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PS2 GTAViceCity

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Name of game: Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Platform: PS2 Game publisher: oc!star Games "in!: http://www.rockstargames.

com/vicecity/ e#ie$ed by: %idi Cardoso &ord count: '() Number of Screens: * After an extended stay in maximum security, Tommy Vercetti returns, this time to Vice City, where his boss sends him to finish a dea . !pon his arriva , he"s set up and is eft with no merchandise or money. #onny wants his money back, but biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt po iticians stand in his way. To top it a , most of Vice City seems to want Tommy dead. $is on y so ution is to fight back and take over the city. Vice City is an ama%ing p ace fi%% ing with excitement& The city spreads out from the beach to the ghetto, and a over you can see this city is very much a ive. There is much to do, many p aces to visit and ots of peop e to ta k to. There are a sorts of fancy cars to stea , as we as other vehic es: boats, he icopters, motorbikes, even a go f buggy. A vehic es come e'uipped with an () radio. *ou+ be surprised with the 'ua ity of the music in the different stations& *ou wi find songs ranging from ,-.# to /%%y /sbourne, and great hits ike Video 0i ed the 1adio #tar. The radio stations feature c assica , atin, disco and dance music, something for everyone& And 2ust so you know, 3a% o 4from Chatterbox in 5TA67 is now the 89 on V:1ock, whi e the chat stations are now 0:Chat and VC;1. Tommy is basica y on his own. As he earns money through missions, he wi be ab e to buy different bui dings spread a over town, from apartment bui dings to sma business faci ities 4cab company, car dea er, counterfeit money7. These wi not on y generate income wich you can co ect whenever you fee ike it 4there wi be a maximum imit for the acumu ated income7, but a so provide you with extra save spots. The game p ay is non: inear, so you can start by doing whatever you want first. <hy not stop by the strip c ub and get a ap dance= A bit of fun doesn+t hurt anyone> as ong as it doesn+t invo ve a boat chasing though the cana or a drive:by shooting& There are activities for a tastes. The options are numerous: hop on a ;o ice car and turn on the vigi ante missions, take a cab and make some cash picking up and dropping off customers, stea a ist of restrict cars, se drugs using the ice cream truck, or do some cra%y stunts 2umping off roofs and ramps on a car or bike. And then there are car races, boat races, motorcyc e races> *ou wi certain y not get bored in Vice City. And if you do, find a rampage icon and go nuts ki ing gang members in whichever creative way it te s you to 4chainsaw, anyone=7. 5TA Vice City gets ots of thumbs up for the exce ent music and great voice acting. 8id you know 1ay 3iotta does Tommy+s voice= The graphics have a so improved comapring to the previous tit e, 5TA6, and most impressive of a , is how you can drive around this huge city without insane oading times&

,t is definet y worth p aying. , mean, aren+t you tired of a ways being the good guy= <hy does the good ones a ways win= ; ay as the bad guy for a change, and do a those things you wou dn+t dare doing in rea ife because they are 2ust so wrong and unacceptab e. Vice City is p ain o d b oody vio ent fun& And it+s coming soon for your ;C too&

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