Sorin Cerin - God and Destiny
Sorin Cerin - God and Destiny
Sorin Cerin - God and Destiny
Copyright SORIN CERIN 2014 for English version Sorin Cerin. All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sorin Cerin. Manufactured in the United States of America
This book have been published for first time by Paco Publishing House in Romanian language in Romania
Copyright SORIN CERIN 2014 Sorin Cerin. All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sorin Cerin. Toate drepturile rezervate autorului. Nici o parte din aceasta lucrare nu poate fi copiata fara permisiunea scrisa a autorului
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei CERIN, SORIN Dumnezeu i Destin / Sorin Cerin. - Bucureti: PACO, 2014 ISBN: 978-606-665-069-4
8. We are the subjected of our own God, on which him we subdue of our own hopes. 9. Not exists freedom without God. 10.God is the Divine Light that lies at the root of all thoughts. 11.Only through God world has Destiny. 12.Through God the numbers become the spirits, essences or divinities. 13.From number to existence, God had to pass over the bridge of knowledge. 14.A God, void of worries, would not more belong to man. 15.Let Him on God to be human, if you want to understand Him. 16.The peace without God means war.
17.God is the peace with you thyself first of all. 18.If, you feel that God is bad with you, means you do not yourself understand enough. 19.An indolent God exists only when you do not more have what to demand Him. 20.Happiness lies alongside God, and the suffering, in His soul. Therefore, you can not sit alongside happiness, without you to suffer. 21. Between man and God there can never be a divorce, because man makes part of God. 22.Any God, looked from the outside and not from inside, is not God. 23.Art is the God of the beautiful.
24.Each meaning, its has his God, and, all the meanings become an Unique Whole. 25.Often it uses the phrase "Good God," which means a favorable Destiny, and, not at all, a good God, or a mere hypocrisy of the man of to try the suasory of the God, face of, the sins and transgressions of the man. 26.A society where it uses the phrase "Good God", is a paltry and corrupt society, that wants to him corrupt even on God. 27.Through God, the Existence becomes conscious, face of self. 28.God means, before all, awareness. 29.Without awareness of God, the whole Universe would not be never been known, so, would not be existed. 30.What we do not know, does not exist. We can not say that there is a certain Universe if we do not him know, if we have no
information about him. Same and with our Universe. If in he would not exist no being who to him knows, this one would not exist. 31.We him know on God, really? For this we have to us deepen deeper into our beings and ask ourselves who we are, where we come from and what we want? 32.Face of God, the man is the knowledge, and, God, face of man, love. 33.Time and space are the bridges linking the love of knowledge, and vice versa, namely, on God, face of man, and on man, face of, God. 34.Life is a long search of the man toward God. 35.If you missed him God, you died before you were born through death. 36.Freedom is the compromise of God toward man.
37.A man without God is before all, a man deprived of he himself. 38.Religion is the path through which God can be rediscovered in the souls of men but great attention, because religions where God participates in crimes, wars or other calamities at the expense of one camp or the other, instead of him approaching on man of God, him departs. 39.Through religion the evil becomes stigmatized through cruel wars, so through another evil. 40.He who really wants to be alongside God, will try to understand the evil, to him straighten toward good, if this good does not mean another evil, which to harm other fellow men. 41.Toward God not exist bad or good people, but people who him understand, or not, on the true, God, from their soul.
42.Societies and sometimes religions, him have removed on man of the true, God, from his soul, creating a human being with limits, among the most dangerous for her, including an indecent moral. 43.The moral has nothing to do with God if is not consistent with the soul of man. 44.If God is so close to us, being in the human soul, why is hiding there, and wants not to come out, to us confess, the great his advices? To him be afraid of man? To be too snooty? In no case. God makes part of every thought of the man, the thought which should be assigned by man, at his God, and then we will understand how much we remote of ourselves, when we commit evil thoughts, realizing how bad can be our God with us, when when we wrong precisely through ourselves. 45.The relationship between God and man, must not be limited to the relationship of the one with the whip and his pet of burden, because such an image him has departed most on man from his God. Such a relationship should be confined to man and
his freedom of to be fulfilled in one way or another. 46. To be alongside God means to yourself return to your home of before the birth, between the walls of which you have died then, for to yourself born into this world. 47.The God of the man must be before all, both man, as and superman, to be able to respond requirements of this one. 48. God is the reflection of the absolute, infinite and eternity, in the finite. 49.Each man has his own relationship with God, whether it is religious or atheist. 50.The notion of God is all that can be closer to the Absolute Truth in Illusion of Life. 51.God is man's compromise with his own self.
52.Alongside God entire existence receives the sense of reality. 53.Could we be happy without God, knowing that even atheists have their own God, even if it is called passion, love or anything else? 54.God is before all, a creed coming from the primordial instinct of the universal consciousness. 55.Not exists consciousness without sense, and this is, and will remain eternally God. 56.A sad and disappointed God fits better to man, than one cheerful and happy, because man will always become the opposite pole of consciousness that determines him to God, as, the evil determines the good. 57.The biggest compromise of this world consists in the way in which him we approach on, God in our souls.
58.Freedom without God means bondage, instead, any chains, no matter how heavy would they be, alongside God, means freedom. 59.Religion is the art of to him alienate on the true God, of the man, face from this one, and to him replace with a social God, interested about prosperity dogma. 60.Can you him separated God of Destiny? 61.Existence is the gift made of God to conscience. 62. How would show the religion with a God happy and satisfied by the perfection of the people? 63.As a dogma to exists, has need of a tough and ruthless God, who knows how to them whips on those insubordinate to this dogma. 64.The true church is located only in you, and the walls of this dwell only in your soul.
65.God no matter how much love, would mean, must be our inner balance. 66.What greater beauty, can exist on this world, than to know, your own soul reconciled to your God, and on, this one, with the one of relatives, friends, acquaintances, and then, with the one of the whole society in which you live? 67.A defeated God, no more is God, behold where it comes from man's vital energy. 68.Not exists sadder thing than you to him see on God, forsaken by the soul who him gave life and believed in Him. 69.How close can be God, of the Destiny of the sufferings and your unfulfillments? 70.To, yourself disown of God, means to yourself banish on you, from your own soul.
71.Not exists law in which God to be absent. 72.To run away from God means to run away from yourself thyself. 73.God means not only religion, but and atheism. 74.How many chances, to us be hidden, God, in the wisdom quiver of the Original Sin? 75.To, yourself let prey, to a God, stranger of you, no matter how religious would be this one, means to yourself condemn single to death. 76.How many gods, so many people, and how many people, so much sufferings. 77.Not exists law without God, and nor death without His birth.
78.Happiness is an eternal particle from the God suffering, which not thee will belong ever. 79.A shadoof without God is like a fountain dried up, from which, you will not pull out ever the life-giving water of the moments of your destiny. 80.Have you ever seen God, begging thee mercy? If yes, then it is not your God! 81.Happiness always belongs to a God who's more thinking if to yourself adopt or not. 82.With how much we need God, with so we wish salvation in the sins wich Him can banish out of our souls. 83.Honesty is one of the stained faces of God, in face any histories in which we loved more than we believed that can love, the God, whom him we consider, love.
84.The solitude without God, is called foolishness, and, the one alongside God, repentance and sacrifice. 85.To doubt on the God, means to doubt, on yourself thyself. 86.Not exists morality and Devil without God. 87.A hidden God will tell you much more about your soul than one sincere. 88.Leave any thought about your wishes, if you want that the God of your own natures to understand you. 89.Do not be dispirited ever alongside the God, who not yourself understand, because only Him can lead you towards the salvation of your own, Destiny, in face of the unknown. 90.No matter how much you shout, to God to help you, the biggest help will consist in your silence.
91.A merciful God will be a God who not yourself will ever understand. 92.All paths toward God lead through hopes and wishes of hell. 93.You can not be proud of thy God, without to, thee accept the inferno through which you have reached at Him. 94.You will have a happy God only when, you will know how to die. 95.To him accept on God as a friend, means to yourself commit suicide. 96. A God, foe, is the greatest benefactor of yours. 97.If God would accept all your dreams, what, would more remain, from them, but from Him?
98.Sincerity is God's clothes, is why, becomes so expensive, that you can afford to dress it rarely. 99.Let Him on God only one day to agree with yourself, and you will see how many enemies you have in this world. 100. Be sure that your own God will not leave you ever, if you will not alienate of your own ego. 101. Do not be you the one who to him put on God, to thee wash laundry of your dirty feelings, if you not want to Him lose once for all, in the whirl of the inferno from thyself. 102. Which paradise would exist without God and Devil? 103. Exists church without Devil? Which is that?
104. To let ills at the gate of the good, and the good at the gate of evils, if we really want to rebuild the ancestral paradise of our own souls. 105. Who are we without God and Devil?
106. As much as we would take God into his arms, without Devil, we are lost, as well the good without bad. 107. I know how much had to think God at this world, but more I understand and how much of the wrong it, leaving the Original Sin as being the kingdom of evil, ie of knowledge. 108. As you to Him understand on God must first of all to fall into sin knees. 109. Could someone else than the Devil to disclose the true light of the God?
110. How would look a God who would not be wrong ever? Could we him more understand? Would more be, ours? 111. Which God of man is perfect, but which not invokes the perfection? 112. Show me a single God, subjected to the man, which him will understand on man! 113. Man is conscious through God.
114. Absolute Truth is revealed to us as being God. 115. What could be sadder than a God, forsaken? 116. God is before all everything what we would like we to reach sometime. 117. All that much we know about the Absolute Truth, on how many do we know about God.
118. Death is the realm which him has approached most on man to God. 119. A God happy, could not be never the God of the man. 120. No matter how atheists we would be, all alongside God, we go. 121. A sick God can not exist, than one who heals all bodily diseases but and soul , of the man. 122. The man him gives the God all the tasks on which not them can fulfill. 123. The one who Him has forgotten on the man from the God, was forgotten on himself. 124. Every man has his own God, whether it is called fear, desire, happiness, talent, pleasure or any other element in which this
one believes and on which it supports the existence. 125. How not exists solitude alongside God, there can be no hope without God. 126. True faith a you'll find in the man, who Him sees on God as being the Absolute Truth and the Eternity. 127. You can believe in absolutely everything, but only through God, the creed becomes faith. 128. He who believes that God has a duty to forgive or pay, in his place, for sins committed, it bitterly deceives, because God is, and must be above man, precisely so that the man to fulfill the human condition. 129. Not exists God presumptuous, than God in which you believe. 130. Want you to him know on God? Look deep into your soul horizons.
131. God is the only hope which is fulfills from the moment her utterance, if you know where to Him find. 132. Happiness alongside the God understood, becomes faith, and face of the one, misunderstood, humility. 133. You can understand absolutely everything, from this world, but if you did not understood your own God, all in vain. 134. Only through God can reach wisdom.
135. Not exists time without the eternity of God. 136. Why is necessary to the humanity a God who crying and who not laughing, you ever wondered? 137. No one can say how really show the God of the other one.
138. No matter how poor man or jerk would be a man, not only he has a God, but in his dreams hidden and would like to can becomes he, his own God, to possess the power and immortality of its. 139. Sometime, in the future, man will become a God almost as powerful as the God of the man today, only that and this man of the future, will have in turn, a God much more powerful than this. 140. God is first of all everything you can not be, everything you'd want to happen to you, all what thee can accomplish, banish or fill your soul, such as love, fate, fear, pain , angst, etc. 141. You can not to Him forgive on God.
143. God is freedom of the conscience of to be aware. 144. The true God must not sought in the billions of years of Universe, but in the eternity of the moment. 145. Not exists man defeated alongside God. 146. God is the symbiosis between feeling, moment, and fulfillment, through consciousness. 147. Without God we would not be could know the world never, because God is first of all, consciousness, and an unknown world is a world that does not exist for man. Thus through God, the man was aware of existence. 148. To Him receive on God with open arms, means first of all, to yourself know on you really.
149. God is a conditional freedom of love, knowledge and will. 150. Why are some people chained to their own destinies that seem real tragedies? Because Him have banished on God, so far away, that any would make, not and him more can retrieve. 151. Never not him promise to God what, you can not accomplish, if you want to be happy. 152. God is not a being, because spaces and times not him guides the existence in a certain destiny, being above them. 153. God was not born and does not die, not being a being, but instead, creates the being, becoming through His eternity the guiding opposite of the ephemerality the being. 154. God is Absolute Knowledge of the Absolute Truth, while the Existence is mirror with the deformations of rigor in
which is reflects God, depending on logical coefficient. Our world is positioned on logical coefficient two, the one of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, etc.. 155. To talk about the being of God, it is like you have admit His birth and death, what is misnomer. 156. God can not be than absolutely, alike as and the Absolute Truth. 157. A God relatively not more is God.
158. God can not be compromised and nor can accept compromises. Those who believe that Him can compromise on God with evil thoughts, are compromising on them. 159. God is the everything aware.
160. Self awareness does not mean, the being, than to the extent that it report of a dimensionally destiny, of the space and time, in the case of our world.
161. Self-consciousness which not dress with the coat of the being, is called the Great Contemplation of the God. 162. Even if self-consciousness operates dimensionally with billion of logical coefficients, all, the coat, of the being, a wears, while the Great Contemplation, of God is above any dimensions, being infinite, not being compelled to dress in clothes of the being, so, of the dimensionality. 163. God exists in us, through the knowledge that we have towards the world and life. 164. A God of the compromise is not God.
165. God has not power, being the power itself, in whole and into all, how much are, were, and they will be, in knowledge, the will and affectivity.
166. God can not beat, because can not be a partaker nor a revenges. 167. A vengeful God is not God.
168. Would accept the Absolute Truth, Great Contemplation of whole and of all, which is God, to revenge on a deed of nothing, of a being nearly unconscious, from our world, of the good and evil? 169. God has opposite in the being, mirroring it, in this one, and if the opposite of the God is called Devil, then the beings of this world are devils, what I do not believe. 170. Beings of this world, of the good and evil, not have only the good in them, but and the evil, face, of which is reported, the good. 171. History of religions us portrays the evil as being the Devil, but could exist, the knowledge without evil? How would look like our world, if we not had to whom to us report the good?
172. God has not a Destiny, not being a being, but determines the predestination of the being, through His mirroring in Existence. 173. God does not expect any payment from us, the ones who live the Illusion of Life, because if we Him would pay on God, the Absolute Truth of Great Contemplation Universal, would not more be absolute, but relative, depending on to the size of the payment. 174. Throughout history, the politics of the times they wanted the portrayal a vengeful God, who expects more and more payments through prayers or various acts of humbleness, such as the incantations, sacrifices, and so on, for as, this kind of God, should can be classified into a certain religion, with implications in the state sustaining, policies or of administrative. 175. The religions Him have personified on God, in so much that this one became man, with the vengeance or charity of rigor.
176. As we can not speak of a Destiny of the God, even if this one would be infinite and eternal, because the Destiny implies dimensionality, and the infinite dimensionality is reduced to a single point, all so we can not talk that God would have, His own Karma. 177. Karma of every man is the element through which this distinguishes it face of God through his own personality, in which is intertwined the good and evil, beauty and ugliness, forming a rope of his becoming, along the life, or of the lifes lived previously. 178. With how, you him will approach on God, with so much, you will be closer of thyself. 179. God, not being, under guardianship of the time, has no past, and nor future, becoming a continuous present, that it reflects through all dimensions of Being.
180. The Becoming and the Existence of Being of God exists, only at the level of the reflection of His in Being. 181. Man has the false idea that would hold free will due to the Illusion of Life and that can intervene in future, for improving of the present, but not and of the past, became history. He thinks that him can reconcile on God. Nothing more fals. God reflected in time, is the present, both in past as and in future, that can not change never, because it would mean to him change, the eternity and infinity. Thus, God through his eternal present, in past, becomes a history, and through his eternal present in future, becomes a history of the future. 182. God is a history of the future.
183. Each is free to Him perceive God how desired , because will never have the freedom to Him understand really, on God, knowing the Absolute Truth. 184. To try to change your the predestined future for you, is as though you change the
God, the reflection in thy own existence, which is impossible. 185. If God would have an opposite even and in Existence, if not would be Unique by chance, then it would mean, that can exist more infinities, more eternities, but and more Absolute Truths, what is false. Therefore what is considered to be the Devil exists as reflection in Existence, all due to God. 186. How pale would be the glow of angels without Devil? 187. Throughout history, religion has become the most perfected weapon of manipulation of the masses, in various paltry purposes, and all in the name of God, of the Absolute Truth of His, on which nor a deviser of religious texts, not him has known ever. 188. Many asserts incorrectly that only the good is God, without to understand that if they would know only the good without evil, this would become an inferno, that the evil
its has his good, as well the good, his evil, that the reflection of God in our Existence is made both through good, how and through evil. Even and in the religious texts, God does not appear only as one who give gifts to the ones faithful, but also as one who kills, torturing or beat without mercy, on those unbelievers, so as one who appeals at evil, for to keep the good. 189. No religion will not accept a God cheerful, fulfilled and happy, because will not be able to subsist such. 190. Often religion was the greatest weapon against God by the compromises he makes in His name. 191. Want to yourself depart from the true God? Be religious! 192. God is love, because man hankers the love. 193. God is the All, is, the Unique unfortuitous happening, which are reflected in
Existence, and His image reflected, becomes a Happening, Fortuitous therefore Destiny. 194. The biggest compromise of the man with his own itself consist in how as him approaches on God. 195. Religion is a culture of persecution in the name of God. 196. To Him seeing God means to thee contemplate even the mechanisms of the most hidden, cells, of your body, alongside thoughts and dreams, on which them forget mornings on awakening, of to look at the marvelous nature of this world even when it unleash. 197. Why would wish the Absolute Truth of the God, the prayers, sometimes perverse, of the people? 198. God for you is all what you know, feel, and want, in a word, thy own conscience.
199. The man who Him sees the vengeful God is not pleased of his own conscience, and him who sees God as being particularly merciful has no conscience, since, whatever he does, man is subject to the sin of this Existence. 200. A sinless man would be a man without God. 201. When appeared Original Sin the man was conscious for the first time of the existence of God. 202. The true beauty of God is seen from the height of the sin. 203. God can not be truly understood than through sin. 204. Sin was always the wind which blew in the sails of the ship of wisdom.
205. Through sin, man neared most to God. 206. Is there a religion that to does not mention of sin, or to not and creates a spine on account of sin? 207. On the true God, you him will discover faster through sin, than through sacrifices and prayers of glorification. 208. A God who is not known is as nonexistent as an Universe, unknown. 209. The greatest contentment that you can bring God is to yourself know thyself for you to Him understand God, but especially what God really wants from you. 210. Want to be happy? Then make peace with your own God. 211. The relationship between man and God will always be a compromise.
212. Is there a greater compromise in this world than the religion? 213. How him have see God without any compromise? 214. Even when you not think of God, all through God you are thinking. 215. Happiness, suffering, passion and love are compromises that God gave this world. 216. Can you exist without the compromise of the existence, in which is mirrors God, as being Unique, the Happening, Fortuitous, becoming unfortuitous, so Destiny, through which thee go and you life? 217. Why have need, God, of Existence, only to have where to it mirror for to give birth its Destiny?
218. Everything what is not, Unique, Fortuitous, is born and dies, be it even of the image of God, mirrored in Existence, bearing the name of Destiny. 219. Not exists Destiny which to, not be born and to die, once and once, apart from Unique, the Happening, Fortuitous, who is God, and who it not subdue nor of a Destiny, even if the Destiny is image of this Fortuitous Happenings mirrored in Existence, image which is born and dies once with Existence. 220. How much peace must have been prior to the Existence of had aroused the storm of god through the worlds, of this? 221. A God who it compromises can not be God. 222. Consciousness is the compromise through which God allows us to Him know both on Him, as and the world in which we live.
223. Compromise is the word through which God, has thought at the Existence mirror, where he will see his image with name of Destiny. 224. All that was, is, and, will happen, is the image of God mirrored in Existence, is Destiny. 225. God gave us through the Illusion of Life illusory freedom to believe in free will, in the fact that we can act in the future or present, but if it would be so, would mean that we can change the image of God which it reflects in the Existence, and which is Destiny. 226. The true God can not be compromised no matter how many compromises are bring his. 227. Peace is the war compromise, as well God the compromise of the Existence. 228. Can God be a martyr?
229. Not exists chance for God because He is the chance in itself. 230. To, Him understand God, is equivalent to thee understand your own destiny, first of all. 231. Reality is the Illusion of Life which carries us through the soul of God, leaving us to know as much as us is given. 232. No matter how sad we would be, must not forget that our whole, sadness, is a tear of God, elapsed on the cheek our time. 233. Who does he think freely without God, does not and understand his own destiny, or believes that the past can be changed in the future. 234. To, Him personify God means to Him banish as far away from you on the true God, putting in His place a puppet cheap.
235. Is there something other than religion which to Him be distant more on man face of the true God? 236. Religion is, one compromises of mankind. of, the great
237. Religion has tried to Him create God after the faces and similarities her own interests without to be interesed, if the true God, was or not created, long before there was religion, itself. 238. God, how much can we be of barbarians and sublime at the same time, so that, you accept to yourself see through our destinies. 239. True knowledge and wisdom consists in simplicity. 240. Absolute Truth must be the simplest enunciation between all arguments of the Knowledge.
241. Absolute Truth as arbiter and guarantor of Absolute Knowledge is a fractal in the great, universal puzzle, that is God's Consciousness. 242. Once the image of God in Existence is Destiny, means that Truth and Knowledge make part of a Destiny given, by the mirroring of God in Existence. 243. Everything we think, know, or attribute to the experience our own existence, is predestined beforehand, being the Destiny, or God's image. 244. To Him see on God defeated, means to thee see, your own, Destiny defeated. 245. Everything you love, think or wish, has more been sometime, thought, wanted or loved by God, because your conscience is Destiny, God's image mirrored in Existence. 246. A good God not yourself will never beat long enough, for to thee deserve your fate, and a bad one will make you, to thee
disown your fate, therefore can not exist God, good or bad, but only God, namely, your own Destiny. 247. To believe in God means to thee understand Destiny. 248. We were born toward to is look God, through our Knowledge and consciousness, on Himself. 249. How pure can be the tear which Him cry on God? 250. The crosses are made for people and not for God. 251. The sacrifice towards God, is the art of to Him humiliate on God. 252. God not yourself has predestined, for to be sacrificed, but has been mirrored in Existence, for that you to have a Destiny, Knowledge and Consciousness.
253. The relationship between God and sacrifice is distorted by the Illusion of Life, whereas, in the absence of, the free will, the sacrifice should be taken as a given, and not as a desire or repulsion. 254. Why us live the existence through the mist of the Illusion of Life? Why are we not allowed to discern Absolute Truth? Just to be happy or sad, for to know that the horizon can only be attained with perseverance, and dreams can come true, sometimes. 255. Human consciousness is a hologram projected in the Illusion of Life, by the image of God, that is Destiny. 256. If we would know that any wish of ours would be fulfilled by God, we would know what to Him we demand? 257. The world is a sanctuary of questions that would be destroyed if the answers would be guaranteed of the Absolute Truth.
258. True beauty of the Knowledge lies precisely in Unawareness. 259. God will always give the exact time of our lives, regardless of whether we believe in Him or not. 260. Not exists path on which to a choose, and which to not be trampled by God, long before to be the Time, with all his times. 261. You can not speak of a perfect God at an imperfect man, and yet the absolute of perfection of God, consists and in imperfection, also, fractals which it complement, some on others endlessly. 262. How can we not be free without God, all so we can not die without God, no matter how atheists, we would be. 263. Not exists death, because death dies once with our conscience. If we would not know death, it would not exist.
264. Death is a face of the God on which we can not it look from this life. 265. If death would not belong the Existence, not we would know a, and thus, death make part from another image of the God mirrored in Existence, hence, from another Destiny. 266. Once and death has her Destiny, means it has its own Existence in predestination, so, in dimensionality, and ultimately in life and awareness. 267. Death is a new birth, because has a Destiny. 268. Life for death is alike, the death, face of life. 269. To yourself reborn through death in another Destiny,given by the mirroring of God in Existence, means to die, in life.
270. Before we were born, we did not really die in another dimension of Existence where God, was mirrored as being Destiny? 271. God is both the good, as and evil, both, beautiful, as and ugly, both, light, as and the dark, both, life, as and death, because God is the Destiny, of everything and of all. 272. He who him hates God, it hates on himself, and he who him loves God, it, loves on itself, instead, the one, indifferent face of a certain God, will surely discover an another on liking and his extent. 273. God's goodness or wickedness is located in your facts. 274. This world is the place where souls polish or refines their own God, towards to be prepared for the death destiny, what will come alongside Him. 275. Death is blackboard on which God, write thoughts of his life.
276. The greatest wisdom of life consists in death, and reverse, face of the wisdom of God, which consists in Destiny and predestination. 277. A God free will make a man kneeling while a God with measure, will make a free man. 278. Not the Word of God has born the world, but the meaning of its, of to exist, because the whole world is a great hologram of the image of God mirrored in the Existence. 279. He who is lost in the true God will not wander never. 280. The true God will not leave you never at hard or at good, if you will know how to recognize it. How Him can you recognize? Look at your past which can not be changed, being a part from your Destiny and ask yourself what you see in the future for your, past? What thee you will wish most, what
you will love or hates, at the past or the future of yours person, is your own God, on which not worth to cheat Him never, because yourself you will alienate on you of your own ego. 281. Not exists Destiny without God.
282. How do you see death without God, but on God, without death? 283. The true power in life a you will have only when you will do any for as the God of the your destiny to be stronger. Thus, the unconscious of the man can come in concordance with his own predestination. 284. I am not against religions if some people through certain dogmas Him can feel closer on, the God of their Destiny, but nor against atheists who reach at the God of their destiny, on totally different paths, indifferent that they name this God as being the Knowledge, Consciousness or whatever.
285. The only reality that us is destined by Illusion of Life, is God's Predestination, indifferent that is reflected in love, freedom, or any other notion through which we strengthen the language of our own consciousness. 286. Not the greed of God, impoverishes on man, but his ignorance. him own
287. Being Destiny, God is in all of your actions or inactions, in whole and in all that you can realize by awareness. 288. Never forget that the blame for your mistakes not a can bear God, because if it would be so, a guilty God, would not more can be of thy God, on which to yourself support. Why? Let be a way through which God is trying to it exonerate, of your mistakes, even if are located both in the actions how and in your inaction? Certainly not. God could have to yourself creates without any guilt, a perfect man, but, really, the true beauty, not consists and in the imperfection which to give brilliance the perfection, the true good could exist without
evil, or the beautiful, without ugly? This is life, an eternal struggle of opposites. 289. Why has seen God as being necessary the life on the realm of the Existence, if not for Awareness, Knowledge and Feeling? 290. If God would not had alongside the absolute perfection and imperfection, would more be ever created the Knowledge and Awareness? 291. The perfection and imperfection of God, it completes mutually, always, giving same whole indifferent of form, the same form regardless of integer, behold, the ocean on which plying the Absolute Truth, and from which and draw energy. 292. Release him on God of yourself, if you want to can be you thyself. 293. Not exists quarrel in which God, to not find peace.
294. Leave Him on God to be He himself if you want to Him know really. 295. Do not yourself ever substitute, your God, as to be happy. 296. In God lies all the energy of the Knowledge, and Awareness. 297. Your God will always be the one that thee, will complete, your imperfection, with His perfection, for to be a whole. 298. Man without God is a mere commodity thrown on the counter of despair. 299. In vain you are free, without God, if you not know whereto to go. 300. God is the chance the one off latter, on which if you lost a, you always remain blind of thyself.
301. A weak man Him sees on God as being a mere dusty icon, weird hanging, on the wall full of dampness of his life, who does not speak ever. 302. If your God, can not make peace with yourself, then you have a big problem. 303. When God is missing is replaced each time with the chaos of the Existence. 304. God is the primordial lawfulness of Consciousness. 305. The chaos becomes a perfection controlled through God. 306. God exists through the Existence, but more can take, still an infinity of forms in the opposites of the Existence. 307. Compared to the laws of Existence, God is the ultimate arbiter of all that are, will be or have been.
308. The one on who do not Him deserves God, not it worth on himself. 309. Life is hold by God through death, and death through life. 310. When you hope, God is in your hope, when you dream, is in your dream, but never you not him will find on God, wrecked in a path of your, that leads nowhere. 311. Did you him fully understand on God if you got to suffer? 312. Fame without God becomes defamation, and glory, just a fad in a world of the vanity. 313. You can love without God?
315. A leader without God is like a shepherd without flock and truncheon. 316. Why so many people bleed dejected on the battlefield of life? Perhaps they him lost on God? 317. Do you consider yourself dissatisfied? Look at your life. It is the most beautiful gift made by God, just that depends up to you, where and how him deposit. 318. Times change, but not and God.
319. All the questions have their answers, except for God who is the only question unanswered. 320. In bi-dimensionality, space-time, in which we carry the existence, the image of God is the infinite and eternity, in exchange, for the infinity of dimensions, the image of God, is the Absolute Truth, Absolute Knowledge, and Absolute Universal Consciousness.
321. And you make part from God, as absolutely any from this world, and no matter how we try to run away of, God, we run away from ourselves by ourselves. 322. Our entire known universe is what it us is given to know about God. 323. Even in the most humble, man on the planet, in blade of grass, or in the mud of which yourself protect, lies the atoms which participated in the greatness of this Universe. Do you think the atoms of this planet Earth, have not more built and the other planets, stars, novae, supernovae, galaxies or Meta-galaxies? And to think that in all these lies God. 324. Not God, has need of hierarchy, but Illusion of our Life, because the laws of God are equally equal, indifferent in what Universes they would find, even if their roles are different to determine the Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Awareness which is reported of the Absolute Truth.
325. As well God is in whole and in all, and the Absolute Truth is in whole and in all. 326. Even and the most insignificant role of a regularities is as important as the most important role of the legalities which is reported, to the Absolute Truth of God, without which this one would not Exist for the Existence. 327. At Absolute Truth is reported the whole infinity of opposites of the Existence. 328. God is the mystery of the Divine Light due to which us live our life. 329. Divine Light of God is the Absolute Knowledge, Awareness and the Absolute Will, alongside love through Feeling Absolute. 330. No matter how great difficulties you would have to pass, the Divine Light to yourself flood the soul through love,
forgiveness, awareness and you will always find a destination of the peace with thyself. 331. Illusion of Life is, the Free Will, left by God to guide us the existence through which we have the illusory freedom, to us choose our our own predestination. 332. To forgive means to Him believe on God. 333. Through forgiveness, God becomes perfection. 334. Forgiveness is the blood of the peace and the sword of war. 335. Forgiveness is the most sublime gift that God gave to us, alongside Original Sin of Knowledge, when we were aware, of the world in which we live. 336. Not exists Knowledge without Sin in our world, because, for to know is necessary both the good, as and the evil.
337. In the worlds where knowledge is based on many opposites of the good and evil, the notion of sin receives totally other valences, reaching as at the level of Absolute Knowledge, where exists an infinity of opposites of good and evil, the sin to and lose the sense, so the meaning of what we know about sin, reaching one of the laws of the Absolute Knowledge. 338. Within the Knowledge the senses, so the meanings of this one, are the regularities of the Knowledge. 339. God has built the Universes through regularities which us to appear as being regularities of physical order, but to thereof base, have stood the regularities, of the Knowledge, through which God and has imagined the worlds of the Universes, imagination which was reflected in the Existence. For to is reflected in Existence all images of worlds, this one must exists. For to exists, the Existence, God, has knew before all her role, role on which him uttered through, the Word of Creation, which was detached from God, as being, a
happening, un-fortuitous, so known of before by God. 340. God is the absolute, of the end and beginning of us, through which we have the life energy. 341. Not exists than an only one God, looked and felt, differently by each man, animal or plant, of all that exists, because, it is the supreme lawfulness of the Whole, existential, over which, they act. 342. However great thee would seem the chaos, this one has his own order, reported to God. 343. The one who has sinned first, was God, when has knew the Word of Creation what have to build the Existence, with worlds and torments, or its beatitudes. 344. Man can not accept a God who to sin from perfidy, servility, machiavellianism and imposture. On the other hand, any weakness attributed to God by man, makes
man to distance themselves of God. Therefore, between each man in part and God, must to exist a relationship of its own. 345. No matter how deep thee it will seem, the darkness of the Existence, sometimes, you must know, that and in this one, lies the Divine Light of God. 346. When you want to yourself choose a path to follow, leave him the God in you to it do, otherwise you will regret it. 347. If, you really love and want to thee follow your path of heart, ask him on the God of your heart. 348. A happiness where God is missing will turn sooner or later, in its opposite. 349. No matter how appealing would be the shape, in the end, all with her content, you will have of to do.
350. If yourself will ever wondered, why has got to cry the God from you, then you to know, that you're on the way of to, Him, retrieve on the man in you, subjected to in the past to perdition. 351. When you feel that God yourself asks, thee speaks, do not answer him, never, with an answer, but with another question, until when not yourself, will more ask anything, and, thee, you will find the path, with all the ups and downs of its. 352. To Him respond on God, is like as how you descend the infinity and eternity, Absolute Truth and Absolute Knowledge to the speck of the Illusion of Life which you are. 353. Can be someone alongside you in death than God? 354. No matter how blind we would become, ultimately, the Divine Light of God will show us the way of truth and knowledge, without to us leave to we cross, the threshold of death, by some alone.
355. When we have received the Knowledge through the Original Sin from God, I think, that the first words thought of primeval people, fated to Knowledge, have been the death and hope in immortality. 356. Without Original Sin we would be lived in Paradise, since we not possessed Knowledge, nor of death, and nor of the worries, of value judgments or of prejudices. 357. We all hope in a better world, but why it is the world so and not otherwise? Is God to blame? Is it better that we know the concept of guilt? If yes, then to what extent helps us on us, the ones subjected the Original Sin of to know? 358. The world is a bliss enclosed in a body hopeless and devoid of vigor, when they quarrel with own God, and when he wants to Him understand and to approach Him, the world is becoming a suffering in a body of hopeful happiness.
359. A society without God is a sick society. 360. Through creation, God became an understood. 361. Whether it Him has accepted or Him banished on God, the moral has always been social barometer which revealed society's relationship toward God. 362. In a world immoral, God must be moral, and in a world ideal, full of morality, what does not exist in reality, God should to be immoral. 363. God will always be what we were, we are, but and what we are not and we hope to reach. 364. Without God nothing not would more have a meaning. 365. If you Him will know on your God, you will understand the death.
366. Even the most ungodly man has a God of his, what seems lost forever. 367. No matter how grandest thee it seem the world with all its epochal achievements, do not forget to yourself think about how it looks seen at the height of the Absolute Truth of God? 368. Art is a bridge between man and God.
369. Through art, God shows us a bit of His brightness. 370. Art is a way of to him look and understand on God. 371. Art is a measure of God's footsteps passing through the soul of the creator. 372. A world without art, would be a world that not Him, would know enough on God.
375. How much art did not create God by nature? 376. Everything lies in you or yourself surrounding makes part from the art of God. 377. How it signs God, in quality of artist of the Existence? With only one I. 378. Can there be art without God, or God without art? 379. Art of the wisdom consists in how Him we approach on the God. 380. Through wisdom, God catch life.
381. With how, you, Him combat more on God, with so much This one becomes more present, with how, you will want to Him understand, with so much This one becomes more misunderstood. 382. In a world of the life, God can not be than alive. 383. Wisdom is the supreme art of this world. 384. Through wisdom, God shows us a part of Him. 385. Never try to Him understand on God.
386. An misunderstood God is a living God, while a God understood would be dead. 387. Would more be the world, the life as whole, the knowledge, the truth or the lie, if we would know every thought of God?
388. A discovered God, would be a defeated God, and a God defeated, would not more be God. 389. God will always be the misunderstood, of yourself, on which you will have to it understand. 390. Could exist knowledge, without misunderstood, or life without death? 391. God is the ultimate argument of the Knowledge and of the Truth. 392. Death is the biggest misunderstood of the life. 393. The God of the life, the living one, is and the God of the death, therefore, exists life after death, as well, exists death in life. 394. Really, not we would born from misunderstood, for to die, all in misunderstood?
395. God is the redoubt which will not can be defeated, never, by man. 396. The human condition consists in a competition tacitly accepted or not, acknowledged or not, between man and God. 397. Without God man it could lose on himself. 398. Always the religion has saw in God, the perfect lover who knows how to keep the total discretion before the world. 399. If people would have to Him characterize and to Him name on God, each Him would characterize after its soul, and Him would call, differently, some towards others. 400. God is and the misunderstood of death.
401. Without Illusion of Life could not exist a competition between man and God, and man could not evolve. 402. God is the flame of the life, and death coldness, is morning dew and blade of grass, which awaits sunrays, what are springing all from God. 403. God is in whole and in all, both in truth, as well and in lie, both in good, as well and in evil, both in happiness, as well and in suffering. 404. Those who claim to Him love on God, refers only to the positive side of God, in so much, that reach to hate and to detest his negative side, considering it the Devil. 405. To Him truly love God means to accept, both the positive side, as well and negative side of Him. Do not forget that evil is often a gateway to good, and vice versa.
406. Man takes what he wants from God, giving in return too little from what would God truly deserves. 407. Religion Him has split on God, in two. The face of the good has become glorified, and the face of the evil, blasphemed. 408. By dividing of God, the religion has created a man subjected and anguished, perfect for to be lead, thus, realizing a humble society and frightened of evil. 409. The true God, not the religious one, must not be loved, but understood, as far as we can do it. 410. If we reach to Him love on the true God, with faces of the good and evil, then it means that we are approaching spiritually of meanings which us are revealed about Him, by our awareness.
411. As we can not wander without God, all so we can not retrieve or to we reach the destination. 412. When the man asked, the salvation, face of the Original Sin of the Knowledge, was distanced face of the true God, moment in which has appeared the social structuring and hierarchy. 413. To require the salvation, face of the Original Sin, it means to discredit, to banish, and to taunt the knowledge. 414. Through salvation, the religion and has reached its goal, namely, of to relegates to the background the Knowledge, transforming it into a Cinderella of the dogma. 415. The difference between the theologian and the scientist consists, not only in the principles, but especially in purpose. First one, will want the paradise, and the other the inferno, on which to turn it into paradise.
416. A living God can only be a God, misunderstood, would say theology, but to do not forget that death is the greatest misunderstood of the life, would reply the science. 417. A society without God is like a ship without sails, shipwrecked at ease of the ocean, of laws and principles which have whipped its body, trying to sink it. 418. When religion dictates society becomes anguished. morality,
419. The moral of religion led to a sick society, which expects, a power of outside, from the face of the good of God, for to banish the face of evil, of the same God, instead as this force to come from inside the society, to understand and the other face of God, which was given to us for Knowledge, and thus to balance both spiritually and morally. 420. Religion was and still is one of the biggest brakes in the evolution of society.
421. The true God does not need religion because His true religion is man, nature and the Universe in his ensemble, with its laws and its dimensions. 422. God yourself respond each time of the troubles yours, only to know where to find his messages. 423. Human weakness not comes from God, but from the way this one communicates with God. 424. You're never alone, always you Him will have on God in you, even in death. 425. Wherever you go, whatever you do, to know that you are part from God, and all what makes part of Him, to Him will reach. 426. There were times when you thought you are lost, stray, wrecked on the ship of life? You have not reached, yet, on the shore hoped? You feel weak and without power? Then it means, that you not Him understand
on the God who lies in you, and which is more powerful than the whole world you live in, that He eventually will take you out at the haven, dreamed of you, that all have an end, as and a beginning in this world. Remember that your ancestors steps, have not gone in vain through this world alongside God, that their traces lies in the genes and your breath, that you're the visionary present through which history of your body was not written in vain by God's Destiny. 427. God's flame shall not be quenched ever, no matter how sins you have perpetrate, because and the sin makes part from the God's creation. 428. Be strong because God not yourself wants neither weak, and nor dispirited, because you're His creation. 429. Not exists God judge, but only God creator. 430. When you get to be judged by God, means that you've despised his creation.
431. Both, the one, good, as well and the one, evil is God's creation. 432. You can not make tiebreaker in a creation which thee it seem good, face of one bad. Both are from God. 433. True Satanism was born of xenophobia, hatred, tiebreaker, oppression and deprivation of liberty the part of those who considered themselves to be more loved by God than others. 434. For all souls regardless of race, religion, social order, exists a God. 435. Not exists democracy bigger than the democracy of God. 436. Through God all men should be equal in rights and feelings, and, any inequality is created by the opposite of God, which is not the Devil that makes part from God, as being another face of his, but everything
what belongs of the incomprehensible of God, such as death, the infinite or eternity. 437. Many people have used of face of the Evil, or incomprehensible of God, for to create ephemeral Good in which they thought, finally, realizing how false have become social regularities or individual, how much harm they have done kicking in the true face of Evil, which was left as a gate toward Good by the God. 438. Those who sell through churches socalled good of the God, against evil, are some imposters who must to be ignored, because God without good or bad, can not exist in our world of the beautiful and ugliness, of the good and evil, of the time and space. They are responsible for all social and spiritual misery of mankind. 439. For as a society to evolve or to go, so called "good", we must believe both in good as well and in its evil, because we can not talk about perfection at the man.
440. When mankind will realize that alongside good can be efficient and the evil, will become competitive in front of her own God. 441. A society where the good, thee is administered by force is called dictatorship. 442. Not exists God dictatorial, but only God whose souls do not recognize the good or evil done for spiritual or material evolution. 443. Religion is the first dictatorship of the good over evil from the world. 444. Through dictatorship the good becomes the worse than evil, and thus the religion became, the mill which has ground so much the grains of the good, so they have reached the flour which makes the worst bread social. 445. Greatness of God not consists in the good made for people, but in His evil,
without which the good would have no a brilliance. 446. No matter how thirsty we would be of truth, this one not and will show never the face, without accepting and evil that compose its spirit. 447. Equally bad is to banish the good, from evil, because then the God of our being will forsake us. 448. God must be accepted as it is, with His good and evil. 449. Whereto would our God goes without good or bad? And could find the balance? 450. The Knowing of our bivalent logic of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, consists in the balance between good and evil. 451. Could we accept a God unbalanced?
452. God is the guarantee of the spiritual balance of us. 453. Through God all the chances have a destination. 454. You could decipher the truth or lie, without the good or evil of God, who lies in you? Then why choose, only the religious good, which through false faith, becomes your evil? 455. We build cathedrals to create a sick society, where, only the ones subjected and helpless will acquire the path of so-called truth of the lie, where the defeated man becomes the center of attention of the false God, who is called Money. 456. All cathedrals which do not want to understand that evil sometimes opens the gates for good, are not anything other than some casinos, where the spiritual brigands preach the new dices that will humiliate and steal other and other unfortunates.
458. Even and in disharmony, God created harmony. 459. Exists a meaning from which is missing God? 460. Even when us not refer or think at God, He lies in whole and in all. 461. Destiny is the dimension of God mirrored in Existence. 462. How is seen the space and time in a world where alongside good and evil, more are and other opposites? But God? 463. In the worlds with more opposites, than the two from our world, as is the good and evil, beauty and ugliness, etc, God will approach more to knowledge, receiving new and new features, face of those which we know, the same, the space and time, the two dimensions of our world.
464. God for Existence becomes the primordial dimension which in our world is Destiny. 465. Time and space, in to other worlds with other dimensions are totally different towards how are perceived here. 466. Through Truth, God lies in every meaning. 467. Do not forget that and the false or lie are truths in themselves. 468. Absolutely any notion of the Knowledge, from this world, is reported to the Truth, including God, who have the meaning of, the supreme, absolute, which is why it identify with the Truth known by us. 469. God, not only that is reported to the truth, but it and identifies with this one, becoming He himself a Truth, face to which we relate we, humans.
470. God is the supreme dimension in relation to Existence. 471. In the supreme dimension, which is God, lies both His image reflected in Existence, as well in the Absolute Truth, from which is given to us to only know the relative truths. 472. God, through His absolute dimension, which is Destiny in our world, proves us, once again that space and time are only illusory dimensions, perceived as such by the Illusion of our Life, which could be totally different, for example, the time could be an ocean in another world, and space a waterfall, etc.. Why? Because Destiny and the predestination of God proves that the future is a past equally the past, as well the past, and the present does not exist. The illusion of the present us comes from the past, which is carried out as drain or passing, in our mind, only that this passing is passed of long ago, by God. 473. God is the supreme argument of logic.
474. A logic without God, would be o logic without Truth. 475. How in art, God is the perfection, in science becomes committing or realization of the experiment. 476. Diversity of the world lies in the freedom to Him see on each God, according to your own taste. 477. No matter how liar would be a truth, this remains a truth of the lie. 478. Exists society without the profound truth of the lie? 479. The supreme truth of the lie in this world is the Illusion of Life. 480. Truth of the time, is reported to space, and truth of the space to time, only in the our Illusion of Life, because these
dimensions have, totally other aspects and properties, within of the awareness with more opposites alongside good and evil, beautiful and ugly, etc.. 481. We can not claim a better society than is our own truth. 482. How much compromise lies in all our truths? 483. 484. When truth becomes tear, learn to cry. Can not exists truth without God.
485. Peace between compromise and truth is called the retrieval. 486. You can not discern without truth, as can not sift the good from evil, the beautiful from ugly. 487. Human life is a continues reporting to the truth of his own illusions.
488. Not exists truth, which to can not lie, or not to be lied. 489. Lying is the planet on which is forced to live the truth. 490. All roads of a truth crossing the properties of the lie to which are reported. 491. How much truth exists in every lie, and how much lie, in every truth of our world? 492. We are fated to the truth on which him beg to us lie, beautiful through religion. 493. You can not create without truth and lie, without meaning and misunderstood. 494. The lie of the lie can become again truth, but not and the truth of the truth which can remains a lie. From here is the false premise of this world.
495. A truth which hurts, is a pained truth which receives a part from our personality in his self. 496. Man is a truth that is bathe in an ocean of lies for to be aware of the world. 497. All the beauties and creations of this world, would not worth anything without the truth and the lie which them perfects. 498. For as the truth to receive a sense, he must know to lie, and the lie to, can be anytime true. 499. Lying is the chasm in which must to collapse truth for as the man to can be aware the time and space, through speed and movement. 500. If time is truth, the space becomes his lie, and if space is truth, the time becomes his lie, because the space loses his
time in eternity, and the time loses his the space at infinite. 501. To be, means before of all, the truth of an existence that learns to it lie on itself, creating the conscious life of the finite. 502. Who can know how much more can know? 503. Can not exist a limit of the Absolute Truth, than of the space and time, from here, the Illusion of Life with her relative truths which are based on the lie. 504. The true beauty of the life, you not a can find, than in the truth, of her own lie. 505. How much greatness hide the truth in the misunderstood of the Knowledge. 506. Whichever from the relative truths have their own forgeries, with exception of the Absolute Truth that can never be false. Because of this, our world is just a
Happening Fortuitous, a mirror of the Happening Un-fortuitous of the God. 507. Do you really want to win in life? Then, considers on God, the victor. 508. You can not be defeated if you Him have discovered on the God in you, really. 509. Not exists loneliness alongside God.
510. Suffering always remains the food of the happiness. 511. He who believes that Him defeated on God, has killed on itself. 512. Freedom ultimately comes down to your relationship with the God of your being. 513. He who believes that can be found on himself without God, nor was not born.
514. Not God sees you, hears you, feels you, know you, but you, Him see, hear, feel and know God, because God is above your feelings, is the Divine Light, through which yourself can discover the depth, of the darkness, of your being. 515. To,Him, obey on God not means to, Him fulfill, some commandments, simply because God, not command. 516. To, Him listen on God means to yourself listen on you, and if you have something to thee commandest, is due, of the pluses or your shortcomings. 517. To, Him, obey on God means to yourself rediscover on you. 518. Exists man who sincerely believes that Him understood really on God? 519. To, Him understand on God, means to yourself understand on you and to yourself know on you, even in the most hidden and
unsearchable, places, of your soul. You will ever succeed? 520. Every soul needs a shrine in which to believe beyond any doubt, a shrine that to can belong to, the faith, the religion or simply surrounding nature, but which remains all a shrine. 521. All what surrounds us, all, we are aware, all what is in us, is God. 522. Even and the one who believes that it can find on himself, without God, all through God, is finds on himself, because a God, renegade, is an other face of a worshiped God. 523. Knowledge is the history of God.
525. To, Him consider, on God, the cause of the hierarchy, means to Him see as effect of the infamy. 526. God can not determine the hierarchy because the Absolute Truth can not be and false. In hierarchy any truth can become anytime the lie, for to designate the good and evil, beautiful and ugliness. Therefore the hierarchy is one of the pillars of base, of the Illusion of Life, and the Illusion of Life is the distorted mirror in which it reflects God. 527. The true face of God can not be seen through the mirror of the Illusion of Life and through space-time coordinates of its. 528. The distorted mirror of the Illusion of Life is the one which us creates the illusion of the necessity, purpose and hierarchy. From here comes both the beneficially, as well and the malefic, the feeling and our Knowledge. 529. The ingredients used at the mirror of the Illusion of Life are the space and time
framed in the opposites:good and evil, beautiful and ugly, etc.. 530. Can not exists human perfection, as long as, man sees the perfection of God warped through the mirror of the Illusion of Life.