Analog and Digital Circuit Design
Analog and Digital Circuit Design
Analog and Digital Circuit Design
elia$ilit% and implementation possi$ilities p omoted eplacement o! t aditional analog !unctions o! natu al signals# t ansmission# senso s# (i eless communication etc)
Digital !unctions can&t still eplace analog counte pa t li'e p ocessing Digital ci cuits t ade*o!! $+( speed and po(e ) Analog ci cuit design
depends on multi*dimensional !acto s speed# po(e # voltage# ! e,uenc%# gain# p ecision etc)
Analog designe s a e in demand - ,uic' unde standing o! ci cuit# good
mathematical s'ills# c eative !o ci cuit topologies i)e) good anal%tical and design s'ills e,ui ed
Dept. of AE&I, GEC Kozhikode
due" lo( po(e dissipation# $ette integ ation densit% and less !a$ ication cost
Int insic speed o! MOS devices has $een imp oved ove
past decades and p ime candidate !o analog designs compa ed to $ipola devices
CMOS has $een the choice to meet the scaling as pe
Moo e&s la( o! integ ation i)e) num$e o! t ansisto s integ ated dou$les eve % .)/ %ea s 0/1m in .234 4).51m in 0444)
design pe !o mance
Simplest $ehavio al model o! MOS t ansisto 8hen 9g : 9th O;; and 9g < 9th ON
MOSFET structure
n*t%pe MOS device st uctu e !a$ icated on p*su$st ate D ain and sou ce" heav% di!!usion egions Gate" =ol%silicon o metal (ith SiO0 isolation Channel Length Le!! > Ld a(n - 0Ld 6side di!!usion7 O?ide thic'ness To? and Le!! a e impo tant design pa amete s
Dept. of AE&I, GEC Kozhikode
nMOS device
pMOS device
MOS sy!"ols
;ou Te minal
Analog model
device !o conduction
the channel
Saturation !ode
MOS;ET ope ates in satu ation egion) Cu ent cu ve doesn&t !ollo( pa a$olic !unction i)e) cu ent elativel% constant
Channel pinch'o&&
As Cd is p opotional to 9gs*96?7*9th hence 9ds>9gs*9th
i)e) Cd>Be o 8hen 9ds is slightl% g eate than 9gs*9th inve sion la%e stops at ?DL te med as channel pinch*o!!
cu ent i)e) !igu e me it) gm in satu ation egion is ecip ocal o! Ron in t iode egion
9E : 4
8he e
CL#CM" Ove lap capacitance $+( S*D and gate i)e) Cov C/#C3" Nunction capacitance $+( S*D and su$st ate can $e
esisto r0" Channel length modulation pa amete i)e) device cu ent dependenc% on 9ds on $ul' potential
Cu ent sou ce gmbVbs" Eod% e!!ect pa amete i)e device cu ent dependenc% Device capacitances
Single'stage A!pli&iers
Impo tant analog !unction to st engthen signals !o
p o$lem li'e speed# suppl% voltage# po(e # linea it%# gain# input*output impedance# voltage s(ing etc)
Input*output cha acte istics o! ampli!ie
causes 9out d op
8hen 4:9in:9outP9th 69in.7 ope ates in satu ation
Source Follo(er (Co!!on Drain Used as a voltage $u!!e placed in $et(een CS ampli!ie (ith la ge gain 6Rd7 d iving a lo( impedance load i)e) to avoid loading e!!ect
Output !ollo(s input voltage change shi!ted $% 9gs and assume device ope ating in satu ation) Input*output cha acte istics ep esented $%
and p oduce output at d ain te minal) Gate connected to DC $ias !o p ope ope ation) T(o con!igu ations possi$le" di ect coupling 6dc7 and capacitive coupling 6ac7
E,uivalent ci cuit"
Cascode A!pli&ier
Cascode 6Jcascaded t iodesK7 com$ination o! CS and CG
stages !o inc eased int insic gain and output impedance values in compa ison (ith othe con!igu ation
modulation voltage gain o! cascode stage is that o! CS stage as cu ent is independent o! M0 pa amete s 6gm and $od% e!!ects7
Conside ing la ge signal model (ith const cu ent sou ceR Av>gm.Rout
(he e Rout is the e!!ective output esistance 6gm$0Pgm07 o0 o. i)e) int insic gain inc eased $% M0 te m
Dept. of AE&I, GEC Kozhikode
Frequency Response
!inite impedance due to device and node capacitance and esistance *A identi!% poles in t ans!e !unction G6s7
st ong inte action th ough Cgs) Intuitive method cant $e applied he e li'e CS stage) CL is the total output load capacitance including Cs$
=e !ect isolation $et(een input and output nodes i)e) no
Cascode stage
Cha acte iBed $% high input impedance o! CS stage and high
Differential Amplifier
Di&&erential A!pli&iers
Choice o! ampli!ie in high pe !o mance analog and mi?ed signal
Di!!e ential ope ation can inhe entl% eliminate suppl% voltage#
stages ope ate on t(o phases o! signal a ound a common mode level 6dc o!!set at input to ensu e devices do not tu n o!! and al(a%s in satu ation7
level connect sou ce te minals th ough a cu ent sou ce !o ma?imum voltage s(ing
Current Mirror
i)e) p ovide a sta$le cu ent against p ocess# suppl% and tempe atu e va iations
E?tensivel% used as $iasing and signal p ocessing
cascode $ias voltage !o ML 69$7 to ma'e 9ds069%7 independent on 9p esults in a cascode cu ent mi o ci cuit $elo("
Select device dimensions to satis!% the condition