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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Playstation 2, X-Box, PC

Developer: Rockstar North

Publisher: Rockstar Games, Inc.
Rated: "M" for Mature

Location Guides, Walkthrough & Maps

made by Nevermore


Welcome to my Featured Guide for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Here you will find guides to all the hidden items locations such as gang tags, horseshoes and oysters. You will also find guides to unique
jumps & bonus missions, including screenshots of all the areas. You will also find maps covering all three islands. I've included checklists
in pdf format, to help you keep track of your progress in the game. You can find those in the download section.

Since there are a lot of different ways to solve the main missions, I won't give an in-depth description on how to do so, just what needs to
be done and a simple description of the solution. Some of the mission tasks that characters give you can not be completed all at once, but
it will say so in the guide. This also goes for some of the bonus missions.

Good luck and have fun playing!


Q: How do I unlock the other Islands?

A: You unlock the other islands efter you do a certain amount of missions. You will notice when you can access the other parts.

Q: Can't I just swim to the other Islands?

A: Yes, you can but you will get a 3 star wanted level when you get there which can not be turned off with the cheat codes either.

Q: How do I do Burglary Missions? I can find the truck.

A: You have to complete the Home Invasion mission first. Then you can find the truck west of the gym, by the blue houses.

Q: How do I do a gang drive-by?

A: Once you get enough respect you can get your gang members to get in a car with you. Target them with the R1 button and press Up
on the D-Pad to get them to follow you.

Q: How can I take over the other gang's territories?

A: You cant not do this until you've done the Doberman mission. Then you can look at your map what color a territory is. The green
areas are yours. Just head into the other areas and shoot gang members to provoke a gang war.

Q: Where are the flying/driving/boat/bike schools?

A: These will get unlocked after you have completed certain missions. Then you will see where they are. You can not enter them before
that anyway so there is no need to look for them.

Q: Where are the two player icons?

A: There is one located at the doorstep of Denise's house. To find another one, start at the Johnson House and drive west. Just after the
fourth road to the right are some houses. The icon is located between those houses. There are more icons across all the maps, these will
be added to the downloadable maps as soon as I find them.

Q: I cant find any health icons! Where are they?

A: The health icons only show up during gang wars and on some missions. You have to eat food instead to get your health bar up.

Q: Why cant I get into the Ammu-Nations?

A: You have to complete the Doberman mission to gain access to them.

Q: Is there Export/Import missions in San Andreas?

A: Yes there is but you have to complete the Cesar mission Customs Fast Track to unlock it.

Q: How do I get access to the airports?

A: You have to complete Pilot School first. It will be available after you bought the abandoned airstrip which can not be done until you
complete a mission. You will notice when you get there.

Q: Is there a way to turn off the swearing?

A: No there is no cheat code or any other way to turn it off.

Q: What do I need to do to get 100%?

A: You need to complete the following missions/challenges to get 100%

● All main missions

● All four vehicle schools
● R3 missions (Vigilante, Paramedic, Taxi, Fire Truck, Pimpin', Freight Train)
● BMX Challenge
● Chiliad Challenges
● NRG-500 Challenge
● Export/Import lists
● Ammu-Nation Shooting Range Challenges
● All 4 Arena Races
● All 3 Courier Challenges (Assets)
● Trucking Missions (RS Haul Asset)
● Zero RC Missions (Zero shop Asset)
● Airstrip Missions (Airstrip Asset)
● Valet Challenges (Vank Hoff Hotel Asset)
● Quarry Challenges (Hunter Quarry Asset)
● All Racing Tournaments
● Find 50 Oysters
● Find 50 Horseshoes
● Find 100 graffiti tags
● Take 50 snapshots
● Buy all safehouses (11 in Los Santos, 8 in San Fierro, 8 in Las Venturas)

Since all missions for one character wont be accessable at once, make sure to not read ahead since this will probably spoil the
story for you. When you see NOTE! it mean the missions after that will not be available until you have completed some other

After the intro movie you are left standing beside a BMX bike. Grab the bike and head to the CJ icon on your map. WEalk into the red

1. Big Smoke
Unlock: -
Reward: -

Just watch the cutscene with Big Smoke then go out and get into the car.

2. Sweet and Kendl

Unlock: Ryder Missions
Reward: -

After the cutscene, get on the BMX and follow Sweet. Stay away from the Ballas. After another cutscene you follow Ryder instead. Just
stay away from the Ballas until you get back to the hood and the mission is completed.

1. Tagging Up Turf
Unlock: Spray Can
Reward: Respect +

Get in the car with Sweet. Drive to the dot on your map. Spray three tags in different locations then get into the car again. Spray another
three tags then get back to the hood to complete the mission.

2. Cleaning the Hood

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into the car. Drive to the dot on your map and watch the cutscene. Follow the dot on your map the find the dealer then kill him and
take his baseball bat. Go inside and kill all the other gang members. Drive back to the hood to complete the mission.

3. Drive Thru
Unlock: Access to the Gym
Reward: $500, Respect +

Get into the car with the gang and drive to the Cluckin' Bell. Watch the cutscene. When the Ballas car show up, follow it and have your
gang members shoot at it until it is destroyed.

4. Nines and AKs

Unlock: Emmet's Place, Clothes Shops, Big Smoke Missions
Reward: Respect +

Drive to Emmet's and go through the shooting tutorial. After that, drive to Binco's to pick up some new clothes. Leave Binco's to complete
the mission.

5. Drive-By
Unlock: Ryder
Reward: $500, Respect

Get into the car and drive to the dot on your map. Stop in the red marker and watch a short cutscene. Now do a drive-by at the Ballas
gang. (You can also run them over with your car) Continue with three more groups of Ballas. You will now have a two star wanted level.
Drive to a Pay'n'Spray then drive back to the hood to somplete the mission.

6. Sweet's Girl
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a gun then drive to the dot on your map. Shoot or run over the Seville Boys with your car. When they are all dead, answer the phone
then stop in the red marker with a car. Drive Sweet and his girl back to the hood to complete the mission.

7. Cesar Vialpando
Unlock: Lowrider Challenge, Mod Garages, Cesar Missions
Reward: Whatever you bet in the challenge

Drive to the Mod Garage in Willowfield marked with a dot on your map. Do whatever mods you want to on the lowrider (you dont have to
do any), then drive to the new dot on your map. Place your bets in the challenge then try to beat your opponent to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Tenpenny mission Burning Desire to unlock the next mission.

8. Doberman
Unlock: Ability to take over territory, money icon at your safehouse
Reward: Respect +

Go inside Ammu-Nation and buy a gun if you need one. Then drive to Glen Park. Shoot at a group of Ballas to provoke a gang war.
Survive three waves of attacking Ballas to take over the territory. There are health and armor icons on top of the bridge going over the
park if you need it.
You have to complete have a Respect level of at least 10% to unlock the next missions.

9. Los Sepulcros
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get two gang members to join your group, then get into the car and drive to the dot on your map before the time runs out. When you get
there, follow you gang members over the wall. Now go after Kane and kill him and all the Ballas members. Get into the car, get you gang
members with you then drive to a Pay'n'Spray to get rid of the two wanted stars you got. Drive back to the hood to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Ryder mission Robbing Uncle Sam, the Big Smoke mission Just Business, the Tenpenny mission Grey
Imports and the OG Loc mission House Party to unlock this mission.

10. Reuniting the Families

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into the car with the gang and drive to the hotel marked with a dot on your map. After the cutscene, get into the hotel. Go through
the hotel, killing all the cops. Just follow the corridors and you will find Sweet in a room to the right at the end of a corridor. After the
cutscene, shoot the cops on the helicopter, then shoot down the helicopter as well. Follow Sweet down from the roof. After the next
cutscene, shoot at the police cars and bike following you.

11. The Green Sabre

Unlock: Access to San Fierro Island
Reward: -

Talk to Cesar. Get guns and armor and drive to the dot on your map. Get into the marked car ans watch the cutscene. Get into a the car
and drive to the dot on your map before Sweet's health meter goes down. When you get there, shoot all the attacking Ballas. After the
cutscene with the cops you will find yourself on the San Fierro Island.

You have to complete the CJ mission Home Coming and to unlock the next mission.

12. Beat Down on C Dup

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a couple of your gang members to join you and Sweet, then get into the car and drive to the dot on you map (Glen Park). When you
get there, shoot some Ballas to provoke a gang war. Stay close to Sweet since his health cant go down or the mission will be over. Win
the gang war and head over to B Dup's place. Kill his guards outside, then go inside and watch the cutscene. Drive back to Sweet's house
to complete the mission.

13. Grove 4 Life

Unlock: -
Reward: $10.000, Respect +

Get a couple of your gang members to join you and Sweet, then get in a car and drive to the dot on your map. Kill a couple of Ballas to
provoke a gang war. When you have taken over that territory, wait a couple pf minutes for your gang members to show up in your new
area. Now get as many members as possible with you and take over another Ballas area to complete the mission.

14. Los Desperados

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a couple of your gang members to join you and Cesar, then get in a car and drive to the dot on your map. After you've talked to
Cesar's gang members, follow them to Cesar's old neighborhood and clear the area of all the Vagos you can find. After that, Cesar will
telll you to follow him to another area, go there and clear that area as well. Continue to move through the area, killing all the Vagos you
can find. When you reach Cesar's house, there will be one Vago on the roof with a rocket launcher and another one outside with a
flamethrower. Kill the remaining Vagos to complete the mission.

You have to complete the CJ mission Riot and to unlock the next mission. Also, you have to control at least 35% of the territories. Watch
you stats to see how much you control.

15. End of the Line

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Watch the cutscene, then get into the car with Sweet. When you reach Big Smoke's crack fortress another cutscene will start. After that,
get to the police at the blue dot and steal their SWAT tank. Drive it to the doors of Big Smoke's fortress and crash through the wall. Run
over all the Ballas with the tank. Get out of the tank and walk through the door. You now have to fight your way to the 4th floor where
Big Smoke is. Kill all the Ballas in the corridor and pick up the armor at the end of the corridor before you continue.

Go through the doors and get ready to take cover. Crouch behind the boxes and take out all the Ballas in this area. Continue through the
door at the other side and kill the Ballas in here as well. Go up the stairs and kill the guard at the top. Go past the closed doors and turn
right to find a health icon. Go back and through the doors and go up the stairs to the next floor.

Kill the guard at the top and take the armor. Go through the doors and kill the guards standing here. Go through the next door and get
ready to crouch and take cover again. Kill all the Ballas and crackheads in this area, there are a couple on the higher walkways as well.
You can also shoot the exploding barrels. Get over to the other side of the room and go up the stairs. Go round the walkway to the other
side of the room. A couple more Ballas will show up on the floor and two more will come through the doors at the other end. Grab the
health icon in the next room and go through the doors. Go up the stairs and kill the guard at the top. Pick up the armor and go through
the doors.

Two Ballas is standing just inside the doors. Kill them and move on. In the next room there will be one guard to your left but one of the
Ballas to your right is using a shotgun so take him out first. Kill the rest and move on through the lounge. Go through the next door and
kill the Ballas by the statue. Be careful when you turn right around the corner since Ballas will come through the doors and show up at the
end of the corridor. There are health and armor in the side rooms if you need them. Go up the next stair to start a cutscene with Big

After the cutscene you have to kill Big Smoke. He has body armor so aim at the other parts of his body. Watch out for Ballas as well.
When the lights go out, get over to the corner under the stairs and pick up the thermal goggles. After you killed Smoke, Tenpenny will
show up. He sets the place on fire and runs away. Now you have seven minutes to fight your way back down through the house before
the whole thing blows up. Go back the same way you came. When you get to the fire, pick up the extinguisher and put out the fires that
are in your way. Also, kill the Ballas that are attacking you. When you get to the exit at the bottom floor a new cutscene will start.

You now have to follow Tenpenny and his fire truck through town. Sweet will jump up and grab the ladder on the fire truck. When he is
losing his grip you need to be below him with your car to catch him. Sweet now takes the wheel and you have to keep the following police
cars away from you. Your car has a health meter that cant drop or the mission will be over. Other gang members will throw molotov's at
you but the fire will not hurt your car so dont mind them. After a long chase, the fire truck will drive of a bridge and the final cutscene will

1. Ryder
Unlock: Barber shops, Food places, Tatoo Parlors, Sweet Missions
Reward: Respect +

Drive Ryder to Well Stacked Pizzas. Go get a haircut across the street. Then go into the pizza place and order a pizza. While you eat,
Ryder will rob the store. Get into the car with Ryder and drive back to the hood.

2. Home Invasion
Unlock: Burglary Truck
Reward: Respect +

Drive to the dot on your map. This marks the house you are about to rob. After the cutscene, enter the house. Crouthing make it easier
to sneak inside the house. Find the first crate to your right behind the canon. Take it out to the truck. There is another crate in the stairs
and one in the hallway above the stairs. you only need three to complete the mission. When you have loaded as many crates as you like,
get into the van and drive to the storage garage.

3. Catalyst
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect

Get into the car and drive to the dot on your map. Kill all the Vagos, then kill all the Ballas that show up as well. Walk into the red marker
to get on the train. When the train starts to move you have to throw boxes to Ryder in the following car. When you have ehough crates,
drive to a Pay'n'Spray to get rid of the cops, the drive back to the hood to complete the mission.

4. Robbing Uncle Sam

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect

Get into the truck with Ryder. Then get a gun if you dont have any. Drive to the National Guard and stop in the red marker. After the
cutscene, go over by the gate and climb up on the wall. Aim at the guard by the gate and kill him, jump down from the wall and shoot the
security panel to open the gate. Kill the two guards in the yard and shoot the other panel. Now quickly run inside and kill the two guards
then get into the forklift. Now you have to load the six boxes into the truck while Ryder shoots the guards. There are four boxes in the
warehouse and two just outside. If you have to you can help Ryder shoot the guards but you dont have a lot of time to load the boxes.
After that, drive back to Emmet while trowing boxes at the guards that follow you in their cars.

1. OG Loc
Unlock: OG Loc Missions
Reward: Respect +

First make sure you have some kind of weapon with you since it will make this mission a lot easier. After some driving and cutscenes you
end up with OG Loc outside Freddy's house. Walk into the red marker outside his door and watch another cutscene. When Freddy takes
off, follow him on the PCJ. Freddy will stop and wait for you if you fall off your bike. After a while Freddy will stop and get off his bike. Kill
him then drive OG Loc to his new job at the Burger Shot to complete the mission.

2. Running Dog
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

First get a gun. Then drive to the dot on your map. After the cutscene, run after the Vago and kill him to complete the mission.

3. Wrong Side of the Tracks

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into the car with Big Smoke and drive to Unity Station. Get on the bike and follow the train. You need to drive side by side with the
locomotive so Big Smoke can hit the Vagos. When Big Smoke tells you to take the high road, go up on the dirt road to the right. When all
the four Vagos are dead, drive Big Smoke home again to complete the mission.

4. Just Business
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into the car with Big Smoke and drive to the dot on your map. After the cutscene you have to kill all the Russians, make sure to pick
up their cash and guns when they are dead if you need it. Then follow Big Smoke outside where there are more Russians. Kill them as
well to start another cutscene where you and Big Smoke gets on a bike. Now you are being followed by the Russians on both bikes, in
cars and even a trailer! Take out all the Russians without getting your bike damage down. You have a damage bar in your right, top
corner. When you manage to get away from all of them, Big Smoke drives home and the mission is complete.

1. Life's a Beach
Unlock: Dancing contest on the beach
Reward: Respect +

After the cutscene, get into a car and head down to the beach. Walk up to the red marker by the DJ. Give positive answers until the
dance competition starts. Get more than 4000 points to win. Give a positive answer when the DJ asks you to get into the van. Drive away
with the van and head to the garage marked by a dot on your map. You will be followed but they are easy to handle. Drive int the red
marker to complete the mission.

2. Madd Dogg's Rhymes

Unlock: Tenpenny Missions
Reward: Respect +

Drive to Madd Dogg's house which is marked with a dot on your map. The entrance is at the back of the house. Get inside and watch the
short tutorial cutscene. Sneak up on the first guard and stealthkill him. Walk inside. After the next cutscene, directly sneak up behind the
next guard and stealthkill him. Do the same with the next guard. Sneak past the bar while crouching, then stealthkill the gang member
sitting in the couch playing videogames. Continue into the house around two corners. When you come to a corner with a dark opening to
the left (you can spot an armor inside the dark room), go through that room getting the armor. Turn right and stealthkill the gueard
standing there. To your left is the studio with the rhyme book. Pick it up. Now you can just run out of the house the same way you got in,
killing all the guards you meet. When you get out, drive back to OG Loc at the Burger Shot to complete the mission.

3. Management Issues
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a car and drive to the dot on your map. Hit the marked car to get the driver to get out of it. Kill him and take the car. Drive to a
Pay'n'Spray to get it fixed. Now drive to the dot on your map without crashing the car. Park inbetween the two other cars and wait. Drive
inbetween the two cars to pick up the manager. When he gets into the car, drive away to the new dot on your map. When you reach the
end of the pier, press Triangle to bail out of the car and watch the short cutscene. Drive back to OG Loc. After a new cutscene you will
have a new spot back in the Grove where you activate OG's last mission.

4. House Party
Unlock: -
Reward: -

After the cutscenes you have to kill all the Ballas attacking you. If you need it, grab their guns and money. Kill the next bunch of Ballas
up on the bridge. The next wave of Ballas will come from everywhere so watch your back, and watch Sweet's life since the mission will be
over if he dies. When all the Ballas are dead you have completed the mission.

1. Burning Desires
Unlock: Girlfriends, More Sweet Missions
Reward: Denise Robinson as your girlfriend

Drive to thedonut shop and talk to the cops. After the cutscene, drive to the dot on your map to pick up some molotovs. Continue to the
new dot on your map. Kill the gang members outside the house. A good way is to throw a molotov at the parked car there. Now thor a
molotov though the window of the first house. It has to go through the window. Now do the same with the house to your right. Go round
the back and do three more houses. Eatch out for gang members. After the cutscene you have to go into the first houst and save the girl.
Find your way into the kitchen and get the fire extinguisher. Go up to the second floor and find the girl. Now put out the fires on your way
back to the exit and make sure that the girl is following you. Ehen you get out, watch the cutscene then drive her back to her house to
complete the mission.

2. Gray Imports
Unlock: Ammu-Nations
Reward: -

First get some weapons. Now drive to the dot on your map. After the cutscene, drive into the yard. Kill whoever is shooting at you and
watch out for the forklifts. There is some armor up on container that will help. Now shoot the lock to the warehouse. When the door opens
there will be three gang members shooting at you. kill them and head into the warehouse. Kill everyone that you meet, working your way
through the warehouse. There is a health icon in one of the corners you might need. After a while you will meet the Russian arms dealer.
Get after him and try to kill him. If he manages to get to his car, get on the parked bike and go after him. Destroy his car to complete the

3. Badlands
Unlock: Catalina Missions
Reward: -

Go to the Ammu-Nation and grab some armor and guns. Now drive to the dot on your map. This is the cabin where the witness is being
protected by a bunch of FBI agents. Move around the cabin without being detected so you can see the door to the cabin. Now just charge
the cabin, kill the FBI agents that attack you and kill the witness coming out from the cabin. Use the camera to take a photo of his dead
body. Drive back to Tenpenny to return the camera and complete the missions. You will get a phone call from Cesar in a while that
unlocks the Catalina Missions.

4. 555 We Tip
Unlock: Valet Bonus Missions
Reward: -

After the cutscene, drive to the Vank Hoff Hotel. Stop in the red marker. Follow the valet into the underground parking garage and kill
him. take his uniform and walk up to the other valets outside the hotel. You now have to wait for the DA's car to pull up, its the third car
that shows up. Get into it and drive back to your garage, put the drugs in it and drive back before the timer runs out. You can not run
into anything on the way then you have to get back to the garage and you dont have much time. Park the car in the underground garage
and walk back up to the red marker. Watch the cutscene to complete the mission.

5. Snail Trail
Unlock: More Triad Missions
Reward: -

Go into the construction site and get the sniper rifle in one of the cement pipes. Now head down to the station to follow the reporter.
When he gets on the train, grab the Sanchez by the wall and follow the train all the way to Los Santos. When the train stops, follow the
reporter on a distance. He has a spook-o-meter that will go up if you get to close. Outside the station, the reporter will get into a cab.
Find a vehicle and follow him. When he stops at the pier, get out and kill both the Target and the reporter to complete the mission.

6. Misappropriation
Unlock: -
Reward: -

First get armor and a sniper rifle. Then go see Tenpenny. After the cutscene you have to drive to the spot in the desert where the target
with the dossier is. If you sneak up on the location you can kill him with the sniper firle. Then hurry down and pick up the dossier to end
the mission. If he manages to get to the helicopter you have to get into the other helicopter and chase him. When he lands on the
helipad, you land as well. If you dont kill him on the roof he will jump off with a parachute. Follow him and kill him when you land, then
pick up the dossier.

You have to complete the Casino mission Freefall to unlock the following mission.
7. High Noon
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

A sniper rifle will come in handy on this mission. Get to the ghost town in the desert to meet Tenpenny and Pulaski. After the cutscene
quickly shoot out as many tires as you can on Pulaski's car. You can not shoot him while he runs to the car so no use in trying that. He
will drive very fast so you'll have a hard time catching up if you couldn't shoot out one or more of his tires. When you get to him, crash
his car to make him get out of it, then kill him to complete the mission.

1. High Stakes, Low Rider

Unlock: -
Reward: $1000

Get a lowrider and enter the race. Finish in first place to complete the mission.

2. King in Exile
Unlock: More Catalina Missions
Reward: -

Not really a mission, just a cutscene. Catalina will call you on the cellphone after this mission.

3. Wu Zi Mu
Unlock: -
Reward: $5000

Finish 1st in the race to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Catalina missions and The Truth mission Body Harvest to unlock this mission.

4. Farewell, My Love
Unlock: More The Truth Missions
Reward: The deed to the garage in San Fierro.

Finish 1st in the race to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Driving School and the Triad mission Yay Ka-Boom-Boom to unlock the following missions.

5. Zeroing In
Unlock: San Fierro Mod Garage
Reward: $5000, Respect +

You have to follow the signal of a woman's cellphone while she drives around in San Fierro. The signal get weaker so you have to hurry to
the point it was last picked up. When you ge there you will get a new signal. When you get close to her you have to use the P.I.T.
teqnique (you learned that in the Driving School) to stop her car. Steal the car and take it back to the garage.

6. Test Drive
Unlock: -
Reward: $5000, Respect +

Drive to the dot on your map. When you get to a showroom a cutscene will start. After the cutscene you have to follow Cesar when he
drives around town for a while. You will also have a wanted level so cops will follow you as well. After a while you drive back to the
garage to complete the mission.

7. Customs Fast Track

Unlock: Import/Export crane
Reward: $10.000, Respect +

Make sure you have guns before you start this mission as it will be a lot easier to complete it. Get into the car with Cesar and drive to the
docks. Drive to the big yellow crane, get out of your car and walk into the red marker. Press Triangle to get into the crane. Now move the
crane using the Left Analog stick and pick up one of the three containers on the ship. Swing the crane to your right and put down the
container in the red marker. Make sure its all the way down before you release it as it will explode if its in the air. Do the same with the
other two containers. After the third one, a car will arrive with gang members in it. You can pick up the car and drop it on them to kill
them but it is much easier to get out if the crane (press Triangle) and shoot them. There will come two more waves of gang members.
After that, get into the car and drive back to the garage.

8. Puncture Wounds
Unlock: Wang Cars as an asset (gives $8000 per day)
Reward: $5000, Respect +
Get into the car and find the other car, marked with a red dot on your map. When you reach it, get in front of it then release the stingers
to blow out its tire. Get out and steal the car. After you've repaired the wheels, get back to your garage to complete the mission.

Note. You will get four initial missions to do for Catalina. It doesnt matter which one you choose to do first, but you have to complete the
Body Harvest mission for The Truth and the King in Exile mission for Cesar before you can do the remaining three.

1. Tanker Commander
Unlock: The Trucking Missions
Reward: $5000

Get into the tanker and get the trailer hooked up. Now drive the truck to the dot on the map while being chased by the gas station
workers. Make sure your health bar doesnt go down or that the trailer disconnects.

2. Against All Odds

Unlock: -
Reward: $2000

Go into the Inside Track Betting Shop. After the cutscene, put the satchel charge at the door and move away. Select the trigger then blow
the charge. Do the same with the safe inside. When you get out you will have a four star wanted level. Drive to the nearest Pay'n'Spray
then drive Catalina back to her place.

3. Small Town Bank

Unlock: -
Reward: $10.000

When you get to the town, first go to the Ammu-Nation and pick up armor and guns. Then start the mission. When the alarm goeas off,
shoot the three ATMs in the bank and pick up the money. Then follow Catalina out through the back door. Shoot all the cops and move
down the alley. Shoot the two cops who came on bikes then get on a bike and follow Catalina. Two other bikes will follow Catalina. Just
keep up and the two cops will eventually crash. After a while you end up in a road block. Get of your bike and help Catalina. Then drive
back to her place to complete the mission.

4. Local Liquor Store

Unlock: -
Reward: $1000

After the cutscene you have to follow the three ramining guys on quad bikes while Catalina shoots at them. When you kill one you have to
pick up his briefcase, then continue after the others. When you have killed all three you take Catalina back to her place.

1. Body Harvest
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a car or a bike and drive to the dot on your map. Enter the red marker. Now drive all the way around the farm to avoid the
survivalists. Get out in the field and steal the combine harvester. Drive through the farm and run over anyone who stands in the way.
Drive to the new dot on your map and park the harvester in the red marker to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Cesar mission Farewell My Love to unlock this mission.

2. Are you going to San Fierro

Unlock: CJ Missions
Reward: Respect +

Drive to the dot on your map. Enter the red marker and watch the cutscene. Now help The Truth burn down the weed plants before the
timer runs out. When all the plants are burnt go to The Truth's van. Use the rocket launcher and shoot down the police helicopter. Then
drive to your new garage in San Fierro.

1. Wear Flowers in Your Hair

Unlock: Zero Missions (after you buy his property)
Reward: -

After the cutscene you have to drive and pick up Jethro. When you get there, press L3 to make him get into the car. Now drive to the
hospital in Santa Flora. Park in the red marker and wait. Now go talk to Dwayne, then drive to the police station and park in the red
marker. Then drive to Zero's RC Shop and talk to Zero. Head back to the garage and watch a cutscene.

2. Deconstruction
Unlock: Driving School, Triad Missions
Reward: -

Watch the cutscene. Walk up to the constuction yard and get into the Dozer. Now run over all the portable barracks, be careful with the
ones that has gas tanks that will blow up if you hit over them. When all the portables are destroyed, run over the toilet with the foreman
in it and push it down the hole behind it. Get out of the Dozer and into the Cement Truck. Back up the truck in the red marker and a
cutscene will start.

You have to complete the Casino mission A Home in the Hills to unlock the next missions.

3. Vertical Bird
Unlock: Hydra Jet
Reward: $50.000

After the cutscenes you end up standing by a boat. Get on the boat and get to the military ship at the naval base. When you reach the
back of the ship, stop the boat before you go round the corner, get out and swim inside the back of the ship or you will alert the guards.
Sneak up the ramp and wait for the guards to walk away. Climp the boxes to the right of the room and watch out for the service worked
in the forklift. If he spots you he will start the alarm. Go up the stairs straight ahead and into the next room. There is a service worker in
the left room. And a guard will come in front of you. If you can, stealthkill them but if the alarm goes off it really doesnt matter since
there arent very many guards anyway. Get inside the control room and shut down the SAM sites. Now get over to the Hydra Jets. Destroy
the one parked outside by the edge of the ship, and the one inside. This will help you when you take off since there will only be one plane
chasing you instead of three. Now get inside the jet parked on the platform and take off. Take out the jet chasing you. Target by holding
the R1 button until the target locks on and gets red, then fire with L1. Now fly to the yellow dots on your map and destroy the spy ships.
When they are all destroyed, fly to the abandoned airfield and land the plane. Park it inside the hangar to complete the mission. The
Hydra will now show up inside this hangar in the future.

4. Home Coming
Unlock: More Sweet Missions
Reward: Respect +

Drive to the dot on your map to pick up Sweet. After the cutscene, head over to the red dots on your map and kill all the drug dealers.
Now provoke a gang war with the Ballas by killing 3-4 of them. Win the gang war and take over the Grove again to complete the mission.

5. Cut Throat Business

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into the car with Madd Dogg. Drive to the dot on your map where OG Loc is shooting av ideo. OG will take of in a hovercraft! Get into
the other hovercraft and chase him. You cant kill him so just try to keep up with him. After a while you end up on the pier where OG get
into a go-cart. Get into the other go-kart and keep following him. When you reach his studio a cutscene will start and the mission is

You have to complete the Sweet mission Grove 4 Life to unlock the next mission. Also, before you start the Riot mission try to take over
at least 35% of the Los Santos territories since it will he a lot harder once the riot has started.

6. Riot
Unlock: Final Sweet Mission End of the Line
Reward: Respect +

Get into a car and drive back to the Grove and enter the red marker to complete the mission. A riot has started all over the city so it wont
be as easy as before to drive in the streets.

1. Photo Opportunity
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get into a car and drive to Cesar. Get into Cesar's car and drive to the new dot on your map. Once there, get out of the car and go up on
the roof of the building to your left. Walk into the red marker. You now have to take pictures of the four guys that show up to the
meeting. The first two guys will park at the back of the house and the other two will park out in the street. The mission is complete after
the next cutscene.

2. Jizzy
Unlock: Triad Missions move to the Pleasure Domes club.
Reward: $5000, Respect +

Drive to Jizzy's club marked with a dot on the map. After the cutscene, get into Jizzy's car (The Pimpmobile) and drive the girl to her
hotel. Park in the red marker to drop her off. Now drive to the new dot on the map. When you get there you will have to kill a pimp, you
can do that with a driveby. Continue to the next dot where you will find two guys messing with one of Jizzy's girls. They are under the
highway. Kill them both and get back into The Pimpmobile. Drive back to the hotel where you left the first girl. Now you have to destroy
the preacher's limo and his bodyguard's car to complete the mission.

3. T-Bone Mendez
Unlock: -
Reward: $5000, Respect +

This mission is found at the Pleasure Domes Club. Drive to the ambushed van marked by a dot on your map. When you get there you will
see four bikes taking off with packages on their back. Get on the bike and follow them. When you get close to the packages, grab them
by using the L1 button. Collect all four pacjages and get back to the club.

4. Mike Toreno
Unlock: Triad Missions move back to the garage.
Reward: $7000, Respect +

This mission is found at the Pleasure Domes Club. Get into the car. Find Mike before his cellphone battery runs out. First go to the
construction site. Then go to the docks. Then go to the airport. Now drive in the direction where the signal is strongest. Its out by the
airstrips by the controll tower. Shoot at the van and the two bikes. When they stop, kill them all. Now shoot the van until it explodes. You
will get a wanted level on your way out of the airport so drive to the closest Pay'n'Spray to get rid of it. Then drive back to the club.

5. Outrider
Unlock: The Snail Trail Tenpenny Mission
Reward: $9000, Respect +

Talk to Jizzy. Drive to pick up the car you need. When you get there a cutscene will start. After the cutscene, drive to the van's location.
Pick up the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher then get on the bike. You now have to drive ahead and clear four roadblocks for the van.
Use the rocket launcher to blow up the cars then the sniper rifle to get the rest. At the second and fourth roadblock there are snipers in
the windows of the building to the left of the road as well. Get the van to safety to complete the mission.

6. Ice Cold Killa

Unlock: -
Reward: $12.000, Respect +

Go to Juzzy's club. The gueard will stop you at the front door so you will have to find another way inside. Get up on the construction ramp
by the bridge and jump down on the roof of the club. Sneak inside, down to the bottom floor and into the red marker. Jizzy will see you
and try to escape. Kill all the guards and folloe Jizzy. Kill him and grab his phone to complete the mission.

7. Pier 69
Unlock: Boat School
Reward: $15.000, Respect +

Go to the dot on your map to see Cesar. Get up on the roof with him. Now take out all the Ballas on the roofs. After the cutscene, get
Cesar to follow you down from the roof and out to the pier. Kill the Ballas that gets in your way and find and kill T-Bone. When Ryder
jumps in the water, jump after him and swim to the boats. Get in a boat and go after Ryder. Do a drive-by to kill Ryder and complete the

8. Toreno's Last Flight

Unlock: -
Reward: $18.000, Respect +

Get to the helipad to stop Toreno from boarding. Shoot all his guards when you get there and get up on the helipad. After the chopper
takes off, kill the two guards and grab the rocket launcher. Now run back down and get on the bike that is parked on the street. Now you
have to follow the choppe on the freeway and try to shoot it down at the same time as you have a wanted level and police cars chasing
you. Drive past the chopper, jump off and try to hit it. The chopper will crash once the damage meter goes down.

You have to complete the Woozie mission The Da Nang Thang and the Triad mission Toreno's Last Flight to unlock this mission.

9. Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Unlock: You can buy the Wang Cars showroom, More Cesar Missions, Access to the Las Venturas Island, Mystery Missions
Reward: $25.000, Respect +

Go to the garage to get the wired car. Now go get armor and guns at the Ammu-Nation. Drive to the crack lab. Stop outside and kill the
guards to get them to open the gate. Drive inside and find the ramp to get inside the crack lab. Park the car in the red marker, activate
the bomb and get out of the house. Shoot your way to the front gate. When they close it, kill them and get into the car. Drive back to get
good speed, turn around then jump the wall using the ramp to the left of the gate. Drive back to the garage to complete the mission.

1. Air Raid
Unlock: -
Reward: $3000

Follow Zero to the roof. Now you have to shoot down all the attacking RC planes so they cant bomb Zero's transmitters. You need to have
at least on transmitted left when the time runs out.

2. Supply Lines
Unlock: -
Reward: $5000

You have to fly an RC Baron and shoot down five Berkley couriers. Two on bikes and three in vans. You have to kill them all and return to
Zero's roof before the fuel runs out.

3. New Model Army

Unlock: Zero's RC Store as an asset which will give you $5000 per day.
Reward: $7000

You have to fly a Goblin RC and help Zero's RC Bandit get to Berkley. You have to pick up barrels that cross the way, take out tanks with
bombs and put planks across gaps to get the Bandit to its goal.

1. Mountain Cloud Boys

Unlock: -
Reward: $5000, Respect +

First get armor and guns, then start the mission. Watch the cutscene tehn drive Woozie to the other side of the block. Follow Woozie
down the alley. After you have found all the dead gang members you will be attacked by the Vietnamese. Shoot them all and make your
way out of there. You can not leave the alley until all the Vietnamese are dead. There will be two cars following you as well. Destroy them
then drive Woozie back to his place.

2. Ran Fa Li
Unlock: -
Reward: $6000, Respect +

Drive to the airport to pick up the car. The car is located in the underground garage. Once you get into the car you will find out its a trap.
The Da Nang will try to block your exit. Fight your way back to the garage before your damage meter drops to zero.

3. Lure
Unlock: -
Reward: $8000, Respect +

Get into the decou truck and head for the country side. Once you get there you will be attacked by gang members on bikes. Drive
through the checkpoints while trying to escape them. If the health bar goes all the way down, you can not let them get up beside you so
they can see who is driving. Get to the last checkpoint to complete the mission.

4. Amphibian Assault
Unlock: -
Reward: $11.000

You must have at least some lung capacity to start this mission. if Woozie tells you that you dont ahve enough, go jump in the water and
dive around for a while. When the mission starts, drive to the docks. Swim out to the tanker. On your way you will have to dive through
some checkpoints and dive after a knife on the sea bottom. There will be patrol boats that can spot you, if they do you have to dive to get
away. You can go up for air if you dont move once you reach the surface, then they wont see you. Get up on the ladder at the tanker.
Stealthkill the guard standing by the container. Try to sneak your way to the inside of the tanker to plant the bug, then get out and swim
back to the docks to complete the mission.

5. The Da Nang Thang

Unlock: -
Reward: $15.000, Respect

First get armor before you start the mission. After the cutscene you find yourself at a minigun in the chopper. When you reach the tanker,
try to kill as many guards as you can since you will come this way later. At the other side of the ship your chopper will get shot down and
you will be left with nothing but your knife. Climb on the tanker and stealth kill as many guards as you can, working you way down
insiede the tanker. When you get inside, kill all the guards. Shoot the lock to the container to release the refugees. Follow them up on the
ship and get away in one of their boats to complete the mission.

1. Monster
Unlock: -
Reward: Maximum of $5000, depends on how fast you complete

After the cutscene, get in the Monster Truck and start a 35 point checkpoint race. You have to complete in 6.30 minnutes or less.

2. Highjack
Unlock: -
Reward: $7000

Get on the bike. Take a look at the map to find the fasterst way to get on the freeway. When you've reached the tanker you have to
match your speed with the truck and pull up beside the front door so that Cesar can jump over and hijack the truck. When it stops, get off
your bike and get into the truck. Now drive it to your garage in San Fierro to complete the mission.

3. Interdiction
Unlock: Illegal Street Races
Reward: $1000

Get into the BF Injection adn drive to the dot on your radar. When you get there, pick up the rocket launcher and select a vehicle. Drive
to the drop zone and wait. When the helicopter arrives it will be followed by acency helicopters. Use the rocket launcher to shoot down all
the agency helicopters, if you dshott them down before they land you wont have to deal with agents on foot. When all the choppers are
destroyed, your contact helicopter will fly away and drop the package. Get back into your vehicle and drive to the drop location. Pick up
the package then drive back to the hideout.

4. Verdant Meadows
Unlock: Airstrip is available to purchase, Pilot school (once airstrip is purchased)
Reward: -

Just drive to the abandoned airstrip and purchase it to complete this mission.

1. Learning to Fly
Unlock: Casino Missions, Gambling in the Casinos, Bike School
Reward: Respect +

Complete the Pilot School to unlock the rest of the Airstrip Missions.

2. N.O.E
Unlock: -
Reward: $15.000

Get in the plane and take off. You now have to fly to the drop-off point and you have to stay below the radar to avoid being detected. You
will hear a warning signal if you fly above and a meter will rise. Dont let it go all the way up. Fly through the canyon, above the water
until you get to the San Fierro airport. Then go straight until you get to the next canyon. Continue to the drop-off point and fly through
the red corona. Fly back to same way and land on the abandoned airstrip to complete the mission.

3. Stowaway
Unlock: -
Reward: $20.000

Get on your bike and go after the airplane. Avoid being hit by the falling crates, then drive up the back ramp of the plane. Once you are
onboard, make your way up the corridor without getting hit by the rolling barrels. Use your fists to kill the guards on the way, you can
blow up the plane if you shoot in here. When you get to the front of the plane, pick up the parachute, throw the satchel charge and run to
the back and jump off the ramp.

4. Black Project
Unlock: -
Reward: -

Warch the cutscene. Now you have to make your way to the control tower while avoiding getting seen by the guards or walking through
the searchlights. Get up in the first tower. Watch out for the guard halfway up. Now, from the top, you can shoot the guards in the other
towers and the ones patroling using your sniper rifle. You can also shoot out the searchlights but not too many or the alarm will go off.
When you get to the control tower, the blast doors will open. If you are being detected, you have to get inside through a vent instead.
When you get inside make you way to the control room to shut down the SAM site (Surface to Air Missile). When you get to a locked door
you need to find a keycard. One of the technicians have it, you can just shoot him to get it. Go through the door and make you way down
the launch shaft. Move on down to find the black book, its the jetpack! Put it on and fly out the top of the shaft. Fly back to the airstrip to
complete the mission.

5. Green Goo
Unlock: Airstrip as an asset (gives $10.000 per day), Jetpack
Reward: $20.000

Use the jetpack and fly to the train. You can land on the train if you want and shoot all the guards as you make your way across the train
looking for the crates or you can fly next to the train and take out all the guards and shoot the crates at the same time. When you find
the right crate, pick up the Green Goo and fly back to the airstrip to complete the mission.

1. Fender Ketchup
Unlock: -
Reward: $5000, Respect +

Get into the car with the mafia guy on the hood. You now have to drive around until his scare-o-meter fills up. If a cop spots you you will
get a three star wanted level making this mission harder to complete. Drive on the opposite side of the road to scare him. A quick way to
fill the meter is to do handbrake 180-turns. When the meter is full he will talk, then drive back to the casino garage.

2. Explosive Situation
Unlock: Heist Missions, Quarry Challenges
Reward: $7000, Respect

Get into a vehicle and drive to the quarry. When the timer start, you'll have 2.30 minutes to get four sticks of dynamite. Get into the
Dumper that is parked at the bottom of the querry, then run over the crates and get out and pick up the dynamite. After you have all
four, get on the bike and follow the arrows through a couple of jumps to get out of the quarry. Drive to the drop-off location to complete
the mission.

3. You've Had Your Chips

Unlock: -
Reward: $10.000, Respect +

First get to an Ammu-Nation and get armor and guns. Then drive to the factory. You can jump the wall and sneak in from the back
(where the chainsaw is) or you can enter through the main gate and fight your way in. Once inside, kill all the guards. Then destroy the
10 machines inside. Fight your way out again and drive back to the hotel garage to complete the mission.

4. Don Peyote
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

After the cutscene, get a car and head out into the desert. When you reach the dot on your map, you will find two of the band members.
Get them into your car and drive to the Snake Farm. You'll have to stop on the way since one of the band members will get sick. Once at
the Snake Farm, you will be attacked by a couple of hicks. Kill them and get the band members back into the car. Now drive back to their

5. Intensive Care (marked with a White Square on the map, at Caligula's Palace.)
Unlock: The Tenpenny Misson Misappropriation
Reward: $5000, Respect +

Drive to the hospital to pick up Johnny. When you get there you are being told that an ambulance just picked him up. Get into a vehivle
and drive to one ot the ambulances marked with a red dot on your map. Hit it to see if its the right one. If its not, go find the next one.
When you found the right ambulance, run itno it until it stops and the driver gets out. Kill the two mafia guys and get into the ambulance.
Now drive the ambulance to the meat factory to complete the mission.

6. The Meat Business (marked with a White Square on the map, at Caligula's Palace.)
Unlock: The Madd Dogg Mission
Reward: $8000, Respect +

Before you start this mission, make sure you have armor and guns. Pick up Rosie and head to the meat factory. Once inside, after the
cutscene, you have to fight your way out of there. At some point Rosie is going into a frezzer room to hide. If you follow him one of the
mafia guys will close the door and you will fail the mission. Just keep killing mafia guys, making your way to the exit. When you get out,
drive Rosie back to the Casino to complete the mission.

7. Madd Dogg (marked with a D on the map)

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

When you start the mission you are being told that there is a rapper on the roof ready to jump. Get the truck nearby and drive it into the
red marker. Now you have to catch Madd Dogg when he jumps. Just move the truck with the X and Square buttons to catch him. When
he lands you have to take him to the hospital without letting his health meter drop so dont hit anything on your way there.

8. Fish in a Barrel
Unlock: -
Reward: -
Just watch the short cutscene to complete the mission.

9. Freefall
Unlock: -
Reward: $15.000, Respect +

Drive to the airfield. Once you get there go to the blue dot on your map and steal the plane. Now take off and head for the yellow dot on
your map. When you reach the airplane you have to fly into the red corona behind it. After the cutscene, be ready to take cover. You
must kill the four guys inside the plane. Take cover using the L2 and R2 buttons and take them out. Then take out the pilot and fly the
plane back to the airfield to complete the mission.

You have to complete the Airstrip mission Green Goo and the Madd Dogg mission to unlock the following mission.

10. Saint Mark's Bistro (marked with a White Square on the map, at Caligula's Palace.)
Unlock: -
Reward: $20.000, Respect

Get armor and guns before starting this mission. After the cutscene, drive to the airport and get to the jetplane. You are going to Liberty
City! When you reach the end of the map a cutscene will start. Now kill everyone inside Saint Mark's Bistro. Get down through the bistro
and keep killing everyone you meet. Get outside and kill the guards out here as well. You are now back on the jet. Fly back to the airport
and land the plane to complete the mission.

11. A Home in the Hills

Unlock: More CJ Missions, Madd Dogg's Mansion as a safehouse
Reward: Respect +

Get armor and guns before starting this mission. Watch a long cutscene. When you've jumped out of the plane do not freefall too long,
you need the time to guide your parachute. Land on the roof of the mansion together with the triad members. Now shoot all the members
of Big Poppa's crew that attacks you. When all the ones on the roof are dead, get inside the mansion and work your way through to Big
Poppa. Big Poppa will try to escape, run after him and try to kill him. When he gets in the car and takes off, get in the other car parked
here and go after him. Now drive him off the road or do a drive-by until his car blows up. Once he is killed the mission will be complete.

1. Architectual Espionage
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Before you start this mission its a good idea to get to the Ammu-Nation and pick up some armor and guns if you need it. Drive over to
the strip where you'll find a group of tourists. Kill the one with the camera and pick up the camera. If you kill the wrong one, they will run
around making it harder to get the camera guy. Now drive over to the planning department and get inside. Do not have any weapon in
your hand when you enter the building. Walk up to the counter and give two positive answers in the conversation. Turn around and go
over to the door to the right, where there is a security guard. Walk up the steps to the top floor. When you get there you will be told to
make a distraction. Walk down to the floor below and walk straight ahead into a storage room. Shoot or kick the ventilation to start a fire.
Now get back up to the top floor and head straight into the room with the plans. Take a picture of the plans on the wall. Now you have to
shoot your way out of the building, down the stairs and out the front door. Shoot the guards outside, get a vehicle and head back to the
casino garage. You will get a high wanted level but the casino isnt very far so you should make it without having to go to a Pay'n'Spray.
Stop in the red marker to complete the mission.

2. Key to her Heart

Unlock: Millie as a girlfriend
Reward: Respect +

Drive over to the casino and stop in the red marker. When the croupier comes out, follow her without spooking her. She will have a spook-
o-meter you have to watch. She will stop at a sex shop. Go inside and find her. After the cutscene, go inside the dressing room and put
on the gimp suit. Get out of the sex shop and continue following her to her home. Wait outside for the gimp to show up. Kill him and grab
the purple dildo. Go inside and watch the cutscene. After the mission is over you will have Millie as a new girlfriend. You have to make
progress with her to get access to the keycard but if you dont want to go through all the dating business you can just kill her, wait a short
while then go inside her house and grab the keycard.

3. Dam and Blast

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

Get a vehicle and drive to the airport. Get into the plane marked on your map and take off. Fly to the dot on your map. Its pretty high so
you have to gain altitude to find it. Its a red cirlce like the ones from Pilot School. Jump out of the airplane and wait a while until you
deploy your parachute. Try to land on the red marker but if you land in the water it doesnt matter. When you reach the red marker, go
over and get the knife. Now stealthkill the two guards and head for the red marker by the door. Get inside. Now you have to sneak your
way through the plant, putting charges on five generators. When all the charges has been set, get out of the building. The mission is over
after the cutscene.

4. Cop Wheels
Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

You have 12 minutes to steal four police bikes. Get into a car and look where the closest bike is on your map. When you got a bike you
have to drive to the Packer that is circling on the freeway. Drive the bike up on the Packer, get off then go get the next bike. The mission
is complete if you can get all four bikes on the Packer before the time runs out.

5. Up, Up, and away!

Unlock: -
Reward: Respect +

You have to break into the military base and steal a helicopter. The gates will only open for a military vehicle. First, get to an Ammu-
Nation and get armor and guns since the military will shoot at you once you are inside. Drive to the base and watch a Patriot drive out
through the gate. Follow it and steal it, then drive into the base. Once inside, turn left and drive into the warehouse. Make your way
through the warehouse and get up on the roof using the stairs, killing all military you meet. Once up on the roof there will be two army
chopper attacking you. Use the machine gun at the corner of the roof and shoot them down. Now you can get into the helicopter and fly
away. Fly to the dot on your radar, this is where the armored car is. Get the magnet below your chopper to stick on the roof of the
armored car, then fly it to the abandoned airstrip. Set it down in the red marker then land the chopper in the other red marker.

Another strategy to getting into the base is to go to the Las Vanturas airfield and get a plane, then bail when over the base and parachute
down to the roof where the helicopter is. Then you only have to fight the military on the roof and the two helicopters.

You have to complete the Casino mission Saint Mark's Bistro to unlock the following mission.

6. Breaking the Bank at Caligula's

Unlock: -
Reward: $100.000, Respect +

Get a car and drive to Caligula's Palace. Get inside, do not hold any weapons ot you will alert the guards. You now have 4.00 minutes to
get your team inside the building. Go to the keycard door, marked on your map with a dot, and go through it. Find the generator room
and walk up to the open ventilation shaft. Throw a gas grenade down the shaft. The light will go off so put on your night-vision goggles
and move on. Find the next keycard door and go through it. When you get to the garage door, you will notice it cant be opened (since the
power is out). Get the nearby forklift and use that to raise the door. Your team will now enter the building. Kill all the guards that come
into the loading area. Follow the dot on you map, keep fighting any guards you meet. When you get to the next security door, Woozie will
tells you that the power is on its way back up. Get back to the generator room (where you threw the gas grenade down the shaft) and
put satchel charges at the two generators, get out of the room and blow the charges. Get back to the vault. You now have to keep
fighting the guards to help the team get back to the truck. Once they get away, you have to get to the service elevator. Walk into the red
marker. When you get to the roof, fight your way across the roof to get to the parachute. When you get to the parachute, jump off the
roof and immediately activate the parachute. Land on the roof with the police helicopter, get in and fly to the abandoned airfield to
complete the mission. If you missed the roof and landed on the streets, just get a car and go to a Pay'n'Spray then drive to the airfield.

There are a lot of different bonus missions in GTA: San Andreas. Clearing these will unlock different things like respect, guns & cars.
There are several small challenges where you can win money or raise your skills:

* In the bars you can do a Pool Challenge where you play pool against an opponent and bet moeny.
* Bet money on the Inside Track betting.
* Do Dance Challenges where you bet money and compete against another dancer.
* Do shooting range challenges at some of the Ammu-Nations to raise you weapons skills.
* In the casino the are roulette, slots and wheel of fortune to gamble on.
* There are two Triathlon races located at the Santa Maria beach on Saturdays and Sundays.

There are six girls you can get to be your girlsfriends:

Denise Robinson
Location: Becomes your girlfriend after the Burning Desire mission in Los Santos.
At home: 16:00 - 06:00
Taste: Sex Appeal.
Rewards: Dating: Nothing. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the Green Hustler. 100% progress: Pimp outfit.

Michelle Cannes:
Location: Inside the Driving School in San Fierro.
At home: 00:00 - 12:00
Taste: High Fat Level, Sex Appeal.
Rewards: Dating: Free Pay'n'Spray at her garage. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the Monster Truck. 100% progress: Racing outfit.

Helena Wankenstein
Location: At the shooting gallery balcony at the Ammu-Nation in Blueberry, Red County.
At home: 08:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 02:00
Taste: No Fat, Medium Muscles, Sex Appeal.
Rewards: Dating: Access to her tool shed with weapons. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the Bandito. 100% progress: Rural outfit.

Barbara Schternvart
Location: Sheriff's parking lot in El Quebrados, Desert.
At home: 16:00 - 06:00
Taste: High Fat Level, Sex Appeal.
Rewards: Dating: Free jail visits + keep your guns. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the Ranger. 100% progress: Rural outfit.

Katie Zahn
Location: Avispa Country Club, San Fierro.
At home: 12:00 - 00:00
Taste: High Muscle Level, Sex Appeal
Rewards: Dating: Free hospital visits + keep your weapons. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the Romero. 100% progress: Medic outfit.

Millie Perkins
Location: Becomes your girlfriend after the Key to Her Heart mission in Caligula's Palace, Las Venturas.
At home: 12:00 - 22:00
Taste: Sex Appeal.
Rewards: Dating: Nothing. 50% progress: Keys to her car, the pink Club. 100% progress: Nothing.

General hints:

* Bring her flowers. These can be found all over the place, at a gas station, in the coutryside, etc. Press L1 to give her the flowers. DO
NOT use Circle, then you will hit her in the face with the flowers and thats not a good thing.

* Take her out dancing if she want that.

* Kiss her. Once your progress bar goes up a bit you can try and kiss her. Stand close to her and press L1 to see if she wants to.

Get into a fire truck and press R3 to start these missions. You must now drive to a location and put ot a fire and people who are on fire,
then drive to a new location and so on. When you reach level 12 you will be fire proof while on foot.

Get into a police car and press R3 to start these missions. Will will now have to hunt down crminals and kill them. When you reach level
12 you will get a longer armor bar.

Get into a cab and press R3 to start these missions. You now have to drive 50 people to different locations to complete this challenge.
When you finish you will get NOS installed in the cabs.

Get into an ambulance and press R3 to start these missions. You have to pick up injured people and drive them to the hospital. The best
place to do this is in a small town like Angel Pine. When you reach level 12 you will get a longer health bar.

Get into a Broadway and press R3 to start these missions. You now have to pick up a hooker and drive her to her customer, then go pick
up another and drive her to her customer. Then go back and pick up the first hooker when she is done and so on. When you reach level
10 you will get money from the hooker instead of having to pay them.

Freight Train
You must first complete the Yay Ka-Boom-Boom mission to do these. Jack the train and make it stop in the ginven location to earn
some cash. When you finish the challenge you will get $50.000 and free transportation with the trains.

Home Invasion
You must first complete the Home Invasion mission to do these. At night, get the Boxville van and find houses with a yellow marker
outside. Sneak in and steal stuff then drop it off at the lockup to earn money. You can do this as much as you like. Complete the mission
when you've stolenitem to a combined value of $10.000

You must first complete the Tanker Commander mission to do these. The missions involve getting to one place with the cargo within a
certain amount of time of with a wanted level. Complete level 8 and you will get RS Haul as an asset which will give you $2000 per day.

This challenge can be fond in Glen Park in Los Santos. You need a 20% BMX skill to be able to do it. You have to complete 19 checkpoints
which are timed. Each checkpoint adds ten seconds to you timer and you have to finish them all before the time runs out.

Chiliad Challenges
You need a cycling skill above 40% to start these missions. There are three different downhill biking missions. Get on the mountain bike
at the top of Mount Chiliad between 7.00 and 18.00 to start the missions.
Race 1: Scotch Bonnet Yellow Route
Race 2: Birdseye Winder Yellow Route
Race 3: Cobra Run

Get on the NRG-500 that is parked under the covered dry dock at the Easter Basin Docks in San Fierro to start this mission. This is a
checkpoint race similar to the BMX challenge.

This is located at the same place as the Cesar Vialpando mission takes place. Beat your opponent to win whatever you bet.

Valet Parking
You have to complete the 555 WE TIP mission to start this mission. Put on your valet uniform and start the mission. When you complete
these missions you will get the Vank Hoff Hotel as an asset which will give $3000 per day.

There are four kinds of schools in GTA: San Andreas. The schools will get unlocked after you do certain missions. When you get at least
bronze on all parts of a school you will unlock different vehicles and gain access to new areas like the airports. To get bronze you need to
get 70-80% on a challenge. For Silver you need 80-99% and for Gold you need 100%.

Driving School
Location: Doherty, San Fierro (must complete the Deconstruction mission first)

Bronze: Super GT
Silver: Bullet
Gold: Hotknife

Number of challenges: 12

Bike School
Location: Blackfield, Las Venturas (must complete the Pilot School mission first)

Bronze: Freeway
Silver: FCR-900
Gold: NRG-500

Number of challenges: 6

Boat School
Location: Bayside Marina, San Fierro (must complete the Pier 69 mission first)

Bronze: Marquiz
Silver: Squallo
Gold: Jetmax

Number of challenges: 5

Pilot School
Location: Verdant Meadows Airstrip Tower (must buy Verdant Meadows Airstip first)

Bronze: Squallo
Silver: Stunt Plane
Gold: Hunter

Number of challenges: 10

These are a little like the Pizza Boy missions from GTA: Vice City. You have to pick up and drop off packages within a certain time limit.
There is a BMX parked at each of the locations. Get on the BMX to start the mission. Reach level four to complete it and you will get the
store as an asset which will give you $2000 per day.

Los Santos
Location: Roboi's Food Mart, Commerce
Vehicle: BMX

San Fierro
Location: Hippy Shopper, Queens
Vehicle: Freeway

Las Venturas
Location: Burger Shot, Redsands East
Vegicle: Faggio

You have to complete Cesar's Customs Fast Track mission before the Export/Import crane is available. It is located in the Eastern Basin
Docks in San Fierro. You will get different amount of money when you deliver these cars and a larger bonus when all cars are delivered.

You can also import certain vehicles on certain days. Once you have delivered 5 and 10 vehicles on the list you can import rare cars.

Export List 1: Export List 2: Export List 3:

Patriot Slamvan Blade
Sanchez Blista Compact Freeway
Stretch Stafford Mesa
Feltzer Sabre ZR-350
Remington FCR-900 Euros
Buffalo Cheetah Banshee
Sentinel Rancher Super GT
Infernus Stallion Journey
Camper Tanker Huntley
Admiral Comet BF Injection

Import List 1: Import List 2: Import List 3:

After 5 cars: Monster After 5 cars: Bandito After 5 cars: Vortex
After 10 cars: Windsor After 10 cars: Turismo After 10 cars: Bullet

Race Tournaments
You have to beat the Deconstruction mission and the Driving School to get these missions. You will get a phonecall when the missions
can be started. Everytime you win a race you will get $10.000.

Los Santos Races:

9 different car and bike races.
Location: Little Mexico

Lowrider Race
Vehicle: Blade

Little Loop
Vehicle: NGR-500

Backroad Wanderer
Vehicle: FCR-900

City Circuit
Vehicle: FCR-900

Vehicle: Sunrise

Vehicle: Super GT

Into the Country

Vehicle: Bullet

Badlands A
Vehicle: Sabre

Badlands B
Vehicle: ZR-350

San Fierro Races:

6 different car and bike races.
Location: Behind the Wang Car Showroom.

Dirtbike Danger
Vehicle: Sanchez

Bandito County
Vehicle: Bandito

Go-Go Carting
Vehicle: Kart

San Fierro Fastlane

Vehicle: Alpha

San Fierro Hills

Vehicle: Phoenix

Country Endurance
Vehicle: Bullet

Las Venturas Races:

4 different car and nike races.
Location: Las Venturas Airport Freight Depot.

San Fierro to Las Venturas

Vehicle: Banshee

Dam Rider
Vehicle: NRG-500

Desert Tricks
Vehicle: FCR-900

Las Venturas Ringroad

Vehicle: Turismo

6 different airplane and helicopter races.

Location: LVA Airport

World War Aces

Vehicle: Rustler

Vehicle: Stuntplane

Military Service
Vehicle: Hydra Jet

Chopper Checkpoint
Vehicle: Maverick

Whirly Bird Waypoint

Vehicle: Maverick

Heli Hell
Vehicle: Hunter

Challenge: Finish first in a hotring race.
Location: Los Santos Forum, Los Santos
Reward: $10.000, the Monster Truck & the Hotring Racer.

Blood Bowl
Challenge: Finish first in a blood bowl event.
Location: Foster Valley Stadium, San Fierro
Reward: $10.000, the Bloodring Banger

Dirt Track
Challenge: Finish firt in a dirt ring race.
Location: Dirtring Stadium, Las Venturas
Reward: $25.000, the BF Injection

Challenge: Dirt bike checkpoint.
Location: Dirtring Stadium, Las Venturas
Reward: the Dune

You have to beat the Explosive Situation mission to start these missions. There are seven different missions to complete. When all
seven are complete the Hunter Quarry will become an asset where you can pick up $2000 per day.

Cash rewards:

Mission 1: $500
Mission 2: $1000
Mission 3: $2000
Mission 4: $3000
Mission 5: $5000
Mission 6: $7500
Mission 7: $10.000

There are three kinds of hidden items in GTA: San Andreas. 100 graffiti tags, 50 oysters & 50 horseshoes. The tags can all be found in
Los Santos, the oysters are located in water all over the three islands and the horseshoes can all be found in Las Venturas.

Finding all tags will get you a lot of Respect and an AK-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun & Molotovs Coktails at the Johnson House.
Finding all oysters will get you higher Lung Capacity and higher Sex Appeal.
Finding all horseshoes will get you increased Gambling Luck and a Combat Shotgun, M4, MP5 & Satchel Charges outside your casino.

There are 100 tags in Los Santos. These can be found on buildings all over Los Santos. Use the map together with the online screenshots
and descriptions to find the locations.

Finding all tags will get you a lot of Respect and an AK-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun & Molotovs Coktails at the Johnson House.


Tag 1 Tag 51
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: On the wooden fence, north of the airport.
Turf mission.

Tag 2 Tag 52
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: On the side of the air control tower building.
Turf mission.

Tag 3 Tag 53
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: Above the entrance of the freeway tunnel at the south
Turf mission. part of the airport.

Tag 4 Tag 54
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: At the side of one of the low buildings.
Turf mission.

Tag 5 Tag 55
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: At the side of the bar.
Turf mission.

Tag 6 Tag 56
Location: This is one of the tags you spray in the Tagging Up Location: Above the entrance of one of the houses in Cesar's
Turf mission. gang's area.

Tag 7 Tag 57
Location: On the wall in front of the most north-eastern Location: At the side of one of the shops.
house in Los Santos.

Tag 8 Tag 58
Location: On the wall opposite of the house where the Location: At one of the warehouse doors.
robbery mission took place.

Tag 9 y Tag 59
Location: Behind the Golden Palms. Location: In the yard between the low, white houses.

Tag 10 Tag 60
Location: On the higher wall, accessable from the roof of the Location: In the corner of one the yellow apartment buildings.
lower building.

Tag 11 Tag 61
Location: In front of the tall apartment building. Location: Behind the bushes, in the corner of the building.
Tag 12 Tag 62
Location: On the first level of the parking garage. Location: In the north-east part of the BMX park, where the BMX
challenge is.

Tag 13 Tag 63
Location: Inside the yard south of tag #12. Location: In the alley south of Glen Park.

Tag 14 Tag 64
Location: On the south wall of the stadium. Location: Below the bridge going over the dam in Glen Park.

Tag 15 Tag 65
Location: On the wall facing the beach. Location: On a wooden fence in the alley.

Tag 16 Tag 66
Location: On the north wall surrounding the blue and orange Location: Behind the car dealership.
apartments buildings.

Tag 17 Tag 67
Location: On the east wall surrounding the blue and orange Location: In the alley between the orange and white house.
apartments buildings.

Tag 18 Tag 68
Location: By the basketball court. Location: On the base of the stairs.

Tag 19 Tag 69
Location: On the light wall east of the mod garage. Location: In the alley between the two houses in the north part of
Los Santos.

Tag 20 Tag 70
Location: On the corner of the house south of tag #19. Location: In the yard of one of the low, fenced-in houses.

Tag 21 Tag 71
Location: At the base of the bridge. Location: At the base of one of the on-ramps of the freeway

Tag 22 Tag 72
Location: On the north bridge pillar. Location: In the corner, next to the dumpsters.

Tag 23 Tag 73
Location: At the corner of the big, blue warehouse. Location: On the black and white striped wall, behind the pillar.

Tag 24 Tag 74
Location: At the side of the container, facing the water. Location: On the east side of the house south of the freeway

Tag 25 Tag 75
Location: Behind the fence of one of the low, brown buildings. Location: In the yard, south-east of tag #74.
Tag 26 Tag 76
Location: At the side of the red 98 cent store. Location: On the tall, orange building in Little Mexico.

Tag 27 Tag 77
Location: At the center of the 6th Street Plaza, just east of Location: On the white wall behind the low hedge.
Emmet's place.

Tag 28 Tag 78
Location: At the back wall of the drive-in Cluckin' Bell. Location: In the small alley, on the other side of the houses where
the races are located.

Tag 29 Tag 79
Location: Below the bridge just west of The Johnson House. Location: At the side of the church in Little Mexico.

Tag 30 Tag 80
Location: At the back of the building with the Dopealicious FM Location: On the back of the drive-thru Car Wash sign.

Tag 31 Tag 81
Location: In the walkway just south of the car wash. Location: Below the bridge just south-west of tag #80.

Tag 32 Tag 82
Location: On the wall of the west house of the curved road. Location: On the side of the small house to the right of 8-ball's

Tag 33 Tag 83
Location: In the alley just west of the curved road. Location: On the white house by the orange billboard.

Tag 34 Tag 84
Location: In the alley west of tag #33. Location: On the house at the south end of Pershing Square.

Tag 35 Tag 85
Location: Same place as tag #34. Location: At the side of the movie theather with the LEGAL sign.

Tag 36 Tag 86
Location: At the north end of the road going from tags #34 & Location: At the elevated walkway, by the doors.

Tag 37 Tag 87
Location: On the house behind the low hedge. Location: On the roof, at the north-west dome.

Tag 38 Tag 88
Location: Behind the bushes between the orange and the blue Location: At the side of the house east of the beach.

Tag 39 Tag 89
Location: On the wall by the freeway, below the International Location: Below the pillars at the base of the white house.
Tag 40 Tag 90
Location: Behind the north, light house with a red roof. Location: At the side of the big, white house with the big windows.

Tag 41 Tag 91
Location: At the railroad tunnel entrance. Location: At the long white wall by the hill.

Tag 42 Tag 92
Location: Below the back stairs of the Jefferson Motel. Location: At the end of the house, east of the big tree.

Tag 43 Tag 93
Location: In the underground parking garage below the blue Location: On the blue piece of wall, above ground level.

Tag 44 Tag 94
Location: At the wall in the alley behind the liquor store. Location: At the wall, on top of the small elevated area of the big
white house.

Tag 45 Tag 95
Location: In the corner of the side of the church. Location: At the end of the house just east of the canal.

Tag 46 Tag 96
Location: Below the carport. Location: Down by the water at the end of the canal.

Tag 47 Tag 97
Location: On the back wall of the blue Botanica house. Location: At the wall, below the RANCH billboard in Rodeo.

Tag 48 Tag 98
Location: On the north wall in the yard of the motel. Location: In the corner of the long, red house.

Tag 49 Tag 99
Location: At the right side of the tunnel entrance. Location: At the wall, by the base of the pier with the ferris wheel.

Tag 50 Tag 100

Location: On the wall of the sex shop, below the BOBO Location: At the back of the last house at the end of the pier with
billboard. the ferris wheel.

There are 50 oysters all over San Andreas. These can be found on the bottom of the ocean, in rivers and in swimming pools. Use the map
together with the online screenshots and descriptions to find the locations.

Finding all oysters will get you higher Lung Capacity and higher Sex Appeal.


Oyster 1 Oyster 26
Location: At the north end of the Las Venturas island, by the Location: Below the bridge of the road going north from oyster
shore behind the fishing boat. 25.

Oyster 2 Oyster 27
Location: Below the fishing boat at the north-east corner of the Location: Below the wooden bridge under the bigger bridge,
Las Venturas island two bridges east of oyster 26.

Oyster 3 Oyster 28
Location: In the guitar shaped pool in the elevated area by the Location: In the boat house by the Toreno house.
Rock Casino.

Oyster 4 Oyster 29
Location: Behind one of the waterfalls in front of the Visage Location: In the small strip of water just north of the Toreno
Casino. house.

Oyster 5 Oyster 30
Location: In front of the island to the right of the Pirates in Location: Below the bridge in Las Barrancas.
Men's Pants entrance.

Oyster 6 Oyster 31
Location: In the pool at the Pilgrim. Location: In the water just outside the intersections.

Oyster 7 Oyster 32
Location: To the left of the entrance of the Come-a-Lot. Location: Between the two western pump houses of The
Sherman Dam.

Oyster 8 Oyster 33
Location: Below the railroad bridge going between Las Location: Below the steel bridge north-west of The Sherman
Venturas and Los Santos. Dam.

Oyster 9 Oyster 34
Location: Below the lower of the two bridges in the north-west Location: Below the Skimmer airplane in the water at the east
corner of Palomino Creek. end of the bridge.

Oyster 10 Oyster 35
Location: At the end of the bridge in Fisher's Lagoon. Location: At the corner of the lagoon where a Skimmer is
parked, across the water east of the Boat School.

Oyster 11 Oyster 36
Location: In the pool at Madd Dogg's mansion. Location: Between the mountain and the north end of the
bridge going to San Fierro.
Oyster 12 Oyster 37
Location: Below the bridge going across Glen Park. Location: At the south base of the bridge going to San Fierro.

Oyster 13 Oyster 38
Location: At the end of the pier at Playa del Seville. Location: At the back end of the ship from The Da Nang
Thang mission.

Oyster 14 Oyster 39
Location: At the front end of the cargo ship at the south-east Location: At the front end of the cargo ship outside the north-
corner of the Los Santos island. east corner of San Fierro.

Oyster 15 Oyster 40
Location: Next to the stairs by the docks, just west of oyster Location: Between the pillars of the Garver Bridge.

Oyster 16 Oyster 41
Location: Below the south bridge between the docks and the Location: At the back end of the military ship at the naval base
airport in Los Santos. in San Fierro.

Oyster 17 Oyster 42
Location: In the ocean at the south-west corner of the Los Location: In the middle one of the three docks at the naval
Santos airport. base in San Fierro.

Oyster 18 Oyster 43
Location: In the ocean just west of the tunnel entrance west of Location: At the end of the north pier of the San Fierro airport.
the Los Santos airport.

Oyster 19 Oyster 44
Location: Below the small wooden bridges going over the canal Location: Outside the beach with the wooden fence, across the
at the Verona Beach. water south of oyster 43.

Oyster 20 Oyster 45
Location: Below the north bridge going over the canal at the Location: At the back end of the ship by the Export/Import
Verona Beach. crane.

Oyster 21 Oyster 46
Location: Outside the end of the pier with the lighthouse, at Location: In the triangle shaped water on Missionary Hill.
the west end of the Santa Maria Beach.

Oyster 22 Oyster 47
Location: In the small lagoon south of the Flint Intersection. Location: Below the bridge north of Mount Chiliad.

Oyster 23 Oyster 48
Location: Below the bridges of the Flint Intersection. Location: Below the bridge by the abandoned quarry.

Oyster 24 Oyster 49
Location: In the small lagoon north of the Flint Intersection. Location: Below the wooden bridge at the south end of the San
Fierro island.

Oyster 25 Oyster 50
Location: Below the bridge north of oyster 24. Location: Below the bridge south of oyster 49.

There are 50 horseshoes in Las Venturas. These can be found on top of buildings, behind signs and other places. Use the map together
with the online screenshots and descriptions to find the locations. If you wait with the horseshoes until after you've unlocked the jetpack,
it will be a lot easier to get to the higher located horseshoes.

Finding all horseshoes will get you increased Gambling Luck and a Combat Shotgun, M4, MP5 & Satchel Charges outside your casino.


Horseshoe 1 Horseshoe 26
Location: East of the red hangar in the Military Aviation Fuel Location: East end of the roof to the motel.

Horseshoe 2 Horseshoe 27
Location: Behind the shopping mall in the north east area of Location: Between the blue-green wall and the yellow parking
Las Venturas. garage wall north of horseshoe 26.

Horseshoe 3 Horseshoe 28
Location: In the guitar shaped pool in the elevated area. Location: On the north end of the roof to the souvenirs shop.

Horseshoe 4 Horseshoe 29
Location: On top of the low roof. Location: In the north part of the area behind the wall at the
Strain Hard sign.

Horseshoe 5 Horseshoe 30
Location: Inside the train tunnel. Location: On the roof of the red and yellow motel building.

Horseshoe 6 Horseshoe 31
Location: In front of the Casino sign on the Old Venturas Strip. Location: At the highest part of the roof of the buidling next to
the parking garage.

Horseshoe 7 Horseshoe 32
Location: Behind the Venturas Stakes Drivethru sign, right of Location: At the base of the billboard sign's pole.
the Cluckin' Bell.

Horseshoe 8 Horseshoe 33
Location: On the balcony in the north part of the oriental Location: At the far end of the parking garages in the area
looking casino. around horseshoe 33.

Horseshoe 9 Horseshoe 34
Location: On top of the Victim sign by the freeway. Location: At the south east tennis court, behind the open gate.

Horseshoe 10 Horseshoe 35
Location: South part of the industrial area at the south east Location: Inside the pool in Prickled Pine.
end of the island.

Horseshoe 11 Horseshoe 36
Location: On the roof behind the tower of the church next to Location: By one of the roof windows at the back of the Golf
the Come-a-Lot hotel. Club House.
Horseshoe 12 Horseshoe 37
Location: Behind the wall of the housing area south of the Location: In the dorrway of the house that has a FCR-900
freeway. parked on the driveway.

Horseshoe 13 Horseshoe 38
Location: In the center of the housing area south of the Location: At the base of the Welcome to fabolous Las Venturas
freeway. sign by the freeway.

Horseshoe 14 Horseshoe 39
Location: Below the north end of the freeway bridge. Location: On the end of the wall by the parking lot.

Horseshoe 15 Horseshoe 40
Location: In the south west corner of the Four Dragons Location: On top of the containers behind the wall.
Casino's roof.

Horseshoe 16 Horseshoe 41
Location: On top of the Come-a-Lot sign. Location: In front of the Casino sign on the east side of the

Horseshoe 17 Horseshoe 42
Location: In the center of the Come-a-Lot casino, on top of one Location: Between the big, red warehouse and the wall.
of the pillars that doesnt have a roof.

Horseshoe 18 Horseshoe 43
Location: On the center balcony of the red/brown house east of Location: By the main entrance of the low, white houses.

Horseshoe 19 Horseshoe 44
Location: On top of the east part of the wall going around The Location: At the north west corner of the airport area.
Camel's Toe pyramid.

Horseshoe 20 Horseshoe 45
Location: On top of The Camel's Toe pyramid. Location: In the airport area, by the runways.

Horseshoe 21 Horseshoe 46
Location: In the north west corner on the third floor of the Location: Behind the airport terminal.
parking garage by the Royal Casino.

Horseshoe 22 Horseshoe 47
Location: On the island right of the Pirates in Men's Pants Location: In the center of the Greenglass College area.

Horseshoe 23 Horseshoe 48
Location: On top of the red roof of the entrance to The Clown's Location: By the east loading area of the LVA Freight Depot.

Horseshoe 24 Horseshoe 49
Location: Behind one of the waterfalls in front of the Visage Location: South of the Sumo store, between the house and the
Casino. wall.

Horseshoe 25 Horseshoe 50
Location: Between the parking garage and the 24/7. Location: On top of the roof of the Blackfield Chapel.

There are 50 photo locations in San Fierro. These can only be seen through the camera and they look like a purple, spinning icon with a
movie camera on them. One minute after midnight they are also visible without a camera as a purple glow. Use the map together with
the online screenshots and descriptions to find the locations.

Finding all photos will get you a Micro-SMG, Grenades, Shotgun & Sniper Rifle outside the garage in San Fierro.


Snapshot 1 Snapshot 26
Location: On top of the Gant Bridge, at the north part of San Location: Above the entrance of the theater showing The
Fierro. Wizard of Ass.

Snapshot 2 Snapshot 27
Location: At the top of the Da Nang Thang boat, by the mast. Location: On top of the Hippy Shopper building.

Snapshot 3 Snapshot 28
Location: On top of the submarine at the north pier. Location: On top of the Ocean Flat's Church.

Snapshot 4 Snapshot 29
Location: In front of the Pier 69 sign. Location: Above the trees east of snapshot #28.

Snapshot 5 Snapshot 30
Location: On the rocks in the water, east of snapshot #4. Location: Above the Joint Festival banner.

Snapshot 6 Snapshot 31
Location: In front of the clock tower north of Garver Bridge. Location: By the tennis courts.

Snapshot 7 Snapshot 32
Location: On top of the radio mast on the roof. Location: In front of the tower of the club.

Snapshot 8 Snapshot 33
Location: In the middle of the building. Location: In fron tof the Final Build Construction sign.

Snapshot 9 Snapshot 34
Location: In front of the east tunnel entrance. Location: At the home plate of the baseball court.

Snapshot 10 Snapshot 35
Location: Halfway up the curly road. Location: On top of the yellow crane in the construction site.

Snapshot 11 Snapshot 36
Location: At the top of the statue. Location: Beneath the roof of Cranberry Station.
Snapshot 12 Snapshot 37
Location: By the Burger Shot sign. Location: On top of the beams at the west end of Garver

Snapshot 13 Snapshot 38
Location: Inside the Tuff Nut Donut sign. Location: On top of the beams at the east end of Garver

Snapshot 14 Snapshot 39
Location: Over the entrance of the Supa Save. Location: Above the dry dock by the Import/Export crane.

Snapshot 15 Snapshot 40
Location: Above the China Town gateway. Location: In front of the two gas tanks.

Snapshot 16 Snapshot 41
Location: Inside the sculpture located inside the bulding. Location: Above the X-sign of the Xoomer gas station.

Snapshot 17 Snapshot 42
Location: In the air between the two black and white buldings. Location: Above the bridge of the aircraft carrier in the naval

Snapshot 18 Snapshot 43
Location: Between the flagpoles on the roof of King's building. Location: In front of the aircraft sign by the entrance to the

Snapshot 19 Snapshot 44
Location: At the tower on the roof of the bulding west of Location: At the top of the air control tower in the east end of
snapshot #18. the airport.

Snapshot 20 Snapshot 45
Location: At the corner of Wang's Kung Fu. Location: Between two tanks south of snapshot #44.

Snapshot 21 Snapshot 46
Location: At the chimney of the house west of snapshot #20. Location: Above the beams of the bridge.

Snapshot 22 Snapshot 47
Location: At the back of the Vank Hoff Park Hotel. Location: At the top of the tower at Missionary Hill.

Snapshot 23 Snapshot 48
Location: At the front of the Vank Hoff Park Hotel. Location: On top of the center round tower in Foster Valley.

Snapshot 24 Snapshot 49
Location: At the front of City Hall. Location: Above the roof garden in Foster Valley.

Snapshot 25 Snapshot 50
Location: By the dome at the back of City Hall. Location: On top of the bridge east of the airport.

Locations Guides, Walkthrough & Maps made by Nevermore.

See other guides written by Nevermore featured at Cheat Happens

Layout and Design by Peter Ekstrom and Chris O'Rorke, Cheat Happens.
Adobe version adapted by Peter Ekstrom.

Screenshots captured and provided by Nevermore.

Some material used for researching and writing this guide were obtained from the Rockstar Games website for Grand Theft Auto: San

Cheat Happens or it's owners are in no way affiliated with Rockstar Games or any of it's subsidiaries. This guide is not official or licensed
in any way.

This guide is © Cheat Happens and may not be reprinted or reproduced, in part or in whole, in any form, including, but not limited to,
electronic transmission and magazine publication, unless prior consent is given by the publisher.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas copyright © 2004 Rockstar Games Inc.

Playstation 2 version

Player Cheats:

Get Full Armor, Full Health & $250.000:

While playing, press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down.

Full Ammo:
While playing, press L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Down, L1, L1.

Hitman Weapon Skill:

While playing, press Down, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Down, Down, L1, L1, L1.

Maximum Vehicle Skill:

While playing, press Square, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, Left, R1, Right, L1, L1, L1

Maximum Muscles:
While playing, press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left.

Maximum Body Fat:

While playing, press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down.

Minimum Muscles and Body Fat:

While playing, press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right.

Maximum Respect:
While playing, press L1, R1, Triangle, Down, R2, X, L1, Up, L2, L2, L1, L1.

Maximum Sex Appeal:

While playing, press Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Circle, R1, L2, Up, Triangle, L1, L1, L1.

Maximum Lung Capacity:

While playing, press Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down.

Commit Suicide:
While playing, press Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1.

Never Get Hungry:

While playing, press Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Up, Square, L2, Up, X.

Slow Motion:
While playing, press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1.

Fast Motion:
While playing, press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square.

Faster Gameplay:
While playing, press Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

Lower Wanted Level:

While playing, press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.
Raise Wanted Level:
While playing, press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Six Star Wanted Level:

While playing, press Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X, Down.

No Cops:
While playing, press Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up.

Media Level Meter:

While playing, press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle.

Get Gimp Suit and Attract Prostitutes:

While playing, press Square, Right, Square, Square, L2, X, Triangle, X, Triangle.

Weapon Aiming while Driving:

While playing, press Up, Up, Square, L2, Right, X, R1, Down, R2, Circle.

Reqruit Anyone (with 9mm):

While playing, press Down, Square, Up, R2, R2, Up, Right, Right, Up.

Reqruit Anyone (with Rockets):

While playing, press R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, Down, X.

Pedestrian Cheats:

Crazy Pedestrians:
While playing, press Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1.

Pedestrians hate you:

While playing, press Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2.

Pedestrians have weapons:

While playing, press R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down.

Elvis Pedestrians:
While playing, press L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, L1, Square, L2, Up, Down, Left.

Weather Cheats:

Normal Weather:
While playing, press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down.

Rainy Weather:
While playing, press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle.

Sunny Weather:
While playing, press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle.

Overcast Weather:
While playing, press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square.

Foggy Weather:
While playing, press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X.

Sand Storm:
While playing, press Up, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2.

Orange Sky and time stopped at 21.00:

While playing, press Left, Left, L2, R1, Right, Square, Square, L1, L2, X.

Night and time stopped at 00.00:

While playing, press Square, L1, R1, Right, X, Up, L1, Left, Left.
Spawn Cheats:

Spawn Parachute:
While playing, press Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1.

Spawn the Stretch:

While playing, press R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right.

Spawn the Rancher:

While playing, press Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2.

Spawn the Bloodring Banger:

While playing, press Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 1:

While playing, press R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 2:

While playing, press R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2.

Spawn the Trashmaster:

While playing, press Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right.

Spawn the Rhino:

While playing, press Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

Spawn the Romero Hearse:

While playing, press Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right.

Spawn the Caddy (golf cart):

While playing, press Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X.

Spawn the Jet Pack:

While playing, press L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right.

Spawn the Monster Truck:

While playing, press Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1.

Spawn the Quadbike:

While playing, press Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2.

Spawn the Hydra:

While playing, press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up.

Spawn the Stunt Plane:

While playing, press Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle.

Spawn the Hovercraft:

While playing, press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down.

Spawn the Dozer:

While playing, press R2, L1, L1, Right, Right, Up, Up, X, L1, Left.

Spawn the Hunter:

While playing, press Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1.

Spawn the Tanker:

While playing, press R1, Up, Left, Right, R2, Up, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1.

Traffic Cheats:

Explode All Cars:

While playing, press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1.
Turn Cars Black:
While playing, press Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle.

Turn Cars Pink:

While playing, press Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle.

Vehicle of Death (destroys vehichles on impact):

While playing, press L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2.

Jump higher:
While playing, press Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2.

Increased bunny hop with the BMX:

While playing, press Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2.

Aggressive Traffic:
While playing, press R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2.

Improve Car Handling:

While playing, press Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1.

Cars drive on water:

While playing, press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2.

Always Green Traffic Lights:

While playing, press Right, R1, Up, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1.

Sports Cars Traffic:

While playing, press Up, L1, R1, Up, Right, Up, X, L2, X, L1.

Reduced Traffic:
While playing, press X, Down, Up, R2, Down, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Left.

Taxi Upgrade:
While playing, press Up, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Square, Square, R2, Right.

Beach Party Mode:

While playing, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down.

Yakuza Mode:
While playing, press X, X, Down, R2, L2, Circle, R1, Circle, Square.

Clown Mode:
While playing, press Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle.

Cars Float Away When Hit:

While playing, press Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X.

Flying Cars:
While playing, press Square, Down, L2, Up, L1, Circle, Up, X, Left.

Flying Boats:
While playing, press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1.

X-Box Version

Player Cheats:

Get Full Armor, Full Health & $250.000:

While playing, press R Trigger, Black, L Trigger , A, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down.

Full Ammo:
While playing, press L Trigger, R Trigger, X, R Trigger, Left, Black, R Trigger, Left, X, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Hitman Weapon Skill:

While playing, press Down, X, A, Left, R Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Maximum Vehicle Skill:

While playing, press X, White, A, R Trigger, White, White, Left, R Trigger, Right, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Maximum Muscles:
While playing, press Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left.

Maximum Body Fat:

While playing, press Y, Up ,Up, Left, Right, X, B, Down.

Minimum Muscles and Body Fat:

While playing, press Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right.

Maximum Respect:
While playing, press L Trigger, R Trigger, Y, Down, Black, A, L Trigger, Up, White, White, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Maximum Sex Appeal:

While playing, press B, Y, Y, Up, B, R Trigger, White, Up, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Maximum Lung Capacity:

While playing, press Down, Left, L Trigger, Down, Down, Black, Down, White, Down.

Commit Suicide:
While playing, press Right, White, Down, R Trigger, Left, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, White, L Trigger.

Never Get Hungry:

While playing, press X, White, R Trigger, Y, Up, X, White, Up, A.

Slow Motion:
While playing, press Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R Trigger.

Fast Motion:
While playing, press Y, Up, Right, Down, White, L Trigger, X.

Faster Gameplay:
While playing, press B, B, L Trigger, X, L Trigger, X, X, X, L Trigger, Y, B, Y.

Lower Wanted Level:

While playing, press R Trigger, R Trigger, B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.
Raise Wanted Level:
While playing, press R Trigger, R Trigger, B, Black, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left.

Six Star Wanted Level:

While playing, press B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A Down.

No Cops:
While playing, press White, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, R Trigger, Black, Right, Down.

Get Gimp Suit and Attract Prostitutes:

While playing, press X, Right, X, X, White, A, Y, A, Y.

Weapon Aiming while Driving:

While playing, press Up, Up, X, White, Right, A, R Trigger, Down, Black, B.

Reqruit Anyone (with 9mm):

While playing, press Down, X, Up, Black, Black, Up, Right, Right, Up.

Reqruit Anyone (with Rockets):

While playing, press Black, Black, Black, A, White, L Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Down, A.

Pedestrian Cheats:

Crazy Pedestrians:
While playing, press Down, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, R Trigger, White, L Trigger.

Pedestrians hate you:

While playing, press Down, Up, Up, Up, A, Black, R Trigger, White, White.

Pedestrians have weapons:

While playing, press Black, R Trigger, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down.

Elvis Pedestrians:
While playing, press L Trigger, B, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, X, White, Up, Down, Left.

Weather Cheats:

Normal Weather:
While playing, press Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Down.

Rainy Weather:
While playing, press White, Down, Down, Left, X, Left, Black, X, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Sunny Weather:
While playing, press Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X.

Overcast Weather:
While playing, press Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X.

Foggy Weather:
While playing, press Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, A.

Sand Storm:
While playing, press Up, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black.

Orange Sky and time stopped at 21.00:

While playing, press Left, Left, White, R Trigger, Right, X, X, L Trigger, White, A.

Night and time stopped at 00.00:

While playing, press Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Y.

Spawn Cheats:
Spawn Parachute:
While playing, press Left, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Black, Up, Down, Right, L Trigger.

Spawn the Stretch:

While playing, press Black, Up, White, Left, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, B, Right.

Spawn the Rancher:

While playing, press Up, Right, Right, L Trigger, Right, Up, X, White.

Spawn the Bloodring Banger:

While playing, press Down, R Trigger, B, White, White, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, Left.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 1:

While playing, press R Trigger, B, Black, Right, L Trigger, White, A, A, X, R Trigger.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 2:

While playing, press Black, L Trigger, B, Right, L Trigger, R Trigger, Right, Up, B, Black.

Spawn the Rhino:

While playing, press B, B, L Trigger, B, B, B, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Y, B, Y.

Spawn the Caddy (golf cart):

While playing, press B, L Trigger, Up, R Trigger, White, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, B, A.

Spawn the Jet Pack:

While playing, press Left, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Up, Down, Left, Right.

Spawn the Monster Truck:

While playing, press Right, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger, Down, Y, Y, A, B, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Spawn the Quadbike:

While playing, press Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, Y, R Trigger, Black.

Spawn the Hydra:

While playing, press Y, Y, X, B, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, Down, Up.

Spawn the Stunt Plane:

While playing, press B, Up, L Trigger, White, Down, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger, Left, Left, A, Y.

Spawn the Dozer:

While playing, press Black, L Trigger, L Trigger, Right, Right, Up, Up, A, L Trigger, Left.

Spawn the Hunter:

While playing, press B, A, L Trigger, B, B, L Trigger, B, R Trigger, Black, White, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Spawn the Tanker:

While playing, press R Trigger, Up, Left, Right, Black, Up, Right, X, Right, White, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Traffic Cheats:

Explode All Cars:

While playing, press Black, White, R Trigger, L Trigger, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, L Trigger.

Turn Cars Black:

While playing, press B, White, Up, R Trigger, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, B.

Turn Cars Pink:

While playing, press B, L Trigger, Down, White, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Right, B.

Jump higher:
While playing, press Up, Up, Y, Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, Black, Black.
Aggressive Traffic:
While playing, press Black, B, R Trigger, White, Left R Trigger, L Trigger, Black, White.

Improve Car Handling:

While playing, press Y, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, Black, L Trigger.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press Y, L Trigger, Y, Black, X, L Trigger, L Trigger.

Cars drive on water:

While playing, press Right, Black, B, R Trigger, White, X, R Trigger, Black.

Always Green Traffic Lights:

While playing, press Right, R Trigger, Up, White, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger.

Reduced Traffic:
While playing, press A, Down, Up, Black, Down, Y, L Trigger, Y, Left.

Beach Party Mode:

While playing, press Up, Up, Down, Down, X, B, L Trigger, R Trigger, Y, Down.

Yakuza Mode:
While playing, press A, A, Down, Black, White, B. R Trigger, B, X.

Clown Mode:
While playing, press Y, Y, L Trigger, X, X, B, X, Down, B.

Cars Float Away When Hit:

While playing, press X, Black, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, White, A.

Flying Cars:
While playing, press X, Down, White, Up, L Trigger, B, Up, A, Left.

Flying Boats:
While playing, press Black, B, Up, L Trigger, Right, R Trigger, Right, Up, X, Y.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press Y, L Trigger, Y, Black, X, L Trigger, L Trigger.

PC Version

Player Cheats:

Get Full Armor, Full Health & $250.000:

While playing, press HESOYAM.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press LXGIWYL.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press KJKSZPJ.

Get Weapons:
While playing, press UZUMYMW.

Full Ammo:
While playing, press WANRLTW.

Hitman Weapon Skill:

While playing, press NCSGDAG.

Maximum Vehicle Skill:

While playing, press VQIMAHA.

Maximum Muscles:
While playing, press JYSDSOD.

Maximum Body Fat:

While playing, press BTCDBCB.

Minimum Muscles and Body Fat:

While playing, press KVGYZQK.

Maximum Respect:
While playing, press OGXSDAG.

Maximum Sex Appeal:

While playing, press EHIBXQS1.

Maximum Lung Capacity:

While playing, press CVWKXAM.

Commit Suicide:
While playing, press SZCMAWO.

Never Get Hungry:

While playing, press AEDUWNV.

Slow Motion:
While playing, press LIYOAAY.

Fast Motion:
While playing, press PPGWJHT.

Faster Gameplay:
While playing, press PPGWJHT.

Lower Wanted Level:

While playing, press ASNAEB.
Raise Wanted Level:
While playing, press OSRBLHH.

Six Star Wanted Level:

While playing, press LJSPQK.

No Cops:
While playing, press AEZAKMI.

Get Gimp Suit and Attract Prostitutes:

While playing, press BEKKNQV.

Weapon Aiming while Driving:

While playing, press OUIQDMW.

Reqruit Anyone (with 9mm):

While playing, press SJMAHPE.

Reqruit Anyone (with Rockets):

While playing, press ZSOXFSQ.

Pedestrian Cheats:

Crazy Pedestrians:
While playing, press AJLOJYQY.

Pedestrians hate you:

While playing, press BGLUAWML.

Pedestrians have weapons:

While playing, press FOOOXFT.

Elvis Pedestrians:
While playing, press ASBHGRB.

Weather Cheats:

Normal Weather:
While playing, press AFZLLQLL.

Rainy Weather:
While playing, press AUIFRVQS.

Sunny Weather:
While playing, press ICIKPYH.

Overcast Weather:
While playing, press ALNSFMZO.

Foggy Weather:
While playing, press CFVFGMJ.

Sand Storm:
While playing, press CWJXUOC.

Orange Sky and time stopped at 21.00:

While playing, press OFVIAC.

Night and time stopped at 00.00:

While playing, press XJVSNAJ.

Spawn Cheats:
Spawn Parachute:
While playing, press AIYPWZQP.

Spawn the Stretch:

While playing, press KRIJEBR.

Spawn the Rancher:

While playing, press JQNTDMH.

Spawn the Bloodring Banger:

While playing, press CQZIJMB.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 1:

While playing, press PDNEJOH.

Spawn the Hotring Racer 2:

While playing, press VPJTQWV.

Spawn the Trashmaster:

While playing, press UBHYZHQ.

Spawn the Rhino:

While playing, press AIWPRTON.

Spawn the Romero Hearse:

While playing, press AQTBCODX.

Spawn the Caddy (golf cart):

While playing, press RZHSUEW.

Spawn the Jet Pack:

While playing, press YECGAA.

Spawn the Monster Truck:

While playing, press AGBDLCID.

Spawn the Quadbike:

While playing, press AKJJYGLC.

Spawn the Hydra:

While playing, press JUMPJET.

Spawn the Stunt Plane:

While playing, press URKQSRK.

Spawn the Hovercraft:

While playing, press KGGGDKP.

Spawn the Dozer:

While playing, press EEGCYXT.

Spawn the Hunter:

While playing, press OHDUDE.

Spawn the Tanker:

While playing, press AMOMHRER.

Traffic Cheats:

Explode All Cars:

While playing, press CPKTNWT.
Turn Cars Black:
While playing, press IOWDLAC.

Turn Cars Pink:

While playing, press LLQPFBN.

Jump higher:
While playing, press LFGMHAL.

Increased bunny hop with the BMX:

While playing, press JHJOECW.

Aggressive Traffic:
While playing, press YLTEICZ.

Improve Car Handling:

While playing, press PGGOMOY.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press XICWMD.

Always Green Traffic Lights:

While playing, press ZEIIVG.

Sports Cars Traffic:

While playing, press GUSNHDE.

Reduced Traffic:
While playing, press THGLOJ.

Taxi Upgrade:
While playing, press VKYPQCF.

Beach Party Mode:

While playing, press CIKGCGX.

Yakuza Mode:
While playing, press IOJUFZN.

Clown Mode:
While playing, press PRIEBJ.

Cars Float Away When Hit:

While playing, press BSXSGGC.

Flying Cars:
While playing, press RIPAZHA.

Flying Boats:
While playing, press AFSNMSMW.

Invisible Cars:
While playing, press XICWMD.

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