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Prostho fixed

The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is: a. Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus. "! # $. %ac& of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth. c. %ac& of attention to tooth shape' position' and contacts (((. d. %ac& of prominent cusps' deep sulcus' and marginal ridges. ) *# +,"-./ 0.# 1! 234 567"89 35:; silane coupling agent: <= used with porcelain to enhance weta$ility of $onding. ((( >= used with tooth and porcelain. ?emove inlay and clean with alcohol. For porcelain only' place layer of silane coupling agent on fitting surface. @olyether impression materials: a. Are less sta$le dimensionally than poly sulfide ru$$er. $. Are less stiff than poly sulfide ru$$er. c. Ban a$sor$ water and swell if stored in water. ((( .C.:DE9 FGD:E H":"- IJ9 KL MN9 .E"OP 1*Q M7 -RS9 C"T-U"- ,"QV WXY WE 1*Q An anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when: a. A$utment teeth are not carious. $. An a$utment tooth is inclined <Z degrees $ut otherwise sound. c. There is considera$le resorption of the residual ridges. ((( d. Brown of the a$utment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession. W]^"_ Q`DP C"a7 b5" !8Wc\d e.; 9Y If Wd M; gd"\" h*i 9Y fjC <Z ["\PU [R57 .17"7U ,"-"SL k E*i CjC ]"!7 k ["\PU .3! k 1c\] l"Odjm"- .E.n o"GD7 :pW/D: q"h^ ,"-"Q`DP .0C9./7 EC"7 54"N7L k rE.# Is k 0.E.n 5;j during t=u crown preparation on premolar' $ur used to add retentive grooves is: a. radial fissure $. Tapered fissure vuring post insertion examination of a t unit ceramometal fixed partial denture. wne of the retainers showed chipping of porcelain at the ceramometal xunction. yn order to avoid the pro$lem the dentist must: a. ?educe the metal to z.t mm. $. {ave uniform porcelain thic&ness. :|D\7 4"cV c. {ave occlusion on metal. d. }eep porcelain metal xunction away from centric contacts. ((( ~":D MX"7Y 1! )c X":P 1! 0C"Eq M57d ^E j*]^ 1! [.T: M; )c 1|6d "GO4 I\: .)c M7 7 <.Z j .3:- 1:5:G

hat is a @ier a$utment a. ingle tooth holding one pontic. $. A tooth that supports a remova$le partial denture. c. All of the a$ove. d. one of the a$ove. ((( hich are the ways in which the proximal contacts can $e chec&ed a. se a pencil. $. se a shim stoc&. ; j9 c. se a silicone chec&er. d. se a dental floss. e. wnly $ d. ((( A total of proximal contacts in forty volunteer su$xects was examined for proximal contact integrity with shim stoc&. yt passed uninhi$ited through of the contacts. either sex nor age affected the evaluation however' shim stoc& was more li&ely to pass through contacts with enamel surfaces than those which were restored The incisal reduction for a metal ceramic restoration should $e: a. <.Z mm. $. > mm. ((( c. t mm. d. u mm. The occlusal reduction for an all metal veneer crown should: a. e as flat as possi$le to ena$le an easy fa$rication of occlusion anatomy. *D]7 $. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance rating from < to <.Z mm with the opposing dentition. ((( c. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance of no more than z.Z mm with the opposing dentition. d. e the last step in the tooth preparation. .7 <.Zk< X":]-9 1SU M#"` ]` FQ6E S [.T7 "d "Q3DPm Wa/: M#"` ]` Nn .7 <.Zk< )c 9 7 z.Z "hDX":]! )c" D`\ Q: 54.T: TQ3" 7Y ingival retraction is done: a. To temporarily expose the finish margin of a preparation. $. To accurately record the finish margin of a portion of uncut tooth surface apical to the margin in the final impression. c. ven in the presence of a gingival inflammation. d. y various methods $ut the most common one is the use of retraction cord. 5 M5\"EjCY e. A and $. f. A' $ and c. g. A' $ and d. ((( ?egarding tissue retraction around tooth: a. hort duration of retraction of gingival margin during preparation of finishing line.


b. ?etraction of gingival margin during ta&ing final impression to ta&e all details of unprepared finish line. c. sually retracted severely inflamed gingival margin. d. ?etraction of gingival margin can $e done $y many ways one of them is retraction cord. e. A' $ and c. f. ' c and d. g. A and d. ((( The most accurate impression material for ma&ing the impression of an onlay cavity: a. ympression compound. $. Bondensation type silicone. c. @olyvinyl siloxane ((( d. @olysulfide. issing lower six and tilted ak prighting of molar $y orthodontics. $k @roximal half crown. ck Telescope crown. dk on rigid connector. ((( one rigid connector: it is indicated when retainers cannot $e prepared without excessive tooth reduction. QP "7 X j"5 C*f9 ^E .f9 K "7 . S j"Dc: !"^* _ QP "7 X j"5 C*f9 e.; I7 MN 5h . ME.:DT7 M5-"DX M5\V m h\7 .# 9 e.cD]4 [ I4"7 R! QP "7 X j"5 @ost fracture decrease with: prefa$ricated post ready made post casted post. ((( metal post Teeth with ?BT and you want to use post' which post is the least cause to fracture: <. ?eady made post. >. Basted post. t. Fi$er post. ((( u. @refa$ricated post. vuring post removal the first thing to do is: A remove the .@ remove all the old restoration undermined enamel caries. ((( B insertion of post immediately @ost length increasing will .increase retention. ((( .increase resistant .increase strength of restoration For post preparation we should leave mm of @: a.

$. <zmm c. Zmm. (((

yn post and core preparation must: a. xtend to contra$evel. $. xtend to full length tooth preparation. c. Ta&e same shape of natural tooth. d. Ta&e shape of preparation a$utment. e. A d. ((( f. A $. g. v c. h. c. .7";. Nn E9 Wa/: M]* ) # E"h\ .D:E 14.T: 3 After ?BT' for insertion of post dowel: a. @ost applied pressure. $. @ost should $e lose. c. ynsert it without pressure $ut with retention. ((( The $est restoration for max central incisor that has received ?BT through conservatively prepared access opening would $e: a. @ostkretained metalkceramic crown. $. @ostkretained porcelain xac&et crown. c. Bomposite resin. ((( d. one of the a$ove. wne of anatomical land mar& is: a. Ala tragus line. ((( $. Ala or$ital. c. Fran& fort plane. For onlay preparation' reduction of functioning cusp should $e: d. <.Z mm. ((( e. > mm. f. < mm. 7"T W5 ,"-./ 7 < 9 7"T ,"-./ 7 <.Z *8 W5a/D Thic&ness of porcelain should $e: g. ztkzZ mm. h. z.zZkz.<Z mm. i. z.Zk<.Z.mm. ((( The necessary thic&ness of the metal su$stucture is z.Z mm the minimal porcelain thic&ness is <.z k <.Z mm wcclusal plane is: x. A$ove the level of the tongue. &. elow the level of the tongue. ((( the tongue rests on the occlusal surface Amount of reduction in @F crown: l. <.Zk>. ((( m. <.k>. n. >kZ.

)c 7 > 9 [.T:< .Z D-" ,"aE*TD 1! ,"7";. W5a/d :To enhance strength properties of ceramo metal restoration' it is important to a. Avoid sharp or acute angles in the metal structure. $. uild up thic& layer of porcelain. c. @orcelain should $e of uniform thic&ness and any defect of the preparation should $e compensated $y the metal su$structure. d. Bompensate any defect in the preparation equally $y porcelain and metal su$structure. e. A and $ are correct. f. A and c are correct. ((( g. and d are correct. sharp angels and under cuts should $e avoided. thin porcelain with uniform thic&ness supported $y rigid thic&ness is the strongest. porcelain should $e &ept at a minimum thic&ness that is still compati$le with good estheticdeficiencies of the tooth preparation.should $e compensated $y with extra thic&ness of the coping in those areas. ndodontically treated >nd maxillary premolar with moderate v caries is $est restored $y: a. Amalgam. $. t=u crown. c. Full crown. ((( d. wnlay. Artificial teeth $est to $e selected $y: o. @reextraction cord. ((( p. @ostextraction cord. yn full gold crown' to prevent future gingival recession: q. a&e the tooth form good at gingival one third. ((( r. a&e the tooth form good at gingival one fifth. s. a&e the tooth form good at gingival one half. Fixed partial prosthesis is more successful in: t. ingle tooth missing. ((( u. ultiple missing teeth. est pontic is: v. ?idge lap. \]"- `5/7 w. {ygiene. ((( 5/S x. addle. 5fWP hite polycar$onate are temporary crowns used for anterior teeth: y. True. ((( . False. ridge return to dentist from la$ with different degree of color although the shade is the same' the cause: aa. Thin metal framewor&. $$. vifferent thic&ness of porcelain. ((( cc. Thic& opaque.

@t with missing lower right <st molar for long time youll find: dd. esial drifting of lower right >nd molar. ((( ee. yntrusion of upper right <st molar. ~ W4 ff. wver eruption of lower right >nd molar. wver erupted upper right <st molar will $e managed $y: B@T: gg. yntruded easily orthodontically. ((( " 5:E*3d bEWd hh. Browing. ii. Adxustment of occlusion. ] WY 5S wver erupted upper right < molar will $e managed $y:: <. yntruded easily orthodontically. " 5:E*3d bEWd >. Browing. t. Adxustment of occlusion. u. yn sever cases may $e extracted a. < > t $. > t u(((( c. < > u d. < t u wver erupting tooth can $e treated $y: a. Browning after endo. $. wrtho intrusion. c. xtraction. <. A and . >. All the a$ove. The amount of facial redaction in @F crown: a. <.t. ((( $. <.. c. z.. d. >.>. A tooth with >Z degree inclination could $e used as a$utment: [R57 a. True. ((( $. False. yn onlay' stopping of cusp is <.Zk> m.m: a. True. ((( $. False. The first step in diagnostic wor&' up is o$taining the: a. edical history. $. @resent complaint. ((( c. iographical data. d. ?estorative history.
e. Traumatic history.

For the ceramometal restorations' the type of finish line is: a. Bhamfer $. eveled shoulder ((( eveled shoulder: According to the results of this study as the shoulder $evel had $etter fit than shoulder and deep chamfer designs and also there was significant

difference $etween shoulder $evel and shoulder' so it is recommended to use shoulder $evel finish line in the metal ceramic restoration. enefits of opaque porcelain layer: a. onding the metal structure. $. ynitiating the color. c. A $. ((( @orcelain shrin&age after firing: a. <kZ $. Zk<z c. <zk>z SU At a firing temperature of <uzz B' they shrin& $y < percent uz -D# tz M7 Cj*O]XY 1!9 :ys this statement true or false a. ?BT a$utment of F@v has higher ris& for fracture. $. A$utment which has ?BT in cantilever F@v have higher suscepti$ility to fracture. \^7 W]f 1! " 5Q"^ T: 7";. c. <st is true'>nd is false d. <st is false'>nd is true. e. oth are false f. oth are true. ((( Thic&ness of luting cement: a. <zz micrometer $. uzmicro meter c. <mm .FDX":P 0C"Eq I7 .E DE "G\ :P TJ9 ," WO[ U [9WN57 uz 1\TE \N:7 X":P sY .7 >k< fj.X9 +[9WN57 Z M5`QD9 +[9WN57 >Zk<Z "G aO: .a!U *8 4 ,"OP*! \:PL kBements for luting have desired film thic&ness of <Z: >Z microns. kBavity %inerseither solution or suspension liners have a desired film thic&ness of Z microns kases have a final application thic&ness of <k>mmthey may $e thic&er depending on the amount of dentin that may $e destroyed The maximum allowa$le thic&ness is >Z m AvA specification o. vental Bements The low <>kmicron film thic&ness is ideally suited for luting applications @ontic design of an F@v: a. ame sie $uccolingually of the missing tooth $. maller than missing $uccolingually. ((( c. ider $uccolingually d. one of the a$ove .sY ["\PY - ;.:DTE ;.[ U "Qi JWT: ]`* 3d [Y ^E " 5.Q7 hich material has $est $iocompati$ility yntraorally: a. Bo$alt chromium $. Titanium c. ic&le chromium d. old .... @alladium

hich of following resto more li&ely to cause wear to opposing: a. Bomposite $. old c. @orcelain ((( d. Amalgam inimum thic&ness of no$le metal crown ak .< mm $k z.Z mm ((( ck < mm dk > mm The necessary thic&ness of the metal su$stucture is z.Z mm the minimal porcelain thic&ness is <.z k <.Z mm @atient is diagnosed for ceramometal full veneer. ou plan to use epoxy ?esin missing text' whats the $est impression material to $e used : A. @oly ether. . @oly sulfide. B. Agar agar. v. yrreversi$le hydrocolloid. the impression material of choice when we want to ta&e impression for epoxy resin pin is: a @olysulfide. ((( @olyether. B. Agar agar. v. yrreversi$le hydrocolloid. ympression material cause $ad taste to patient akpoly sulfide. ((( $kpolyether. ckadditional silicon dk alginate what is the most unfavora$le imp material $y the patient due to $ad taste a. agar $. silicone c. polyether d. polysulfide((( The impression used for preliminary impressions or study casts is: <. Agar agar. >. ilicon. t. Alginate. ((( u. one. hat is the least accurate imp material : a.Alginate((( $.@lysufide c.@olyether

inimal facial reduction when preparing for veneers: a. z.t mm $.z.tkz.Z mm ((( c. <k<.Z mm IJ*D" # 1! *P K M; 3E m9 +7 z. -L .\; GE9 7 z.Z M; 3E m 58. W5a/D ." E58C "8q W-L .5T4 -D# M] 14"] The facial enamel is usually reduced $y z.tz.Zmm' $ut where the underlying tooth is severely discolored' reduction should $e z.mm. The $est material for ta&ing impression for full veneer crowns: a poly vinyl sialoxane additional ilicone((( toc& trays compared to Bustom trays for a remova$le partial denture impression A. Bustom trays less effective than stoc& trays . Bustom trays can record an alginate impression as well as elastomeric impression B. Bustom trays provide even thic&ness of impression material. ((( v. All of the a$ove @rovisional restoration for metal ceramic a$utment is a aluminum sheet $ stainless steel crown c no d tooth colored polycar$onate crown((( yn fixed p.d u use gic for cemntation what $est to do kremove smear layer $y acid to increase adhesion kdo not varnish $ecause it affect adhesion. ((( kmixed slowly on small area untill $ecome creamy kremove excess when it in dough stage For glass ionomer cement' the measured powder is divided into two equal parts and mixed with a plastic spatula. The first increment is rapidly incorporated in <z seconds' and the second increment is incorporated and mixed for an additional <z seconds. Avoid using cavity cleaners to aid in drying the preparation $ecause they may adversely affect pulpal health. ?emove excess cement with an explorer. arly cement removal may lead to early moisture exposure at the margins with increased solu$ility. ynstrument which we use to ma&e groove in the wax is Burver ynstrument used for wax grooving for a die in F@v }T no k .}T no k poon excavator k urnisher :Bast with ve $u$$le $=c of ixing stone k

.(oids in impression when ta&en $y the dentist k pouringk using warm water when mixing stonk on a central incisor receiving a full ceramic restoration' during finishing of the :shoulder finish line su$gingivally viamond end cutting After final inlay cementation and $efore complete setting of cement we should: akremove occlusal interferences $k$urnishing of peripheries of restoration for more adaptation. ((( cklowering occlusal surface yt is easier to remove excess cement $efore it finally sets. wnce the cement is hard the ru$$er dam is removed and the occlusion chec&ed with articulating paper and adxusted with fine diamond $urs. Female come need to endodontic for central insical 'and have media composite restorations in the mesial and distal walls 'and have attrition in the insicial' edge the $est restoration <. ac&et crown. >. Full crown. ((( t. etal crown. Bhild have dental caries in t or u surfaces of his first primary molar we will replace them with: kpreformed metal crown. kporcaline crown kamulgam crown kcomposite restoration what name of $ur used in proximal surface of laminate veneer ?adial dimound. ((( fissure The facial depth cuts are removed with the Zzkz<u diamond $ur' and the long axis of the diamond $ur is rolled into the proximal chamfer area to eliminate any sharp line angles what name of $ur use in facial surface of veneer vimond. ((( fissure ?oundkend diamonds create chamfer margin and facial reduction for direct and indirect veneer restorations
hat type pontic design would you in a patient with a high esthetic demand when preparing teeth num$er << for a F @ v : ak ridge lap or saddle pontic $k An ovate pontic ck modified ridge lap pontic. (((

design of anterior pontic akmodified ridge la$(((


$ksaddle ckhygienic Porcelain, highly esthetic, anterior maxilla area, we choose: A vicor in ceram. ((( Bimpress ynkBeram has $een used to fa$ricate fixed partial dentures' $ut the manufacturer recommends only shortkspan threekunit anterior restorations. Aluminakreinforced ceramic systems ynkBeram significantly improve the light reflection characteristics of crowns when compared to conventional metalkceramic restorations. {owever' opaque aluminum oxide diminishes translucency when compared to leucitekreinforced systems wptec' y@kmpress. To improve light transmission and reflection in single anterior crowns where maximum strength is not required' a magnesium aluminous spinel may $e utilied. The transilluminating qualities seem to $e similar to those of natural teeth. the highest strength in porcelain: A ? ircon reinforced in ceram. ((( t> years old patient came to your dental office' suffering from a $ad odour and taste from {is mouth. y examination patient has an anterior mandi$ular t unit $ridge that $u$$les upon Applying water spray and slight pressure. Bause: A $ro&en a$utment. Food impaction underneath the pontic. B separation $etween the a$utment and the retainer.. ((( dissolving of cement = microlea&age hich tooth require special attention when preparing the occlusal aspect for restoration: ak lower >ed molar $k lower <st premolar. ((( ck lower >ed premolar dk upper <st molar The &ind of on lay wax used in cast <. $raffiene > t wax inlay which type contain in much gradient a $araffin wax $ $ee wax incisal a$rasion. @orcelain veneer is planned with modification to cover incisal edge. veneer should end: a. fourth lingualy z.Z mm $efore centric occlusal. (((


$. fourth <.Z $efore centric occlusion c. fifth <.Z $efore centric occlusion The cause of $lac& cast which prevent pic&ling due to a. over heat $. contaminate with gas c. incomplete casting var& discolored casting due to Over heating of the investment lead to decomposition of calcium sulphate hemihydrates $inder and release of sulpher which will com$ine with copper and silver of gold alloy lead to compounds which resist pickling of casting hat is the main function of impression tray holes : ((( .AFixing the ympression material The $est material for ta&ing full crown veneers impression is : A @olyksulphide @olykether B yrreversi$le hydrocolloid v @oly vinyl siloxane Additional silicone. ((( @reparation of tooth for metal ceramic restoration should $e done in: A two planes. ((( parallel to long axis %a$ial reduction for porcelain metal restoration must $e: a. < plane for aesthetic. $. > plane $y follow the monophology. ((( preparation for la$ial surface in one plane in the preparation for metal crown is: Amore retentive less retentive. ((( @atient need fixed $ridge after you chec& in moth of the pateint see change color of $ridge to cloudy to mil&y what causes xx. excessive fired. ((( &&. reduced fired ll. excessive moisture mm. increased poursity when porcelain is fired too many times it may devitrify this appears as a mil&y state and ma&e glaing very difficult The ydeal crownktok root ratio of a tooth $e utilied as a$ridge a$utment is: ak t:<. $k >:<. ck <:>. ((( dk <:<. patint come with sever stained anterior central left maxillary incisor with small distal carie lost incisal edge treated $y nn. full ceramic restoration the ideal post drill for most posterior teeth is oo. gates glidden sie t

pp. peeso drill sie tk qq. profile sie zkz peeso drill sie >kt the function of post a. provide retention for a crown $. enhance the strength of the tooth c. provide retention for a core d. provide the root canal sealing patint come with sever stained anterior central left maxillary incisor with small distal carie lost incisal edge treated $y rr. full ceramic restoration the ideal post drill for most posterior teeth is a. gates glidden sie t $. peeso drill sie tk c. profile sie zkz d. peeso drill sie >kt die ditching means a carving apical to finish line $carving coronal to finish line c mar& finishline with pen ost common cause of chipped porcelain in @ akThin layer of metal $kThin layer of porcelain ck Bentric occlusal contact at the xunction of porcelain and metal The forces action through a F@v on to the a$utment tooth should $e directed <k As far as possi$le at right angles to the long axes of the teeth >k @arallel to the long axes of the teeth tk y decreasing the facioklingual dimension of the pontic uk y decreasing the esioklingual dimension of the pontic Zk yn a mesial direction ' teeth nearer the midline will offer additional support a. <tu $.<>Z c. <uZ d. >t e. >u f. >Z


which not compati$le to the pulp Ak yB k inc phosphate cement Bk inc polycar$oxylate cement The wor&ing time of inc phosphate cement is shortened $y akconcentrating the acid $ k warming of glass sla$ ck incremental mixing of powder dkall of the a$ove you sent shade of @F 'technician give you different color with same shade aknon uniform porcelin $kthic& opaque ckthin opaque most a$rasive contact aktooth to tooth $k porcelin to tooth ckgold to tooth length of post ak<=> root $k >=t root ck<=> root containing in $one dkas much longer and leave u mm apical seal concentrating of acid used in etching porcelain veneer ak. hydrofluoric acid ((( $ktZphosphoric acid cktphosphoric acid dkthydrflouric acid @lacement of maxillary anterior teeth in complete dentures too far superiorly and anteriorly might result in difficulty in pronouncing a f and v sounds.((( $ d and t sounds. c s and thsounds. d most vowels An advantage of ru$$erk$ase impression material over reversi$le hydrocolloid material is that ru$$er $ase impression material a will displace soft tissue.


$ requires less armamentarium. c is significantly more accurate. d is more accurate if saliva' mucous or $lood is present. est provisional coverage for anterior teeth is ak Tooth colored polycar$onate crown $k tainless steel crown ck inc oxide engenal A low sag factor in a metalkceramic F@v and cause <k Flow of metal under functional load >k {igh a$rasion resistance tk %ess deformation of $ridge spans when fired uk @oor metalkceramic $ond strength Zk Bontamination of porcelain a. < only $. < and u c. >and t d. t only((( e. u and Z f. All of the a$ove viagnostic cast wax up help in: ak @redict the result of treatment $k xplain the treatment plan to patient ckAll of the a$ove in mean of compressive strength 'tensile strength which is strongest ak resin cement((( $k inc phosphate ck .y shoulder is the finish line of choice for akfull veneer $k@F((( ck crown indication of shoulder : facial margin of metal ceramic crown' complete ceramic crown


hich of the following characteristics of inlay wax is its maxor disadvantage a flow. $ rigidity. c hardness. d high thermal expansion((( As the gold content of a dental solder decreases 'the a hardness decreases. $ ductility increases. c corrosion resistance decreases. d ultimate tensile strength decreases((( The most ductile and mallea$le metal is: a liver. $ old.((( c Bopper. d@latinum.. what the name of the depressions present on molars in the middle and $etween the cusps: developmental grooves patient had enamel and dentin hypoplasia your ttt: a@orcelain crowns ((( $splinting with composite ccomposite $ridge.


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