. everyone d. none of the above

5. Physical Education teaches students the proper and for%alDDDDD. A
a. e?ercises b. balanced c. attain%ent d. none of the above
1esearch about the rules in hi&h ju%p, triple ju%p and pole vault.
Eniversity of (ebu- )ain

A detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education for Grade 5
*ub%itted to+
)r. Eu&ene Pasaylo
*ub%itted by+
Gabuya, 9ovely Gin 1.
*elin, (atherine
1a%a, 9iberty
Pana&inip, 0halou

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