Meal Management Syllabus
Meal Management Syllabus
Meal Management Syllabus
ou and I together "ill ha#e $un learning abut $ood. In this course !ou can ex ect to learn about di$$erent careers in the $ood industr!, consumer ractices $or in$ormed decisions as to $ood selection, re aration and ser#ice. %tudents "ill also learn about di$$erent $oods $rom around the "orld and to ractice and im ro#e on their cooking skills. . &'(%% R)*+IR)M),T%: student-s grades "ill be based on the $ollo"ing: . &lass artici ation . &lass assignments /test, "orksheets0 Foods 'abs /missing labs "ill be made u at home0 )ach student "ill be re1uired to com lete an inde endent learning ro2ect. Will be resented to !our classmates last "eek o$ semester. Grades "ill be determined as $ollo"s: (345637556 83956394.46 &3:563:4.46 ;3<563<4.46 F3<56 or belo" &ha ter :: &areer = ortunities
&ha ter >: Making ?ealth$ul Food &hoices &ha ter 77: @lanning Meals 7. Re#ie" o#er kitchen materials and sa$et! &ha ter 72: The %mart &onsumer &ha ter 2:: The +nited %tates and &anada Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab &ha ter 29: 'atin (merica Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab
&ha ter 24: )uro e Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab &ha ter >5: Mediterranean &ountries Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab &ha ter >7: Middle )ast and ($rica Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab &ha ter >2: (sia Teacher ;emo %tudent 'ab .M=%T FRI;(AB% WI'' 8) ;);I&(T); T= T?) I,;)@),;),T @R=C)&T =R F=R (,A =T?)R W=RD =R T)%T% T?(T (R) ,));); T= 8) M(;) +@E