Introduction To Discourse Analysis
Introduction To Discourse Analysis
Introduction To Discourse Analysis
Language in use, which is used to
communicate and is felt to be coherent is
called discourse.
Discourse can be defined as a stretch of
language consisting of several sentences
which are perceived as being related, not only
in terms of ideas, but also in terms of the jobs
they perform.( function)
Discourse is fundamentally concerned with the
relationship between language and the contexts of
its use.
Discourse is a text forming device. It studies
how language can be made coherent and
Definition of Discourse
‘a continuous stretch of language larger than a
sentence, often constituting a coherent unit,
such as sermon, argument, joke or narrative.’
Cook (1989) defines discourse as stretches of
language perceived to be meaningful, unified
and purposive.
In the study of language, discourse often refers
to the speech patterns and usage of language,
dialects, and acceptable statements, within a
community. It is a subject of study in people
who live in secluded areas and share similar
speech conventions.
The term discourse is used to describe the
Language helps us communicate.
Communication takes place with the help of
symbols, signs, words or body language.
Language is a code or a system which has a
lot of signals being transmitted through a
medium by a sender to a receiver. This
system is governed by a set of rules.
Along with the set of rules there are some
social features that govern the use of
language. Context and cultural influences also
affect language in use.
Discourse studies the relation between the
form and function of language.e.g Do I have
To understand discourse we must look at the
distinction that Ferdinand De Sassure made
between langue and parole