Newsletter Spring 2013
Newsletter Spring 2013
Newsletter Spring 2013
RANDY AND JUDY LUNDRIGAN Tegucigalpa, Honduras Greetings to our family and friends:
Spring is here and so is the In School Feeding Program (ISFP). We are so happy to share this great news with you! Plans are underway to start the phase in period that will begin in Moises Starkman School the week of April 8, 2013 with the remaining two schools hopefully starting over the next few weeks. Can you just imagine how excited we are that over 1500 children in kindergarten and grades one to six will receive a nutritional breakfast drink each day as well as a healthy lunch? The aim of this program is increase school attendance, enhance their ability to learn cognitively, decrease malnutrition and provide food security for the parents. We plan to add pre-school children ages three to six who are not in school and are from the communities. All of these young children will receive a nutritional breakfast drink for the rest of the school year. We have hired and are now training three new Honduran staff especially for this project. All the schools have been busy building the storage areas and kitchenettes with the funds provided by ERDO. We are so happy for the participation of many people who have made this dream a reality. From our wonderful donors to the workers on site, each one of you has a special part in this project. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Together we are always better. We appreciate each and every one of you. HUGS! Randy & Judy Lundrigan Food Delivery Parents digging by hand new storage area and kitchenettes
We are so thankful for your donations for the Scholarship Program again this year. We were able We so out thankful for yourScholarships donations to and the one Bible toare give three Math Scholarships fund again this year. We were Scholarship in all three of our schools. able to give out three math scholarships and one Bible scholarship in all three of our schools.
What Amazing
Getting 1500 Cups and Plates Ready
Dale and Carolyn Ruttan, along with their three children Jacob, Benjamin and Elisa came on a fact finding adventure. They gave out over 1000 pairs of underwear in our schools. We expect they will return in late 2013 to help full time. Please pray for them as they prepare to come. We cant wait!
Charlie Stover from Powassin, ON came in Feb 2013 to help Randy gather information and supplies for the ISFP
You should have seen the look on their faces. Our wish is that every child in our schools would receive a Christmas gift.
Rainy Season seems to be coming early this year. At the bottom of our street recently, a car was almost totally submerged in water. Our office became a swimming pool and our house as well had water pouring in. The fun begins.......! However, this is nothing compared to what others are experiencing. In the low lying areas as well as in the mountains where we serve, many homes have been flooded. Consider the dirt floors, holes in the walls and roof, no windows or doors with glass to protect them, as well as raw sewage running in. Some even have to sleep on the floors. Please pray for them. For the ISFP phase in process to go smoothly For more short and long term volunteers For strength and direction For our family back in Canada For more Sponsorships For more monthly donors
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 2450 Milltower Court, Mississauga Ontario L5N 5Z6 Email: Phone 905.581.9702
Our vision is to empower and inspire children to grow spiritually as passionate followers of Christ and to give children hope for the future by providing them with the best education available
Schools of Hope exist to grow passionate followers of Jesus Christ, transform lives and provide hope where there is none