3 - Globalisation
3 - Globalisation
3 - Globalisation
1. How does the economy of the globalised world function in different places?
Changing employment structures: As countries develop their employment structure will change 1. Primary Sector: People e tract raw materials !rom the land or sea " #arming$ !ishing$ mining %. Secondary Sector: People manu!acture raw materials into a !inished product " house building$ car ma&ing$ wor&ing in a clothes !actory 3. 'ertiary Sector: Provide services. 'hese include a wide range o! (obs " )etailing$ !inancial services$ *octors$ +ducation ,. -uaternary Sector: Provide in!ormation or e pert help$ o!ten associated with &nowledge based industries " .'$ /io-sciences$ )esearch and *evelopment. +mployment structures change over time. 2!ten as a country starts to develop it will move !rom an economy based on primary industries to more secondary industries$ with the most developed countries having most employment in tertiary and 9uaternary sectors.
'hese changes happen !or a number o! reasons 0 1any people in less developed countries live in rural areas$ this means many are employed in primary industries li&e !ishing and !arming to provide themselves with !ood. 2!ten the technology and money is not available to build !actories 3that is why they have low numbers in secondary employment4. As 5+*C6s develop 3into 7.C6s4 they start to use more machines. 'his means there are less (obs available in primary industries 3e.g. a combine harvester can do the wor& o! 38 people harvesting by hand4. 'hese people migrate to cities in search o! wor& in !actories$ there!ore secondary industries increase.
3 - Globalisation
1+*C6s are wealthy: there!ore the people demand a high standard o! living and lots o! services 3high tertiary employment4. .t is also cheaper to import raw materials and !ood$ so the number o! people employed in primary (obs is low.
3 - Globalisation
2. What changes have taken place in the flow of goods and capital?
3 - Globalisation
3 - Globalisation