Cheat Game PS2 LIST A
Cheat Game PS2 LIST A
Cheat Game PS2 LIST A
1: Rebirth Cheats
Hint - Doppelganger & "Own King" (Key Item):
You can only find the Doppleganger after level 8. Beware, the Doppleganger is
extremely powerful. He has all the skills you have, has the exact same HP and SP as
you do, but he is 8 levels higher than you and all his stats are higher than yours except
for HP and SP.
I reccomend you fight him at the end of game when all your characters are at level 50.
I also reccomend going to an area where the Lucky Animal Sleipner is located, like
Essential Red Plum's Resort. Find Sleipner and kick him. Now wait 10 minutes, don't
do anything, don't even touch your controller.
When 10 minutes is up, go wander around the field. A red arrow will point towards
the Dopplganger when you are near him. A message will appear on screen, then the
edge of your screen will be cloudy. Run toward him and activate a fight. Right when
you start the battle, Sleipner will come in reduce Doppleganger's Health by half.
Now use Beast Awakening, be sure you have Silabus and Piros for this to work
effectively. Equip a broadsword and he should go down in no time. However, he is
able to cast spells to heal himself, and he is constantly regaining HP ans SP
throughout the fight.
By defeating him you get the Own King, a Key Item that transforms in one of the later
that wall for a little bit, and there should be an opening, no go on the otherside of
the wall, go over the first hill and search for a small crater with the chest.
Hidden Treasure Box:
In Silverton Pass look on the map and you will find where the track makes a
circle, somewhere in that area there is a small pond with a treasure chest
Get $1,000,000:
If you have a dreamcast keyboard, plug the keyboard in port D. During gameplay
type in "goldfinger". You should hear a sound. Now type in givememoneyordie.
Now exit the race and you have 1,000,000.
More Money
Enter this code in career mode to get $25,000
L2, square, R1, square, R1, L1, circle, L2, square, R2, square,R1.
Hidden Cash Box:
At checkpoint 5 in the motocross track, go straight and you will see 2 tents and a
porta-potty set up in the grass.The money is in the porta-potty.
F-14 super-attack:
Fire the special weapon followed by a missile and then chaff while flying the F-14.
Five Tomahawks and four heat-seekers will then be fired.
Find and successfully compete all bonus missions to unlock Spanky, the second
hidden pilot.
Fly enemy planes in deathmatch mode:
A new enemy plane will be available in deathmatch mode for each level completed
during game play. A total of six enemy planes may be enabled.
Unlimited continues:
Before reaching one credit remaining, reset the game and continue from the menu that
immediately follows the title screen. The game will resume with the same number of
credits that were available when the current stage was started.
Hint: Defeating the Boss on level 3:
There is a way to defeat the Boss on the level 3 (with all the bombers) without getting
hurt. If possible, clear out some of the numerous bombers. Get to the highest elevation
possible. When your fighter is above the Boss on your radar, dive down and fire
missiles and the gun. Done correctly, the Boss will not shoot back until your fighter
gets too close. Repeat this procedure until he is defeated.
Alternatively, after clearing out some of the numerous bombers climb t to the highest
elevation possible. When you fighter is above the Boss on your radar, dive down and
wait until your fighter is locked on the Boss. Fire the missiles and go through the
Boss. Your fighter should explode. When the game restarts the Boss will still have the
damage inflicted by your attack. Repeat the steps until the Boss is defeated.
Easy multi-player kills:
Select the F-15 (if available) in multi-player mode. Use the special weapon as soon as
the dogfight begins. This should completely destroy your opponents in one shot. For a
better chance, place enable infinite specials in the settings.
Ice Cave shortcut:
Fly down the cave until it widens. Then turn around and fly back. Pass through the
gray bars and continue until the Boss appears.
Enable cheats for 30 seconds:
up up down down left right left
restore life:
L3 + right
restore time dilation:
L3 + up
Survival mode:
Enter "sabaibaru" as a password. Alternately, capture all apes then catch Specter a
second time.
Mesaru Gear mini-game:
Enter "yumenokyouen" as a password. Alternately, successfully complete the game to
unlock this item in Hobby Shop for 573 credits. Successfully complete this mini-game
to win 1,000 Gaccha Chips and unlock Hard mode. To get the Croc cap and infinite
items, rescue all twenty hostages.
Mesaru Gear cast in Movie 28 and two cinema files:
Enter "futarinosune-ku" as a password.
Pigaru Ape:
Enter "futarimenootoko" as a password.
Sarutimate Fighting mini-game:
Available for purchase in the Hobby Shop for 1,500 credits. Successfully complete
this mini-game to win 1,000 Gaccha Chips.
Unlock Croc Cap and Infinite Items:
You must rescue all 20 hostages.
Unlock Mesaru Gear:
You can buy this after catching Specter. It costs 573 credits.
Unlock Survival Mode:
You have to make sure you capture all apes and catch Specter a second time.
Veteran Notice Board task "Wanted: Exorcist!" Found in a room with a ton of Ghouls
and a malademon Reecher. Defeat the Reecher to get the card.
Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (1st)
Master Notice Board task "Wanted: Master Hunter!" Located in the Ice Gallery within
an ice stalagmite surrounded by Poison Slimes. Hard to miss.
Complete the Monster Book by defeating at least one of every single monster in the
game. The Monster Book is with the Mofly in Rueloon.
Expert Notice Board task "Urgent Manhunt!" Found in the Dragon's Lair. Defeat three
Green Dragons that are found near the boss room. Hard to miss.
Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (2nd)
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (8th)
Received from the Mofly in Milmarna. You can't miss it.
Veteran Notice Board task "A Favor to Ask." Inside the terrorist base, you will find a
group of exploding barrels. The card is in the middle barrel.
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (4th)
Found in the final dungeon of the story missions, Cathena Lab. Near the end of the
dungeon, the card is within a Tin Golem. Hard to miss.
Rookie Notice Board task "Find the Missing Person." Found in a crate 3 screens down
from the summit. (Appears on your way down)
Expert Notice Board task "Help my Father!" In a crate in the basement of the castle.
Load a cleared Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirts save or win her card in the
Dilzweld lottery. (9th)
Veteran Notice Board task "A Favor to Ask." Inside the terrorist base, you will find a
group of exploding barrels. The card is in the middle barrel.
Unlock Iga:
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (4th)
Unlock Kharg:
Found in the final dungeon of the story missions, Cathena Lab. Near the end of the
dungeon, the card is within a Tin Golem. Hard to miss.
Unlock Kukuru:
Rookie Notice Board task "Find the Missing Person." Found in a crate 3 screens down
from the summit. (Appears on your way down)
Unlock Leeza:
Expert Notice Board task "Help my Father!" In a crate in the basement of the castle.
Unlock Lillia:
Load a cleared Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirts save or win her card in the
Dilzweld lottery. (9th)
Unlock Lutz:
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (3rd)
Unlock Maru:
Rookie Notice Board task "Find my Husband Demill." Found in a crate in the center
of a plus shaped room. Hard to miss. (Appears on the way out)
Unlock Paulette:
Master Notice Board task "To Anyone Who'll Believe Me..." Located in an iron box
inside the Romarian Tunnel. The box is surrounded by Dark Dwellers.
Unlock Shu:
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (5th)
Unlock Tatjana:
Received after the Apprentice Notice Board task "Find Our Teacher!" You get this
Unlock Theo:
Apprentice Notice Board task "Find Our Teacher!" In room with boxes floating in
midair. Use them to make your way across an invisible bridge.
Unlock Tosh:
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (6th)
Unlock Volk:
After completing the game go to Orcoth and fight him in the arena. After winning you
get his card.
Classic Teams:
Complete the challenge mode in order to unlock new teams.
New Orleans Night To unlock the New Orleans Night do not throw an interception the
entire game.
New Orleans Voodoo To Unlock the New Orleans Voodoo, You must make a 30 yard
field goal.
Charlotte Rage Complete The "Wall Hit" Challenge
Buffalo Destroyers Complete The "Jack Linebacker" Challenge
Anaheim Pirates Complete The "Kicking" Challenge
Albany Firebirds Complete The "Be The Reciever" Challenge
St. Louis Stampede Complete The "Mac Linebacker" Challenge
Texas Terror Complete The "Telemetry" Challenge
Washington Commandos Complete The "Coverage Maneuver" Challenge
All attributes for all players are maxed out. Only works in play now.
Load a profile called "IronMen"
Giant Ball/ Tiny Ball:
Double the size of the ball / half the size of the ball
At the line of scrimage press L1 + Triangle, up, up - (big ball)
At the line of scrimage press L1 + Triangle, down, down - (sm ball)
At the line of scrimage press L1 + Triangle, up, down - (reset ball)
Booster- CBT-FLEET
Generator- KGP-Z5V
Radiator- RGI-KD99
Inisde- MWI-DD/10
Extension- CSS-IA-645
Back Units- MWC-LQ/15(L)
Arm Unit R- MWG-MG/1000
Optional Parts:
Cost: 1,073,400
Grade: Great
This is a Heavy AC, specializing in Defense AND Offense. This is my Personal Core.
AC: 2
Default Name: Poltergeist
Default Color- Head and Left Arm- Black. Legs and Right Arm- 75 Red (For all).
Core- Just mix them up.
(No Camoflague)
Head- MHD-MM/007
Core- CCL-01-NER
Booster- CBT-01-UN4
Generator- KGP-Z5V
Radiator- RGI-KD99
Inisde- None
Extension- CSS-IA-645
Back Units- MWC-LQ/15(x2)
Arm Unit R- None
Arm Unit L- None
Optional Parts:
Cost: 1,104,600
Grade: Great
This is great for those mobility lovers. It excels in its speed, but lacks defense. The
SAMURAI2 arms take off a lot of weight.
AC: 3
Default Name: Catalyst
Default Color- Grey(100 Blue, Red, Green) for everything.
(No Camoflague)
Head- MHD-MM/007
Arms- CAM-14-DUSK
Legs- MLM-55/ORC
Booster- CBT-FLEET
Generator- KGP-Z5V
Radiator- RGI-KD99
Inisde- MWI-DD/10
Extension- CSS-IA-645
Back Units- MWC-LQ/15(R)
Arm Unit R- MWG-RF/300
Optional Parts:
Cost: 997,300
Grade: Great
This AC is very balanced, both quick and tough, it tackles the missions that require
both skill and strength.
Note- You can change any part, or name, or color. These are just suggestions.
Defeating 3 ACs.:
Okay, there's (in my opinion) a very tough mission, in which you need to fight 3
ranking ACs without a break. The first AC, you fight alone, so he's not that tough, but
its on an elevator, and you start out on the bottom, while he starts on top. Get the
height advantage and he'll be a pushover.
The next two are very tough, because you need to fight them together. I had a little
plan of my own, tough.
Buy a Chain gun for your back weapon (for either side or both), and get into the
nearest corner. The corner may not seem like such a nice place, but since one AC
comes in the fight slightly later, and from the back, it can prove VERY effective. It
proves effective, because the strategy for most computer ACs is to get behind you and
the middle of the Arena floor. Boost up to the top of the building and pummel the
opponent AC full of rockets or other types of ammunition that can lock on. If you are
unable to boost up the entire way, there is a ledge halfway up. Rest there momentarily,
then boost the rest of the way. Weapons that are the most effective are the small
rockets and/or vertical missiles. There are some enemies that are too fast to do this to;
they move to much to get a lock on. If this happens, when you start, boost West and
position yourself in between two buildings very close to the border. Most of the
enemy ACs will not go behind because they will lose. They will just move back and
forth trying to get a fix, but will not approach you if you are very close to the border.
Pop in and out from behind the building and shoot various rockets and missiles as the
ACs are moving around. It is slightly time consuming, but a very easy way to boost
ranks early. Take your opponent to the Arena stage. Have Hectos Rockets and the left
hand grenade launcher equipped. When the battle starts, start stepping backwards,
making sure not to turn or alter where the aimer is pointed. Switch weapons to the
Hectos Rockets and keep firing those with the grenade launchers. The opponent will
just follow your steps, and will not move from the line of fire. If they get too close,
start to fight normally; they will have low AP at this point.
Easy money:
Find any mission that has an advance payment. Start the mission and immediately
abort it. After this is done, you will see your earnings displayed in two boxes. One box
is for your new money amount that was earned and one for the deductions for repairs,
ammunition, and the special deduction in the event that something was destroyed that
was not supposed to. Note that there is no deduction, and you will get the amount that
was promised to you in advance. Make sure to save your game before you do this, as
the game will end if this is done too many times.
Eliminate Bio Weapon mission: Hidden part:
At the first room, turn left and keep shooting all over the wall. When you reveal a
secret passage, follow it to the part. It is a PRAYYING BLADE.
Eliminate Rioters mission: Hidden part:
When you reach the most top level and enter, a box will be destroyed by enemies. On
the floor is the inside part KWL-RJ/60.
Explore Unexplored Region mission: Hidden part:
Go into the crater to find a plane. Shoot the back end of the plane to destroy that
section. Inside the plane is the back part MWC-OC/30.
Infiltrate New Base mission: Hidden part:
In a cave in the middle of the map is the extension part MWEM-R/36.
Investigate mission:
Go to the first door, unlock the control panel, then search for the second one. In the
room where there is a ventilation duct, shoot the duct. Fly up, then go down into the
other room it leads to. Destroy all the boxes to find the left arm part KWG-NHZL60.
Protect Part Transport mission: Hidden parts:
Wait until the plane lands, then get behind the it. Shoot the back end until the door
explodes. Press Circle next to the part to get the right arm part CWG-ARF-180. When
the mission starts, turn around and go to the left storage room. Go inside and get the
part. It is the left grenade rifle CWGG-GRSL-20.
Prototype parts:
If you use a certain type of leg part (light weight leg, middle weight leg, hover, etc.)
for enough missions, a "prototype" part will be unlocked in the shop. The prototypes
are usually good. This may also be the case with other parts as well.
Search Vilius Laboratory mission: Hidden part:
Search the bottom of the deepest pit to find a part guarded by a MT. It is the left arm
part MWG-KPL/150.
Secure Fortress NK-432 mission: Hidden parts:
Find the room filled with lots of boxes. Do not destroy any boxes with red triangles or
any boxes on top of red triangle boxes (the top box destroys the one under it, etc.).
The right arm part MWG-GS/80 can now be found on the ground. Use your map near
the first target to find a secret passage behind the wall. Destroy that part of the wall
and follow the secret passage until you reach a room with one box. Destroy the box to
find the head part MHD-MX/BEE
Shopping tips:
Here are some tips that can help you wallet and AC do better.
1- Don't be stingy. You can sell parts back for as high as you bought them, even if
2- The best stuff doesn't always cost the most! The cheapest heavy leg type is better
than the most expensive in most aspects.
3- The best weapons and parts don't come til a new stock, or some arena
advancements, so don't use the AI until they've arrived.
These can really help any new AC3SL player.
Takeover New Fortress mission: Hidden part:
When you battle against the two ACs fly up into the giant hole in the ceiling. When
you look up, there should be a pipe that runs from one side to the other. On top of the
pipe is the FCS part PLS-SRA02.
When you get your first payment, don't go spending it on some cheap, slightly better
part. The first thing any pilot needs to buy is the gun of his/her choice. Trust me, I use
everything from Machine Guns to Rocket Launchers. The starting rifel is basically
useless, so get rid of it ASAP.
Warnings and Tips:
There are some things your AC may need to be aware of at any time during a mission
or Arena battle.
1- If you have an Exceed Orbit (EO) core, launching the pods can increase your heat,
so if your AC is not good with heat, use this wisely.
2- Never equip a vertical missle and a missle canceller. Once you launch the missle,
Rocket Base NUKEM
Golf challenges:
Pong - Double Speed (exceed oppenent by 3 points)
Gravitar challenges:
Gravitar - Double Speed (10,000 points)
Hangman challenges:
Gravitar - Hot Seat (10,000 points)
Haunted House challenges:
Lunar Lander - Time Challenge (100 points)
Home Runs challenges:
Red Baron - Time Warp (2,000 points)
Human Cannonballs:
Black Widow - Time Warp (20,000 points)
Math Gran Prixs challenges:
Major Havoc - Time Warp (30,000 points)
Maze Craze challenges:
Millipede - Time Challenge (15,000 points)
Millipede challenges:
Millipede - Trippy (30,000 points)
Miniature Golf challenges:
Space Duel - Time Challenge (6,000 points)
Missile Command challenges:
Missile Command - Double Speed (7,500 points)
Night Driver challenges:
Missile Command - Time Challenge (2,500 points)
Off the Wall challenges:
Centipede - Time Challenge (18,000 points)
Outlaw challenges:
Crystal Castles - Hot Seat (15,000 points)
Quadrun challenges:
Tempest - Hot Seat (10,000 points)
Radar Lock challenges:
Gravitar - Trippy (15,000 points)
RealSports Baseball challenges:
Warlords - Double Speed (800 points)
RealSports Football challenges:
Tempest - Trippy (7,500 points)
Unlockable: Klien's Background Picture
You must get "Klien's Cane" and "Medicine" and go show them to Lector.
Unlockable: Art Gallery 1
You must get at least 150 items and show them to Lector.
Unlockable: Lita Character Galllery Art
You must get "Animal Paw" and "Rosie Ann BunH" and go show them to Lector.
Unlockable: Art Gallery 3
Show Lector at least 251 items.
Unlockable: Art Gallery 2
You must show Lector at least 210 items.
Hint: Get Zeldalia's Staff
Once you defeated the final boss you can go to Zeldalia's hut and talk to her. She will
initiate a set of 5 battles with Norn and upon wining all battles, she will give Norn her
staff which boost MAGIC a great deal. Win all 5 battles with Norn after talking to
Zeldalia (After defeating Amalgam).
Once you complete the game there will be 10 new Trials in Dragon's Nest. Load a
previous save and go there to check them out.
Preload suspension, press Square and press Forward.
Preload suspension at a ramp and pull back.
He will shoot fireballs at you. To avoid them, run right when the fireballs shoot left.
Run left when the fireballs shoot right. Then stay away from the Colossal Inferno as
far as you can. He will use his firebreath on you.
After that's done, there will be a light in the middle of it. Hit the light for about 5
seconds and run away. If you stay to long it will slap you. Keep doing this until the
Colossal Inferno dies.
Hint - Aang'ed XP:
In the first stage ('The Water Tribe') you will have a quest to help the old woman when
the Fire Nation will start attacking. You will need to get to where Sokka is. Before you
depart, you can stay in the vicinity and kill as many of the infinite Fire Nation
enemies as you want for Aang's level to increase. This leaves you time for levelling
other characters later.