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F) The Curries He Makes Are More Hot/hotter Than The Ones I Make

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Name___________________ Date_____________

Grade________ Score___________
I. Choose the correct answer: 5X6!"#
a) Youre very quiet. What are you thinking/do you think about?
b) We sat/were sitting in the garden when the fire started.
c) When arrived you/did you arrive at the stadium?
d) How many times have you seen/been seeing an eagle?
e) She said she had started the course the day before/previous.
f) The curries he maes are more hot/hotter than the ones ! mae.
II. Each o$ the $o%%ow&n' sentences conta&ns a m&sta(e. )&nd &t and correct &t &n the dotted
s#aces. 5X6!"#
a) Have you told anyone about our "lans still? #####
b) Your train does leaves in ten minutes. Hurry u"$ ####...
c) We havent got much %nglish homewors to do. ####..
d) What will be ha""en to rivers in the future? ####..
e) He cant to be &nyas brother. Shes only got sisters. ####..
f) ! ased him if why he hadnt told me the news. ####..
*. +,CA*-.AR/
III. Match the &tems to the sho#s: !X505#
') sil scarf a. greengrocers
() neclace b. newsagents
)) maga*ine c. butchers
+) onions d. ,ewellers
-) meat e. boutique
I+. )&%% &n the correct word der&1ed $rom the word &n 2o%d. !X505#
'. .o you have any#########to mae? C,MP.AIN
(. The########was unfavourable for me. C,MPARE
). Than you for the#########meal. .,+E
+. /ing the bell only in case of#######. EMERGE
-. They had a########...living0room. SPACE
N,T3: Toate s42&ecte%e s4nt o2%&'ator&&5 Se acord6 0" #4ncte d&n o$&c&45

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