Domino's Offerings
Domino's Offerings
Domino's Offerings
the belo !mentioned terms " conditions# 15% Discount on bill of Rs. 250 or above & 20% Discount on bill of Rs. 350 or above. For Special deals on Bulk order !nnual da"# $ea% &arties#'ricket %atc(# Fare)ell# Se%inars etc.* +indl" contact !vis( ,ar- .//5300/0/1 For Retail or S%all orders &lease call on 011102220222
$(e above discounts can be availed on $ake a)a"3 Dine 4n or Deliver". 5%plo"ees )ill (ave to s(o) t(e co%pan" 4D card for availin- t(e above1%entioned discounts. $erms and Conditions# $(is 6ffer is valid onl" on &i77as and ,arlic Breads. &lease infor% t(e order taker of t(e special offer offered to 4ndiabulls in advance. 6ffer not valid on Bevera-es. 6ffer not valid on Si%pl" ve-etarian & 8on19e-etarian &i77a and &i77a :ania. 6ffer not valid on Side 6rders like &asta3 :e;ican <rap3 '(oco =ava cake. $(is offer cannot be clubbed )it( an" ot(er offer#sc(e%e. $(is 6ffer not applicable on order of onl" ,arlic Bread. !ll prices are e;clusive of ta;es. Deliver" to li%ited deliver" area onl". 'onditions appl". 9alidit" of t(is tie1up )ill e;pire on 31st :arc(>201?.