Assignment 2 Fingerprints
Assignment 2 Fingerprints
Assignment 2 Fingerprints
The average ingerprint has appro!imatel" how man" in#ivi#ual ri#ge characteristics$ a) %&& b) '( c) 22( #) 1(& 2. )t is currentl" conclu#e# that the minimum number o riction ri#ge characteristics* which must be present in two impressions in or#er to establish a positive i#enti ication is+ a) , b) there is no minimum number c) 1& #) %. .horls are #ivi#e# into how man" #i erent groups$ a) ( b) % c) / #) 2 /. The inner la"er o skin* is known as the+ a) 0pi#ermis b) Friction ri#ge c) Minutiae #) 1ermis (. .hat were 2ames 0arl 3a"4s ingerprints* 56T oun# on$ a) 3i le b) 3a#io c) 7eer can #) 7inoculars True False (1pt each) )n#icate whether the statements below are true or alse. ) alse correct it to make the statement true. ,. )t is assume# that no two people have the e!act same ingerprint. True '. .ith the e!ception o an" li e e!periences resulting in a scar or #amage* a ingerprint will remain unchange# #uring an in#ivi#ual4s li etime. True -. The most common t"pe o ingerprint pattern is the arch pattern. False
The most common t"pe o ingerprint is the loop. 8. AF)9 makes it possible to compare a single print rom a crime scene against an entire #atabase o ingerprints. True 1&. A traine# ingerprint e!aminer is not re:uire# once AF)9 has ma#e a match. False The machine never makes the inal #ecision* a pro essional is nee#e# or con ormation. 11. There is currentl" an integrate# ootprint #atabase. False There are onl" ones or ingers an# palms. Matching (2pts each) Match the print with the best possible #e inition below. 12. 0nclosure
1(. .horl
7i urcation
1e initions+ 7i urcation* 1ot* 0nclosure* ;oop* 3i#ge 0n#ing* Tente# Arch* .horl Extra Credit Part A < Please choose one o the ollowing options. 1) Fingerprint "oursel = There are a ew #i erent wa"s that "ou can ingerprint "oursel without having to bu" the whole kit* but here4s one to get "ou starte#. Take a pencil an# on a sheet o paper make a big #ark scribble# mess. >se one o "our ingers an# rub it against the lea#* then use a clear piece o tape an# press it against the inger an# as "ou pull it awa" "ou4ll ?li t "our print?. 9tick the tape onto a piece o white paper* an# be sure to label which inger "ou #i#= 1o this or one han#* an# then e!amine "our prints. 9ee i "ou can i#enti " i "our prints are loops* whorls or arches* an# i there4s an" #eltas* #ots* bi urcations* enclosures or ri#ge en#ings= .hen "ou4re #one (and after you've washed your hands ) * scan or sen# in a photo o "our complete# ingerprint car#* along with what "ou were able to i#enti ". 2) There have been man" people an# criminals who have trie# to #estro" or change their ingerprints. Fin# an# research one o these people an# write a %&& wor# essa" on what the" #i# to their ingerprints* an# whether it worke# or not. Part B < ( points. 3ea# the ollowing m"ster" an# see i "ou can solve the pu@@le. ) "ou give Aust the name o the culprit an# are wrong* "ou won4t earn an" points. Bowever i "ou guess wrong* but have vali# reasons to back "oursel up* "ou4ll gain part marks. A single correct name though will earn "ou the ull ( points. 1avi# an# Austin steppe# into the cool* air con#itione# house an# out o the hot 2ul" sun. )n this heat* a ter Aust walking the 2& minutes rom the baseball #iamon#* both bo"s were soake# with sweat. The" grabbe# bottles o water rom the ri#ge an# sat #own at the table to #rink them. ?>gh Austin= Cou won4t believe it*? Austin4s brother Deorge sai# as he walke# in. ?Cou know all those pieces o woo# ) ha# to buil# our tree ort$ The"4re missing= 9omeone stole them rom me.? ?That4s horrible Deorge*? 1avi# commente#. ?An" i#ea who #i# it$? ?) have some guesses* but ) #on4t know or sure who #i# it*? Deorge replie#. ?2oe was over this morning
looking aroun# an# asking what ) was using the woo# or. Carlos was talking to me the other #a" about how he4s going to buil# a new roo on his tree house. An# our new neighbour* Mrs. Plum was complaining about the amount o noise )4# create with the hammering an# sawing. )t coul#4ve been an" o them=? ?1on4t worr" Deorge* we4ll go ask aroun# see i we can in# "our woo#*? Austin sai#. 1avi# an# Austin went back outsi#e an# wan#ere# #own the street to 2oe4s house irst* where the" saw him washing a car in ront o an empt" garage. ?Be" 2oe. Deorge seems to be missing some woo# that was going to be use# or a ort. 1i# "ou see an"one take it$? aske# 1avi#. ?5o ) haven4t gu"s. )4ve been working on cleaning the garage* an# now )4m stuck washing m" #a#4s car= Doo# luck in#ing the woo#=? replie# 2oe. Austin an# 1avi# wan#ere# #own the street until the came to Carlos4 house. 5o one appeare# to be home* so the" stuck their nose in his back"ar#. The in amous tree house looke# ver" ol# an# run #own. 9ome o the boar#s were in nee# o replacing. ;astl"* the" went to Mrs. Plum4s house an# knocke# on her #oor. 9he calle# to them to come on in* an# so the" opene# the #oor an# oun# her poking at the ire in her ireplace. ?Bello bo"s. .hat brings "ou to m" little corner o the neighborhoo#$? ?.e were Aust won#ering i "ou ha# happene# to see an"one take Deorge4s woo# rom our house*? aske# Austin. ?.ish ) coul# help "ou* but ) came insi#e awhile ago to get out o the hot sun. ) hope he in#s it=? Mrs. Plum respon#e#. Austin an# 1avi# walke# back to Austin4s house an# went insi#e where the" oun# Deorge waiting or them. ?.ell #i# "ou in# the woo#$=? he aske# eagerl". Austin an# 1avi# looke# at each other as 1avi# answere#* ?.e #i#n4t see the woo#* but we know who took it=? !ho too" #eorge's wood$