Newsletter Summer 2010 V1 Issue 7
Newsletter Summer 2010 V1 Issue 7
Newsletter Summer 2010 V1 Issue 7
Volume 1, Issue 7
Summer 2010
PO Box 3543
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Christian Adoption Resources and Encouragement, Inc.
(970)731-9505 Summer Newsletter
A ministry dedicated to Jesus Christ & expressing His love to parentless children and Christian Families world wide.
Goals: SUMMER TIME! Long sunny days, colorful garden flowers, fishing, tubing, crack-
Raise, collect, and distribute funds ling campfires and toasted sticky marshmallows smeared on smiling little faces.
to assist Christian families with the
expenses of adopting (an infant or We hope summer finds you enjoying the fun this season offers. We also hope
international adoption can average you’ll take a few moments to read the fun CARE had last year helping families wel-
come home their children, designing an informative blog, and assisting widows
Educate and encourage Christians and orphans in Kenya through our new CARE for Nations program.
within churches (bodies of believ-
ers) concerning adoption.
Provide resources for Christians Families who received adoption scholarships from CARE have welcomed
promoting and/or sponsoring adop-
tion. home their children!
Through the CARE for Nations program, widowed women in Kenya are working, tithing in their
churches, and witnessing of Christ’s redemptive love. Children are raised in their homes, eating healthy
food and attending school. This sustainable, relationship-based program is expanding as widowed
women assist other widowed women so they can all CARE for orphans. For more information on how
you can be involved, contact Mark and Lisa Hauger (970)264-4293.
PO Box 3543, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Christian Adoption Resources and Encouragement, Inc.