EDC Lab Manual
EDC Lab Manual
EDC Lab Manual
Aim : To study and test the application of diode in clipper circuits a. b. c. d. Simple positive and negative shunt clipper Simple positive and negative series clipper Biased positive and negative shunt clipper Combination shunt clipper
Components and Equipments required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bread Board/Connection Board Diodes Capacitors Signal Generator CRO Resistors Probes, wires, patch cords 1N4002/1N4148 1uF 10Hz to 1MHz Two channel with X-Y feature 100K 01 02 02 01 01 01 Components/Instruments Range Quantity
Theory: Clipping circuits are used to select and transmit a part of the given waveform. The other parts of the waveform are clipped or removed by the diode clipper circuit. These circuits are also known as voltage or current limiters, amplitude selectors or slicers. The piecewise linear model of diode characteristic exhibits a discontinuity in slope at the cut off voltage Vk. and this point of slope discontinuity is called a break point. For silicon diode the break point occurs at VK ~ 0.7V. This concept can be used to explain the transfer characteristics of a clipper circuit, which is a plot of output voltage against the input voltage.
Design: The limiting resistor R in the circuit can be designed in the following manner. From the diode forward and reverse characteristics, the resistance in either direction can be determined, respectively, as Rf and Rr. It can be shown that limiting resistor R =
be called the figure of merit of the diode. From V-I characteristics of diode, we have Rf= 20
Vo Vo
t Vin
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Vo Vo
Component Values:Vin
t Vin
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t Vin
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Vo Vo
t Vin
Component Values:Vin
Vo Vo
t Vin
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Vo Vo
t Vin
Component Values:-
Vo Vo
t Vin
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Aim: To study and test the application of diode in clamper circuits. a. b. c. d. Positive clamper Negative clamper Biased positive clampers Biased negative clampers
Components and Equipments required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bread Board/Connection Board Diodes Capacitors Signal Generator CRO Resistors Probes, wires, patch cords 1N4002/1N4148 1uF 10Hz to 1MHz Two channel with X-Y feature 100K 01 02 02 01 01 01 Components/Instruments Range Quantity
Theory: Clamper is a circuit that "clamps" a signal to a different DC level without changing the shape of the applied signal Clamping circuit introduces a DC level into an ac signal. The different types of clampers are positive, negative and biased clampers. A clamping network must have a capacitor, a diode and a load resistor. The magnitude R and C must be chosen such that the time constant RC is large enough to ensure that the voltage across the capacitor does not discharge significantly during the interval when the diode is non- conducting. By connecting suitable DC voltage in series with the diode, clamping level can be varied.
Design: Assume C, and for clamping to occur select R such that RC >> T, (Assume RC = 100 T) where T is the period of the input signal. If C = 1uF, then from above equation R= 100K.
Vo When Vdc = 0V t
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t Vo When Vdc = 0V t
t Vo
When Vdc = 0V
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t Vo
When Vdc = 0V
When Vdc = 2V
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ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB MANUAL Experiment no 3: Testing of Diode Voltage Multiplier circuits
Aim: To study and test diode voltage multiplier circuits a. Half wave diode voltage multiplier b. Full wave diode voltage multiplier
Components and Equipments required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bread Board/Connection Board Diodes Capacitors Step down transformer CRO (for test & measurement) Multimeter (for test & measurement) Probes, Wires, Patch cords BY 127/equ 10uf, 100V -Electrolytic 230/6-0-6V Two channel 01 04 04 01 01 01 AR Components/Instruments Range Quantity
Theory: A voltage multiplier consists of two or more peak-rectifiers that produce a DC voltage equal to a multiple of peak input voltage (2VP, 3 VP, 4VP.). At the peak of negative half cycle of input, D1 is forward biased. This charges C1 to VP with the polarity as shown. At the peak of the positive halfcycle, D2 is forward biased. Since source and capacitor are in series, C2 charges to 2 VP. At the next negative half-cycle, D3 is forward biased and C3 is charged to 2VP.The voltage across C1 and C3 is charged to 3VP. Likewise, at the next half cycle, C4 is charged to 2VP and the voltage across C1 and C4 is charged 4VP.
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Expected Output voltages VAP = Vp Voltage Doubler :- VBS = 2Vp Voltage Tripler :- VAQ = 3VP Voltage Quadrapuler :- VBT = 4VP
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Result: Voltage multiplier has been constructed and the peak input voltage, doubler output, tripler output and quadrupler output has been measured and verified with expected result.
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5. 6. Theory:
Hybrid equivalent model is one of the small signal ac analysis of transistor networks. For this model, the parameters are defined at an operating point of the transistor. The four h parameters are 1. The input impedance of the transistor is denoted by hybrid input impedance parameter hie =VBE / IB with VCE held constant. Unit is ohm. 2. Voltage feedback ratio or reverse transfer voltage ratio denoted by h re == VBE / VCE with IB held constant. It represents the dependence of the transistor's IBVBE curve on the value of VCE. It is usually very small and is often neglected (assumed to be zero). It has no unit. 3. Small signal current gain or forward transfer current ratio and is denoted by h fe = IC / IB with VCE held constant- This parameter is often specified as hFE or the DC current-gain (DC) in datasheets. It has no unit. 4. Output admittance or output conductance and is denoted by h oe = IC / VCE with IB held constant. Unit is S. The measurement of these h parameters can be done by using the input and output characteristic of transistor.To determine input characteristic, output VCE is held constant , VBE is varied in steps of 0.1V and corresponding IB value is noted. From this graph, we can find hie and hre. To determine output characteristic, input current IB is held constant, VCE is varied insteps of
Input Characteristic Table: VCE =0V VBE (V) IB (uA) VCE =1V VBE (V) IB (uA) VCE =2V VBE (V) IB (uA)
Output Characteristic Table IB =80uA VCE (V) IC (mA) IB =100uA VCE (V) IC (mA) IB =150uA VCE (V) IC (mA)
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Procedure: 1. Study the circuit and expected waveforms 2. Place the components on bread board /connection Board and connect them as per given circuit diagram. Use patch cords/ wires for connection as required. 3. Input characteristic: - Set V2 i.e VCE = 0V and vary the V1 in steps of 0.2V up to 1V and measure VBE and IB. Take more readings near the knee point. Repeat this for VCE =1V and VCE=2 V. Note down the readings and enter in the corresponding table. Draw the input characteristic curve on the graph. 4. Output characteristic: - Set V1 so that IB= 80uA and vary VCE in steps of 1V up to 5V and note down VCE and IC. Repeat this for IB =100uA and IB=150uA Note down the readings and enter in the corresponding table. Draw the output characteristic curve on the graph for various IBs. 5. Set Q point on output characteristics at VCEQ = 2V and suitable value of ICQ 6. In the active region of any one curve. hfe and hoe are determined as shown 7. in graph around the Q point. 8. On the input characteristic curve, Q point is fixed as intersection of IBQ and VCEQ = 2V graph. Calculate hie and hre around the Q point. Result: The h-parameters are calculated using input and output characteristics of transistor in CE mode. Results are tabulated as below.
Calculated values
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Theory :- :- In RC coupled amplifier the input capacitor is used to couple the input signal to the base of first transistor. Since the coupling from one stage to next stage can be achieved by a coupling capacitor followed by a connection to a shunt resistor such amplifiers are called resistance capacitance (RC) coupled amplifiers. When an ac signal is applied to the input of the first stage it is amplified with a phase reversal by the transistor. Procedure:1. Draw and study the circuit, 2. Place the components on bread board and connect them as per given fig a. Note: Measure the DC values of VCE, VBE and ensure that they are close to the designed values, before connecting the function generator, coupling capacitors and bypass capacitors. Observation:I. Biasing values VCE= VBE = II. Set Vin = Undistorted
3. To find input impedance 1. Connect as given in fig b with DRB resistance zero. Adjust the input Vin to 50 mV. (Let the frequency of the input be around 5kHZ ) 2. Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output Vo . Let Vo=Va 3. Increase the resistance included in DRB and observe the magnitude of the output Vo simultaneously on the Oscilloscope. 4. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its original value, stop varying the resistance further and remove the potentiometer from the circuit. Vo=Va/2 5. Measure the value of the DRB and this measured value will be the input impedance ( Ri) of the circuit.
Result:- The single stage CE amplifier was designed and its performance verified. The output waveform is in 180 phase shifted with input signal. Input Resistance = Output Resistance =
Theory :- :- In RC coupled amplifier the input capacitor is used to couple the input signal to the base of first transistor. Since the coupling from one stage to next stage can be achieved by a coupling capacitor followed by a connection to a shunt resistor such amplifiers are called resistance capacitance (RC) coupled amplifiers. When an ac signal is applied to the input of the first stage it is amplified with a phase reversal by the transistor. The frequency response is a graph of the gain (in decibels) versus the frequency (in logarithmic scale). This characteristic can be subdivided into low, medium and high frequency regions. In the low frequency range, the gain drops due to increasing reactance of coupling capacitor, source capacitance and emitter capacitor. As the frequency increases, the capacitive reactance reduces and the gain increases. After this if the frequency is increased further, i.e. in the high frequency range, the gain drops due to the increased flow of the a.c signal through CE. To fix the boundaries of frequency where the gain is relatively high and constant, 0.707Amid is chosen to be the voltage gain at the cut-off levels. The corresponding frequencies f1 and f2 are generally called the corner, cut-off, band, break or half power frequencies. The multiplier 0.707 is chosen because at this level the output power is half the mid-band power output. This is illustrated in the model graph.
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So Ic = VRC / Rc =
Avm = Vout/Vin = From the graph, f1 = f2 = Bandwidth (BW) = f2 - f1 = Gain bandwidth(GBW) = Avm * BW =
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X axis is in log scale; Y axis is in normal scale f1 Lower cut-off frequency f2 Higher cut-off frequency f2-f1 Band width of the amplifier 3dB - 20log10(0.707)
Result:The single stage CE amplifier was designed and its performance verified. The output waveform is in 180 phase shifted with input signal. The readings obtained are given below:Voltage Gain = Bandwidth = Gain-Bandwidth product =
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Components & Equipments required :Sl.No. Components/Instruments 1. 2. 3. Bread Board Resistor Capacitors Range Quantity 01 AR AR
4. NPN Transistors 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Regulated DC supply Signal /Function generator SL 100 0-30V DC 10Hz to 1 Mhz 02 01 01 01 01 AR 0 to 1 Meg ohm 01
CRO (for test & measurement) Two channel Multimeter (for testing) Probes, Wires, Patch cords
10. DRB
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Design:Bias circuit design: Given: VCC = 10V, VCE = 5V, IC = 2m = 100 (assumed) Assume VBE = 0.7V for silicon diodes VE = 10% of Vcc = 1V Assume IE ~ IC RE = VE /IE = 1V/ 2mA = 500 (use R8 = 470 , R4= 100 R9 = 330 ) Rc =(Vcc- VCE -VE) / IC=( 10-5-1 ) / 2mA =2 k.(Use 2.2k for R3 &R7) V 2 =V B = VE + VBE = 1+0.7 = 1.7V R E 10 R 2 R 2 = (R E)/10 = 5k (use 4.7 k for R 2 and R6) V1 = Vcc V2 = 10-1.7= 8.3V V1/ V2 = R1 / R2 R1 = (V1/ V2) * R2 = 22.9k (use 22 k R1 and R5) DEPT OF ECE, PESIT Cc = 10F, CE = 22F Page 26
Input frequency = 2kHz, Sl.No Vi in mV Vo in V Gain Avm =Vo/Vi Gain in dB = 20 log (Vo / Vin) 1 2 3 Stage 1 only Stage 2 only Two stage
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Frequency f1 Bandwidth f2
X axis is in log scale; Y axis is in normal scale f1 Lower cut-off frequency f2 Higher cut-off frequency f2-f1 Band width of the amplifier 3dB - 20log10(0.707) DEPT OF ECE, PESIT Page 28
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Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Components/Instruments Bread Board NPN transistor Resistors Capacitors RPS Signal generator CRO for testing Probes, wires DRB Multimeter for testing & measurements
Quantity 01
02 AR AR
01 01 01 AR 01 1
Theory: In emitter follower, an input signal is applied to the base and the output is taken across emitter. The emitter follower has reasonably high input impedance and may be used wherever input impedance up to about 500 K Ohms is needed. For higher input impedance, we may use 2 transistors to form what is called a Darlington pair.. The output voltage is always less than the input voltage due to the drop between the base and emitter. However, the voltage gain is usually approximately equal to one. In addition, the output voltage is in phase with the input voltage. Hence it is said to follow the input voltage with an in-phase relationship. This accounts for the terminology Emitter follower. The collector is at ac ground; therefore the circuit is actually a Common-Collector Amplifier. This circuit presents high impedance at the input and low impedance at the output. It is therefore frequently used for impedance matching purposes, where a load is matched to the source impedance for maximum signal transfer through the system.
The Darlington connection shown is a connection of two transistors which results in a current gain that is the product of the current gains of the individual transistors. Hence the Darlington pair operates as one Super beta transistor offering a very high current gain. The Darlington Emitter follower is a CC configuration that has the following characteristics:
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Circuit Diagram
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IE = IC = 10 mA
VRE = Vcc - VCE= 12 6 = 6V RE= VR3 / IE = 6V / (10 mA) = 0.6K =560 (Choose) VR2 -VBE1 - VBE2 VRE = 0 and VR2 = VBE1 + VBE2 + VRE = 0.6 + 0.6 + (IE.RE) = 1.2 + (10x0.6) = 7.2V
R1 = VR1/ (10 (Ib1)) = 4.8 / (10 x 1 A) = 480 K R2= VR2 / (9 Ib) = 7.2 / (9 x 1 A = 800k
To find Cc XcC 0.2 Ri (Ri = R1|| R2 || hie = hie) Choose Ri = 1.5 K and f = 1KHz. 1 2 f CE x 0.1 R i Cc 1 / 2 f x 0.1 Ri = 1 / (2 x 3.14 x 1000 x 0.2 x 1500) = 0.53 F Therefore , Cc < 0.47 F is selected.
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Choose Rb= 100K and Cb = 47uF Procedure:1. Study the circuit and draw the required tables. 2. Place the components on bread board and connect them as per given fig. 3. DC Conditions: - Connect the circuit without ac supply. Set Vcc=12V. Measure the DC voltage (using CRO/multimeter) at the (VB2), Collector (VC2) emitter (VE2) w.r.t ground. Then determine VCE2= VC2 VE2 and IC2=IE2=VE2 / RE. Then Q point is (VCE2, IC2 ). 4. Connect the signal generator and apply a sine wave of peak-to-peak amplitude 1V, 1kHz. Connect input and output (Vo) of the circuit to the two channels of CRO. And observe the waveforms 5. Gradually increase the input signal until the output signal gets distorted. When this happens slightly reduce the input signal amplitude such that output is maximum undistorted signal. Then measure the magnitude of the input and output waveform. Calculate Voltage gain. 6. Connect input and output (Vo) of the circuit to the two channels of CRO. And observe the waveforms. Note down the waveform on the graph. 7. Find input and output impedance per given procedure. 8. Connect the bootstrap circuit Rb & Cb and make the necessary changes as per fig b. 9. Find the gain, input and output impedance with this circuit. 10. Voltage gain for maximum undistorted output, Avm = Vo/Vi
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Adjust the input sinusoidal peak to peak in such a way that the output sine wave is not clipped. Note down this value of the input Vin. (Let the frequency of the input be around 2kHZ) Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output Vo . Let Vo=Va Connect a DRB ( with maximum resistance included) in parallel with the load as shown in fig c. Decrease the DRB and observe the magnitude of the output Vo simultaneously on the Oscilloscope. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its original value, stop varying the resistance further and remove the DRB from the circuit. Vo=Va/2 Measure the value of the DRB and this measured value will be the output impedance ( Ro) of the circuit.
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Avm =Vo/Vi
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Both the gates are internally connected and they are grounded yielding zero gate source voltage (VGS =0). The word gate is used because the potential applied between gate and source controls the channel width and hence the current. As with all PN junctions, a depletion region is formed on the two sides of the reverse biased PN junction. The current carriers have diffused across the junction, leaving only uncovered positive ions on the n side and negative ions on the p side. The depletion region width increases with the magnitude of reverse bias. The conductivity of this channel is normally zero because of the unavailability of current carriers. The potential at any point along the channel depends on the distance of that point from the drain, points close to the drain are at a higher positive potential, relative to ground, then points close to the source. Both depletion regions are therefore subject to greater reverse voltage near the drain. Therefore the depletion region width increases as we move towards drain. The flow of electrons from source to drain is now restricted to the narrow channel between the no conducting depletion regions. The width of this channel determines the resistance between drain and source. Procedure: 1. Study the circuit and expected outputs. 2. Place the components on bread board and connect them as per given test set up. Use wires for connection as required. 3. Output characteristic: - Set VGS to 0V and vary VDS and measure the corresponding ID . Upto pinch off voltage Vds in steps of 0.5 and then after in steps of 1V. Repeat this experiment when Vgs = -2V . 4. Transfer characteristic: - Set VDS to 10V i.e well above the pinch off voltage. And vary the VGS from 0V till ID becomes 0 in steps of -1V and note down the output current ID . Repeat this experiment for VDS =20V 5. Plot the graph of a. VDS Vs ID for various VGS b. VGS vs ID. 6. From the output characteristic, note down the pinching voltage Vp, max drain current IDSS and output resistance, rd ( VDS / ID ). 7. From the transfer characteristic measure the mutual conductance or transconductance gm ( ID/ VDS) at a given Q point.
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ID =
So rd =
ID =
So gm =
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ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB MANUAL Experiment no: 10 FET Voltage Divider Biasing circuit
Aim :-
Apply the voltage divider biasing method to set the DC operating point (VGSq , IDq) Verify the estimated DC operating point with the measured using N-channel JFET device in a common source configuration.
Components and Equipments required:Sr.No. Components/Instruments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bread Board/Connection Board FET Resistors Regulated DC Power Supply Potentiometer BFW10 or equivalent As per design (0-30V dc) 50k Range Quantity 01 02 04 01 01
Circuit Diagram:.
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Procedure: 1. Study the circuit, Get IDSS & VP (VGS OFF) from the data sheet of BFW 10. Design the biasing resistors. 2. Take 2FETs and measure the IDSS and VP for the same from its transfer characteristics. 3. Place the components on bread board and connect them as given in circuit diagram. Use the wires for connection as required. 4. Set VDD to 12V DC. And Measure DC voltage a) between Drain and Source (VDS) b) between Gate and Source (VGS) c) Across the resistor RD (VRD ) d) Across the resistor R2 (VG or VR2) e) Across the resistor RS (VS) d)Across the resistor R1 (VR1) 5. Calculate the value of ,Is / Id using ; ID= VRD / RD and Is= VS / Rs, 6. Compare the measured ID , IS , VGS and VD S with the design value. 7. Repeat this experiment by changing the FET 8. Draw load line and locate Q point for the FETs. DEPT OF ECE, PESIT Page 41
Result: It is observed that for variation of IDSS from ------------ value --------------, variation in VDSQ & IDQ changes from --------------- --- to ------------------------------
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ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB MANUAL Experiment no 11: Common source FET Amplifier
Aim :- To design single stage FET amplifier and to determine
Components and Equipments required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bread Board/Connection Board FET Capacitors,Resistors Signal Generator CRO Regulated DC Power Supply Decade Resistance Box As per design 10Hz to 1MHz Two channel with X-Y feature (0-30V dc) (0 t0 1 Meg OHM) 01 01 01 01 01 Components/Instruments Range Quantity
Circuit Diagram:-
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The input signal, (Vin) of the common source JFET amplifier is applied between the Gate terminal and ground. With a constant value of gate voltage Vg applied the JFET operates within its "Ohmic region" acting like a linear resistive device. The drain circuit contains the load resistor, Rd. The output voltage, Vout is developed across this load resistance. The efficiency of the common source JFET amplifier can be improved by the addition of a resistor, Rs included in the source lead with the same drain current flowing through this resistor. Resistor, Rs is also used to set the JFET amplifiers "Q-point". When the JFET is switched fully "ON" a voltage drop equal to (Rs x Id) is developed across this resistor raising the potential of the source. Since the N-Channel JFET is a depletion mode device and is normally "ON", a negative gate voltage with respect to the source is required to modulate or control the drain current. This negative voltage can be provided by biasing from a separate power supply voltage or by a self biasing arrangement as long as a steady current flows through the JFET even when there is no input signal present and Vg maintains a reverse bias of the gate-source pn junction. In this example the biasing is provided from a potential divider network allowing the input signal to produce a voltage fall at the gate as well as voltage rise at the gate with a sinusoidal signal. Any suitable pair of resistor values in the correct proportions would produce the correct biasing voltage so the DC gate biasing voltage Vg is given as:
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Then the Drain current, Id is also equal to the Source current, Is as "No Current" enters the Gate terminal and this can be given as:
This potential divider biasing circuit improves the stability of the common source JFET amplifier circuit when being fed from a single DC supply compared to that of a fixed voltage biasing circuit. Both resistor, Rs and the source by-pass capacitor, Cs serve basically the same function as the emitter resistor and capacitor in the common emitter bipolar transistor amplifier circuit, namely to provide good stability and prevent a reduction in the loss of the voltage gain. However, the price paid for a stabilized quiescent gate voltage is that more of the supply voltage is dropped across Rs.The the value in farads of the source bypass capacitor is generally fairly high above 100uF and will be polarized. This gives the capacitor an impedance value much smaller, less than 10% of the transconductance, gm (the transfer coefficient representing gain) value of the device. At high frequencies the by-pass capacitor acts essentially as a shortcircuit and the source will be effectively connected directly to ground. Procedure:1. Study the circuit and Place the components on bread board and connect them as per given fig. 2. Connect the circuit without ac supply and check for the DC Conditions. 3. Connect the signal generator and apply a sine wave of peak-to-peak amplitude 20mV, 1kHz. Connect input and output (Vo) of the circuit to the two channels of CRO. 4. Find the gain, input and output impedance with this circuit. 5. Voltage gain for maximum undistorted output, Avm = Vo/Vi 6. Plot the frequency response curve by noting down Vo for different frequencies.
Avm = Vout/Vin = From the graph, f1 = ________ Hz; f2 = ________kHz Bandwidth (BW) = f2 - f1 = ______; Gain bandwidth(GBW) = Avm * BW = _________
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1. Adjust the input sinusoidal peak to peak in such a way that the output sine wave is not clipped. 2. Note down this value of the input Vin. 3. Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output Vo. Let Vo=Va 4. Connect a DRB (with zero resistance included)in series with the Function generator. 5. Increase the resistance in DRB and observe the magnitude of the output Vo simultaneously on the Oscilloscope. 6. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its original value, stop varying the potentiometer further and remove the DRB from the circuit. Vo=Va/2 7. Measure the value of the resistance in DRB and this measured value will be the input impedance ( Ri) of the circuit. To measure Zo (Output Impedance)
1. Adjust the input sinusoidal peak to peak in such a way that the output sine wave is not clipped. 2. Note down this value of the input Vin. 3. Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output Vo . Let Vo=Va 4. Connect a DRB ( with maximum resistance included) in parallel with the load as shown in fig c. 5. Decrease the DRB and observe the magnitude of the output Vo simultaneously on the Oscilloscope. 6. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its original value, stop varying the resistance further and remove the DRB from the circuit. Vo=Va/2 7. Measure the value of the DRB and this measured value will be the output impedance ( Ro) of the circuit.
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