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Md. Newazul Moula: Cell No: +8801717-273707, +8801843-875455

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333/B, Shaheed Salam Barkat Hall, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.

Cell no: +88 !"!"#$"3" ", +88 !8%3#8"&%&& E-mail: newazul.mowla@yahoo.com *A5EE5 O#;E*:-<ES

' (ant to )*ild *+ my ,areer as a so,ial s,ientist as (ell as ' (ill try my )est to give my )est e--ort to any kind o- (ork. ' am ready to take any ,hallengea)le task to do something )etter -or my li-e. ' (o*ld like to give a )right sha+e o- my ,areer (ith hard (orking.
Masters of Social Science-2013 : Dept. of Ant ropolo!". Jahangirnagar University ./++eared0 : Dept. of Ant ropolo!". Jahangirnagar University C12/: 3.%3, 4n a %. S,ale. : %i! er Secon)ar" *ertificate C/56457856 2UB9'C C499818, :/512U:. 12/: %.; , on a &. S,ale, B*siness st*dies 1ro*+. : Secon)ar" Sc ool *ertificate 2':145J 14<6. H'1H SCH449, 2':145J, :/512U: 12/: %.$&, on a &. S,ale, S,ien,e.

#SS $%onors&-2012

'assin! "ear-200(

'assin! "ear-200+

!. =orked as a :esear,h /ssistant (ith /sia >o*ndation ?De+t. o- /nthro+ology, Jahangirnagar University ,olla)orative :esear,h 2rogram ,An Ant ropolo!ical -n.esti!ation of *iti/ens0 an) *i.il Societ" Or!ani/ations0 'articipation in t e 1or23lation an) -2ple2entation of E)3cation 'olic" in #an!la)es 4. ' (as involved in the +rogram -rom J*ly !, $ !$ to De,em)er 3!, $ !$. =orked as a :esear,h /ssistant (ith Bra, Develo+ment 'nstit*te.BD'0, B:/C U5'<8:S'6@ -or 4ne 7onth :esear,h 2roAe,t , 53ral Electrification 6 5ene7a8le Ener!" De.elop2ent 'ro9ect $5E5ED&4.



=orked as a :esear,h /ssistant -or Data Coding and analysis o- >1D .>o,*sed 1ro*+ Dis,*ssion0 (ith A*Nielsen Bangladesh.a glo)al marketing resear,h -irm, (ith (orld(ide headB*arters in 5e( @ork City, US/.0. 2arti,i+ated a Day 9ong =orksho+ on 5esearc Met o)olo!" 4rganiCed )y A2erican -nstit3te of #an!la)es St3)ies $A-#S&> Dhaka Centre hold on J*ly 3 ,$ !$. ' have attended a 3 Day long (orksho+ on PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH (PAR organiCed )y 5ESEA5*% -N-:-A:-<ES #AN?LADES% $5-#&. >inal year Dissertation (as titled D :ransnational %ealt See@in! #e a.iors: An Ant ropolo!ical -n.esti!ation on #an!la)es i patient0s Depen)enc" on -n)ian :reat2ent S"ste24 . 7y 7asterEs 6hesis title is DSeasonal La8or Mi!ration an) -ts -2pact on Left #e in) t e %o3se ol): : e *ase of 5an!p3r> #an!la)es 4. Convener o- !st st*dent ,on-eren,e,$ !! organiCed )y De+t. o- /nthro+ology, Jahangirnagar University. =orking (ith D:O5-4 a vol*ntary organiCation tea,hing the street ,hildren at Jahangirnagar University ,am+*s.

%. &.

3. ". 8. ;.

! . ' (as a #N** .Bangladesh national ,adet ,ro+s0 ,adet. /s a ,adet ' a,tively +arti,i+ated ,a+s*le training #$/$ % o- $ 7ahasthan Battalion, held )et(een 3 4,to)er $ % to !$ 4,to)er $ % at 7ahasthan Battalion, :ang+*r. !!. =orking (ith ;A%AN?-5NA?A5 AD<EN:U5E *LU#. /s a mem)er ' +arti,i+ated many advent*re like Darjeeling-INDIA Mountaineering training adventure, Dhaka- Garo Hill 250 km cycling, Dhakaylhet !rain March, "#-$ang%hai &iver high king, 2arti,i+ated in eF,avation *nder s*+ervision Dr. S*-i 7osta-iC*r :ahman, 2ro-essor, De+artment o- /r,haeology, JU at D 'ari-$ate%h(ar) %hekorer %ondhane* +tc* /n honora)le mem)er as 2resident o- the ,l*). !$. ' am a 984 o- !IONS C!"#S INTERNATIONA!. /s a 984 ' am (orking to +rovide the yo*th o- the (orld (ith an o++ort*nity -or develo+ment and ,ontri)*tion, individ*ally and ,olle,tively, as res+onsi)le mem)ers o- lo,al, national and international ,omm*nity. D '+ +&,+- is the main motto o- o*r organiCation and (e are trying to hel+ the hel+less thro*gh o*r ,l*). ' (as 2resident o- the 984 C9UB 4> DH/G/ BU:'1/51/ $ !!#!$ session and no( a :egion Dire,tor o- 9eo Distri,t Co*n,il 3!&B$, B/519/D8SH. !3. =orked (ith DES*OD .Develo+ment o- 8d*,ational, S,ienti-i, and C*lt*ral 4rganiCation -or disa)led0 as a vol*nteer -or $ 8# $ ! . ' have attended a (orksho+ on S@ill De.elop2ent Wor@s op-200A. /n honora)le mem)er as an 4rganiCation (hi,h )asi,ally (orks in Jahangirnagar University !%. Have many ,erti-i,ates and +riCes )y attending many ,*lt*ral ,om+etitions.

COMPUTER SKILLS Operatin! S"ste2s : =indo(s# ;8, $ ,$ 3, <ista, H2, (indo(s $ "

Wor) 'rocessin! 6 E)itin! 'ac@a!e : 7i,roso-t =ord Statistical 'ac@a!e : 7i,roso-t 8F,el, S2SS I Data analysis ?rap ical 'ac@a!e : 7i,roso-t 2o(er 2oint, /do)e 2hotosho+ :"pin! S@ill : Both Bengali I 8nglish. Online s@ill : >amiliar (ith internet )ro(sing, email I sear,hing.

Bangle 8nglish : Standard )oth in (riting and s+eaking : Standard )oth in (riting and s+eaking

JJJ 'nternational 8nglish 9ang*age 6esting System .'896S0 S,ore: 3

S'E*-AL:B Comm*ni,ative and >riendly Creative and innovative Determinant and sin,ere to (ork /)ility to (ork in gro*+ as (ell as individ*ally =orking ,a+a)ility *nder stress environment. .

5ame >ather 7other Date o- Birth Birth 2la,e :eligion 5ationality SeF 7arital Stat*s 2ermanent /ddress : 7d. 5e(aC*l 7o*la. : 7d. Shams*l HaB*e. : 7ost. :a)eya Ghat*n. : $8th De,em)er, !;8". : :ang+*r. : 'slam .S*nni0 : Bangladeshi : 7ale : Single : 2an,haet villa, <ill#7esta, 2.4#Shanerhat, 2.S# 2irgonA, Dist# :ang+*r.

REFERENCE 7d. 7okhles*r :ahman De+*ty Se,retary, 7inistry o- 2*)li, /dministration, 6he 1overnment o- 6he 2eo+leEs :e+*)li, oBangladesh. Cell : +88 !"!$ 3%$3$ Dr. Kahir /hmed 2ro-essor, De+t. o- /nthro+ology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. Cell : +88 !"!3%!$33; 8mail: Cahmed3;Lhotmail.,om


7d. 5e(aC*l 7o*la Dated : Jan*ary ", $ !%.

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