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Petronas ZeTo Rules

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Ru les

Work with a valid work permit (PTW) required by the job



Verify energy isolation before starting work

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment

Obtain authorisation before entering



Protect yourself against


a fall when working


, Ef

Use the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling hazardous chemicals


before excavarion or entering

Do not position yourself under a suspended load


Do not smoke outside designated areas or bring

potential ignition sources into process areas without authorisation

Do not use your mobile phone/walkie-talkie while driving, follow the speed limit and use your seat

Work with a valid work permit (PTW) required by the job

Verify energy isolation before starting work


Have you:

Been. briefed V, y.oyr^ supervisor requrrements ol the lobl

on the

Have you: safety


Been briefed by your supervisor on the safety

requirements of ihe job?
Checked that the PTW and relevant certificates such as physical isolation certificate, electrical isolation certificate and radiatior certificate have been approved?

Ensured compliance to all requirements of the PTW?

Been trained and are competent to carry out the job safely?

ldentified the hazards and assessed the risks?

ur Putin place appropriate control and recovery measures?

,/ Checked that the risht piece of eouioment ,/

machinery has been ilated, locked arid iagged?


7 '

Communicated the permit and certificate requirements to your team members?

Displayed the permit and certificate at the place of work?

Secured any, movable equipment or machinery that you are working on?

,/ Confirmed that all stored energy has been safely

Secured an individual relevant lockout box?

u/ Obtained the right too.ls.and equipment and

they are rn good condrtlonl


or department lock at the

,r/ Obtained the correct .,/

for the job?

Been briefed on the emergency procedures?

Ensured that all guards a,nd s.afety systems are put back when wor[< rs completedl

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

PTW is a written and signed statement by an authorised person for work to be carried out under stated precautions. Reference: PTS 60.2001 - PETRONAS Croup Cuidelines for Permil to

lsolation of energy systems including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic,

thermal, chemical, pneumatic and ionising radiation. Refrence: PTS 60.2117 - Energy lsolatiot-t Standard

Work System

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined


Have you: Have you:


Been briefed y y.oyl supervisor on the safety requrrements ol the Jobl


requirements of the job?

Been briefed y your supervisor on the safety

..r/ Checked whether the risk assessment has been ' conducted and approved?

JTtt,{39 confined space entry training and been

_7 v Been certified medically

./ '


Obtained an approved certificate and valid PTW before overridig or disabling safety critical

fit for confined


.r/ '

Obtained..g PTW go.mp[e,!e with confined space entry certificate and checklist?
Been briefed on entry requirements? Ensured ga.s tests are carried out prior to entry and as requird by the PTW?

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

entry porntl

Registered with a competent stand-by person at the

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

Refrence; PTS 60.2212 - Bypassing of Safety Critical Equipment

entl and is ot deiigned for normal or continuous occuDancv. Reference: PTS 60.2tbS - fntry lnto Confined Spaces
has limited'or restricted means of

Confined space is a space that is large enough for personnel to enter,

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height

Use the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling hazardous


Have you:

requirements of

Been briefed by your supervisor on the safety


Have you:


-7 v


platform has proper guard rails and

Used only approved scaffoldingwith valid inspection

Been briefed by your supervisor on the safety .7 v requirements of ihe';ob? and are competent to handle /


Secured your tools and equipment to prevent them I I from fallihg from height?
Ensured three points of contact is maintained at all times when usng the ladder?

-/ '

Understood the safety data sheet (SDS), chemical gafgll^data sheet (CSDS) or material safety data sheet (MSDS) of the chemicals?

-/ '

Read ald understood uz ' chemical handling?

the procedure for


Checke.d th" nearest-eye wash, emergency ' and 'r/ spill cleaning kit? '


lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.
Chemical handling is the safe operations of receiving, storing, discharging, transporting and disposing chemicals. Reference: PTS 60.1502 - Chentical Management Program

Working at height means working above 2 metres. Reference; PTS 60.2104 - Working at Height

Obtain authorisation before excavation or entering a trench


t position

yourself under a suspended load

Have you:

Have you:


Been. briefed V. ygyr supervisor requrrements o1 the .obl

on the



Been briefed by your supervisor on the safety

requirements of the job?
Checked that all lifting equipment have been tested and certified by authorities?

Checked for buried services and other hazards?

Checked that the issued PTW excavation certificate?

is complete with

Obtained a PTW and lifting certificate?

Ensured eme.rgency plans and procedures have been put in plate? Excavated manually usinq spades with wooden ,/ handles to. expose' burie services before using mechanical eqipment?
Ensured a correct shoring system is put in place with appropriate underground rotectioil meaures?


Ensured that th.e operator, rigger and signal man are competent and cehfied?

Ensured a lifting plan has been prepared and the l!ft. is .assessed 6y a competent ers'on for critical lifting?

Checked that the load is within the safe working load of the lifting equipment?
Checked that the tagline is attached to the load?



rigid signs and barriers around


Provided safe access and egress

to excavation


Barricaded the area?

are ,/ Ensured confined space entry procedures a.pplied for excavatin of mor than ,l.5 metres

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.


lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.
Excavation s work that involves a man-made cut, cavitv, trench or depression in the earth's surface formed by earth removal'. Trench is a narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground.
Rerferenc.e: PTS 60.21

l6 - f xcattation

Lifting operations .are lifts. utilising all mechanical lifting devices such as cranes, hoists and chain blocks. Re-f-ere,-nce: Pl-S 60.2103 - Litting Ope:rations


Do not smoke outside designated areas or bring potential ignition sources into process areas
without authorisation

Do not use your mobile phone/walkie-talkie while driving, follow the speed limit and use your seat belt

Have you:

Have you:

,,/ u/

requirements of the job?

Been briefed V. your supervisor on the safety

Rectified or eliminated leaks immediately?


Been authorised to operate the vehicle and have valid driving licence?' the vhicle can be operated sfely?

,r/ Completed the specified daily checks and ensured

,r/ Checked that seat belts are available and worn by all
.,,/ Secured all materials and equipment carried by the vehicle? uz Adhered to all traffic regulations?

Ensured hot work permit is obtaned and gas tests done betore carrying out hot work?

.,r/ Obtained

hot work permit before using enginedriven equipment, vehicles and any otheapotential ignition sources in process areas?

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

{ /

Ensured that purpose?

the vehicle is used for its intended

Ensured IheI your vehicle's engine is not left running unattended?

lf you are facing difficulty with any of the requirements, consult your supervisor before starting a job.

lgnition sources nclude mechanical sparks, fire, hot surfaces, auto gniton, pyrophoric materials, mechanical impact, friction, electrical eq u i p me nt an d e I ectrostatic. Re/rence: PTS 60.2123 - lgniton -9orce Control

Driving is the operation of all types of roa owned, leased and hired vehicles and those
Reterevrcer; PTS 60.2401 - LandTransportat Nlinintum Stardarcls ancJ Key Perforntance

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