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Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures

First Edition

I General Provision, II Structural Planning, III Design

December, 2009

Japan Society of Civil Engineers

This document is an English translation of the original Japanese text. JSCE assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies that may occur due to use or application of the information provided herein.

Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) was established as an incorporated association in 1914 entrusted with the mission to contribute to the advancement of scientic culture by promoting the eld of civil engineering and the expansion of civil engineering activities. Committee on Steel Structures of JSCE was reorganized in 1971 aiming to research and investigate steel materials, steel structures and composite structures, and to contribute to the progress of science and technology in a eld of civil engineering. Since its establishment, the committee has organized a lot of subcommittees and they have produced a lot of outcomes related to steel materials, steel structures and their technological standards. The internationalization of technological standards and the performance-based design are paid to attention in recent years. In the performance-based design, the improvement of transparency and accountability, the reductions of cost and negative environmental impact, and securing the quality and the performance, etc. are basic requirements. The committee resolved to make the Standard Specication for Steel and Composite Structures including hot technologies in 2004 as the JSCE specication does not fall behind the world trends. The specications consist of 6 volumes. General provision, Basic Planning and Design were published in 2007, Seismic design was issued in 2008, and Construction was also come out in 2009 in Japanese. Maintenance will be also appeared soon. These are the rst standards by the committee on steel structures made as the performance-based design format and the limit state design method. I think that it is very meaningful to have completed the specications using the performance-based design format at this time when a technological standard of western countries aims at the world standard. It is expected that the contents of the specications does not reveal only a state of the latest technology of the steel structure but also the direction of activities that the committee should aim. This English version was translated from the Japanese originals of General provision, Basic Planning and Design of Standard Specication for Steel and Composite Structures. I hope that the specications will be useful and helpful for the design of steel and composite structures in the world. Finally, warm acknowledgment is expressed to all of the members of the Sub-Committee on Standard Specication for Steel and Composite Structures and the Committee on Steel Structures for their eorts to preparation of the specications and their invariable suggestions to the contents of the specications.

December, 2009

MORI Takeshi
Chairman, Committee on Steel Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers

In 1987, the Committee on Steel Structures published two design codes based on Allowable Stress Design Method. They are Design Code for Steel Structures PART-A: Structures in general and Design Code for Steel Structures PART-B: Composite structures. The newly revised above versions based on Limit State Design Method were published in 1997. In 2000, the committee on Steel Structures organized a sub-committee for investigation of the performance-based design method. Its activity was to prepare and recommend a new design format, performance-based design for steel structures, coping with globalization. The report entitled Towards performance-based design method for steel structures was published in 2003. The committee on Steel Structures has recognized that the basic design format for steel structures of the next generation was established. After the publication of the above report, the committee on Steel Structures organized the sub-committee on Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures in 2004. Its role is not only to incorporate latest research fruits but to publish an innovative and competitive performance-based limit state design method for steel and steel-concrete composite structures of the next generation. It consists of 6 volumes namely General provision, Basic Planning, Design, Seismic design, Construction and Maintenance. The three volumes including General provision, Basic Planning and Design, were issued in 2007. It is based on the performance-based limit state design method, and is the rst time publication for the design of steel and composite structures in civil steel structural engineering eld in Japan. The volume of Design deals with not only steel structures but also concrete slabs and steel-concrete composite girders for composite girder bridge design. Many of the provisions for steel structures are from those in Design Code for Steel Structures PART A: Structures in General published in 1997. Even though we seldom design composite girder bridges in Japan, hybrid structures including composite girders have been recognized to be worldwide competitive alternatives. For global competition, the provision for composite girders is inevitable. In addition to introducing the design formulae by AASHTO LRFD or EC given in PART-B, the original formulae developed by Japanese young researchers were incorporated. This is also the rst time action in Japan after the publication of PART-B in 1997. I hope the revising work continues towards global-top design of the next generation. The preparation of an English version including three volumes started in 2007 by many of code writers on a voluntary basis. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all writers for their devoted contribution. I also have to express my sincere gratitude to JSCE Research Fund, Committee on ISO Aairs in Civil Engineering, Prof. Yoda of Waseda University and Prof. Nogami of Tokyo Metropolitan University for their nancial supports on publication of the English version. I would like to give my sincere thanks to all members of the committee on Steel Structures and of the sub-committee on Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures for their valuable comments.

December, 2009

NAGAI Masatsugu
Chairman, Subcommittee on Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures Committee on Steel Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers

Committee for Steel structures

Adviser Chairman Vice-chairman Secretary general Member
Ikuma M., Echigo S., Okamoto T., Kainuma S., Kiyomiya O., Sakano M., Sumi M., Nagai M., Nishikawa K., Fukada S., Honma K., Murakoshi J., Yamamoto H.,

: Abe H., Sakai H., : Mori T. : Takagi S. : Sasaki Y.

Igarashi H., Oga M., Ogawa A., Kasuga A., Sakai S., Shito K.,

Ito M., Nishimura N.,

Usami T., Watanabe E.

Kato M.,

Kuranishi S.,

Ichikawa A., Ogaki K., Okui Y., Kamihigashi Y., Keira K., Sugimoto I., Tatsumit M., Nakajima A., Nozawa S., Fujino Y., Masuda N., Yaginuma Y., Yoda T.

Iwasaki E., Ota K., Oshita S., Kaneko S. Goto Y., Sugiura K., Tateishi K., Naganuma T., Hayashikawa T., Fujiwara H., Miki C., Yamaguchi E.,

Iwanami M., Otori Y., Ono K., KItada T., Konishi T., Sugiyama T., Tanaka M., Nara S., Hirabayashi Y., Hotta T., Murakami S., Yamaguchi T.,

Tachibana Y., Nakazawa M., Nogami K., Fujii K., Maekawa K., Mori K., Yukawa M.,


Sub-committee for Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures

Chairman Secretary general Member
Ikuma M., Ichikawa A., Ogaya S., Sakano M., Tateishi K., Nozawa S., Miki C., Yokota H., Nagai M. Yamaguchi E. Ito N., Inokuma Y., Okui Y., Sugiura K., Tamaoki T., Hayashikawa T., Murakoshi J., Watanabe E., Suzuki E., Iwakuma T., Ono K., Sugiyama T., Nara S., Hino S., Mori T., Park Y.S., Abe M., Okamoto T., Goto Y., Takagi S., Nogami K., Hotta T., Yoda T., Ha D.H. Organizer

Hakamada F., Usami T., Kitada T., Sumi M., Nishimura N., Hujino Y., Yamamoto H., Kyung K.S.,

* Observer

Sub-committee for Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures General Provision WG
Sugiyama T. Ichikawa A., Mori T., Usami T., Yamaguchi E. Okui Y., Nishimura N.,

Member Ikeda M., Nogami K.,

Structural Planning WG
Ichikawa A. Ikeda M., Sugiyama T., Yamamoto H., Ito A., Takagi S., Yokota H. Ogaki K., Hosaka T., Ono K., Hota T.,

Member Ikeda H., Katsuchi H., Morino M.,

old member : Inokuma Y.


Design WG
Chairman Secretary general Member Akimoto R., Ishikawa T., Ogaki K., Kitahara T., Sugiyama T., Nakasu K., Huruya N., Murakami S., Yoneyama H.
Yoda T. Nogami K. Arima N., Uchida D., Okada J., Kumagai Y., Tanaka K., Nakahara T., Maeda K., Yanagawa H., Iura M., Urata M., Okui Y., Sato N., Tanaka C., Nakamura S., Miura Y., Yabuno M., Ikariyama H., Ota M., Kainuma S., Saito N., Tsuruta H., Nakamura S., Minami K., Yamaguchi E., Ikeda M., Ota K., Kawabata A., Suzuki S., Nakazawa M., Nagai M., Murakami M., Yamaguchi T.,

old organizer : Ikeda D.


Sub-committee for Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures Writing author of Design WG
Chapter 1, 2 Chapter 3, 5 Chapter 4, 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10, 12 Chapter 11 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Sugiyama T. , Akimoto R. , Ikeda M., Urata S. Nakamura S. , Okada J. , Okui Y., Huruya N. Yamaguchi E. , Ishikawa T. , Akimoto R., Iura M., Saitou N., Tanaka K., Nakazawa M., Murakami S., Yamaguchi T. Kitahara T. , Urata M. , Ota M., Yoneyama H. Kainuma S. , Minami K. , Tsuruta H. Sugiyama T. , Akimoto R. , Kitahara T., Yoneyama H. Saitou N. , Yabuno M. , Iura M., Ishikawa T., Tanaka K., Miura Y., Murakami M. Yamaguchi T. , Miura Y. , Nakamura S., Minami K. Murakami S. , Murakami M. , Kitahara T., Nakazawa M., Nakamura S. Kawabata M. , Ikariyama H. , Nakamura S., Ota K., Uchida D., Tanaka C., Nakahara T., Suzuki S., Akimoto R. Okui Y. , Ota M. , Okada J., Huruya N., Yabuno M., Nagai M., Nakamura S., Nogami K. Chief Organizer

Member who translated into English

Volume I General Principles

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures General Principles

Chapter 1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Fundamental Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1.4 Documents concerning Design, Construction and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.5 Meanings of Descriptive Words and Clauses in These Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.6 Ability and Responsibility of Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.7 Check at Structural Plan and Design Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.8 Terms and Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 2 Basis for Structural Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance . . . 10 2.1 Purpose of Structural Planning, Design, Construction, and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2 Verication of Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3 Performance Level and Importance of Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 1 General

1.1 Fundamental Philosophy

The fundamental philosophy of these specications is that performance verication methods shall be applied to all of structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structures and engineers ethics shall be observed at every stage.

These Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures are based on performance verication methods in which the required performance of a structure is specied rst and then actual performance is veried at all stages: structural planning, design, construction and maintenance. Consequently, the fundamental philosophy behind these specication is that performance verication methods should be applied at the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance stages of steel and composite structures, while fully observing engineering ethics at every stage. Within these specications, the actual articles relating to the observance of engineering ethics can be considered the following: 1 accountability for structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance work; 2 traceability of reasons for decision-making after the fact; and 3 compliance. Currently, some performance requirements of structures are not explicitly veried, so some parts of the specications are not fully complete.

1.2 Composition
These specications are composed of six volumes; that is, General principles volume, structural plan one, design one, seismic design one, construction one, and maintenance one.

The six volumes of these specications apply to the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of structures. A structures various performance requirements should be upheld throughout the design working life of the structure and this must be conrmed. It is necessary to succeed to the information relating to performance requirements and methods of achieving them and/or purpose and achievement method at each stage of structural planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance to the next stage certainly. That is, all stages should correlated with each other closely as shown in Fig.C1.2.1. At the structural planning and design stages, assumptions are made about the type and size of structure and then the performance level required of this assumed structure is veried. Immediately after construction is completed, it should be checked whether this required performance level is satised or not. At the maintenance stage, the performance level of the in-service structure is estimated based on information collected through inspections, because the performance level of a structure generally decreases over time. Based on this estimate, a judgment as to the structural soundness of the structure - that is, whether the performance level of the structure is equivalent to or exceeds the a priori determined required performance - is made and the result is later fed back into the operation and maintenance plan.

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

As noted above, checking and conrmation of the performance level of a structure continues through all stages of structural planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance. Thus, these specications include ve volumes corresponding to structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of structures, respectively. It should be noted that design is separated into a Design volume and a Seismic Design volume. This is because it is generally recognized that design philosophy and verication techniques relating to seismic design are dierent from those of other areas of structural design and that a separate explanation of seismic design may be convenient for design engineers.

Level of performance

Marginal level of Performance

(use beginning) Planning Assumption Production Operation


(check and measures) Passing Check result Forecast of



Maintenance Yes Performance No Yes Correction Yes Review of maintenanc

Confirmation of performance No Measures (repair and

Fig.C1.2.1 Performance of structure during its life cycle

1.3 Scope
These specications shall be applied to the structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel structures, composite girders, and composite columns (described as steel and composite structures hereafter).

These specications apply to the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of steel structures, composite girders, and composite columns lled with concrete. Composite columns are treated explicitly only in the Seismic Design volume. The structures considered in these specications are general steel structures in which structure of the main members consists of steel and composite girders and columns composed of both steel and concrete. As for composite girders, references [JSCE 2002a] and [JSCE 2002b] may be referred to instead of these specications. Highway and railroad bridges are the main focus of these specications, although port and harbor structures, river structures, and electric power facilities are also considered. Each of these structure

Chapter 1 General

types also has its own specications or standards for planning, design, construction, and maintenance. However, as each of these specications or standards is codied for a specic type of structure, there is some possibility of diculty in attempting to plan, design, construct, and maintain a specic structure that does not have a specic applicable specication or standard. Here, not only are the normal techniques for structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance relating to specic steel and composite structures such as highway and railway bridges specied, but their applicability to the other structures is also considered. Where the articles of these specications are insucient and/or inappropriate for dealing with the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of a specic individual structure type, it may not be necessary to apply these specications if the eectiveness, appropriateness, accuracy, and applicable scope of another selected technique can be certied. Even in this case, however, the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the structure may be implemented while taking account of the substance of these specications.

1.4 Documents concerning Design, Construction and Maintenance

(1) Design documents, drawings, construction procedure documents, maintenance documents, and other relevant documents shall include the description that compliance with relevant regulations has been fullled at every stage of structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance. These documents also shall be lodged. (2) Design documents, drawings, construction procedure documents, maintenance documents, and other relevant documents shall be presented in an appropriate manner satisfying the requirements for ocial information and/or documents. In case that required items are not shown, these documents should be made based on the rules such as Japanese Industrial Standards.

As already noted, the fundamental philosophy of these specications is that performance verication methods should be applied to the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance stages of steel and composite structures with full observance of engineering ethics at every stage. Given this, full attention should be paid to the following points when producing design, construction, and maintenance documents. 1 The design document should describe and give the reasons for selecting particular structural types, structural materials, construction methods, etc. at the structural planning and design stages. (The accountability requirement) 2 In cases where the articles of these specications are not applied, the engineering justication of the appropriateness of this decision relating to the performance verication method should be explained in the design document. If a newly developed performance verication approach is adopted, both the title of the third party institution that has certied the appropriateness of the new method and the results of certication should be provided in the design document. Moreover, construction documents should be prepared so as to ensure that construction work satises all of the performance requirements of the design stage. 3 In cases where structural types, structural materials, construction methods, etc. are determined through consultation among the persons concerned and/or on the direction of the owner because of the absence of specic requirements, not only should details of the determinations (including the decision-making process) be written down in design, construction, and maintenance documents, but also the names of participants in the consultation and/or the director(s). (The

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

traceability requirement)

1.5 Meanings of Descriptive Words and Clauses in These Specications

Meanings of descriptive words and clauses in these specications are classied as shown in Table 1.5.1.
Table 1.5.1 Meanings of descriptive words and clauses Meanings of descriptive words and clauses

General examples for descriptive words and clauses shall (be) should (be) is to (be) shall preferably (be)

items that shall be necessarily satised according to these specications


item that might be the most commendable among several alternatives


item that is one of the acceptable alternatives

may (be)


In order to ensure that the meaning of each article is clear, the phrasing used in these specications is classied largely into the three categories shown in Table 1.5.1. This classication has been adopted with reference to [JSCE 2003] and [Japan Highway Agency 2002].

1.6 Ability and Responsibility of Engineers

(1) The engineers who take part in the structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structures shall be the experts in the relevant eld. (2) The engineers who take part in the structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structures may be desirable to be the persons qualied by the public agencies in the relevant eld. (3) The engineers who take part in the structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structure shall be responsible for ensuring of public safety and benet, preservation of environment, and so on. (4) The engineers who take part in the structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structure shall have accountablity for both decision making results and evidence of performance-based verication.


This article is prescribes the skills required of engineers who take part in the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structures as well as their responsibilities. The quality of structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance outcomes depends generally on the skills of the engineers involved in these activities, because they often have to make decisions based on their technical knowledge and/or experiences at every stage of structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance. Consequently, engineers who carry out the structural planning, design,

Chapter 1 General

construction, and maintenance of steel and composite structures should be experts with experience in the relevant elds. In other words, the engineers should preferably be persons certied in the relevant eld by public agencies such as the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Professional Engineers Japan, and so on. The structures of greater safety, economy, and durability structure can be planned, designed, constructed, and maintained through the contribution of skilled and experienced engineers in the relevant eld. The design, construction, and maintenance documents produced according to Article 1.4 should be lodged appropriately by the engineers involved in structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance so that everyone can refer to the adopted standards, references, minutes, etc. throughout the durable lifetime of a structure.

1.7 Check at Structural Plan and Design Stages

An appropriate check shall preferably be made in order to ensure the required technological level and quality of structural plan and design.

So as to ensure that a structure is of the required quality, appropriate reviews of whether the structural types, structural materials, and structural details adopted at the structural planning and design stages are reasonable and whether adequate performance verication is taking place should preferably be carried out by an authorized third-party institution. If no such institution is yet available, it is acceptable for these reviews to be carried out by another design company.

1.8 Terms and Denitions

The terms used commonly in these specications are dened as follows. (1) General terms relating to structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance 1) Performance-based design method: design method in which no restrictions are applied to the structural types and materials, design methods, construction methods if the designed structure has only to keep the required performance level. In other words, design method in which the specied performance of the structure may be ensured at every stage of structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance once the objective and function of structure is dened clearly and the performance of structure is specied so as to fulll its function. 2) Regulation-based design: design method in which structures or structural members are designed based on the specic design codes where the proper procedures such as design calculations, the kind of structural materials and their size, etc. are specied. 3) Deemed-to-satisfy regulation: regulations in which one or more of solutions that are considered to satisfy the required performance is illustrated. These regulations may be adopted in case that verication method of structural performance is not necessarily specied. The kind of structural materials and their size, the procedures such as design calculations that have been regarded as proper empirically, etc. are specied in these regulations. 4) Reliability-based design method: design method in which the possibility that structures/structural members lead to limit states is estimated based on the probabilistic

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

theory. 5) Limit state design method: design method in which limit states to be veried is specied clearly and partial factor design format is adopted as the verication format. Partial factor design format is classied into Level 1 verication format from the reliabilitybased design viewpoint. Strictly speaking, partial factor design format is not equivalent to limit state design method although both are sometimes regarded equivalent in Japan. 6) Partial factor design format: design format in which some partial factors are incorporated in order to consider the uncertainties or scatter relating to actions, geotechnical parameters, size of structural members, structural analysis methods, etc.. 7) Life cycle cost: the total amount of cost that is spent for structural plan, design, construction, maintenance, and demolition of structure; in other words, the total amount of cost invested during the life cycle of structure. 8) Design working life: assumed period for which a structure is to be used for its intended purpose without major repair being necessary. During design working life, originally planned regular inspection and repair are continued. Design working life is determined at design stage. 9) Durable lifetime: the period from the service start to a point in time when the performance of structure becomes down due to fatigue, corrosion, material deterioration, etc. and structure leads to its limit states. 10) Objective: commonly used expression of the reason why the structure is constructed. It may be desirable that the objective is expressed by using the word such as client/user as the subject. 11) Basic requirements: the clauses to be observed relating to the use and function of structure, environmental conservation, and safety of work. These clauses relating to the required size/space and acts such as design and construction, etc. are enacted based on the relevant laws. 12) Function: the role that structure has to play in accordance with its objective. 13) Check: the conduct that is carried out by a authorized third party institution in order to scrutinize whether the design process compounded from determination of objective to verication is proper or not. 14) Authorization: determination of the third party that is able to perform the check. 15) Certication: act that the authorized third party institution checks the structural design and issues the certicate if the design is proper. (2) Terms relating to performance 1) Performance: ability that the structure has to demonstrate in accordance with its objective or requirements. 2) Required performance: performance that the structure has to keep in order to achieve its objective. 3) Performance item: item into which the required performance is subdivided. One verication index to which one limit state generally corresponds is determined to each performance item. 4) Performance level: the level of performance that is required to each structure. Performance level is determined for each required performance depending on its necessity. 5) Safety: ability of a structure to ensure the lives and assets of users and the third party. 6) Serviceability: ability of a structure to perform adequately so that the users do not perceive any intolerable unpleasantness or unease. 7) Durability: ability of a structure or structural element to resist the deterioration caused by repeating variable action and/or environmental action. In case of steel and com-

Chapter 1 General

posite structures, corrosion of steel members caused by environmental action, fatigue phenomenon caused by repeating variable action, and material and strength deterioration of concrete members are considered. 8) Repairability: ability of structure to be restored to the originally specied performance level when intended actions attacks structure and then its performance level may decrease. 9) Societal and environmental compatibility: ability of structure not only to contribute to the sound societal, economic, cultural, etc. activities but also to minimize the infection upon the surrounding social and natural environment. 10) Constructibility: ability to keep construction work safe and certain during fabrication and erection. 11) Initial soundness: ability of structure that its performance just after completion is not below the level intended at design stage. 12) Maintainability: easiness of maintenance of structure. (3) Terms relating to limit state 1) Limit state: a state beyond which the structure or structural element no longer satises the required performance. 2) Safety limit state: a state associated with collapse, or with other similar forms of structural failure caused by large deformation, large displacement, vibration, etc.. Safety limit state is used as the limit state corresponding to the structural safety. The words ultimate limit state are adopted in Seismic Design Volume as this expression often used instead of Safety limit state. 3) Serviceability limit state: a state that corresponds to conditions beyond which specied service requirements for a structure or structural element are no longer met. Serviceability limit state is used as the limit state corresponding to the serviceability. 4) Repair limit state: a state which corresponds to conditions beyond which repair of structure is not possible with current applicable repair technology, with reasonable cost, nor within reasonable period and structure is not able to be under service. Repair limit state is used as the limit state corresponding to the repair easiness. In Seismic Design Volume, the words Damage limit state is adopted instead of Repair limit state. 5) Fatigue limit state: a state associated with fatigue failure of structure or structural member caused by repeating variable action. Fatigue limit state is used as the limit state corresponding to the fatigue durability. (4) Terms relating to verication 1) Performance verication: activities performed in order to verify if the designed structure satises all of the performance requirements or not. In case that limit state design method is adopted, judgment is made by comparing response value S with limit value of performance R. 2) Verication index: index to express a performance item as a physical quantity. Verication indices are utilized in performance verication. 3) Response value (Demand) S : physical quantity caused in the structure by action. 4) Limit value of performance (Capacity) R : allowable limit physical quantity towards corresponding structural response. This value is determined based on required performance level. 5) Statistical characteristic value: a value corresponding to a priori specied fractile of the statistical distribution of random variable such as material property and action. Expected value and mode of random variable are regarded as statistical characteristic

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

values. 6) Optimization: activities performed in order to obtain an optimal solution so that the objective function including the required performance, performance item, etc. as the subordinate variables may take the smallest or the largest value under some restraint conditions. 7) Partial factor: a factor assigned to each design value in order to consider its uncertainty. Five partial factors, i.e. action factor, material factor, factor for structural analysis, factor for structural member, and factor for structure are generally adopted. 8) Factor for structure: a factor in order to consider the importance of structure, societal and economic inuence caused by the failure of structure, and so on. (5) Terms relating to actions 1) Action: all causes which draw deformation, displacement, constraint, and deterioration of structure or structural element. 2) Load: an assembly of mechanical forces directly acting on a structure which are converted from actions through the analytical model. Load is used as an input datum for design calculation of stress resultant, stress, displacement, and so on. 3) Design value of action: a value obtained by multiplying the action factor to the characteristic value of corresponding action. 4) Direct action: an assembly of concentrated or distributed mechanical forces acting on a structure. 5) Indirect action: the cause of deformations imposed on the structure or constrained in it. 6) Environmental action: mechanical, physical, chemical or biological action which may cause deterioration of the materials constituting a structure. 7) Permanent action: action which is likely to act continuously throughout a given reference period and for which variations in magnitude with time are small compared with the mean value. 8) Variable action: action for which the variation in magnitude with time is neither negligible in relation to the mean value nor monotonic. 9) Primary variable action: one or one set of variable actions considered as the most primary one in case that load combination is taken into account in performance verication activities. 10) Subsidiary variable action: a action which is considered as the subsidiary one among variable actions and which is additionally combined with the combination of primary variable action and accidental action. 11) Accidental action: action that is unlikely to occur with a signicant value on a given structure over a given reference period and which may cause a serious damage for a structure if once occurs. 12) Action modifying factor: a factor to convert the standard or nominal value of action into characteristic value. 13) Action factor: a factor to consider the unfavorable deviation of statistical characteristic value of action, uncertainty relating to action model, change of action characteristics during a given reference period, the inuence of action characteristics on the relevant limit state of structure, variation of environmental action, and so on. (6) Terms relating to structural materials 1) Characteristic value of material strength: a value corresponding to an a priori specied fractile of the statistical distribution of material strength. Statistical distribution is determined based on the statistical data which are obtained from the standardized

Chapter 1 General

material strength test. 2) Standard value of material strength: a value of material strength adopted in other structural design specications/standards except Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures. 3) Material strength modifying factor: a factor to convert the standard value of material strength into characteristic value. 4) Material factor: a factor to consider the unfavorable deviation of statistical characteristic value of material strength, the dierence of material properties between experiment specimen and real structure, the inuence of material properties on the relevant limit state of structure, change of material properties during a given reference period, and so on. 5) Design value of material strength: a value obtained by dividing the characteristic value of material strength by the corresponding material factor. (7) Terms relating to calculation of response value 1) Factor for structural analysis: a factor to consider the accuracy of structural analysis methods which are applied in the calculation of stress resultant, etc, the uncertainties relating to modeling procedure of structure, and so on. 2) Design value of response: a value obtained by multiplying the factor for structural analysis to the response value. Response value is calculated by using the values of actions which are multiplied by their corresponding action factors. (8) Terms relating to calculation of limit value of performance 1) Factor for structural member: a factor to consider the accuracy of structural resistance analysis methods which are applied in the calculation of load-carrying capacity, variation of structural member size, importance of the role of structural member, and so on. 2) Design limit value of performance: a value obtained by dividing the limit value of performance by the factor for structural member. Limit value of performance is calculated by using the design values of strength materials.

Terms commonly used in these specications are dened based on [JSSC 2001], [JSCE 2003], and so on. Terms peculiar to each volume are dened in the relevant volume. As for the term Safety limit state as specied in (3) 2), it is used here to clarify the relation between required performance and the relevant limit state; the term Ultimate limit state is commonly used instead of this term. The term Safety limit state is adopted in these specications because it incorporates the concept of public safety, durability in a broad sense, initial soundness, etc. in addition to the idea of Ultimate limit state in the Design volume.
References in Chapter 1 Performance design guidelines for Civil Engineering Steel StrucJapanese Society of Steel Construction (2001) tures, JSSC Technical Report No. 49. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002a) Standard Specication for Concrete, Volume of Structural Performance Verication Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002b) Guidelines for Performance Verication of Hybrid Structures (tentative) Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003) Comprehensive Design codes (tentative) code PLATFORM ver.1


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

Chapter 2 Basis for Structural Plan, Design, Construction and Maintenance

2.1 Purposes of Structural Plan, Design, Construction and Maintenance

After the most suitable kind and type of structure are selected and the outline of its dimensions are determined at the structural plan stage, steel and composite structures shall satisfy all of the required performances such as safety, serviceability, durability, repairability, societal and environmental compatibility, etc. at every stage of design, construction, and maintenance throughout a given reference period.

Steel and composite structures should be t for purpose and should not only be safe but also functional. Therefore, once an appropriate plans for steel and composite structures (or structural members) have been developed, they should be designed, constructed, and maintained so as to ensure adequate safety against various actions and to be functional during their construction and service periods. Steel and composite structures should also be durable and compatible with their surroundings. For example, bridges are constructed to allow roads, railways, etc. to cross rivers, straits, roads, and railways and so that persons and goods can be transported over them. Although the most important performance requirement for bridges is structural safety, it is also important to secure good structural durability to ensure the long-term structural soundness of the bridge. Furthermore, bridges should be acceptable to nearby residents and should not aect those residents with uncomfortable vibration and/or noise radiation that may be caused by the passage of vehicles over them. A further requirement is that bridges should have excellent aesthetic qualities. At the structural planning stage, a bridge should be compatible with its purpose, while 1 legal restrictions on the use and function of the bridge and also 2 economic eciency should be considered. The performance requirements, meaning 3 safety, 4 serviceability, 5 durability, 6 social and environmental compatibility, 7 earthquake inuence, 8 constructability, and 9 maintenance, should also be discussed at the structural planning stage. Multiple alternatives with respect to structural type should be compared and discussed based on a consideration of the above-mentioned performance requirements in order to determine the optimal type. At the structural design stage, comparison and discussion of various matters such as structural material selection, corrosion protect method, determination of cross sections, etc. is carried out. Although these comparisons and discussions are based on economic eciency, the optimal alternative should be determined not from the viewpoint of minimum initial construction cost but rather in consideration of minimum life-cycle cost. In other words, ease of maintenance should be taken into account so as to ensure that the bridge is durable as a semi-permanent structure. The design working life of a structure can be considered from three points of view, as follows: a) economic working life corresponding to economic life according to asset depreciation; b) functional working life corresponding to the period until the structure fails to fulll its socially expected function; c) physical working life corresponding to the absolute end when the structure itself malfunctions. In structural design, it is generally assumed that the physical working life is greater than the other

Chapter 2 Basis for Structural Plan, Design, Construction and Maintenance


two measures of working life Minimizing the life-cycle cost means that economic eciency is investigated through consideration of both economic working life and physical working life. No quantitative estimation method has yet been established for doing this, although society has recently come to expect the establishment of such a method. The term functional working life represents the time until the structure is considered useless because of changing social and economic activity. Taking account of the present level of structural engineering development, it may be impossible to determine this functional working life. However, structures should be designed so that the physical working life is longer than any predicted functional structural life. Design working life is set in the range 60 to 100 years in the current design specications for highway and railway bridges. As many existing bridges have been in service for more than 100 years, design working life is generally established as 100 years at present.

2.2 Verication of performance

(1) At every stage of structural plan, design, construction, and maintenance, required performances of steel or composite structure shall be determined denitely. In general, safety, serviceability, durability, repairability, societal and environmental compatibility are to be required as required performances. (2) At the design stage, performance level shall be shown against each of performance item which corresponds to the relevant required performance and performance verication shall be carried out for every performance item. (3) In the performance verication of steel and composite structures, verication indices and their corresponding limit values of performance shall be determined rst, and then the check whether structural response value obtained through an appropriate numerical analysis method is less than or equal to the limit value of performance is to be carried out in general. (4) Conrmation through experiments, etc. or observance of regulations relating to structural types, structural materials, etc. may be substituted for the verication method described in the above (3). (5) At the structural plan and design stages, verication shall be performed so that response value is less than or equal to the limit value of performance throughout both construction period and working life. Specic verication methods are illustrated in Structural Plan Volume, Design Volume, and Seismic Design Volume. (6) At the end of construction stage, just completed structure shall fulll the all of required performances considered in its design. Specic verication methods are illustrated in Construction Volume. (7) During working life of structures, an appropriate inspection or examination method, a proper countermeasure against damage, etc. shall be selected so as to satisfy all of the required performances. Specic verication methods are illustrated in Maintenance Volume.


(1) The rst step at the structural planning and design stages is to determine the required performance of the steel or composite structure. However, there remain at present various opinions and arguments regarding the denition and classication of required performance; as yet, no consensus on these matters has been reached. In [Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2002)], three performance requirements - that is, safety, serviceability, and restorability - are dened as the fundamental required performance of a structure. These three are subdivided according to the function of


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

the structure. In the subdivisions, the performance requirement durability occurs commonly. It is very important for the durability of a steel or composite structure to be ensured at every stage of structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance, because the physical working life of the structure is signicantly aected by how deterioration of structural performance with time under repeated variable actions and/or environmental actions is controlled. For this reason, durability is dened as one of the performance requirements in these specications. Social and environmental compatibility is a recent requirement associated with changing social and economic circumstances. This new fundamental performance requirement may become crucial from now on, although techniques for dening and estimating the relevant limit state are inadequate at present [JSCE (2003)]. Further, performance during the construction stage is to be carefully considered at every stage of structural planning, design, and construction. This performance requirement is dened as workability and is regarded as one of the performance requirements in these specications. In summary, the performance requirements adopted in these specications are safety, serviceability, durability, restorability, social and environmental compatibility, and workability. Table C2.2.1 shows the performance items corresponding to each performance requirement. These performance requirements and performance items are applicable not only to structural planning and design but also to the maintenance of structures in service. (2) When verifying performance requirements at the design stage of steel and composite structures, it is usual to verify whether the designed structure will reach each of the limit states corresponding to the a priori established level of required performance. The term limit state means the state assumed as the extreme margin of each performance item (the itemized of performance requirements). This means that, if each of these limit states is clearly established, performance verication based on the limit state design method is possible. The performance items and their corresponding limit states are prescribed in each volume. The basis of performance verication according to performance-based design in these specications is that the design value of demand, S, should be less than the design value of capacity, D, for every performance item, where both S and D are calculated using partial factors. Fig.C2.2.1 illustrates the framework for performance verication. In cases where it is not possible to establish a limit state, performance verication is carried out by optimizing an objective function such as cost, utility, etc., which is a function of the design variables [JSCE (2001)]. At present, it is possible to establish relevant limit state(s) for some performance requirements. For others, it is not easy to do so. For the former, performance verication is carried out quantitatively. On the other hand, in the latter case, optimization of the objective function is attempted instead of a quantitative performance verication.

Verification for each performance

Level of action
Death and live-load Environmental action etc.

verification index
Response value

Performan limit

Load-proof and level of the lesion Use period etc. Calculation of demand

Sectional force, stress, and displacement and transformation Cost and environmental impact, etc.

Power-proof of section Rigidity Generation cost etc.

Calculation of capacity

Fig.C2.2.1 Framework of performance verication

(3) In calculating response values, it is necessary to choose a structural model as well as a structural

Chapter 2 Basis for Structural Plan, Design, Construction and Maintenance


Table C2.2.1 Examples of performance requirements of structures and related performance items in these specications
Performance requirement Safety Performance item Structural safety Example of check item resistance of structural member, resistance of whole structure, stability, deformation performance, etc. injury to users and third parties (falling objects etc.) vehicle operating performance under usual conditions (soundness and rigidity of road) train operating performance and ride comfort under usual conditions pedestrian comfort under usual conditions (walking-induced vibration) level of damage (ease of restoration) Handling with book Design volume

Public safety Vehicle operating performance Serviceability Pedestrian comfort Restorability after earthquake Fatigue resistance Corrosion resistance Resistance to material deterioration Maintainability Social bility compati-

Design volume


Structural planning volume

Seismic design volume

Maintenance volume


fatigue durability against variable actions rust prevention and corrosion protection performance of steel material concrete deterioration

Design volume

Social and environmental compatibility


Economic rationality Environmental compatibility Safety during construction Initial soundness

ease of maintenance (inspection, painting, etc.) and ease of restoration appropriateness of partial factor (consideration of social importance of structure) social utility during life cycle of structure noise, vibration, environmental impact (CO2 emissions), aesthetics, etc. safety during construction material quality, welding quality, etc.

Design volume

Design volume Construction volume

Ease of construction

ease of fabrication and construction work

analysis method that estimate structural performance appropriately. Many highly advanced structural analysis methods are available now as a result of remarkable development in computer techniques in recent times, so the most appropriate method should be chosen corresponding to the type of structure and the aim of performance verication. Note that it is essential to appropriately model action loading and structural type in order to obtain really accurate solutions, even if this means adopting a highly advanced structural analysis method. Furthermore, the results obtained should be properly investigated and utilized. (4) Where it proves dicult to calculate response values using a numerical analysis method and/or to establish suitable limit states, experimental conrmation or verication of compliance with regulations relating to the structure type, structural materials, etc. may be carried out instead of a performance verication. (5) At the structural planning and design stages, it should be veried that the response value is less than or equal to the limit value of performance throughout the construction period and the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [General principles]

structures working life. That is, verication includes not only safety, serviceability, restorability, durability, and social and environmental compatibility but also the performance requirements for the construction and maintenance stages. Workability is the construction stage performance requirement relating to safety during construction, ease of fabrication and construction work, etc. It is one of the most important aspects of performance that requires consideration at the structural planning and design stages. Maintainability, relating to the ease of maintenance of a structure, is also an important performance requirement that should be considered at the structural planning and design stages. In Chapter 8 Maintenance of the Structural Planning volume, considerations relating to the need for and arrangement of maintenance systems and matters such as avoiding of structural details that hinder maintenance, etc., are prescribed. In the Design volume, maintainability is considered one of the performance items relating to performance requirement durability because the former is closely related to the latter. At the design stage, ease of inspection and repainting, ease of damage restoration, etc. are discussed. Specic verication methods are illustrated in the Structural Planning volume, the Design volume, and the Seismic Design volume.) (6) At the construction stage, the performance requirement workability, including such performance items as safety during construction, securing structural quality, etc. needs to be satised. In particular, since the quality of construction can greatly inuence the performances of a structure in service, it is important to satisfy the requirements for the initial soundness of the structure [JSCE (2003)]. Specic verication methods are illustrated in the Construction volume. (7) The performance required at the maintenance stage may be approximately the same as that required at the structural planning and design stages. It should be ensured that the maintenance stage performance requirements are satised throughout the working life of the structure by implementing appropriate measures such as periodical inspections, detailed investigations, and repair and/or reinforcement according to demand. Specic verication methods are illustrated in the Maintenance volume.

2.3 Performance Level and Importance of Structure

Performance level shall be determined for each of required performances corresponding to safety, serviceability, durability, repairability, societal and environmental compatibility. Performance level shall be depend on the importance of structure.

Performance levels set one or more levels of performance that a steel or composite structure must satisfy. Performance levels may be set for any of the six performance requirements: safety, serviceability, restorability, durability, social and environmental compatibility, and workability. As an example, Table C2.3.1 shows the performance levels relating to vehicle operating performance as described in section 7.2.1 of the Design volume. Performance levels depend on the importance of the steel or composite structure. Meanwhile, since partial safety factor design format is the basic method of performance verication in these specications, it is possible to change the structure factor instead of establishing various performance levels. The structure factor also takes into account other specic conditions: social inuence if the structure reaches the limit state, importance of the structure with regard to disaster prevention measures, economic factors relating to reconstruction or repair costs, etc.

Chapter 2 Basis for Structural Plan, Design, Construction and Maintenance


Table C2.3.1 Example of performance levels relating to vehicle operating performance

Level Level 1 Action and weather conditions
Live-load acting during design

Performance item Vehicle operating performance under normal conditions Vehicle operating performance under abnormal conditions

Details Safety shall be secured and users should suer no unpleasant eects.

working life Weather condition 1 (low wind ve locity and little rainfall) Level 2
Weather condition 2 (wind veloc-

ity and rainfall are greater than an a priori determined level)

Safety shall be secured although normal vehicle operating performance may be degraded to some degree.

References in Chapter 2 Performance design guidelines for Civil Engineering Steel StrucJapanese Society of Steel Construction (2001) tures, JSSC Technical Report No. 49. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2002) Design Basis for Civil and Architectural Engineering Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003) Towards Establishment of Performance-based Design System for Steel Structures

Volume II Structural Planning

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures Structural Planning


Chapter 1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Scope of Structural Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Considerations in Structural Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Supplementary considerations in structural planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapter 2 Constraints and Prerequisite Conditions in Structural Planning . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 Constraints by Laws and Regulations of Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Prerequisite Conditions for Performance Verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 3 Economic Eciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 3.2 Method of Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 4.2 Method of Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 5 Serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 5.2 Method of Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Chapter 6 Durability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2 Consideration of Fatigue Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.3 Consideration of Corrosion Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.4 Consideration of Resistance to Material Deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 7 Social and Environmental Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.2 Consideration of Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7.3 Consideration of Noise and Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.4 Consideration for Reduction of Environmental Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Chapter 8 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.2 Consideration of Future Potential Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.3 Consideration of Maintenance Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chapter 9 Consideration for Inuence of Earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9.2 Selection of Type of Structure with High Seismic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9.3 Consideration for Safety during Earthquakes, and Restorability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 10 Constructability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 10.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 10.2 Consideration for Constructability during Shop Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 10.3 Consideration for Constructability during Erection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Chapter 1 General

1.1 Scope of Structural Planning

A structure shall comply with its intended purpose, satisfy conditions in applicable laws and regulations, and be economical. It shall also have adequate safety, serviceability, durability, safety during earthquakes, serviceability and restorability after earthquakes, social and environmental compatibility and maintainability. For those requirements, structural planning should be performed to select an appropriate form and type of structure, and to decide an outline of the structure such as major dimensions.

The structural planning phase of building a structure is the work of determining the form and structural, the major dimensions, etc.; that is, the outline of the structure is dened through the structural planning process. This work is, in general, carried out after the basic investigation. It is important work that aects the overall project cost and construction period, as well as maintainability after the structure opens for use. Careful study is required because the structural planning process is almost the sole determinant of construction cost and construction period. It is important through the structural planning process to select the form and type of structure best able to meet the full range of requirements and required performances. That is, it is essential to select the ideal form and type of structure that, while fullling its intended purpose and satisfying the conditions set by applicable laws and regulations, is economically ecient. The selected form and type of structure must also exhibit adequate safety, serviceability, durability, safety during earthquakes, serviceability and restorability after earthquakes, social and environmental compatibility, and maintainability against external action throughout its service life.

1.2 Considerations in Structural Planning

In structural planning, a structure should be conformed to its intended purpose and be tted to conditions in applicable laws and regulations. Considerations for economic eciency, safety, serviceability, durability, social and environmental compatibility, maintenance, inuence of earthquakes, and constructability of a structure should also be considered in structural planning. During structural planning, adequate comparisons and considerations for each form and type of structure should be performed.

(1) Considerations in Structural Planning The structural planning process ensures that a structure fullls its intended purpose and conforms to applicable laws and regulations and is economically ecient. At the same time, safety, serviceability, durability, social and environmental compatibility, maintenance after construction, earthquake inuence, and workability, etc. should also be considered in structural planning. In addition, as part of earthquake inuence, restorability should be considered. (2) Comparison of structural forms and types

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

In order to select the ideal form and type of structure, it is necessary to compare alternative structural forms and types with respect to the considerations prescribed in (1) above. For example, in the structural planning of a bridge, it is necessary to compare and consider forms and types including steel bridges, RC bridges, PC bridges, etc., taking into account their economic eciency, social and environmental compatibility, workability as well as the required span and existing ground conditions. Because construction cost is substantially determined through this selection process in many cases, it is essential to give it sucient attention. In considering economic eciency, it is desirable to consider the full life cycle cost, including the cost of maintenance, as well as the initial construction cost.

1.3 Supplementary Considerations in Structural Planning

In addition to the considerations prescribed in 1.2, construction period and ground condition should be taken into account.

Further to the considerations prescribed in 1.2 above, construction period and ground conditions should be taken into account through the process of structural planning. (1) Construction Period It is necessary to select a form and type of substructure in consideration of its consequent eect on construction period and economic eciency (construction cost). For example, in the case of a bridge crossing a river, the selected form and type of substructure and superstructure may require construction to take place only in the dry season while the selected form and type of a bridge over a railway or road may restrict the time available for construction. (2) Ground Conditions There are cases where detailed ground conditions, etc. are not examined at the structural planning stage. However, once the form and type of structure is selected, there are a great many cases when they cannot be changed afterwards. Consequently, it is necessary that structural planning be based on the most accurate possible information about special ground conditions, such as inclined ground, weak ground, etc.
References in Chapter 1 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1989) Civil Engineering Handbook, Vol. 4 Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (1998) Guidance for Structural Planning (Draft) Performance design guidelines for Civil Engineering Steel StrucJapanese Society of Steel Construction (2001) tures, JSSC Technical Report No. 49 Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, West Nippon Expressway Company Limited (2006) Design Guide Vol. 2

Chapter 2 Constraints and Prerequisites Conditions in Structural Planning


Constraints by Laws and Regulations of Structure

For construction of a structure, applicable laws and regulations should be well considered. If there is some restriction by other structures, the structure should satisfy applicable laws and regulations, and adequate consultation with related organizations should be held.

In the planning of a structure, laws and regulations may apply to the usage and/or function of the structure, resource usage and/or waste disposal, environmental preservation, work safety, etc. Further, in verifying each performance requirement, there are certain prerequisite conditions such as actions to be supported, design working life, etc. In this specication, these are dealt with as constraints and prerequisites to be considered, not as individual performance requirements. In this clause, the minimum requirements to be satised are determined in consideration of the constraints imposed by laws and regulations. The form and type of a structure and its size may be restricted by laws and regulations related to other structures where other structures are intersecting or adjoining. Further, in conferring with related organizations, various requirements may be lodged by with regard to the form and type of structure and its span, etc. Accordingly, it is necessary to confer with related organizations about the plan as well as to carry out structural planning in full consideration of the content and spirit of related laws, ministerial ordinances, etc.

2.2 Prerequisite Conditions for Performance Verication

For construction of a structure, prerequisite conditions such as actions to be supported and design working life should be considered at the stage of structural planning.

It is necessary that a new structure satisfy the required performance given the assumed actions that will occur over the design working life. Therefore, it is necessary to verify each performance requirement in the round from the structural planning stage; that is, the range of actions and the design working life must be taken into account at the structural planning stage. In this specication, these performance requirements are treated as prerequisites to be considered in the construction of the structure. The type and characteristic values of actions to be taken into consideration are set as standard for each type of structure and these can, in general, be used. In verifying the structural plan for a new structure, it is necessary to determine adequately these characteristic values of actions and to assume a worst-case combination of these actions on the structure in general. Each structural type has a standard design working life and, in general, this can be used. It is preferable to consider durability from the structural planning stage, including the method of mainte-

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

nance during the structures working life, and it is important to clarify the design working life of the new structure.
References in Chapter 2 Tokyo Metropolitan Government (1987) Design Guide to Bridges Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (1998) Guidance for Structural Planning (Draft) Editorial Supervisor: Railway Technical Research Institute (2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel and Composite Structures) Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Road Bridges and Commentary, I: Common Reference Volume Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, West Nippon Expressway Company Limited (2006) : Design Guide Vol. 2

Chapter 3 Economic Eciency

3.1 General
Economic eciency should be taken into account at the stage of selecting form of structure, selecting type of structure and calculating major dimensions.

In many cases, cost can be signicantly reduced by selecting an appropriate form and type of structure at the structural planning stage. Therefore, it is extremely important during structural planning to select a form and type of structure that oers excellent economic eciency. In this consideration, it is necessary to compare structural forms and types including not only steel and composite structures but also concrete structures and hybrid structures. Although economic eciency is an important consideration in structural planning and is prescribed in this chapter, it is also included in the Design Part as a performance item (economical rationality), where it is considered part of the social and environmental compatibility of a structure.

3.2 Method of Consideration

Economic eciency should be considered in terms of initial cost and life cycle cost.

In considering the economic eciency of a structure, it is necessary to look at life cycle cost, which includes the cost of maintenance, the cost of replacement cost, etc., as well as the initial cost. Further, it should be optimized from the view point of wide-ranging asset management, so that not only is each individual structure optimized, but also, for example, the whole railway route or network. Structures must be maintained regularly. Then they have to be replaced when they are no longer able to meet the required performance. The cost of maintenance, replacement, etc. arising after construction may greatly exceed the initial construction cost. Therefore, in structural planning, it is important to evaluate a structure not only in terms of initial construction cost but also according to future maintenance and replacement costs as estimated during the structural planning process. However, since the structure has not been given detailed consideration at this stage, the exact dimensions, etc. of each member of the structure may not be xed; in this case, it is necessary to use information of construction cost and maintenance cost, etc, based on past experience with similar structures.
References in Chapter 3 Kazuhiro NISHIKAWA (1997) Proposal for minimum maintenance bridge that minimizes the life cycle cost of a road bridge, Bridge and Foundation, Vol. 31, No.8 Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (1998) Guidance for Structural Planning (Draft) Masaki YOKOYAMA, Nobuo SAITO, Osamu OMURA, Takayuki TSUZUKUISHI (1999) Study on the life cycle cost of road bridge and its circumstances in the United States, Material collections of 1st symposium concerning maintenance of steel structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

Chapter 4 Safety

4.1 General
Safety should be considered at the stage of selecting form and type of structure and calculating major dimensions.

For any structure, it is necessary to secure safety at all times against various external actions over the working life. Structural sections are often determined by satisfying safety requirements. A further comparative consideration of economic eciency, etc. is necessary to select the best structural form and type, which is the purpose of structural planning, and it is necessary, in order to compare economic eciency, to decide on the main major dimensions of the structure and calculate the quantities of work and the construction cost. From this perspective, an examination of safety is necessary at the structural planning stage.

4.2 Method of Consideration

Safety should be considered in accordance with the Design Part, Chapter6 Required performances and verication for safety.

In the consideration of safety during the structural planning process, the required safety performance must be met in reference to the Design Part, Chapter 6 Required performances and verication of safety. The Design Part includes sections on Structural safety and Public safety. The main consideration here is structural safety. Structural safety should usually be veried against dynamic phenomena in consideration of strength, rigidity, deformation, stability, etc. At the structural planning stage, not all items taken into account at the detailed design need be considered, but only those that are necessary. Depending on the form and type of the structure, it may be dicult to consider all safety verications beforehand. In such cases, it is acceptable to understand the problems by doing a rough calculation, reect the results in the structural plan, and decide on verication items and values. It is not the aim to optimize the section, shape and dimensions at the structural planning stage. In general, the verication of safety at the structural planning stage should be carried out as follows. (1) In cases where an outline consideration is acceptable 1 Where there is experience with the form and type of structure and its scale, it is possible to understand the major dimensions, materials, etc. without calculating actual sectional forces (stresses) and cross-sectional dimensions. 2 Where a choice is made from among multiple alternative structural forms and types, the stress intensity of main members can be considered using a simple model (lattice analysis, innitesimal deformation analysis, etc.) in general. 3 For a structure where the earthquake inuence is predominant in the above-mentioned structural analysis, it is necessary to consider earthquake safety using a simple static verication

Chapter 4 Safety

according to Chapter 9 Earthquake Inuence. (2) In cases where a comparatively detailed consideration is required 1 Where there is no experience with the form and type of structure or its scale, or where the various dimensions of the structural members are close to the applicable limit of the structural form and type, it is necessary to consider detailed design. 2 Where a choice is made from among several alternatives, it is necessary to calculate the sectional forces (stresses) using an adequate model and to consider safety in the section where the whole quantities of the structure ( the total steel weights, etc.) can be calculated. 3 For a structure where the earthquake inuence is predominant, it is necessary to consider the earthquake safety using a simple static verication according to Chapter 9 Earthquake Inuence, including dynamic analysis if necessary.
References in Chapter 4 Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (1998) Guidance for Structural Planning (Draft) Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, West Nippon Expressway Company Limited (2006) Design Guide Vol. 2

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

Chapter 5 Serviceability

5.1 General
Serviceability should be taken into account at the stage of selecting form and type of structure and calculating major dimensions.

The meaning of serviceability is that structures functions are secured, that maintenance does not require excessive cost and labor, that no feelings of anxiety are induced in users, and that no function-disrupting phenomena occur. The choice of structural form and type may be inuenced by serviceability considerations, while major dimensions may be determined on the basis of fullling serviceability requirements. Serviceability should therefore be considered from the structural planning stage.

5.2 Method of Consideration

Serviceability should be considered in accordance with the Design Part, Chapter7 Required performances and verication for serviceability.

It is necessary to consider serviceability during the structural planning stage in order to avoid the need for later corrections, such as changing the structure type, at the design stage. The required serviceability is to be obtained in accordance with the Design Part, Chapter 7 Required performances and verication of serviceability. Taking a road bridge as an example of a steel or composite structure, suitable performance items to be considered as relevant to serviceability are performance under moving vehicle loading and pedestrian loading, depending on the actual application of the bridge. That is to say, at the structural planning stage, it is necessary to consider certain questions directly linked to the structure form and dimensions of the structure. These include such points as the location, intended purpose, and level of importance of the structure, the planning of a road alignment that meets performance requirements, and the examination, depending on the type of bridge, of deformations under moving vehicle loading and vibrations under pedestrian loading. For structures other than bridges, there may be dierent denitions of serviceability. For example, in the case of port and harbor structures, serviceability may be dened in terms of performance items directly connected to the function of the structures. In the case of earthquake-reinforced structures involved in the transportation of dangerous materials, it is necessary that the facility is still available for normal operations after earthquake motion of level 2. Further, in the case of port and harbor structures, there are many types of structure that require water-tightness, such as oating moorings and submerged tunnels. In this way, the denition of serviceability in port and harbor structures directly indicates the performance that the facility is not disabled in use and structural response of the facility to envisaged action is required to control the damage in order that the structure is easily restored to the original performance by small restoration work.

Chapter 5 Serviceability

References in Chapter 5 Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Road Bridges and Commentary Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures Japan Road Association (2004) Practical guide and implementation of Road Construction Ordinance Japan Port and Harbor Association (1999) Technological Standard for Harbor Facilities and Commentary


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

Chapter 6 Durability

6.1 General
Durability should be taken into account at the stage of selecting form and type of structure and calculating major dimensions.

The performance of structure gradually deteriorates due to the action of loading and the environment. Therefore, to fulll the durability requirement, the deterioration of performance level should be held within certain limits such that adequate performance is maintained during the design working life of the structure. The durability should be considered from the structure planning stage. Durability is dened as the resistance of a structure or its members to performance deterioration under the action of loading and the environment. It is extremely important that the necessary level of performance is maintained throughout the design working life of the structure. In considering the durability of steel and composite structures, it is generally adequate to review fatigue resistance (that is, resistance to fatigue phenomena as caused by loading), corrosion resistance (that is, resistance to corrosion of steel materials under environmental action), and material deterioration resistance (that is, resistance to material deterioration phenomena that aect concrete materials, etc.). That is to say, it is necessary to suppress these factors within dened limits; further, it is recommended that these factors relating to durability are checked from the structural planning stage onward.

6.2 Consideration of Fatigue Resistance

In principle, a type of structure that is concerned for fatigue resistance should be selected in the consideration for durability.

Fatigue resistance is usually checked by calculating the response to loading action. Then it is conrmed that the response is below a certain limit value, such as the allowable stress range for fatigue, for each respective member of a structure. However, one of the worst scenarios with respect to fatigue damage is when fatigue cracks initiated after the structure enters service lead to an incident because inspections or countermeasures are impossible to implement. To avoid this kind of situation, it is recommended that a design in which stress concentrations are very unlikely or one in which it is easy to identify fatigue cracking be considered from the structural planning stage. Further, since some structural members, such as the hangers of Langer bridges and the cables of cable-stayed bridges, are subjected to wind-induced vibration, it is advisable to include relevant consideration of this from the structural planning stage. In the case of bridge designs in which fatigue damage tends to occur, it is necessary to consider avoiding the use of joints with lower fatigue strength at the structural planning stage, since the response to loading action tends to be greater in the case of bridges with closely-spaced supports and bridges subjected to frequent over-sized vehicle loading.

Chapter 6 Durability


It is also recommended that the fatigue resistance of not only steel-plate decks but also concrete oor slabs such as those fabricated as RC slabs, PC slabs be considered, since these are exposed to severe fatigue conditions because they directly support repeated wheel loading.

6.3 Consideration of Corrosion Resistance

In principle, specic corrosion protections that have adequate corrosion resistance should be selected in the consideration for durability.

The corrosion resistance of steel materials represents their performance with respect to inhibiting corrosion caused by environmental action, etc. to below a dened level during the design working life. Anticorrosion design aimed at preserving the required performance, such as by developing specications that adequately counter corrosion, should be considered from the structural planning stage. Also, concurrently with this assurance of corrosion resistance, anticorrosion specications matched to the environmental action are required from the point of view of life-cycle cost. There are various methods of inhibiting the corrosion of steel materials, such as by painting, application of weathering steel, hot-dip galvanizing, stainless steel or titanium covering, aluminum alloy thermal spraying, and electrolytic protection. It is recommended that the most suitable method be selected after a thorough comparative investigation of those methods applicable to the structures in-service environment. The factors that lead to the initiation and development of corrosion vary depending on the environment in the structures location. For example, if a steel structure in a coastal location subject to airborne salt remains underwater for long periods due to poor drainage, corrosion accelerates. It is particularly important in the case of a complex structure consisting of many structural members to understand the increased exposure time to water resulting from rain and dew condensation as well as the signicant eect that can result from deposits of sand and anti-freezing agents. In less severe corrosive environments, unpainted steel structures that use weathering steel generally remain in good condition because a dense corroded layer forms. However, steel structures located on the coast and steel bridges subjected to the spraying of anti-freeze agents (sodium chloride, calcium chloride) do not form this kind of dense corrosion layer in some places and then extraordinary forms of corrosion, such as the imbricate form, are initiated and developed. In this kind of environment, a higher level of anticorrosive specications must be implemented. In the case of concrete structural members such as oor decks, it is necessary to hold the neutralization thickness of the concrete cover and the concentration of chloride ions, etc. within dened limits throughout the design life so as to ensure the corrosion resistance of the reinforcing steel.

6.4 Consideration of Resistance to Material Deterioration

In principle, materials that have adequate resistance against material deterioration should be selected in the consideration for durability.

Concretes resistance to material deterioration of concrete represents its performance with respect to limiting aging deterioration resulting from environmental action, etc. to a dened level during the design working life of the structure. The anticipated material deteriorations of concrete are neu-


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

tralization, freezing and thawing, chemical corrosion, and the alkali-aggregate reaction, etc. It is recommended that, at the structural planning stage, materials with excellent resistance to material deterioration are selected in consideration of environmental action. Also, it is important to pay attention to the initiation and development of corrosion of reinforcing steel within the concrete, which may result from neutralization or salt damage. In addition, it is not necessary to consider the aging deterioration of steel materials for typical civil engineering structures. However, in the case of tanks, water gates and water pressure steel pipes, for example, the metallurgic aging deterioration may occur as a result of the graphitization or the hydrogen embrittlement. Therefore, in this kind of structure, it is necessary to select materials with excellent resistance to material deterioration from the structural planning stage.
References in Chapter 6 Editorial Supervisor: Railway Technical Research Institute (2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel and Composite Structures) Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Concrete Structure Committee (2002a) Standard Specications for Concrete Structures (Structural Performance Check Volume) Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Joint Sub-Committee of Steel Structures and Concrete Composite Structures (2002b) Guidelines for Performance Check of Hybrid Structures Japan Road Association (2002) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Road Bridges Chitoshi Miki, Atsushi Ichikawa (2004) Modern Bridge Engineering - Leading-edge Technology in Paint-less Steel and Bridges, Mathematical Engineering Company


Chapter 7 Social and Environmental Compatibility

7.1 General
At the stage of selecting form and type of structure, social and environmental compatibility should be taken into account in principle.

Since civil engineering structures play an important role in their surrounding environments or urban landscapes as a component of the social capital, it is necessary to consider these landscapes in structural planning. Further, structural forms or types that cause discomfort or stress among users and residents should be avoided because civil engineering structures remain in use for a considerably long period after entering service. Therefore, the structural form and type should be selected in consideration of its environmental impact, including such eects as noise, vibration, sunshine masking, and air pollution as well as its harmony with the local ecology. Furthermore, it is desirable to select materials and structural forms and types taking into consideration their adaptability to recycling from the viewpoints of resource management and environmental damage reduction. Social and environmental compatibility is a function of a structure that contributes to a sound social, economic, and cultural community and minimizes negative impacts on the social and natural environment. Accordingly, taking into account of social and environmental compatibility in principle, necessitates study of landscape, noise, vibration, and other environmental factors that must be considered at the structural planning stage.

7.2 Consideration of Landscape

Landscape should be concerned in the consideration for social and environmental compatibility.

Consideration of the landscape is necessary because civil engineering structures are likely exposed to the public eye. In general, there are various ways of understanding landscape issues, but the point here is how to coordinate a structure with the surrounding environments or urban environment and how to create a contrast with it. It is an important aspect of gaining favorable acceptance from users and nearby residents. It is dicult to evaluate landscape using a quantitative approach because landscape is a concept strongly depending on subjective and sensory judgment. However, it is generally necessary to take into consideration the following in selecting a structural form and type: 1 The structural form and type should exhibit a balance of structural forces. 2 The structural form and type should be able to cope with the demands on it. 3 The unity of structural form and type should be considered as much as possible. 4 Methods of linking parts of the structure should be carefully considered so as not to spoil the look of the structure.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

7.3 Consideration of Noise and Vibration

Noise and vibration should be concerned in the consideration for social and environmental compatibility.

(1) Noise: For structural planning, noise abatement measures should be taken into account if necessary. In this case, any environment standard applicable to the location of the structure is referred to. (2) Vibration: There are an increasing number of cases in which structure-induced vibrations are causing environmental problems. Often, these cases arise where a bridge section is located on weak ground or on excavated soil. (3) Sunshine masking: For a structure in an urban area, due consideration should be given to the masking eect it will have on sunshine. (4) Others: It is also necessary to adequately consider the possible inuence of noise, vibration, and water contamination during the construction period.

7.4 Consideration for Reduction of Environmental Impact

Reduction of environmental impact by eective utilization of resources should be concerned in the consideration for social and environmental compatibility.

It is desirable to consider reducing environmental impact through the eective use of resources at the structural planning stage. The eective use of resources depends on controlling waste generation (reduce), reusing construction components (reuse), and reusing construction materials as raw materials (recycle). Since it is relatively easy to increase the working life of a steel structure through partial repair or reinforcement, it has been pointed out that it is relatively easy to reuse the main parts or components, and furthermore to reuse the material (steel). This implies that steel structures oer excellent characteristics with respect to reduce, reuse, and recycle. In particular, steel has excellent recycling properties. In practice, when a bridge is replaced, the steel can be reused after processing at a steelworks after scrapping. As for reuse, temporary structures such as marine staging are often made of leased material which is reused.
References in Chapter 7 Railway Construction Public Corporation, Study Group on Landscape Design (1977) Handbook of landscape design for railway structures (draft) Railway Construction Public Corporation (1998) Handbook for Structural Planning (draft) Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited, and West Nippon Expressway Company Limited (2006) Design Guide Vol.2


Chapter 8 Maintenance

8.1 General
At the stage of selecting form and type of structure, maintenance should be taken into account to ensure initially intended performance after the start of service.

Maintenance is essential for all structures once they enter service. Since the physical life of a structure largely depends on the maintenance work carried out, its physical life can be extended to two or three times the design working life. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the ease with which steady maintenance can be carried out at the structural planning stage in order to satisfy the structures performance requirements throughout its design working life.

8.2 Consideration for Future Potential Problems

Future potential problems with maintenance of structure should be considered at the stage of structural planning.

Potential future issues related to structure maintenance should be adequately reected in the structural planning, with reference to the following examples which have arisen in the past. (1) Settlement, tilting, and displacement of the structure If, for example, a structure is planned without sucient consideration of ground deformation where the land is reclaimed or consists of weak soil, unexpected lateral movement/dierential settlement of the stratum may take place, as has been experienced a number of times. Countermeasure against such movement are very expensive. Therefore, during structural planning, sucient investigations should be carried out to verify if any structural problems had have been experienced by other structures under similar conditions. (2) Vibration, noise, and abnormal deection Cases have been noted where, since a steel structure generally consists of thin components, unexpected vibration, noise, or abnormal deection has resulted. This is particularly likely if the structure consists of thin plate elements or a girder structure with low rigidity. (3) Damage due to lack of recognition of the environment at the structures location Many examples of failure to properly understand the environment a structure is exposed to have led to diculty in maintenance work and a signicantly reduced service life as a result of failure to select suitable materials/structures. Therefore, it is important to select the most suitable materials and structural type based on a careful investigation of the environment at the location of the structure when it enters service and in the future.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

8.3 Consideration of Maintenance Facilities

Maintenance facilities for a structure should be considered at the stage of structural planning.

While a structure needs maintenance work during its service period, the structural type or form sometimes presents diculties with respect to making inspections/examinations for maintenance. In selecting a structural type and form, it is necessary to consider how maintenance working space will be secured and what maintenance facilities are required for inspection and repainting, together with consideration of the ease of maintenance work, at the structural planning stage. Further, if partial repair or replacement of the structure is anticipated in the future, it is better to consider what facilities are required to allow such work.
References in Chapter 8 Nobuyuki Narita (1998) Future of Steel Bridges, Gihodo publishing co. Tokyo Metropolitan Government (2002) Inspection Manual of Bridges Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003) Towards Establishment of Performance-based Design System for Steel Structures


Chapter 9 Consideration for Inuence of Earthquakes

9.1 General
If the inuence of earthquakes is dominant in a structure, inuence of earthquakes should be considered at the stage of selecting form and type of structure and calculating major dimensions.

A structure should possess sucient seismic resistance (seismic safety and post-earthquake serviceability and restorability) to earthquakes. The cross-sectional dimensions of structural members are likely to be determined from the viewpoint of conformity with this performance requirement. For this reason, it is necessary to review earthquake scenarios from the structural planning stage. In particular, where the response of a structure by earthquake motion is large, a structural form and type with good seismic resistance is to be selected and conformity with the required seismic performance is to be checked.

9.2 Selection of Type of Structure with High Seismic Performance

Topography, geology, ground condition and locational condition should be considered at the stage of selecting form and type of structure. Then the type of structure that has adequate safety during earthquakes, serviceability and restorability after earthquakes should be selected.

In choosing the form and type of a structure where the response will be largely dominated by earthquake motion, it is important to select a structure that excels in seismic resistance and oers a high degree of seismic safety and post-earthquake serviceability and restorability, taking into consideration topographical, geological, ground, and locational conditions. Here, it is important to select not only individual structure members with excellent seismic resistance but also a structure that has excellent seismic resistance as a whole system.

9.3 Consideration for Safety during Earthquakes, and Restorability

(1) Prospective earthquake motion and importance of structure should be determined in the consideration for safety during earthquakes, serviceability and restorability after earthquakes. (2) Appropriate seismic performance should be determined in accordance with the prospective earthquake motion and the importance of structure, which are determined in (1). (3) A structure should satisfy the seismic performance, which are required in (2), in the consideration for safety during earthquakes, serviceability and restorability after earthquakes.


(1) In reviewing the inuence of earthquakes on a structure, it is necessary to dene the anticipated


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

earthquake motions and the importance of the structure. The seismic intensity acting on a structure as a result of an earthquake depends on the characteristics of seismic event, seismic wave transmission characteristics, and ground conditions. Further, the response of a structure to an earthquake can vary depending not only on the amplitude of the input earthquake motion but also on its periodic component. Accordingly, it is recommended, in reviewing the inuence of earthquakes on a structure, to dene the anticipated earthquake motion as a result of a thorough understanding of these characteristics. However, it is dicult to develop denitions individually for every form and type of structure. Therefore, it is usually acceptable to dene the anticipated earthquake motion according to the design standards of the intended structure. Further, it is necessary to dene the importance of the structure appropriately according to the design standards of the intended structure in consideration of its social role. (2) and (3) It is necessary to dene the structures seismic resistance in accordance with the anticipated earthquake motion and the importance of structure as dened in (1) above. Then, in reviewing the seismic resistance of the structure, this dened seismic resistance must be achieved. Meanwhile, in reviewing the inuence of earthquakes at the structural planning stage, it is unnecessary to use a more complex design method than called for. A simple method is acceptable as long as the necessary data can be obtained. For example, in a case where the structural form and type or data needed to determine the major dimensions can be obtained from past examples and where there is no problem with estimating the response characteristics of the planned structure to the earthquake, it is acceptable to carry out this review of the inuence of earthquakes through a static analysis instead of a dynamic analysis.
References in Chapter 9 Railway Technical Research Institute (1999) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Earthquake-resistant Design Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2001) Guideline of Earthquake-resistant Design for Civil Structures (Draft), Handbook for Preparation of Earthquake-resistance Design Standards Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, V Earthquake-resistant Desin Volume Tsutomu Usami (2006) Guideline for Earthquake-resistance and Vibration Control in Steel Bridges, Editorial Supervisor: Japanese Society of Steel Construction, Gihodo


Chapter 10 Constructability

10.1 General
At the stage of selecting form and type of structure, constructability should be taken into account.

Since various restrictions related to factory fabrication, transportation, and erection steel may aect the design of composite structures, it may be that a certain structural form and type is rendered unworkable. For example, in bridges that cross rivers, roads, or railroads, it is not unusual for the type of structure to be constrained by the selected erection method. Further, if the working space is constrained, such as where ground conditions are very dicult, the urban location restricts space, or the environment has to be preserved, choosing the appropriate erection method may have a large inuence on economic eciency and margin of safety. Thus, it is necessary at the structural planning stage to select the type of structure taking into consideration not only the completed structural system but also its workability. Here, it is acceptable to review the workability of shop fabrication, transportation, and erection methods as well as the erection conditions of steel structures.

10.2 Consideration for Constructability during Shop Fabrication

In the consideration for constructability, constructability during shop fabrication should be considered in principle.

Steel and composite structures should be of easily fabricated structure to the degree possible. For example, it is considered that fabrication is simplied by the adoption of structural members of simple design and by reducing the number of structural members as a consequence of simplifying the structure. Similarly, the number of man-hours required is reduced by the adoption of available shaped steel (I-beams, H-section steel, steel pipes, etc.).

10.3 Consideration for Constructability during Erection

In the consideration for constructability, constructability during erection should be c in principle.

The method used to erect a structure (e.g. bent erection, erection by cable, etc. in the case of a bridge) is generally determined in consideration of topographical conditions at the erection site (narrow intermontane valley, river zone, marine straits, railroad grade crossing, road, or urban zone, etc.), with constraints applied according to eldwork (consultation with local residents, work during


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Structural Planning]

the dry season in a river zone, erection in an environmental preservation area, erection in limited space in an urban zone, and erection process in the eld, etc.) and the limitations of erection equipment, etc.
References in Chapter 10 Construction Industry Research Company (1990) Handbook for Design and Construction of Bridges Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Steel Structure Committee (2003) Development of Performance-Based Design System for Steel Structures

Volume III Design

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures Deisgn


Chapter 1 General Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.2 Terms and Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2.1 Commonly used terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2.2 Terms used in this Design volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.3 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.4 Basis of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4.1 Purpose of design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1.4.2 Verication of performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.3 Verication method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.4.4 Partial factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.4.5 Modication factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.5 Structural Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chapter 2 Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 Kinds of Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3 Combinations of Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.4 Action Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 2.4.2 Dead load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 2.4.3 Earth pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.4.4 Prestressing force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.4.5 Live load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 2.4.6 Impact load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.4.7 Flowing water pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.8 Hydrostatic pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 2.4.9 Buoyancy or uplift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4.10 Wind load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4.11 Snow load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.4.12 Braking force and acceleration force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.4.13 Centrifugal force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.4.14 Longitudinal load imposed by long welded rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.4.15 Lateral train load and transverse wheel thrust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.4.16 Wave pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.4.17 Erection-related force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.4.18 Collision force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.4.19 Concrete shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.4.20 Eect of concrete creep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.4.21 Eect of temperature changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.4.22 Eects of displacement of supports and dierential settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.4.23 Eect of earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4.24 Eect of airborne salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 2.4.25 Eect of exhaust gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Eect of carbon dioxide concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.4.27 Eect of acid concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 2.4.28 Eect of drying and wetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4.29 Eect of sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4.30 Eect of freezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.4.31 Eect of re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.5 Action Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 3 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1.1 Fundamentals of material physical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1.2 Required properties of materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.2 Structural Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.2.1 Required steel properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.2.2 Selection of steel type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.3 Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.4 Value of Material Properties for Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 3.4.2 Structural steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.4.3 Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 3.5 Partial Factors for Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Chapter 4 Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.2 Structural Analysis Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.2 Partial Factor for Uncertainty in Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 5.3 Steel Member Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3.1 Tensile resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3.2 Compressive resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.3.3 Bending resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 5.3.4 Shear resistance of web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.3.5 Local buckling resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4 Resistance of Steel Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.5 Resistance of Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 6.2 Performance Requirement for Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 6.2.1 Structural Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 6.2.2 Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 6.3 Verication of Structural Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 6.3.1 Verication of load-carrying capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 6.3.2 Verication of Displacement/Deformation Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.3.3 Verication of Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.4 Verication of Structural Safety by Nonlinear Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 6.5 Verication of Structural Safety through Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.2 Required Performance for Serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107


Vehicle operating performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.2.2 Train operating performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 7.2.3 Pedestrian comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 7.2.4 Other Considerations for Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7.3 Verication of Serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7.3.1 Verication of vehicle operating performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7.3.2 Verication of train operating performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 7.3.3 Verication of pedestrian comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7.3.4 Verication for other considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 8.2 Required Durability Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 8.2.1 Fatigue resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 8.2.2 Corrosion resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 8.2.3 Resistance to material deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 8.2.4 Maintainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 8.3 Verication of Durability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 8.3.1 Verication of fatigue resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 8.3.2 Verication of resistance to steel corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 8.3.3 Verication of resistance to material deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 8.3.4 Verication of maintainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 9.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 9.2 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 9.3 Verication of Social and Environmental Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9.3.1 Verication of social compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9.3.2 Verication of economic rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9.3.3 Verication of environmental compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Chapter 10 Structural Members in General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 10.1 Structural Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 10.2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 10.2.1 Secondary stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 10.2.2 Stress concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 10.2.3 Members with alternate stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 10.2.4 Minimum plate thickness and corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 10.2.5 Curved members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 10.2.6 Dynamic wind-resistant design of structural members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 10.3 Frame Members with Axial Tensile Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 10.3.1 Slenderness ratio of members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 10.4 Frame Members with Axial Compression Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 10.4.1 Width-thickness ratio of plate subjected to compressive stress and stiened plate . . 142 10.4.2 Perforated plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 10.4.3 Inuence of eccentric bending moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 10.4.4 Slenderness ratio of structural members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 10.5 Frame Members with Bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 10.5.1 Width-thickness ratio of plate subjected to compressive stress and stiened plate . . 147 10.5.2 Eective section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147


Overlapping ange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 10.5.4 Eective section for shear forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 10.6 Steel Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 10.6.1 Radial thickness ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 10.6.2 Stiened member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 10.6.3 Node structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 10.6.4 Curved tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 10.6.5 Steel pipe connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Chapter 11 Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 11.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 11.2 Joint Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 11.3 Verication of Joint Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 11.4 General Principles for Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 11.4.1 Member joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 11.4.2 Mixed welded, high-strength bolted, and bolted connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 11.5 Welded Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 11.5.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 11.5.2 Safety verication of welded connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 11.5.3 Size of llet welds and geometry and dimensions of welded connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 11.6 High-Strength Bolted Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 11.6.1 Requirements for safety of high-strength bolted connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 11.6.2 Safety verication of high-strength bolted connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 11.6.3 Design characteristic values for verication of connection safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 11.7 Structural Details of High-Strength Bolted Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 11.7.1 Bolts, nuts, and washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 11.7.2 Holes for bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 11.7.3 Bolt length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 11.7.4 Bolt spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 11.7.5 End and edge distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 11.7.6 Minimum number of bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 11.7.7 Filler plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 11.7.8 Angled and circular washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 11.8 Bolted Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 11.8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 11.8.2 Bolts, nuts, and washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 11.8.3 Structural details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 11.9 Pin Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 12.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 12.2 Member Section Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 12.2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 12.2.2 Design of truss members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 12.2.3 Design of rigid frame members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 12.2.4 Design of arch members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 12.2.5 Calculation of eective buckling length by eigenvalue analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 12.3 Checking of Entire Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 12.4 Constraint in the Transverse Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 12.5 Camber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207


Members Considered as Substructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 12.7 Considerations of Torsion Acting on Steel Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Chapter 13 Plate Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 13.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 13.2 Eective Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 13.3 Steel Girder Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 13.4 Plate Structure Subjected to Out-of-Plane Loading or Combined Out-of-Plane and InPlane Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 13.5 Other Plate Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 13.6 Load Concentrate Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 13.7 Beam-to-Column Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 13.8 Panel Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 13.9 Cross Beam, Cross Frame, Lateral Bracing, and Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 13.9.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 13.9.2 Cross beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 13.9.3 Cross frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 13.9.4 Lateral bracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 13.9.5 Diaphragms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Chapter 14 Slab Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 14.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 14.1.1 Structural scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219 14.1.2 Design action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 14.1.3 Analytical procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 14.2 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 14.2.1 Safety of slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 14.2.2 Out-of-plane shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 14.2.3 Out-of-plane bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 14.2.4 In-plane forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 14.2.5 Safety verication of slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 14.3 Serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 14.3.1 Serviceability of slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 14.3.2 Serviceability verication of slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 14.4 Fatigue Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 14.4.1 Fatigue resistance of slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 14.4.2 Fatigue due to out-of-plane shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 14.4.3 Fatigue due to out-of-plane bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 14.4.4 Inuence of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 14.5 Corrosion Resistance and Resistance to Material Deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 14.5.1 Resistance to steel corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 14.5.2 Resistance to concrete deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 14.6 Slabs of Various Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 14.6.1 Reinforced concrete slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 14.6.2 Pre-stressed concrete slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 14.6.3 Steel-concrete composite slab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 14.6.4 Orthotropic steel deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 15.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 15.2 Strength of Composite Girder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241



Classication of cross sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 15.2.2 Design bending resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 15.2.3 Verication of bending moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 15.2.4 Shear strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 15.2.5 Verication of shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 15.2.6 Verication of combined bending and shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 15.3 Structural Analysis and Resultant Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 15.4 Shear Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 15.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 15.4.2 Type of shear connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 15.4.3 Ultimate limit state for shear connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 15.4.4 Verication at safety limit state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 15.4.5 Verication at fatigue limit state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 15.4.6 Design strength of shear connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 15.4.7 Inuence of steel girder plasticity on horizontal shear force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 15.5 Detailing of Shear Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 15.5.1 Headed stud connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 15.5.2 Perforated-plate dowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 15.5.3 Block connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 15.6 Verication of Crack Width in Composite Girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 15.7 Eective Width of Concrete Deck for Composite Girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Chapter 1 General Provisions

1.1 Scope
This Design volume of the Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures (Specications) describes the standard procedure for performance verication in the design of steel structures and composite girders (steel and composite structures). The Specications also describe the structural details of the structure to be veried. The design step of verifying the eects of a large-scale earthquake (L2 earthquake) is described separately in the Seismic Design volume.


These Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures (these specications hereafter) comprise six volumes: General Principles, Structural Planning, Design, Seismic Design, Construction, and Maintenance. This Design volume applies to the design of steel structures and composite girders (steel and composite structures). The structures considered in this volume are general steel structures, in which the structural material used for the main members is steel, and composite girders and columns comprising both steel and concrete. In the design of composite girders, the specications [JSCE 2002a] and [JSCE 2002b] may be referred to instead of this volume. In cases where the specications given in this Design volume are insucient and/or inappropriate for the structural design of a particular specic structure, it may be unnecessary to apply this volume if the required performance is veried through a full-scale experiment or model experiment that takes full account of the design actions, a numerical analysis method of certied accuracy and applicability, or a similar approach. In this case, however, the substance of this Design volume might be taken into account in the design of the structure while clarifying the accuracy and applicable scope of the performance verication method with respect to required performance at the design stage. One of the design steps is verifying the eects of a large-scale earthquake, such as an earthquake producing Level 2 earthquake motion. This is described separately in the Seismic Design volume. If medium earthquakes, such as those producing Level 1 earthquake motion, are to be taken into account at the design stage, this Design volume may be used for performance verication because the relevant verication methods introduced here are applicable to such cases.

1.2 Terms and Denitions

1.2.1 Commonly used terms (1) General terms relating to design 1) Performance-based design method: a design method in which there is no restriction on structural type and materials, design method, or construction method. The only requirement is that the designed structure meets the performance requirements. Specically, it is a design method in which the specied performance of the structure is assured at each of the structural planning, design, construction, and maintenance stages once the objectives and functions of the structure have been clearly dened. That is, the performance of the structure is specied so as to fulll its function. 2) Regulation-based design: a design method in which the structure or structural members

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

are designed based on specic design codes that specify suitable procedures, such as design calculations, structural materials, and their sizes. 3) Deemed to satisfy regulations: regulations in which one or more solutions that are deemed to satisfy the performance requirements are illustrated. These regulations may be adopted in cases where the method of verifying structural performance is not necessarily specied. These regulations specify structural materials and their sizes, procedures such as design calculations that are empirically regarded as correct, and other factors. 4) Reliability-based design method: a design method in which the possibility of a structure/structural member reaching the limit state is estimated based on probabilistic theory. 5) Limit-state design method: a design method in which a limit state to be veried is clearly specied and partial-factor design is adopted as the verication format. The partial-factor design format is classied as a Level 1 verication format from the reliability-based design viewpoint. Strictly speaking, partial-factor design is not equivalent to limit-state design, although the two are sometimes regarded as equivalent in Japan. 6) Partial-factor design format: a design format incorporating certain partial factors in order to take into account uncertainties or scatter relating to actions??, geotechnical parameters, structural member size, structural analysis method, etc. 7) Life-cycle cost: the total cost of structural planning, design, construction, maintenance, and demolition of a structure; in other words, the total amount invested over the complete life cycle of the structure. 8) Design working life: the assumed period for which a structure fulls its intended purpose without major repair and within the scope of the initially established maintenance plan. Design working life is determined at the design stage. Initially planned regular inspections and repairs are continued throughout the design working life. 9) Durable lifetime: the period between entering service and the point in time at which the performance of the structure falls below requirements due to fatigue, corrosion, material deterioration, or other factors and the structure reaches its limit state. 10) Objective: a common expression of the reason for building the structure. It is often desirable for the objective to be expressed with the word client or user as the subject of the sentence. 11) Function: the role that a structure has to play in accordance with the objective. 12) Review: a process carried out by an authorized third-party institution in order to determine whether the design process, from determination of the objective to verication, is proper or not. 13) Authorization: the nal determination by the third party brought in to perform a review. 14) Certication: the act of the third party institution issuing a certicate once the structural design is determined to be proper. (2) Terms relating to performance 1) Performance: the behavior that the structure has to demonstrate in order to meet the objective or requirements. 2) Required performance: the performance that the structure has to demonstrate in order to meet the objective. 3) Performance item: itemization of required performance. For each item, a verication index is set. The index, generally, includes a specied limit state.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

4) Performance level: the level of performance that is required of each structure. Performance level is determined for each required performance depending on its necessity. 5) Safety: ability of a structure to protect the lives and assets of users and third parties. 6) Serviceability: ability of a structure to perform such that allowed degrees of userexperienced displeasure or unease are not exceeded. 7) Durability: ability of a structure or structural element to resist deterioration caused by repeated variable action and/or environmental action. In the case of steel and composite structures, corrosion of steel members caused by environmental action, fatigue phenomena caused by repeated variable action, and deterioration of concrete member materials and strength are considered. 8) Restorability: ease with which a structure can be restored to its originally specied performance level after undergoing assumed actions that lead to deterioration of its performance level. 9) Social and environmental compatibility: a measure of how a structure not only contributes to sound social, economic, and cultural activities but also minimizes stress on the surrounding social and natural environment. 10) Constructability: a measure of how safe and assured construction work is during fabrication and erection. 11) Initial soundness: the requirement that a structure performs, upon completion, in line with the level intended at the design stage. 12) Maintainability: the ease of maintenance of a structure. (3) Terms relating to limit state 1) Limit state: a state in which the structure or structural element no longer meets the required performance. 2) Safety limit state: a state resulting in collapse or other similar form of structural failure due to excessive deformation, displacement, vibration, or similar. The safety limit state is used as the limit state associated with structure safety. The term is often referred to as the ultimate limit state and so is used in the Seismic Design volume. 3) Serviceability limit state: a state that corresponds to conditions beyond which the specied service requirements for the structure or a structural element are no longer met. The serviceability limit state is used as the limit state associated with the serviceability of a structure. 4) Repair limit state: a state in which continued use of a structure damaged by expected action is possible after repairs using currently available repair methods, carried out at reasonable cost, and carried out within a reasonable period. The repair limit state is used as the limit state associated with ease of repair. In the Seismic Design volume, the term damage limit state is used in place of repair limit state. 5) Fatigue limit state: a state in which a structure or structural member suers fatigue or failure as a result of repeating variable action. Fatigue limit state is used as the limit state corresponding to the fatigue durability of a structure. (4) Terms relating to verication 1) Performance verication: activities performed in order to verify that the designed structure satises all of the performance requirements. When the limit-state design method is adopted, the judgment entails comparing response values with the limit values of performance. 2) Verication index: index used to express a performance item as a physical quantity. Verication indices are used in performance verication. 3) Response value (Demand) S : physical quantity representing the response of the struc-

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

ture to an action. 4) Limit value of performance (Capacity) R: allowable limit of physical response to a corresponding structural response. This value is determined based on the required performance level. 5) Statistical characteristic value: a value corresponding to the a priori specied fractile of the statistical distribution of a random variable such as a material property or action. The expected value and the mode of a random variable are regarded as statistical characteristic values. 6) Optimization: the process of obtaining an optimal solution such that the objective function, including required performance, performance item, etc. as subordinate variables, becomes a minimum or maximum under restraint conditions. 7) Partial factor: a factor assigned to each design value in order to consider its uncertainty. Five partial factors are generally used: an action factor, a material factor, a structural analysis factor, a structural member factor, and a structure factor. 8) Structure factor: a factor that takes into account the importance of the structural, social, and economic eects that failure of the structure would have. (5) Terms relating to actions 1) Action: any eect that leads to deformation, displacement, constraint, or deterioration of a structure or structural element. 2) Load: an assembly of mechanical forces directly acting on a structure. The forces are converted from actions through the analytical model. A load is used as an input datum for design calculations of the stress resultant, stress, displacement, and so on. 3) Design value of action: a value obtained by multiplying the action factor by the characteristic value of the corresponding action. 4) Direct action: an assembly of concentrated or distributed mechanical forces acting on a structure. 5) Indirect action: the cause of deformations imposed on the structure or constrained in it. 6) Environmental action: mechanical, physical, chemical, or biological action that may cause deterioration of the materials constituting a structure. 7) Permanent action: action which is likely to act continuously throughout the design working life and for which variations in magnitude with time are small compared with the mean value. 8) Variable action: action for which the variation during the design working life is not negligible in relation to the mean magnitude and is not monotonous. 9) Primary variable action: one or one set of variable actions considered as the primary inuences when load combinations are taken into account in performance verication work. 10) Secondary variable action: an action considered secondary among the variable actions and that is additive to the combination of primary variable action and accidental action. 11) Accidental action: action that rarely occurs on a structure over the design working life but which may cause serious damage if it does happen to occur. 12) Action modifying factor: a factor for converting the standard or nominal value of action into a characteristic value. 13) Action factor: a factor that takes into account the unfavorable deviation of statistical characteristic values of action, uncertainty relating to the action model, changes in action characteristics during the design working life, the inuence of action characteristics on the relevant limit state of the structure, variations in environmental action, and so

Chapter 1 General Provisions

on. (6) Terms relating to structural materials 1) Characteristic value of material strength: a value corresponding to an a priori specied fractile of the statistical distribution of material strength. The statistical distribution is determined based on statistical data obtained from standardized material strength tests. 2) Standard value of material strength: a value of material strength adopted in structural design specications/standards other than Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures. 3) Material strength modifying factor: a factor for converting the standard value of material strength into a characteristic value. 4) Material factor: a factor that takes into account unfavorable deviation of statistical characteristic values of material strength, dierences in material properties between experimental specimens and the real structure, the inuence of material properties on the relevant limit state of the structure, changes in material properties over a given reference period, and so on. 5) Design value of material strength: a value obtained by dividing the characteristic value of material strength by the corresponding material factor. (7) Terms relating to calculation of response value 1) Factor for structural analysis: a factor used to take into account the accuracy of structural analysis methods applied in the calculation of the stress resultant and similar, uncertainties relating to the modeling procedure used for the structure, and so on. (8) Terms relating to capacity of structural member 1) Structural member factor: a factor that takes into account the accuracy of structural resistance analysis methods applied in the calculation of load-carrying capacity, variations in structural member size, the importance of the role of the structural member, and so on. 2) Design capacity of structural member: a value obtained by dividing the capacity by the structural member factor. Capacity is calculated by using the design values of strength materials. 1.2.2 Terms used in this Design volume (1) Primary member: a member whose failure would directly lead to loss of stability and/or function and failure of the whole structure. (2) Secondary member: a member that fullls a secondary function and whose failure would not directly lead to loss of stability and/or function nor failure of the whole structure. (3) Structural detail: a design method agreed in response to a part that cannot be designed by applying a design calculation method and/or to a request made regarding construction to be considered at the design stage. A structural detail is a necessary condition for guaranteeing appropriate prior conditions for the design calculations.S


The terms commonly used in these specications and principal ones used in the Design volume are dened here.

1.3 Notation
The following notation is dened for this specication. Only general notation is given.

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(1) Action, sectional force, capacity and stress Fk Characteristic value of action Design action Fd M Bending moment Design bending moment Msd M1 , M2 End moment ME Lateral torsional buckling moment Flexural capacity Mu Mrd Design exural capacity Yield moment My Mp Full plastic moment N, P Axial force Axial capacity Nu , Pu Design axial force Nsd Nrd , Prd Design axial capacity NY , Ny Yield axial force V Shear force Design shear capacity Vrd T Torsional moment Tsd Trd PE , Pe fk fd fyk fyd fuk fud fyk fyd fvyk fvyd rd rd cr cr E , e r u Y , y (2) Displacement and strain u, v, w y Design torsional moment Design torsion capacity Euler buckling load Characteristic value of material strength Design material strength Characteristic value of tensile yield strength Design yield strength Characteristic value of tensile strength Design tensile strength Characteristic value of compressive strength Design compressive strength Characteristic value of shear yield strength Design shear strength Normal stress Shear stress Design local buckling strength Design shear strength Buckling stress Shear buckling stress Euler buckling stress Residual stress Ultimate stress Yield stress Displacement in x, y, z direction Axial strain Yield strain Shear strain

Chapter 1 General Provisions

st E G Est (3) Geometrical values A Ae Et3 D= 12(1 2 ) L, I I , C J b Y 12(1 2 ) R= t E 2 k W Z r

e e /r

Starting hardening strain Modulus of direct elasticity Modulus of rigidity Initial strain hardening coecient Poissons ratio Cross-sectional area Eective cross-sectional area Bending stiness of plate Member length Geometrical moment of inertia Bending torsional constant St.Venants torsional constant Width-thickness ratio parameter Sectional modulus Plastic sectional modulus Radius of rotation (radius of gyration of area) Eective buckling length Slenderness ratio Eective width of plate Plate thickness Aspect ratio of plate (ratio of long side to short side) Buckling coecient Relative stiness of stiener Slenderness ratio parameter Response value, Limit value (Resistance) Design response value,Design limit value (Design resistance) Structural factor Structural analysis factor Action factor (load factor) Structural member factor Material factor

be t = a/b k Y e 1 = r E (4) Verication S, R Sd , Rd i a f b m


This is the principal notation used in these specications. The SI system of units is adopted, although other practical systems may be used where values are quoted from other standards, papers, etc.

1.4 Basis of Design

1.4.1 Purpose of design Steel and composite structures shall be designed so that they satisfy the required performance in all areas such as safety, serviceability, restorability, durability, and social and environmental

Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

compatibility throughout their design working life.


Steel and composite structures should conform to their purpose of use and should be both safe and also functional. To meet these requirements, steel and composite structures or structural members must be designed such that they meet the required performance in all areas such as safety, serviceability, restorability, durability, and social and environmental compatibility under the various actions that aect them during their construction and service periods. As stated in the General Principles volume, the design working life of a bridge is generally established at 100 years at present.

1.4.2 Verication of performance (1) During design, the performance required for steel and composite structures shall be dened clearly. Generally, required performance shall be established in the areas of safety, serviceability, restorability, durability, and social and environmental compatibility . (2) During design, a performance level shall be specied for each performance item and the performance level shall be veried for each performance item. (3) In general, verication indexes and limit states for the indexes shall be established. The performance of the structure shall be veried such that the response calculated by appropriate numerical analysis does not exceed the limit states. (4) For any verication not carried out by the method in (3) above, verication through experimental methods or adherence to specications relating to structure details and materials can be considered a suitable means of performance verication. (5) In verifying performance, it shall be veried that the response value does not exceed the limit value at any time during the construction period and the design life.

(1) The rst step at the structural planning and design stages is to determine the required performance of the steel or composite structure. However, there remain at present various opinions and arguments regarding the denition and classication of required performance; as yet, no consensus on these matters has been reached. In [Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2002)], three performance requirements - that is, safety, serviceability, and restorability - are dened as the fundamental required performance of a structure. These three are subdivided according to the function of the structure Social and environmental compatibility is a recent requirement associated with changing social and economic circumstances. This new fundamental performance requirement may become crucial from now on, although techniques for dening and estimating the relevant limit state are inadequate at present. A commonly used verication method is to check that a response value is no greater than the limit value, but this may not be applicable where it proves impossible to dene the limit state. In such cases, performance verication is carried out by optimizing the objective function, which is a function of the design variables [JSCE (2003a)]. The performance items corresponding to each of the basic performance requirements - safety, serviceability, restorability, and social and environmental compatibility - are listed in Table C1.4.1. In this table, the performance item durability is incorporated into the safety, serviceability, and restorability requirements as it is commonly related to these three basic performance requirements. These basic performance requirements are applicable not only to the structural design stage but also to the maintenance stage when the structure is in service.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

In light of the current situation regarding the availability of verication techniques at the

design stage as well as convenience for the design engineer, it may be more appropriate to use performance classications that reect the actual process of design specication, since structural design is not necessarily carried out according to classications of required performance. Thus, the performance items corresponding to each basic performance requirement in Table C1.4.1 is covered in the volume indicated in the third column. The performance requirements listed in Table C1.4.2 are the ones established in this Design volume. This classication relating to required performance is determined based on the following consideration. 1 Safety As safety performance items, the safety of the whole structure (structural safety) and safety with respect to members of the public in the vicinity of the structure (public safety) are established in these specications. Structural safety includes action resistance performance, displacement and deformation performance, stability performance, etc. Structural safety is in fact the requirement to ensure overall safety of the structure under the severest expected action. Although it is desirable to verify the safety of the structure as a whole, the

Table C1.4.1 Basic performance requirements and examples of related performance items
Basic performance requirement Performance item examples Coverage in these specications


Structural safety (resistance, stability, etc.) Public safety (damage to third party such as falling objects) Safety during earthquake (resistance, deformation capacity, stability) Safety during construction (resistance, stability, initial soundness)

Design volume: safety Design volume: safety (Other volume: Seismic Design volume) Design volume: Constructability (Other volume: Construction volume) Design volume: serviceability (Other volume: Seismic Design volume) Design volume: durability Design volume: restorability (Other volume: Seismic Design volume) Design volume: durability Design volume: social and environmental compatibility Design volume: social and environmental compatibility Design volume: social and environmental compatibility (Other volume: Construction volume)

Durability Serviceability for users (vehicle operating performance, pedestrian comfort) Serviceability after earthquake (vehicle operating performance, pedestrian comfort) Serviceability for maintenance (ease of maintenance (inspection, painting, etc.)) (fatigue, corrosion, and material deterioration)


design volume durability volume


Restorability after earthquake (restoration of damage caused by earthquake) Maintainability (ease of repair after degradation with the passage of time and inspection) Social compatibility (consideration of social importance of structure) Economic rationality (LCC, LCU)

Environmental compatibility (noise, vibration, negative environmental impact (LCA), aesthetics, etc.) Environmental compatibility during construction (noise, vibration, and negative environmental impact) Note) LCC: Life cycle cost LCU: Life cycle utility (social, economic utility during life cycle) LCA: Life cycle assessment Social and environmental compatibility


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C1.4.2 Classication of performance requirements in this Design volume

Performance requirement Safety Performance item Example of check item resistance of structural member, resistance of whole structure, resistance of joint, stability, etc. injury to users and third parties (falling object etc.) vehicle operating performance under usual conditions (soundness and rigidity of road) train operating performance and ride comfort under usual conditions pedestrian comfort under usual conditions (walking-induced vibration) level of damage (ease of restoration) fatigue durability against variable actions rust prevention and corrosion protection performance of steel material concrete deterioration Example of verication index Stress resultant, stress

Structural safety Public safety Vehicle operating performance

serviceability Pedestrian comfort Restorability after earthquake Fatigue resistance Corrosion resistance Resistance to material deterioration Maintainability

Road surface atness, deformation of main girder Natural frequency of main girder Response value (damage level)/limit value of performance (damage level) Equivalent stress range/allowable stress range Corrosion environment and painting specication, LCC Water-content ratio, cover of concrete



Social bility Social and environmental compatibility


Economic rationality Environmental compatibility

ease of maintenance (inspection, painting, etc.) and ease of restoration appropriateness of partial factor (consideration of social importance of structure) social utility during life cycle of structure noise, vibration, environmental impact (CO2 emissions), aesthetics, etc.

Partial factor (structural factor), etc.

LCC LCU Noise and vibration levels for surrounding residents, life-cycle CO2 , aesthetic reaction to structural shape and color, monumental aspect, etc. Stress resultant, stress, deformation

Constructability Safety during safety during construction construction Ease of construcease of fabrication and construction work tion Note: Actual verication methods for restorability and Constructability are prescribed in the Seismic Design and Construction volumes, respectively, although the required performance is established here in the form of these performance requirements.

conventional method generally used for verication is to determine whether the structural member(s) and their connections reach the required level of resistance. Public safety is the requirement to avoid injury or damage to any public third party as a result of the existence of the structure, such as through the collapse of ancillary equipment (e.g., highway or railway signs), the dropping out of high-tension bolts that have suered delayed fracture, the stripping away of concrete fragments from slabs, and so on. This performance item is established in consideration of the environment around the structure according to demand, so no verication method is specied in this Design volume. Serviceability Serviceability is the ability of a structure to perform such that users suer no problems or discomfort. Performance items relating to serviceability should be established according to the utilization pattern of the structure. In this Design volume, vehicle and train operating

Chapter 1 General Provisions


performance (performance relating to vehicular trac) and pedestrian comfort (performance relating to walking) are considered as performance items with respect to bridges. Vehicle operating performance is specied for highway bridges and train operating performance for railway bridges. However, the former is meant in this Design volume when the term vehicle operating performance is used. Some structural engineers might consider that the performance item representing the ease of structure maintenance should be included as part of serviceability, as shown in Table-commentary 1.4.1. However, this performance item is not treated as part of serviceability in this Design volume; only the performance items relating to users are included. Maintainability, representing the ease of maintenance of a structure, is regarded here as one of the performance items relating to durability, with which it is closely related. Furthermore, the inuence of the structure on the surrounding social and natural environment is treated as one of the performance items relating to social and environmental compatibility in this Design volume, although this performance item is sometimes classied as part of serviceability. In addition to the vehicle operating performance, train operating performance, and pedestrian comfort, serviceability also includes the requirement to prevent excessive deformation and/or appearance degradation of the structure (or its structural members), to secure water-tightness, and other performance items, so as to ensure that no unpleasant and/or harmful eects are caused for users. As described above, the performance requirement serviceability is dened here in terms of bridge structures. However, the denition sometimes diers for structures other than bridges. For example, in the case of port and harbor structures, serviceability is established as a performance requirement directly connected to the functioning of the structure and serviceability is then dened as the requirement that users can utilize the structure without any inconvenience. In this case, the requirement is that any damage to functionality caused by expected actions should be limited to that which can be restored by small and rapid repairs. Therefore, serviceability has to be dened according to the conditions of use and utilization patterns of a particular structure. Restorability Restorability represents the ease with which a structure can be restored to its originally specied performance level after undergoing assumed actions that lead to performance deterioration. This performance requirement is generally assumed to be relevant in the case of exceptional actions such as earthquakes. Restorability of damage caused by normal actions is treated as one of the performance items in durability, because it is closely related to the ease of maintenance of a structure. Performance in earthquakes is essentially part of required performance relating to structural design. However, the design philosophy and verication techniques for earthquake performance are generally recognized as special. And it is also recognized that separation of the Design volume and the Seismic Design volume is more convenient for structural engineers in practice. Consequently, the volumes are in fact separated and performance verication against performance items such as safety under earthquake motion, serviceability after an earthquake, and restorability after an earthquake - especially Level 2 earthquake motion -is carried out using the Seismic Design volume, as shown in Table C1.4.1. Where a performance verication is carried out against Level 1 earthquake motion, the Design volume may be used because applicable verication methods are described in this volume. In this Design volume, restorability after an earthquake does not need to be taken into consideration because no earthquake damage will result if the structure is designed such that the stress resultant remains less than the yield value. It is, however, established as one


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

of the performance items relating to restorability. In cases where slight damage is allowed to be caused by Level 1 earthquake motion, however, verication of restorability after an earthquake is essential. For this purpose, restorability is prescribed in this volume as shown in Table C1.4.2. An actual verication method for restorability is given in the Seismic Design volume. Durability Durability is established as a performance requirement in this Design volume though it is not included in Table C1.4.1 as a basic performance requirement. The reasons for this are as follows. Properly speaking, it may be reasonable to take account of performance deterioration over time in verifying the basic performance requirements such as safety, serviceability, and restorability throughout the design working life. There exists an assertion that the durability of structure has to be ensured by satisfying these three fundamental required performances during its design working life and thus durability must be treated dierently from the safety, serviceability and restorability [JSCE (2002b), JSSC (2001)]. However, securing of durability is extremely important for the steel and composite structures as the control of performance degradation as a function of time elapsed caused by variable action which acts on a structure repeatedly and/or environmental one may seriously inuence on the physical working life of structure. Therefore, the control of performance degradation as a function of time elapsed caused by variable action which acts on a structure repeatedly and/or environmental one is regarded as being equal to the verication of durability and durability is established as on of the important required performances in this Design volume. Though degradation of performance over time is closely related to all of the basic performance requirements, a general approach is to verify durability separately from other performance requirements from the viewpoint of performance verication methodology. In other words, in practice, if the verication entails controlling the performance degradation over time such that it is less than an a priori prescribed level, the verication of safety, serviceability, etc. can generally be carried out without any consideration of degradation. This former verication that degradation does not exceed a certain level is regarded as a verication of durability. Durability is dened as the ability of a structure or structural element to resist deterioration caused by repeated variable actions and/or environmental action [JSCE (2003a)]. The verication of durability entails ensuring that deterioration of safety, serviceability, etc. over time is held to less than an a priori prescribed level. Actual performance items relating to durability in these specications are fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, and resistance to material deterioration. Although the verication of fatigue resistance can be regarded as part of the verication of safety, because fatigue failure of a structural member is checked as part of the durability verication, fatigue resistance is treated as a performance item relating to durability in this Design volume. Furthermore, the ease of inspecting and repainting a structure, the ease of repairing damage, and so on are considered as part of a structures maintainability, which is included among performance items relating to durability because these items greatly inuence the durability of a structure. Social and environmental compatibility Social and environmental compatibility, as shown in Table C1.4.1, has come to be considered important as changes in social and economic circumstances have taken place. Performance items relating to this performance requirement have been established: social compatibility, economic rationality, and environmental compatibility. Social compatibility is the performance item used for verication of the structure in consideration of its social

Chapter 1 General Provisions


importance. This performance item is required if the importance of the structure is considered in selecting the verication method or setting the partial factors. Economic rationality is the performance item used to verify which structure is the best from the viewpoint of life-cycle cost. At present, it is impossible to estimate the eect that the existence of a structure will have on peoples social and economic life using a measure such as utility. However, if a method of estimating utility is fully developed, it may be desirable to design a structure so that its life-cycle utility is maximal. Social and environmental compatibility is veried by optimizing an objective function that is a function of several performance requirements based on economic and technical viewpoints. 6 Constructability Constructability represents performance during fabrication and erection of a structure, such as safety, ease of fabrication and erection, ease of construction quality control, and so on. This is one of the important performance requirements that must be taken into account at the design stage, so it is established as one of the performance requirements in this Design volume. An actual verication method for Constructability is given in the Construction volume. Consideration of initial soundness, which is one of the important performance items relating to Constructability [JSCE (2003a)], is also described in the Construction volume and not the Design volume because it must be taken into account at the construction stage. Among the six performance requirements 1 6 above, there are some performance items for which relevant limit states have been clearly determined, such as structural safety in the safety performance requirement, vehicle operating performance and pedestrian comfort in the serviceability performance requirement, etc. On the other hand, it is dicult to determine a relevant limit state for social and environmental compatibility, for example. Where limit states have been determined, performance verication is carried out quantitatively. In other cases, the quantitative performance verication is replaced by an attempt to optimize the objective function. (2) Where a verication as to whether a designed steel or composite structure satises the perfor-

Table C1.4.3 Limit states for each performance item

Required formance Safety Serviceability Restorability perPerformance item structural safety public safety vehicle operating performance pedestrian comfort restorability after earthquake fatigue resistance corrosion resistance resistance to material deterioration maintainability social compatibility economic rationality environmental compatibility safety during construction ease of fabrication Limit state Safety limit state or ultimate limit state; (public safety is not established in this Design volume.) Serviceability limit state (restorability limit state or damage limit state [in Seismic Design volume]) fatigue limit state A certain state which may threaten to damage the other limit states Corresponding limit state is not established in this Design volume Corresponding limit states are not established in this Design volume Corresponding limit states are not established in this Design volume


Social and environmental compatibility Constructability


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

mance requirements is carried out, the general procedure is to verify whether the limit state corresponding to the a priori required performance level is reached or not. The term limit state as used here means the itemized limit state established with respect to each performance item for an individual performance requirement. If this limit state is specically dened, verication based on the limit state design method is possible. Each performance item and its respective limit state as adopted in this Design volume is shown in Table C1.4.3. Although the ideal would be to establish a limit state for every performance item, it is currently only possible to establish limit states for structural safety, serviceability, restorability, and fatigue resistance; there are no methods at present for setting the others. As noted in the commentary to 1.2 Terms and Denitions, the limit state for safety is dened so that it includes not only structural safety but also public safety. However, it is not possible at present to determine a limit state for public safety. Only ultimate limit states that are conventionally adopted are considered here. Corrosion resistance and resistance to material deterioration, which are part of the durability performance requirement, are regarded as having limit states because degradation of performance may threaten to damage other limit states. As the basis for verication in performance-based design, the design response value must be no more than the design limit value of performance under the assumption that these two values are calculated using partial factors for each performance item. Fig.C1.4.1 illustrates the framework of performance verication. In cases where the establishment of a limit state is impossible, performance verication is carried out by optimizing an objective function such as cost, utility, etc., which is a function of the design variables.

Verification for each performance

Level of action
Death and live-load Environmental action etc.

verification index
Response value

Performan limit

Load-proof and level of the lesion Use period etc. Calculation of demand

Sectional force, stress, and displacement and transformation Cost and environmental impact, etc.

Power-proof of section Rigidity Generation cost etc.

Calculation of capacity

Fig.C1.4.1 Framework of performance verication

(3) In calculating response values, it is necessary to select a structural model and a structural analysis method capable of appropriately estimating the performance of the designed structure. With respect to structural analysis, linear methods such as beam theory, grid theory, and so on have conventionally been adopted because they oer convenience in considering load combinations by simply summing the eect of dead load, live load, etc. With recent remarkable developments in computer techniques, advanced methods such as nite element analysis (in which a three-dimensional arrangement of many structural members including the oor slab is taken into account), nite displacement analysis (where the eect of geometric nonlinearity is considered), dynamic analysis, and others have come into frequent use. The most suitable analysis method should be selected according to the type of structure and the purpose of the verication. It should be noted that a fully accurate solution can not be obtained, even when using advanced computer-based structural analysis methods, if the modeling of loads applied by actions and structural shapes is not appropriate. Further, note that careful estimation and in-depth discussion of the stress results obtained by, for example, nite element analysis, using shell or solid elements is essential to obtaining reasonable results.

Chapter 1 General Provisions


In this Design volume, a practical verication method corresponding to each performance

requirement is prescribed in the chapters noted below. Verication for safety: Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication Verication for serviceability: Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication Verication for durability: Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication Verication for social and environmental compatibility: Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication. As for joints, oor slabs, and composite structures, all design-related provisions such as verication method, structural details, etc. are specied in the relevant chapter, because giving the provisions from the viewpoint of the verication method for the performance requirements may lead to confusion. Verication methods for restorability and Constructability are not given in this Design volume; instead they are prescribed in the Seismic Design volume and the Construction volume, respectively. (4) Where it is not possible to calculate a response value using a numerical analysis method or where the denition of a limit state is not possible, verication through experimental methods or adherence to specications relating to structural details and materials can be considered a suitable means of performance verication.

1.4.3 Verication method (1) Verication shall be based on the partial factor method on the basis of reliability theory and, as a standard design procedure, it shall be based on the limit-state design method. (2) In general, verication shall be based on design responses to design actions, design limits as determined by design material strengths, and individual partial factors. The performance of the structure shall, in general, be veried using Equations (1.4.1) and (1.4.2): i i where Rd fk m b R( ) Sd Fk a f S ( ) i Sd 1.0 Rd a S (f Fk ) 1.0 R(fk /m )/b (1.4.1) (1.4.2)

design resistance characteristic value of material strength material factor structural member factor function for calculating limit value of structure from material strength design response individual characteristic value of action structural analysis factor action factor corresponding to each action (load factor) function for calculating response value of structure from action structural factor

(3) During design, a verication shall be carried out for every limit state that can be considered.


(1) Verication shall be based on the partial factor method according to reliability theory. The safety and serviceability limit states are a basic consideration and both fatigue and deterioration limit


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

states must be considered with respect to durability. In general, reliability-based verication formats are classied into three categories from the point of view of the accuracy of the relationship between failure probability and the reliability measure used in each [e.g. JSSC (2001)]. In this Design volume, the Level-1 verication format is adopted. This format is based on the partial factor method and has commonly been used in general structural design. (2) The performance of a structure should, in principle, be veried using Equation (1.1.1), which includes one factor (structural factor i) determined in consideration of the structural, social, and economic eects that failure of the structure would have. Regardless of the structural analysis method used, the load eect, stress resultant, stress, deformation, etc. can be adopted as the design values of Rd and Sd corresponding to the relevant performance items when this equation is used. However, given present practice whereby design calculations are generally carried out using linear analysis methods and the performance verications are carried out not for the whole structure but for each of its structural members, the rather more convenient Equation (1.4.2) can be used. This is a performance verication format based on multiple partial factors and is easier to implement than Equation (1.4.1) when calculating design values Rd and Sd. In Equation (1.4.2), partial factors f , m , a , and b correspond to the action factor, material factor, structural analysis factor, and structural member factor, respectively. These factors must be determined in consideration of unfavorable deviations from characteristic values, uncertainties in computational accuracy, discrepancies between design and practice with respect to actions or structures and structural material strengths, etc.
Design resistance R characteristic value of material strength fk Design action eect S Characteristic value of action Fk

Design value of material strength fd = fk /m Resistance R(fd )

? ? ?

Design value of action Fd = f Fk

? ? ?

Action eect S (Fd )

Design resistance Rd = R(fd )/b

Design action eect Sd =

a S (Fd )

Sd 1.0 Rd

Verication i

Fig.C1.4.2 Concept of verication of safety relating to structural resistance

In the design of steel and composite structures, the ideal would be for the type, shape, and size of the structure to be determined such that the probability of demand exceeding capacity is below an a priori prescribed value. At present, however, the calculation of such a probability remains extremely dicult and is recognized as impossible in practice. Therefore, this Design volume prescribes Equation (1.4.2) as the verication format to check whether the required performance of a structure or its structural members is met or not. As an example of the process, Fig.C1.4.2 outlines the verication of safety relating to structural resistance based on Equation (1.4.2) [Steel and concrete common structural design standards Subcommittee (1992)].

Chapter 1 General Provisions


In carrying out a verication based on Equation (1.4.1) or (1.4.2), the precision of the values given on the left side of each equation should be two signicant digits. Thus, the design response value, design limit value, etc., are obtained to three signicant digits.

1.4.4 Partial factors (1) Partial factors in a verication shall be determined based on the concept given in (2) and (3). (2) The material factor, structural member factor, structural analysis factor, and action factor shall be determined in consideration of 1) unfavorable deviations from characteristic values, 2) uncertainties in computational accuracy, and 3) discrepancies between design and practice with respect to actions or structures and materials. (3) The structural factor shall be determined as per the provisions of Section 1.5 below.


In this Design volume, the required partial factors are specied in the chapters listed below. Standard values of these partial factors used in the verication of safety, serviceability, and durability are listed in Table C1.4.4. Values of the structural factor are given in Table C1.5.1. Structural factor: Chapter 1 General Provisions, 1.5 Structural Factor Action factor: Chapter 2 Actions Material factor: Chapter 3 Materials Structural analysis factor: Chapter 4 Structural Analysis Structural member factor: Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance
Table C1.4.4 Standard values of partial factors
Performance requirement (performance item) Safety (structural safety) Serviceability (vehicle operating performance and pedestrian comfort) Durability (fatigue resistance) Action factor f 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.1 Structural analysis factor a 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Material factor m 1.0 1.05 1.0 1.05 1.0 Structural member factor b 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1

When the partial factor design method is used as the verication format, reliance is placed on rational decision making by the design engineer as to whether each partial factor should be further subdivided or whether some partial factors can be lumped together. Note that in some other design standards, various views about this decision process have been proposed and/or adopted.

1.4.5 Modication factors (1) The specication provides for two modication factors, namely a material modication factor and an action modication factor. (2) The action modication factor shall be dened for converting a specied or nominal action value into a characteristic action value. (3) The material modication factor shall be dened for converting a specied value of material strength into a characteristic value of material strength.


In the case that a specied or nominal value is used besides characteristic values relating to action


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

and/or material strength at present, the relevant characteristic value should be determined by adjusting the specied or nominal value with a modication factor.

1.5 Structural Factor

Structural factor i shall be determined according to structural importance and also the social and economical impact of the structure reaching its limit state.

The structural factor, which is used to take into account the importance of the structure, includes the social impact of the structure reaching its limit state, the structures relevance to disaster prevention, and economic factors such as the cost of rebuilding or repairing the structure if it reaches its limit state. Basically, the value of the structural factor should be determined according to the wishes of the owner of the structure, because it is impossible to determine it theoretically based on reliability theory. Once the structural factor has been determined, social compatibility as prescribed in Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication must be considered carefully. The standard values given in Table C1.5.1 are generally adopted for the structural factor.
Table C1.5.1 Standard values of structural factor Performance requirement (performance item) Safety (structural safety) Serviceability (vehicle operating performance and pedestrian comfort) Durability (fatigue resistance) Structural factor i 1.01.2 1.0 1.0

References in Chapter 1 Railway Technical Research Institute (1992) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1992) General principles for the limit state design of steel and concrete structures, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, No.450/I-20, pp.13-20. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997a) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997b) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART B; Composite Structures. Japanese Society of Steel Construction (2001) Guidelines for Performance-based Design of Civil Engineering Steel Structures, JSSC Technical Report No. 49. Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary I Common Specications, II Steel Highway Bridges. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2002) Design basis for civil and architectural engineering structures. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002a) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Structural Performance Verication Volume. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002b) Guidelines for Performance Verication of Hybrid Structures (tentative). Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003a) Towards establishment of performance-based design system for steel structures. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003b) Comprehensive design codes (tentative) code PLATFORM ver.1. ISO(1998) ISO2394 International Standard, General Principles on Reliability for Structures


Chapter 2 Actions

2.1 General
(1) In the design of steel and composite structures, actions expected to act on a structure during the construction period and during the design working life shall be determined according to the required performance. (2) Actions are all causes of deformation, displacement, constraint, and deterioration of a structure or structural member, as indicated below. Direct action: an assembly of concentrated or distributed mechanical forces acting on a structure. Indirect action: the cause of deformations imposed on the structure or constrained in it. Environmental action: mechanical, physical, chemical, or biological action that may cause deterioration of the materials constituting a structure. (3) A load is dened as an assembly of mechanical forces acting directly on a structure. These forces are converted from actions through the analytical model. A load acts as an input datum for design calculations yielding the stress resultant, stress, displacement, and so on.


(2) Actions are categorized as direct, indirect, or environmental according to the way in which they inuence a structure, as prescribed in Article 2.1 (2). But they may also be classed as permanent, variable, or accidental according to their frequency of occurrence, duration, and pattern of uctuations and as static, dynamic, or repeating based on how the structure responds to them. In this clause, actions are considered as direct, indirect, and environmental so as to clarify the dierence between actions and loads. Other classications of actions are considered in Article 2.2 Kinds of Actions. (3) A load is dened as an action in the form of forces acting directly on the structure. The relationship between action and load is explained in Fig.C2.1.1.

load dead (fixed) load live-load impact wind load snow load braking force and acceleration force centrifugal force,

effect of concrete creep and shrinkage effect of temperature changes effect of displacement of supports and differential settlement effect of earthquake effect of airborne salinity effect of exhaust gases

Fig.C2.1.1 Conceptual diagram of relationship between action and load


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

2.2 Kinds of Actions

(1) In the design of steel and composite structures, actions shall be properly determined in correspondence with the verication items and the relevant structural members. (2) Actions are classied into three classes according to their characteristic occurrence frequency, duration, and uctuation, as dened below. Permanent action: action that is likely to act continuously throughout a given reference period and for which variations in magnitude with time are small compared with the mean value. Variable action: action for which the variation in magnitude with time is neither negligible in relation to the mean value nor monotonic. Accidental action: action that is unlikely to occur with a signicant value on a structure over a given reference period and which may cause a serious damage to a structure if it does happen to occur. (3) Actions are classied into three classes according to the characteristics response of a structure to them, as dened below. Static action: action that does not cause signicant acceleration of the structure or structural members. Dynamic action: action that may cause impulse acceleration or other signicant acceleration of the structure or structural members. Repeating action: action that may result in fatigue damage.


The relationships between actions prescribed in Articles 2.2 (2) and (3) are shown in Table C2.2.1. These relationships may be reconsidered if sucient investigation is carried out, because an actions frequency of occurrence and duration might be expected to depend on the type of structure, conditions at the location of the structure, and the structures surroundings. Action values are prescribed in Article 2.4. Environmental actions that may lead to deterioration of materials constituting a structure are summarized in list form in Table C2.2.2.

2.3 Combinations of Actions

In a typical case of structural design, the combinations of actions shown in Table 2.3.1 shall be considered. In a case where an unusual combination of actions might be anticipated, action combinations aside from those listed in Table 2.3.1 may be taken into consideration according to the judgment of the responsible chief engineer.
Table 2.3.1 Combinations of actions Required performance Safety Serviceability Durability Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Combination of actions actions+Primary variable actions+Subsidiary variable actions actions+Accidental actions+Subsidiary variable actions actions+Variable actions actions+Variable actions


Chapter 2 Actions


Table C2.2.1 Kinds of action

direct action (1) dead load (2) earth pressure (3) prestressing force indirect action (18) eect of concrete shrinkage (19) eect of concrete creep environmental action (23) eect of airborne salinity (24) eect of exhaust gases (25) eect of carbon dioxide concentration (26) eect of acid concentration (27) eect of drying and wetting (28) eect of sunshine (29) eect of freezing

permanent action

variable action

accidental action

(4) live load (static, dynamic, repeating) a) moving load of vehicles b) railway loading c) crowd loading (5) impact load (static, dynamic) (6) owing water pressure (static, dynamic) (7) hydrostatic pressure (8) buoyancy or uplift (static) (9) wind load (static, dynamic) (10) snow load (static) (11) braking force, acceleration force (static, dynamic) (12) centrifugal force (static) (13) longitudinal load imposed by long welded rail (static) (14) lateral train load and transverse wheel thrust (static) (15) wave pressure (static, dynamic) (16) erection-related force (17) collision force

(20) eect of temperature changes (static) (21) eect of displacement of supports and dierential settlement (static)

(22) eect of earthquake

(30) eect of re

Table C2.2.2 Environmental actions that may cause deterioration of materials constituting a structure
deterioration phenomenon weather conditions temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind temperature, humidity salinity supply airborne salinity, seawater splashing, de-icing agents airborne salinity, seawater splashing, de-icing agents airborne salinity, seawater splashing, de-icing agents moisture supply rainfall, seawater splashing rainfall others sulfur oxide supply

corrosion corrosion corrosion of reinforcement bars caused by percolating salinity alkali-aggregate reaction1 freezing

material deterioration

alkali supply

excess temperature, moisture, temperarainfall ture change, sunshine *1As environmental action cannot be controlled, it is usual to control the total alkali content of the materials used in construction.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

The value of each of the actions described in Table 2.3.1, consisting of permanent actions, primary variable actions, subsidiary variable actions, and accidental actions, is specied in Article 2.4. A primary variable action is one or a set of variable actions considered the primary inuence when combined loading is taken into account during performance verication work. A subsidiary (secondary) variable action is an action considered secondary among the variable actions; it is added to the combination of primary variable actions and accidental actions. Accordingly, the probability of a subsidiary variable action of the design value occurring should be greater than that of a primary variable action of the design value occurring, considering the probability of both variable actions occurring simultaneously with their extreme values. Under certain circumstances, particularly large design values have to be given to multiple variable actions or combined variable and accidental actions when combinations of actions are considered. In this case, the engineer(s) in charge must determine the kind of actions to be combined and their design values. In structural analysis, combinations of actions are generally treated by summing up the loads resulting from all actions, the design values of which are set suciently on the safe side. This approach may not give rise to problems, because the calculation gives a result that is safer than the actually designed structure. However, care must be taken not to accept this as a universal truth [JSCE (1998)]. Rather, where combinations of actions are considered, the inherent characteristics of each action must be carefully considered. In a case where static and dynamic actions are combined, for example, careful discussion is necessary as to whether any structural deformation caused by the combined action is accurately simulated or not. It is important to recognize that the stress resultant and deformation caused by the combination of a static action with a dynamic one are not simple sums but in fact nonlinear functions of the stress resultant and deformation caused by each action.

2.4 Action Values

2.4.1 General (1) The values of permanent actions and primary variable actions that are considered when verifying safety against structural failure or collapse may be statistical characteristic values obtained as an a priori specied fractile of construction period and design lifetime largest or smallest value probability distribution. The accidental action value may be taken to be the previously occurring largest value. The value of subsidiary variable action shall depend on which action combination is taken into account. (2) The action value considered when verifying serviceability shall be the value expected to be observed frequently during the construction period and the design working life. This value shall be determined depending on the required performance and the relevant action combination. (3) The value of action considered when verifying durability shall be determined by taking into account the variability of action during the design lifetime.

(1) In considering the limit state of a structure relating to safety against failure or collapse, the structural state of interest is one where functionality and stability have been seriously damaged by failure, deformation, displacement, etc. Therefore, the action values to be adopted in verifying safety against failure or collapse must be those that are likely to have the most serious inuence on the structure during its construction and over its design working life. In general, the design values of permanent actions and primary variable actions are set at the maximal or

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minimal values for an action return period longer than the design working life. A statistical characteristic value obtained from the lifetime maximal or minimal distribution of actions should be adopted as the action value, although current statistical data are not necessarily adequate for determining the probability distribution. Here, the decision as to what percentage fractile value is appropriate as the statistical characteristic value is left to the judgment of the design engineer. In general, 510% excess probability (in the case of a distribution of maximal values) or non-excess probability (in the case of minimal values) is considered appropriate. However, where it is not reasonable to calculate this fractile because the available statistical data are insucient or data measurement accuracy is low, or where adoption of this fractile value is not desirable because action variability is extreme (for example, action values relating to earth pressure), the expected value of the lifetime maximal or minimal action distribution may be adopted instead. As for accidental action values, the concept of the largest past value - as commonly used in the seismic design standards of Japan and the United States of America - is introduced here because a usable and understandable determination method is required in situations where a statistical estimation is impossible. In general, it is rare to consider only one variable action in design. That is, the simultaneous occurrence of multiple variable actions is commonly considered at the design stage. When this is the case, the likelihood of all the variable actions taking their maximal or minimal values simultaneously may not be high, so it is rational to make some adjustment for the combined case. Accordingly, variable actions are classied into primary and subsidiary ones, with the design value of the former taking their expected maximal or minimal values and the latter taking values determined appropriately according to which action (primary variable or accidental) they are combined with. The design value of a variable action treated as a subsidiary variable action may be lower than one adopted as a primary action. (2) An action with a value that is expected to be observed frequently, as is to be considered when verifying serviceability, is one for which no limit state (such as yielding of a steel member, excessive cracking of concrete, harmful deformation of structure, etc.) is expected to be reached as long as the action does not exceed this value. Such values should be determined mainly for permanent and variable actions depending on the characteristics of the structure, the type of action, and the limit state under consideration. (3) All of the permanent actions, variable actions, and accidental actions must be considered when verifying durability. Steel corrosion and material deterioration of concrete members under environmental action and the loss of resistance caused by fatigue should be taken into account when assessing durability. Action values are to be determined according to changes and uctuations in environmental action over the design working life.

2.4.2 Dead load (1) The dead load shall be the action caused by the weight of the structural elements and ancillary facilities themselves. (2) The characteristic value of dead load shall be calculated by reading o the dimensions of structural members precisely and by evaluating the unit weight of the structural materials properly.

(1) The dead load is subdivided into two components: the xed dead load and the additional dead load. (2) The characteristic value of the dead load is to be determined in consideration of the actual


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

weight of the structure and any variations in this weight. Table-commentary 2.4.1, which lists the standard unit weight values for various structural materials, may be used to determine the action value of the xed dead load. The action value for the additional dead load is to be determined by taking account of any variations.
Table C2.4.1 Standard unit weight values for various structural materials structural material unit weight (kN/m3 ) 77.0 71.0 27.5 24.024.5 24.5 18.0 structural material unit weight (kN/m3 ) 22.523.0 21.0 8.00 11.0 22.5 16.5

steel, cast steel, and steel forging cast iron aluminum reinforced concrete prestressed concrete reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete (all aggregates are lightweight aggregates)

concrete cement mortar wood bitumen material asphalt concrete pavement lightweight aggregate concrete all aggregates are lightweight aggregates

2.4.3 Earth pressure Earth pressure shall be determined according to the required performance by considering the type of structure, structural rigidity, and type of subsoil.

Several formulas have been proposed for calculating earth pressure. It is important to select the most suitable of these in consideration of the behavior of the designed structure.

2.4.4 Prestressing force (1) In a case where prestress is to be introduced into the structure, both the prestressing force immediately after the prestress is applied as well as the eective prestressing force after losses shall be considered in design and these values shall be determined according to the required performance. (2) If a statically indeterminate force is caused by prestress, it shall also be considered properly.

(1) The prestressing force immediately after the introduction of prestress should be calculated in consideration of the tensile force acting at the end of the prestressing steel, the elastic deformation of the concrete, the friction between prestressing steel and sheath, and the total amount of set at the anchorage. The eective prestressing force should be obtained taking account of the prestressing force immediately after prestress introduction, concrete creep, concrete shrinkage, relaxation of prestressing steel, and the reinforcing bar restraint eect. (2) Redundant force generally arises because deformation of the structural member is restricted during prestressing, but this is avoidable if a proper arrangement of prestressing steel is developed. The possibility of redundant force must be taken into consideration when calculating the

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distribution of stress over area. If the timing of prestress introduction is staggered or if the degree of statical indeterminacy changes between the start and end of prestressing, the redundant force will vary as concrete creep increases. This point must be taken into consideration at the design stage. The tensile force of the prestressing steel varies as a result of concrete creep, concrete shrinkage, and relaxation of the prestressing steel. Each cross section may have a dierent degree of variation. In general, the redundant force arising from the eective prestressing force may be calculated by multiplying the redundant force immediately after prestressing by the value obtained by averaging the tensile force eectiveness coecient of each prestressing cable for each cross section over the whole of the structural member.

2.4.5 Live load The live load shall consist of the moving load of vehicles, railway loading, and sidewalk loading (including crowd loading). It shall be determined according to the required performance by considering the load variations.

The characteristic value of live load may be determined by referring the design standards such as the highway bridge specications [Japan Road Association (2002a)] or the railway structure specications [Railway Technical Research Institute (2000)], where the nominal value based on the legal authority is adopted. When designing a structure for a highway where restrictions may be placed on vehicles whose total weight or axle weight exceeds an a priori specied value, the specied value may be reduced if necessary. Also available is a method of determining the characteristic value of live load using computer simulation results, where trac ow is modeled based on research into actual live load conditions [Fujiwara, et al (1988) and (1989)], as long as the characteristic value can be estimated, for example, in the case that the load-carrying capacity of an existing highway bridge is veried. However, loading methods in which the live load is a function of the number of lanes, as adopted in foreign standards such as [BS5400 (1978)], [OHBC (1983)], and [AASHTO (1996)], are more suitable than those where the live load is given according to the eective road width regardless of the number of lanes such as the L load specied in [JHA (2002a)]. When verifying fatigue resistance, all of the variable actions acting on a structure over the design working life must be considered and they must be determined taking account of an appropriate action value and the corresponding equivalent repetition value. In verifying fatigue resistance for a highway bridge, reference [JHA (2002c)] may be used.

2.4.6 Impact load The stress imposed by the live load shall be incremented to account for impact eects. The dynamic inuence of vehicles moving over the structure shall be considered as one kind of impact. The value of the impact load shall be determined according to the required performance in consideration of the structures span, design characteristics, etc.

The characteristic value of the impact load may be determined based on relevant standards, such as [JHA (2002a)] in the case of a highway bridge design or [RTRI (2000)] in the case of a railway bridge, that specify a standard value. In the case of highway bridges, for example, the impact load is modeled by replacing its dynamic eect with a static load obtained by multiplying the live load by an impact coecient. On the other hand, in the case of railway bridges, impact load is determined taking


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

account of the maximum train speed, the axle arrangement, the number of cars or wagons, the span of the structural member, any non-linear behavior, the fundamental natural frequency, the damping constant, the kind of response value required, the track and vehicle maintenance level, etc. using an appropriate numerical analysis method such as dynamic response analysis.

2.4.7 Flowing water pressure (1) The value of owing water pressure acting on a structure shall be determined according to the required performance in consideration of the type of structure and the shape of the structural members. (2) When designing structures on which owing water may act, the dynamic inuence of the ow water shall be taken into consideration.

(1) The characteristic value of owing water pressure, pw , can be dened by Eq.(C2.4.1). pw = pw where Cv v A 1 Cv A v 2 2 (C2.4.1)

characteristic value of owing water pressure coecient of resistance depending on the cross-sectional shape of the structure density of water 1000 kg/m3 ow velocity (m/s) determined in correspondence with the relevant limit state projected area of structure in direction of ow(m2 )

The value of coecient of resistance (Cv ) can be set referring to [JSCE (2002a)], [JHA (2002a)], and [RTRI (2004)]. (2) In large sluices, such as a long sluice across a wide river or a Tainter gate used for the emergency release of water from a dam, it has been reported that vibrations can be caused during discharge. If such a phenomenon might be expected, the dynamic eect of the owing water must be considered.

2.4.8 Hydrostatic pressure The value of hydrostatic pressure shall be determined according to the required performance by properly taking into consideration uctuations in water level and the size of the structure.

The characteristic value of hydrostatic pressure can be calculated using Eq.(C2.4.2). However, if the hydraulic pressure acting on the below-ground part of the structure does not have a triangular distribution as a result of the particular ground conditions, the this value may be reduced to a level estimated from evidence such as eld measurements of pore water pressure, etc. ph = w0 h (C2.4.2) where ph w0 h
characteristic value of hydrostatic pressure unit weight of water (kN/m3 ) depth below surface of water (m)

Where a bridge abutment is planned for a location where water level uctuations are particularly large, a dierence in water level may arise between the upstream and downstream sides of the abutment. In such cases, the residual water pressure resulting from the dierence in water level must be considered.

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2.4.9 Buoyancy or uplift (1) The value of buoyancy or uplift shall be determined according to the required performance by properly taking into consideration the pore water and uctuations in water level. (2) Buoyancy or uplift shall be assumed to act in the vertical direction and the severest case of uplift shall be assumed.

(1) Buoyancy is the load caused by an upward hydrostatic pressure on the bottom of a structure as a result of pore water in the ground or between the ground and the structure. Uplift is the load caused by a water level dierence between the upstream and downstream sides of a structure or by a temporary increase in water level around a structure caused by wind, waves, etc. (2) Reference [JRA (2002a)] gives example cases in which buoyancy and uplift should and should not be taken into consideration. Also provided in this reference is a methodology for considering the buoyancy or uplift expected to act on a structure according to water seepage over time and the placement conditions of the structure. For example, the application methodology where the buoyancy or uplift shall be determined on the safer side in the structural design and this action shall be considered in case of falling down and sliding and not considered in case of settlement when verifying the stability of a structure is explained.

2.4.10 Wind load (1) The value of wind load shall be determined according to the required performance by properly taking into consideration the wind characteristics of the construction site, the type of structure, the shape of structural members, etc. (2) Flexible structures or structural members, in particular, shall be designed in consideration of dynamic deformation or stress resulting from wind because they may be considerably inuenced by wind vibration.

(1) The possible eects of wind on a structure are the static wind load, gust response, divergent vibration, vortex-excited vibration, etc. These wind eects must be evaluated appropriately at the design stage because they may result in deformation and/or vibration of a structure. The characteristic value of wind load is to be determined by estimating the wind velocity for each relevant limit state in consideration of measured wind speed data, the design working life of the structure, and the return period of specic wind velocity levels. In general, wind velocity is calculated from the mean value of wind speed over a period of ten minutes at a height of ten meters from the ground or sea surface; this gure is modied for altitude, horizontal and vertical length of structure, eect of ground surface roughness, eects of surrounding topography and geographical features on intercept and convergence, eect of temporal and spatial uctuations in wind speed, etc. The value of drag coecient is determined according to the cross-sectional shape of the structural member. The characteristic value, W, of wind load can be obtained using Eq.(C2.4.3). W = W where C 1 C A v2 G 2 (C2.4.3)

characteristic value of wind load drag coecient depending on cross-sectional shape of structural member density of air, taken as 1.23kg/m3


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

v A G

design wind speed determined (m/s) for each limit state projected cross-sectional area of structural member (m2 ) gust response coecient.

The handling of structural members on the windward and leeward with respect to determining projected cross-sectional area, A, and drag coecient, C , is provided in [JSCE (2002a)], [JRA (2002a)], and [RTRI (2004)]. Further, a suitable increment ratio, known as the gust response, is introduced to take account of deformation and/or vibration caused by uctuating drag when calculating the characteristic value of wind load in [JRA (2002a)] and [JRA (2005)]. The value of the gust response coecient, G, depends on only the intensity of wind turbulence in the case of normal structures; it increases with decreasing altitude and with increasing ground surface roughness. A suitable value of gust response coecient may be obtained by referring to [JRA (2002a)] and [JRA (2005)]. References [JSCE (2002a)], [JRA (2002a)], and [RTRI (2004)] also provide for the wind load acting on bridges with noise barriers, existing bridges in parallel, and under-structures. Also given is a loading method for wind load. It should be noted that the change in cross-sectional shape caused by accumulated snow can sometimes inuence the behavior of a structure signicantly. (2) Occasionally, a structure may suer from amplitude-limited vibration caused by light-windinduced vortexes (vortex-induced vibration) or from vibration of rapidly rising amplitude caused by aerodynamic forces resulting from the vibration itself at high wind speeds and excites the vibration of structure (divergent vibration). Dynamic wind eects arising from vortex-induced vibration, divergent vibration, etc. must be considered in the design of exural bridges such as suspension and cable-stayed bridges and of low-rigidity members such as the hangars in an arch bridge. The wind velocity at which vortex-induced vibration, divergent vibration, and so on will occur and the likely vibration amplitude must be estimated appropriately in consideration of characteristics of winds at the construction site and the structural characteristics of the designed structure. The structure can be judged as satisfying the performance requirements if the wind velocity at which such vibrations occur is considerably higher than the maximum wind expected during the design working life or if the resulting vibration does not critically aect the safety and serviceability of the structure. The determination of the characteristic value of dynamic wind load for medium- and short-span bridges may be according to reference [JRA (2005)], while that for long-span bridges may be carried out as in [HSBA (2001)]. Reference [JRA (2005)], which gives the specications for short and medium-span bridges, is also recommended for its presentation of recent research results relating to the following areas:

1) design concepts, actual examples of vibration control countermeasures, application examples, and matters for attention with respect to wind-induced cable vibrations; 2) estimation formula for the dynamic response of steel bridges with few (mainly two) I-shaped plate girders, based on actual examples, from the viewpoint of reducing erection work and construction costs, where particular care is needed because, as the span of such bridges increases and the natural frequency for torsional vibration falls below that of steel boxgirder bridges, tortional vortex-induced vibration can arise; 3) estimation formula for the structural damping of bridges with rubber bearings.

2.4.11 Snow load In the design of structures that are constructed in areas that receive snowfall, the value of snow load shall be determined according to the required performance by taking into consideration the

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snowfall characteristics and maintenance procedures.


The depth of snow on a structure depends not only on its location but also on whether snow removal is carried out, the characteristic value of snow load should preferably be determined in consideration of local snowfall characteristics, maintenance procedures, and the design working life of the structure using actual records of snowfall. There are two main categories of method for calculating the value of snow load. One assumes that vehicles continue to pass over the fully compacted snow, while the other takes account only of the snowfall because passage of vehicles becomes impossible. In the former, a value of 1 kN/m2 for compacted snow up to 150 mm in thickness is specied in, for example, reference [JRA (2002a)]. In the latter case, the characteristic value of snow load is given by Eq.(C2.4.4) where the design unit weight of snow, (ws ), is determined referring [JRA (2002a)] or [RTRI (2004)]. SW = ws z I where SW ws z I
characteristic value of snow load design unit weight of snow (N/m3 ) design snowfall depth on surface(m) coecient due to inclination of surface


I = 1 + (30 )/30 where I = 1.0 for 30 and I = 0 for 60 inclination of surface subjected to snowfall

2.4.12 Braking force and acceleration force Braking forces and acceleration forces act on a structure when vehicles and trains slow down or accelerate. The values of these forces are determined according to the required performance by properly taking into consideration the types of vehicles or trains and the characteristics of the structure.

In the case of structures that carry trains, braking and acceleration forces must be considered in the design. Particularly careful investigation of these forces is necessary in the case of extremely light structures that carry trains. Specications such as [JRA (2002a)] and [RTRI (2000)], where standard values for these two forces are prescribed, should preferably be referred to in the design of highway bridges and railway bridges.

2.4.13 Centrifugal force A structure carrying curved tracks shall be designed to withstand centrifugal force. The value of centrifugal force shall be determined according to the required performance by properly taking into consideration the type of train and the characteristics of the structure.

Specications such as [JRA (2002a)] and [RTRI (2000)] give standard values for centrifugal force which should be used in the design of highway bridges or combined railway-highway bridges.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

2.4.14 Longitudinal load imposed by long welded rail Where long welded rails are laid on a railway bridge, the mutual force resulting from dierences between the behavior of the rails and the bridge under temperature changes shall be treated as a longitudinal load imposed by the long rails. The value of this longitudinal load shall be determined according to the required performance by considering the type of bridge, its length, the track type, the arrangement of bearings, etc.

Where a railway bridge carries long continuously welded rails, a force arises from the dierential expansion of rails and the bridge under temperature changes. This force acts on both rail and bridge through the rail fastenings. In general, this force is treated as a longitudinal load in the design of railway bridges. The characteristic value of longitudinal load imposed by continuously welded rail may be determined with reference to the specications for railway bridges [RTRI (2000)], where values are provided.

2.4.15 Lateral train load and transverse wheel thrust A train crossing a bridge imposes a lateral load while the wheels cause a transverse thrust. The values of these forces shall be determined properly according to the required performance.

The lateral train load is the transverse force resulting from oscillations of railway vehicles, such as yawing, etc. Transverse wheel thrust is the force produced by the wheels if a railway vehicle car enters a section of track with an angle of incidence. The characteristic values of these two loads may be determined by reference to the specications for railway bridges [RTRI (2000)], where static values determined based on available experimental evidence are provided. In theory, however, the dynamic eects of these two loads should be taken into account. 2.4.16 Wave pressure The value of wave pressure shall be properly determined according to the required performance by considering the type of structure, its shape, the water depth, and the wave characteristics.

The characteristics of wave pressure depend on the type of structure they are acting on. For example, the wave pressure is dierent on a continuous vertical wall structure, such as a breakwater, than on an isolated vertical structure, such as a bridge pier. The characteristics also depend on water depth and the wave properties. These factors must be properly considered at the design stage.

2.4.17 Erection-related force Structures are generally designed in consideration of the structural system in place at completion, but this may dier from the system of load support during erection. The forces arising during erection shall be properly taken into consideration according to structural conditions during erection and erection procedure used.

Sucient safety must be ensured at all erection steps used during construction. Structures are

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generally designed in consideration of the structural system in place at completion. However, this may dier from the system of load support and the loading conditions during erection, and the direction of loading may even be reversed in certain cases. Accordingly, in the design of structures as already described, it is necessary to verify and conrm structural safety for each erection step. The vertical force (self weight of structural members), wind load, eect of earthquake, snow load, eect of temperature changes, horizontal force, impulsive load, frictional force, disproportional load, expected special load, and so on are among the erection-related forces that must be considered. The actual selection of loads to be considered as erection-related forces should preferably be made in consideration of the type of structure, the erection procedure, the season during which erection takes place, the erection period, etc. Earth pressure, wave pressure, buoyancy, collision forces, and other special loads should be considered as required.

2.4.18 Collision force A collision force might be imposed by a user of the structure, as in the case of a vehicle collision, by a third party as in the case of a ship impact, or through a natural phenomenon such as impact by driftwood, etc. The anticipated value of the collision force shall be determined according to the required performance in consideration of the location of the structure.

Collision forces may be imposed on the structure by vehicles, ships and other water craft, airplanes, driftwood, falling rocks, and others. Whether each type of collision force is considered in the design and the selection of a suitable value should be determined in consideration of the location of the structure and the likelihood of each type of collision. If the collision force is expected to be considerably large, consideration might be given to the construction of a secondary protective structure. There are two methods of determining the characteristic value of collision force. One is to dene the velocity, mass, size, and incidence angle of the body that is in collision with the structure, taking account of any special modes at the time of collision. The other is to replace the dynamic collision energy with a static force based on consideration of the mechanical equivalence property. Characteristic values of collision forces acting against the guard rail and oor slab may be determined with reference to the specications [JRA (2002a)] and [JRA (2004)].

2.4.19 Concrete shrinkage (1) The characteristic value of concrete shrinkage shall be determined in consideration of the materials used, environmental conditions, the size of structural members, etc. (2) In the design of statically indeterminate structures such as rigid frames and arches, concrete shrinkage may have a uniform eect on the cross section of the structure.

(1) Total concrete shrinkage comprises drying shrinkage, self shrinkage, and carbonation shrinkage. It is inuenced by the temperature and humidity to which the structure is exposed, the shape and size of structural members, the concrete mix proportion, the properties of the aggregates, the type of cement, the degree of concrete compaction, the concrete curing conditions, and various other factors. Therefore, the value of shrinkage strain used in the verication must be determined in consideration of these factors. Where the total shrinkage strain and the rate of shrinkage progress in normal concrete with a compression strength of less than 55 N/mm2 2 (or 70 N/mm2 2 in the case of high-strength concrete


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

with a low water-cement ratio) are obtained from the surrounding temperature and member size, which are the factors that have a strong eect on shrinkage, reference [JSCE (2002a)] may be used. The actual concrete mix proportion is generally not yet known at the design stage, so the values of shrinkage strain for normal concrete and lightweight aggregate concrete given in Tablecommentary 2.4.2 may be applied in general.
Table C2.4.2 Shrinkage strain of concrete (106 ) environmental age of concrete conditions up to 3 days 47 days 28 days 3 months indoor 400 350 230 200 outdoor 730 620 380 260 * age from start of drying as considered in design 1 year 120 130

(2) The value of concrete shrinkage strain used when calculating the redundant force based on elastic theory may be taken as 15010 6 in general, although the eect of concrete creep should be considered.

2.4.20 Eect of concrete creep (1) The characteristic value of concrete creep shall be determined in consideration of the materials used, environmental conditions, structural member size, concrete age at application of stress, etc. (2) In the design of statically indeterminate structures such as rigid frames and archs, concrete creep may have a uniform eect on the cross section of the structure.

(1) The creep strain of concrete may be calculated using Eq.(C2.4.5) under the assumption that it is proportional to the elastic strain by the stress arising. cc = where cc ct Ect ct Ect (2.4.5)

compressive creep strain of concrete creep coecient compressive stress arising Youngs modulus at age of loading

However, the application of Equation (commentary 2.4.5) is limited to cases where the compressive stress of the concrete is no more than about 40% of its compressive strength. Where this is not so, it is not suitable to consider creep strain as proportional to the elastic strain caused by the stress arising. The creep coecient depends on the temperature and humidity to which the structure is exposed, the shape and size of structural members, the concrete mix proportion, the age of the concrete at loading, the properties of the aggregates, the type of cement, the concrete compaction, the concrete curing conditions, and various other factors. Therefore, the design value of creep coecient should be determined by referring to experimental results, eld measurements of existing structures, etc. In a case where the creep coecient of normal concrete with a compression strength of up to 55 N/mm2 (70 N/mm2 in the case of high-strength concrete with a low water-cement ratio) is to be obtained without experiment, reference [JSCE (2002a)] may be used. The values of creep coecient for prestressed concrete shown in Table C2.4.3 or Table C2.4.4

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may be applied in general. If the creep strain is obtained using Table C2.4.3 or Table C2.4.4 and Eq.(C2.4.5), the value of Ect should be that at the age of loading.
Table C2.4.3 Creep coecient for normal concrete environmental conditions indoor outdoor age of concrete at prestressing or loading 47 days 14 days 28 days 3 months 1 year 2.7 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 2.4 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1

Table C2.4.4 Creep coecient for lightweight aggregate concrete environmental conditions indoor outdoor age of concrete at prestressing or loading 47 days 14 days 28 days 3 months 1 year 2.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8

2.4.21 Eect of temperature changes (1) The eect of temperature changes shall be determined according to the required performance by taking into consideration the type of structure, environmental conditions, the size of structural members, etc. (2) The characteristic value of temperature change shall be determined as a rise and fall in temperature from an a priori specied temperature. In the design of statically indeterminate structures, temperature change may have a uniform eect on the cross section of the structure. (3) In the case of a structure in which the temperature dierence between structural members or between portions of the structure is not negligible, such dierences shall be taken into account. (4) In order to ensure a safe-side design, the characteristic value of temperature change when calculating the structures stress resultant shall preferably be dierent from that used in determining the deformation of the structure.

(1) Changes in temperature cause structural deformations such as shrinkage, expansion, warping, etc. Because the total amount of deformation depends on how much the temperature changes, a reference temperature and temperature variation range should be determined in consideration of the type of structure, environmental conditions at the construction site, the properties of the materials used, the size of members, and so on. Design values relating to the temperature variation range and temperature distribution may be determined from the actual situation if good estimates are available for these two values. These values depend on the many factors noted above as well as on which actions are considered as load combinations. (2) In the design of statically indeterminate structures such as rigid frames and arches, it may be assumed that temperature changes occur uniformly over the cross section of the structure. The design value of reference temperature should preferably be +20 in general or +10 in cold regions. The design value of temperature variation range, under the assumption that the variations occur uniformly over the whole of the structure, may be determined as follows: 1) the range of temperature variations for steel structures is from 10 to +50 , or from 30 to +50 in cold regions; 2) the range of temperature variations for concrete structures must be determined in consideration of the dierence between the reference temperature and the average air temperature


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

at the construction site. In general, the value should be 15 while it should be 10 if the minimal size of the cross section is greater than or equal to 700 [mm] because in this case the eect of temperature variations is not serious; 3) the eect of temperature variations for a structure in the water or under the ground may be negligible. (3) If temperature changes give rise to variations in temperature, and resulting dierential expansion or shrinkage, between two structural members or between dierent two parts of one member, the eect of this must be considered. The design value of temperature dierential may be determined as follows: 1) the relative temperature dierential for steel structures is 15 ; 2) the relative temperature dierential between a concrete oor slab and a steel girder in the design of a steel girder bridge with a concrete oor slab is 10 , with the temperature distribution over each member assumed to be uniform; 3) the relative temperature dierential for concrete structures at the point of the maximal value of redundant force is 15 in the Chubu region of Japan (inland areas and the Hokuriku district) and in the northern part of the Tohoku district, while it is 12.5 in other districts. In this case, the minimal size of a hollow cross section, such as a box-shape section, should be determined without any deduction of the size of the portion completely shut down from the outside air; the relative temperature dierential between the oor slab and other structural members is 5 and the temperature distribution in each is considered uniform; 4) because the cracks caused by annual temperature changes open and close, the characteristic value of temperature change for estimating cracks in assessing durability may be reduced from the value specied in 3) above where the maximal redundant force is considered; in general, a 20% reduction is allowed; 5) structures such as oor slabs subject to high temperatures, chimneys, and tanks storing liquids at high or low temperatures have large temperature dierentials between surfaces. In such cases, the internal stress resulting from temperature changes must be taken into account because the assumption of uniform temperature change over the cross section is not realistic. (4) the range of temperature variation used to calculate movements of bearings and expansion joints in the design of bridge may in general be taken from Table C2.4.5.
Table C2.4.5 Range of temperature variation for the calculation of bearing and expansion joint movement in bridge design type of bridge reinforced concrete bridge prestressed concrete bridge steel bridge (deck bridge) steel bridge (through bridge and steel plate deck bridge ) temperature change normal temperatures cold regions 5 +35 10 +40 10 +50 15 +35 20 +40 20 +40

2.4.22 Eects of displacement of supports and dierential settlement (1) Where displacement of a structures supports and/or dierential settlement is anticipated and if the eects of such movement on the structure might be signicant, their eects shall be determined according to the required performance in consideration of the type of structure and subsoil conditions.

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(2) The characteristic values of displacement of a structures supports and/or dierential settlement shall be determined carefully as they may have a considerable eect on the size and shape of structural members.

(1) During the Kojaeri earthquake in Turkey and the Cheche earthquake in Taiwan in 1999, bridge girders collapsed and a dam body failed after displacements of 5-10 meters occurred at faults. Where a fault is thought to be present under a designed structure, the probability of a displacement occurring during the design working life and its magnitude should preferably be estimated at the design stage. In the design of a bridge, however, it is very dicult to cope well with large fault displacements, so it is important to secure good redundancy in the road network, to establish an early recovery plan, and to develop earthquake-proong techniques as well as to clarify the performance requirements.

2.4.23 Eect of earthquake (1) Earthquake motion and all actions resulting from earthquake motion shall be considered in the seismic design of a structure. (2) In taking account of the direction of earthquake motion, it is preferable that two perpendicular directions on the horizontal plane be considered not independently rather than simultaneously. If necessary, earthquake motion in the vertical direction shall be considered according to the dynamic characteristics of the structure. (3) Two classes of earthquake motion shall be used in verication, as follows.

Level 1 earthquake motion that has a relatively high probability of occurring during the working life of the structure. Level 2 earthquake motion that is strong and has a relatively low probability of occurring during the working life of the structure.

(4) The worst-case eect of earthquake motion on the structure shall be determined by considering seismicity around the site of construction, characteristics of the hypocenter and propagation of earthquake motion, amplication characteristics depending on subsoil conditions at the site, etc. (5) Generally, a time-history acceleration wave of earthquake motion shall be used for verication.

(1) The eects of earthquake on a structure are generally considered to be the following: 1 inertial forces caused by structural masses and attached masses 2 dynamic interaction between structure and soil 3 hydrodynamic pressure during earthquake 4 earthquake-induced ground deformation, such as liquefaction of soil and resulting ground ows In considering the eects of earthquake at the design stage, the type of structure and its loading conditions, the surrounding environment, and other factors determine which of these eects should be taken into account. Both the mass of the structure itself and the mass of any attached structures should be considered as contributing to the inertial force under earthquake motion. In general, the masses of permanent actions and subsidiary actions may be considered under the assumption that the mass of attachment bodies causes the inertia force along with the earthquake.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Dynamic interactions between structure and soil arise because of a relative dierence in dy-

namic response characteristics between the two. These dynamic interactions need to be taken into account in the case of abutments, retaining walls, underground structures, foundation structures such as piles and caissons, and similar. In the design of structures that hold liquids, such as storage tanks, and those that stand in water, such as bridge piers, the hydrodynamic pressures arising from both the added mass of the stored liquid and its vibration must be taken into account, as these act on a structure during earthquake. o Countermeasures against soil liquefaction are the basis of the seismic design process of a structure. However, the eect of soil liquefaction on the seismic resistance of a structure must also be fully considered at the design stage if countermeasures are expected to be technically dicult or particularly uneconomical. Where the ground surface is sloping or if the pressure on the structure is always unsymmetrical, then ground ows caused by liquefaction must be considered as they might occur during an earthquake. (2) Horizontal earthquake motion alone may, in general, be taken into account in verifying seismic performance because it is the dominant earthquake eect on a structure. Although horizontal earthquake motion can act on the structure in any random direction, verication may be carried out in two independent orthogonal directions. However, in the design of curved-in-plane bridges, structures in which torsion arises, and columns on which largely eccentric axial forces act, the inuence of earthquake motion from multiple directions should ideally be considered, as the structure might show multi-axial response even for earthquake motion from one direction. Verication against vertical earthquake motion must be carried out if the eect of vertical motion on the seismic resistance of the structure, which depends on the type, shape, and rigidity distribution of the structure, is not negligible. (3) Two classes of earthquake motion must be used to verify seismic performance, preferably considering the characteristics of earthquake motions, as follows: Level 1 earthquake motion, which has a relatively high probability of occurring during the working life of the structure. Level 2 earthquake motion, which is a strong motion with a relatively low probability of occurring during the working life of the structure [JSCE Research Subcommittee for Level 2 earthquake motion (2000)]. The intensity of each of these motions may be determined by specifying a return period based on the working life of the structure. In references [JSCE (2001)] and [JSCE (2002a)], the return period for Level 1 earthquake motion is specied as 50 years. On the other hand, the return periods of Level 2 earthquake motion, dened as Type or Type II as below, may be specied as 100 years and 1000 years, respectively. The latter is specied in order to consider extremely strong earthquakes.

Type I earthquake motion: earthquake motion caused by a large-scale interplate earthquake just oshore Type II earthquake motion: earthquake motion caused by the shifting of an active fault in the epicentral area or nearby

(4) The actual earthquake motion used for verication should take into account the seismicity in the vicinity of the construction site, the characteristics of the hypocenter, the propagation of the earthquake motion, the amplication characteristics, etc. However, it is very dicult to estimate all of these factors accurately and in fact some of them are at present still very uncertain, so earthquake motion for verication may in general be established by taking into account measured earthquake motions and the failure mechanism of the earths crust in the epicentral area. (5) Generally, a time-history acceleration wave should be used to represent earthquake motion in the verication, because the dynamic response of a structure to Level 2 earthquake motion is

Chapter 2 Actions


analyzed using nonlinear time-history analysis. The eects of earthquake on the structure must be expressed in suitable form according to the analysis method adopted, such as the static structural analysis method, the response spectrum method, etc.

2.4.24 Eect of airborne salinity If required performance is determined in consideration of airborne salinity, the worst-case eect over the structures working life shall be assumed by considering the site location, the materials used, etc.

The amount of salt in the air determines the selection of steel products and rust protection methods as well as the cover thickness for a oor slab and felloe guard concrete and the method of protecting reinforcing bars from rust. Airborne salinity should preferably be determined from eld measurements at the construction site because it depends on region, topography, distance from the shore, etc. Reference [PWRI, SPC and JBCA (1993)] may be used to obtain a value if eld measurements are impossible.

2.4.25 Eect of exhaust gases In designing a structure located where trac jams are common, the eect of exhaust gases shall be considered by taking into account trac ow volumes and transportation system management.

Concrete structures such as those that form the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo are exposed to severe environmental conditions because of the presence of exhaust gases. Test surveys and chemical testing on concrete bridge components exposed to exhaust gases for more than 30 years have shown that the concrete neutralization depth relates to the amount of carbon adhered to the surface. It has been also been revealed that nitrogen and sulfur oxides contained in exhaust gases further promote concrete deterioration. This poses a particular problem for poured concrete expressway walls, for which it is dicult to guarantee compaction quality during construction because of their large height to breadth ratio. In designing road structures for locations where trac jams are common, the cover thickness of concrete members expected to suer deterioration because of exhaust gases should ideally be ensured by taking into account the design working life and maintenance procedures.

2.4.26 Eect of carbon dioxide concentration If necessary, the eect of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentration shall be considered as it might aect the neutralization of concrete.

It is known that carbon dioxide (CO2 ) inuences the neutralization of a concrete structure. The progress of neutralization has been generally assumed, on the basis of experiments and observations, to follow the t law with elapsed time (t); that is, a parabolic law. Accelerated tests with a high set value of CO2 concentration have also shown adherence to this parabolic law. What this means is that, if CO2 diusion into concrete follows Fucks rst law, the neutralization depth remains proportional to the square root of elapsed time and is also proportional to the square root of the dierence in CO2 density between the surface and the interior of the concrete. Since the latter half of the 20th century, the CO2 concentration of the air has tended to increase


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

annually, although seasonal changes are also observed. Further, it is expected that the synergistic eect of this trend and air temperature rises driven by global warming might result in accelerating CO2 concentrations in the latter half of the 21st century. The value of carbon dioxide concentration used to estimate and evaluate durability should be determined by considering recent research that shows the neutralization rate of concrete increasing step-wise if the CO2 concentration does so. According to the current specications [JSCE (2002b)], no concrete neutralization problems are expected to occur for 100 years or more if concrete is suitably mixed with normal portland cement and a water-to-cement ratio of less than 50% as long as the cover thickness is greater than 30mm. However, this example assumes current CO2 concentrations.

2.4.27 Eect of acid concentration The worst-case eect of acid concentration on the structure over its design working life shall be determined by considering the site location, materials used, etc.


Acid-induced chemical corrosion is rarely a problem for steel structures in a normal environment. However, the eect of acid concentration should be considered as required if eld measurements of acid concentration indicate a need, particularly if the structure is situated in an unusual environment such as in a hot spring area or in the drainage basin of an acid river.

2.4.28 Eect of drying and wetting The eect of repeated drying and wetting shall be considered in the case that a structure is subject to extremely frequent dry-wet cycles, since cracks leading to deterioration of concrete members may result.


According to the literature [Kato, et al. (1987)], water absorption and dehydration in the range of 6% and expansion and contraction of 30010 6 can result from repeated drying and wetting of a concrete member. Therefore, the eect of repeated drying and wetting should be considered in cases where a structure is subject to extremely frequent dry-wet cycles. If a waterproong method such as coating with a waterproof agent is to be used, its eectiveness should be considered after adequate discussion based on experimental data.

2.4.29 Eect of sunshine In the case that a steel structure has a required performance relating to painting for which the eect of sunlight is considered, the worst-case eect of sunshine over the design working life shall be determined by considering the site location, materials used, etc.


The durability of a steel structure may be reduced because of a phenomena by which the pigment included in the paint lm discolors under ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The surface of the paint lm is resolved into a powder (through a process known as the chalking phenomenon). The performance requirements for the paint lm should be satised, taking account of the weather resistance of the structure over its design working life.

Chapter 2 Actions


2.4.30 Eect of freezing In a case where repeated freezing and thawing might cause severe cracking in concrete members, the eect of freezing shall be considered properly.

The factors determining concretes susceptibility to freezing damage are divided into three categories: factors relating to the environment, factors relating to the supply of water, and factors relating to the quality of the concrete. The rst category corresponds to environmental conditions, such as meteorological eects like the minimum temperature and the amount of sunshine received by the structure. The second corresponds to rainfall, snowfall, and splashing, where freezing might occur if water is supplied to the surface of a concrete member. The third corresponds to the type and quality of materials used, the quality of the concrete (depending on its mix proportion), and the construction quality, including placement, compaction, curing method, curing period, etc. Countermeasures against freezing should preferably be applied after considering these three types of factors. 2.4.31 Eect of re In a case where there is a possibility of the structure being exposed to high temperatures such as in a re, their eects shall be considered properly.

In a case where there is a possibility of the structure being exposed to high temperatures, such as in a re, their eects must be properly considered according to both the level of damage caused and the performance required of the structure after the disaster. In other words, it must be conrmed whether the material properties of the steel and concrete members will change under the anticipated high temperatures or not, and the possibility of continuing to use the members must be judged. In the specications for building structures, it is prescribed that the upper limit of elevated temperature is 350 and that, after cooling, concrete which has experienced a temperature up to 500 should remain usable. Reference [JCI (2002)] may also be consulted.

2.5 Action Factors

(1) An action factor is used to take into account any unfavorable deviation of the statistical characteristic value of an action, uncertainties relating to action modeling, changes in action characteristics over a given reference period, inuence of action characteristics on the relevant limit state of structure, variations in environmental action, and so on. The actual design value of each action shall be obtained by multiplying the action value as dened in 2.4 by its corresponding action factor. (2) Where combinations of actions are taken into consideration, the action factors described in (1) above shall be modied by a reduction factor in consideration of the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of multiple actions according to the judgment of the responsible chief engineer.


(1) The action factors that might be introduced when actions specied in Article 2.4 are used in the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

design of steel and composite structures are given here. The following denitions are assumed:2 Unfavorable deviation of the statistical characteristic value of an action means there is a possibility that an extremely serious outcome (negative convenience) might arise if larger (or smaller) actions than expected act on the steel or composite structure, leading to the structure reaching its limit state. Uncertainties relating to calculation of action value corresponds to inadequacy in the statistical data used in the calculation of the statistical characteristic value of the relevant action. Changes in action characteristics over a given reference period means an expectation of changes in the characteristics of the relevant action itself. An example would be the expectation that average air temperatures will rise as a result of global warming. Inuence of action characteristics on the relevant limit state of structure means there is a possibility that, for instance, an impulsive action might cause a sudden failure such as a brittle fracture. Variations in environmental action means the expectation of changes in the corrosion environment surrounding a steel member as a function of time elapsed, for example. If an action factor is adopted in consideration of the factor(s) described above, the engineer in charge of design is expected, in principle, to determine the value of the action factor. Here, the values of action factors corresponding to unfavorable deviation of the statistical characteristic value of an action and inuence of action characteristics on the relevant limit state of structure should be determined subjectively based on the experience and instincts of the engineer in charge. The value of an action factor relating to uncertainties relating to calculation of action value should be determined by applying statistics. The values of action factors related to changes in action characteristics over a given reference period and variations in environmental action should be determined through the application of both the experience and instincts of the engineer in charge and statistics.
Table C2.5.1 Load combination factors and load modifying factors proposed by [JRA (1986)]
combination of loads D P+PP P+PP+T P+PP+W P+PP+EQ P+PP+CO ER means the 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 P L+I T-20 L-20 3.1 1.7 1.6 0.9 1.6 0.9 HP 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 U W load modication factor S T EQ SW1 SW2 PP GD SD WP 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CF 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 BK PA CO 1.0

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 to be considered according to erection conditions load is not included in the load combination

(Load modication factors relating to PS, CR, SH, and E have been omitted because they are as yet undecided.)


primary load subsidiary load partial primary load partial subsidiary load dead load live load impact hydrostatic pressure buoyancy or uplift


wind load eect of temperature changes eect of earthquake snow load considering compacted snow snow load considering only snowfall depth eect of ground displacement eect of support displacement wave pressure


centrifugal force collision force erection-related force prestressing force eect of concrete creep eect of concrete shrinkage earth pressure braking force including

acceleration force

Values specied in other standards may, as explained below, be adopted if the determination of

a suitable value is dicult. It should be noted, however, that there is also an opinion that there is no need to adopt action factors in the design of steel and composite structures judging from past design achievements and from the way they are specied in the current standards [JSCE

Chapter 2 Actions


Table C2.5.2 Combinations of actions and action factors specied in [RTRI (2000)]

(a) steel bridge (steel girder)

limit state combination of action and action factor performance item prescribed in this Design volume

verication of ultimate limit state

1 .0 D + 1 .1 L + 1 .1 I + 1 .1 C + {L R } + {T } 1 .0 D + 1 .1 L + 1 .1 I + 1 .1 C + {L R } + {L F } + {W } 1 .0 D + 1 .1 L + {L R } + {B } + {W } {LR } + 1.1B or 1.1LR + {B } 1 .1 L F + {W } 1 .1 B + {W } 1 . 0 D + 1 . 1 L 2 + 1 . 1 C 2 + 1 . 0 W 1 .0 D + 1 .2 W D + L + C + EQ [D ] + L + [C ] deection by train load

verication of safety (load-carrying capacity)

verication of safety (load-carrying capacity) verication of serviceability (train operating performance) verication of durability (fatigue resistance)

verication of serviceability limit state verication of fatigue limit state

1.0D + 1.1L + 1.1I + 1.1C verication of fatigue limit D + L + I + C verication considering repetition number

(b) composite girder

limit state combination of action and action factors
1.11 D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1L + 1.1I + 1.1C + 1.0SH + 1.0CR +

verication of ultimate limit state verication of serviceability limit state verication of fatigue limit state

1.11 D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1L + 1.0SH + 1.0CR + {LR } + {B } + {T } 1.11 D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1L2 + 1.1C 2 + 1.0W 1.11 D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.2W D1 + D2 + L + C + EQ [D ] + L + [C ] deection under train load

{L R } + {T }

performance item prescribed in this Design volume verication of safety (loadcarrying capacity)

verication of serviceability (train operating performance)

verication of durability verication of fatigue limit (fatigue resistance) D1 + D2 + L + I + C verication considering repetition number Actions in are subsidiary variable actions. Actions in [ ] are combined with other actions as required. *1 Action factor 1.0 is used for the dead load of a concrete oor slab and action factor 1.1 is used for a steel girder. *2 When the inuence of empty train vehicles is greater, 1.0 is used.
Action symbols used in the table are as follows: D Dead load D1 Fixed dead load Train load I Impact L Longitudinal load imposed LF Lateral train load and transverse LR

1.11 D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1L + 1.1I + 1.1C


Additional dead load Centrifugal load Braking force and

by long welded rail W SH

Wind load eect of concrete shrinkage

wheel thrust T EQ
Eect of temperature changes earth pressure

acceleration force
eect of concrete creep

(1998)]. As an example of the values adopted in other standards, the following are given in Common Principles in Limit State Design Methods for Steel and Concrete Structures [SCCSDSS (1992)]: 1.01.2 for permanent actions (1.00.8 in cases where a smaller value is critical) 1.111.2 for primary variable actions Regarding action factors for use in the design of highway bridges, [JRA (1986)] proposes the values shown in Table C2.5.1, which incorporate the concept of load combinations. The values given in this table may be used in the design of highway bridges or similar steel and composite structures. Similarly, action factors for use in the design of railway bridges can be taken from Table C2.5.2, as specied in the Standard Specications for Railway Structures and its commentary (Steel and Composite Structures) [RTRI (2000)]. Here, detailed values are listed according to


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

the limit state considered at the design stage and to load combinations. The third column in Table C2.5.2 indicates the applicable performance items prescribed in this Design volume. (2) With regard to combinations of actions, a coecient that increases the allowable stress is introduced in the current Standard Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA (2002)], for example. In these specications, the probability that multiple actions will occur simultaneously is taken into account by reducing the action level against combinations in which frequently occurring action(s) coincide with rarely occurring action(s). Combinations of actions that are extremely rare are disregarded. Table C2.5.3 lists the prescribed reduction factors for various combinations of actions. These reduction factors correspond to the inverse of the coecient that increases allowable stress in the Standard Specications for Highway Bridges, which were obtained from past investigations [Sugiyama, et al. (1990)].
Table C2.5.3 Reduction factors for combinations of actions
load combination 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. primary primary primary primary primary primary reduction factor 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.75 0.80

load(P)+particular primary load(PP) load(P)+particular primary load(PP)+ eect of temperature changes(T) load(P)+particular primary load(PP)+wind load(W) load(P)+particular primary load(PP)+ eect of temperature changes(T)+wind load(W) load(P)+particular primary load(PP)+ braking force(BK) load(P)+particular primary load(PP)+collision force(CO) for steel member 0.60 for reinforced concrete member 0.70 7. primary load(P) except live load and impact + eect of earthquake(EQ) 0.70 8. wind load(W) only 0.85 9. braking force (BK) only 0.85 10. erection-related force(ER) 0.80 It is necessary to classify P, PP, and other loads described in the Standard Specications for Highway Bridges into the categories permanent action, primary variable action, and subsidiary variable action as dened in this Design volume.

Action factors proposed in other standards for the load combinations shown in Table C2.5.1 and 2.5.2 may be used if their application is judged to be preferable. As for action combinations that include multiple variable actions acting on the designed structure or structural member, Turkstras method should be adopted; the value of the primary variable action is equal to the characteristic value given in Article 2.4 while values of the other variable actions are the expected design working life maximum (or minimum) value distributions and then these values are then summed up [Turkstra, et al. (1980)]. With the capabilities of personal computers advancing so rapidly in recent times, it is now possible to adopt the Monte Carlo simulation method if sucient information has been collected to determine the probability distributions of occurrence frequency (or the interval between two consecutive occurrences), duration, and intensity of the variable action and its uctuations. If such a simulation method is adopted, the maximal value of combined load or the 5-10 It is necessary to classify P, PP, and other loads described in the Standard Specications for Highway Bridges into the categories permanent action, primary variable action, and subsidiary variable action as dened in this Design volume.
References in Chapter 2 Sugiyama et al.(1985) Determination of distribution model and characteristic value from statistical data, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.31A, pp.287-300. First Japan Road Association - Bridge committee - Subcommittee for limit state design method (1986,1989) report by subcommittee for limit state design method - working group for loads and second report by

Chapter 2 Actions


Subcommittee for limit state design method - working group for loads. 53-495 Ishii, et al.(1987) Vibration of long span water sluice caused by uid motion, Proc. of JSME-Part B pp.3267-3273 Kato, et al.(1987) Deterioration of durability of concrete member caused by drying and wetting and countermeasures, Journal of JSCE Annual meeting No. 24, V-216, pp.470-471 Fujiwara, et al.(1988) Estimation of design live load in limit state design method, Public Works Research Institute Material, No.2539 Fujiwara, et al.(1989) Estimation of design live load in limit state design method, Public Works Research Institute Material, No. 2700. Sugiyama, et al.(1990) Probabilistic consideration of load combination factors, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.36A, pp.479-490 Steel and concrete common structural design standards subcommittee(1992) Common principles in limit state design methods for steel and concrete structures, Proc. of JSCE, No.450/I-20 pp.13-20 Okada, et al.(1993) Maintenance of highway bridges (foundations), Hanshin Expressway Management Technology Center pp.175-178 Kiichiro Muta(1993) Fire, repair, and reinforcement, Concrete technology, Vol.31, pp.83-86 Ministry of Const. Pubic Works Research Institute, Steel Products club, Japan Bridge Const. Society(1993) Joint research report (XX) on application of atmospheric corrosion resisting steel to bridges - Course of design and erection of bridges constructed from unpainted atmospheric corrosion resisting steel (revised version), Joint research report, No.88. Ishii, et al.(1994) Various problems relating to hydraulic structures (Vibration of long span shell-type water sluice caused by uid motion), Journal of Japanese Wind Engineering Association, 59 pp75-79. Tsuda, et al.(1995) Experiment on characteristics of concrete exposed to exhaust gases for more than 30 years, Journal of JSCE Annual meeting, No. 50 pp258-259. Tsuda, et al.(1996) Chemical analysis of reinforced concrete of age more than 30 years, Journal of JSCE annual meeting No. 51 pp322-323. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1998) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. ReJSCE Earthquake Engineering Committee - Research subcommittee for Level 2 earthquake motion(1993) search activity report of Research subcommittee for Level 2 earthquake motion. Standard Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary, Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Steel and Composite structures. Japan Highway Public Corporation(2000) Design Guide Vol. 2, Bridge Design Volume. Nippon Expressway Company Limited (2006) Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2001) Guideline of earthquake-resistant design for civil structures (Draft) - Handbook for Preparation of Earthquake-resistance Design Standards - Toshio Fukushima(2001) Trend of atmospheric CO2 concentration and new prediction and estimation methpp.151-156 ods for neutralization progress of concrete, Journal of Global Environment Symposium, No.9 Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority(2001) Wind-resistant Design Standards for Honshu-Shikoku Bridge and Commentary. Railway Technical Research Institute(2002) Standard Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary, Composite Structures with Steel and Concrete. Shirase, et al.(2002) Estimation of eect of adhering nitrogen oxides on the durability of RC highway bridges, Journal of JSCE annual meeting, No. 57,pp.1075-1076 Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2002a) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Structural Performance Verication Volume. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2002b) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Construction Volume. Japan Concrete Engineering Association(2002) Report of research committee on safety of concrete structures against re. Japan Road Association(2002a) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I General Volume. Japan Road Association(2002b) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, III Concrete Volume. Japan Road Association(2002c) Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Highway Bridge.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Railway Technical Research Institute(1992) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japan Road Association(2005) Wind-resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges. BS5400(1978) BS5400 Part 1 British Standards Institution OHBD(1983) Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario AASHTO(1996) AASHTO Standard Specication for Highway Bridges 16th Edition


Chapter 3 Materials

3.1 General
3.1.1 Fundamentals of material physical properties Regarding basic physical properties, the materials used in steel and composite structures must satisfy the following requirements: (1) Adequate strength and deformability, or toughness (2) Resistance to change or deterioration in quality during the working life (3) Minimum impact on the environment (4) Minimum impact on human beings and animals/plants

This article describes the fundamental properties required of the materials used in steel and composite structures. These include materials used for structural members (e.g. steel and concrete), for attachments and pavements (e.g. rubber, plastic and asphalt), for welding and painting, for improvement of service and for maintenance. (a) The fundamental performance requirement of materials forming the structure is that they should be able to resist actions such as the various loadings to which the structure is exposed. (b) Materials forming the structure should not reach unexpected limit states as a result of deterioration phenomena during the working life of the structure. (c) Materials-related energy consumption and CO2 discharges should be minimized, while recyclability should be high. (d) Any materials that escape into the surrounding environment during construction and service should not have a strong impact on human beings, animals and plants.

3.1.2 Required properties of materials (1) The materials used in steel and composite structures must have properties that are sucient to meet the required performance. (2) Material properties must be described using measurable physical quantities and be consistent with the calculation model.

(1) Any materials that escape into the surrounding environment during construction and service should not have a strong impact on human beings, animals and plants. (2) Corresponding to design requirements, the materials should be evaluated to ensure that their properties are suitable with respect to strength (tensile, compressive and shear), deformation (e.g. elastic modulus), heat-resistance and water-tightness. Material properties and their characteristic values should be determined by tests specied in the standards, such as ISO and JIS, or by other widely accepted methods. These tests should be carried out on the basis of random samples representing the overall population. The characteristic values obtained from tests on such specimens should be converted to suit the design calculation models using appropriate conversion factors or functions. However, since details of materials are generally not yet


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

identied a the design stage, it is also rational to determine characteristic values from statistical values rather than actual experiment [ISO, 1998]. Values specied in standards such as ISO and JIS should then be used as characteristic values; alternatively, characteristic values should be determined such that the probability of actual values being less than those values is a dened small value [JSCE, 1992].

3.2 Structural Steel

3.2.1 Required steel properties (1) The mechanical properties, chemical composition, shape, and dimensions of structural steel must satisfy the structures required performance. (2) Structural steel conforming to standards such as ISO and JIS and that has a long history of use in past projects is deemed to satisfy requirement (1). Such material can be used once conformity with the standards is conrmed through inspection certicates.

(1) The required performance of the steel materials used in steel and composite structures is prescribed. These steel materials should possess the required properties and qualities in order that the structure or structural member that these steel materials are used meets the required performance such as safety, durability, fabricability, etc. Japan Road Association, 2002a . Also, the properties and qualities of the steel materials should satisfy the performance requirements throughout the planning, design, construction, and maintenance stages. (2) In general, steel and composite structures are designed based on assumptions about the properties and qualities of the materials to be used. Therefore, a precondition for the use of all materials is that stable quality can be assured. Since there is some variability in the properties of industrial products, the average or the distribution of each property should meet the requirement. Quality is commonly controlled using standards such as ISO and JIS. Structural steel materials conforming to standards such as ISO and JIS and that have been used in many structures in the past are deemed to satisfy the requirements of (1) above. Thus, such steel materials can be used after conrming conformance with the standards by inspecting the certicates Japan Road Association, 2002a; JSSC, 2004 . Recently, new steel materials with improved properties and qualities have come into use for the purpose of rationalizing fabrication and improving durability (3.2.2 (2)). Most of these new materials are produced by improving the chemical composition or rolling method for standard materials, such as specied by ISO and JIS. These new steel materials can be used in structures after conrming the inuence of any changes from the standards on structural performance through experiments or other means. Also, since the qualities of these steel materials are deemed to meet the same ISO and JIS standards, they can be used after conrming their conformity with the standards by inspecting the certicates. Any steel materials with properties that deviate from the standards can be used in the same way.

3.2.2 Selection of steel type (1) The type of steel used for a steel or composite structure must be selected according to the required material properties, which depend on the stress state where used, environmental conditions at the site, corrosion protection method, construction method, and so on. The properties of interest include strength, ductility, toughness, chemical composition, shape, size, and surface characteristics.

Chapter 3 Materials


(2) A variety of types of steel is available depending on the requirements of quality control, workability, labor-saving, etc.. The selected material shall be demonstrated to have properties that satisfy the objective through an appropriate procedure such as testing.

(1) The fundamental principles for the selection of steel type are prescribed Japan Road Association, 2002b . Particular consideration should be given to the selection of steel type in the following cases. 1) For seismic energy and deformation absorbing members In the Design Specications for Highway Bridges Part V Japan Road Association, 2002c , damage tolerance design is adopted on condition that there should be no bridge collapses or repairable after Level 2 ground motions. For example, there is one design in which the steel bridge piers have no concrete lling, allowing the structural members to yield and absorb the seismic energy in Level 2 ground motions. In this case, the premise is that there should be no damage such as fractures to the structural members or the joints. Thus, the stress-strain curves after yielding JSCE, 2000; Tominaga et. al, 1994 , fracture toughness Sasaki, , and z-tension test results Japan Road Association, 2002b should be considered in 2000 selected energy and deformation absorbing members. 2) For use in regions with low temperatures Brittle fractures at low temperature should be considered. Adequate toughness taking into account the lowest temperatures experienced in the region should be ensured for steel materials used in important welded structural members in tension. Certain special regulations for the selection of steel types for cold regions may be useful Japan Road Association, 1985 . In the regulations of the Hokkaido Development Bureau, there are three categories of cold according to the lowest temperature (lowest temperature 35 , -35 lowest temperature 25 , 25 lowest temperature) and corresponding usable steel types are decided accordingly. 3) For structural members subjected to signicant welding restraint or tensile force in the thickness direction Where there are welds such as cruciform joints, T-shaped joints, or corner joints, or where structural members are subjected to tensile force in the thickness direction, a fracture in the thickness direction known as a lamellar tear may occur. Lamellar tearing is a phenomenon in which sulde inclusions (MnS) in the steel become elongated through rolling; tearing then happens because of tensile force in the thickness direction acting between the inclusions and the steel. Consequently, the concentration of sulde inclusions is related to the evaluation of susceptibility to lamellar tearing. To avoid lamellar tearing, consideration should be given to selecting a suitable joint type (weld design), reducing the force or strain in the thickness direction (welding procedure), or adoption of lamellar tear resistant steel JSCE, 1985 . 4) For structural members bent to a small radius For the purpose of landscape design or rationalized structural design, structural members worked to a small radius are increasingly being used. Steel hardens with bending due to strain aging. To minimize the inuence of strain aging embrittlement, it is important not to introduce large local strains. In general, the inside bending radius should be greater than 15 times the steel thickness so that surface strain does not exceed about 3%. However, this rule does not apply to steel materials with enhanced toughness prescribed later or if it has been conrmed that strain aging embrittlement does not occur. 5) In the case of welding with low preheating temperature


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Welds may crack because of the presence of hydrogen in cases where there are a lot of

alloying elements in the steel and where they are subjected to signicant welding restraint. In general, the steel is preheated to prevent weld cracking. Lower preheating temperature are desired because preheating leads to much work in fabrication and work conditions are not good. To prevent weld cracking it is eective to reduce PCM which is an indicator of the susceptibility to weld cracking. Further, the type of welding materials (diusible hydrogen) and shape of joints (thickness, degree of restraint) should be considered in deciding the preheating temperature. 6) In the case of large heat input welding Large heat input welding with reduced welding passes realizes a rationalization of work when eld welding the full cross section of the I-girders in a twin I-girder bridge. The heat input has to be restricted according to the type of steel because, in general, the heat-aected zone becomes weaker in proportion to the heat input. Recently, new types of steel that allow for large heat input welding have been developed. These steel materials can be used after conrming their quality through welding tests. However, it should be noted that proper welding materials must be selected for the welding to ensure the required performance of the welded metal. JISF, 2005 exhibit improved properties of strength, toughness, bending (2) High performance steels formability, and corrosion resistance than conventional types of steel. The use of such highperformance steel materials is prescribed here. 1) Excellent toughness steels Where cold bending work of structural members is carried out, the inside bending radius of curves should be greater than 15 times the thickness because of the problem of loss of toughness. However, where sucient toughness can be secured by using excellent toughness steels, bends with smaller inside bending radius are permitted. Specically, bends with an inside bending radius of 5 or 7 times the thickness or greater are permitted if the result of Charpy impact tests for absorbed energy, as specied in JIS Z2242, satisfy the values given in Table C3.2.1 and the N content of the steel is 0.006%. In general, steel toughness declines and the risk of brittle fracture tends to rise at lower temperatures. These problems can also be improved by using excellent toughness steels.
Table C3.2.1 Allowable radius in cold bending work Charpy absorbed energy 150J and over 200J and over Inside bending radius in cold bending work 7t and over (t: thickness) 5t and over (t: thickness)

2) Lamellar tear resistant steels Welded joints subjected to large tensile force in the thickness direction can fracture in the thickness direction in a so-called lamellar tear. Where this is a concern, a lamellar tear resistant steel can be used along with improved welding methods. Lamellar tear resistant steels with guaranteed z-tension test results and sulfur content are specied in JIS G3199. (See Table C3.2.2)

Chapter 3 Materials


Table C3.2.2 Results of z-tension tests and sulfur content (JIS) Class Z15S Z25S Z35S Average of 3 specimens 15% and over 25% and over 35% and over Value of each specimen 10% and over 15% and over 25% and over Sulfur content 0.010% and under 0.008% and under 0.006% and under

3) LP steel plates Longitudinally proled (LP) steel plates are produced with variable thickness in the longitudinal direction. LP steel plates have become available due to the development of plate rolling technology. The application of LP steel plates to steel and composite structures allows the weight of steel, and hence fabrication cost, to be reduced while eliminating ller plates in bolted joints and eliminating tapering work in welded joints. 4) Low preheating steels With increasing the amount of alloying elements and with increasing steel thickness, the problem of weld cracking tends to increase. In order to prevent weld cracking it is necessary to preheat the steel. Low preheating steels whose PCM is lower than that of conventional steel materials allow the preheating temperature to be reduced or allow reduction or elimination of preheating work. 5) Steels for large heat input welding In general, as the amount of heat input by welding increases, the heat aected zone tends to become weaker. Where this causes a problem, special steels for large heat input welding allow the required toughness to be secured. When using such steel materials, the welding equipment, groove shapes, and welding conditions should be checked against the Design Specications for Highway Bridges 17.4.4 Japan Road Association, 2002b . 6) Constant yield point steels In general, as the thickness of steel increases, its yield point or strength tends to decrease. Constant yield point steels provide the benet of reduced steel weight and reduction in design complexity where the steel exceeds 40 mm in thickness. 7) Low yield strength steels Low yield strength steels have excellent ductility and are used for seismic vibration control devices in structures. These low yield steels absorb the seismic energy through plastic deformation, thereby reducing the vibration of the structure. 8) Nickel added weathering steels Nickel added weathering steels whose mechanical properties are in conformity with JIS SMA and whose corrosion resistance is improved have come into use. These weathering steels, which are Cr-free low alloy steels containing Ni, Cu, Mo, Ti, etc., are applicable over a larger range than conventional weathering steels (JIS G 3144). 9) Stainless steels Stainless steels are used for harbor, oshore, and river structures, etc. where regular corrosion prevention is dicult to implement. In addition to conventional stainless steel (SUS304), various new kinds of stainless steel with improved corrosion resistance and Nifree ferritic stainless steels have been developed. These stainless steels have been used for bridges as well as buildings in Europe and the USA. Considering the reduced maintenance, improvement in LCC is expected for the adoption of the stainless steels because of excellent corrosion resistance. 10) Bridge high-performance steels Bridge high-performance steels (BHS) whose yield strength, tensile strength, toughness, weldability, fabricability, and weather resistance are highly developed, have been proposed


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Miki et. al, 2003 , and some research relating to their application to actual structures

has been conducted. Utilization of the excellent performance of BHS is expected to reduce bridge construction costs.

3.3 Concrete
(1) The strength, ductility, and workability of concrete must be of specic quality suitable for construction. (2) Ready-mixed concrete shall conform to JIS A 5308 in principle.


(1) This article derives from the materials provision (3.2.1) in the Design Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002a]. Designers may also follow the Standard Specication for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002]. (2) This article is included since most construction in Japan is carried out with ready-mixed concrete. Even using ready-mixed concrete, though, the required properties cannot be obtained unless construction work is carried out appropriately. Care is necessary during construction since even material sourced from a plant certied by JIS may suer from some problems. In order to meet structure performance requirements, the use of high-performance concretes not conforming to JIS, such as high-strength, high-uidity, high-self-compactability, and low-heat of hydration concretes, is increasing. The mix-proportion required to satisfy such specic performance requirements should be determined based on the provisions of the Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002].

3.4 Value of Material Properties for Design

3.4.1 General (1) The quality of steel or concrete is expressed not only in terms of tensile or compressive strength but also through other material properties such as strength, deformation, heat, durability, or water tightness according to design needs. Appropriate consideration must be given to the inuence of loading rate on strength and deformation properties. (2) The characteristic value of material strength, fk , should be selected such that most test values fall above it. (3) Design material strength, fd , is given by the characteristic value of material strength, fk , divided by the partial factor for the material, m .

(1) The main materials used in steel and composite structures are steel and concrete. Many varieties of steel and concrete are available, so it is necessary to select appropriate ones in consideration of how the structure will be used, environmental conditions, design working life, construction conditions and so on. Material properties are expressed not only in terms of tensile or compressive strength but also through other values according to design needs. The various material properties can be classied into mechanical, physical and chemical properties. Strength properties can be expressed through measures of static strength, such as tensile

Chapter 3 Materials


strength, yield strength (yield point or proof stress), compressive strength and bond strength, as well as fatigue strength, fracture toughness and so on. Deformation properties include timeindependent Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio, as well as time-dependent creep modulus and shrinkage. In addition, there are the properties expressed through the relationship between two mechanical factors, as in the case of a stress-strain curve. The physical properties include heat properties, such as coecient of thermal expansion and specic heart, as well as density, water-tightness and air-tightness. The quantitative treatment of density and heat properties is generalized. Acid erosion and resistance to sulfates are classied as chemical properties. The values of material properties specied in this chapter can be used in the examination of limit states under static or dynamic loading. However, values obtained through reliable experiments should be used in cases where strain rate has a signicant inuence on strength or deformation properties, e.g. when examining impact loading. (2) The characteristic value of material strength fk is calculated from test results using Eq.(C3.4.1). fk = fm k = fm (1 k ) (C3.4.1)

Where, fm : mean of test values, : standard deviation of test values, : coecient of variation

of test values and k : coecient. Coecient k is determined from the probability of obtaining a test value less than the characteristic value and the probability distribution of test values. The 5% fractile value is often taken as the characteristic value. In this case, the value of coecient k is 1.64 if the normal distribution is assumed for the test values. For ready-mixed concrete conforming to JIS A 5308, the probability of obtaining concrete strength less than the nominal strength is approximately 4%, since it is specied that each test value must be more than or equal to 85% of the nominal strength and the mean of three test values must exceed the nominal strength. Therefore, the corresponding k value is 1.73. When the lower limit of strength is guaranteed by a standard such as ISO or JIS, this value can be taken as the characteristic value. An example of a guaranteed steel strength is given in Table C3.3.1.
Table C3.3.1 Example of guaranteed steel strength(N/mm2 )

Steel type Yield point or proof stress

SM400 SM400 SMA400 235 215


315 295

SM490Y SM520 SMA490 355 335

SM570 SMA570 450 430

Applicable plate thickness Less than or equal to 40mm More than 40mm

For load-carrying welded joints, the strength can be taken as the same as the base metal, provided that appropriate welding materials are used and sucient quality control is implemented by a qualied welding engineer.

3.4.2 Structural steel (1) Strength 1) The characteristic values of tensile yield strength, fyk , and tensile strength, fuk , should be determined based on values obtained through tensile tests. 2) The guaranteed value shall be taken as the characteristic value, fyk and fuk , for a material conforming to a standard such as ISO or JIS. In general, the nominal value of cross sectional area shall be used for design calculations. 3) The characteristic value of compressive yield strength, fyk , shall be considered to be


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

equal to that of tensile yield strength, fyk . 4) In general, the characteristic value of shear yield strength shall be obtained using Equation (3.4.1). fyk fvyk = 3 (3.4.1)

(2) Fatigue strength The characteristic value of fatigue strength shall be determined based on fatigue tests in which type of steel, shape, size, welding process, residual stress, fabrication errors, the histogram of applied stress range, and environmental conditions are taken into consideration. (3) Stress-strain curve 1) An appropriate stress-strain curve should be determined according to the objective of the examination. 2) In verication for safety, the stress-strain curve shown in Figure 3.4.1 can be used.

fyd E/100



Fig.3.4.1 Stress-strain curve of steel

(4) Youngs modulus 1) In principle, Youngs modulus of the steel shall be determined through a tensile test conforming to a standard such as JIS Z 2241. 2) Youngs modulus of steel can be generally taken as 205kN/mm2. (5) Poissons ratio Poissons ratio of steel can be generally taken as 0.3. (6) Coecient of thermal expansion The coecient of thermal expansion of steel can be generally taken as 1 105 /.


(1) In principle, the characteristic value of yield strength (yield point or proof stress) should be determined through tests. However, the guaranteed value is to be taken as the characteristic value for a material conforming to a standard such as ISO or JIS, since strengths more than or equal to the guaranteed value have been obtained in previous tests. According to JIS Z 2241 Method of tensile test for metallic materials, the cross-sectional area used to calculate strength should be the value measured before the test for structural steels and, in the case of concrete reinforcing steel, the nominal value. Although this does not necessarily yield a conservative value of strength because of allowable error in the product size, the use of the nominal cross-sectional area is permitted for design calculations since such over-estimation of strength does not have signicant inuence on the performance verication. The behavior of steel in compression tests is fundamentally the same as that in tensile tests. Consequently, yield points based on the true stress are the same in compression and tension. The yield strength obtained by JIS Z 2241 is not based on the true stress, because the cross-sectional area measured before the test is used in the stress calculation. However, the inuence of this on the limit state examination is not signicant, so the compressive yield strength should be considered equal to the tensile yield strength.

Chapter 3 Materials


According to von Mises yield criterion, the characteristic value of shear yield strength can be

obtained using Equation (3.4.1). (2) Most fatigue problems occur at welded joints. The factors inuencing the fatigue strength of a welded joint can be considered to be steel strength, joint type, welding process and condition, plate thickness, degree of misalignment (axial or angular), presence of weld defects, existence of weld root, stress ratio (minimum stress/maximum stress) and residual stress due to welding. The fatigue strength of a weld increases with increasing steel tensile strength. However, steel strength barely inuences the fatigue strength of welded joints. The degree of stress concentration is related to joint type, welding process and condition, plate thickness, fabrication errors (axial or angular misalignments), weld defects and existence of weld root. Therefore, in tests to evaluate fatigue strength, it is important to reproduce the conditions of stress concentration and stress ratio, including the eect of residual stress, occurring in the actual structure as closely as possible. In particular, attention should be paid to residual stress since it diers between small specimens and actual structures due to the dierence in restraint level. In Fatigue Strength Recommendation for Steel Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002d], the fatigue strength (S-N curve) is given for typical welded joints based on the results of an enormous number of past fatigue tests. This data should in general be used for fatigue design. The design fatigue strength of reinforcing bars should be determined according to Standard Specications for Concrete Structures Structural Performance Verication [JSCE, 2002]. (3) The stress-strain curve of steel can be generally expressed using a model that consists of an elastic region, a yield plateau and a strain hardening region, as shown in Fig.C3.4.1 [JSCE, 1996]. However, the actual shape of the curve varies with the type, chemical composition and production method of the steel. The equations and parameters in them are modeling examples. There are other models such as the Ramberg-Osgood model, the Swift model, the Ludwik model and the n-th power hardening rule. Consequently, a model suitable for the purpose of the examination should be selected. Although a perfect elasto-plastic stress-strain relationship would be expected to give the most conservative result, the bi-linear type stress-strain relationship with a strain hardening slope of E/100 given here is specied for safety verication since most of the steel used for structures has a strain hardening region. The strain hardening slope of E/100 can be roughly considered as a straight line connecting the yield point and the 5% strain point.

E Est

E =

d = E e d 1E = { 1 e E

st /



st /

}+ 1

Material SS400

0.06 0.06 0.02

E / Est 40 30 100

st / y
10 7 3

SM490 SM570


Fig.C3.4.1 Stress-strain curve of steel with yield plateau and strain hardening region [JSCE, 1996]

(4) Values of the Youngs modulus of steel as specied in certain design codes are given in Table


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

C3.4.1. Four in six codes specify a value of 200kN/mm2 . However, it is prescribed here that the Youngs modulus should be 205kN/mm2 , which is closest to the conventionally used value of 2.1 106kgf/cm2 in order to maintain consistency with the design code for buildings.
Table C3.4.1 Values of Youngs modulus in certain design codes (kN/mm2 ) Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002a] 200 Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002] 200 Design Standard for Steel Structures [AIJ, 2005] 205 Eurocode 3 AASHTO LRFD Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code [CSA, 2000] 200

[CEN, 2003] 210

[AASHTO, 1998] 200

3.4.3 Concrete The strength, stress-strain curve, Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, and the other material properties of the concrete shall be determined through tests.

This article designates the principles for determining design values for the material properties of concrete. Generally, the values specied in Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002] should be used.

3.5 Partial Factors for Materials

The partial factors for materials shall be properly determined in consideration of adverse variations in strength from characteristic values, variations between properties in specimens and actual structures, the inuence of properties on limit states, changes in properties with time, and dierences between real characteristic values and values assured by standards such as ISO and JIS.

This provision species the considerations to be taken in determining the partial factors for materials. Concerning structural steel, the values of material partial factor m as given in Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002] and Eurocode 3 [CEN, 2003] are shown in Table C3.5.1. In verifying ultimate limit states according to Eurocode 3, the values 1.0 and 1.25 are used for the resistance of cross sections to excessive yielding, including local buckling, and for the resistance of cross sections in tension to fracture, respectively. The value of the partial factor for the fatigue limit is specied according to the consequences of failure and the assessment method (i.e. the damage tolerant method or the safe-life method). Ultimate limit states, fatigue limit states and serviceability limit states in Table C3.5.1 can be thought of as corresponding to verications for safety, durability and serviceability, respectively, in these specications. The mean yield point of Japanese-manufactured structural steel conforming to JIS is approximately 1.2 times the guaranteed value [Nara et al., 2004]. Taking the 5 One study [JSCE, 1994] reported that the dierence in mean and standard deviation between the upper and lower yield points is approximately 3.5%. There is also a report showing that tensile tests according to JIS give a yield point approximately 10% higher than the static yield point [JSCE, 1994].

Chapter 3 Materials


Table C3.5.1 Examples of partial factors for steel m Limit state Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002] 1.05 1.05 1.0 Eurocode 3 [CEN, 2003] 1.001.25 1.001.35 1.00

Ultimate limit Fatigue limit Serviceability limit

Furthermore, the fatigue strength specied for each joint type in Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002d] corresponds to the lower bound of test results using a specimen of the required quality or 97.7% fractile value. Accordingly, it can be concluded that, for structural steel conforming to a standard such as ISO or JIS, the value of m should be 1.0 in verications of structural safety, serviceability and durability, as long as the guaranteed yield point and fatigue strength specied in the Fatigue Design Recommendations are taken as the characteristic values of static strength and fatigue strength, respectively. The allowable stress of JIS-SM570 in Specications for Highway Bridges is determined so as to maintain a safety factor of 1.7 against the yield point and 2.2 against tensile strength. Accordingly, safety against tensile strength is 2.2/1.7=1.29 times higher than that against the yield point. Considering this, and referring to overseas design codes such as Eurocode, it is considered that the safety of members against fracture can be veried using the characteristic value of guaranteed tensile strength and a material partial factor of 1.25.
References in Chapter 3 Japan Road Association(1985) Construction Handbook of Steel Bridges, Maruzen. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1985) Application of Lamellar-Tearing resistant steel to civil structures, Civil engineering. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1992) General principles for the limit state design of steel and concrete structures, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, No.450/I-20, pp.13-20. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1994) Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures, steel structures series 6 T. Tominaga and H. Yasunami(1994) An experimental study on ductility of steel bridge piers with thick walled cross section and small number of stieners, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.40A, pp.189200. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1996) Tentative seismic design recommendations for steel bridges and new technologies for seismic design. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Ocials (1998) : LRFD Bridge Design Specications, SI Unit Second Edition. ISO(1998) ISO2394 General principles on reliability for structures Canadian Standards Association (2000) : Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Sasaki, E.(2000) An examination on required fracture toughness of steels for bridges, Report of study on application of high performance steel to bridges, JSSC, pp.58-67. Japan Society of Civil Engineers and Japanese Society of Steel Construction(2000) Benchmark for seismic analysis of steel structures and improvement of seismic design method. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Structural Performance Verication Volume. Japan Road Association(2002a) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume. Japan Road Association(2002b) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Japan Road Association(2002c) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, V Earthquake-resistance Design Volume. Japan Road Association(2002d) Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Highway Bridges. CEN(2003) : Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures - Part 2: Steel Bridges -, prEN 1993-2 Miki, C., Ichikawa, A., Kusunoki, T., and Kawabata, F.(2003) Proposal of new high performance steels for bridges (BHS500, BHS700), Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, No.738/I-64, pp.1-10. Japanese Society of Steel Construction(2004) International harmonization guideline of design standards for steel structures, Steel bridges, JSS IV 06-2004. Nara, T., Nakamura, S., Yasunami, H., Kawabata, F., and Shiwaku, T.(2004) A statistical survey on thickness and mechanical properties of structural steel plates for bridges, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, No.752/I-66, pp.299-310. Japan Iron and Steel Federation(2005) High performance steels for bridge construction. Architectural Institute of Japan (2005) : Design Standard for Steel Structures - Based on Allowable Stress Concept -.


Chapter 4 Structural Analysis

4.1 General
(1) The structural analysis carried out must be relevant to the verication method used. (2) It is important to note that structural analysis may not be always an appropriate means of verication.


(1) For the purpose of performance verication, an index is specied for each performance requirement. Typical indexes are section force, displacement, and strain. Performance is then veried by comparing the value of the index under the appropriate action with the limit value; the value of the index under this action is treated as the demand, while the limit value is considered the capacity of the structure. In general, structural analysis is the process of evaluating the behavior of the structure under the design actions to obtain the value of the index. Linear structural analysis is often sucient to achieve this end. It is also possible to verify performance by evaluating the load-carrying capacity of the structure and comparing it with the design actions, but when this procedure is used, nonlinear structural analysis is required. The appropriate method of analysis therefore depends on the type of performance verication being carried out. Structural analysis requires that the structure be modeled. In general, modeling is regarded as a simplication of reality that retains its important characteristics. In short, a model must be able to simulate reality up to the limit state. Models can be classied into three groups: action models, structure models, and resistance models [ISO 1998]. A structure model is one in which the value of the index is evaluated, while a resistance model is one by which the limit value in terms of the index is evaluated. It must be noted, however, that the distinction between model types is not always clear. A case in point, for example, is the instability of a structural system as a whole where there is signicant interaction between action and structural behavior. Most structural analysis is these days based on the nite element method. In the construction of a nite element analysis (FEA) model, careful attention is also required with respect to the types of elements used, the number of elements, and the layout of elements. For structural members that are much larger in one dimension than in the others, beam elements may be used; where two of the dimensions are much larger than the other, plate/shell elements may be used. Otherwise, solid elements may need to be employed. However, there are no clear-cut criteria by which to judge which type of element should be used in modeling. A plate/shell element is more generic than a beam element, which means that the assumptions employed in developing such an element are less restrictive and it is likely to behave closer to reality. The same is true with plate/shell elements and solid elements; the latter are more generic. However, the use of more generic elements results in increasing data inputs and longer computation times. Still, advances in computer technology and FEA software in recent years have made it easier to use generic elements. Against this background, the Fatigue Design Guidelines for Steel Bridges give structural analysis factors for several types of structural analysis [JRA 2002]. Regardless of the type of element, it is essential to construct an appropriate nite element mesh. Failure to do so would lead to unreliable results. Bearing this and other points in mind, it is clear that nite element analysis can yield only approximate results and its accuracy can vary


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

from analysis to analysis. The appropriate analysis that this clause requires means choosing an appropriate analysis method and constructing an appropriate analysis model. Some of the basics involved in choosing an appropriate analysis method are explained below. Linear Analysis When the applied load is small, a structures deformation is generally small and linearly proportional to the magnitude of the load. Linear analysis, also often called small-displacement analysis, is appropriate for this type of structural behavior. In the design of the civil infrastructure, this is usually the class of analysis used. Since the principle of superposition is valid in linear analysis and thus the following equation holds true, results for various load combinations and inuence-line loads are very easily obtained:

Fi = K
i=1 i=1

i U i


i = load factor N the number of loads to be combined F i =load vector to be combined

K =stiness matrix U i =displacement vector due to F i Since, in nite element analysis, the components F i and U i are the load and the displacement at a node, are called the nodal load vector and the nodal displacement vector, respectively. Nonlinear Analysis When strain and displacement become large, linear analysis tends to produce signicant errors because their eects are ignored. In such situations, the deformed conguration of a structure is distinctly dierent from its original conguration. Since a structures stiness depends on its conguration, the structural response changes as deformation progresses; this change in conguration must be taken into consideration in analysis. The relationship between load and deformation is nonlinear. The class of analysis required is called the geometrically nonlinear analysis or nite displacement analysis. It must be noted that large displacement does not necessarily mean large strain. A shing rod can undergo large displacement without large strain, for example. Therefore, geometrically nonlinear analysis can be grouped into two types: nite strain-nite displacement analysis and small strain-nite displacement analysis. As deformation increases, the material of the structure exhibits a nonlinear response. The plastic deformation of steel is a typical example. This type of phenomenon also requires nonlinear analysis; this is known as material nonlinear analysis. Analysis that takes into account the eects of both geometrical nonlinearity and material nonlinearity is often required in the analysis of steel structures when ultimate strength is of interest. The weighted residual method and the nite element method lead to the following general discretized equilibrium equation: F = K (U ) (C4.1.2)

where F is the external force vector K is the internal force vector, and U is the displacement vector. Usually proportional loading is applied so that Eq.(C4.1.2) can be rewritten as F 0 = K (U ) where F 0 is the base load vector and is the load parameter. Equilibrium Path In some kinds of nonlinear analysis, only the displacement caused by a specic load is of (C4.1.3)

Chapter 4 Structural Analysis


interest. However, in many other cases, the load F versus displacement U relationship that satises Eq.(C4.1.2) is evaluated and the load F versus displacement U curve is plotted. This curve is called the equilibrium path. Today, most nonlinear structural analysis is conducted using the nite element method. Therefore, Eq.(C4.1.2) takes the form of a set of nonlinear equations to which exact solutions are rarely available. Instead, solutions are obtained numerically. A popular method is the Newton-Raphson technique in which the equation is linearized and solved repeatedly until convergence is reached, When the equilibrium path is targeted, certain variables are picked out and given values. The values of the remaining variables are then calculated. Depending on the variables chosen, three groups of approaches are available: (1) load control; (2) displacement control; and (3) arc-length control. In a load-control approach, the value of is given and, if the Newton-Raphson method is used, the following set of equations is to be solved repeatedly to obtain the solution: F 0 K (U (m) ) = K T (U (m) )U (m) U (m+1) = U (m) + U (m) (C4.1.4) (C4.1.5)

where,K T is the tangent stiness matrix dened by K / U Eq.(C4.1.4) is the linearized equilibrium equation, a set of simultaneous linear equations. Solving this set, the displacement vector is updated using Eq.(C4.1.5). This computation is continued until U (m) becomes suciently small that convergence can be considered as achieved. In the above equations, superscript (m) indicates the number of repetitions of this computation. It is noted here that the construction of the tangent stiness matrix K T requires an incremental constitutive model (an incremental stress-strain relationship). Besides, in addition to the update of the displacement vector, the stress states need to be updated. There is a limit load that a structure can carry. To evaluate this limit, analysis must continue beyond the limit, exploring the deterioration of the structure. It is dicult to use load control for this class of analysis. Instead, displacement control may be used since, in many cases, some displacement components continue to increase even during this stage of structural behavior. In displacement control, one of the displacement components is prescribed and the load factor is then unknown. Therefore, the load factor is one of the variables whose values are computed by the analysis. In using this displacement control approach, it is crucial to use a displacement component that continues to increase beyond the limit load. It should be noted also that displacement control results in an asymmetric tangent stiness matrix K T . In some cases, all displacement components tend to increase. It is then dicult to apply displacement control. Arc length control can be used even in such cases. Arc length control is in fact the most versatile approach to tracing the equilibrium path. There is no single method of arc length control; rather, there are several variations. In general, in addition to Eq.(C4.1.3), another equation is introduced to control the distance between two points on the equilibrium path. An example of this type of equation is the following:

S =

i )2 + b( i (Ui U )2


where the quantity with the over-bar is the known value of a point on the equilibrium path, n is the number of displacement components, and i b are the coecients that adjust the values of the dierent kinds of variable. The value that needs to be specied is S , then all the displacement components and the load factor are computed. Compared with the other two control approaches, therefore, the number of unknown variables is one greater. Since nite element analysis involves


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

so many unknowns, this increase of one in the number of unknowns is not a problem at all. The combination of Eqs.(C4.1.3) and (C4.1.6) inevitably leads to an asymmetric coecient matrix for the linearized simultaneous equations of the Newton-Raphson method. One very powerful and popular technique, the skyline method, circumvents the numerical problems associated with this asymmetricity without much diculty. Buckling Analysis Theoretically, buckling is a phenomenon at a point on the equilibrium path where multiple branches of the equilibrium path are possible. The value of the buckling load and the associated buckling mode are usually obtained by so-called eigenvalue analysis. However, because of initial imperfections in an actual structure, the problem is not necessarily one of branching. The loadcarrying capacity of the structure may be evaluated by tracing the equilibrium path even when buckling is the major phenomenon and controls the load-carrying capacity of the structure. Even when analysis is carried out this way, however, eigenvalue analysis is usually conducted to obtain the mode of the initial imperfection. Ignoring the deformation before buckling and deriving the stiness matrix including the eect of nite displacement, the following stiness equation is obtained: F 0 = (K E + K G (N 0 ))U (C4.1.7)

where K E is the stiness matrix derived from small-displacement theory, K G is the geometric matrix, N 0 is the internal force vector in the initial state due to base load vector F 0 , and is the load factor. Structural analysis may also be carried out using this stiness equation, a process that is called linearized nite displacement analysis. From Eq.(C4.1.7), the condition for the occurrence of buckling can be expressed as |(K E + K G (N 0 ))| = 0 (C4.1.8)

Solving Eq.(C4.1.8) is what is known as eigenvalue analysis. In equilibrium path tracing analysis, eigenvalue analysis is sometimes also conducted, using the tangent stiness matrix instead of the stiness matrix associated with the initial state, so as to nd branching points and limit points. Since such eigenvalue analysis includes the eect of deformation, this is something of a nonlinear approach to analysis. This class of analysis is therefore called nonlinear buckling analysis and is distinguished from linear buckling analysis based on Eq.(C4.1.8). By solving Eq.(C4.1.8), the load factor at the point of buckling is obtained and the buckling load is evaluated as cr F 0 . This is the load at which the branching of the equilibrium path would take place if it were to occur. Otherwise, it is the limit load. Eq.(C4.1.7) yields the eigen vector U for eigenvalue cr as well. The eigen vector is nothing but the buckling mode, which is often treated as the geometrical initial imperfection (the initial displacement mode) required in equilibrium path tracing analysis. The magnitude of the initial displacement is usually determined by giving it a maximum value equal to the tolerance specied in the design codes. For the sake of simplicity, the load-carrying capacity of a member is computed using the concept of the eective length. In short, the eective length cr is evaluated by the following equation: = 2 EI cr N0 (C4.1.9)


where, N0 is the axial force induced in the initial state by base load vector F0 . Caution must be used in this evaluation since the eective length of a member with a small axial force would be

Chapter 4 Structural Analysis


very large. Constitutive Laws: The equations governing structural behavior consist of three sets of equations: the equilibrium equations, the strain-displacement relationships, and the stress-strain relationships. The stressstrain relationships are also called the constitutive laws or the constitutive model. Of these three equation sets, the rst two can be dened solely by rigorous mathematics. On the other hand, the stress-strain relationships depend on the actual materials. They need be constructed using experimental data obtained for the material. Consequently, the stress-strain relationships are inevitably approximations, a fact that directly inuences the accuracy of the analysis. Steel exhibits a linear relationship between stress and strain up to a certain stress level (the yield stress) and this linear relationship holds good regardless of whether the stress increases or decreases. Beyond the yield stress, the relationship becomes nonlinear and the material behavior during stress relaxation may be completely dierent from that during the increase in stress. This class of material behavior is modeled by plasticity theory. Many plasticity models have been proposed for various materials. Specically, the model for steel has been constructed using the second invariant of the deviatoric stress, J2. This class of plasticity model for steel is therefore often called the Mises (or von Mises) model or the J2 model. In the analysis of ultimate strength, material behavior beyond the plateau and into the strainhardening region may need to be included. In such a case, a hardening model must be included in the plasticity model. The isotropic hardening model, the kinematic hardening model, and the combined hardening model (a combination of the two previous models) are the classic methods and are well-known. Under monotonous loading conditions, there is little dierence between these hardening models and any of them can be used. Under cyclic loading, which is often considered in conjunction with seismic design, the kinematic hardening model is usually employed in practice. It must be noted, however, that more sophisticated hardening models that can simulate actual material behavior observed in experiments under cyclic loading have been developed since the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake. The material behavior of concrete is completely dierent in compression and tension. Concrete consists of various small regions of dierent materials, the sizes of which are not necessarily insignicant, so it is not as homogeneous as steel. However, under compression, cracks occur in a rather distributed manner so its behavior under compression is generally modeled by assuming the material is a continuum. Plasticity models have been proposed for concrete to describe its mechanical behavior. Unlike steel, the material behavior of concrete is found to be dependent on the hydraulic axis. Therefore, instead of the Mises model and the Tresca model, in which the yield surfaces are parallel to the hydraulic axis in the principal stress space, the DruckerPrager model and the Mohr-Coulomb model are usually used, since their yield surfaces slope with respect to the hydraulic axis. In tension, explicit cracks (discontinuous surfaces) appear and deformation becomes localized. In general, while the nite element method is good for the analysis of continua, its application to problems that include discontinuities presents some diculties. Basically, cracks are dealt with by one of two approaches: the discrete model, which simulates cracks by separating the nodes along the crack, and the smeared model, in which cracks are simulated by changing the material stiness. Neither is much superior to the other; the discrete model tends to restrict crack growth according to the layout of the nite elements while the smeared model has diculty in dealing with stress changes due to the modication of material constants. In the latter, the objectivity of the numerical results can take place unless the element size is taken into consideration when material constants are modied to simulate a crack.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Finite Element Mesh When using the nite element method, the structure under consideration is divided into small regions (elements) and the deformation of each element is expressed using rather simple functions. The nite element method is nothing but an approximation technique based on discretization. Consequently, it must be noted that the nite element method inevitably involves discretization errors and that the element size must be suciently small to obtain satisfactory results. In linear structural analysis, it has been shown that errors in computing displacement are proportional to the square of the element size while errors in computing stress and strain are proportional to the element size. In parts of a structure where the stress gradient is large, such as in the vicinity of stress concentrations, it is necessary to make the mesh ner than in the other areas. However, it is not easy to determine the appropriate mesh size and quantify the accuracy of the numerical results obtained.

4.2 Structural Analysis Factor

(1) The value of the structural analysis factor, a , shall be decided by taking account of various uncertainties, such as those involved in the structural analysis method and the structural model. (2) In general, the structural analysis factor, a , may be set to 1.0 in the case of linear analysis. (3) In the case of nonlinear analysis, the relevance of the analysis method shall be veried rst and then an appropriate value of structural analysis factor, a , decided.

The structural analysis factor is a partial factor that takes account of uncertainties in evaluating structural performance under the design loads Although nonlinear analysis may be most appropriate for computing the ultimate limit state, in practice it cannot be used for all practical designs. Instead, linear analysis tends to be employed in actual design. Since linear analysis has been used to design a great many structures over many years, a structural analysis factor a of 1.0 can be assumed for linear analysis. In nonlinear analysis, the value of the structural analysis factor, a , has to be set according to an adequate examination of theoretical relevancy, the applicability of the numerical method used, and so on. A value of 1.0 may be acceptable when the relevancy and accuracy of the nonlinear analysis method used are both found satisfactory. Section 6.1 of Standard Specications for Railway Structures (Steel-Concrete Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] states that for the ordinary structures where linear analysis gives satisfactory results, a structural analysis factor, a , of 1.0 can be assumed except when analyzing the lifting of girder bridges, for which a value of 1.1 is required. It also states that linear analysis is not suitable for long-span arch bridges and cable-stayed bridges. A linearized elastic nite displacement that includes the eect of geometrical nonlinearity is required. Since this analysis is reliable in accuracy, the structural analysis factor, a , can be set equal to 1.0. In the verication of the fatigue limit state, if data for a similar structure elsewhere conrms that the computed stress is smaller than the stress acting in the actual structure, the structural analysis factor, a , may be reduced by the ratio of the actual stress to the computed stress. Section 6.1 of Standard Specications for Railway Structures (Steel-Concrete Composite Structures) states that a structural analysis factor, a , of 0.85 can be used for verication of the fatigue limit state if the inuence of the number of load repetitions is taken into consideration. This is based on data for the ratio of actual stress to computed stress, the maximum value of which is about 0.75. The value of

Chapter 4 Structural Analysis


0.85 is considerably smaller, as the standard structural analysis factor, a , for the ultimate limit state, the service limit state and the fatigue limit state based on the fatigue limit is 1.0. In Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Structures [Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 1993], Subsection 5.2.3 states that the value of the modication factor , which is equivalent to the structural analysis factor used here, plays the role of adjusting the dierence between computed stress and actual stress. The appropriate value is to be determined from data such as measurements of similar structures or from model experiments. The guideline provides an example of a verication in which a value of 0.85 is used following the Standard Specications for Railway Structures (Steel-Concrete Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000].
References in Chapter 4 Japanese Society of Steel Construction (1993) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Structures and Commentaries. Railway Technical Research Institute (2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japan Road Association (2002) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Highway Bridges. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2005) Buckling Design Guidelines, Ver.2 [2005 Version]. ISO (1998) : ISO2394 International Standard, General Principles on Reliability for Structures


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance

5.1 General
(1) The design resistance of structural members, as used in the verications specied in Chapters 610, shall be obtained by dividing the characteristic value of member resistance by the material partial factor.2 (2) The characteristic values of member resistance shall be determined using the characteristic values of material strength.


Most existing design specications recommend using the minimum yield strength of the steel material as the design material strength. The minimum yield strengths of steel materials are provided by JIS based on tensile material tests on relatively small specimens under a limited range of strain rates. The variance of yields strength within a rolled steel plate is not signicant, but it is not negligible in steel sections. Further, the yield strength depends on the test method such that the higher the strain rate is, the higher the obtained yield strength. Yet the static yield strength should not be lower than the minimum yield strength. Taking into account all of these contributing factors, this design code species the resistance of members in terms of the design material strength, which is the characteristic value of material strength as shown in section 3.4.2 divided by the partial factor of the material. Hereafter, as a general rule, the term resistance is used for the stress resultant and strength is used for the stress. The dimensionless (normalized) resistance of members will generally be represented by the resistance corresponding to the characteristic value: the inuence on resistance of changes in sectional modulus will be taken into account in the member partial factor.

5.2 Partial Factor for Uncertainty in Resistance

The partial factor for uncertainty in resistance (structural member factor) shall be determined in accordance with the formulas for calculating member resistance, while also taking into consideration uncertainty in the calculation method, the inuence of member size variance, and the importance of the member (the inuence of a member reaching the limit state on the structure as a whole).

Table C5.2.1 lists the standard partial factors for members. The factor depends on whether the characteristic value of resistance is set to the mean or the minimum. In general, its value is set as the characteristic value of resistance corresponding to the appropriate fractile value (for example 5%).
Table C5.2.1 Standard Partial Factor for Members Partial factor for members, b Safety 1.11.3 Service 1.0 Durability 1.01.1

In order to obtain a similar member resistance to that calculated using the resistance formulae in

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


Part A of the Design Code for Steel Structures [JSCE, 1997a], the value for safety in Table C5.2.2 can be used as the partial factor for members in the various resistance formulae given in Section 5.3.
Table C5.2.2 Partial Factor for Members when Using Resistance Formulae in Section 5.3
Partial factor for members, b Tensile Resistance in Axial Direction Eq.(5.3.1) or (5.3.2) Compressive Resistance in Axial Direction Eq.(C5.3.1) Bending Resistance Eq.(C5.3.2) Shear Resistance of Webs Eq.(C5.3.22), (C5.3.27) Local Buckling Strength Eq.(C5.3.35)(C5.3.59) Resistance of Steel Pipes Eq.(C5.4.1)(C5.4.5) Resistance of Cables Eq.(5.5.1) 1.00 Group 1 (Ref.Table C5.3.2) Groups 2 and 3 (Ref.Table C5.3.2) Rolled I or H sections, Box sections, -shape sections Fabricated I or H sections 1.00 Eq.(C5.3.35)(C5.3.38),(C5.3.59)) Eq.(C5.3.43) Eq.(C5.3.57) 1.08 Table C5.2.3 1.10 1.14 1.01 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.08

Though these values are basically the inverse of the resistance factors given in Part A of the Design Code for Steel Structures [JSCE, 1997a], the reduction in the region where the slenderness 0 is not considered here for simplication. ratio parameter is smaller than The partial factors for cable members are dened by applying the multiplying factor for the ultimate load in [JRA, 2002] to the design material strength derived from the 0.7% total elongation resistance. For reference, [HSBA, 1980] employs a member partial factor of 1.0 because the tensile strength characteristics of cables have low variance, and so are highly reliable.
Table C5.2.3 Partial Factor for Cable Members Types of Structural Cable Material IWSC Type Structural Strand Rope (St.R) CFRC Type Structural Spiral Rope (Sp.R)) Structural Locked Coil Rope (L.C.R) Parallel Strand Wire Cable (P.W.S) Parallel Wire Cable (P.W.C) Pseudo Parallel Wire Cable (S.P.W.C) Partial factor for members, b 1.18 1.18 1.11 1.11 1.05 1.05 1.05

5.3 Steel Member Resistance

5.3.1 Tensile resistance The tensile resistance of structural members shall be taken as the smaller of the values calculated by Equations (5.3.1) and (5.3.2). Nrd Nrd = = Ag fyd b An fud b (5.3.1) (5.3.2)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

where, Nrd Ag An fyd fud b

design tensile resistance of the member gross area of the cross section to be veried net area of the cross section to be veried design yield strength design tensile strength structural member factor


The inuence of variations in sectional modulus, such as in cross-sectional area and plate thickness, which aect the axial resistance of tension members, is considered in the safety factor (member partial factor), thus it is not included in the characteristic value of member resistance. For example, when steel plates are specied and supplied with a strict plate thickness tolerance, a responsible engineer can reduce the safety factor and include the inuence in the response value described in Chapter 6.

5.3.2 Compressive resistance The compressive resistance of steel structural members in the axial direction shall be taken as the smaller of the resistance value for the strong axis and the weak axis calculated on the basis of the buckling curve in consideration of factors such as structural member imperfections, eccentric loading, residual stress, and variance in the yield strength in the cross section as well as the local buckling strength of plate elements constituting the member.

The design compressive resistance in the axial direction can be calculated in consideration of local buckling of structural members using, for example, Eq.(C5.3.1). Three types of buckling curves are dened for dierent groups of cross sections and manufacturing processes by using the ECCS curves as the buckling curves of columns based on Ref.[SGST, 1980]. The compressive resistance of members based on these curves includes the inuence of variance in sectional modulus according to Ref.[JSCE, 1994]. The denitions given in Chapter 11 can be utilized for the eective buckling length of frame members. Ag Qc fyd 0 ) ( b Nrd = (C5.3.1) 2) Ag Qc fyd ( 2 4 ( > 0 ) 2 b 2 0 ) + 2 = 1 + ( where Nrd Ag fyd
Design compressive resistance in axial direction of member Gross area of cross section to be veried Design yield strength Slenderness ratio

r E

= 1 Qc fyk E r Eective buckling length of member; standard eective lengths are given in Table C5.3.1 for boundary conditions at each end of a member based on member length L and with pin connections at each end. When restriction is not sucient, the eective buckling length can be raised to a reasonable value. Radius of gyration of total cross section to be veried Youngs modulus of steel

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


Table C5.3.1 Eective Buckling Length of Members

1 If the buckled waveform is shaped like the dotted line

Theoretical value of effective buckling length Upper

s n o i t i d n o c t r o p p u S



Condition for rotation Condition for horizontal displacement Condition for rotation Condition for horizontal displacement

Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed

Free Fixed Fixed Fixed

Fixed Free Fixed Fixed

Free Fixed Free Fixed

Free Free Fixed Fixed

Fixed Free Free Fixed

end Lower end

Table C5.3.2 Categorization of Cross Section of Steel Columns

Section Type Rolled box sections Coordinate axes Both axes included Group



Welded box sections

Both axes included



Rolled I-sections

1 0.089 0.2

Both axes included

Welded I-sections

2 0.224 0.2

Both axes included

t > 40
3 Both axes included Both axes included 0.432 0.2




Both axes included



0 Qc

Limit slenderness ratio given in Table C5.3.2 according to the sectional shape

and manufacturing process

Initial imperfection coecient given in Table C5.3.2 Non-dimensional strength of short column that suers local buckling


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


Af c

(rd Af c ) Ag fyd Local buckling strength of plate supported on both edges, plate supported on one edge, stiened plate or steel pipe obtained from Eqs.(C5.3.35), (C5.3.38), (C5.3.43), (C5.4.2), respectively Cross-sectional area of plate element or steel pipe whose rd has been calculated Summation of plate elements that constitute the cross-sectional area Qc =

5.3.3 Bending resistance Classication of cross section Structural members are classied as follows according to the maximum width-thickness ratio of the sectional element subject to bending or combined compression and bending (that is, the members resistance to local buckling): (1) Compact section: sections that may develop a plastic moment resistance (2) Non-compact section: sections in which the stress in the extreme compression ber of the steel, assuming an elastic distribution of stresses, may reach the yield strength, but local buckling is likely to prevent development of a plastic moment resistance (3) Slender section: sections in which local buckling will occur before the yield stress is reached in one or more parts of the cross section.

Eurocode 3 [CEN, 2003] categorizes cross sections into the following four classes. Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
cross-sections are those which can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity

required from plastic analysis without reduction of the resistance.

cross-sections are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have

limited rotation capacity because of local buckling.

cross-sections are those in which the stress in the extreme compression bre of the

Class 4

steel member assuming an elastic distribution of stresses can reach the yield strength, but local buckling is liable to prevent development of the plastic moment resistance. cross-sections are those in which local buckling will occur before the attainment of yield stress in one or more parts of the cross-section.

In this code, there is in general no redistribution of moments because response values are basically computed by elastic analysis. Thus, sections categorized as Class 1 and Class 2 according to Eurocode 3 are dened as compact sections that fully develop a plastic moment. This cross-section categorization is also used in [AASHTO (1998)]. Each design code has dierent conditions for the categorization of member cross sections. For example, the formulae dening the conditions for compact sections consisting of steel I-beam anges and webs in compression under bending are compared in Table C5.3.3. On the whole, the ISO (1997)
Table C5.3.3 Conditions of Compact Sections for Steel I-Beam
(a) Compression ange b E p (where, bwidth of outstanding t fy part of ange, fy Characteristic value of yield stress. AASHTO Eurocode ISO Part A Part B p 0.382 0.343 0.37 0.310 0.309 (b) Web E b p (where, Ratio of compression t fy part in web, bweb depth tweb thickness.) AASHTO Eurocode ISO Part A Part B 1.88 1.42 1.9 1.28 1.13

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


and AASHTO codes are similar and have easier conditions, while JSCE Part A and B [JSCE, 1997a, b] provide for considerably strict conditions. In general, the cross section categorization given by the ISO code is to be used, as shown in Table C5.3.4.
Table C5.3.4 Maximum Width-Thickness Ratio of Cross-Sectional Element under Compression and/or Bending. ISO 1997

Cross section element Webs of I-sections, Webs or flanges of welded box sections

Stress distribution in the element Moment:

Maximum b/t Ratio Compact Non-compact

E fy E fy

3 .8

4 .2

Compact Non-compact Compression and moment

K1 E fy K2 E fy



Compact Flanges of I-sections, Free flanges of welded box sections


Compression or strong axis moment Compression and moment


E fy


E fy


E fy



E fy




E fy



E fy

K 1 = 1 0.63N / N p , K 2 = 1 0.67 N / N p , K 3 = 0.425 9.1( + 1) + 10.4( + 1) 2 , K 4 = 0.57 + 0.2 + 0.07 2 N/Np refers to the fully cross section for doubly symmetric sections and is positive as indicated above. Bending resistance The bending resistance of steel structural members shall be determined based on the nominal bending resistance corresponding to the classication of cross section, taking into account the inuence of initial deection and residual stress as well as elastic lateral-torsional buckling.


The bending strength of steel structural members excluding steel pipes should be determined using b Eq.(C5.3.2). However, if the compressive ange is directly secured to a concrete slab or similar,


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

must always be taken as less than Mrd =

b0 . Mn b Mn (b 2 2 b
2 4 2) b b

b b0 ) ( (C5.3.2) b > b0 ) (

b b0 ) + 2 b = 1 + b ( b Where Mrd Mn
Bending strength of beam members with respect to the strong axis Standard bending strength of beam section

i) Compact Section ii) Non-Compact Section iii) Slender Section

Mn = fyd Z Mn = fyd W Mn = fyd Wef f

(C5.3.3) (C5.3.4) (C5.3.5)

Fig.C5.3.1 Eective Sections of Beams

fyd Z W Wef f

Design strength of material Plastic section modulus Elastic sectional modulus of compression ange Eective sectional modulus of compression ange computed considering the ef-

fective width due to local buckling. The eective width should be taken as shown in Fig.C5.3.1 Eective width of compression ange: Plate supported at all edges: Plate supported at one edge:
Eective width of web

be = b be = b

0.7 Rf 0.7 Rf




he = hc b0 b b b =

1.0 Rw



Limit slenderness ratio of beam (Table C5.3.5) Initial imperfection coecient (Table C5.3.5) Slenderness ratio of beam


(Mn is given by Eq.(C5.3.10) ME is given by Eq.(C5.3.12).)


Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


Table C5.3.5 Parameters in Bending Resistance Formula for Beams b Rolled I or H sections box sections, -shape sections Fabricated I or H sections 0.15 0.25 b0 0.40 0.40


Characteristic value of standard bending resistance of beam section given by

Eq.(C5.3.10), (standard value) Mn = Mn fyk fyd (C5.3.10)

fyk Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) Rf , Rw Width-thickness ratio of ange and web, respectively

R= k

12(1 2 ) k

1.05 fyk b = E t k

fyk b E t


Buckling coecient
Flanges supported at all edges Flanges supported at one edge Webs k = 4. 0 k = 0.425 k = 23.9

b t Z E ME

Total width of plate (Refer to Fig.C5.3.1. For webs, replace with h) Plate thickness Plastic sectional modulus Youngs modulus of steel Poissons ratio Elastic transverse torsional buckling moment of simply supported beam. When the

loading condition is dierent from this, eigenvalue analysis for elastic buckling may be used to obtain the transverse torsional buckling moment. Cb1 2 EIy

ME =

Cb2 ht + Cb3 z +

(Cb2 ht + Cb3 z )2 +

1 Iw Iy


2 GJ

2 EIw


= 1 Iy /Ix Where, Iy , Iz J Iw
Moment of inertia with respect to the weak and strong axes, respectively St. Venants torsion constant Warping torsion constant Length of simply supported beam for out-of plane deformation (cm). Gener-


ally, this length may be taken as the distance between the xed points of the compression ange. However, if the constraints at both ends are considered adequate, then this value may be reduced to a rational value Equivalent moment factor (Refer to Table C5.3.6 for intermediate loading) 1.0 2.5 0.6 + 0.4 M2 M1

Cb1 =



Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C5.3.6 Various Parameters of Beams Subject to Intermediate Loading

Loading condition


Cb 1

Cb 2

Cb 3























M1 , M2

Bending moments at each end of member, where M1 M2 . The sign of the

bending moment is to be taken as positive when compressive stress occurs in the ange. ht
Distance between the position at which load acts (height) and the shear center.

Cb2 z

(The sign shall be taken as positive when the position at which the load acts is closer to the tension side in bending than the shear center) Coecient for correcting the eect of the position at which the load acts according to the loading condition (Refer to Table C5.3.6) Coecient expressing the asymmetry of the cross section Y (Z 2 + Y 2 ) dA Yz 2Iz

z =


Yz Distance from the center of gravity to the shear center Cb3

Coecient for correcting the eect of the asymmetric cross section according to

the loading condition (Refer to Table C5.3.6) The above descriptions are for the characteristic values of bending resistance of members with box or H sections. The bending resistance of H sections about weak axis is out of scope because structural members are designed as they are subjected to bending only about strong axis in real structures. In addition, beams for which the inuence of shear force on web capacity must be considered are also out of scope although the shear force as well as bending moment applies to general beams. The reduction of bending resistance of beams due to lateral-torsional buckling is given by PerryRobertson type strength curve to keep consistent with columns. The curves for rolled and welded H sections are dierent. In general, lateral-torsional buckling is dicult to occur for box and

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


section beams. However, it can occur for considerably deep beams with these sections. The same lateral-torsional buckling strength curve as the rolled H sections is tentatively used here for box and section beams. As the reference for readers, the slenderness ratio of box sections taking the yield moment as the standard bending resistance is shown below. th2 t tf = p t, Iz = (3pb + h), Iy = (3hb2 + b3 ), 6 6 2b2 h2 p t h tb2 h2 (ph b)2 (h + pb) ,J = , q= Iw = 24(ph + b) ph + b b The lateral-torsional buckling moment of a simply supported beam in uniform bending moment is given by Eq.(C5.3.15). ME = Where, =1 The torsion constant ratio 2 is 2 = where, b(pq 1)

2 EIw 1 EIy GJ 1 + 2 GJ


Fig.C5.3.2 Dimension of boxsection

Iy Iz


2 E 2 EIw = 2 GJ 48 G

(pq 1)2 (p + q ) p(pq + 1)


ph b


When the member length is more than 23 times of (ph b), it can be thought that k 2 << 1. Therefore, ME is expressed as follows. ME = EIy GJ (C5.3.19)

Taking the yield moment as the standard bending resistance of the section, Mn = fyd W = Thus, the slenderness ratio can be obtained by 2 = Mn = 2fyd Iz ME h and 2 E b = 0.2963 fyd (pq + 1)(3p + q )2 (p + 3q ) 1 q 2 (3p 3q + p + q) (C5.3.22) EIy GJ (C5.3.21) 2fyd Iz h (C5.3.20)

Fig.C5.3.3 is the graph of Eq.(C5.3.22). Assuming a box section beam with p = 1.0, /b = 10 and F = 235N/mm2 (JIS-SS400 steel), becomes more than 1.11. So, the reduction of bending resistance due to lateral-torsional buckling occurs when q = h/b > 3.2, otherwise it does not have to be considered. Short beams suciently supported in lateral direction can reach bending resistances of the section (Mp or My ), whereas the bending resistance of long beams is determined by elastic lateral-torsional


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Fig.C5.3.3 Relationship between aspect ratio and slenderness ratio for box sections

buckling moment. Consequently, Mn /ME is used as slenderness ratio to lateral-torsional buckling corresponding to the bending resistance of the section Mn . Inuence of loading conditions and boundary conditions is taken into account in the calculation of elastic lateral-torsional buckling moment ME . Eq.(C5.3.12) is obtained from theoretical solution of elastic buckling by approximating the inuence of loading conditions. When the loading condition is dierent from this or sucient restriction it applied to both ends, eigenvalue analysis for elastic buckling may be used to obtain the lateral-torsional buckling moment. A coupled buckling (lateral-torsional buckling and local buckling) strength evaluation method using the eective width is adopted in this specication. There are some cases where Q-factor can be conveniently used when anges and webs are composed of stiened plates. For such cases, the eective width should be obtained by evaluating the resistance of the plate element as single plate, and then the bending resistance of the section should be calculated with the consideration of the shift of neutral axis (Eective Section Method). Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002] have the provisions based on the yield moment My for the welded beams with sections having relatively large width-thickness ratio. However, rolled beams with small slenderness ratio can be expected to reach fully plastic moment. Thus, the bending resistance of Mp is specied for the sections composed of plates whose slenderness ratios are smaller than the plastic limit (The rst hinge method).

5.3.4 Shear resistance of web The shear resistance of the webs shall be determined properly in consideration of factors such as the constraining eect of ange and stieners, initial deformation, and residual stress due to welding.

The design shear resistance of a web can be generally determined based on shear buckling strength of a single panel under pure shear loading or based on diagonal tension eld theory as described below. (1) Based on shear buckling strength [Bleich, 1952] Vrd = Vcr = cr th b (C5.3.23)

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance



cr /fvyd

1.0 = 1 0.614(s 0.6) 1/2 s h t 12(1 2 ) k

(s 0.6) (0.6 < s 2) ( 2 < s ) fvyd E ( 1) ( > 1)


s =


k = where fvyd E h t

4.00 + 5.34/2 5.34 + 4.00/2


Design shear strength Aspect ratio of web panel (= a/h)) Poissons ratio of steel Youngs modulus of steel Web height Plate thickness

(2) Based on diagonal tension eld theory [JSCE, 2005] Vrd Vt


Vcr + Vt + Vf b = t ht(sin cos c sin2 ) =

(C5.3.27) (C5.3.28)

t /fydw fydw fvydw

= 1 (cr /fvydw )0.6


Design material strength of web Design material shear strength of web

2 tan1 3


Aspect ratio of web panel (= a/h) c = {1 (Cc Ct )/a} (C5.3.31)

aDistance between vertical stieners 2 Cc = sin 2 Ct = sin Mpf c t t Mpf t t t a (0 Cc ) 2 a (0 Ct ) 2


Mpf c , Mpf tFully plastic moment of compression ange and tension ange, respectively, given by the following Eq.(C5.3.33): Mpf c = Mpf t 1 fyf c bf c t2 fc 4 1 = fyf t bf t t2 ft 4 (C5.3.33)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

fydf c , fydf t bf c , bf t t f c , tf t

Design material strength of compression ange and tension ange, respectively Width of compression ange and tension ange, respectively Plate thickness of compression ange and tension ange, respectively

Vf = min

4Mpf c 4Mpf t , Cc Ct


However, plate girders carry shear and bending loads. Vf is generally not counted due to bending stress on the anges.

5.3.5 Local buckling resistance (1) The local buckling resistance of plates supported at both ends or at one edge and of stiened plates subject to compression shall be determined in consideration of factors such as boundary conditions and initial imperfections due to welding, including initial deformation and residual stress. (2) Plates supported at both ends or at one edge and stiened plates in locations with particular ductility requirements shall be of dimensions that guarantee the required ductility.


(1) The local buckling strength of a plate supported at both ends and subject to uniform compression should be computed using Eq.(C5.3.35). However, this does not apply to the web plate of plate girders. f yd (R 0.70) b rd = (C5.3.35) 0.86 0.7 fyd (0.70 < R) R b rd where fyd R
Design local buckling strength Design material strength Width-thickness ratio

1 12(1 2 ) fyk b k E t Poissons ratio k Buckling coecient, k = 4.0 E Youngs modulus of steel fyk Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) b Distance between xed edges of plate (refer to Fig.C5.3.4) t Plate thickness (2) The local buckling strength of a plate supported at both ends and subject to in-plane bending should be computed using Eq.(C5.3.36). However, this does not apply to the web plate of plate girders. fyd (R 1.00) b rd = (C5.3.36) 0.72 fyd 1 (1.00 < R) R b R=

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


Fig.C5.3.4 Distance between the xed edges of Fig.C5.3.5 Stress level at edge of
plate supported at both ends plate supported at both ends

where rd fyd R

Design local buckling strength (refer to Fig.C5.3.5) Design material strength Width-thickness ratio

1 12(1 2 ) fyk b k E t Poissons ratio k Buckling coecient, k = 23.9 E Youngs modulus of steel fyk Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) b Distance between xed edges of plate (refer to Fig.C5.3.4) t Plate thickness (3) The local buckling strength of a plate supported at both ends and subject to a combination of in-plane bending and uniform compression should be computed using Eq.(C5.3.37). However, this does not apply to the web plate of plate girders. fyd (R 0.70) b (C5.3.37) rd = 0.86 fyd 0.7 (0.70 < R) R b R= where rd fyd R
Design local buckling strength Design material strength Width-thickness ratio

1 12(1 2 ) fyk b k E tf Poissons ratio k Buckling coecient k = 4.0 E Youngs modulus of steel fyk Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) b Distance between xed edges of plate (refer to Fig.C5.3.4) t Plate thickness f Stress gradient coecient f = 0.322 + 0.08 + 1.00 Stress gradient 1 2 = (0 2) 1 1 , 2 Stress at each edge of plate. The sign of compressive stress is to be taken as positive. 2 1 (refer to Fig.C5.3.5) (4) The local buckling strength of a plate supported at one edge and subject to in-plane compression R=


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

should be computed using the following Eq.(C5.3.38): fyd (R 0.70) b rd = 0.64 0.7 fyd (0.70 < R) R b rd where fyd R
Design local buckling strength Design material strength Width-thickness ratio


k E fyk b t

1 12(1 2 ) fyk b k E t Poissons ratio Buckling coecient k = 0.425 Youngs modulus of steel Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) Distance from support point to free edge (refer to Fig.C5.3.6) Plate thickness R=

Fig.C5.3.6 Width of cantilever part of plate

supported at one edge

Fig.C5.3.7 Rectangular plate

subject to uniform compressive stress

The local buckling strength of a plate subject to compressive stress can be computed based on the elastic buckling stress of a rectangular plate of constant thickness subject to a uniform compressive stress, as shown in Fig.C5.3.7:

E = k

2 E 12(1 2 )

t b


With the base width-thickness ratio parameter: R= b fyk = E t 12(1 2 ) k fyk E ( 5.3.40)

Local buckling strength is determined by evaluating the margin in resistance after elastic buckling of a plate with a large width-thickness ratio, taking into account also the reduction in local buckling strength due to residual stress and initial deection. Here, the minimum buckling coecient k is assumed to be b = : Under uniform compression, a plate supported at both edges takes k = 4.0 and a plate supported at one edge takes k = 0.425. In Eq.(C5.3.37), the stress gradient parameter f in the width-thickness ratio parameter R is multiplied by the stress gradient = 0 buckling coecientf when there is a stress gradient. f= k ( = ) k ( = 0) (C5.3.41)

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


Stress gradient parameter f is given for = 0, 1, 2 in Table C5.3.7. The denition of f is obtained, for the other , by interpolating on a quadratic parabola as follows: f = 0.322 + 0.08 + 1.00 (C5.3.42)

Table C5.3.7 Relationship between buckling coecient k, stress gradient parameter f and stress gradient Stress gradient = Buckling coecient k Stress gradient parameter f
1 2 1

=0 4.0 1.0

=1 7.81 1.40

=2 23.9 2.44

(5) The local buckling strength of a stiened plate subject to unidirectional compression should, in principle, be computed using Eq.(C5.3.43). The stiness and arrangement of stieners should be satised 7.3.1. Specically, the stiness should be larger than the required value in the Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA, 2002], and the arrangement should be uniform interval. rd = Nusp fyd b (C5.3.43)

where rd fyd Nusp

Design local buckling strength Design material strength Standard compressive resistance of stiened plate elements obtained from

Eq.(C5.3.44) (n 1)r bt 1 + hr tr + btculp n n bt + (n 1)hr tr

Nusp =


where culp

Non-dimensional standard compressive strength of plate supported at both

edges obtained from Eq.(C5.3.45) r Non-dimensional standard compressive strength of T-section of one longitudinal stiener and plate panel between longitudinally stiened members obtained from Eq.(C5.3.46) n Number of panels divided by stieners in the longitudinal direction (n 2) b Total width of stiened plate t Thickness of plate panel Values of culp and r can be obtained using the following equations: culp = 0.7 Rcp

(< 1)


r =

1.0 s 2 s2 4 2 2

0.2) ( > 0.2) ( (C5.3.46)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

in which the following notation is used: s r = = = = 0.2) + 2 1 + 0.339( fyr fyk 1 culp IT AT (0 < C 0.54) (0.54 < C )
0 .2

(C5.3.47) (C5.3.48) (C5.3.49) (C5.3.50)

fyk a E r

1 1.164C 0.251 1.0


2 h2 r tr bt /n 2AT a 3 It C= b IT 3 h tt It = t 3 1 bt3 IT = h3 r tr 3 n bt + h r tr AT = n


(C5.3.52) (C5.3.53) (C5.3.54) e2 AT (C5.3.55) (C5.3.56)

where a hr tr ht tt Rcp E fyk fyr

Span of stieners in the transverse direction Height of stiener in the longitudinal direction Thickness of stiener in the longitudinal direction Height of stiener in the transverse direction Thickness of stiener in the transverse direction Width-thickness ratio of compression plate enclosed by transverse and longi-

tudinal stieners
Youngs modulus of steel Characteristic value of material strength (standard value)) Standard value of material strength (235 N/mm2 )

(6) The local buckling strength of a plate supported on all edges and subject to shear stress should be computed by: fvyd (Rr 0.60) b rd = (C5.3.57) 0.32 0 . 6 f vyd (0.60 < Rr ) Rr b where rd fvyd Rr
Design shear strength Design material shear strength Width-thickness ratio

Rr =

12(1 2 ) kr

fvyk b E t

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


fvyk E kr

Characteristic value of material shear strength Poissons ratio Youngs modulus of steel Buckling coecient

kr =

5.34 + 4.0 4.0 + 5.34

b a b a

2 2

a b a 1 b 1<


aDistance between xed edges of plate (in the longitudinal direction) (refer to Fig.C5.3.8) b Distance between xed edges of plate (in the transverse direction) (refer to Fig.C5.3.8) t Plate thickness

Fig.C5.3.8 Distance between xed edges of plate

(7) The local buckling strength of a plate support at both edges and subject to local loading should, in principle, be computed using Eq.(C5.3.59). fyd b 0.7 R

(R 0.70) fyd b (C5.3.59) (0.70 < R)

rd =

Where, rd is the design local buckling strength, which must correspond to stress level p1 at a position on the upper edge of the panel in question. As shown in Fig.C5.3.9, when the distances from the edge of the panel in question to the upper and lower boundaries of the loading are taken as d1 and d2 , respectively, the relationship between p1 and the stress level p0 at the loading or local load P shall be obtained using the following equation: p1 = p0 1 fyd where R d1 d = P ct 1 d1 d (C5.3.60)

Design material strength Width-thickness ratio

R = 1.05

fyk b kp E t

kp Local buckling coecient given by Eq.(5.3.61)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

kp = 0.8 + 2.4

b a

c a + p a c

2 p + 3p + 1 p = (1 + p )3


E fyk b t c a

Youngs modulus of steel Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) Distance between xed edges of plate (in the longitudinal direction) given in

Plate thickness Width of local loading on the upper edge of the panel shown in Fig.C5.3.9 Distance between xed edges of plate (in the transverse direction) shown in

Fig.C5.3.9. When a exceeds acr calculated using Eq.(C5.3.62), acr should be used instead of a. 2 b +b+c (b c) acr = (C5.3.62) 10c 1.5b + 0.6c (c < b)

Fig.C5.3.9 Dimensions and stress levels of panel subject to local loading

: Ratio of p2 to p1 computed by Eq.(C5.3.63) p = p2 d d2 = p1 d d1 (C5.3.63)

The elastic buckling stress of a constant thickness rectangular plate subject to local loading (width c) on its upper edge and simply supported on all edges is given by Eq.(C5.3.64). pcr = kp 2 E 12(1 2 ) t b

( 5.3.64)

Based on this stress, the slenderness ratio is dened as follows. R= fyk b = pcr t 12(1 2 ) kp fyk E

The local buckling strength of a plate subject to local loading is determined by considering the reduction of the local buckling resistance due to residual stress and initial deformation with the buckling coecient calculated by Eq.(C5.3.65). The resistance larger than elastic buckling stress

Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


is adopted for relatively large R-value region since the post-buckling resistance can be expected. Design method of a plate subject to local loading against buckling can be found in some foreign design codes such as BS5400 [1982] and DASt.Ri012 [1978]. The calculation method of buckling coecient is given in each code. In this specication, Eq.(C5.3.65), which is the approximation of the coecient given by Moriwaki et al. [1983], is adopted as the formula to obtain buckling coecient kp . kp = 0.8 + 2.4 Where, a = acr for a > acr , and 2 b +b+c acr = 10c 1.5b + 0.6c b a

c a + a c

( 5.3.65)

(b c) (c < b)

In Eq.(C5.3.61), a correction factor p p based on the reference [Takimoto, 1989] is introduced to take the inuence of p . It should be noted that the meaning of buckling coecient for a plate subject to local loading may be dierent even if the same symbol (k) is used. The same type denition of the buckling coecient as a plate in compression is adopted in this specication as shown in Eq.(C5.3.64). Careful attention should be paid to the treatment of p when the equation in this specication is applied. In-plane stress induced by local loading is complicated. Methods for strict treatment of this can be found in some references [Ito, 1984; JSCE, 1988; DASt.Ri012, 1978]. Since p1 and p2 are shown here as the expedient values to verify buckling resistance, it is not appropriate to use them for other resistance evaluation like fatigue.

5.4 Resistance of Steel Pipes

(1) The tensile resistance and compressive resistance of steel pipes shall be determined according to the provisions in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. (2) The bending resistance of steel pipes shall be determined on the basis of local buckling resistance against compressive stress in the axial direction, bending stress, or a combination of the two stresses. (3) The shear resistance of steel pipes shall be determined in consideration of factors such as boundary conditions, initial imperfections due to welding, including initial deformation and residual stress, and whether the pipe is stiened with rings or diaphragms.


(1) The design bending resistance of a steel pipe is generally computed using Eq.(C5.4.1). Mbu = Mn rd fyd (C5.4.1)

where Mn = fyd W W Sectional modulus of the outer edge of the steel pipe fyd Design material strength rd Design compressive strength corresponding to local buckling of the steel pipe, obtained from Eq.(C5.4.4) (2) The design local buckling strength of a steel pipe under compression stress is generally computed


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

using Eq.(C5.4.2). f yd b = 0.0330 0.723 + Rt (Rt 0.119) fyd b (C5.4.2) (0.119 < Rt 0.355)


where rd fyd Rt

Design compressive strength corresponding to local buckling of the steel pipe Design material strength Radius-thickness ratio

Rt = 1.65
fyk E t r

fyk r E t Characteristic value of material strength (standard value) Youngs modulus of steel Wall thickness of steel pipe Radius of steel pipe (distance from center to outer edge)

(3) The design local buckling strength of a steel pipe under bending stress is generally computed using Eq.(C5.4.3). fyd 1.20 b = 0.0330 0.867 + Rt (Rt 0.099) fyd b (C5.4.3) (0.099 < Rt 0.279)


Where rd : Design bending strength in compression of the steel pipe fyd , fyk , Rt , t, r : as dened in (Eq.(C5.4.2)) (4) The design local buckling strength of a steel pipe under both bending and compressive stresses is generally computed using Eq.(C5.4.4). f yd f b = 0.0330 0.723f + Rt (Rt 0.119) fyd b 0.119 0.355 < Rt f f 10 (C5.4.4)


rd where f

Design compressive strength corresponding to local buckling of steel pipe Coecient depending on stress gradient f = 1 + Stress gradient

1 2

1 2 (0 < < 2) 1 Total stress level on the side of the steel pipe where compression occurs. The sign shall be taken as positive for compressive stress. Total stress level on the side of the steel pipe where tension occurs. The sign shall be taken as positive for compressive stress. = fyd , fyk , Rt , t, r is dened in (Eq.(C5.4.2))

(5) The design shear strength of a steel pipe is generally computed using Eq.(C5.4.5) when it is strengthened with rings or diaphragms. fvyd b = 0 . 57 fvyd 1 1.25 Rr b (Rr 0.638) (C5.4.5) (0.638 < Rr 1.50)


Chapter 5 Structural Member Resistance


where rd Rr

Design shear strength of steel pipe Radius-thickness ratio parameter,

Rr = 2.63 E t r fvyk

fvyk E

0 .8

r t

Youngs modulus of steel Wall thickness of steel pipe Radius of steel pipe (distance from center to outer edge) Characteristic value of material shear strength

5.5 Resistance of Cables

The design resistance of cables shall be taken as the value calculated by equation (5.5.1). Nrd = where, Nrd fd An b An fd b (5.5.1)

design resistance of cables design strength of the material nominal cross sectional area of the cable structural member factor


As a general rule, the wires in parallel wire strands must not have joints except when using the AS construction method. In computing the strength of wire joints in the AS construction method, the partial factor of members at the joints can be made smaller value than that for the non-jointed portions according to a responsible engineering judgment based on a consideration of the eciency of eld joints. It must be veried through tests at the plant that the strength of joints exceeds that of non-jointed portions. As an example, in [HSBA, 1980], the allowable stress of wires making up a cable is reduced . 610N/mm2 ) from the standard value of 6400kgf/cm2(= . 630N/mm2 ) at joints. The to 6200kgf/cm 2(= . . characteristic value of material strength for cable wires can be dened either as the ultimate strength of the wire or as 0.7% or 0.8% of total elongation strength. The latter is generally used. For further reference, the results of investigations by the Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority [HSBA, 2003] are presented here as a recent example. The investigation concluded that 0.8% of the actual measured value of total elongation resistance can be used as the standard wire strength for design when wires with the same specication and manufactured by the same method as those used for Akashi Kaikyo Bridge are employed in future projects. These suspension bridge cables were manufactured using very special techniques and the standard of quality control was particularly high. The total . 1760N/mm2 ) elongation for dening resistance was revised from 0.7% to 0.8% when the 180kgf/mm2(= . . 1570N/mm2 ) wire used for wire developed for the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge replaced the 160kgf/mm2(= . the Seto-Ohashi and other bridges constructed earlier by the HSBA (corresponding to the design code mentioned above, [HSBA, 1980]). The resistance of the wires for the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is dened as . 1370N/mm2) in the specication, but actually measured values for 3,016 a minimum of 140kgf/mm2 (= . . 1495N/mm2 ) and a standard specimens were very stable, with an average value of 152.5kgf/mm2(= . . . 2 2 2 16.3N/mm ). A value of 150kgf/mm ( = 1470N/mm ) was adopted as the deviation of 1.66kgf/mm2(= . . standard value for design by rounding down this average value.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

References in Chapter 5 Bleich, F.(1952) Buckling Strength of Metal Structure, McGRAW-HILL. DASt-Richtlinie 012(1978) Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbau Study Group of Structures in Tokai(1980) Evaluation of Strength of Steel Structural Members and Its Application to a Reliability Design, Bridge and Foundation Engineering, Vol.14, No.11. Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority(1980) Design Specications for Superstructure. BS5400(1982) British Standards Institution; Part 3 Moriwaki, R., Takimoto, T. and Mimura, Y.(1983) Ultimate Strength of Girders under Patch Loading, Proceedings of JSCE, No.339. Ito, K.(1984) An Example of Stability Verication of Plate Girder Web under Vertical Patch Loading according to Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1988) Collaborate Research Report on Strength and Design of Thin-walled Structures, Kansai Branch. Takimoto, T.(1989) Buckling Strength of Girder Webs under Patch Loading, R&D Kobe Steel Engineering Reports, Vol.39. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1994) Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structure, Steel Structure Series 6 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997a) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997b) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART B; Composite Structures. ISO(1997) ISO10721 Steel Structures, Part 1Material and Design AASHTO(1998) LRFD Bridge Design Specications, SI Unit Second Edition Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority(2003) Committee Repot on Safety Factor of Cables for Strait Crossing Road. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2005) Buckling Design Guidelines, Ver.2 [2005 Version]. CEN(2003) Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures, Part 2: Steel Bridges -, prEN 1993-2


Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication

6.1 General
(1) Safety shall be veried in consideration of all actions that might arise during the erection period and the design working life. (2) Structural safety and public safety shall be the performance items veried to meet the safety requirement. (3) An appropriate limit state shall be established for each performance item and safety shall be veried against the limit states of all performance items.


In the specications, two performance requirements are prescribed for safety: structural safety and public safety. The former deals with the safety of the structure itself as judged, for example, by its loadcarrying capacity, while the latter relates to ensuring the safety of any members of the public present in the neighborhood of the structure. Depending on the circumstances of the structures location, public safety may not be a factor. In this chapter, therefore, the specic verication procedures only for structural safety are provided. It should also be noted that the safety of structural members and structural elements is dealt in this chapter, while the safety of connections is left for Chapter 11 Joints. The performance requirements given in this chapter are the basic ones for composite structures and their verication, but the computation of load-carrying capacities in some situations are dierent in the case of composite structures and they have some unique structural components, such as shear connectors. Their safety is therefore discussed separately in Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders for the benet of readers. Structural safety is usually veried by ensuring that the loading capacity of the structure exceeds demand. As actions such as loads increase, deformation and induced stress increase and the structure may change state from elastic behavior to elasto-plastic behavior, and/or from stable behavior to unstable behavior. This will eventually lead to structural failure. To be specic, in the course of this failure process, structural performance needs to be veried from various viewpoints associated with elastic response, plastic response, buckling, stability as a rigid-body, stability of the whole structure, displacement/deformation, and so forth.

6.2 Performance Requirement for Safety

6.2.1 Structural Safety Steel and composite structures shall satisfy the requirements for load-carrying and displacement/deformation capacity and also shall be stable under the actions given in Chapter 2.

Structural safety concerns two aspects of structural performance: load-carrying capacity and stability. The phenomena associated with load-carrying capacity include member fracture, local buckling of a plate, buckling of a member, and buckling of the whole structure. The load-carrying capacity of the structure is inuenced by material strength (tensile strength, compressive strength, shear strength,


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

etc.), buckling strength, deformation capacity, fabrication and erection imperfections, and so on. The major causes of loss of stability are sudden loss of stiness due to buckling and the collapse, sliding, or uplift of the whole structure and/or part of the structure. As actions such as loads increase, deformation and induced stress increase. As a result, a structure that is in an elastic state may become elasto-plastic, and/or a stable structure may become unstable. Eventually, failure will take place. Even if part of a structure reaches a state of failure, the failure of the whole structure has to be prevented under the actions specied in Chapter 2. To that end, it is desirable to verify this performance requirement by direct simulation. However, at the current stage of development, such a simulation is not practical for day-to-day design. Therefore, the basic approach in this code is to verify that members and connections possess sucient load-carrying capacity. It should be noted that design for seismic loads of level 2 is exceptional; the capacity of the whole structure is to be veried even in the current design practice. This class of design is dealt with in the Seismic Volume of the standards specications. The limit states that control structural performance with respect to load-carrying capacity, displacement/deformation, and stability can be set at various points during the course of progressive failure for a member or for the whole structure, depending on the objective, the importance, the restorability requirements of the structure, and so on. The importance of the structure is determined from its expected working life, the function of its members, and the eect that collapse would have. The load-carrying capacity, displacement/deformation capacity, and stability need to be determined by considering these aspects appropriately. In practice, the actions to which a structure is subjected, the method of structural analysis, the partial factors, and so on can vary depending how the strength limit states are set. In past design codes for steel and composites structures, the elastic limit was assumed to be the load-carrying capacity that can generally be relied on for structural safety, regardless as to whether the code is based on allowable stress design or limit state design. However, if the cross section of a member is compact, the state where the whole cross section becomes plastic may be taken as the load-carrying capacity of the member.

6.2.2 Public Safety The public shall be protected from any possible hazard that a steel or composite structure might pose throughout its service life.

If a structure sheds cover concrete or high-tensile bolts (due to delayed failure), injury may occur to the public and damage any property below. Public safety is the performance that is required to prevent such incidents. No specic verication methods are given here, but depending on the surroundings of the structure, design engineers are required to institute performance requirements and to carefully select materials and the implementation of preventive measures.

6.3 Verication of Structural Safety

6.3.1 Verication of load-carrying capacity The verication of load-carrying capacity shall entail ensuring that the design action eect is smaller than the design member capacity.

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


Although performance-based design does not impose any restrictions on the choice of approach to the verication of structural safety, the reliability-based design method is becoming the global standard. Nevertheless, sucient probabilistic data are not always available, so quite often the probability of failure cannot be evaluated directly. Therefore, this code employs the partial-factor method as the basic verication approach. Details of the partial-factor method are given in Chapter 1 General of the General Provisions Volume. Verication of load-carrying capacity of members in framed structure The load-carrying capacity of a structural member in a framed structure shall be veried for all applicable cases among the following: (1) axial force (2) bending moment (3) combined axial force and bending moment (4) shear force or a combination of shear force and torsional moment (5) combined axial force, bending moment, and shear force (6) biaxial stress in the above ve cases when signicant

For each verication item of structural safety, the verication equations in the Design Code for Steel Structures [JSCE, 1997] are presented here as an example of a possible verication approach in the form of the partial factor method. (1) Verication of axial force capacity The safety performance of a member subjected to axial force can be veried using the following equation: i where i Nsd Nrd

Nsd 1.0 Nrd


structure factor design axial force design axial force resistance

Using this verication equation, the demand, the resistance (limit value), and the partial factor in this code are explained. The structure under loading by the product of the characteristic design load and the load factor is analyzed by the relevant method. The axial force thus obtained is then multiplied by the structural analysis factor. This nal axial force result is the demand, Nsd , in Eq.(C6.3.1). The design axial force resistance, Nrd , is the lower bound of the capacity evaluated by considering the scatter in material properties, size, and shape as well as the eects of the fabrication process and possible local buckling by way of partial factors. More details of this process are available in Chapter 5. Performance is veried if the resistance (limit value) is found to be greater than the demand; here the structure factor that represents the importance of the structure needs to be taken into account. (2) Verication of bending moment capacity The safety performance of a member subjected to bending moment can be veried using the following equation: i Msd 1.0 Mrd (C6.3.2)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

where i Msd Mrd

structure factor design bending moment design bending moment capacity based on the classication of cross sections

in (Table C5.3.3.) In the allowable stress design method widely-used at present, the bending moment capacity of a member is given by one of the following limit states being reached: yielding at the edge of a cross section, global lateral-torsional buckling, or local buckling. However, in view of performance-based design, it would be more desirable if the bending moment capacity beyond the local buckling of a thinwalled member or up to the plastic moment of a thick-walled member could be taken into account in design. To that end, the interaction of plastic deformation, local buckling, and global lateral-torsional buckling needs be evaluated properly and the classication of the cross sections based on the plastic limit width-thickness ratio and the elastic limit width-thickness ratio would then be required. For the verication of a composite girder, it is necessary to evaluate the design bending-moment eect and the design bending moment capacity by taking the composite action into consideration, the details of which are given in Chapter 15. It should be noted that the verication equation is commonly expressed in the following form, in which the components in two directions (y-direction, z-direction) are summed: c i a, b, c, d where
Example of Verication of Capacity under Bending Moment (Design Code for Steel

Msdy Mrdy

+ d i

Msdz Mrdz



the constants, the values of which depend on the classication of the cross

section, the shape of the cross section, and so on.

Structures Part A (JSCE 1997)) Slender Section, Non-compact Section, Compact Section a) Verication of cross-section capacity i b) Verication of member capacity i Msdy Msdz + Mrdy Mbrdz 1.0 (C6.3.5) Msdy Msdz + Mrdy Mrdz 1.0 (C6.3.4)

Compact section Box-, I-, and H-shaped cross sections: a) Verication of cross-section capacity Box-shaped, -applied and circular cross sections: 3 4 i i Msdy Mrdy

+ i i

Msdz Mrdz

1.0 for 1.0 for

Msdy Msdz Mrdy Mrdz Msdy Msdz > Mrdy Mrdz

(C6.3.6) (C6.3.7)

Msdy 3 + Mrdy 4

Msdz Mrdz

I- and H-shaped cross sections: i b) Verication of member capacity


Msdy Msdz + i Mrdy Mrdz Msdy Mrdy



Msdz Mbrdz



Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


where = 1.4 for box-shaped cross sections = 1.0 for I- and H-shaped cross sections with B/D < 0.3 = 0.4 + B/D 1.0 with B/D B ange width Dheight of the cross section Msdy , Msdz design bending moments about the weak and strong axes acting in the cross section to be veried, respectively. When the bending moments vary linearly along the member, Msdy , Msdz in Eq.(C6.3.7) may be replaced by the equivalent bending moments Meqy , Meqz , respectively. Meqy , Meqz : equivalent bending moments about the weak and strong axes, respectively, given by the following formula: Meq = 0.6M1 + 0.4M2 0.4M1 where M1 , M2 are the bending moments at the ends of the member, and M1 > M2 where the bending moment is positive when stress in the ange under consideration is compressive. Mrdy , Mrdz : design bending-moment capacities about the weak and strong axes, respectively, of the cross section to be veried, which are evaluated by referring to the classication of cross sections in section Using the base bendingmoment capacities Mny , Mnz given in section, they can be expressed as follows: Mrdy = Mny /b , Mrdz = Mnz /b For a cross section that cannot attain the plastic moment Mp , the verication must be ensured for both tension and compression sides with Mtrdy , Mcrdy and Mtrdz , Mcrdz Mbrdz design bending moment of the member for the verication, which includes the inuence of lateral-torsional buckling about the weak axis. The capacity is given by Eq.(C5.3.2) in section, for example.

Explanation of the verication example In principle, Eqs.(C6.3.4) and (C6.3.5) are used in this verication example. Eq.(C6.3.4) is the verication equation for the ultimate bending moment of each cross section in which local buckling eect is taken into account, and Eq.(C6.3.5) is the verication equation for lateral-torsional buckling capacity, which includes the eect of interaction with local buckling. In a beam with a compact section (that is, with a width-thickness ratio of the constituent plates so small that the plastic moment can be reached under bi-axial moments), a capacity greater than that evaluated by the simple addition of Eqs.(C6.3.4) and (C6.3.5) can be expected. Therefore, for rational design, the application of the nonlinear interaction strength Eqs.(C6.3.6) to (C6.3.9) is approved in this code. (3) Verication of capacity under combined axial force and bending moment The safety performance of a member subjected to both axial force and bending moment can be veried using the following equation: i Nsd , Msdy , Msdz where Nrd , Mrdy , Mrdz Nsd Msdy Msdz + + Nrd Mrdy Mrdz 1.0 (C6.3.10)

design axial force and design bending moments design axial force capacity and design bending-moment capacities

referring to the classication of cross sections (Table C5.3.3) in section


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Example of Verication of Capacity under Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment

(Design Code for Steel Structures Part A (JSCE 1997)) Slender Section, Non-compact Section, Compact Section 1) Tensile axial force The safety performance of a member subjected to both tensile axial force and bending moment can be veried using the following equation: i i i Nsd Msdy Msdz + + Ntrd Mtrdy Mtrdz Msdy Msdz Nsd + + Ntrd Mcrdy Mcrdz Msdy Msdz Nsd + + Ntrd Mcrdy Mbrdz 1.0 1.0 1.0 (C6.3.11) (C6.3.12) (C6.3.13)

2) Compressive axial force The safety performance of a member subjected to both compressive axial force and bending moment can be veried using the following equation: i i i

Nsd Msdy Msdz + + 1.0 Ncrdl Mcrdy Mcrdz Msdy Msdz Nsd + + 1.0 Ntrd Mtrdy Mtrdz Nsd Msdz Msdy + + Ncrd Mcrdy (1 Nsd /Ncry ) Mbrdz (1 Nsd /Ncrz )

(C6.3.14) (C6.3.15) 1.0 (C6.3.16)

Compact section 1) Tensile axial force The capacity of a compact section subjected to both tensile axial force and bending moment can be veried using the following equation: i Nsd Msdy Msdz + + Ntrd Mcrdy Mbrdz 1.0 (C6.3.17)

Further verication is required using the following verication equations for the respective cross-

section types: a) Cross-sectional capacity of box-shaped cross section or circular hollow cross section 3 4 i i Msdy Mnpy

+ i i

Msdz Mnpz

1.0 for 1.0 for

Msdy Msdz Mnpy Mnpz Msdy Msdz > Mnpy Mnpz

(C6.3.18) (C6.3.19)

Msdy 3 + Mnpy 4

Msdz Mnpz

Mnpy = C 1 where

Nsd Mpy Mpy Ntrd b b C = 1.18 for a box-shaped cross section C = 1.25 Nsd Mpz Mpz =C 1 Ntrd b b for a circular hollow cross section

b) Cross-sectional capacity of I- or H-shaped cross sections Msdy Msdz + i Mnpy Mnpz




Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


where Mnpy = 1.19 1 Mnpz = 1.18 1

Nsd Ntrd Nsd Ntrd

Mpy Mpy b b

Mpz Mpz b b

2) Compressive axial force The capacity of a compact section subjected to both compressive axial force and bending moment can be veried using the following equations. a) Box-shaped and circular hollow cross sections The capacity of a cross section can be veried using the following equations: 3 4 i i Msdy Mnpy

+ i i

Msdz Mnpz

1.0 for 1.0 for

Msdy Msdz Mnpy Mnpz Msdy Msdz > Mnpy Mnpz

(C6.3.21) (C6.3.22)

3 Msdy + Mnpy 4

Msdz Mnpz

with Mnpy = C 1

Nsd Mpy Mpy Ntrd b b C = 1.18 for a box-shaped cross section and C = 1.25 Nsd Mpz Mpz =C 1 Ntrd b b for a circular hollow cross section.

The capacity of a member can be veried using the following equation: i

Msdy Mnuy

+ i

Msdz Mnuz



where Mnuy =
Mnuz = = 1.3 + = 1.3 +

Nsd Ncrd Nsd 1 Ncrd

Nsd Mpy Ncry b Nsd Mbuz 1 Ncrz b

Nsd 1000 1.4 Ncrdl ( /ry )2 Nsd 1000 1.4 Ncrdl ( /rz )2

b) I- and H-shaped cross sections The capacity of a cross section can be veried using the following equation: i Msdy Msdz + i Mnpy Mnpz



Mnpy = 1.19 1 where

Mnpz = 1.18 1

Nsd Ncrdl

Mpy Mpy b b

Nsd Ncrdl

Mpz Mpz b b

The capacity of a member can be veried using the following equation:


Msdy Mnrdy

Msdz Mnrdz




Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

= 1.0 = 0.4 + Mnrdy Mnrdz

(B/D < 0.3)

B Nsd 1.0 (B/D 0.3) + Ncrdl D Nsd Nsd Mpy = 1 1 Ncrd Ncry b Nsd Nsd Mbrdz = 1 1 Ncrd Ncrz b

where B D fyd

ange width height of the cross section design material strength eective buckling length of a member. The standard values are given in Table

Ag ry , rz Zy , Zz Nsd Msdy , Msdz

Meqy , Meqz


Mcrdy , Mcrdz

Mtrdy , Mtrdz

Mpy , Mpz

C5.3.1, but they have to be adjusted when the constraints are insucient. gross area of the cross section to be veried radii-of-gyration of the gross area about the weak and strong axes, respectively plastic section modulus of the gross area about the weak and strong axes, respectively absolute value of design axial force (N ) design bending moments about the weak and strong axes acting in the cross section to be veried, respectively. However, when the moments vary linearly, Mdy , Mdz may be replaced by the equivalent bending moments, Meqy , Meqz , respectively. equivalent bending moments about the weak and strong axes, respectively, given by the following formula: Meq = 0.6M1 + 0.4M2 0.4M1 where M1 , M2 are the bending moments at the ends of the member, and M1 > M2 where the bending moment is positive when stress in the ange under consideration is compressive. design bending moment capacity of a beam member to be veried, which takes into account the lateral-torsional buckling about the weak axis. For example, it can be evaluated using Eq.(C5.3.2) in section design bending-moment capacities about the weak and strong axes, respectively, of the cross section to be veried with the focus on the compressive side. These capacities are evaluated by referring to the classication of cross sections in section Using the base bending-moment capacities of the cross section of a beam shown in section, Mny , Mnz , those capacities can be expressed by the following equations: Mcrdy = Mny /b , Mcrdz = Mnz /b design bending-moment capacities about the weak and strong axes, respectively, of the cross section to be veried with the focus on the tensile side. These capacities are evaluated by referring to the classication of cross sections in section Using the base bending-moment capacities of the cross section of a beam shown in section, Mny , Mnz , those capacities can be expressed by the following equations: Mtrdy = Mny /b , Mtrdz = Mnz /b plastic moments about the weak and strong axes of the cross section to be veried, respectively, given by the following equations: Mpy = fyd Z, Mpz = fyd Zz

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


Ncry , Ncrz

Euler buckling loads about the weak and strong axes, respectively, given by



Ntrd Qc

in Eq.(C5.3.1): the following equations with slenderness ratios f f Ag yd Ag yd Ncry = 2 , Ncrz = 2 y z axial compressive resistance of the cross section that takes local buckling into account, which is given by the following equation: Qc fyd Ag Ncul = b axial compressive force capacity of the member that takes local buckling into account, as given by Eq.(C5.3.1) axial tensile force capacity of the cross section given by the smaller of the values given by Eqs.(C5.3.1) and (C5.3.2) eective section modulus to include local-buckling eect, which is the dimensionless strength of a short column undergoing local buckling given by Eq.(C5.3.1)

Explanation of verication example In Design Specications for Highway Bridges, which is based on allowable stress design, the limit states due to yielding, the overall buckling of a member, and the local buckling of a cross section are assumed to be independent of each other even when the member is subjected to both axial force and bending moment. Verication equations that require only linear structural analysis have been constructed for each of those limit states, respectively. On the other hand, even for a member subjected to bending moment, the inuence of local buckling is included by reducing the eective cross-sectional area in the above equations, while capacity can be expected to be greater than the initial yield point for a member with a compact section. The above approach recognizes two cases of axial tension and axial compression, with verication equations established separately for the limit states associated with the two cases. For rational design, the nonlinear verication Eqs.(C6.3.18) to (C6.3.25) can be used for the verication of a member with a compact section. (4) Verication of capacity under shear force or under combined shear force and torsional moment 1) The eective area of the cross section of a member subjected to shear force is the gross area of the web and is computed using the following equation: i

Vsd 1.0 Vrd


where Vsd Vrd

design shear force design shear resistance

2) The safety of a member subjected to combined shear force and torsional moment is veried using the following equation: i

Vsd Tsd + Vrd Trd



where Vsd Vrd Tsd Trd

design shear force design shear resistance design torsional moment about the shear center design torsional moment resistance about the shear center

The safety of a member such as a web against shear force in a plate girder or similar structure can be veried using approach 1) above based on the assumption that shear stress is constant over the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

web. However, the safety verication of a ange requires the computation of shear stress by the shear ow theory, because shear stress varies along the center line of the plate. Approach 2) above, which takes into account torsional moment as well as shear force, is used for cases such as curved members the where torsional eect cannot be ignored if loading is applied in the direction of the strong axis. In general, a box girder is designed with high torsional resistance when a signicant torsional moment is expected.
Example of Verication of Capacity under Combined Shear Force and Torsional Moment (Design Code for Steel Structures Part A (JSCE 1997)) Slender Section, Non-compact Section, Compact Section

1) By assuming that the gross area of the web is the eective area of the cross section when a member is subjected to shear force, the safety of the member against the shear force is veried using the following equation: i Vsd 1.0 Vrd (C6.3.28)

2) The safety of a member (box girder) against shear force and torsional moment is veried using the following equations:

i i i

Vsd + Vrd Msdz Mtrdz Msdz Mcrdz

Tsds Tsd + 1.0 Tsrd Trd Msd + 1.0 Mrd Msd 1.0 + Mrd

(C6.3.29) (C6.3.30) (C6.3.31)

Note that the St. Venant torsion, Tsds , and warping torsion, Tsd , are negligible for0.4 and 10, respectively, where torsional constant ratio is given by the following equation:

= Vsd where Vrd Tsds Tsd Msdz Msd Tsrd K h

design shear force



design shear force resistance St. Venant torsion in the cross section warping torsion in the cross section bending moment in the cross section bi-moment in the cross section design St. Venant torsion resistance of a cross section,

t Ac s Trd

rd K h torsional constant of a cross section converted edge-distance for St. Venant torsion t (open cross-section) 2A c rd = (closed cross-section) t 1/tds plate thickness area enclosed by the centerline of plate thickness coordinate along the centerline of plate thickness design warping torsion resistance of a cross section
Tsrd =

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication



design bending moment resistance to verify the capacity on the tension side


Izz Zt , Zc Mrd

of the cross section given by Izz fyd Mtrdz = Zt b design bending moment resistance to verify the capacity on the compression side of the cross section given by Izz fyd Mcrdz = Zc b moment of inertia about the strong axis of the cross section distances from the origin of z -axis (neutral axis) to the edges on the compression and tension sides, respectively (mm) design bi-moment resistance of the cross section given by I fyd max b moment of inertia about the warping warping function torsional constant ratio span with respect to torsion shear modulus Youngs modulus Mrd =

I max G E

Eq.(C6.3.28) is an approximate equation for verifying the safety of a member such as a plate girder or similar structural member subjected to shear force. By assuming Af the distribution of shear stress is constant over the web, as shown in Fig.C6.3.1, the eective area Ae of the cross w Aw section becomes equal to the area of the web. However, this kind of approximation cannot be made for a ange. Shear ow theory, in which shear stress varies along the centerline of plate thickness, must be employed and the shear stress Fig.C6.3.1 Shear stress in web thus computed needs be used to verify the safety of the ange. Verication of structural safety against combined torsional moment and shear force needs to be carried out when the eect of torsion in a curved member becomes signicant due to loading applied in the direction of the strong axis. In a plate girder or similar thin-walled member, the torsional moment is the sum of St. Venant torsion and warping torsion. The St. Venant torsion causes only shear stress in the cross section while the warping torsion induces normal stress due to warping as well as shear stress in equilibrium with that normal stress. In Eq.(C6.3.29), Tsds is the St. Venant torsion and Tsd is the warping torsion associated with warping. In Eqs.(C6.3.30) and (C6.3.31), Msdz is the bending moment about the strong axis and Msd is the bi-moment. In a thin-walled member subjected to torsional moment, both St. Venant torsion and warping torsion act. However, in general St. Venant torsion is dominant in a closed cross section such as a box girder, while warping torsion is greater in an open cross section such as an I-, -, or U-shaped section. Since the contributions of the St. Venant torsion and the warping torsion can be estimated from the torsional constant ratio computed by Eq.(C6.3.32), it is stated that in Eq.(C6.3.29) only the warping torsion Tsd needs to be considered in the case of < 0.4 and that only the St. Venant torsion Tsds is important in the case of > 10. For 0.4 < < 10, bending-torsional theory in which the eects of both the St. Venant torsion Tsds and the warping torsion Tsd are taken into account must be employed to verify safety. In general, a member under signicant torsion is designed to have a box section which possesses large torsional



Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

moment resistance. (5) Verication of capacity under combined axial force, bending moment and shear force The safety performance of a member subjected to combined axial force, bending moment, and shear force should be veried using the following equation:
2 i

Nsd Msd + Nrd Mrd1

Vsd Vrd

/1.21 1.0


where Nsd , Msd , Vsd Nrd , Mrd , Vrd

axial force, design bending moment, and design shear force design axial force resistance, design bending moment resistance,

and design shear force resistance This verication equation deals with the situation where both normal and shear stresses act by utilizing the shear energy hypothesis. This hypothesis is good only for the elastic state, so no classication of cross sections is needed. For the verication of capacity against such a resultant, experience shows that the resistance in terms of stress can be increased by 10% in general, leading to the appearance of the gure 1.21 (the square of 1.1) in the denominator on the left hand side. Note that when torsional moment is considered in addition to bending moment and shear force, the eect of the torsional moment has to be included in all terms associated with the bending moment and the shear force.
Example of Verication of Capacity under Resultant Stress (Design Code for Steel Structures Part A (JSCE 1997))

In a situation where both axial and shear stresses are signicant, the resultant stress should be veried. Two such cases are illustrated here. 1) The safety performance of a member against combined axial force, bending moment, and shear force should be veried using the following equations
2 i

Nsd Msdy Msdz + + Nrd Mrdy Mrdz

Vsdy Vsdz + Vrdy Vrdz

/1.21 1.0


2) When the eect of torsional moment needs to be considered additionally, the following equation must be used:
2 i

Nsd Msdy Msdz Msd + + + Nrd Mrdy Mrdz Mrd

Vsdy Vsdz Tsds Tsd + + + Vrdy Vrdz Tsrd Trd

/1.21 1.0


Nsd where Msdy , Msdz Vsdy , Vsdz Tsds Tsd Msd Nrd fyd An

absolute value of design axial force design bending moments about the weak and strong axes in the cross section,

design shear forces in the y- and z-axes in the cross section, respectively St. Venant torsion in the cross section warping torsion in the cross section bi-moment in the cross section axial force resistance of the cross section given by

An fyd b design material strength net area of the cross section to be veried
Nrd =

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


Mrdy , Mrdz

design bending moment resistances about the weak and strong axes of the

y, z Iyy , Izz Vrdy , Vrdz

rd Aey , Aez Tsrd K h

t Ac s Trd Mrd Q I

cross section to be veried, respectively Iyy Izz fyd , Mrdz = fyd Mrdy = y z distances from the neutral axes of y - and z -axes to the respective edges of the cross section moments of inertias about the weak and strong axes of the cross section to be veried, respectively design shear force resistances in the direction of the weak and strong axes of the cross section to be veried, respectively Aey rd Aez rd Vrdy = , Vrdz = b b shear strength given by fyd rd = 3 eective areas associated with the shear forces in the y- and z-axes, respectively design St. Venant torsion resistance, rd K Tsrd = h design torsional constant of the cross section equivalent edge-distance for St. Venant torsion t (open cross section) 2Ac = (closed cross section) t 1/tds plate thickness area enclosed by the centerline of plate thickness coordinate along the centerline of plate thickness design warping torsion resistance of the cross section I rd Trd = (Q/t)max design bi-moment resistance of the cross section I fyd Mrd = max b warping function torsional function warping constant

(6) Verication of capacity when a state of signicant biaxial stress is induced in the previous ve cases (1)(5) A state of signicant biaxial stress can develop in the members of a moment frame, for example, when a continuous stringer and a cross girder share a ange. The capacity under such a biaxial stress state needs be veried according to section in addition to the verication given in (1) to (5) in section Verication of load-carrying capacity of plate (1) The load-carrying capacity of a plate shall, in principle, be veried for normal stress and shear stress using the following equations. These stress components shall be obtained from forces and/or moments acting in the cross section.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

i i where i rd rd

1.0 rd 1.0 rd

(6.3.1) (6.3.2)

structural factor maximum normal stress in the cross section design strength maximum shear stress in the cross section design shear strength

(2) The load-carrying capacity of a plate shall be veried for all applicable cases among the following: 1) in-plane forces 2) out-of-plane forces 3) combined in-plane and out-of-plane forces 4) stiened plate subjected to in-plane forces 5) a steel pipe subjected to a combination of forces in the transverse section


For each verication item of plate load-carrying capacity, a verication equation using the partialfactor method is presented here based on the Design Code for Steel Structures Part A [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1998] and Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994]. 1) Verication of plates subject to in-plane forces The verication of plates subject to in-plane forces is performed by calculating the normal stress and shear stress from the applied cross-sectional force using Eqs.(6.3.1) and (6.3.2). Furthermore, because these verication equations apply to the maximum normal stress and maximum shear stress in the cross-sectional plane of the plate, they are applicable to generic plates without variations in shape or thickness. Verication of the biaxial stress state is performed using the eective stress ef f given by Eq.(C6.3.36) and using Eq.(C6.3.37) derived from shear strain energy theory. ef f =
2 ef f 2 i (rd )2 2 + 2 + 3 2 x x y y

(C6.3.36) (C6.3.37)

The following equation, obtained by letting rd = rd / 3, can also be used in Eqs.(C6.3.36) and (C6.3.37).
2 i

1 1.0 (1.1)2

x rd

x rd

y rd

y rd


/1.21 1.0


where x , y rd rd

normal stress design strength obtained from Eq.(C5.3.35) or Eq.(C5.3.38) shear stress design shear strength obtain from Eq.(C5.3.57)

Where the values 1.12 and 1.21 represent an adjustment factor relating to the accuracy of the equations; these values were set because research results relating to ultimate strength in the biaxial stress state

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


were smaller than research results relating to the ultimate strength in the uniaxial stress state. However, this value could also be set to 1.0 if the design engineer judges that sucient accuracy is guaranteed. Verication of buckling is performed using the following equation with the stress component calculated from the cross-sectional force.
2 i

x crdx

x brdx

y crdy

y crdy




where x , y

normal stresses acting in mutually perpendicular directions.

crdx , crdy brdx , brdy rd

These stresses should be taken as zero in the case of uniform tensile stress. design strength obtained using Eq.(C5.3.35) and Eq.(C5.3.38) design strength obtained using Eq.(C5.3.36) shear stress design shear strength obtained using Eq.(C5.3.37)

This buckling verication applies only to at rectangular plate elements of uniform thickness that are simply supported at the perimeter. If the plate element cannot be treated as at and rectangular, or if the boundary conditions are dierent or the plate thickness is not uniform throughout the at element, a verication of the limit state needs to be performed using an appropriate structural analysis method. 2) Verication of plates subject to out-of-plane forces The verication of plates subject to out-of-plane forces consists of verication of stress and verication of the biaxial stress state. As a general rule, the maximum value in the cross-sectional plane is used for each stress component. In other words, verication of stress means verication at the outer edge of the plate and this can be performed by using the edge stress from the cross-sectional force and the maximum shear stress as calculated using Mohrs circle.. Even in the biaxial stress state, verication can be performed using Eq.(C6.3.37) by using the maximum value of each stress component in the same way. Although verication of the shear stress distribution in the plate thickness direction is not required here because it applies to thin plates, the distribution of shear stress over the plate thickness is additionally required if the plate is treated as a thick plate. Verication of the biaxial stress state is performed using the eective stress. In plates that are subject to out-of-plane forces, because membrane eects can be anticipated in addition to plate characteristics as the out-of-plane deformation increases, strength may be higher in consideration of this point. However, this kind of strength increment is not considered because its applicability has not been appropriately identied in this code. 3) Verication of plates subject to in-plane and out-of-plane forces For plates subject to in-plane and out-of-plane forces, it is assumed that verication of the combined stress and verication of the biaxial stress state are performed for the worst-case loading conditions with reference to items 1) and 2) in section and, if necessary, buckling of the plate should be veried. Each stress is taken as a combined stress resulting from the stress due to in-plane forces and the stress due to out-of-plane forces as shown below. rd = rd,ip + rd,op xrd = xrd,ip + xrd,op yrd = yrd,ip + yrd,op rd = rd,ip + rd,op where rd,ip , xrd,ip , yrd,ip , rd,ip rd,ip , xrd,op , yrd,op , rd,op
stress due to in-plane forces stress due to out-of-plane forces

(C6.3.40) (C6.3.41) (C6.3.42) (C6.3.43)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

In the verication of buckling, it is necessary to fully investigate what eect the out-of-plane forces have on plate buckling. Furthermore, depending on the boundary conditions, increased strength may be predicted due to membrane stress. For this reason, a great deal of care is required depending on the perimeter support conditions. 4) Verication of stiened plates subject to in-plane forces The verication of stiened plates subject to in-plane forces must conform to each requirement for the verication of plates. The term stiened plate here refers to a at plate on which stieners of sucient stiness are arranged with equal spacing. In cases where the stieners lack sucient stiness or are not arranged with equal spacing, verication of the limit state must be performed using an appropriate structural analysis method. In the Buckling Design Guidelines [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2005], the following method is introduced for verication of the buckling strength of stiened plates. The verication equation for a case where the plate is subject to axial forces in two directions is as follows. i where xu xul yu yul xu xul

+ i

yu yul

= 1.0


compressive strength of the stiened plate indicates the reference compressive strength of stiened plate

elements, such as from Eq.(C5.3.35) bending strength of the stiened plate indicates the reference bending strength of stiened plates, such as from Eq.(C5.3.36)

Therefore, the verication for a case where the plate is subject simultaneously to axial force and bending moment is given by the following equations.
p q + Mu ) 1.0 i (Nu (N/Ny ) = Nu (Nu /Ny ) (M/My ) Mu = (Mu /My ) where Nu , Mu Nu , M u

(C6.3.45) (C6.3.46) (C6.3.47)

strength parameters of axial forces and bending moment load-carrying capacity for the case where only axial force or

Ny , M y p, q

bending moment is applied yield axial force and yield bending moment coecients

5) Verication of steel pipe subject to a combination of forces in the cross-sectional plane The local buckling strength of a steel pipe subject to a combination of axial force, bending moment, torsional moment, and shear force in the cross-sectional plane conforms to the verication equation given as Eq.(C6.3.48) when Eqs.(C5.4.2), (C5.4.3), and (C5.4.5) are used as the strength equations. i cd bd d + i + i cul bul ul



If Eqs.(C5.4.4) and (C5.4.5) are used, the verication equation shown as Eq.(C6.3.49) is the standard. i cd + bd d + i cbul ul



Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


where i cd bd d cul bul cbul ul

structure factor compressive stress bending compressive stress shear stress represents compressive strength, from Eq.(C5.4.2) represents compressive strength, from Eq.(C5.4.3) represents compressive strength, from Eq.(C5.4.4) represents shear strength, from Eq.(C5.4.5)

The bending compressive stress bd in Eqs.(C6.3.48) and (C6.3.49) is calculated from bd = Mbd /W using the bending moment acting on the steel pipe cross-section, Mbd , and the section modulus, W . This verication equation for a pipe subject to combination loads of this type was obtained from the correlation equation of buckling strength by Schilling.

6.3.2 Verication of Displacement/Deformation Capacity A member required to have a particular displacement/deformation capacity shall be veried to ensure that the displacement/deformation due to actions will not exceed the limit state.

In statically indeterminate structures, there may be cases where the safety of the overall structure is assured even if the load-carrying capacity of some of the members that make up the structure is exceeded. However, in such cases where the collapse of some members is tolerated as long as overall safety is assured, verication requires consideration of the nonlinear properties of the members. Further, a great deal of care is required with regard to the precision, range of applicability, etc. of the verication method. In cases of this type, it is necessary to conrm that the deformation capacities of members where plastic deformation is tolerated exceed the deformation capacities anticipated in the design. For example, even when calculating the load-carrying capacity in systems with a mechanism that assumes the occurrence of plastic hinges, verication of plastic rotational capacity is required to ensure that the actual structural members will exhibit sucient plastic hinge functionality. Furthermore, there are also cases where the load-carrying capacity of a member is veried based on curvature, limit strain, or other measures of deformation instead of cross-sectional force. In these cases, it is necessary to use appropriate verication indices by taking into account the target ultimate state and the properties of the member. In designs where plastic deformation is tolerated, it is necessary to investigate whether structural stability is lost when the displacement or deformation of a member becomes large.

6.3.3 Verication of Stability (1) The stability of a structure with regard to rigid-body motion shall be veried for all possible transitional directions and rotations. (2) The stability of a structure shall be veried by ensuring that the strongest action acting on the whole structure or part of the structure will not exceed its capacity.


(1) Stability here refers to the rigid body stability of all or part of the structure under load. Although the verication of the stability of all or part of the structure is closely related to earthquake resistance, the rigid body stability under normally acting loads, such as support forces in the vertical direction and overturning forces on beams, must be investigated separately from earthquake


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

resistance. (2) It is sucient to verify stability by using the partial-factor method in the same way as in section 6.3.1, Verication of load-carrying capacity. In selecting the partial factors used in the partialfactor method, it is preferable to carry out the investigation based on failure probabilities. If it is possible to conrm that the failure probabilities are less than the target values, then it is sucient to use methods that directly evaluate failure probabilities, methods that use the reliability index, allowable stress design methods, etc. The following is an example of a verication method based on the partial-factor method [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. 1) Verication of overturning of bridge beams In cases where bridge beams are subjected to forces resulting from centrifugal loads, wind loads, etc., the verication shown below is carried out and the structure must be safe against overturning in all situations. i
where Msd

Msd 1.0 Mrd


design overturning moment of the base end of the bridge beam design resistance to overturning of the base end of the bridge beam


Although the horizontal forces acting on a bridge beam include vehicle lateral loads and lateral pressure from vehicle wheels in addition to centrifugal loads, wind loads, and forces due to the eects of earthquake, these eects are not expected to be imposed simultaneously by all vehicles on the bridge beam and also opposite forces can be expected to cancel each other out. Consequently, as long as verication is performed for the eects of wind loads and earthquakes, as a general rule it acceptable to not perform verication of overturning due to vehicle lateral loads and lateral pressure loads from vehicle wheels. 2) Verication of uplifting of bridge beams For continuous beams, cantilevered beams, etc., verication of uplift is performed using the following equation; either an anchor device or a heavy load is added to counteract this force. i
where Rsd

(Rsd ) 1.0 Rrd


design reaction force occurring at the support point design load-carrying capacity of the anchor device or weight of the counter-


weight In cases where the spacing between supports in a continuous beam is small and the dead load is small, or where the center span is signicantly longer than the end spans, or where a cantilever beam has a long cantilever arm or a long suspended span, an uplifting force may act on the end support points due to the live load and also sometimes due to the dead load. If this kind of uplifting force is not suciently suppressed by tting an anchor device or adding a heavy weight, there is a risk of instability arising and the bridge collapsing, particularly in the case of cantilever beams. Even for continuous beams, if the support point lifts up then it becomes subject to impact loading and excessive stresses even if the bridge does not collapse, and this is not desirable. Although it is intrinsically undesirable to have span ratios that lead to this kind of uplifting force, there are cases where the positions of support points cannot be adjusted for reasons such as the surrounding environment. To verify cases where an uplifting force may act on the support points in this way, care is required because it is not thought to be suciently safe to simply consider the normal live load in the worst position in terms of member stress.

Chapter 6 Demand for Safety and Verication


6.4 Verication of Structural Safety by Nonlinear Structural Analysis

Structural safety may be veried by evaluating the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the whole structure by nonlinear structural analysis.

In the verication of structural safety described in section 6.3, structural analysis is primarily used for the purpose of calculating response values within the elastic range, while load-carrying capacities are set based on load-carrying capacity curves at the member level based on previous experimental results, etc. This means that safety is assured by taking account of the eects on load-carrying capacity of imperfection, nonlinearity, and so on. At present, fundamental theories of structural analysis develop and the more widespread availability of computers able to numerically handle the calculations, relatively rational design methods that oer the designer exible nonlinear structural analysis even from the point of view of performance design are expected to be introduced aggressively. In verication based on nonlinear structural analysis, the use of articial concepts such as eective buckling length and the evaluation of boundary conditions between members become unnecessary. Furthermore, the methods of nonlinear structural analysis can be applied to designing redundancy in the overall structure, opening up the possibility of creating new structural modes. However, it is necessary to: 1 consider the analytical model conguration, such as how to set initial imperfections and residual stress, and the element types and partitioning; 2 conform to the initial soundness as regulated by construction codes; 3 specify the limit state; and 4 specify appropriate partial factors. Furthermore, it is necessary to dierentiate between two safety limit states when specifying the limit state. The rst of these limit states means that the design does not tolerate additional deformation after buckling; this is veried by taking the initial buckling (buckling of the overall structure, buckling of constituent components, or local buckling of fragments) as the safety limit. The second limit state is veried by taking the load-carrying capacity or the deformation capacity of the overall structure as the safety limit. This design method provides assurance of overall load-carrying capacity or deformation properties in cases where the structure is statically indeterminate and some strength after initial buckling can be anticipated, as well as in cases where stiness is expected to change and the forces are expected to be redistributed due to yielding without buckling occurring. The following is an example of verication by elasto-plastic nite displacement analysis based on Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994].
Verication method with load-carrying capacity or deformation performance of the overall struc-

ture as the safety limit For verication taking the load-carrying capacity or deformation performance of the overall structure as the safety limit, verication can be performed by a method that uses load parameters, given as Eq.(C6.4.1) that represents overall behavior, or by deection given as Eq.(C6.4.2). i a b i a where i a b
structure factor structure analysis factor member factor (however, here it is the safety factor in consideration of the

u 1.0 rd

1 1.0 u

(C6.4.1) (C6.4.2)

uncertainty of the load-carrying capacity of the overall structure)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

load parameter in the safety limit state. This refers to the load parameter

f i Li u rd

when the structure reaches the safety limit state during elasto-plastic nite displacement analysis and incrementing the load vector f i Li ( : load parameter). load factor design load vector maximum deection in safety limit state found by elasto-plastic nite displacement analysis critical value of deection in the safety limit state (b is included in this)

6.5 Verication of Structural Safety through Experiment

Structural safety may be veried by evaluating the eect of actions such as cross-sectional forces, stress and displacement, or load-carrying capacity experimentally.

Although verication of structural safety through experiment is a method that was originally used implicitly in design standards, in this code it is explicitly designated as a verication method. Experiments for the verication of structural safety are of two types depending on the goal: those that determine the resistance value and those that determine the response value. The former experiments are used as a means to specify the load-carrying capacity of structural members or the overall structure. This method is mainly used in situations where there the performance record, in the form of the load-carrying capacity curve for a new structural form, is insucient and in cases where a relatively rational design is desired. Furthermore, the resistance value also includes the limit wind speed at which aerodynamically unstable vibrations arise . On the other hand, an example of the latter is the setting of the wind load and the loading eects for a structure that has a complex shape unsuitable for specifying in terms of a wind force coecient.
References in Chapter 6 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1994) Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures, Steel Structure Series 6 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited(2001) Lecture for Wind-resistance Design Code. Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume. Japanese Society of Steel Construction(2004) International Harmonization Guideline of Design Standards for Steel Structures(Steel Bridges), JSS IV 06-2004. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2005) Buckling Design Guidelines, Ver.2 [2005 Version]. Japan Road Association(2005) Wind-resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges. ISO(1998) ISO2394 International Standard, General Principles on Reliability for Structures.


Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication

7.1 General
(1) Steel and composite structures must remain serviceable under the actions specied in Chapter 2 throughout their in-service period. (2) Performance items related to serviceability include vehicle operating performance, train operating performance, and pedestrian comfort according to how the structure is utilized. (3) Serviceability shall be veried for the limit state established for each performance item by setting proper verication indices representative of the performance item, except in cases where use of the structure is restricted or where the structure is rendered unusable due to meteorological conditions or earthquakes.


Steel and composite structures must remain serviceable under the actions specied in Chapter 2 throughout their in-service period except in cases where use of the structure is restricted or where the structure is rendered unusable due to meteorological conditions or earthquakes. Performance items related to serviceability include vehicle operating performance, train operating performance, and pedestrian comfort according to how the structure is utilized. Fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance against material deterioration, and maintainability should be considered as Durability in Chapter 8.

7.2 Required Performance for Serviceability

7.2.1 Vehicle operating performance Steel and composite structures shall be designed to provide safe passage of vehicles and to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among passengers in vehicles under the expected actions and meteorological conditions.

This section establishes the required performance with respect to vehicle operation for road bridges so as to ensure that vehicles can use the structure safely and to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among passengers under expected actions (permanent actions such as the dead load as well as variable actions such as the live load and wind) and expected meteorological conditions. The vehicle operating performance requirements are shown in Table C7.2.1. Vehicle operating performance is specied for ordinary conditions, rain, strong winds, and winter conditions. Under ordinary conditions, undesirable psychological reactions among passengers in vehicles are to be avoided. Items to be veried are the soundness of the road, the stiness of the road, and operating visibility. Vehicle operating performance in rain, strong winds, and under winter conditions is related to safety performance. The performance requirements to be veried in these cases take into consideration roadway drainage, the incidence of strong winds, measures taken to mitigate the eects of strong winds, and road surface freezing. Vehicle operating performance also includes design to maintain the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C7.2.1 Performance requirements for vehicle operation Performance requirements Vehicle operating performance under ordinary conditions Vehicle operating performance Vehicle operating performance under rain conditions Vehicle operating performance under strong winds conditions Vehicle operating performance under winter conditions Verication indexes Soundness of the road Stiness of the road Operating visibility Taking into consideration roadway drainage Taking into consideration the incidence of strong winds, measures taken to mitigate the eects of strong winds Taking into consideration road surface freezing

functionality, such as by securing the expansion gap and girder gap, in Level 1 earthquakes.V The need to consider vehicle operating performance in dense fog, snow, and drifting snow is minimal at the design phase, so it is not considered here. However, after considering the climate characteristics of the region and details of the structure, performance requirements should be established if necessary. Then it is necessary to consider the action, meteorological conditions, and degree of importance of the structure, establishing the serviceability performance level appropriately. Performance levels are shown in Table C7.2.2.
Table C7.2.2 Example of performance requirements for vehicle operation Level Loading conditions and weather conditions
Live load during design

Performance requirement

Details Providing smooth passage of vehicle, Ensuring the comfortable of passengers.

Level 1

Level 2

Vehicle operating perservice life formance under ordinary Weather condition 1 conditions (low wind velocity and light rainfall) Weather condition 2 Vehicle operating per(high wind velocity and formance under extreme rainfall exceeding a cer- conditions tain level)

Providing safety passage of vehicle.

Since vehicle operating performance is inuenced by meteorological conditions including wind and rain, it is appropriate to establish performance levels according to meteorological conditions. Weather Condition 1 in Table C7.2.2 represents meteorological conditions such as wind velocity, rainfall, or road surface freezing that have no inuence on vehicle operation; the expected performance must be satised in this case. Weather Condition 2 represents conditions that inuence vehicle operating performance and it is reasonable to allow some drop in expected vehicle operating performance; for example, a speed restriction may be imposed on a toll road. It may be appropriate to satisfy Condition 1 performance even with Weather Condition 2 according to the purpose of the structure and its degree of importance.

7.2.2 Train operating performance Steel and composite structures carrying railway tracks shall be designed to provide smooth passage of trains and to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among train passengers under

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


the expected actions and meteorological conditions.


Steel and composite structures that carry trains should be veried for the operating performance of trains under normal running conditions as well as for the passenger ride comfort, as provided for by [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] and [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006]. This verication of train operating performance aims to ensure that the railway vehicles run smoothly under the usual actions (that is, the permanent actions of the dead load, etc. and the variable actions of train loading and impact loading, etc.). The verication of ride comfort aims to secure passenger comfort with respect to vehicle vibrations induced by trains operating on the structure. The performance requirements for train operating performance are given in Table C7.2.3. In this specication, there are two performance requirements each for train running performance under ordinary conditions and ride comfort.
Table C7.2.3 Performance requirements for train operation Performance requirement Train operating performance Train running performance under ordinary conditions Ride comfort

Verication indexes Structure vibrations Displacement/deformation of structure Structure vibrations Displacement/deformation of structure

In [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006], train running performance under ordinary conditions is one of the performance requirements for safety while ride comfort is one of the performance requirements for serviceability. In this specication, because safety relates to structural safety and public safety, train running performance under ordinary conditions is included as one of the serviceability performance requirements and is considered one of the performance requirements that ensures railway passenger comfort. For train running performance under seismic loading, refer to [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006]. The example of required performance levels for train operation is shown in Table C7.2.4. No performance requirements for train operating performance are provided for extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain and strong winds. The reason for this is that countermeasures to restrict service, such as by stopping train operation, limiting speed, etc, are required under extreme weather conditions, so there is no need to consider extreme weather when designing railway structures. For this reason, only one level of requirements for train operating performance is provided.
Table C7.2.4 Example of performance requirements for train operation Level Loading conditions weather conditions vice life Level 1
Weather Condition 1 (low


Performance items Train running performance under ordinary conditions. Ride comfort

Contents Providing smooth passage of railway vehicles over the structure Ensuring the comfort of passengers with respect to railway vehicle vibrations while passing over the structure.

Live load during design ser-

wind velocity and light rainfall)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

7.2.3 Pedestrian comfort Structures shall be designed to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among pedestrians under the expected actions and meteorological conditions. It is recommended that structures be designed to provide safety and accessibility for all users, including the elderly and handicapped.

This specication provides, as a walking comfort performance requirement for structures designed for use by pedestrians, that pedestrian unease and annoyance should be maintained to a certain level. At the same time, the idea of the universal design should be incorporated as far as possible so as to achieve structures that are easily accessible structures for all, including the elderly and handicapped. The check items for walking comfort performance are given in Table C7.2.5.
Table C7.2.5 Check items for walking comfort performance Performance requirement Walking comfort Walking comfort under normal conditions

Check item Condition of pavement Vibration during walking Visibility during walking

A walking comfort performance level can also be specied according to the weather conditions.
Table C7.2.6 Example of performance requirement for walking comfort Level Loading condition weather conditions and Performance requirement Details No unease or annoyance felt by pedestrians.

Level 1

Level 2

Walking comfort under ordisign service life nary conditions Weather condition 1 (low wind velocity and light rainfall) Weather condition 2 (high Walking comfort under exwind velocity and rainfall treme conditions exceeding a certain level)
Live load during the de-

Pedestrian safety is assumed and there is a tolerable level of vibration, unease and annoyance.

Under weather condition 1, as shown in Table C7.2.6, walking comfort must not be inuenced by weather conditions, such as wind velocity, rainfall and pavement surface freezing. Ordinary walking comfort should be secured under these conditions. For weather condition 2, walking comfort is inuenced by the weather. It is reasonable to accept certain impairment of ordinary walking comfort. Walking comfort under extreme conditions such as storms, strong winds or in winter can also be considered. Depending on the purpose and importance of the structure, weather level 1 conditions can be satised even under weather condition 2 by special arrangement. For example, walking comfort during severe storms that would normally make it impossible to walk can be assured by the introduction of wind breaks. Similarly, snow shelters or snow melting equipment may be introduced to maintain walking comfort.

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


7.2.4 Other Considerations for Users Non-structural aspects of structures, including aesthetics and water-tightness, shall also be designed to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among users under the expected actions and meteorological conditions.

Other considerations should be paid to users so as to avoid harmful or uncomfortable eects on the direct users of a structure in addition to verifying vehicle operating performance, train running performance, and pedestrian comfort. Excessive deformation of a structure or deterioration of its appearance should not be allowed to make users feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Generally, users will have undesirable psychological reactions to structures if the cracking or discoloration of the surface of a structure is greater than a certain limit. Therefore, measures to prevent a deteriorated appearance should be provided in advance by examining the possible inuence on users. Rainwater inltration through unacceptably large cracks or between joints in steel components may cause water leakage. Generally the inuence of cracks on the concrete surface, joints in steel plates, and boundaries between concrete and steel must be examined for water-tightness.

7.3 Verication of Serviceability

7.3.1 Verication of vehicle operating performance Vehicle operating performance under ordinary, wet, windy, and winter conditions shall be veried in principle as specied below. (1) Verication of vehicle operating performance under ordinary conditions Performance requirements for vehicle operating performance under ordinary conditions shall be road surface soundness, stiness, and operating visibility. Assessments shall be as follows. Road surface soundness: Road surface atness and friction coecient shall meet a specied criterion for each item. Stiness: Deformation due to live load shall not be greater than a specied criterion. Operating visibility: Visibility shall be the minimum required for the design velocity. (2) Verication of vehicle operating performance under wet conditions Vehicle operating performance under wet conditions shall be veried by conrming that the surface drainage system has a capacity be greater than a predetermined level of rainfall. (3) Verication of vehicle operating performance under windy conditions Vehicle operating performance under windy conditions shall be veried by conrming that the wind velocity over the structure is less than the specied criterion or that a speed limit dependent on wind velocity is imposed. (4) Verication of vehicle operating performance under winter conditions Vehicle operating performance under winter conditions shall be veried by conrming that the oor slab selected is less prone to icing or that anti-freezing measures are adopted.

Vehicle operating performance under ordinary expected conditions, in wet conditions, in windy conditions, and in winter conditions is veried for each suitable verication index. Examples of verication items and verication indices for required vehicle operating performance are shown in Table C7.3.1.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C 7.3.1 Check items and examples of check indices for vehicle operating performance requirements Performance requirement

Check item Soundness of the road Stiness of the road Operating visibility taking into consideration roadway drainage, taking into consideration of strong winds

Example of index Road unevenness, Friction coecient Deection Forward visibility Roadway drainage performance Incidence of strong winds, measures taken to mitigate the eects of strong winds, Speed restriction shielding etc Structure of uneasily freezing, Measures of surface freezing

vehicle operation under ordinary conditions

Vehicle operation

vehicle operation under rain conditions vehicle operation under strong winds conditions

vehicle operation under winter conditions

taking into consideration road surface freezing

(1) Vehicle operating performance under ordinary conditions is veried in terms of the soundness of the road, the stiness of the road, and visibility for vehicle operation using suitable verication indices. 1) Road surface soundness Road surface soundness is represented by road unevenness, pavement cracking, dierential expansion, and the friction coecient between tire and road. Poor road surface soundness may result in vibration or other vehicle noise, loss of safety, and poor passenger comfort. If the verication indices satisfy the specied criteria, vehicle operating performance in terms of safety and passenger comfort is secured. Ideally, the criteria should be set based on test runs, etc. The friction coecient between the tire and road surface inuences on vehicle operating performance. There are two coecients related to friction; one is the longitudinal skid resistance coecient and the other is the lateral force coecient. According to the latest specications for stopping distance under braking by the [Japan Road Association (1983)], the longitudinal skid resistance coecient must be from 0.29 to 0.44 assuming moist conditions. On the other hand, the line of curved sections of road is prescribed according to the design speed in consideration of a lateral force coecient from 0.1 to 0.15. 2) Stiness If secondary stress leads to damage that has not been anticipated and a safety performance problem arises because of excessive deection or vibration, the required performance of the bridge as given by the [Japan Road Association (2002)] might not be met.
Table C7.3.2 Design limit value of girder deection (m) Type of girder type of bridge Steel girder Steel girder of slab L 10 10 < L 40 Simple girder and continuous girder L/2000 L 20000/L L/500 L/500 L/350 L/400 L/600 L/400 Cantilever of Gerber girder L/1200 L 12000/L L/300 L/300

40 < L Steel girder of other type slab Suspension bridge Cable stayed bridge Other type bridge

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


By limiting the deection allowed under a live load with no impact, the necessary stiness can

be secured for the structure. It is necessary to establish a proper criterion for live-load deection to be used in verifying ordinary vehicle operating performance. The deection criterion is established according to the type and scale of the targeted structure and using the design conditions. Use the design criteria of a similar structure, if not refer to examinations. For example, the deection criterion shown in Table C7.3.2 is prescribed by the [Japan Road Association (2002)]. 3) Operating visibility It is necessary to be aware of an obstacle (or oncoming vehicle) ahead of the vehicle and brake to a stop so as to avoid a collision (i.e. within the vehicle stopping distance) or avoid the obstacle with adequate forward visibility. If forward visibility provided by the [Japan Road Association, 2004] is satised, the safety of vehicle operation may be secured. (2) To secure vehicle operating performance in wet conditions, it is necessary to install drains such that rain water does not collect on the road. If standing water does accumulate on the road, then vehicle operating safety performance cannot be secured and vehicle hydroplaning can easily occur. Verication of vehicle operating performance in wet conditions means calculating the rate of assumed rainfall for the region (rainfall intensity). Further, it is necessary to verify the drainage capacity of the drain design, the drainpipe diameter, and the drain inclination, etc. Drain performance might deteriorate with sediment buildup, so it is necessary to verify drain performance on the assumption that sediment is managed to a certain level. (3) Vehicle operating performance can be reduced under windy conditions, making slower driving necessary. Windy conditions under which driving are permitted may be dened, for example, as the range of wind velocities from 10m/s to 25m/s. Then a storm warning may be given for wind velocities of 25m/s or more and driving is then restricted Tajima,1994 . Phenomena that can inuence vehicle operating performance under windy conditions include the following: a. Wind-induced girder vibration b. Wind-induced structural member vibration c. Sudden change in velocity of wind impinging the structure. Wind-induced girder vibration can inuence vehicle operating performance directly, so it is necessary to control it below a certain limit. It should be veried that acceleration, based on vibration amplitude in wind tunnel tests [Japan Road Association 1991, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge 2001], does not exceed criteria established from vehicle operating performance or unpleasantness induced in users. Wind-induced vibration of structural members also inuences the safety and fatigue resistance of the members, while the anxiety it may cause users cannot be disregarded. For this reason, it is necessary to limit the amplitude within a cert over. It is necessary to ensure that wind velocity uctuations remain within the range where driving safety can be secured. Verication means conrming that uctuations from a certain range of mean wind velocities are below the criterion for safe vehicle operation as set by analysis or by driving simulation. Quantitative evaluation of wind velocity uctuations may be based on wind tunnel tests or numerical uid analysis combined with measurements from a similar case. If this verication shows that safety performance is not achieved, an eective countermeasure to obstruct the wind and ease velocity uctuations is to install windshields or similar. However, such shielding may increase the wind loading and cause deterioration in wind performance, so it is necessary to carry out an appropriate examination. (4) A frozen road surface in winter can reduce the resistance to sliding between tire and road surface, thereby aecting vehicle operating performance. In comparison with a concrete slab deck, a steel plate deck is prone to condensation freezing and snow compaction, so careful consideration of the type of slab is necessary in regions where


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

road surface freezing occurs. Depending on the intended purpose and degree of importance of the structure, required performance may be maintained by preventing road surface freezing and snow accumulation. Possible measures to achieve this are the spreading of anti-freeze materials, road heating, and pipe melting of snow. However, if anti-freeze materials are used, the danger of promoting rust and having a detrimental inuence on the surrounding environment must be considered. In the future, alternative measures deriving from research into controlling road freezing [Shigenobu Miyamoto, 1998] by building-in thermal storage materials, etc. are expected.

7.3.2 Verication of train operating performance The train operating performance and ride comfort of steel and composite structures that carry railway tracks shall, in principle, be veried under normal conditions as specied below. (1) Verication of train operating performance under normal conditions Train operating performance in ordinary conditions shall generally be veried by conrming that structure displacement as determined through static analysis is less than a criterion determined from the viewpoint of an operating safety limit. (2) Verication of riding comfort Riding comfort in ordinary conditions shall generally be veried by conrming that structure displacement as determined through static analysis is less than a criterion determined from the viewpoint of a riding comfort limit.

(1) Though there are various denitions relating to train running performance, this specication states that train running performance under ordinary conditions should be veried by conrming that the train wheels pass smoothly and safely over the rails. It is necessary to conrm that the response of all vehicle wheels satises the requirements for derailment quotient, wheel load reduction ratio, and lateral pressure. The desired method of carrying out this verication is to use dynamic interaction analysis in which both railway vehicles and the structure are modeled. However, such dynamic interaction analysis is complex in terms of structural design. A convenient alternative has been to carry out the verication using values of structural displacement and deformation obtained from static analysis. When using this method, it should be checked that deection of the girder caused by train loading (at assumed maximum loading) and the impact load is below the limit value of deection determined by train running performance under ordinary conditions. The limit value of girder deection as provided for by [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006] is shown in Table C7.3.3 as the condition that the wheel load reduction ratio is 0.37 or less. (2) Various denitions concerning ride comfort have been proposed. In general, ride comfort is classied as overall ride comfort during some time period (ride comfort over a section) and momentary ride comfort at an individual point (point ride comfort). The latter, point ride comfort, is generally used to evaluate ride comfort on railway bridges. The verication index used should be the acceleration response of the train vehicle body. That is, it is necessary to conrm that the maximum acceleration among all vehicles making up a train satises the ride comfort limit value provided in [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006]. The method of carrying out this verication of ride comfort should ideally be a dynamic interaction analysis that models both the railway vehicles and the structure. However, such dynamic interaction analysis is complex in terms of structural design. A con-

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


Table C7.3.3 Design limit value of girder deection determined by train running performance under ordinary conditions Train types Number of spans Single Shinkansen Multiple Max. speed (km/h) 260 300 360 260 300 360 130 160 130 160 130 130

Span Lb (m) 4060 70

Electric cars/ diesel cars

Single Multiple


Single Multiple

Lb /700 Lb /900 Lb /1100 Lb /1200 Lb /1400 Lb /1500 Lb /1700 Lb /1900 Lb /2000 Lb /500 Lb /500 Lb /500 Lb /600 Lb /400 Lb /600 Lb /700

venient alternative has been to carry out the verication using values of structural displacement obtained from static analysis. When using this method, it should be checked that deection of the girder caused by train loading (under normal service conditions) and the impact load is below the limit value of deection determined by the limit state of ride comfort. The limit value of girder deection, on condition that the ride comfort coecient as provided in [ride comfort specication in previous Japan national railway (JNR)] is 1.5Hz or over and the maximum acceleration of each vehicle body is 2.0m/sec2 or less, is prescribed as shown in Table C7.3.4 according to [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2006]. Where frequent occurrence of high winds is expected, such as in the case of sea and river crossings, measures to mitigate the wind such as the installation of windbreak fencing should be considered even though train operating performance is provided only for Level 1 weather conditions.
Table C7.3.4 Design limit value of girder deection determined by ride comfort Train types Number of spans Single Shinkansen Multiple Max. speed (km/h) 260 300 360 260 300 360 130 160 130 160 130 130
20 30

Span Lb (m) 40 50 Lb /1200 Lb /1700 Lb /2200



Lb /2200 Lb /2800 Lb /3500 Lb /2200 Lb /2800 Lb /3500

Lb /1700 Lb /2000 Lb /3000

Electric cars/ diesel cars

Single Multiple


Single Multiple

Lb /1000 Lb /1300 Lb /1100 Lb /1800 Lb /1500 Lb /1700 Lb /2000 Lb /2800 Lb /2200 Lb /500 Lb /500 Lb /700 Lb /900 Lb /1100 Lb /800 Lb /500 Lb /900 Lb /700


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

7.3.3 Verication of pedestrian comfort Pedestrian comfort under ordinary conditions shall, in principle, be veried in terms of pavement soundness, walking-induced vibration, and visibility as specied below. (1) Verication of pavement soundness Pavement soundness shall be veried by conrming that atness is assured, slip resistance coecient is within a range of an assessment index, and gradient is not greater than a specied criterion. (2) Verication of walking-induced vibration Walking-induced vibration shall be veried by conrming that vibration velocity and acceleration, which may aect walking comfort, are not greater than criteria specied for the natural frequencies of the structure or that the natural frequencies are outside the range of resonance. (3) Verication of visibility Pedestrian visibility shall be veried by conrming that visibility is not less than a specied criterion and that there is a large variation in brightness to allow discrimination of guidance block edges and stairway steps.

Pavement surface soundness, walking-induced vibration and visibility should be checked against the appropriate indices. In Table C7.3.5, check items and examples of indices for walking comfort performance requirements are shown.
Table C7.3.5 Check items and example of check indices for walking comfort performance requirements Performance requirement Check item Soundness of pavement surface Walking-induced vibration Example of index Flatness of surface, slip resistance coefcient, gradient of surface Velocity, acceleration, natural frequencies Forward visibility, brightness of pavement surface, brightness dierential of steps, guide blocks and environs.

Walking comfort

Walking comfort under normal conditions

Visibility while walking

(1) The soundness of the pavement surface can be expressed in terms of atness, slip resistance coecient, and gradient. Flatness can be represented by the surface smoothness, cracks in the pavement, and the atness of expansion joints. The atness of structure surfaces must be secured so that walking comfort is assured and pedestrians do not suer any unease. It should be checked that the slip resistance coecient of the pavement is within the range of assessment indices that assure serviceability. This coecient is especially important because it inuences not only walking serviceability but also safety. The slip resistance coecient of the pavement surface should be experimentally determined using the CSR index as measured using an O-YPSM (O-YPull Slip Meter) or using the BPN index as measured by a BPST (British Portable Skid Resistance Tester). The road surface gradient should be checked for compliance with limit values for longitudinal gradient and superelevation. For stairway, ramp, or gradient with steps, the limit value of longitudinal gradient should be determined in consideration of users and its serviceability for them: pedestrians, bicycles, baby carriages, wheelchairs, etc. In [Japan Road Association, 1979],

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


it is specied that the standard value for a stairway gradient is 50%, while the gradient of a ramp or a gradient with steps should not exceed 12% and 25%, respectively. It is desirable to reduce the gradient of ramps by introducing the idea of universal design and taking into consideration the elderly and handicapped. For example, in [Japan Road Association, 1979], it is shown that the maximum gradient that a wheelchair user can climb unaided is 8% while bicycles can easily climb a slope of up to 5%. It is also specied that the introduction of elevators or escalators should be considered when necessary. (2) Pedestrians may feel uncomfortable if vibrations are induced by walking, so it must be checked that the vibration responses of a structure, i.e. the response velocity or acceleration, are within limit values and that the natural frequencies are not within the resonance range. Structure vibrations may be induced by vehicles, pedestrians, or the wind. The limit values for these vibrations should be values determined through experiments that focus on the human perception of vibrations. Vibration velocity or acceleration due to walking should be evaluated based on a dynamic analysis of the structure using a moving vehicle model in the case of road bridges and with a moving pedestrian model for pedestrian bridges, because vibration is aected by structural type, loading conditions, and their interactions. For wind-induced vibration, results obtained in wind tunnel tests can be utilized to evaluate walking comfort. However, this type of dynamic analysis or wind tunnel testing might be too time-consuming for conventional design work. If simplied verication based on experiments or analysis is proposed, a simplied method may be adopted. 1) Running-induced vertical vibrations For limit values and an evaluation index, refer to [Japan Road Association, 1979; BSI, 1978]. In [Japan Road Association, 1979], it is specied that main girder vibrations caused by the live load shall not cause unease among pedestrians. It also illustrates that, to avoid resonance with walking pedestrians at a frequency of around 2 Hz, the rst natural frequency of the structure should fall outside the range 1.5 to 2.3 Hz. Furthermore, to avoid feelings of unease among pedestrians due to bending vibration even when this resonance range has been avoided, it is explained that it is desirable to reduce the maximum acceleration to below 100 gal for the vibration caused by the 2 Hz periodical excitation under normal live loading of one person per square meter. According to a research conducted by [Obata, et al., 1996], pedestrians can also feel uneasy at 4 Hz, which corresponds to the half resonance condition with 2 Hz excitation. This is also true for a natural frequency of around 3 Hz in the case of pedestrian bridges over which joggers often pass. It is desirable to decide on suitable check indices considering local conditions and the expected users. In [BSI, 1978], acceleration is calculated by a method proposed by Blanchard, et al. in 1977 and it is specied that this acceleration must not exceed the limit value. In Blanchards calculation, the excitation force per pedestrian leg can be represented by a sinusoidal curve expressed as F = 180 sin(2f t)(N) moves at a speed of V = 0.9f (m/s). The maximum acceleration can then be obtained as shown in Eq.(C7.3.1). Maximum acceleration f1 Where f w

a = (2f1 )2 wK

(m/s2 )


First natural frequency of the bridge (Hz)

: Walking frequency, same as natural frequency of bridge (Hz) Maximum static deection of superstructure when loaded with one pedestrian (700N) (m) Shape factor corresponds to structural type Dynamic response coecient with damping factor h as parameter


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

It is proposed that the maximum acceleration obtained by the above equation should not exceed the acceleration limit value 0.5 f1 (m/s2 ), which is expressed as a function of the natural frequency of the superstructure. 2) Running-induced horizontal vibration There are no particular specications in [Japan Road Association, 1979] and [Japan Construction Engineers Association, 1984] for the horizontal vibrations of pedestrian bridges. So far, no special consideration has been given to horizontal vibration in design. However, the inuence of horizontal vibrations under the inuence of a moving crowd of people cannot be ignored for bridge types such as cable-stayed bridges and suspended deck bridges. In checking horizontal vibrations, the study [Yoneda, 2003] is a good reference. (3) Pedestrian visibility is considered one of the required performance factors for comfortable usage of a structure. It may be reasonable to specify the performance requirement for pedestrian visibility according to the purpose, location, and importance of the structure. In verifying pedestrian visibility, the foreground visibility and road surface brightness should satisfy the limit value specied for the structure. Refer to [Japan Road Association, 1979] or [Japan Road Association, 1981] for the checking of road surface brightness.

7.3.4 Verication for Other Considerations Other considerations for users shall be veried in principle using appropriate indices and related criteria.

The appearance of a concrete-covered structure should not suer deterioration by surface cracking. The limit value of crack width with respect to appearance depends on the type of structure and the surrounding environment. In [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2002], a general limit value of around 0.3 mm is proposed based on historical performance and experience. Further, appropriate measures must be provided for in the case of visually signicant structures in accordance with the surface texture of the steel and concrete. It is important to pay attention to steel coatings and concrete surface nish as well as preventing discoloration and the accumulation of dust on the surface of members. The water-tightness of a structure should not be compromised by cracks on the concrete surface. Waterproong work must be considered when good water-tightness is required of a structure. The limit value of crack width for water-tightness depends on the required level of water-tightness and the type of cross-sectional forces that dominate. As an example, [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2002] proposes a general limit value of less than 0.10.2mm.
References in Chapter 7 Japan Road Association(1979) Technical Standards for Pedestrian Overpass. Japan Road Association(1981) Technical Standards for Structure of Roadway Lighting. Japan Construction Engineers Association, 1984 Guidebook for Pedestrian Bridge. Japan Road Association(1991) Wind-resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges. Tajima,T.(1994) Inuence of Lateral Wind on Driving on Oshore Bridge, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Technical Report,Vol.18, No.71, pp.9-18. Obata, T., Hayashikawa, T. and Satoh, K.(1996) Study on Vibration Serviceability Limit State of Pedestrain Brides based on Human Vibration Sensibility, Jouranal of Structural Engineering/Eaarthquake Engineering, No.537/I-35, pp.217-231. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. Miyamoto S., Murota M.(1998) oad Icing on Steel Deck Bridges and its Control by Phase Change Material,

Chapter 7 Required Serviceability Performance and Verication


Bridge and Foundation Engineering, No.6, pp.25-31. Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standard for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japanese Society of Steel Construction(2001) Guidelines for Performance-Based Design of Civil Engineering Steel Structures. Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited(2001) Lecture for Wind-Resistance Design Code. Railway Technical Research Institute(2002) Design Standards for Rrailway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002b) Guidelines for Performance Verication of Hybrid Structures (tentative) Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume Yoneda, M.(2003) A Simplied Method to Evaluate Maximum Lateral Response of Pedestrian Bridges due to Synchronized Walking by Pedestrians, Journal of structural engineering, Vol.49A, pp.263-272. Japan Road Association (2004) Practical Guide and Implementation of Road Construction Ordinance Railway Technical Research Institute(2006) Design Standard for Railway Structures and Commentary, Displacement Limits Blanchard, J.B.I.Davis and J. .Smith(1977) Design criteria and analysis for dynamic loading of foot-bridges, UK. TRRL Report SR.275 BSI(1978) Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges, Part2. Specication for Loads, 7.1.5 Vibration Serviceability, BS 5400


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication

8.1 General
(1) Steel and composite structures must continuously maintain the required level of performance under the expected actions throughout the design working life. (2) Performance verication items related to the durability of steel and composite structures include fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance to material deterioration, and maintainability. (3) Verication of fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance to material deterioration, and maintainability must involve the setting of adequate indices representing performance item and verication of the limit state established for each item.

There is a time-dependent deterioration of the performance of steel and composite structures due to the actions to which they are exposed. The durability of a structure is dened as its or its members ability to resist this performance deterioration. In other words, ensuring that performance is maintained at the required level (in terms of safety, serviceability, etc.) throughout the design working life under the assumed actions should ensure that the durability performance is satised. Of the factors that lead to performance deterioration over the design working life of a structure, one is the damage caused by mechanical deterioration (fatigue) and another is the damage caused by electro-chemical deterioration (corrosion) or chemical deterioration (carbonation, salt attack, alkaliaggregate reaction, etc.). Examples of this seen to date in steel and composite structures that have suered damage or been repaired include fatigue of steel members or oor slabs (related to fatigue resistance), deterioration of steel (related to corrosion resistance) and deterioration of concrete-based materials. In order to ensure that the durability performance of steel and composite structures is maintained throughout their design working life, controlling these types of damage is important. Additionally, to ensure that the durability of structures is maintained, it is important to carry out suitable maintenance in which design and construction are considered. Concretely, it is important to draw up a maintenance plan during the design phase and to carry out maintenance based on this plan once the structure enters service. But it is also important to improve the maintenance methods used while taking into consideration the state of the structure at each maintenance step. A conceptual schema showing a structures durability performance and maintenance is shown in Fig.C8.1.1. This gure shows that after entering service, the performance of a structure deteriorates with time. It also shows that meeting the performance requirements of a structure throughout its design working life means carrying out repairs if, during the maintenance phase, the performance requirements are not satised. In this manner, this standard shows that the durability performance requirements of a structure can be maintained by considering how maintenance, which is most likely dealt with separately from design, is carried out from the design phase until renewal of the structure. Consequently, an important aspect of maintaining durability performance is to make maintenance easier by putting in place in advance equipment necessary for maintenance, such as inspection scaolds or metal hanger ttings for painting. If any performance requirement of a structure is found to be not satised at any time, reinforcement and/or repair is carried out according to the maintenance plan. Sometimes, certain parts of structural members may be replaced because their functionality deteriorates. However, in the conventional design

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication


process, reinforcement and repair have not been considered during the initial design phase. As a result, not only is the workability of repair and reinforcement operations poor, but also the cost and time required are more than necessary. For this reason, this chapter prescribes the new requirement that maintainability must be considered when designing a structure. Moreover, the Maintenance and Management volume should be consulted for all aspects of this work after the structure enters service. In some cases, (JSSC, 2001) durability is basically considered a verication of safety and is included in the safety requirements. In such cases, verication entails predicting the degree of damage and the associated change in strength with time after the structure enters service. As noted above, by dealing with performance requirements against durability, using such measures as fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance against material deterioration and maintainability, durability should be maintained. To make this very clear, and given that performance requirements other than safety must also be satised at all times after a structure enters service, durability is considered a performance item in this standard.

Performance Prediction of performance deterioratio Required performance in maintenance Performance Evaluation


Required performance level Evaluation

Plan of maintenance Re-evaluation Inspection Evaluation of performance Inspection Evaluation of performance Performance > Required performance Performance > Required performance Repair

Fig.C8.1.1 Conceptual scheme of durability and maintenance of steel and composite structures

8.2 Required Durability Performance

8.2.1 Fatigue resistance Steel and composite structures must never suer fatigue failure due to repeated loading during the design working life. Namely, the design must take into account fatigue resistance such that no steel member cracks or fails even if a crack is initiated and then propagates.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


Any action such as wind load or trac load acting repeatedly on steel and composite structures can cause fatigue crack initiation and propagation leading to fatal damage. For this reason, at the design stage it must be ensured that fatigue damage does not occur. To maintain steel and composite structures in healthy condition it is necessary to take appropriate measures against fatigue. The usual methods of preventing fatigue-cracking are to increase the thickness of members, therefore enhancing their stiness, or to decrease stress. Another possibility is to improve structural details or welded joints so as to reduce local stress concentrations. For instance, smoothing the prole of a weld toe to reduce stress concentration is one method that has been used. The fatigue resistance of a steel or composite structure is actually the resistance to fatigue of the structural members that compose it. Considering the setting of performance requirements over the design working life, levels may be set as shown in Table C8.2.1. Fatigue damage is well known to result from repeatedly applied action such as trac load or wind load. However, depending on the structure under consideration, other types of repeatedly applied action might be present, so careful attention must be paid.
Table C8.2.1 Examples of levels of fatigue resistance performance requirements Level 1 Durability performance requirement Fatigue cracking may not initiate throughout design working life to maintain service at its starting level Stress range periodic inspection Level 2 Fatigue cracking may not initiate in main members, though it is allowed in secondary ones, throughout the design working life to maintain service at its starting level Stress range or frequency of periodic inspection repairing fatigue crack if required Level 3 Fatigue cracking may initiate but after inspection or management, repairs or reinforcement are carried out if required repair or reinforcement periodic inspection repair or reinforcement if required

Investigation index Maintenance level

8.2.2 Corrosion resistance Steel and composite structures must maintain the required level of mechanical performance and function even if steel corrosion takes place under the expected environmental actions throughout the design working life. No failure of a steel member is allowed.

The occurrence of corrosion and the factors that cause it to accelerate dier greatly according to the details of the structure and its location. For example, in a coastal region inuenced by airborne salt or coat or in a location with bad drainage where water may persist for hours, corrosion accelerates remarkably (JRA, 2002a). In particular, in the case of steel bridges comprising many members, the duration of wetting caused by rain or dew condensation, the presence of sand-mud sediments, which are seen as one factor causing corrosion, and the quantity of anti-freeze agent adhering to the structure dier with each installation. The corrosion resistance of steel is dened as the resistance of the steel used for the structure against corrosion. From the point view of maintaining performance during the design working life, a level of corrosion resistance can be set as a performance requirement, for instance as seen in Table 8.2.2 (RTRI, 2000). In the case of a painted steel structure for which a corrosion resistance of performance level I is

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication


Table C8.2.2 Examples of corrosion resistance performance level Level 1 Durability performance A small decrease in cross section is allowed over the design working life but the loading capacity must be maintained unchanged Level 2 Level 3 Decrease of cross section caused by corrosion during design working period and of associated load capacity is allowed. Replacing members during design working period may be done.

Investigation index Maintenance level

Cross sections may decrease as a result of corrosion during the design working life and loading capacity may also fall, but no replacement of structural members or reinforcement work is required. Amount of decrease in plate thickness, periodic inspection periodic inspection periodic repainting, if required: repairs, etc. painting, etc.


loading capacity periodic inspection detailed survey if corrosion is found to have progressed repairs or reinforcement if required Applied to temporary structures

set as the target, the required performance may be achieved using methods such as regular repainting. For example, bridges that carry Shinkansen (bullet train) trac are regularly repainted (every 5 to 7 years) after entering service so as to avoid corrosion. For an ordinary steel structure, repainting is often carried out according to the degree of deterioration; in such cases, the set target is that corrosion resistance of performance level II should be achieved. Further, in the case of a non-painted steel structure that is serviced, in a corrosive environment, using weathering steel that is usually in a healthy condition, the target is to maintain a corrosion resistance of performance level I. However, it cannot be expected that ne rust will be formed on bridges constructed on the waters edge or in coastal areas in the particular locations (specic members or structural positions) where an anti-freeze agent (sodium chloride or calcium chloride) is applied. In these cases the target should be to maintain a corrosion resistance of performance level II. Moreover, experience has shown that in the case of non-painted steel structures corrosion does not advance beyond the point where stable rust is generated. However, recent practice is to assume that corrosion may occur but corrosion resistance performance is maintained since the progression of corrosion is held within a xed limit. The steel reinforcement inside concrete may corrode as a result of carbonation of the concrete, chloride ion inltration, freeze-thaw action, chemical attack, the alkali-aggregate reaction and others. The performance of a structure must be assured against such corrosive attack. Reference JSCE, 2001 explains the process of concrete deterioration caused by each of these deterioration factors, the process of corrosion of steel inside the concrete, the grading of a deteriorated structure in terms of appearance, and standards for the deterioration of performance. As this makes clear, one performance requirement pertaining to the corrosion resistance of steel and composite structures is that corrosion of the steel used should be inhibited throughout the design working life.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

8.2.3 Resistance to material deterioration Steel and composite structures must maintain the required performance level with respect to material deterioration throughout the design working life.

Resistance to material deterioration represents performance with respect to durability against of any concrete used in steel and composite structures. For structural members using concrete, such as in oor slabs, this performance requirement must be considered and dealt separately from the steel material. This is explained in section 14.5.2 Resistance to concrete deterioration in Chapter 14 Slab Design. The material deterioration of concrete is not considered aected by corrosion of steel because of freezing damage, chemical erosion, the alkali-aggregate reaction, and so on. Verication indices of performance relating to these deterioration factors are explained in reference JSCE, 2002b. Time-dependent changes or performance deterioration of concrete-based structures caused by these deterioration factors are explained in reference JSCE 2001.

8.2.4 Maintainability Ease of repair must be considered against time-dependent degradation of members due to fatigue, corrosion, and material deterioration throughout the design working life. Ease of maintenance, covering repair and inspection, after entry into service must be considered.

(1) In addition to fatigue, corrosion and material deterioration as described above, functional deterioration may also be related to repair requirements. For example, there are factors aside from fatigue, corrosion, and material deterioration that make it necessary to replace expansion joints, bearing supports, distribution pipes, and other components. Maintainability relates to the investigation of function deterioration caused by these factors. For instance, it is must be checked that a suitable number of metal hangers are installed in appropriate places to allow for the setting up of scaold for repainting. The structure must also be designed to make scraping work easy. Repainting is one of the standard maintenance tasks for steel and composite structures. And in considering structural details, it must also be ensured that members such as expansion joints, bearing supports, or oor slabs can be replaced easily. (2) At design phase, consideration must be given to the ease of carrying out maintenance operations such inspections, repairs, maintenance management, and so on. Moreover, the basic position should be that the investigation, cleaning, and painting of a structure can be carried out easily.

8.3 Verication of Durability

8.3.1 Verication of fatigue resistance Verication of fatigue under repeated loading The verication of fatigue under repeated loading must in principle involve using the following method. If another adequate verication method is available, it may be applied. Verication of fatigue under wind loading shall be in accordance with (1) It must be conrmed that no welded joints of low fatigue strength or for which quality control is dicult are used in fabricating steel members. (2) For steel members, it must be conrmed whether the maximum stress range resulting from

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication


repetition of expected actions throughout the design working life is less than the fatigue limit (cut-o limit). (3) In a case where the maximum stress range is greater than the fatigue limit (cut-o limit) under the expected actions throughout the design working life, it must be conrmed that the cumulative fatigue damage is less than the threshold value for fatigue failure. (4) In verifying the fatigue of concrete members, it must be conrmed that serviceability and mechanical performance are maintained under the expected actions throughout the design working life.

In the fatigue investigation of steel members in a steel and composite structure, the members must be conrmed to have the required durability by evaluating the eect of stress uctuation caused in members by actions such as the live load. (1) When selecting a structure, one with joints exhibiting particularly low fatigue strength or one previously reported as suering damage due to fatigue should not be chosen. Locations where fatigue cracking has been reported as occurring to date are the welded joints of sole plates in bearing supports, welded joints at cut-out ange-web intersections with the main girder, gusset plate welded joints with lateral bracing, welded joints between upper and lower ends of a vertical member in an arch bridge, connections between oor beam members, connections between web sections of transverse ribs and longitudinal ribs in an orthotropic steel deck, and welded beamto-column joints in a steel pier. In designing such welded joints, sucient attention must be paid to avoid fatigue problems. Typical fatigue damage may be seen in reference JRA, 1997. For joint members, joint designs with low fatigue strength or whose quality can be maintained only with diculty, such as welded joints with backing strips, llet welds in cross-shaped loadcarrying joints, partial penetration welds, lap joints, gusset welded joints penetrating the web of a main girder, and interruption joints in steel pipes, should be avoided. If it is necessary to use these types of joint, it must be conrmed that fatigue cracks will not occur throughout design working life. (2) Basically, the joints or structures used should be ones in which the required fatigue resistance is assured throughout the design working life by evaluating the eect of stress uctuations caused in members by actions such as the live load. For instance, in the case of highway bridges, the calculated stress range obtained with the fatigue design load is applied movably against lanes must be conrmed to be below the fatigue limit (cut-o limit) determined beforehand for each joint. In choosing joint types, welded joint positions, and structural details, it is important to consider such points as the degree of stress concentration and the secondary stress caused in actual use, which are regarded as dicult to take into account at the design phase. Additionally, for complex structures where conventional stress investigations are considered dicult, the stress range may be investigated using analysis methods such as FE. (3) If the calculated stress range in (2) above is not below the fatigue limit (cut-o limit), an investigation based on the linear cumulative damage rule, in which the eect of repeated load over a period (of almost 100 years) is accounted for in design, must be considered. Same in railway bridge, after calculating the maximum stress range using the characteristic loading values determined from the loading frequency and the magnitude of the train load, it must be conrmed that this value is less than the fatigue limit (cut-o limit) of each joint. In the case of not, as done similarly in highway bridge, a linear cumulative damage rule based investigation considering the eect of repeating load throughout the design working period (60 or 70 years) must be considered. These investigations may be seen in the references Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Structures (JSSC, 1993a), Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Highway Bridges (JRA, 2002a), and Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Railway Bridges (RTRI, 2000). (4) The same for steel and composite structures, investigations done in (4) must be done. The investigation of other composite structures between steel and concrete is available in the reference JSCE, 2002a. Structures such as pre-stressed oor slabs or composite oor slabs between steel and concrete are investigated in section 14.4.1 Fatigue resistance of slab of Chapter 14. Verication of fatigue under wind loading Verication of fatigue under wind loading must in principle involve conrming that the wind velocity at which vortex-induced vibrations arise is greater than the design wind velocity or the amplitude of vortex-induced vibrations is less than a threshold value. If another adequate verication method is available, it may be applied.

In considering the fatigue of steel structures caused by wind loading, the most important phenomenon in the dynamic wind response is vortex-induced vibration. This type of vibration is a phenomenon that occurs over a limited range of both wind velocity and wind amplitude, but because fatigue occurs at a comparatively low wind velocity, its investigation is very important. Vortex-induced vibration has been reported as occurring in bridge girders, the main towers or cables of bridges of suspended structure or with hanging members, such as Langer bridges, and even in attachments such as lighting columns and handrails, etc. With the present level of technology, the most reliable way of predicting the dynamic wind response phenomena of structures is to use wind tunnel tests. On the other hand, wind tunnel tests are not always a convenient means of investigation because a wind tunnel is a specialist item of equipment, so they cost money and time. To simplify investigations aimed at proong structures against dynamic wind response, the Wind Resistant Design of Bridge Road Handbook (JRA 1991) provides some estimated formulas that give results on the safe side for structures, mainly bridges, with spans up to 200 m. These formulas, which are based on past tests, can be used to determine whether it is necessary to investigate the wind velocity at which phenomena occur in more detail and are also used in Standard Specications for Concrete Structures. If it proves possible to predict the wind velocity that causes vortex-induced vibration of a certain using these methods, the fatigue investigation can be carried out by conrming that wind velocity that induces vortex-induced vibration is greater than the assumed velocity and that the amplitude of vibrations that occur is smaller than the allowed amplitude. Moreover, the investigation of wind velocity and allowed vibration amplitude may be carried out with reference to Wind Resistant Design of Bridge Road Handbook (JRA, 1991). In general, the wind velocity at which vibration occurs in attachments such as hanging members or even lighting columns and handrails may be estimated, but it is dicult to predict the amplitude of vibration with high accuracy. Therefore, after conrming whether vibration occurs at the predicted wind velocity or not through careful observations while construction is under way, measures to eectively control the vibration may be taken if necessary. Looking at the occurrence of fatigue in steel structures resulting from wind action aside from vortexinduced vibration, consideration may have to be given to gust response and rain vibration, which is a unique vibration phenomenon of cables. Gust response is an irregular vibration phenomenon caused by airow disorder and is characterized by an amplitude that increases gradually as wind velocity increases. However, gust response is not usually considered a problem except in particularly unusual cases such as suspension bridges of unusual scale and which transform easily or cable-stayed bridges.

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication


However, the additional eect of gust response is considered in the regulations on wind loading in the Standard Specications for Concrete Structures (JRA, 2002a). Rain vibration is a vibration phenomenon caused in the cables of cable-stayed bridges during rain or when the wind is strong. Recently, even in the absence of rain, attention must be paid to cable vibration because some research results have indicated a dynamic response to wind acting at an angle. However, there have been no cases of fatigue failure caused by rain vibration up to now in the cables used in Japan.

8.3.2 Verication of resistance to steel corrosion Verication for resistance to steel corrosion must in principle involve using the following method. If another adequate verication method is available, it may be applied. (1) In a case where the corrosion protection method consists of a surface coating such as paint, it must be conrmed that the specic coating selected is suitable for the particular corrosive environment. (2) In a case the corrosion protection method is anything except natural weathering of the steel or a surface coating, it must be conrmed that the specic corrosion protection method selected is suitable for the particular corrosive environment. Regarding corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete, it must be conrmed that the concrete carbonation depth and the chloride ion concentration remain below the threshold values for the occurrence of steel corrosion.

Methods of corrosion prevention for steel must achieve the required durability against the environmental conditions in which the steel is employed. However, the scale, shape, and other characteristics of the materials that may be applied with a particular method are limited. These limits and the conditions of each method with respect to workability of repairs and the diculty of carrying out the inspections required to maintain corrosion prevention performance also dier from method to method. Therefore, in selecting a method of corrosion prevention, it is necessary to consider cost-eectiveness, a maintenance plan for inspection and repair, and environmental conditions along with requirements related to durability, aesthetics, etc. To prevent steel corrosion, available methods include surface coating, surface treatment, galvanic corrosion protection, and treatment of the steel itself. In general, surface coating is able to prevent corrosion or control it below a xed limit. Because the performance of coating methods normally deteriorates gradually over time, the ability to maintain performance above the xed standard depends on drawing up and implementing a suitable and eective maintenance plan (including inspection, examination, repair, etc.). To achieve this, it is essential to implement suitable accelerated tests or exposure tests under the environmental conditions of the construction site to clarify structure durability and conrm the principle of the chosen corrosion prevention method. Eective inspection, examination, and maintenance is not possible without a clear plan, so adequate attention must be paid to this when adopting a corrosion prevention method for steel structures. Practical results to date indicate that certain representative corrosion prevention methods, such as surface coating or using weathering steel, zinc plating, or metal thermal sprays, are able to satisfy the performance requirements in general if design and maintenance are properly implemented. The principles of these corrosion prevention methods, the manner in which their functionality fails, and repair methods that can be used to recover functionality are explained in Table C8.3.1 (JRA, 2002a). (1) The most used method of preventing steel corrosion is to add a protective lm by surface coating. Although this method imposes few structural restrictions and oers a large degree of freedom in selecting the nish color, factors in the environment do cause the paint lm to deteriorate so


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C8.3.1 Representative corrosion prevention methods Basic principle Mode of loss of functionality(including unpredicted deterioration) Deterioration of paint layer Peeling of rust layer. Associated decrease in cross section Localized corrosion as pits generated when the lm is thin Decrease of zinc layer thickness Thinning of sprayed metal layer (zinc, aluminum, zincaluminum pseudo-alloy, etc.) Recovery method when function lost Repainting Painting, etc. Painting, etc.

(1) surface coating (2) steel weathering (3) stainless steel

(4) hot dip galvanizing (5) metal thermal spray

Isolating from corrosion environment with a paint layer Controlling corrosion by generating a ne rust layer Controlling corrosion by means of a oxide layer passivation lm Protective lm of zinc oxide and sacricial corrosion prevention by zinc Sacricial corrosion prevention by spraying with a metal (zinc, aluminum, pseudo-alloy, etc.) to form a protective lm

Thermal spraying or painting Thermal spraying or painting

recoating must be carried out periodically in order to maintain functionality. The deterioration rate of the paint lm is determined from the relationship between corrosion factors such as airborne salt in the environment to which the structure is exposed and the characteristics of the paint lm itself. As a consequence, the investigation of corrosion resistance entails choosing a paint specication (JRA, 1990 and JBA, 1996) and conrming that a suitable repainting cycle is set in consideration of the corrosion environment, which depends on the structures conguration and location. As an example, one method of deciding when to repaint depends on the rusted area exceeding 0.3 (2) The addition of an appropriate quantity of an alloying element (Cu, Cr, Ni, etc.) to steel, to create weathering steel, will cause ne rust to be formed. This ne rust layer inhibits the development of rust and protects the steel surface, reducing the overall corrosion rate as compared with plain steel. In other words, corrosion is gradual and performance deterioration is suppressed. Nevertheless, there can be problems with the uniformity of the ne rust layer leading to uneven corrosion rates, particularly where there is airborne salt, where an anti-freeze agent is used (or used nearby), where a bridge is readily inuenced by chloride, or where full wetting and drying cycles are lacking. Consequently, this method should be used only under suitable conditions according to the type of material (JRA, 2002a). To give an example, hot-rolled atmospheric corrosion resisting steels for welded structures (SMA) are specied in JIS G 3114. These are, in principle, for use without painting in regions where the amount of airborne salt, as measured by a prescribed method, is below 0.5 mdd (NaCl: mg/100cm2/day); these areas are shown in Fig.C8.3.1 (PWRI, The Kozai Club, and JBA, 1993). Others like attention at designing or constructing when weathering steel is used in such truss bridge, arch bridge or rigid frame bridge are given concretely in this reference and should be consulted. Recently, types of weathering steel (Ni-based high corrosion resistance weathering steel) have been developed with improved chloride resistance, improved surface processing to accelerate the generation of ne rust, and better prevention of owing rust. These types of weathering steel have come into use in steel structures, but if they are to be used proper investigations of corrosion resistance must be carried out considering the actual environment and standard of corrosion

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication



Coastal area along Sea of Japan I

Coastal area along Sea of Japan II

Coastal area along Pacific ocean

Okinawa Coastal area along Setonaikai

Classication of area Coastal areas along Sea of Japan


Coastal areas along Pacic ocean Coastal areas along the Inland Sea (Setonaikai) Okinawa

Airborne salt measurements not required More than 20 km from the coastline More than 5 km from the coastline More than 2 km from the coastline More than 1 km from the coastline Always required

Fig.C8.3.1 Classication of areas in which unpainted weathering steel is applicable

In hot dip galvanizing, steel is dipped into molten zinc at around 440 , forming a two-layer surface lm consisting of a steel-zinc alloy and pure zinc. Corrosion of the steel is suppressed by the protective eect of this lm and by sacricial oxidation of the surface of the lm. The long-term durability of zinc plating for a particular structure cannot be well understood until a tracing survey is carried out, but in some places aected by seawater or sea breezes, the protective lm may not form and the zinc layer and alloy layer are gradually consumed. Consequently, a structure will require painting in the future. Moreover, structural considerations such as restrictions on the size of members imposed by the size of the zinc plating tank and the possibility of thermal transformations in the plating tank are required at design phase (JRA, 2002a). In addition, plating burn and plating cracks must be avoided during the zinc plating process. Details should be looked up in literature (JSSC, 1996). Metal thermal spraying is a method in which a shielding layer is created by spraying molten metal using compressed air onto the steel surface after carrying out some surface processing, such as grinding. Zinc, aluminum, or an alloy of zinc and aluminum can be used for metal thermal spraying. As a method of forming a metal layer on the steel surface, it diers from hot dip galvanizing in that application is not restricted by the scale and size of the structure. Metal thermal spraying provides a surface with a great many concavities and convexities, so paint adherence is good and it can be used as a foundation for painting (JRA, 2002a). To ensure that a corrosion prevention method operates optimally, every detail of the structure


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

must be considered thoroughly in consideration of the method being used, with detailing such as chamfering used where needed. Further, when dierent types of metal come into contact with each other, as in welding or bolting of parts, the material of lower electric potential experiences accelerated corrosion corresponding to the dierence in electric potential. In such cases, measures such as isolation should be implemented (JRA, 2002a). (3) The steel used in reinforced concrete is protected by a passivation lm that forms in the highly alkaline environment. However, even in this environment, the steel may begin to corrode and corrosion will progress if the concentration of chloride ions exceeds a certain value and causes the lm to be unstable. Once corrosion of the steel starts, cracks form comparatively early and the corrosion process accelerates. On the other hand, concrete undergoes carbonation through reaction with the carbon dioxide in the air. This relates to the water-tightness (ventilation ability) of the concrete and elapsed time. As a general rule, it is necessary to conrm that throughout the design working life the depth of carbonation does not reach the limit at which corrosion of the steel starts and that the chloride ion concentration at the steel surface remains below the concentration at which corrosion starts (JSCE, 2002b). Surface coating, steel shielding, and other measures (of coating or plating) may be used to protect the concrete (JCI, 1998). Details of protection methods against corrosion, such as electrical methods that restrict corrosion progression of the steel, suitable shielding materials for the steel, and coating materials for the concrete surface, are given in JCI, 1998. The most common method of predicting the approximate depth of carbonation, based on historical records, is to treat it as proportional to the square root of service period. At present, the need for measures against carbonation is investigated by checking that the design value of carbonation depth, found from the carbonation rate coecient (calculated using the type of cement and water-cement ratio) is less than the limit depth (calculated by subtracting the remnant neutral depth from expected value of cover depth) at which the steel starts to corrode. However, JSCE, 2002b should be consulted about certain cases in which, if the cement being used and water-cement ratio and the cover depth satisfy some conditions, it is not generally possible to omit investigations of carbonation. (4) Specic details relating to the corrosion protection of steel in concrete can be obtained from the literature (JSCE, 2002a; JSCE, 2002b; JRA, 2002b). But in some environments, especially where anti-freeze agents are used, taking certain suitable measures such as to prevent the ingress of water with chloride ions into the concrete is recommended (JSCE, 2002b). Additionally, standard methods for maintenance should be consulted in the literature (JSCE, 2001). Details of repair and reinforcement methods can also be obtained from the literature (JSCE, 1999 or JCI, 1998).

8.3.3 Verication of resistance to material deterioration Verication of resistance to material deterioration must in principle involve using the following methods. If another adequate verication method is available, it may be applied. (1) It must be conrmed that concrete has the required frost resistance by determining the dynamic elastic modulus and mass loss in freezing and thawing tests. (2) Regarding concrete corrosion due to chemical attack, it must be conrmed through accelerated tests, atmospheric exposure tests, or another adequate verication method that concrete deterioration does reach a tangible level or aect the required level of performance. (3) It must be conrmed that concrete has the required resistance to the alkali aggregate reaction (ASR). (4) In a case where a surface coating is applied to concrete, the waterproong eect of the coating must be conrmed in consideration of maintenance planning.

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication



(1) The main causes of deterioration of concrete itself are freezing, chemical erosion, and the alkaliaggregate reaction. Freezing-induced deterioration may be seen not only in cold climates but also in mountainous areas. Concretes resistance to freezing is inuenced by large number of factors in addition to its overall quality, including how low the temperature falls, the number of freeze-thaw cycles, the degree of water saturation, etc. Evaluating these factors accurately is not an easy task. At present, it is specied that investigating the freeze-thaw performance of a structure should be carried out by performing accelerated freeze-thaw tests and using as indices the loss of mass and the relative dynamic Youngs modulus of the concrete (JSCE, 2002b). Additionally, if the water-cement ratio and air content can be conrmed to satisfy some certain conditions, the above type of investigation can be replaced by certain conrmations and such the upper limit of water cement rate should be considered at mix design phase may be consulted from the reference (JSCE 2002b), and appendix 1. (2) Chemical erosion of concrete is multifarious and depends on the power of external deterioration actions in the environment. As a result, determining the durability performance of concrete against these external actions is dicult and impractical. Because in oceanic environments or environments inuenced by, for example, acid rain erosion actions are relatively moderate as so the standard required about chemical erosion resistance in concrete should require deterioration of concrete not become remarkably. In some environments, such as in sewage systems or in hot-spring facilities, where severe erosion actions are acting, the performance requirement should be that deterioration of the concrete does not aect the required performance of the structure. These two facts are recommended as the standard for chemical erosion resistance of concrete (JSCE, 2002b). The conrmation items mentioned above and some specic investigations may be found in JSCE, 2002b. (3) No practical prediction formula has yet been established for the alkali-aggregate reaction, so the alternative of conrming resistance to the reaction through an accelerated test on a concrete test piece is adopted here. An example of a test method is given in JSCE, 2002b. Additionally, using the measures given in a notication by MLIT (Controlling measure against alkali-aggregate reaction) or in Annex 1 and 2 (Regulations) of JIS A 5308, it should be determined whether the alkali-aggregate reaction can be controlled. (4) The literature (JSCE, 2002a; JSCE, 2002b; JRA, 2002b) should be consulted about considerations related to coating the surface of concrete or for details of preventing deterioration of the concrete itself. Also, JSCE, 2001 should be consulted for standard methods of maintenance. Details of repair and reinforcement methods may be found in JSCE, 1999 or JCI, 1998.

8.3.4 Verication of maintainability Verication of maintainability must in principle involve determination at the design stage of ease of maintenance, including inspection and repair, throughout the design working life. If another adequate verication method is available, it may be applied.

In evaluating the performance of steel and composite structures with respect to the maintenance plan, the repairs that might become necessary as a result of deterioration may be repainting, expansion joint repair, bearing support repair, distribution pipe repair, oor slab replacement, and other steel member repairs. It should be conrmed that structural details are such that these kinds of repair tasks are feasible. For instance, repainting work requires that a scaold can be easily installed and that structural


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

details make painting and scraping work easier. Also, when jacking up the main girder to replace a bearing support, it will be dicult to insert the jack unless there is adequate working space between bridge and abutment members. That means it is necessary to consider whether adequate work space is provided during the design phase, and also to ensure that a sole plate is tted to the ange to take the jack and that any additional vertical stieners are provided. The structure of abutments and piers that carry the reaction force must be considered also. To give an example, in many cases a bracket is used to suer the jack, to do same in a metal bridge pier, a structural detail in which a bracket is able to be installed must be considered. In designing a concrete bridge pier, it must be conrmed during the superstructure design phase that the reinforcing are arranged such that anchor bolts can be appropriately installed. The items which such repair and reinforcement works must be conrmed against fatigue may be such space enough to carry members and equipment or structural detail in which carrying equipment in is made more easily. Moreover, the presence of suitable manholes for carrying equipment into a steel girder, cable rack, or distribution pipework and their workability must be conrmed. It should also be conrmed that suitable ventilation is possible. These structural details and precedents can be found in JRA, 2002a or JBA, 2002.
References in Chapter 8 Japan Road Association (1990) Wind-resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges Japan Road Association (1991) Wind-resistant Design Manual for Highway Bridges. Public Works Research Institute, the Kozai Club, and Japan Bridge Association (1993) Research Committee on Application of weathering Steel to Bridge, Report of Cooperative Research on Application of weathering Steel to Bridge, XX. Japanese Society of Steel Construction (1993a) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Structures and Commentaries. Japanese Society of Steel Construction (1993b) Investigation Manual of Painted Steel Bbridges, JSS IV031993 Japan Bridge Association (1996) Paint Guidebook for Bridege Engineers. Japanese Society of Steel Construction (1996) Design and Guide for construction of Hot Dip Galvanizing Bridge. Japan Road Association (1997) Fatigue of Steel Structures. Japan Concrete Institute (1998) Report of Research Committee on Rehavilitaion of Concrete Structures. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1999) Reinforment Guideline of Concerete Structutres (Draft), (Concrete Library, No.95). Railway Technical Research Institute (2000) Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Railway Bridges, Steel and Composite Structures. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2001) Standard Specications for Concrete Structures, Maintenance Volume. Investigation Research Subcommittee on based design for Steel Japanese Society of Steel Construction (2001) Structures, Guideline of Performance based design for Steel Structures, JSSC Technical Report, No.49. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002a) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Structural Performance Verication Volume. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002b) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Construction Volume. S.Nakatani, K.Uchida, K.Nishikawa, M.Kanda, K.Miyazaki, S.Kawama and S.Matsuo (2002) Experimental study on the fatigue durability of highway bridge slab, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, No.28. Japan Bridge Association (2002) Repair and Reinforcement Examples of Steel Bridges. Japan Road Association (2002a) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume Japan Road Association (2002b) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specica-

Chapter 8 Required Durability Performance and Verication


tions Volume, II Concrete Bridges Volume Japan Road Association (2002c) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Highway Bridges Japanese Society of Steel Construction (2002d) Reference on Proof Stress, Durability and Reinforcement for Constructed Steel Bridge Members. Japan Road Association (2005) Handbook of paint and corrosion prevention for steel highway bridges.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication

9.1 General
(1) Steel and composite structures shall maintain their social and environmental compatibility under the actions specied in Chapter 2 throughout the construction and in-service periods. (2) Performance items related to social and environmental compatibility include social compatibility, economic rationality, and environmental compatibility. (3) Social and environmental compatibility shall be veried with respect to the limit state established for each performance item by setting a proper performance index representative of each performance item. However, in cases where there are diculties in setting and verifying such limit states for social and environmental compatibility, society and environmental compatibility shall be veried by optimizing each performance item.


Steel and composite structures should be compatible with social and environmental conditions, meaning that adverse inuences on the surrounding social and natural environments should be minimized. In this specication, performance requirements include verifying social compatibility in consideration of the social importance of the structure, economic rationality (to check economic eciency over the structures life cycle), and environmental compatibility (to check environmental loading from CO2 emissions and harmonization with the structures surroundings). In cases where it is dicult to set limit states for social and environmental compatibility, verication should be by optimizing the performance requirements.

9.2 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance

(1) Steel and composite structures shall be designed to provide the functions required according to their importance. (2) Steel and composite structures shall be designed to be safe and functional and to minimize both construction cost and life-cycle cost. (3) Steel and composite structures shall be designed to avoid adverse eects on the surrounding social and natural environments resulting from vibration and noise, to minimize environmental impacts, such as CO2 emissions, throughout their life cycle, and to oer an aesthetic that does not provoke undesirable psychological reactions in people nearby.


Performance requirements to ensure the social and environmental compatibility of steel and composite structures include social compatibility, economic rationality, and environmental compatibility. Because steel and composite structures can strongly aect social and economic activity, they should be designed such that the functionality required according to their importance level is attained. It is generally unacceptable for steel and composite structures to have excessive safety and compatibility

Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication


with society and the environment. Rather, they should be designed to provide adequate safety and functionality while minimizing not only construction cost but also life cycle cost. In generally, steel and composite structures are expected to have a service life of 50 years and over this time they can strongly aect the surrounding social and natural environments. They should be designed so as to not adversely aect the surrounding social and natural environments with vibration and noise, to minimize environmental impacts, such as lifetime CO2 emissions, and to avoid undesirable psychological reactions among those who see them.

9.3 Verication of Social and Environmental Compatibility

9.3.1 Verication of social compatibility Social compatibility shall be veried by conrming that the performance index representative of each performance item satises the limit-state requirements established for that performance item in consideration of the importance of the steel or composite structure.

Structural factors can be determined as specied Chapter 1 section 1.5 in consideration of social and economic impacts, importance in disasters, and economic factors such as reconstruction and repair costs at the time when the structure or its members reach their limit states as a result of actions during the construction and in-service periods. The social compatibility of structures should be veried using the appropriate structural factors for safety, serviceability, and durability as dened in Chapters 6, 7, and 8, while economic rationality and environmental compatibility are specied in this chapter. The owners (contracting parties) of structures may determine the values of structural factors because they cannot be logically dened based on reliability theory. However, the values of structural factors shown in Table C1.5.1 can generally be adopted.

9.3.2 Verication of economic rationality Economic rationality shall be veried by conrming that the life-cycle cost LCC of a steel or composite structure is minimized or that the life-cycle utility (LCU), including social, economic, and cultural utilities, is maximized. However, in a case where it is impossible to satisfy these conditions, economical rationality shall be veried by optimizing LCC or LCU.

Since many steel and composite structures form part of the social capital, they are required to oer eective functionality within limited budgets. For this reason, it is dicult to obtain social consensus for excessively high levels of safety, serviceability, repairability, durability, constructability, and the social and environmental compatibility specied in this chapter. However, it is extremely dicult to properly set performance levels for structures. One eective method of dealing with this problem is to determine each performance level so that the life-cycle cost (LCC) of a structure is minimized. LCC includes the following costs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Investigation and project costs Initial construction costs (including land acquisition, etc.) Maintenance and repair costs during in-service period Removal costs Depreciation based on social discount rate Anticipated value of loss (damage and loss of the structure, loss of human life, social, economic,


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

and cultural losses caused by functional failure of the structure, etc.) if the structure reaches a limit state Costs (1) to (5) can be calculated with relative ease, but further research is needed in order to estimate cost (6). At present, costs (1) to (4) can generally be considered in performance verication by LCC. Since social capital essentially plays a role in creating a more auent national life, it may be insucient to focus on only the actual cost of a structure. Therefore, both positive and negative eects (utilities) of a structure should be considered in performance verication. For example, the social, economic, and cultural utility of the existence of a structure and the service it provides as well as the recyclability of the structural materials can be quantitatively evaluated as contributing to positive utility, while construction and maintenance costs can be treated as negative utility. The life-cycle utility (LCU) of a structure can then be dened as the sum of the positive and negative utility values. This means that the ideal approach is to determine each performance level so that LCU is maximized. Although the concept of LCU has been little researched so far, performance verication in terms of LCU is also described in this chapter. It is expected that research in this eld will progress in the near future, leading to greater understanding of the utility and benet of steel and composite structures among the general public.

9.3.3 Verication of environmental compatibility Environmental compatibility shall be veried by conrming that performance indices for vibration and noise, which might adversely aect the surrounding social and natural environments, environmental impacts such as CO2 emissions, and landscape are less than the specied criteria. However, in a case where it is impossible to satisfy these conditions, environmental compatibility shall be veried by optimizing each performance item.

Performance requirements related to environmental compatibility are vibration and noise (which can adversely aect the nearby social and natural environments), environmental impacts (such as CO2 emissions over the life cycle of the structure), and the appearance of the structure to people nearby. If there is a possibility that a structure will cause environmentally harmful vibration and noise during construction and the in-service period, performance levels estimated using numerical analysis and from previous similar examples should be conrmed to be less than the criteria specied in the environmental quality standards or by ISO. As for noise and vibration from large highways close to residential areas, the sound pressure level generated by vehicles is generally regulated under the noise regulation law and the vibration regulation law. The limit of vehicle noise is 45 to 80 dB, depending on the area classication and time of day under the noise regulation law, while trac-induced vibration is limited to 6070 dB depending on the area classication and time of day under the vibration regulation law [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2002]. In addition, some local governments specify their own environmental criteria and these limit values can generally be used for performance verication. Methods of estimating the noise and vibration generated by structures can be classied as analytical methods based on techniques reported in the literature and analogies based on measurements taken in similar structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2003]. On the other hand, limits on low-frequency sounds have been dened as 100% pass level L50 in the range 180 Hz is lower than approximately 6090 dB for low-frequency sound in the general environment [Air Quality Bureau, Environment Agency, 1984] and alternatively as G-weighted sound pressure level in the range 120 Hz is around 100 dB for perceptible low-frequency sound [ISO, 1995]. These values can be taken as the limit values for low-frequency sound. Further, the impact of vibration and noise on ecosystems, including

Chapter 9 Required Social and Environmental Compatibility Performance and Verication


animals and plants, have not necessarily been evaluated quantitatively. Therefore, limit values should be appropriately determined with reference to research examples consisting of environmental impact assessments for existing similar structures. As for environmental impacts, such as lifecycle CO2 emissions, specic limit values and verication methods have not necessarily been proposed and future research results are awaited. At present, environmental impacts should be reduced as much as possible in consideration of economy and technology. Universal and quantitative indices for the appearance of structures to people nearby have never been proposed and, as with the environmental impacts discussed above, future research is awaited. At present, attention should be paid to (1) making the structure mechanically clear, (2) choosing a suitable structure for the surrounding circumstance, (3) unifying structural types, (4) considering ancillary structures, and (5) other considerations (distance between bearings, position of bridge piers, etc.) as described in Part II Structure Plan of these specications. In outline, a structures appearance should avoid undesirable psychological reactions among people nearby while considering economy and technology.
References in Chapter 9 Air Quality Bureau, Environment Agency(1984) Reports on Low-Frequency Aerial Vibration Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002) Guidelines for Performance Verication of Hybrid Structures (tentative) Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2003) Towards establishment of performance-based design system for steel structures ISO(1995) ISO7196 Acoustics-frequency Weighting Characteristics for Infrasound Measurements.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General

10.1 Structural Members

All members are designed in a simple structure as possible for the convenience of fabrication, transportation, site construction, examination, painting, maintenance, patching etc. The examination of critical stage of members is given in chapter 6.

The choice of a complex design for a structure can lead to various problems in terms of fabrication, transportation, erection, inspection, painting, draining, maintenance, and so on. Each structural member should be made as simple as possible, otherwise the design calculation will end up being too complex and substantial and unexpected secondary stresses may arise. In other words, if a structure is very dicult to fabricate then one cannot expect good-quality fabrication, while if it is dicult to transport it may end up being damaged during transportation. Defects may also be overlooked if a section is dicult to inspect or cannot be inspected thoroughly. Similarly, if the structure is dicult to paint, this could be the reason for a poor paint job, which would hasten corrosion of the steel material. Furthermore, since inspections and repairs are essential if a structure is to be kept functionally sound over a long period, it is also important to consider future maintenance activities such as inspection and repair during the design stage.

10.2 General
10.2.1 Secondary stress The secondary stress which is caused by the inuence of members eccentricity, node s rigidity, abrupt change in section, oor girders deection, oor framing deformation involved in the change of the member length, member deection under empty weight etc... must be designed to become small as much as possible in structure members.

Secondary stress is stipulated through reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. Although a certain amount of secondary stress is unavoidable, the normal practice is to ignore secondary stress during design calculations and to include its impact within the safety factor. However, eort should be made to minimize the secondary stress in the design of each structural member. The following points are raised in the commentary to [Japan Road Association, 2002] as requiring attention in order to reduce secondary stress as much as possible. 1) Eccentricity of structural member Eccentricity should be reduced as much as possible when designing the sections of a structure in detail. Even when eccentricity is inevitable, the design must reduce its impact to a minimum. 2) Rigidity of panel joints Since the secondary stress rises when the rigidity of a panel joint is too large compared to that of each member converging at that joint, panel rigidity should accord with the rigidity of the members. In particular, when designing a truss, secondary bending due to panel joint rigidity

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General






as well as secondary stress caused by eccentric jointing of secondary members to the panel joints and loading on the transverse beams should be taken into account. Since many other countries do not require secondary stress to be checked when the ratio of member height to length, h/l, is less than 1/10, [Japan Road Association, 2002] states that h/l should ideally be less than 1/10 (i.e., the minimum slenderness ratio should be about 30). Deection of deck girder When the deection of a deck girder is large, depending on the method used to connect the end parts, out-of-plane deformation of the main girder may occur, leading to higher secondary stress. Also, the deck slab is subjected to an additional bending moment due to deection of the deck girder. For this reason, deection of the deck girder must be kept as small as possible. Deformation of deck system caused by change in member length In the case of a tied arch with a long span, substantial tensile force is exerted on the ties. If the deck system is rigidly connected to the ties, it will stretch with the ties and deform unexpectedly. In such cases, it is best to install an expansion joint in one section of the stringer. Deection of a member caused by its own weight The height of a structural member such as a truss member, which is designed based only on longitudinal force, should be greater that its width in order to minimize the bending stress due to its own weight. However, care must be taken since if it is too high the panel joint will become too rigid, and secondary stress will increase. Others Secondary stress due to friction of movable beam ends, settlement of supporting joints, temperature changes, sudden distortion, and stress concentration due to corrosion must also be taken into consideration, and eort must be made to minimize such stress as much as possible. Extra attention must be paid when high tensile steel is used for a main girder with an exceptionally small beam height because deection of the cross beam will be greater as it would be less rigid than if ordinary steel were used. As a result, secondary stress due to out-of-plane deformation of the main girder in the case of a steel girder through-bridge and out-of-plane bending of the web member in the case of a truss would be greater. Further, care must be taken when high tensile steel is used for a primary member and mild steel for a secondary member since a variety of secondary deformations and stresses will occur.

10.2.2 Stress concentration The stress concentration must be considered in design in case it inuences the member notch part or structural discontinuity part.

When there is a weakness because of a signicant local concentration of stress due to a notch, measures must be implemented to alleviate this stress concentration by altering the shape or reinforcing with a reinforcing material. Since the impact that stress concentration has on fatigue and brittle failure diers greatly from the impact on loading strength in terms of design direction, one must thoroughly study its impact on failure mode beforehand.

10.2.3 Member with alternate stresses The member which is subjected alternately to a compressive stress and a tensile stress must be designed safely to each stress.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. The following is the commentary from that document. For structural members subject to alternating stress, the necessary cross-sectional area for each stress must of course be calculated and the largest of the cross-sectional areas should be used. But at the same time, buckling in response to compressive stress must also be compared. For example, alternating stress arises around the center of the span in the case of the web member of a truss, so this part must be designed for safety against various stresses. Structural members whose stress sign reverses depending on wind direction, such as web members in the transverse groove, are subject to alternating stress; their cross sections must be able to withstand the tensile force due to wind direction and various compressive stresses.

10.2.4 Minimum plate thickness and corrosion (1) The minimum thickness of the steel plate is assumed to be the one provided not being transformed when the plate is processed, transported, constructed in site, and considering the damage of the section caused by corrosion and wear-out etc. (2) In the case of the corrosion allowance [margin] set up, the plate thickness in the check to safety is assumed to be the one decreased by this margin thickness.


The minimum thickness of structural steel is determined based on the way it is handled during fabrication, transportation, and erection as well as in consideration of corrosion. Generally, the eects of corrosion are not considered for a structure that has undergone anti-corrosion treatment, such as by painting or hot dip galvanizing, but it is taken into consideration during the design stage in the case of underground structures which are in a highly corrosive environment and cannot easily be given an anti-corrosion treatment in the future. In [Japan Road Association, 2002], the corrosion environment varies according to the anti-rust or anti-corrosion methods implemented and the location of the structure, while handling and fabrication conditions dier for each individual bridge. However, the following regulations are given as a general rule with regard to the minimum thickness of structural steel. 1) Structural steel must be 8mm or more in thickness. However, the thickness of the web of I-section steel and channel steel may be reduced to 7.5 mm or more. Closed-section longitudinal ribs, as used as stieners for steel decks and box girders, may be reduced to 6 mm or more if the corrosion environment is good or sucient measures have been taken against corrosion. 2) The wall thickness of steel tube to be used as a principal member should be 7.5 mm or greater, while steel tube used as a secondary member must be 6.9 mm or greater in wall thickness. Material used for guard rails, ller, and pedestrian deck slabs need not follow these regulations. Refer to 8.2.2 Resistance to Corrosion for corrosion measures related to the use of weathering steel.

10.2.5 Curved members It is necessary to do a thorough examination about the additional stress by the curve when the curved member is designed as a straight member.

When curved structural members such as curved I girders and arch rib are designed as polygonal straight members, the additional stress that may occur due to bending in the radial direction of the

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


curve (because of discrepancies in the angle of longitudinal stress in the members) must be taken into consideration. If this additional stress is suciently small compared to the design stress, curved structural members can be designed as multiple straight structural members, as in the case of a curved box girder of large out-of-plane rigidity and arch ribs of large radius of curvature.

10.2.6 Dynamic wind-resistant design of structural members Because the vibration caused by wind may occur to the following members except bridge girders, the necessity of dynamic wind resistant design must be examined. Towers of cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges Cables of cable-stayed bridges and hangers of suspension bridges Arch bridges and truss bridges with large slenderness ratios Pillar-shaped members with especially large slenderness ratios, such as lighting pillars

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. The towers of cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges do not generally require dynamic wind resistant design as completed systems, although it may be necessary to consider dynamic wind resistance during erection. There have been many cases of vibration occurring in the cables of actual cable-stayed bridges. Vibration may also occur in the suspenders of Langer bridges and the chord members of trusses with a large slenderness ratio, as well as in lamp posts. The reason for vibration in structural members such as these has not been fully understood and, since it also varies depending on the structures resistance to wind turbulence, it is dicult to come up with a specic check method. For this reason, the ideal approach is to conduct a vibration study according to [Japan Road Association, 2002] and [Japan Road Association, 1991].

10.3 Frame Members with Axial Tensile Force

10.3.1 Slenderness ratio of members The maximum slenderness ratio of the tensile member is made to become below the decided maximum slenderness ratio in consideration of the characteristic of the structure.

In order to ensure that a tensile member has sucient rigidity to withstand damage during trans-

Table C10.3.1 Maximum slenderness ratio of a tensile member

AISC [AISC,1978] Standards for Highway Bridge [Japan Road Association, 2002] Standards for Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Technology [Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association, 1981] Standards for Railway Structure [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]

Principal Member Secondary Member

240 300

200 240



Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

portation and erection as well as to minimize vibration during use, while also ensuring the rigidity of the whole structure, rules have been established regarding the slenderness ratio of such members based on the structures characteristics and the members level of importance. The maximum slenderness ratio of a tensile member as stipulated by [AISC, 1978, Japan Road Association, 2002, Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association, 1981, and Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] is as shown in Table C10.3.1. However, these limits do not apply to eyebars, steel bars, and wire rope.

10.4 Frame Members with Axial Compression Force

10.4.1 Width-thickness ratio of plate subjected to compressive stress and stiened plate The maximum width-thickness ratio of plate that is subjected to a compressive stress and stiened plate is assumed to be the one decided in consideration of the steel class, the position of the plate. The strength of the plate that is subjected to a compressive stress and stiened plate is given in Chapter 5 Material Strength.

The principle regarding the maximum width-thickness ratio of plates and stieners that are subject to compressive stress due to axial compressive forces and bending moments is outlined here. (1) The maximum width-thickness ratio of plates subject to compressive stress as stipulated by [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1975, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1973, AISC, 1978, ASCE, 1971, Japan Road Association, 2002, Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association, 1981, and Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] is as shown in Table C10.4.1.

Fig.C10.4.1 Extreme ber stress of a plate

(2) The stance of [Japan Road Association, 2002] on the width-thickness ratio of a plate supported at both ends with stieners (stiening plate) is as follows. When a stiener that satises rule (3) has been placed at regular intervals on a plate supported at both ends and which is subject to compressive stress, the width-thickness ratio of the stiening plate is expressed by Eq.(C10.4.1). However, the thickness of a plate that is only temporarily subject to stress during erection needs only to satisfy Eq.(C10.4.2). 851f n b t F b 85f n t where, F b t
specied value of material strength (N/mm2 ) total width (mm) of stiening plate (see Fig.C10.4.2) plate thickness (mm)



Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


Table C10.4.1 Maximum width-thickness ratio of plate subject to compressive stress

Type of Steel Standards for Steel Structure Guidelines for Plasticity of Steel Structure Technical Guidelines for High Buildings AISCSpec. (Part II) ASCE Plastic Design Reference Highway Bridge Standards Standards for Gate & Penstock Technology for Structure Hydraulic Railway

b/t of jutted plate such as H cross-section members b/t of ange plate of box cross-section members

d/t1) of web plate of columns

d/t of web plate of beam

SS400 or A36 SM490 or A441 SS400 or A36 SM490 or A441 SS400 or A36 SM490 or A441 SS400 or A36 SM490 or A441

15.5 13.2 47.8 40.7 47.8 40.7 71.0 60.6

10.0 8.5 30.0 26.0 45.0 39.0 71.0 61.0

9.0 8.5 32.2 27.5 43.2 36.8 50.3 42.9

8.5 7.0 31.6 26.8 42.8 36.3 68.6 58.2

8.5 16 7.0 56f2) 48f2) 43.0 36.4 70.0 59.3 70 60 40 34 70 60 12

12.5 11 40 34

70 60

(A36 and others refer to ASTM standard) NOTE: 1) d is all dimensions of the structural member for those regulations other than Standards for Designing Steel Structure [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002], Technical Guidelines for High Buildings [Architectural Institute of Japan, 1973] and Standards for Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Technology [Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association, 1981]. Here, all dimensions refers to the height of the structural member including the thickness of a ange around the strong axis. 2) f = 0.652 + 0.13 + 1.0, = (1 2 )/1 1 , 2 the extreme ber stress at both ends of a plate, but the compressive stress is positive and 1 2 (See Fig.C10.4.1.)

n f

number of panels created by vertical stiener (n 2) coecient depending on stress gradient

f = 0.65

+ 0.13 + 1.0 n n stress gradient = (1 2 )/1 (0 2)

1 , 2 extreme ber stress at each edge of stiening plate (N/mm2 )

However, the compressive stress shall be positive and 1 2 (see Fig.C10.4.3)

Fig.C10.4.2 Total width of stiening Fig.C10.4.3 Extreme ber stress of

plate stiening plate

(3) The view of [Japan Road Association, 2002] regarding the stiener designed in (2) for the stiening plate is as follows: 1) The steel of the vertical stiener shall be of to the same type as that of the plate to be


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

reinforced or superior 2) The moment of inertia of cross-section Il (mm4 ) and cross-section area Al (mm2 ) of one piece of vertical stiener calculated in section 4) shall satisfy Eq.(C10.4.3) and (C10.4.4), respectively. bt3 l,req 11 bt Al 10n Il where, t b n l,req
thickness of stiening plate (mm) total width of stiening plate (mm) number of panels created by vertical stiener (n2) rigidity required of the vertical stiening plate according to the

(C10.4.3) (C10.4.4)

calculation in section 3) 3) The rigidity required of the vertical stiening plate is calculated as follows: a) If 0 and the moment of inertia of cross-section It (mm4 ) calculated in 4) below satises Eq.(C10.4.6), then : 2 t0 (2 + 1)2 2 (t t0 ) l,req = 4 n (1 + nl ) t n (C10.4.5) (2 + 1)2 2 l,req = 4 n(1 + nl ) (t < t0 ) n bt3 1 + nl,req (C10.4.6) It 11 43 b) In other cases : l,req l,req where, 0 a l l t0 F f 1 2n2 = n 1 = n t0 t
2 2

(1 + nl ) 1

(t t0 ) (t < t0 )


2n2 (1 + nl ) 1

longitudinal and transversal dimension ratio of a stiener, = a/b

(see Fig.C10.4.4)
marginal longitudinal and transversal dimension ratio, 0 = transversal stiener interval (mm) cross-section area ratio of one transversal stiener, l = stiness ratio of transversal stieners, l =

4 1 + nl

b F plate thickness of stiener, t0 = 426f n specied value of material strength (N/mm2 ) coecient depending on stress gradient shown in (2)

Il bt3 /11

Al bt

4) The moment of inertia of the stieners cross section is obtained by the following rule: a) If a stiener is located on one edge of the plate to be reinforced, then it is the moment of inertia of the cross section with respect to the surface on the stiener side of the plate to be stiened. b) When stieners are located on both edges of the plate to be reinforced, then it is the moment of inertia of the cross section with respect to the neutral surface of the plate to be stiened.

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


Fig.C10.4.4 Longitudinal and transversal dimension ratio of stiener

10.4.2 Perforated plate The minimum plate thickness of the perforated plate that is subjected to a compressive stress is decided in consideration of the distance between welding lines, the width from welding line to the hole.

It is common to occasionally use structural members with perforations for operational purposes. In such a case, local buckling may occur if the perforated plate is too thin. [Japan Road Association, 2002] stipulates as follows in such cases. (1) The minimum plate thickness for perforated plates and the maximum distance between the inner weld line and the edge of a perforation is as shown in Table C10.4.2:
Table C10.4.2 Perforated plate
Steel type SS400, SM400, SMA400W SM490 SM400Y, SM520, SMA490W SM570, SMA570W Minimum plate thickness (mm) d/50 d/40 d/40 d/35 Maximum width between inner weld line and edge of perforation (mm) 13 t 11 t 11 t 10 t

Fig.C10.4.5 Perforated plate

where, t d e

thickness of perforated plate (mm) distance between inner welding lines (mm) maximum distance between inner weld line

to edge of perforation (mm)

(2) The length of perforation measured in the stress direction must be less than double the width of perforation. (3) The length of plate between two perforations measured in the stress direction must be greater than d. However, the distance from the rim of perforation at the edge and the edge of the perforated plate must be greater than 1.25d. (4) The radius of curvature of the rim of the perforation must be greater than 40 mm. Furthermore, in [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] it is stated that the minimum thickness of a perforated plate should be d/50 for a compression member and d/60 for a tension member based on experience.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

10.4.3 Inuence of eccentric bending moment The inuence of bend moment by eccentric is considered when angle steel, T steel etc is installed only in one side of the gusset plate.

A compression member comprising an angle or T section should ideally be checked according to Chapter 6 Necessary Capability and Checking for Safety as a member that is subject to bending and compression by calculating the eect of eccentricity on the bending moment. However, to check every member in this way would make calculation very complicated, so an abbreviated calculation may be used. The view of [Japan Road Association, 2002] as regards the abbreviated calculation is as follows. Design can follow Eq.(C10.4.8) when the compression member comprises an angle or T section whose ange is connected to the gusset plate, as in Fig.C10.4.6. P Ag cug where, P Ag l rx cug l/rx 0.5 + 1, 000 1.0 (C10.4.8)

axial compressive force (N) with safety factor already taken into consideration total cross-sectional area of member (mm2 ) eective buckling length (mm) radius of gyration of area (mm) around the axis passing through the gravity center of

a cross-section and parallel to the gusset surface (x-axis of Fig.C10.4.6)

compressive strength (N/mm2 ) as calculated using the following equation

using l/rx 1.0F ( 0.2) (1 . 109 0 .545)F (0.2 < 1.0) = 1 . 0 F (1.0 < ) (0.777 + 2 ) 1 F l E rx specied value of material strength (N/mm2 ) Youngs modulus of steel (N/mm2 )
slenderness ratio parameter =


where F E

Fig.C10.4.6 Compression member comprising angle or T section

10.4.4 Slenderness ratio of structural members The slenderness ratio of the compressive member is made to become below the maximum width - thickness ratio in which the characteristic of the structure is considered.

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General



Table C10.4.3 shows the maximum slenderness ratio of a compression member as stipulated by [AISC, 1978, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002, Japan Road Association, 2002, Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association, 1981, Deutscher Normenausschuss, 1990, BSI, 1980, and Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000].
Table C10.4.3 Maximum slenderness ratio of compression member Source Maximum allowed slenderness ratio 240 300 200 250 120 150 150 250 180 250 100 120 Comment principal member bracing, secondary member compression member compression member principal member secondary member secondary member compression member member subject to xed load member subject to wind primary compressive member primary compressive member

AISC Standards for Steel Structure Reference for Highway Bridge Standards for Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Technology DIN4114 BS5400 Standards for Railway Structure

10.5 Frame Members with Bending

10.5.1 Width-thickness ratio of plate subjected to compressive stress and stiened plate The maximum width-thickness ratio of plate that is subjected to a compressive stress and stiened plate is assumed to be the one decided in consideration of the steel class, the position of the plate.

This is in accordance with 10.4.1. 10.5.2 Eective section The bending rigidity in the case of calculating deection, statically indeterminate force etc is dened in term of the eective section corresponding to the eective width of anges.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. There is no need to consider bolt holes when looking at the cross-sectional performance of a member in structural analysis, but exural rigidity must be calculated by taking the eective width into consideration.

10.5.3 Overlapping ange In the cover plate which acts as ange made by overlapping steel plates, the detailed structure which is considered 1) welding propertystress ow, 2) stress distribution of girder, 3) fatigue, etc


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

is adopted.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. When the cover plate receives direct loading or if special attention to fatigue of the cover plate is required, the requirements outlined by [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2002] should be used. A cover plate used as a ange by superimposing a steel plate on it should, in principle, consist of one outer ange whose design is governed by the requirements given below. (Refer to Fig.C10.5.1.) 1) The thickness of the outer ange should be less than 1.5 times the thickness of the inner ange

Fig.C10.5.1 Thickness of outer Fig.C10.5.2 Welding details of the ends of

ange outer ange

2) The thickness of an outer ange used as a compressive ange should be greater than 1/24 of the outer anges width. 3) The thickness of an outer ange used as a tension ange should be greater than 1/32 of the anges width. 4) The length of the outer ange should be greater than the value obtained by adding 1 m to twice the depth (m) of the girder. 5) The total length between the ends of the outer ange shall be greater than the theoretical value by 30 cm, and greater than 1.5 times the width of the outer ange. 6) An outer ange used as a tension ange should be of length such that the stress in the ange calculated using the sectional area excluding the outer ange is less than 90% of the strength of the steel member, allowing for a safety factor. 7) The ends of the outer ange should be continuously llet welded with unequal leg length. Welding details are shown in Fig.C10.5.2.

10.5.4 Eective section for shear forces The eective section which bears shear forces is decided appropriately according to the section shape of the member.

The commentary of [Japan Road Association, 2002] assumes that the shear forces in a cross section caused by bending have a distribution that ows along the center line of each plate in the case of a thin-walled beam, thus exact values are given by the so-called shear ow theory. However, it is also stated that in the case of a general plate girder, the greater part of the shear forces caused by bending is withstood by web plates, and since little error from the above theory is expected even if one assumes

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


a uniform distribution in the web plates it may be possible to use the simple formula (shear forces caused by bending)/(total area of cross sections of web plates). The conclusion here is that, regarding whether to apply rigid shear ow theory or the simple method to calculate the eective section withstanding shear forces, an appropriate judgment is to be made by the engineer in charge according to the cross-sectional shape of the structural member.

10.6 Steel Pipes

10.6.1 Radial thickness ratio The maximum radius thickness of steel pipes is decided in consideration of local buckling. The strength of steel pipe members is given in 5.5 Steel Pipes Strength.

The strength characteristics of steel tubes are greatly aected by the diameter to wall-thickness ratio (D/t). Since local buckling easily occurs in structures with a relatively large D/t, such as steel piers and pipe arches, stieners and diaphragms are installed. Meanwhile, stieners are not normally used when using small steel tubes with relatively small D/t, such as in oshore jacket structures. The requirements for tubular steel structures in [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002 and Architectural Institute of Japan, 1980] are as follows. 23500 D t f where, D t f
nominal external diameter of steel tube (cm) tube thickness(cm) specied value of material strength (N/mm2 )


10.6.2 Stiened member The structure which can prevent a buckling or a local transformation caused by shearing and torsion is adopted in steel pipe members.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. In principle, ring-shaped stieners or diaphragms should be tted into steel tubes to prevent buckling due to shear and torsion, as well as local deformation. The requirements for stieners according to [Japan Road Association, 2002] are as follows. (1) Maximum spacing between reinforcement components: in principle, ring-shaped stieners or diaphragms should be tted into steel tubes with a maximum spacing of three times the outer diameter of the tube. However, when the tube is within R/t 30 this can be omitted. (2) Hardness of ring-stiener: the width and thickness of the ring-stieners jutted pillar must each satisfy Eq.(C10.6.2). b d + 70 20 b t 17



Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

where, b d t

width of ring-stieners jutted pillar (mm) thickness of ring-stiener (mm) outer diameter of steel tube (mm)

Fig.C10.6.1 Ring stiener

Fig.C10.6.2 Diaphragm

10.6.3 Node structure The node part and shoe parts at which the concentrated load works must be the structure which prevents a local transformation and transmits the stress smoothly.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. Although steel tubes are very resistant to axial compressive force and torsion, local deformation occurs when they are subjected to concentrated loading. Therefore, panel and bearing points should, in principle, be reinforced with ring stieners or diaphragms. In [Japan Road Association, 2002], the requirements regarding the degree of local deformation when a ring stiener is used are as follows. (1) The degree of deformation at a panel point must satisfy Eq.(C10.6.3). where, R R 500 (C10.6.3)

degree of deformation at panel point (mm) radius of steel tube (mm)

Fig.C10.6.3 Shape of ring stiener

(2) The degree of deformation at a panel point of a ring stiener must satisfy Eq.(C10.6.4). When using together with support When using only ring stiener where, P I E
operating load (N) Ring stieners moment of inertia of cross-section (mm2 ) Youngs modulus of the tube (N/mm2 )


P R3 0.045 EI



Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


(3) The steel tubes eective width, , when calculating the ring stieners moment of inertia of cross section should be according to Eq.(C10.6.5). = 0.78 Rt where, R t
steel tubes eective width (mm) thickness of steel tube (mm) eective width


Fig.C10.6.4 Eective width of steel tube

10.6.4 Curved tube When the curved tube is used, the safety against additional stress at the curved part and the local buckling must be determined.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. However, when a member is composed of a bent tube and the angle of the bend satises Eq.(C10.16), the tube can be regarded as a straight member in design. In Eq.(C10.6.6) the additional stress due to the bent member has been set as being less than 2% of the stress of the straight member = 0.04 where, d L Ra d L L Ra (C10.6.6)

angle of bend (radian). In the case of a circular arch, = diameter of steel tube (mm) length of straight member (mm) diameter of curvature of arch (mm)

Fig.C10.6.5 Bent tube


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

10.6.5 Steel pipe connections (1) The joint which connects steel pipes should be able to ensure the stress transmission, to prevent a local transformation, and to secure toughness. (2) When a steel pipe and a steel pipe are axially connected, the direct joint tted by the high tensile bolt or the welding is used. However, the demand performance shown in Chapter 11 The joint is satisfactory, ange joint is acceptable. (3) When a steel pipe is connected to a member with dierent member axis to each other, gusset joint and branching joint is used.

This is stipulated by reference to [Japan Road Association, 2002]. (1) Direct connections In principle, when tube sections are directly joined using high-strength bolts or rivets, the spacing between these high-strength bolts or rivets should be uniform around the circumference, with non-varying line intervals and pitches. Furthermore, the splitting of a restrainer plate should, in principle, be at less than four points.

Fig.C10.6.6 Example of 4-way splitting of a restrainer plate

Fig.C10.6.7 Flange connection

(2) Flange connections In principle, anges should be joined either with double ange connections or ribbed ange connections. When a rib-less ange connection is used, thorough verication of such possibilities as ange deformation must be carried out. (3) Gusset connections (a) When a gusset plate is attached to a main tube longitudinally, in principle either a through gusset should be used or the main tube should be reinforced with ribs (Fig.C10.6.8 (a) (b)). (b) When either a gusset is to be attached to the tube vertically or a stiener rib is to be tted at a panel point with no ring stiener, the attachment width should be such that the center angle of the steel tube is more than 120 (Fig.C10.6.8 (b) (c)). Furthermore, in instances such as that shown in Fig.C10.6.8 (c), the gusset plate should be reinforced with ribs as needed. Also, the end of the gusset plate on the side of a branch tube should be nished to a smooth surface after box welding (Fig.C10.6.8 (a)).

Chapter 10 Structural Members in General


(a) (b) (c) Fig.C10.6.8 Gusset connection

(4) Branch connections Branch connection of steel tubes shall meet the following requirements (Fig.C10.6.9) (a) The wall thickness of the main tube must be more than R/30 and, in principle, greater than the branch tubes wall thickness. (b) The outer diameter of the branch tube should be more than 1/3 of the main tubes outer diameter. (c) The angle between the two tubes should be more than 30 .

Fig.C10.6.9 Branch connection Fig.C10.6.10 branch connection with eccentricity

(d) There should be no eccentricity in the axis of either tube. However, if this is unavoidable because the branch tube is a secondary member, eccentricity of up to 1/4 in the direction of the branch tube is allowed (Fig.C10.6.10). (e) The ends of the branch tube should be cut using an automatic tube cutter.
References in Chapter 10 Architectural Institute of Japan(1973) Technical Guidelines for High Buildings. Architectural Institute of Japan(1975) Guidelines for Designing Plasticity of Steel Structure Architectural Institute of Japan(1980) Guidelines and Handbook for Designing and Constructing Steel Tube Structures Japan Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association(1981) Standards for Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Technology Japan Road Association(1991) Handbook for Wind Resistant Design of Road Bridges Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction(1994) Recommendations for Design and Construction of Unpainted Weather Resistant Bridges (drafted revision) Railway Technical Research Institute(2002) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume Architectural Institute of Japan(2002) Design Code for Steel Structure. AISC(1978) Specications for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

ASCE(1971) Plastic Design in Steel, ASCE M&R, No.41. BSI (1980) BS5400. Deutscher Normenausschuss(1990) DIN 18800-2.


Chapter 11 Joints

11.1 General
Joints shall be of a design that remains safe for all actions anticipated during erection and throughout the design working life.

Joints are one of the most important components of structures. They link structural members and structural elements together to build up a structure. Joints should be of a design that meet the various performance requirements specied in this code for all actions anticipated during erection and throughout the design working life of the structure, just as for the structural members and elements themselves. In particular, the performance requirements considered in the case of joints are those related to structural safety, such as load-carrying capacity and deformability, public safety, durability, and so on. One example of a public safety requirement is the dropping out of a high-strength bolt from underneath a bridge due to delayed fracture. Durability performance, such as fatigue/corrosion resistance, is also important for joints, but this is dealt with in detail in Chapter 8 deals. Accordingly, this chapter deals only with the safety of joints. In the case of road and rail bridges, joints are designed to have adequate strength for general actions. But where the forces are small, joints are designed to have a strength that is a multiple of that of the joined members, using a specic ratio such as 75%. This means that joints are specically designed with a strength and rigidity so as not to be weak points in the structure. These days, with developments in FE analysis and computer technology, research into semi-rigid connections is moving forward, focusing on the role of joints in providing seismic resistance. Consequently, it is expected that new types of joints reecting this work will come into use. Considering this, it is desirable that deformability should be added as a verication requirement for joint safety to complement load-carrying capacity.

11.2 Joint Safety Requirements

Requirements relating to the load-carrying capacity and deformation of joints shall be specied adequately so as to ensure the safety of the structure under the inuence of all actions anticipated during erection and throughout the design working life.

In specifying the requirements relating to joint load-carrying capacity and deformation, the function of the joint in the structure should be taken into account so as to ensure safety during erection and throughout the design working life. If the function of the joint is dierent in the structure, the requirements are properly dierent. If the joint does not need to undergo large deformation, a strength requirement for the rigidity of the joint, such as 75% of the strength of the joined members or 50% of the load-carrying capacity of the joined members, determined using characteristic material values might be substituted for deformation requirements so as to maintain a certain joint rigidity under earthquake/construction/accidental/secondary forces. It is important to keep a balance of rigidity throughout the whole structure.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

11.3 Verication of Joint Safety

The safety of joints shall be veried by means of the following methods to conrm that the requirements of 11.2 are met during erection and throughout the design working life. (1) Load-carrying capacity It must be conrmed that the resistance of joints is suciently greater than the actions applied during erection and throughout the design working life to ensure the required load carrying capacity. (2) Deformation Standard procedure is to conrm that joint deformation during erection and throughout the design working life under all anticipated actions is less than the deformation requirements in consideration of required deformation capacity and also suciently below the safe degree of deformation.

Joint safety should be veried by the partial factor method specied in 6.3 Verication for Safety. But verication using other methods may also be applicable if it is ensured that the method is suitable for verication. Some of the other methods available for verication are as follows: evaluation of the probability of exceeding the limit state; methods based on the reliability index; and methods based on experimental and analytical results. Generally, joints are designed in full consideration of the novelty of the connection method. This clause only species the principle of verication, so conventional verication methods might be adopted. However, it should be noted that conventional design methods for joints do not allow for large deformation of joint sections.

11.4 General Principles for Joints

11.4.1 Member joints Structural details of joints between members shall be designed so as to satisfy the following requirements. (1) Smooth transfer of load (2) Avoidance of eccentricity (3) Avoidance of undesirable stress concentration (4) Avoidance of undesirable residual stress and secondary stress

This clause indicates the principles of joint design in this code.

11.4.2 Mixed welded, high-strength bolted, and bolted connections Where there is a mix of welded, high-strength bolted, and bolted connections, the propriety of such joints shall be judged in consideration of the load-transfer mechanism.

Because the load-transfer mechanism becomes very complex when welded, high-strength bolted, and bolted connections are mixed, careful attention should be paid and clauses 11.1 to 11.3 should be

Chapter 11 Joints


followed in using such connections. The commentaries given in various Japanese design codes are summarized below. (1) Welded and high-strength bolted friction-type connections 1) Since the relationship between stress and strain at the connection point in a high-strength bolted friction-type joint is almost the same as that of the connected members, groove welding and a high-strength bolted friction-type connection can operate together to transfer the action force. Where a llet weld in the stress direction is mixed with a high-strength bolted friction-type connection, both connections can transfer the action force because the slip between splice plate and connected plate in the bolted connection is almost the same as that of the let weld. However, in cases where such a mixed connection is long, the edge gap becomes large and yielding can begin. In such cases, the stress distribution at the connection and the load-carrying capacity of the whole joint should be considered suciently. 2) The mixed usage of llet welding perpendicular to the stress direction and a high-strength bolted friction-type connection must not be used in principle, since there is not enough information about the load-transfer and deformation mechanisms of this combination. (2) Welded and high-strength bolted bearing-type connections Welded and high-strength bolted bearing-type connections must not be used together in principle, since in a bearing-type connection the load is transferred through shear deformation of the bolt, so the relationship between applied force and deformation of the bearing is signicantly dierent from that of the weld. (3) Welded and normal bolted connections Welded and normal bolted connection must not be used together in principle for the same reason that the combination of welded and high-strength bolted bearing-type connection is not allowed. That is, there is a great dierence in load-transfer mechanism between the weld and the bolted connection. This combination could be used, however, if the normal bolted connection does not transfer the action force in design. (4) High-strength bolted and normal bolted connections Where high-strength bolted and normal bolted connections are used together, the normal bolted connection cannot transfer the action force due to the dierence in load-transfer mechanism between the two connection types.

11.5 Welded Connections

11.5.1 Requirements (1) Welded connections that transfer load shall not be subject to failure under all actions anticipated during the design working life and should transfer forces securely and smoothly between members/elements. (2) Weldability shall be taken into consideration.


(1) This clause gives the requirements for welded connections to ensure that they do not fail under all actions anticipated during the design working life of the structure. Some damage might be found at welded connections that transfer load before they reach the design limit state with certain welding methods/ conditions. It is important to realize that welded connections must transfer the forces securely and continuously between members/elements and


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

should not fail until the design limit state. In general, to prevent failure at welded connections, the strength and elongation characteristics of the welding material used for the connection are superior to those of the connected material. However, the heating necessary to create a welded joint causes a heat-aected zone to form, where material properties may change; in particular, embrittlement and softening may occur. For this reason, the welding materials and the materials to be joined by welding, the connection type, and the welding method should be selected appropriately. A welded connection that transfers load should deform along the design deformation curve while securely and continuously transferring the load. In cases where a welded connection is designed for a nominal applied force, it should be noted that a local stress concentration might occur at the welded connection or the welded connection might be a weak point if the structure is subjected to abnormal applied forces such as in an earthquake or during construction due to its lower rigidity. In the design of steel bridge piers, it is now common that deformation capacity is provided for in order to secure earthquake resistance. In the case of a design which allows for plastic deformation of welded connections, the connections should be detailed appropriately to assure adequate fusion. Further, since the balance of strength between the welded materials and the weld itself is also very important, an examination by experiment and FE analysis should be carried out. Details are given in the Seismic Design section of this code. (2) Since the performance of a welded connection depends on the welding process, weldability must be taken into consideration. In order to ensure that welding is carried out appropriately, the connection details should be designed in consideration of ease of welding. For example, where there is a welded connection at the corner of a steel bridge pier, extremely thick steel plate has to be welded and it is dicult to locate defects. That is, the ease of weld quality control must be taken into consideration.

11.5.2 Safety verication of welded connections (1) The safety verication of welded connections that transfer load shall be conrmed such that their resistance exceeds all actions and does not fall far below the resistance of the weld material and the member itself. (2) Verication of weldability shall be conrmed through due consideration.


(1) The safety verication of load-transferring welded connections basically conforms with that for frame members ( and joints (11.3). In general, the strength of a welded connection is higher than that of the welded members and there are few cases of weld failure. However, embrittlement and softening are possible in the heat-aected zone, so it should be conrmed that materials are selected properly, an appropriate connection type is adopted, and that weldability is properly considered. For example, regarding embrittlement, it is important to: 1 select suitably tough materials to be welded and for the weld itself; and 2 check for appropriate heat input and interpass temperature. As for softening, it is important to: 1 consider the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the materials; 2 develop connection details with less constraint; and 3 prescribe a welding procedure taking into account welding strain. There is a great variety of welded connections; the safety of chosen methods should be examined through experiments and weldability tests. Full penetration groove welds, partial penetration groove welds, and continuous llet welds are used for welded connections that transfer load. Discontinuous llet welds suer from certain

Chapter 11 Joints


problems such as blow holes at weld beginnings and ends, weld cracking, stress concentrations at crater, and diculty in preventing rust. However, discontinuous let welding might be used in cases where it is conrmed that such problems can be solved. Plug welds and slot welds should not be used for welded connections that transfer load because it is dicult to ensure adequate melting and slug inclusion defects tend to occur. However, considering ability and welding strain, some penetration groove welding and llet welding is suitable. Verication examples using the partial factor design method are given below. 1) Safety verication of welded connections subject to axial force/shear force In the case of a full-penetration groove weld, as the strength can be assumed to be equal to that of the connected members, verication of the members subjected to axial force/shear force, as given in clause, is adequate verication of the welded connection. In the case of llet welds and partial-penetration welds subjected to axial force/shear force, the shear strength at the throat cross section should be used. i i where Psd , Vsd Prd , Vrd Psd Vsd 1.0 or i 1.0 Prd Vrd (C11.5.1)

structural factor design axial force and design shear force of the welded connection design axial resistance and design shear resitance (=


(aeective throat thickness of weld (leective weld length design strength of weld) design strength of the welded connection

ud b

a l)

2) Safety verication of welded connections subjected to bending moment In the case of a full-penetration groove weld, as the strength can be assumed to be equal to that of the connected members, verication of the members subjected to bending moment, as given in clause, is adequate verication of the welded connection. In the case of a llet weld, the expanded cross section at the throat, as shown in Fig.C11.5.1, should be used. Furthermore, in case of partial-penetration welds, the same verication as for llet welds can be used in practical design. i where i Msd Mrd ud I Yt
structural factor design bending moment of the welded connection

Msd 1.0 Mrd


I ud ) Yt b design strength of the welded connection moment of inertia at the neutral axis for expanded cross section for weld connection distance from neutral axis of expanded cross section for weld connection
design bending resistance (=

Where full-penetration groove welding is used for the ange plate and partial-penetration groove welding/llet welding is used for the web plate, the deformability and stress level at the groove weld connection are dierent from those at the partial-penetration groove weld/llet weld connection. Therefore, when full-penetration groove welding is used together with llet welding in this way, the llet weld should be disregarded in the bending moment verication.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(a) Fillet weld (b) expanded throat cross-section (c) example of throat cross section

Fig.C11.5.1 Fillet weld connection subjected to bending moment

3) Safety verication of welded connections subjected to axial force, bending moment, and shear force simultaneously In the case of a full-penetration groove weld connection, the resistance of the connection is assumed to be equal to that of the connected members, so the resistance of the connection is veried in accordance with clause of, which prescribes the combined stress verication when a member is subjected to bending moment and shear force simultaneously. In the case of a llet weld, resistance is veried by the shear strength of the throat cross section. The expression used for verication is equation 11.5.3 below. In this equation, the coecient =1.21( 1.12 ) for the combination of normal stress and shear stress is not taken into account because only the combination of shear stresses is veried. This equation may be applied also to partial penetration welds in practice.
2 i

Psd Msd + Prd Mrd

Vsd Vrd



where i structural factor The eective throat thickness and eective length for verication of welded may be taken as in 4) and 5) below. 4) Eective thickness 1 The eective thickness of a weld that transfers load should be the theoretical throat of weld. 2 The thickness of the theoretical throat of each type of welding connection is shown below. The theoretical throat of a full-penetration groove weld is the thickness of the connected members regardless of the bead nish (Fig.C11.5.2). When the thickness of the members is dierent, the thickness of the thinner member is taken as the theoretical throat thickness.

a : theoretical throat thickness

Fig.C11.5.2 Theoretical throat thickness of full-penetration groove weld

A partial-penetration weld should be designed so that tensile force is not applied perpendicular to the bead direction. The theoretical throat thickness that resists shear force is the depth of penetration, as shown in Fig.C11.5.3. The theoretical throat thickness of a llet weld is the distance from the base of the

Chapter 11 Joints


a : theoretical throat thickness

Fig.C11.5.3 Theoretical throat thickness of partial-penetration weld

the root of weld

(a) Equal leg llet weld (b) Unequal leg llet weld

Fig.C11.5.4 Theoretical throat thickness of llet weld

isosceles triangle to the root of the weld, as shown in Fig.C11.5.4. The theoretical throat thickness of a partial-penetration weld overlapped by a llet weld can be the same as the theoretical throat of the llet weld. The theoretical throat thicknesses of a partial-penetration weld is shown in Fig.C11.5.5. The eective throat thickness has been calculated for a standard groove [Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 1997]. In that case, the eective throat thickness was the value obtained by subtracting 3 mm from the theoretical throat for a groove with a small angle, except in the case of submerged arc welding (SAW). This idea was appropriate and gave a result on the side of prudence when it was specied in 1977; arc welding (SMAW) was a popular welding process at that time. However, shielding gas welding (GMAW), which requires more penetration than covered arc welding, is more common now. Consequently, it is necessary to reexamine the method of calculating eective throat thickness. The method of calculating eective throat thickness for shielding gas welding is shown in Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 1997. The calculation method given in table C11.5.1 might be applicable in this code taking into consideration of these latest research results.
Table C11.5.1 Calculation method for eective
throat thickness
D 2T (=4570) S=D(sec-1) Te=(Dseccos(/2))


45o 60o 60o 70o

Te-3mm Te

Te Te

GMAW solid wire Flux-cored solid wire wire Te Te-2mm Te Te-1mm

Fig.C11.5.5 Theoretical throat thickness of partial-penetration weld overlapped with a llet weld

5) The weld should have an eective length as shown in below. 1 The eective weld length should be equal to the theoretical throat thickness. If penetration is insucient because the cross section of the weld metal is imperfect at the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

weld start point, as shown in Fig.C11.5.6, it might not be possible to transfer the load correctly. Further, defects such as cracks in the crater at the weld end point easily occur. For this reason, these parts of the weld should be excluded from the determination of the eective length.
Effective length bead


Fig.C11.5.6 Eective length of weld


The eective length must be the projected length in the stress direction, as shown in Fig.C11.5.7, when the weld line is not perpendicular to the stress direction in the case of a full-penetration groove weld. Moreover, the weld end tab should be used for an important connection that transfer load. Load transfer is not clear when box welding is carried out with llet welds because the stress orientation changes at the corners. Additionally, it is dicult to eliminate the inuence of the start point of the weld/crater. Accordingly, these parts of the weld should be excluded from the determination of the eective length, as shown in Fig.C11.5.8.
Box weld

Effective length l = li sin a

end tab

Box weld

l = effective length

Fig.C11.5.7 Eective length of weld

Fig.C11.5.8 Eective length of weld

(2) Various restrictions on fabrication work, such as a need for eld welding, limited work space, and a limited range of welding positions, mean that a good weld may not be obtained. It is important to ensure a suitable secure fabrication environment while paying careful attention to working conditions. This attention to fabrication is necessary since cracking may occur where a welding takes place under restricted conditions. A great deal of caution is also needed where discontinuous llet welding is used for decorative laminates or metal form welding, since defects can easily arise. The means of weld quality assurance must be considered in advance.

11.5.3 Size of llet welds and geometry and dimensions of welded connections (1) The size and minimum eective length of each llet weld shall exceed each the required design value in every case. The size of a llet weld, taken as the heat-aected zone, shall be minimized.

Chapter 11 Joints


(2) The geometry and dimensions of welded connections shall be designed in consideration of smooth load transfer, avoidance of undesirable secondary stress and deformation, and fatigue.


(1) This clause is specied by reference to the Specications for Highway Bridges II 6.2 [Japan Road Association, 2002]. At the design stage, llet welds must be of at least the required size to ensure that undesirable cracks do not occur. The weld size (shown as S in Fig.C11.5.9(a)) is not necessarily the length to the end of weld metal. In Fig.C11.5.9(b), size S is shown for a case where the shape of the weld is not an isosceles triangle.

S : size a : throat thickness c : excessive convexity

Leg length

Leg length

(a) Equal leg llet weld (b) Unequal leg llet weld

Fig.C11.5.9 Fillet weld size

The standard size of llet weld, S, is that which satises Eq.(C11.5.4) and is also greater than 6mm. The upper limit of weld size as calculated by Eq.(C11.5.4) is 8mm. For welds of this size, appropriate preheating is necessary if steel with a PCM (the weld cracking parameter) exceeding 0.24 is used or if covered arc welding is used.

t1 > S where S t1 t2




size(mm) thickness of thinner plate(mm) thickness of thicker plate(mm)

Oversized welds needlessly increase strain and broaden the area of material whose structure

is changed by welding. On the other hand, welds that are too small tend to crack as a result of rapid cooling. This is the reason for these minimum and maximum values of standard weld size being specied. These standard values are the same as those in the Specications for Steel Highway Bridges, 1956 as well as in the current specications for highway bridges. In this code, the upper bound of llet size up to 8mm is added. For instance, 10mm is the upper bound in the design standards for steel structures [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2004] as the standard for steel buildings, while 8mm is the upper bound in AASHTO, 1994 as the standard for steel bridges in the USA when the plate thickness exceeds 20mm. According to Minami, et al 2005, 1 modern steel materials rarely crack as a result of rapid cooling even if S 2t is not satised, since PCM is low and the content of diusible hydrogen (that aects crack occurrence) is low in the case of submerged arc welding or shielding gas welding; 2 the welding of extremely thick plate of small area raises the maximum value of Vickers hardness locally, though if the llet size is 8mm, the defect might be removed; and 3 weld cracking might occur if steel with a PCM exceeding 0.24 is welded using covered arc welding in which diusible hydrogen is high. The value in this code is specied in consideration of these ndings.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

As a remarkable point in design, Until now, the shear strength requirement dictated llet

welds of 6mm or less for the web plate and ange plate of a girder bridge. A stress verication of llet welding was sometimes omitted. However, it is now necessary for the llet weld size to be veried for shear stress, if necessary, because the section details are dierent. The minimum eective length of a llet weld should be the length that can be properly welded without undesirable cracking. Cracking occurs easily due to quick cooling if the heat capacity of the weld is less than that of the surrounding material. In general, a weld should be at least 10 times the llet size, or more than 80mm and more. If welded connections are designed only by considering the forces applied, stress might concentrate locally even if the calculated overall stress of the connections is low. Since the stiness of the welded connection will decrease signicantly in this case, the connection might form the weak point of the structure with respect to secondary stress when the applied force is below the strength of the connected members. In such cases, careful consideration is necessary. (2) Structural details of the standard butt joint, lap joint, and T-joint, which are typical connection types used in steel and composite structures, are described in below: 1) Butt joint Where a butt joint connects members with dierent cross sections along the principal direction, such as at main girder connections, the cross section should be adjusted appropriately so as to ensure the equal transfer welding heat and reduce stress concentrations as much as possible. According to Specications for Highway Bridges II 6.2.10 [Japan Road Association, 2002], there should be an inclination of 1/5 or less in the length direction.

Fig.C11.5.10 Butt joint of primary members with dierent cross sections

2) Lap joint 1 In the case of a lap joint that transfers load, undesirable stress concentration and secondary stress must be avoided. 2 A front llet weld or one/two sided llet weld should be used because a bending moment acts on the bead and stress concentrations would readily occur if a single llet weld were used. 3 A lap joint with a small lap deforms quite easily because it has less resistance to eccentric loading. The lapped amount should be ve or more times the thickness of the thin plates, since rupture strength falls with secondary stress. 4 The specication in a case where a side llet weld only is used for a lap joint subjected to axial force at the member end is given as follows: Distance of weld line shall be less than 16 times of the thickness of the thinner plate in principle. However, if it is subjected to only tensile force, the value is 20 times. If this value is exceeded, special measures to prevent the plate lifting need to be implemented. This is achieved by specifying the maximum bolt spacing, the aim of which is to prevent local buckling or plate lifting and to smooth load transfer. Length of side llet weld should be greater than the distance between weld lines to

Chapter 11 Joints


smooth load transfer.

l > 5t l : Lap length t : thickness of thinner plate

l > b b < 16t (or 20t) l : Lap length t : thickness of thinner plate

Fig.C11.5.11 Lap joint by llet welding

3) T-joint 1 In the case of a one-sided llet weld or partial-penetration groove weld at a T-joint subjected to external force, the stress concentrates at the root of the weld, which is one of the weak points of a llet weld, and resistance to deformation is low. Therefore, this type of weld may be used only if the connection has a structure that resists deformation in the horizontal direction, such as where sections of the chord member in a truss structure are joined. However, both sides of the T-joint must be welded in the case of a single T-joint. The standard of eective length of a llet weld for primary members is more than ten times the llet size. 2 Where the angle of a T-joint is less than 60 , adequate llet weld penetration at the root cannot be achieved. Further, where the angle of a T-joint is greater than 120 , the weld volume increases so as to satisfy the required throat size. In such cases, full-penetration groove welding should be used in principle.

Fig.C11.5.12 T-joint

Fig.C11.5.13 T-joint with angle under 60 above 120

11.6 High-Strength Bolted Connections

11.6.1 Requirements for safety of high-strength bolted connections The requirements for the safety of high-strength bolted connections shall be specied such that the requirements given in 11.2 are satised.

(1) High-strength bolted connections fall into three categories according to their load-transfer mechanism: 1) friction type, 2) bearing type, and 3) T=tension type. A friction-type bolted connection is one which transfers the load by the frictional force between


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

two plates tightened together with high-strength bolts. A bearing-type bolted connection is one which transfers the load by the bearing force between the bolt hole and the bolt shank, using the shear resistance of the bolt. This is the same load-transfer mechanism as in a riveted connection. The performance of a bearing-type connection can be improved by tightening the bolt. A tensiontype bolted connection is one which transfers the load by reducing the contact stress between two plates tightened together with bolts. A short tension-type connection uses normal high-strength bolts while a long tension-type connection consists of long high-strength bolts or PC rods and rib plates. (2) Friction-type connections should be designed so as to be safe against slip at the connection and against yielding of the connected plates. Where a gap is found between the two plates, a ller plate must be tted in principle, following clause 11.7.7 in order to avoid reduced slip resistance Bearing-type connections should be designed so as to be safe against shearing and corrosion. of the bolt shank and yielding of the bolt and the plates. In recent years, however, bearing-type bolted connections are generally used only as a means of strengthening members with fatigue cracks and there is little application of this connection type in road bridges. Further research and more application examples are needed before bearing-type bolted connections can be used more widely. This code species a draft bolt as the standard bolt for bearing-type bolted connections. There are many problems in using this type of connection, including constructability, plate defects caused by bolt installation, correction work after fabrication, drill design, and so on. Bearing-type bolted connections must be used only after considerable eort to understand the load-transfer mechanism, constructability, and suitability with regard to the surrounding environment. Tension-type bolted connections should be designed so as to be safe against bolt failure and yielding of the connected plates. At the design stage, in particular, it should be noted that axial force, joint rigidity, and stress occurring at the connection are inuenced greatly by joint details and by any strengthening of the connected portions. Since this type of connection makes use of the contact stress between two plates, as with the friction-type connection, bolt axial forces and ange plate atness should be considered. Examples of the application of this type connection are connections of anchor frames, sole plates for shoes, corner connections in steel rigid-frame piers, and connections between main and lateral girders. (3) High-strength bolted connections should not be used for connections that might be submerged, in principal, because of the danger of reduced slip coecient, bolt corrosion, and delayed fracture of the bolt. However, such connections might be used after conrming that submergence will not cause these conditions and that the safety of the joints is maintained. Further, special consideration of bolt corrosion is required for these connections whether or not they are submerged. (4) In any of these connections, the connection location, constructability, and the surface state of the connected members must be checked to ensure that the required performance of the connection is satised.

11.6.2 Safety verication of high-strength bolted connections The safety of high-strength bolted connections shall be veried in accordance with 11.3.


The safety of high-strength bolted connections should be veried with respect to load-carrying capacity and deformability in accordance with 11.3. The verication of load-carrying capacity should basically conrm that it exceeds the corresponding force resulting from the action, taking into consideration the load-transfer mechanisms of friction-type,

Chapter 11 Joints


bearing-type and tension-type bolted connections, respectively. However, the method of verication given below may be used under the presupposition of the structural details given in 11.7. An example of the verication equations for load-carrying capacity using the partial factors specied in the Design Standard for Railway Structures is given here. 1) Verication of slip resistance of friction-type connections

Verication for connections subjected to axial force/shear force should be carried out using the following equation. a b i a where b i Ps Pu n m Pa m Ps 1.0 Pu (C11.6.1)

structural analysis factor structural member factor importance factor applied force for bolts in row i slip resistance of bolts in row i (Pu = nm number of bolts used for the shear plate number of friction surfaces characteristic value of slip resistance of bolt per slip surface

Pa ) m

(Table C11.6.2)
material factor

Fig.C11.6.1 Numer of bolt


Verication for connections subjected to shear force/bending moment should be done using the following equations. a b i Pi 1.0 Pu Pi Pui

(C11.6.2) + Vs Vu

(a b i )2



where a b i Pi Pu i ni m

structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor applied force for bolts in row i (Fig.C11.6.2) slip resistance of bolts in row i (Pu = ni m number of bolts in row i (Fig.C11.6.2) number of friction surfaces

Pa ) m


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Pa Vs Vu n m

characteristic value of slip resistance of bolt per slip surface

(Table C11.6.2)
shear force applied to the connection shear slip resistance (Vu = nm

Pa ) m number of bolts used for the shear plate material factor

[1st row bolts]

g b1 = g 0 + 1 2 + P1 = 0 1 b1t

[ ith row bolts]

g 1 + g


whre, t : plate thickness 0 : smaller of applied stress or 50 % of design strength

Fig.C11.6.2 Web joint (subjected to moment and shear)


Verication for horizontal joints of anges/webs in the bridge axial direction should be carried out using the equation below. This equation is good for the case of horizontal connections between web plates subjected to shear force with bending moment. However, in this case the eect of the torsional moment should be considered. a b i where a b i Ps Vs Q I p Pu n m Pa m Ps 1.0 Pu (C11.6.4)

structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor force applied to the connection (Ps = shear force applied to the connection moment of inertia of the girder pitch of bolts

Vs Q p) I

geometrical moment of the outside section from joint line

Pa ) m number of bolts in the transverse direction of the joint line number of friction surfaces characteristic value of slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface (Table C11.6.2) material factor
slip resistance of the joint (Pu = nm

Chapter 11 Joints


In the case of connections for a girder with a wide steel deck (as shown in Fig.C11.6.3(b)),

this equation is used if the steel deck and ange are connected in the bridge axial direction.

(a) Geometrical moment of I-shaped girder (b) Girder with steel deck

Figure.C11.6.3 Examples of joints in bridge axial direction


Verication by total slip resistance method for friction joints subjected to bending moment In the design method shown in subsections 1 and 2 , connections between anges and web plates are individually designed for bending moment. However, in the case of connections of I-shaped girders subjected to bending moment, for example, the ange and web together resist the bending moment. Therefore, in Recommendation on Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Friction-type High-strength Bolted Connections (draft) [Japanese society of civil engineers, 2006], consistency between the design method and actual behavior is ensured and the total slip resistance method is recommended. That verication method is described below. Still, here, the reduction in slip resistance due to such circumstances as the presence of a gap between the slip surfaces can be considered by using a correction factor, 1 . In the verication for slip of all friction-type connections subjected to bending moment, it must be conrmed that the slip resistance (bending moment) is larger than the applied bending moment. Considering the combined action of the ange and web plate by applying the total slip resistance method, the slip resistance (bending moment) MSL is calculated as follows. MSL = (3 1 i i ) (C11.6.5) (C11.6.6)

i = s m n where i

distance to centroid of the position of the i line of bolts from the

i s m n 1 3

neutral axis (distance to the plate thickness center, in the case of a ange) slip resistance of bolts in row i slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface (Table C11.6.2) number of friction surfaces number of bolts in each row correction factor for slip resistance correction factor for slip resistance (bending moment) (for ange: 1.0; for web: 0.8)

2) Safety verication of bearing connections The bearing resistance of butt joints or lap joints subjected to tension, compression, or shear force is veried on the basis of Eq.(C11.6.1).


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

The resistance of high-strength bolts used in bearing connections may be lower than the

shear resistance or bearing resistance of the bolts as calculated based on their diameter. And the eective bearing area of a bolt is determined as the product of its nominal diameter and the thickness of the steel plates used. However, in calculating the eective bearing area of a at-head bolt, half of the depth in the head may also be eective. (Fig.C11.6.4).

Fig.C11.6.4 Eective bearing area of at-head bolt

a b i where a b i Ps Pu n m m Pa
structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor

Ps 1.0 Pu


force applied to the connection slip resistance of the joint (Pu = n m number of bolts number of joint surfaces material factor

Pa ) m

characteristic value of resistance of a bolt as follows: the smaller of the shear resistance Psa = a As or the bearing resistance Pba = b Ab

a b As Ab

characteristic value of shear resistance of a bolt (Table C11.6.3) characteristic value of bearing resistance of a bolt (Table C11.6.4) cross-sectional area of bolt shank eective bearing area of bolt shank (product of thickness of plate and bolt nominal diameter)

3) Safety verication of tension-type bolted connections Tension-type bolted connections, which transfer the load in the bolt axial direction using the strength of the bolts, appear very useful. When using this type of joint, the resistance of the bolts, the tightening force, the rigidity of the connection, and the stress state must be suciently considered. In some current standards, tension-type bolted connections are forbidden, in principle, for connections where there is fatigue action. The safety verication method for tension-type bolted connections and the application examples shown in Fig.C11.6.5 are taken from Specications for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002] and Design Standard for Railway Structures (Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2002]. Additionally, Recommendation for Design of High-Strength Tensile Bolted Connections for Steel Bridges [Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 2004] can be referred to as the latest design

Chapter 11 Joints


standard for bridge structures. The safety verication of tension-type bolted connections using the partial factor method is described below.

Fig.C11.6.5 Examples of tension-type connections

Verication of tensile-type connections subjected to tensile force should be carried out using the following equation. a b i where a b i Pt Rt Pt + Rt 1.0 Pu (C11.6.8)

structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor tensile force applied to the connection prying force caused by bending of T-ange, which is calculated considering the thickness of the T-ange, the arrangement of bolts, and the dimensions of each part of connection

Pu n Pta m

resistance of the connection (Pu = n material factor

Pta ) m

characteristic value of resistance of bolt (Table C11.6.5) material factor

However, in case of a long connection, the prying force can be ignored, because the rib plates reduce the local deformation of the connection and the contact stress is concentrated in the center of the connected member. Verication for shear force of tensile-type connections subjected to tensile force and shear force simultaneously should be carried out using the following equation.

a b i where a b i V Vu

V 1.0 Vu


structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor shear force applied to the connection shear resistance of the connection

nPa nPn Pt ) m nPa number of bolts (Vu =


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Pa Pn Pt m

characteristic value of slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface

(Table C11.6.2)
pre-tension force introduced to bolt tensile force applied to the connection material factor

4) Verication at yield state of friction-type connections and bearing-type connections Connected plates and splices where friction-type connections and bearing-type connections are used can be veried at the yield state using the following equation. a b i where a b i Ps Pu Ps 1.0 Pu (C11.6.10)

structural analysis factor structural member factor structural factor force applied to the connected plates/splice yield strength of the connected plates/splice

In Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2006, the yield strength of connected plates and splices is recommended to be calculated dierently according to whether tensile force or compressive force is acting. In particular, when tensile force acts on the connection, friction is assumed to transmit part of the applied force through use of a yield resistance correction factor. The following are the methods recommended in Japan Society of [Civil Engineers, 2006]. (i) Yield strength of friction-type connections subjected to tensile force Pty

Pty = 2 Pyn where Pyn


the smaller of the yield strength of the connected plates or spliced

components based on net sectional area.

2 correction factor for yield strength (2 = 1.1) Yield strength Pty should be smaller than the yield strength of the gross section. (ii) Yield strength of friction-type connections subjected to compression force Pcy Pcy = 2 Pyg where Pyg 2 (C11.6.12)

the smaller of the yield strength of the connected plates or spliced

components based on gross sectional area. correction factor for yield strength (2 = 1.0)

11.6.3 Design characteristic values for verication of connection safety Design characteristic values for the verication of connection safety shall be specied appropriately in consideration of the load-transfer mechanism and the verication method used.

Design characteristic values may be specied as follows based on past experience and examples. However, the design characteristic values as follows shall be specied the requirements given in Table C11.6.4. (1) Design characteristic values for the slip resistance of friction-type bolted connections The design characteristic values for the slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface, Pa , are obtained

Chapter 11 Joints


using the following equations.

Pa = N N = y Abe

(C11.6.13) (C11.6.14)

where N y Abe

slip coecient design axial force on bolt yield strength of bolt specied in JIS B 1186 ratio of yield strength eective cross-sectional area of bolt specied in JIS B 1186

The slip coecient and design axial force are important in calculating the slip resistance. The

slip coecient, , is specied as a uniform value of 0.40 in [Japan Road Association, 2002] as well as in the Design Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel/Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. In [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2006], the recommended value of slip coecient depends on conditions at the joint surfaces, as shown in Table 11.6.1. This is based on design specications in other countries and in the eld of architecture, as well as past experience. Thus, slip coecient may be decided according to conditions at the joint surface. This guideline (draft) gives the standard testing method for obtaining the slip coecient.
Table C11.6.1 Recommended slip coecients for various conditions at the joint surface
Conditions at joint surface Ideally rusted surface Ideally rusted surface obtained with chemicals 0.55 0.45 Slip coecient Comments Unpainted clean mill scale with ideal amount of rust Ideal amount of rust obtained using chemicals

Rough surfaces

0.25 0.35(indenite roughness) 0.40(10 m> Ra 5m) 0.45(Ra 10m) 0.40(paint thickness 65m) 0.50(paint thickness 65m) Decide after conrming the performance of connections by conducting slip test

Rough rust-free surface formed with disk grinder Rust-free blast-cleaned surface obtained by shot/grit blasting

Inorganic zinc-rich paint Organic zinc-rich paint Hot-dip galvanized Metallic spray Surface roughened by mechanical processing

Standard of paint thickness must be 150m Content of dry zinc in paint must be more than 80% Shown as tentative slip coecient in the guidelines on Design Standards for Steel Structures (Steel Bridges) [Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 2004]

Standards for ratio of yield strength y in Eq.(C11.6.14) are 0.85 and 0.75, for F8T and for F10T bolts, respectively, in [Japan Road Association, 2002], and [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. The slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface, Pa , in the case that the slip coecient is 0.40 is given in Table 11.6.2.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C11.6.2 Slip resistance of a bolt per slip surface, Pa (kN)

Grade of high-strength bolt Nominal diameter M16 M20 M22 M24 M16 M20 M22 M24 y (N/mm2 ) Abe (mm2 ) 157 245 303 353 157 245 303 353 N (N ) 85,410 133,280 164,840 192,040 105,980 165,380 204,800 238,280 Pa * = 0 .4 34 53 66 77 42 66 82 95




F10T S10T



It is known that the slip resistance depends on the clearance and shape of the bolt holes as well

as on the number of bolt rows. The recommendations of JSCE[Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2006], proposes that the slip resistance be corrected according to the following: Clearance Filler plates Oversized bolt hole Multiple arrangement of high-strength bolts Slip/yield resistance ratio ( ) Moreover, [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], gives an equation for reducing the slip resistance for parts subjected to tensile force. It also requires that care is taken with respect to local buckling of the plates. (2) Characteristic values of shear strength and bearing strength for high-strength bolted connections of bearing type The characteristic values of bolt shear strength and bearing strength of the connected plates are specied as follows in [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. In the commentary accompanying the design standard for buildings published in 1983, the shear strength of a high-strength bolt is specied as 1/ 3 times its tensile strength, as for allowable stress, and the safety factor is calculated as 1.6 against the lower limit of yield resistance y and 3.0 against the lower limit of yield tensile strength B . In [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], the resistance is specied as 1.6 times the allowable stress mentioned above. The Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary(II Steel Bridges) [Japan Road Association, 2002] is based on same concept except that the safety factor against yield strength is 1.7 for allowable shear strength. The characteristic value of shear strength of high-strength bolts for bearing-type connections is summarized in Table C11.6.3. The characteristic value of bearing strength should be 1.5 times the standard yield strength as well as structural steel as shown in Table C11.6.4. However when this value is greater than the tensile strength, the tensile strength should be taken as the upper limit.
Table C11.6.3 Characteristic values of shear strength of high-strength bolts for bearing-type connections, u (N/mm2 )
Grade of high-strength bolt Yield stress or ultimate stress y Tensile strength B
y 1 1.6 3 1 B 3 3

u =

1 B 3 3

1 .6

B6T 480 600 173 116 B8T 640 800 231 154 B10T 900 1,000 325 192 *Reference value is based on [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]

185 245 305*reference value

Chapter 11 Joints


Table C11.6.4 Characteristic values of bearing strength of high-strength bolts for bearing-type connections, b (N/mm2 )
Material Bearing strength SS400 SM400 SMA400 360 SM490 480 SM490Y SM520 SMA490 520 SM570 SMA570 570

(3) Characteristic values of tensile yield strength of high-strength bolts for tension-type connections The characteristic value of tensile yield strength of high-strength bolts for tension-type connections is specied as follows in [Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 2004], and [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. By = y Abe
Table C11.6.5 Characteristic value of tensile yield strength of high-strength bolts for tension-type connections, By (kN)
Grade of high-strength bolt Nominal diameter M16 M20 M22 M24 M20 M22 M24 Abe (mm2 ) 157 245 303 353 245 303 353 y (N/mm2 )


By (kN) 141 221 273 318 221 273 318





(4) Characteristic values of strength of normal bolts The allowable stress for normal bolts as specied in JIS B 1051 is given as follows in [Japan Road Association, 2002]. The strength of a grade 4.6 bolt is assumed to have strength characteristics equal to those of an SS400 nish bolt. For grade 8.8 and grade 10.8 bolts, the safety factor for standard yield strength is set high, the allowable shear strength is specied as 1/ 3 times the tensile strength, and the allowable bearing strength is specied as 1.5 times the tensile strength, because the yield ratio (y /B ) is high. [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], also species the strength of normal bolts similarly. The characteristic values of strength of normal bolts are summarized in Table C11.6.6.
Table C11.6.6 Characteristic values of strength of normal bolts (N/mm2 )
Grade as classied by JIS B 1051 Yield point or ultimate stress y (N/mm2 )) Tensile strength B (N/mm2 ) Shear strength y / 3 Bearing strength y 1.5 360 (990) (1,410)

4.6 240 400 140 8.8 660 830 (380) 10.9 940 1,040 (540) * strength values in ( ) are based on [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000].

(5) Characteristic values of strength of pin and anchor bolts in concrete The allowable stress of pins, as summarized in Table C11.6.7, is determined as 1.6 times the allowable stress, which is the value specied in the Design Standard and Commentary for Structures published in Japanese National Railways age, 1983, taking into consideration the convenience of the design given in [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. Moreover, the characteristic value of shear strength of an anchor bolt in concrete should be taken as 70% of the shear strength of the pin, considering uncertainties in construction. The allowable stress of pins and anchor bolts in concrete is determined by the same approach in [Japan Road Association, 2002].


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C11.6.7 Characteristic values of strength of pins and anchor bolts (N/mm2 )
Type of strength value Shear strength Pin Bending strength Bearing strength Anchor bolt Shear strength SS400 170

S30CN 190

S35CN 225

240 465 250 155










* Upper and lower values in ( ) are those calculated by [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], and [Japan Road Association, 2002], respectively.

11.7 Structural Details of High-Strength Bolted Connections

11.7.1 Bolts, nuts, and washers (1) Friction-type connections Properties of bolt, nut, and washer materials used for friction-type connections shall comply with those specied in JIS B 1186 (Japanese Industrial Standards). Further, bolts, nuts, and washers shall have sucient resistance to delayed fracture. Appropriate axial force shall be applied at installation and the force shall not decrease signicantly during the service life. (2) Bearing-type connections Standards for bolts, nuts, and washers used for bearing-type connections shall be as specied in JSS II 01-1981 (Japanese Society of Steel Construction Standards). (3) Tension-type connections Properties of the bolt material used for tension-type connections shall comply with those specied in JIS B 1186 (Japanese Industrial Standards). Further, bolts shall have sucient resistance to delayed fracture. The appropriate axial force shall be applied at installation and the force shall not decrease signicantly during the service life.

(1) The delayed-fracture characteristics should be considered as well as the mechanical characteristics specied in JIS B 1186. In particular, attention should be paid to tightening the bolts by the yield strength tightening method, in which bolt axial force exceeds the yield strength. Refer to article 6.3.2 of Specications for Highway Bridges o Commentary [Japan Road Association, 2002] for the chemical properties of bolts in consideration of their delayed-fracture characteristics. Further, the standard torque coecient for bolt sets should conform to Table C11.7.1. In [Japan Road Association, 2002], and [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], the standard bolts used for friction-type connections are M16, M20, M22, and M24 in the rst and the second category as given in JIS B 1186. In these specications, the standard torshear bolts used for friction-type connections are the same as in JSS II09-1996. Other bolts, i.e. hot-dip galvanized bolts, rust-proof bolts, weathering steel bolts, re-proof bolts, ultra high strength bolts, stainless steel bolts, or large-diameter bolts, can be used after conrming that article (1) is satised. Large diameter bolts over M24 can be used with reference to [Japanese society of civil engineers, 2006]. (2) High-strength bolts for friction-type connections and injection bolts may be used for bearing-type

Chapter 11 Joints


connections. Because there is a clearance between the bolt hole and the bolt axis, the connection may slip before bearing. For this reason, injection bolts should be used in principle, because it is considered that such deformation is not desirable. (3) Tension-type connections transfer the load through the contact force obtained by introducing a high axial force into high-strength bolts as in friction-type connections. The requirements for high-strength bolts used in tension-type connections are basically the same as those for frictiontype connections. [Steel Construction of Japan, 2004], species standard high-strength bolts for tension-type connections in consideration of actual usage as follows. The standard high-strength bolt for short connection types should be a high-strength bolt for friction-type connections. However, since this type of connection is required to operate very eectively, high-strength bolts of the rst category (as given in JIS B 1186) should not be used. When torshear-type high-strength bolts are used for short connection types, a washer should be used under the bolt head in principle. Steel rod with material properties equivalent to those of standard high-strength bolts can be used in place of high-strength bolts for long connection types, since standard high-strength bolts cannot be expected to be available in these lengths. When threads are cut at the ends of a carbon alloy steel rod for use in a long connection, the strength grade of the rod is less than 10.9 taking When account of delayed fracture/fatigue. The shape of the threads must also be considered. the same examination is carried out, design guidelines 3.2 or 3.4 of [Steel Construction of Japan, 2004] could be referenced.
Table C11.7.1 Torque coecients for set of high-strength bolts Average torque coecient in shipment of one lot Coecient of variance of torque coecient in shipment of one lot. Variation by temperature in shipment of one lot 0.1100.160 Less than 5% Less than 5% of average of torque coecient in shipment for a temperature change of 20

11.7.2 Holes for bolts The size of holes for bolts shall be determined in consideration of the corresponding load-transfer mechanism for the connection type as well as workability.

(1) In friction-type and tension-type connections, the size of the bolt holes must be determined such that the required bolt axial force is secured, because these connections transfer the load through the contact force resulting from the introduced bolt axial force. The standard size of bolt holes for friction/tension-type connections is the value obtained by adding 2.5mm to the nominal diameter of the bolt. It is necessary to consider that slip resistance will decrease if the hole is oversized or if an elongated hole is used for reasons of workability. The maximum allowable hole sizes and their inuences on slip resistance can be found in [Japanese society of civil engineers, 2006]. The design size of the hole is the value obtained by subtracting 3mm from the nominal diameter for the net sectional area of a friction-type connection. However, where the nominal diameter is16mm, 2mm should be subtracted from the nominal diameter. (2) Regarding bearing-type connections, it is desirable that there is no clearance between the bolt


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

shank and the bolt hole, because load is transferred by the shear resistance of the shank and the bearing between the shank and the wall of the bolt hole. The standard size of the bolt hole for bearing-type connections is the value obtained by adding 1.5mm to the nominal diameter.

11.7.3 Bolt length (1) Bolts must be long enough to deliver rm contact force between the contact surfaces. (2) Bolt threads in bearing connections shall not extend into the shear plane.

For bolt lengths, refer to the design data book [Japanese Association of Bridge Construction, 2006], or similar sources. (1) The following requirements should be satised in order to ensure secure tightening of bolts. 1) Bolt threads should be visible at the plane of the nut end after tightening. 2) There should be no incomplete thread turns within the nut after tightening. (2) The bolt length for bearing-type connections must satisfy the requirements given in this clause.

11.7.4 Bolt spacing The minimum bolt spacing shall be larger than the spacing required to allow tightening. The maximum spacing should not exceed the local buckling and corrosion-prevention requirements.

(1) If the bolt spacing is too small, the work of tightening the bolts becomes impossible or the plates being connected might be damaged by tightening. On the other hand, if the bolt spacing is too large, corrosion/local bucking might occur due to the reduced plate contact. Therefore, the spacing must be carefully considered. (2) The minimum bolt spacing should follow the standard given in Table C11.7.2 considering the workability of bolt tightening and past experience. However, it might be possible to reduce the spacing to 3 times the bolt diameter. The minimum bolt spacing in Eurocode [CEN, 1993], Building Standards of Construction and Water Gate Steel Pipe Technical Standard [Water Gate Steel Pipe Association 2001] is 2.5 times the bolt diameter as the lower limit.
Table C11.7.2 Minimum bolt spacing (mm)
Nominal diameter of bolt Minimum spacing (mm) M30 105 M27 95 M24 85 M22 75 M20 65 M16 55 Note) The minimum spacing for M27 and M30 bolts is determined by referring to the Design Standard for Superstructure [Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority, 1995]

(3) The maximum bolt spacing in the grid arrangement should, as standard, be the smaller value given in Table C11.7.3 in consideration of local buckling between bolts, contact between connected plates, and practical experience. The maximum bolt spacing in the struggle arrangement can be twice that in the grid arrangement in consideration of the xing eect of the bolt which is located at the bolt line. (4) The maximum bolt spacing for matching of tension members should, as standard, be a value that

Chapter 11 Joints


Table C11.7.3 Maximum bolt spacing (mm)

Nominal bolt diameter Maximum bolt spacing p g 24t and under 300

M30 210 M27 190 12t M24 170 12t 15t 3/8g and under 12t M22 150 (struggle arrangement) M20 130 M16 110 Where, t: plate thickness of outside plate or shaped steel (mm) pbolt spacing along the stress direction (mm) gbolt spacing perpendicular to stress direction (mm)


does not exceed 300mm following the specication for the direction perpendicular to the stress.

11.7.5 End and edge distance The minimum distance from the end or edge of a member to the centre of a bolt hole shall be larger than the value required to ensure that there is no end or edge failure because of tearing prior to bolt failure. The maximum distance from the end or edge of a member to the centre of a bolt hole shall not exceed the corrosion prevention requirements.

(1) The distance between the centre of a bolt hole and the edge/end of the plate must be specied such that the plate does not fail at the edge/end. If this distance is too short, failure of the plate might occur at the edge/end; on the other hand, if this distance is too great, contact between connected plates is not good and corrosion might occur because of water seepage. Both of these factors should be taken into account in determining the appropriate distance. (2) Standard minimum and maximum distances from the end or edge of a member to the centre of a bolt hole are given in Table C11.7.4. These values have previously been used in the design of riveted connections to prevent failure at the end or edge of the plates. In this code, the same values are also adopted as the minimum distance for a bolt considering past practice. Since, with improved cutting technology, the quality of automatically gas-cut edges is almost equal to that of rolled edges and nished edges, there is no fear of detrimental eects of internal stress or hardening. The distance for automatically gas-cut edges should be the same as for rolled edges or nished edges. In the case of laser cutting, which is now a normal cutting method, the roughness of the edge is equivalent to that of an automatic gas-cut edge. However hardening of the material is greater than that of an automatic gas-cut edge, the area of the heat aected zone is smaller, and fatigue strength does not decrease. Considering these results and past practice, laser-cut edges are considered equivalent to rolled edges or nished edges. (3) The minimum distance from the end or edge in the stress direction as given by Table C11.7.4 might be insucient when the number of bolts in this direction is less than 2, because the joint strength is greater for a bearing-type connection than a friction-type connection. The


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C11.7.4 Minimum or maximum distances from the end or edge of a member to the centre of a bolt hole (mm) Nominal bolt diameter Minimum distance from end or edge (mm) Sheared edge, Hand- Rolled edge, nished Maximum distance controlled gas-cut- edge, automatic gas- from end or edge edge cut edge, laser-cut edge M30 55 M27 50 M24 42 37 8t M22 37 32 and under 150 M20 32 28 M16 28 23 Note: M30, M27 is based on superstructure design standard [Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority, 1995]

Specications for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002] adds a verication using expression C11.7.1. Single shear Double shear where e a A t e>a A t 2A e>a t (C11.7.1)

minimum distance from the end or edge in the stress direction (cm) shear strength ratio of bolt and plates nominal cross-sectional area calculated from the outside diameter

of the thread (cm2 ) thickness of thinner plates in single shear (cm) thinner value of thickness of connected plates or total thickness of splice plates in double shear (cm)

(4) The maximum distance from the end or edge to the center of a bolt hole where the connected plates are lapped should be 8 times the thickness of the outside plates. But this value must not exceed 150mm.

11.7.6 Minimum number of bolts At least two bolts are required per connection. Where a connection is subject to shear force, two rows of bolts, meaning a minimum of 4 bolts in total, are required.

(1) The minimum number of bolts is two, considering the possibility of insucient contact between members and also the work of making the connection. The number of bolts per connection is shown in Fig.C11.7.2(a). (2) In the case of a connection subjected to shear force, two rows and two lines of bolts are required as shown in Fig.C11.7.2(b) in order to prevent rotation of the joint.

Chapter 11 Joints


(a) Grouped bolts (b) bolt arrangement when subjected to shear force

Fig.C11.7.2 Minimum number of high-strength bolts

11.7.7 Filler plates (1) In the case of friction connections where plates of dierent thicknesses are connected, ller plates should be installed to ll the design gap. (2) Where it is impossible to install a ller plate, the slip resistance of the connection shall be reduced by means of an appropriate method. (3) In choosing the thickness and material grade of the ller plate, corrosion prevention and protection from rust shall be considered in addition to the load-transfer mechanism.

(1) Required performance cannot be secured with friction-type connections if there is a gap between the connected plates, since local concentrations of contact force might arise or corrosion might occur if rain enters between the plates. Therefore, if there is a dierence between the design thicknesses of the connected plates, a ller plate shall be installed to ll the gap. The limitation on the thickness of this ller plate is half the thickness of the thicker connected plate. (2) If a plate with adequate thickness is not available as a ller plate, the resulting reduction in slip resistance must be estimated by an appropriate method. The eect of a gap on slip resistance is summarized in [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2006]. (3) It has been conrmed through slip tests on general structural rolled steel plates that friction-type connections with ller plates have adequate slip resistance regardless of the grade of material used for the ller plates. This means that any general structural steel plate is suitable for use as a ller plate. However, if the connected plates are of weather-proof steel, the same material should be used for a ller plate from the viewpoint of corrosion prevention and protection from rust.

11.7.8 Angled and round washers In a case where the bolt axis is not perpendicular to the surface of the connected member, or if the surface of the connected member is not at, care shall be taken not to impose undesirable bending stress on bolts and washers.

Since the anges of steel with an I-section or channel section are not necessarily parallel and the bolt axis may not be perpendicular to the member surface, bending stress can occur at the bolt. Similarly, if the surface at the joint is curved, a bending moment will be applied to the washer on the inside of the curve and cracks may occur. Therefore, care should be taken that harmful stress does not occur in bolts and washers in such cases. In Specications for Highway Bridges II section 6.3.14 [Japan load association, 2002], it is noted that 1) if the angle between the bolt head or nut surface and the member surface is more than 1/20, an angled ller or washer should be installed so as to prevent eccentric


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

stress arising and 2) if the joints are curved and the radius of curvature is small, round washers should be used. Concerning friction-type connections for longitudinal prole (LP) steel plates, it is reported in [Kamei, et al., 2000], that adhesion between connected plate and splice plate surfaces can be assured by tightening the high-strength bolts; in this case bending deformation of the splice plates and the bolts does not signicantly aect the behavior of the connection for taper angles up to 4.8/1000. These results were obtained in tensile tests for various dimensions of connection. This means that tapered joints can be used without the need for sections of equal thickness or shaped splice plates. According to [Japan Road Association, 2002], special attention should be paid to curved connections where the diameter of curvature is less than about 1.0m.

11.8 Bolted Connections

11.8.1 General (1) Regular bolted connections shall be adopted in cases where there is no need for high-strength bolted connections. (2) The standard use of bolted connections is for bearing-type or tension-type connections where there is no axial force on the bolt.

(1) In the Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commerntary (Steel and Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], regular bolts up to M10 are allowed for use in connections for the attachment of bearing supports, inspection walkways, tension panels, drainage equipment, etc. That is, these connections in these cases do not require high-strength bolts. But regular bolts should not be used for connections subjected to cyclic force. (2) A regular bolted joint is a connection that uses regular bolts. It is dierent from a high-strength bolted joint in which contact force arises from the bolt axial force. Therefore, regular bolted joints should be used only for bearing-type and tension-type connections. Regular bolts must not be used for friction-type and tension-type connections that rely on bolt axial force. (3) Stainless steel bolts for corrosion protection, post-construction hitting or resin anchor bolts, U-bolts, and I-bolts, etc. may be used if this clause is followed. (4) If there is a possibility that bolts might loosen, protection should be provided by using locking nuts or similar.

11.8.2 Bolts, nuts, and washers The standard bolts, nuts, and washers used in bolted connections shall be as specied in JIS B1180, JIS B1181, and JIS B1256, respectively.

[Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], species using the following types of regular bolts for the attachment of bearing supports, inspection walkways, tension panels, drainage equipment, etc.: 1) The standard nish is the middle grade and standard precision threads are the second grade. 2) Bolts should be galvanized in a bath in principle; bolt diameter should be greater than 12mm. 3) Locking nut should be used where there is possibility of loosening due to vibration, etc.

Chapter 11 Joints


11.8.3 Structural details Structural details of bolted connections should be determined appropriately in the same way as those of high-strength bolted connections.

(1) The diameter of holes for regular bolts in tension-type connections should be as given in JIS B 1001. The standard diameter of holes for regular bolts in bearing-type connections shall be added a nominal diameter of bolts to 0.5 mm. (2) The minimum and maximum spacing of regular bolts with nominal diameter greater than M16 may be the same as for high-strength bolted connections. The standard minimum and maximum spacing in regular bolted connections with M10 and M12 bolts may be as shown in Table C11.8.1, which was derived from Design Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel and Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. But if the thickness of the tension panels or steel oor plates is less than 4.5mm, the maximum spacing should be less than 110mm in consideration of ensuring contact.
Table C11.8.1 Minimum and maximum spacing for regular M12 and M10 bolts (mm) Nominal bolt diameter M12 M10 Minimum distance 40 30 Maximum distance Max 150under 110

(3) The distance from the edge/end of the plate to the center of a bolt hole for regular bolts greater than M16 may be as given in the clause specifying high-strength bolts. The standard distance from the edge/end to the center of a bolt hole for regular M10 and M12 bolts may be as shown in Table C11.8.2, which was derived from Design Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel and Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. However, the maximum distance should be determined in consideration of ensuring plate contact and should be in agreement with the maximum spacing.
Table C11.8.2 Minimum and maximum distance from edge/end to center of a bolt hole (mm) Nominal bolt diameter Minimum distance Sheared edge, Handcontrolled gas-cutedge 22 20 from end or edge Rolled edge, nished edge, automatic gascut edge, laser-cut edge 19 17 Maximum distance from end or edge

M12 M10

8t and under 150

(4) The minimum number of bolts is two. (5) Structural details for angled and round washers may be as given in the clause specifying highstrength bolted connections.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

11.9 Pin Connections

(1) Structural members joined by pin connections shall not move at the point of connection. Further, nuts should be secured to prevent pins coming loose. The inuence of wear on rotation at the pin and pin-hole shall be minimized. (2) Pin design shall include consideration of wear loss to the pin cross section. (3) In designing a member with a hole for a pin, the safety of the connection shall be veried in consideration of the stress concentration adjacent to the hole.


(1) Movement between structural members that are joined by pin connections has a bad inuence on the vibration and impact of girders and can lead to concerns about the occurrence of secondary stress and joint galling. Accordingly, any movement should be restrained using collars or rings, etc. An example of a pin connection is shown in Fig.C11.9.1.

Fig.C11.9.1 Pin and nut

(2) The Specications for Highway Bridges specify the structural details of pin connections in section 6.4 Pin Connections [Japan Road Association, 2002] as follows: 1) The diameter of the pin must be greater than 75mm. 2) The length of the nished part of the pin should be greater than 6mm. The ends of the pin should be tted with a roams nut or regular bolts with washers. In Design Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary section 11.3.11, excepting for this clause, the thread on the pin should be metric ne thread (with a thread pitch of 4mm) in consideration of the possibility of loosening. (3) In the Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, section 6.4 Pin Connections [Japan Road Association, 2002], structural details of members with pin holes are specied as follows: 1) The dierence between pin and hold diameter should be 0.5mm as standard for diameters less than 130mm and 1.0mm as standard for diameters greater than 130 mm. 2) The net lateral sectional area of tensile members with pin holes should be greater than 140% of the calculated necessary net sectional area. And the net sectional area of tensile members behind pin holes should be greater than 100% of the calculated necessary net sectional area 3) The web thickness of tensile members with pin holes should be 1/8 of the net width. The same regulation is specied in Design Specications for Railway Structures and Commentary section 11.3.11 [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000].
References in Chapter 11 Architectural Institute of Japan(1973) Design Code for Steel Structure Japanese Society of Steel Construction(1977) Japanese Society of Steel Construction Standard for Groove

Chapter 11 Joints


Weld (JSS6-1977), JSSC VOL.13, NO.137 Japan Road Association (1980) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary Japan Society of Civil Engineers(1983) Design Standard for National Railway Structures Toshihiko Momose, Kosuke Horikawa(1991) Fatigue Strength of Laser-Cut Steel, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Japan society of Civil Engineers, I-185 Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures 11.12 Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standard for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures and Design Standard for Steel Structures 14.714.9 Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite structures Japan Hydraulic Gate and Penstock Association(2001) Technical Standard for Hydraulic Gate and Penstock, The Fourth Revised Edition Architectural Institute of Japan(2001) Design Code for Steel Structure. Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges Japan Road Association (2002) Volume 6.1.11 Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume 6.1.2 Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary Yoshinori KAMEI, Takashi NAKAMURA, Hisayuki AKIYAMA, Masahide TAKAGI, Nobuo NISHIMURA (2000) An experimental study on slip strength of HSFG bolted joints of LP steel plate without uniform thickness portions, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.64A, pp.1241-1250 Kuniaki MINAMI, Takeshi MORI, Yoshiyuki NAKANO, Tatsuya YAMANO, Masato KOUSAKA, Yasukazu SHIMOYAMA, Eiichi YONEMOTO(2002) A study on welding connections between cross beam and main girders in steel bridges, Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.700/VI-54, pp. 65-70 Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2003) Special Subcommittee of Performance Based Design for Steel Structures, Committee of Steel Structures, Recommendation for Performance Based Design for Steel Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2006) Recommendations on Design, Construction and Maintenance for Friction Type of High Strength Bolted Connections Japanese Society of Steel Construction(2004) Recommendation for Design of High Strength Tensile Bolted Connections for Steel Bridges Japan Bridge Association(2006) Design Date Book Kuniaki MINAMI, Tadashi KASUYA, Chitoshi MIKI(2005) A Study on Standard of Size of Fillet Weld, Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol23, No.3 AASHTO(1994) AASHTO: LRFD Bridge Design Specications (SI Units First Edition). CEN(2003) CEN: EUROCODE 3 Design of Steel Structures prEN 1993-2.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures

12.1 Scope
This chapter applies to the design of framed structures such as trusses, rigid frames, arches and cable structures.

In general, a truss is a structure in which the structural members are arranged such that the stability of the overall structure is achieved only based on the axial stiness of each member. For the analysis of trusses in general, the axial force can be calculated assuming that the nodes are pinned joints. A rigid frame is a structure in which the structural members are arranged such that the stability of the overall structure is achieved based on the bending stiness of each member. Axial forces, bending moment, and shear forces act on the members. An arch is a structure in which straight or curved members (arch ribs) are united in a smooth, convex upward form that resists the primary load mainly through axial compression forces. In a longspan arch, attention should be paid to the geometrical nonlinearity that will make displacements or sectional forces greater than the values obtained by innitesimal displacement theory. A suspended structure, which commonly means cable structures such as suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges, is a structure in which structural members are arranged such that the stability of the overall structure is achieved based on the axial stiness of the cables as well as the axial and bending stiness of the tower and girders, which are the primary structural members. In general, tensile forces act on the cables, while axial forces, bending moment, and shear forces act on the members comprising the tower and girders. The terminology used here is that truss, rigid frame, or arch refers to the entire structure, while the structural members comprising the structure are called truss members, rigid frame members, and arch members, respectively. A framed structure is a structure in which truss members, rigid frame members, arch members, and others are combined in three dimensions so as to resist loading in three dimensions. Assuming that the stability of the entire structure can be achieved, a framed structure can be analyzed as a plane frame system

12.2 Member Section Design

12.2.1 General The design of members constituting a framed structure shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 Chapter 9 (Strength of Members, and Required Various Performance and Verication) and Chapter 10 (General Provisions Related to Structural Members).


The overall structural stability, eective buckling length, and member composition of a section in a framed structure is prescribed in this chapter.

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


12.2.2 Design of truss members Composition of sections (1) Cross section of members shall be such that the centroid of the cross section of the gure coincides with the center of the cross section as far as possible, and also coincides with the skeleton line. (2) The assembly of plates used in the composition of section shall be such that the welds will be as symmetrical as practicable about the vertical and horizontal axes of the section. (3) Chords, end posts and diagonal members attached to intermediate supports of continuous trusses, subject to compressive forces shall have box or cross section, in principle, and the slenderness ratio related to radius of gyration about the vertical axis (outside the plane of the truss) shall be smaller than the corresponding ratio to radius of gyration about the horizontal axis (inside the plane of the truss). (4) The cross section of plates in a box section arranged parallel to the plane of the truss shall be greater than 40% of the gross section of the members.

Truss members are constructed from box-section members assembled by welding, I-section members, steel pipes, shaped steel, members assembled from shaped steel, etc. Special attention needs to be paid to calculating strength, particularly if angle steel or CT steel is utilized, because eccentric joints tend to be formed at the nodes. Eective buckling length of compression members (1) In-plane of truss In principle, the length of the frame shall be taken as the eective buckling length of the member. (2) Out-of-plane of truss If the member is eectively supported by supporting members in the out-of-plane directions or by in-plane supporting members, the distance between the supporting points shall be taken as the eective buckling length of the member.


(1) (1) The bending deformation of compression members of a truss, which is subject to the conning eect of adjoining members, exhibit the characteristics of compression members with elastically conned deection angles at both ends when the focus is on a single compression member. The conning eect of adjoining members depends on the relative stiness of the member in focus, the stress level of the adjoining members, details of the truss frame composition, and other factors, so it is dicult to prescribe a general eective buckling length factor. In this code, standard eective buckling length factors that err on the safe are provided by reference to Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994], which refers to values specied in the design standards for each country presented in Table C12.2.1. If it is not possible to obtain the eective buckling length factor using the proper method, it is acceptable to adopt a value that is not less than 0.9 times the frame length in the case of a chord member or 0.8 times in the case of a web member. If the midpoint of a member is eectively supported by another supporting member, its span may be used as the eective buckling length. Here, eectively supported means a situation in which the diagonal member is connected to the supporting member rmly enough, as shown in


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C12.2.1 Comparison of eective buckling length factors with regard to in-plane buckling of a truss Country/code USA AISC (1969) Germany DIN4114 (1978) Eurocodes 3 (1983) Japan JSHB (1994) Netherlands NEN3851 (1974) Tchecoslovakia CSN (1976) Belgium NBN B51-001 (1980) France CM (1966) Switzerland SIA161 (1979) Great Britain BS5400 (1980) Chord member 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.85 Web member 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.81.0 0.71.0 0.51.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7

Fig.C12.2.1 and the supporting member has been designed as a compression secondary member as dened in Chapter 10. In this case, the strength at the connection point of the diagonal member and the supporting member must be at least a quarter of the strength at the connection point of the diagonal member and the chord member.

Fig.C12.2.1 Members of a truss

(2) According to Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002], eectively supported means a situation in which it is laterally supported by another member that can resist a force equivalent to 1% of the maximum compressive force that acts on the member. In a structure such as a pony truss and a single-chorded truss, in particular, it is necessary to connect the vertical member with other rigid members in order to prevent the bending stiness of the vertical member from causing lateral buckling of the chord member, to say nothing of the stiness of the vertical member itself. In Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges, lateral buckling of the upper chord member is prevented by keeping the radius of gyration of area around the vertical axis at least 1.5 times as much as around the horizontal axis. The out-of-plane eective buckling length of a truss with dierent axial forces, , is given by the equation below for L in Fig.C12.2.2: P2 P1

0.75 + 0.25


where P2 , P1 are the compressive forces(P1 > P2 ) that act between nodes a-b and b-a, respectively. respectively.

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


If axial forces of opposite sign act in a vertical member of a K-truss, as shown in Fig.C12.2.3,

and there is no supporting member outside the truss plane, the eective buckling length for L can be obtained using the equation below: P 0.75 + 0.25 2 L, P1 P2 P 1 = (C12.2.2) 0.5L, P1 < P2 where P1 is an absolute value of the compressive force, and P2 is an absolute value of the tensile force, with a condition that the section between members a-a is uniform.

Fig.C12.2.2 Out-of-plane eective Fig.C12.2.3 Out-of-plane eective buckling length of chord members buckling length of vertical members with dierent axial forces with dierent axial forces

Eective buckling length factors of the main column members of a steel tower are presented

for dierent frameworks and for dierent sectional compositions in Table C12.2.2. The eective buckling length at the compressive foot of a steel tower should be studied not
Table C12.2.2 (1) Eective buckling length factors of the main column of a steel tower mainly subject to compressive force


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Table C12.2.2 (2) Eective buckling length factors of the main column of a steel tower mainly subject to bending compression

only at the nodes but also in terms of global corrugated buckling of the entire foot section and local buckling of chord members. At nodes on the upper member of a pony truss, horizontal displacement is elastically conned by a lateral rigid frame consisting of vertical members and oor deck members. In evaluating the buckling load of an upper chord member, it should be noted that the axial compressive force that acts on it varies depending on the framework, as shown in Fig.C12.2.4, with the designed section of the members and the moment of inertia of the section changing accordingly. The eective buckling length of out-of-plane upper chords in the pony truss shown in Fig.C12.2.4 can be obtained from Eq.(C12.2.3). =

0 + 1.8 0 .4 Xv 1a r



0 =



where a r F E Xv

eective buckling length spacing of U-shaped rigid frames radius of gyration of upper chord about the vertical axis nominal value of material strength (N/mm2 ) nominal value of Youngs modulus (N/mm2 ) parameter for evaluating rigidity of U-shaped rigid frame of the pony truss, given by Xv =

K v a3 EIc Ic moment of inertia of section of central upper chord about the vertical axis of the chord

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


1 2 h3 bh 1 2 + + f h2 2 3EIc 2EIh h1 , h2 heights of U-shaped rigid frame as shown in Fig.C12.2.4. Iv , Ib moment of inertia of section of vertical member and oor beam, respectively f deection coecient of part connecting vertical member and oor beam. If the connection is made by unstiened end plate or by bolts through angle steel section, the coecient is 0.51010rad/Nmm, if the connection is made by bolts through stiened end plate, this coecient is 0.21010rad/Nmm, if the connection is adequately stiened, and connected by welding or by bolts, this coecient is 0.11010rad/Nmm. Kv =

Fig.C12.2.4 Main structural conguration and cross section of pony truss Built-up compression members The design of built-up compression members formed by steel shapes shall be in accordance with the following. (1) Slenderness ratio of built-up compression member The slenderness ratio about the stronger axis and weaker axis of built-up compression member shall be calculated using the proper method. (2) Shear force accompanying buckling of built-up compression member Each part of the built-up compression member shall be designed assuming that a shear force acts on the part. During design, this shear force shall be added in addition to compressive force even in built-up compression members that are subject to only shear force. (3) Structural details of combined compression materials Structure details of combined compression materials shall be provided as appropriate.

Recently, there have been fewer cases in which built-up compression members are used as the main structure of a bridge. Although usage is less frequent, this provision is retained in the code in case of need related to the maintenance or reinforcement of an old bridge. Furthermore, some built-up compression members used as parts of steel towers or steel columns used in construction utilize tie plates, etc.; these may not exactly be truss structures, but they are also included in this section. Since provisions relating to built-up members were deleted from [Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges, February 1980], this section is based on Article 11.6 and its explanation in [Architectural Institute of Japan, 1980]. However, this does not mean to refute the contents of [Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges, February 1980]. This commentary is also based on [Architectural Institute of Japan, 1980], though some terms have been modied.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(1) The slenderness ratio of a built-up compression member can be calculated using the following equations. 1) The slenderness ratio about the stronger axis (x-x axis in Fig.C12.2.5) of a built-up compression member is calculated using Eq.(C12.2.5) assuming the member to be a single member. =



Eective buckling length (m) Radius of gyration about the x-x axis (m)

2) The slenderness ratio about the weaker axis (y-y axis in Fig.C12.2.5) of a built-up compression member is calculated by proportionately increasing the slenderness ratio of Eq.(C12.2.5) for buckling. If the structural details of the built-up compression member are in accordance with subsection (2) below, the approximation of Eq.(C12.2.6) can be used. ye =
However, when 1 20

2 y +

m 2 2 1


ye = y can be considered. Here y ye m


slenderness ratio considering the built-up member as an integral member eective slenderness ratio number of steel shapes or sets of steel shapes formed by assembling

connecting members (tting strips, tie plates, lacing bars) (Fig.C12.2.6)

l can be obtained from the equation given below, according to the type of built-up

compression member. a) Built-up compression member consisting of tting strips or tie plates (Fig.C12.2.5) 1 = where 1 r1



Pitch of tie plates (m) Minimum radius of gyration of steel shape (m)

b) Built-up compression member consisting of lacing bars (Fig.C12.2.7) 1 = where

2 d

A nAd


3 d


Component of length of lacing bar along the axis of the member (m) Length of lacing bar (m) Distance between the central axes of the steel shapes (m) Sum of sectional areas of steel shapes constituting the built-up compression

e A

member (m2 ) Ad Sectional area of lacing bar; however, in case of double lacing bars, this is the sum of sectional areas of all lacing bars (m2 ) n Number of connecting surfaces of connecting members (Fig.C12.2.8) c) Built-up compression member consisting of cover plates with holes (Fig.C12.2.9) 1 = 1.7
1 1

p r1


Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


Fig.C12.2.5 Built-up compression Fig.C12.2.6 Number of steel shapes members (tie plates)

Fig.C12.2.7 Built-up compression members formed Fig.C12.2.8 n for lacing bars by lacing bars


Length of hole (m) Hole pitch (m) Minimum radius of gyration of built-up compression member at the hole

p r1

position (m)
Buckling load at the non-solid-spandrel axis (y-y axis) of built-up members as shown in Fig.C12.2.5 is smaller than in the case where the two steel shapes act as one because of the eect of shearing deformation as built-up compression members. A commonly used equation to calculate approximately the eective slenderness ratio of such built-up members is given in Eq.(C12.2.6). Here, m in Eq.(C12.2.6) is the number of steel shapes or steel shape groups, and is counted as shown in Fig.C12.2.6. For built-up members of lacing bars, although 1 is to be calculated by Eq.(C12.2.9) (in Figs.C12.2.7 and C12.2.8), Eq.(C12.2.7) can be applied because 1 given by Eq.(C12.2.9) is less than 20 except in the case where the cross section of the lacing bar is extremely smaller than that of the steel shape. Suppose Fig.C12.2.6(f) is a built-up compression member of lacing bars, 1 for x-x axis is calculated as a lacing bar type in Eq.(C12.2.9), while 1 for y-y axis shall be calculated as a tting strip type in Eq.(C12.2.8). As for a built-up compression member of cover plates with holes as shown in Fig.C12.2.9, it shall be designed on the assumption that the cross section at the position of holes is the material for the built-up compression member. Eq.(C12.2.10) is based on the calculation method that is similar to the tie plate type, considering deformation as shown in Fig.C12.2.9(b). That is, the eective slenderness ratio is given by:


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Fig.C12.2.9 Cover plates with holes


ye = therefore, if the following is assumed:

2 y + 2.77



1 = 1.67

p r1


Eq.(C12.2.12) will take the same form as in Eq.(C12.2.6). However, in a normal case, Eq.(C12.2.7) can be applied because 1 given in Eq.(C12.2.9) is less than 20. (2) There are a variety of ways to deal with shearing force that comes with buckling of built-up compression members, and provisions are dierent from country to country. One of those is Engessers idea that tries to prevent failure of the tie rod until the straight built-up compression member subject to central compression is buckled and bent and the compressed steel shape reaches a yielding state. According to this idea, the ratio of shearing force Qk to axial force N in the compression buckling increases along with the slenderness ratio as shown in Fig.C12.2.10. DIN is based on this idea. On the other hand, based on the idea that eccentricities in opposite directions occur at both ends of a compression member and the tie rod will stay sound until they reach the bearing force, Qk /N decreases as the slenderness ratio increases as shown in Fig.C12.2.10. In Standards for Designing Steel Structure, following AISC (2%) and BS449 (2.5%), Qk /N has been determined as 2%, regardless of the slenderness ratio. Due to shearing force Qk caused by buckling, the tie rod and its joint or the steel shape is subject to stress, so the safety measures shall be taken in the design. In this case, assumptions are made in calculation for grid built-up members, as shown in Fig.C12.2.11. (3) Structural details of built-up compression member 1) The pitch of high strength bolts or intermittent welds used for assembling the compression member shall be less than (cm) times the minimum thickness of the constituent members, and less than 30 cm (where, fk : Nominal value of material strength (N/mm2 )). However, if high strength bolts are staggered, the pitch on each gauge line shall be less than 1.5 times the value mentioned above. For the built-up compression member, regular bolts shall not be used except in unavoidable circumstances in order to ensure its stiness. 2) Since it is clear that just an additional tie plate at the midpoint shown in Fig.C12.2.8 will not increase the bearing force, the number of spacing into which tting strips, tie plates or lacing bars are divided shall be greater than three, following DIN. The length of all spacing shall be taken as equal as possible.

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


Fig.C12.2.10 Ratio of shearing force Qk to axial force N

Fig.C12.2.11 Qk of a girder combination member

3) Since errors in the unsafe side that are given in Eq.(C12.2.6) are not negligible if the slenderness ratio of tie plates exceeds 50, the length of each space shall be taken so that the slenderness ratio of steel shapes of tting strips and tie plates becomes less than 50. In crossshaped sections, tting strips shall be arranged alternately perpendicular to each other. In lacing bars, the length of the section shall be taken such that the slenderness ratio of steel shapes becomes less than the larger of the slenderness ratios of the two main axes of the built-up member. 4) The slenderness ratio of the lacing bar shall be less than 160. In AISC and BS, it shall be less than 140. 5) The ends of a built-up compression member with large spacing between steel shapes shall be connected by gusset plates or tie plates with adequate rigidity using more than 3 high strength bolts, or by welds that oer stronger connections than with high strength bolts. The pitch of high strength bolts used in this part shall be less than four times the diameter of the bolts. In case of welds, continuous welds shall be used. Since, as shown in Fig.C12.2.6(c)(f), this is for the purpose of preventing a gap between steel shapes at the end of the member with large spacing between steel shapes, structures shown in Fig.C12.2.6(a) and (b) are excluded. 6) In cover plates with holes, the length of the hole shall be less than twice its width. The distance between inside edges of adjacent holes shall be greater than the distance between adjacent high strength bolts or distance between adjacent weld lines of the built-up member. A radius of corner-part of holes shall be greater than 50 mm. Member with direct load When a load acts to the place besides nodes, bending moment will happen except axial force in the member. This is valued appropriately in consideration of itself.


If direct external forces act between panel points of a chord member of truss, bending moment and shear force will act on the chord member in addition to the axial force. To deal with these in designing, it is necessary to consider, for example, the sectional forces which act on the chord member


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

as multi-span continuous girders that are supported in a vertical member. This type of structure includes upper chord member of a deck type truss which directly supports the deck and steel shell Caisson-type ring frame truss which is subject to hydraulic pressure.

12.2.3 Design of rigid frame members Eective buckling length The out-of-plane and in-plane eective buckling lengths of frame members shall be computed by a suitable method. Members with axial compression forces and bending moments The method of safety examination for members subjected to combined axial compression forces and bending moments is given in Chapter 6. Examination of composition of bending, axial forces, and shear forces The method of safety examination for members subjected to bending, axial forces, and shear forces is given in Chapter 6. Inuence of foundation structure The inuence of rotation and relative movement of the foundation must be considered in the design.

(1) Out-of-plane buckling The eective buckling length of column members against in-plane buckling of rigid frame may be calculated using Eq.(C12.2.13). = Kh where h K
Height of column in rigid frame (m) Eective buckling length coecient, obtained from Eq.(C12.2.14)


or (C12.2.15) (1-1) Sway buckling (Refer to Fig.C12.2.12(a)) K= 1.6 + 2.4(1 + 2 ) + 1.11 2 1 + 2 + 5.51 2 (C12.2.14)

Non-sway buckling (Refer to Fig.C12.2.12(b)) (1-2) K= where 1 1 + Gt 1 2 = 1 + Gb 1 = (C12.2.16) 3 1.6(1 + 2 ) + 0.841 2 3 (1 + 2 ) + 0.281 2 (C12.2.15)


(Ic /h) (XIb /L)


where Ic , Ib

Moment of inertia of section of column and beam (m4 ). Average value used

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


if the cross section of the member is variable Length of beam (m) Indicates summation of the members that are assembled at the upper and lower ends of the column Value given in Table C12.2.3 according to the connecting conditions on the other end of the beam
Table C12.2.3 Value of X Beam and condition Sway buckling Non-sway buckling Hinged 0.5 1.5 Rigid 1.0 1.0 Fixed 0.667 2.000

Depending on the boundary conditions of the column, the values of Gb to be used shall be as follows: Bottom end hingedGb = Bottom end xedGb = 0

(a) Sway buckling (b) Non-sway buckling

Fig.C12.2.12 Buckling of multi-storey framework

(2) Out-of-plane buckling The eective buckling length for out-of-plane buckling of rigid frame of almost equal sections may be taken as twice the total height of the frame. In a rigid frame where the cross section varies considerably, or where the rigid frame is of special structure, the eective buckling length shall be determined separately as given in paragraph 12.2.5. While the calculation formula provided in many design standards is based on the stiness ratio of the column to the beam, G = (Ic /h)/(Ib /L), it has been pointed out that the evaluation may be too much on the safe side in the range of K < 0.5 which is actually utilized for rigid frame structure. Hence, a calculation method based on approximation of eective buckling length factors has been adopted [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994]. This method is to be applied if symmetric rigid frame is subject to symmetric loads. For special structure types, complex loading conditions, or changing cross sections, eigenvalue analysis in subsection 12.2.5 can be utilized to calculate the eective buckling length.

12.2.4 Design of arch members Eective buckling length The eective in-plane and out-of-plane buckling length of arch members shall be calculated using the proper method.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


Since there are arch structures of various types, it is dicult to dene uniquely an eective buckling length for both member buckling and global buckling. In out-of-plane buckling, in particular, member buckling and global buckling often occur independently of each other; hence, the eective buckling length of members is dened as below on condition that global buckling will be checked in accordance with the later subsection 12.2.4. (1) In-plane buckling The eective buckling length for the in-plane buckling of arch members in an arch structure where no axial forces act on the stiening girders and the unstiened arch may be calculated using Eq.(C12.2.18). The eective buckling length of arch members in an arch structure where axial forces do act on the stiening girders should be taken as the panel length.

L =


where L f

eective span of arch =


f L

rise of arch in-plane buckling coecient of arch given in Table C12.2.4

Table C12.2.4 In-plane buckling coecient

= where a L Ia Ig

a L


Ia Ig


side span length of stiening girder (m) eective span of arch (m) average value of moment of inertia of arch member on one side of the arch

against in-plane bending of arch (m4 ) average value of moment of inertia of section of stiening girder on one side of the arch (m4 )

If the value of f /L and falls between the values given in Table C12.2.4, then must be calculated by linear interpolation. Eq.(C12.2.18) calculates eective buckling length based on the section at L/4 assuming a nearly uniform section in the axial direction of the member; thus, it is considered as the representative value for the whole arch structure. In the case of arch bridges, the eective buckling length

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


factor / takes a value between 0.12 (for xed arch with f /L = 0.1) and 0.23 (for 2-hinged arch with f /L = 0.3) [Japan Road Association 2002], Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges). In some cases it is larger than the interval between nodes (around 0.10.2L) of a regular arch bridge. In designing the section of a member, the eective buckling length obtained by eigenvalue analysis at each section would be the most suitable value to use, but this equation may be utilized because it gives a good approximation in an explicit form without the need for eigenvalue analysis when the member section is uniform in the axial direction. General design is possible for section if a beam or a column with this eective buckling length is assumed. Since the in-plane load-carrying capacity of the overall structure will greatly decrease if loading is uneven in the axial direction of the member, overall buckling should be veried, as explained later in Section 12.4, for the case of an unstiened arch bridge or an arch structure where no axial force acts on the stiening girder. In the case of an arch where axial force acts on the stiening girder, the in-plane load-carrying capacity of the overall structure is great enough that little problem arises, but the buckling of a member between nodes becomes dominant; hence, the panel length is taken as the buckling length. (2) Out-of-plane buckling The eective buckling length for out-of-plane buckling of an arch member should be taken as the panel length. However, if the arch is supported in the transverse direction by adequately stiened members with the purpose of restraining it in the transverse direction, the distance between supports may be considered as the eective buckling length. Verication of in-plane load carrying capacity of arches Arch members shall be designed as members subject to axial compressive forces and bending moments.

The design of an arch rib consists of verifying overall safety in terms of overall buckling and also verifying the member in terms of buckling between panel points. The latter type of buckling tends to occur more often as axial force becomes more dominant and the slenderness ratio of the arch member increases; further, it tends to occur at the end panel point close the support point. In designing an arch member between the panel points, the length of the member (length between nodes) is considered the eective buckling length for the sectional forces in the structure system as a whole and verication is based on the provisions of Chapters 6 to 9. The panel points here are those of the arch rib eectively supported by the support member in the buckling direction. However, for a structure in which the arch ribs are supported by cable, such as in the case of a Nielsen Bridge, the eective buckling length must be specially veried through elastic eigenvalue analysis as described in subsection 12.2.5. Structures such as circular arches, which are subject to distributed loading such as centripetal loads, and parabolic arches, which are subject to uniformly distributed loading per unit length in the span direction, may, as an approximation, be analyzed assuming that only axial compressive forces act. Even for other regular arches, the axial compressive forces become the dominant member force if the arch rise ratio is small and the slenderness ratio of the member is large. In such cases, an axial force member may be assumed in design. For details, refer to the provisions of Chapter 13 of Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002]. In addition, equations for verifying the in-plane load-carrying capacity of an arch structure as a whole are proposed in Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994].


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design] Verication of out-of-plane buckling of arch Out-of-plane buckling of arches shall be veried using the proper method. (1) The safety against out-of-plane buckling of arches formed by one main arch structure and the safety of out-of-plane buckling of arches in which the spacing of two main arch structures is small compared to the eective span, shall be veried. (2) Out-of-plane buckling of arches shall be veried against the most critical loading conditions. (3) Lateral bracings and sway bracings of arch shall be designed in accordance with section 12.4.

The following methods are available for the verication of out-of-plane buckling of arches. (1) (1) If two or more main arch structures, the sections of which have been determined in consideration of safety against the buckling of members between panel points, are stiened with lateral braces and sway bracing as directed in the provisions of section 12.4 and if the ratio of span to the distance between the outermost main structures is 20 or less, it is generally not necessary to verify out-of-plane buckling in the complete system. This is applicable also to so-called baskethandle Nielsen Lohse girder bridges where the surfaces of the two arch structures are slanted with respect to each other, even though the provisions of section 12.4 indicate that it is not applicable. For other cases, verication is prescribed because there is a risk of lateral buckling in the out-of-plane direction of the arch when the entire structure system is considered. If three-dimensional eigenvalue analysis is not conducted, the eective buckling length factor can be calculated as an explicit function by dening as in the following equation. = where ry Iy 1 F Ke K K Kg S E ry (C12.2.20)


Iy /A moment of inertia of section around the vertical axis of an arch rib (mm4 ); in the case of variable section, it is the average over the length Iy = Iyi Li /L, L = Li eective buckling length factor to take into account the conning eect of the support point; it is 0.5 if out-of-plane bending gyration of the arch rib at the supporting the support point is restrained and 1.0 otherwise. eective buckling length factor to take into account the eect of stiening by lateral braces, K = 1 + {2ry (0.5 + 0.94 u)/(aKe )} ratio of the length of the arch part stiened by lateral braces to the total length of the arch rib; for through-arch bridges (Fig.C12.2.13) it is the ratio of the length of the part of the arch stiened by lateral braces to the total length of the arch rib, while for half-through arch bridges (Fig.C12.2.14) it is calculated in a similar way by regarding the upper part (above the base of the portals) as a through-type bridge. For deck-type arch bridges (Fig.C12.2.15), = 1.0 because the entire arch is usually stiened by lateral braces. distance between axes of the two arch ribs (mm) factor representing shearing deection of the lateral bracings, 3 /2 A 1 a 2 a 2Ad a 2 = + 1+ 2 L b 2Ad b Ab
panel length of the lateral braces (mm); if variable, the average should be taken.

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


Fig.C12.2.13 Through type arch

L L0



Fig.C12.2.14 Half-through type arch Fig.C12.2.15 Deck-type arch

Ad Ab K

sectional area of the diagonal members of lateral braces (mm2 ) sectional area of the struts of lateral braces (mm2 ) eective buckling length factor to be considered if the loading direction does not


Iay hg f

remain vertical; it is 1.0 if loading is always vertical. For through-arch bridges and half-through arch bridges, 1 /4 Igy Igy 1 1 0.35 Iay Iay K = Igy 0.65 >1 Iay For deck-type arch bridges, 0.25 Iay hg Iay + 0.01 K = 1.45 + 0.05 Igy f Igy moment of inertia of section in terms of horizontal lateral bending of the section of the structure including girders and oor system, if any (mm4 ) moment of inertia of section in terms of out-of-plane bending of the section of the structure including the two arch ribs that are connected by lateral braces (mm4 ) vertical distance between the center line of the stiening girder and the arch crown (center) in the case of a deck-type arch bridge (mm) (Fig.C12.2.15) arch rise (mm)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


eective length factor to take into account the eect of connement of out-of-plane


displacement of the arch by stiening girders; if Kg = 1.0, it is on the safe side for all cases. In the case of through-arch bridges and half-through arch bridges, Kg = 1.0 is usually assumed. In the case of deck-type arch bridges, if the arch ribs and stiening girders are rigidly connected at the arch crown and an increase in strength is considered, the calculation may be based on the following equation: 1.48 Kg = 0.5 + 2 Igy + 1.72 Iay total axis length of arch (cm); in the case of through-arch bridges and deck-type arch bridges, it is the total axis length L of the arch, while in the case of half-through arch bridges it is the axis length L0 of the arch from the base of one portal to the base of the other portal (Fig.C12.2.14) local buckling strength of the plates composing the section (N/mm2 )

For an arch where the arch axes are in the vertical plane, the arch shapes are symmetrical

parabolas or circular arcs, the structural members of the arches are almost the same height, and the structure as well as the sway bracing are designed in accordance with subparagraph, then out-of-plane buckling of the arch may be veried using the following equation: i where Nsd Nsd 1.0 Pcud (C12.2.21)

design axial force on supports calculated from rst-order elastic theory for loads

Pcu A

(uniformly distributed loads) acting on the structure; in the case of a half-through arch bridge, this is the axial force on the arch ribs at the point of intersection of the arch with the stiening girder (N) design resistance in compression: Acug cul Pcud = b fud cross-sectional area of one arch rib; in case of a variable cross section, the average value of sectional area along the length A = Ai Li /L, L = Li
specied design strength (N/mm2 ), fyd /m axial compressive strength without considering local buckling; can be

fud cug

obtained from the equation below (N/mm2 ) ( 0.2) fud (0 .2 < 1.0) { 1 . 0 0 . 545( 0 . 2) } f ud cug = 1 fud (1.0 < ) (0.773 + 2 ) Slenderness ratio parameter As fyk As fyk = = Ns Ncr As cross-sectional area of arch rib at support minimum eigenvalue for out-of-plane buckling obtained from paragraph 12.2.5 Ncr critical buckling load at the support

In terms of gyration about the horizontal axis at the support point of the arch rib (whether it is hinged within the plane of the arch or xed), its eect on out-of-plane buckling strength is small. As to how to deal with coupled buckling along with local buckling of the plates composing

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


the cross section, this is handled as for straight columns. Axial compressive strength around the vertical axis, if local buckling is not considered, can be calculated by substituting the slenderness ratio parameter obtained for the arch structure into the equation for axial strength of a straight member.
Lateral braces and sway braces should be designed for the arch in accordance with section 12.4. However, if the forces in the diagonal members of the end lateral bracing are calculated using the conventional simplied method, the slenderness ratio must be made less than 60. (2) Out-of-plane buckling of arches must be veried against the most critical loading conditions with the maximum axial force. Concentrated loads are generally small and therefore can be omitted. In principle, the loading condition shown in Fig.C12.2.16 should be veried. If the ratio of this load to the uniformly distributed load is large, calculation of axial forces at the support points should be considered.

Fig.C12.2.16 Loading condition used for verifying out-of-plane buckling loads of arch

In the verication, the following points may be considered: In terms of gyration about the horizontal axis at the support point of the arch rib (whether it is hinged within the plane of the arch or xed), its eect on out-of-plane buckling strength is small. As to how to deal with coupled buckling along with local buckling of the plates composing the cross section, this is handled as for straight columns. Axial compressive strength around the vertical axis, if local buckling is not considered, can be calculated by substituting the slenderness ratio parameter obtained for the arch structure into the equation for axial strength of a straight member. (3) Lateral braces and sway braces are usually designed in consideration of the horizontal lateral loads (which act out of the plane of the arch) caused by earthquakes or wind. Hence, lateral bracing members are designed independently of out-of-plane buckling of the arch; and buckling of the members may occur before the entire structure system reaches the ultimate state. In addition, it is evident that excessive axial forces that cannot be calculated using conventional methods will act on diagonal members of the end lateral bracing. For these reasons, the following prescription is given. If the forces in the diagonal members of the end lateral bracing are calculated using the conventional simplied method, the slenderness ratio must be set at less than 60. Although this maximum slenderness ratio of 60 is not a value that has been obtained theoretically, it is conrmed in Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994] that the safety of this design method has been veried through numerical experiments with variable parameters. Though it is true that a more rational way of design is to calculate member forces separately using a more rigorous method, the situation is conveniently expressed in terms of the slenderness ratio in order to avoid design complication. Arch bridges that do not meet the conditions stipulated above must be separately veried. To do this, verication of strength through three-dimensional nite element elasto-plastic analysis is the desirable method. If the support points of the arch undergo rotation as out-of-plane bending and torsion occur, the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

out-of-plane buckling strength will be signicantly lower; if out-of-plane bending and torsion is to be restrained, little play and looseness should be allowed in the structure and construction requires adequate care.

12.2.5 Calculation of eective buckling length by eigenvalue analysis For structures which are dicult to calculate the eective buckling length from equations given in subparagraphs,, and, the eective buckling length of each section can be calculated by eigenvalue elastic analysis of the entire structure using eq.(12.2.2). |KE + KG (Ni )| = 0 (EI )i Ni (12.2.1)





Elastic stiness matrix of the micro-displacement theory. Geometric stiness matrix in the standard state Eigenvalue Eective buckling length of cross section i (m) Flexural stiness of cross section i (kNm2 ) Design axial force of cross section i obtained from structural analysis based

(EI )i Ni

on the design loads (kN)


The eective buckling length of a structural member varies according to loading conditions and support conditions, so it is very dicult to uniquely determine the eective buckling length of a complex structural system with varying cross sections. In the existing design standards [Japan Road Association, 2002; Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000; and Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1987], eective buckling length is dened in an explicit form in terms of representative structures and boundary conditions; there is no clear prescription for any arbitrary structural system. Therefore, in actual design, there are cases where the eective buckling length is an approximate value determined at the discretion of the design engineer. This may lead to a situation in which safety against buckling is not adequate. Taking the above into consideration, this code provides methods for determining the eective buckling length of a member section not only by the deterministic method of subparagraphs,, and but also by elastic eigenvalue analysis of the total structural system based on the loading provisions of Chapter 2. Now that computers have come into use for everyday practical design work, elastic eigenvalue analysis is no longer a burden when designing a complex steel structure. Although the calculations are more complicated than the conventional method, the eective buckling length can be calculated for any arbitrary framed structure that is subject to certain loads. Furthermore, by setting nodes at points where the section changes, eective buckling length can be dened for the section between the nodes, thus making possible enhanced design precision and reliability. If, for all structural members, the stiness, boundary conditions, and loading conditions are given, the eective buckling length given by Eq.(12.2.2), which is obtained through eigenvalue analysis in Eq.(12.2.1), is generally more precise compared with the eective buckling length determined using the conventional method based on the stiness of adjoining members. However, from the viewpoint of practical design, an enormous numbers of eigenvalue analyses would be needed to nd the most disadvantageous loading condition for each targeted member, while dealing with eective buckling

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


length would become complicated because the eective buckling length varies with member cross section where it is not constant. Furthermore, in certain structural systems, such as those with microscopic axial compressive forces, those with member cross sections that vary signicantly, and so on, the eective buckling length of a member takes an unrealistically large value with an extremely big slenderness ratio. In some cases, the value is so extreme as to make design impossible [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures, 1994] [Nishino, et al., Bridge and Fundamentals, 1981]. Certain countermeasures are currently available for this, such as a method involving the introduction of an additional axial compressive force to a section subject to microscopic axial compressive forces, a method of evaluating a higher-order buckling mode in which only the focused member reaches buckling, a method that avoids reliance on loading, and so on; however, none has become the accepted standard method. Hence, it is necessary to properly evaluate the eective buckling length while comparing various analysis methods and making an evaluation on the safe side with respect to eigenvalue analysis.

12.3 Verication of Entire Structure

In framed structures such as truss, rigid frame, arch, and cable structure, not only the safety of each member and joint but also the safety of the entire structure shall be veried.

(1) Trusses In trusses where the spacing of the main truss structures is very close compared to the total length of the truss, or in pony trusses with small transverse rigidity, overall buckling must be veried using appropriate methods. If truss girders with a pseudo-box section consisting of a main structure with upper and lower lateral braces have a ratio of span to distance between main structures that exceeds 30, the transverse rigidity and torsional rigidity will be small and may cause overall lateral buckling. For verication methods in these cases, it is recommended to refer to Guidelines for Design against Buckling [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2005], Handbook for Design of Steel Road Bridges [Japan Road Association, 1980], etc. In pony trusses, the lateral buckling strength of the upper chord member must be calculated and designed by properly considering the rigidity of the U-frame comprising the vertical members, diagonal members, and cross beams that support the upper chord member. If the ratio of span to distance between main structures exceeds 10, it is desirable to conduct an elastic buckling analysis for the entire structural system to verify safety. (2) Rigid frames Generally, if a rigid frame is designed in accordance with section 12.2, it is not necessary to verify total buckling of the frame; however, if a non-standard frame type is used, separate detailed calculations are necessary to verify total buckling of the frame. For non-standard types of rigid frame, elastic buckling analysis of the entire structure must be conducted to verify total buckling and to calculate the eective buckling length of members. (3) Arches The overall arrangement of the structure, its shape, and the cross sections of its members should be selected so that total in-plane and total out-of-plane buckling of the arch does not occur. For an unstiened arch in which eccentric loads act in the axial direction and for an arch structure in which the stiening girder is subject to no axial force, care must be taken with regard to total in-plane buckling. In addition, in an arch structure where there is a possibility of lateral buckling in the out-of-plane direction, total buckling must be veried. In this case, it


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

is desirable to verify the strength through elasto-plastic nite displacement analysis. For details of the method, refer to section 12.2. (4) Cable structure Generally, if the cross section is designed according to section 12.2, it is not necessary to verify total buckling of the cable structure. However, the loading capacity of the cross sections of towers, girders, and cables of the main structural components of large suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges must be veried to conrm safety using three-dimensional models of the entire structural system. The various loads that act on the upper structure of a typical suspension bridge or cable-stayed bridge are transmitted to the tower via cables and then to the foundation. Therefore, this verication of the safety of main girders, cables, and towers is extremely important. For large suspension bridges, in particular, safety must be veried not only through specication of required safety performance and its verication as explained in Chapter 6, but also through elastic nite displacement analysis and elasto-plastic nite displacement analysis using a three-dimensional model of the entire structure. In investigating the buckling of towers and stiening girders in suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges and also the load carrying capacity of the entire structural system, Guidelines for Design against Buckling [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2005] can be referred to. Attention shall be paid to fewer steel girder bridges because recent studies have concluded that verication of total buckling is necessary in construction. Attention shall be paid to fewer steel girder bridges because recent studies have concluded that verication of total buckling is necessary in construction.

12.4 Constraint in the Transverse Direction

In trusses or arch structures, lateral bracings and sway bracings adequately stiened in the transverse direction shall be provided for insuring structural functions in three dimensions. If such measures are not provided, the structure shall be calculated separately as a three-dimensional framework and safety shall be veried.

In designing truss and arch members for a bridge, the eective buckling length with respect to out-of-plane buckling of compressive members is calculated on the premise that the panel points of the main structure are suciently supported by lateral braces, sway braces, portal braces, etc. The design of these lateral braces, struts, sway braces, and portal braces is based on section 12.5 of Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002]. In order to obtain precise values of the forces acting on the diagonal members in the lateral bracing of an arch, while it is desirable to conduct (elastic) nite displacement analysis for the arch system and the lateral bracings as a three-dimensional framework, an alternative method is available as follows. For horizontal lateral loading, assuming that the arch system and the lateral braces form a plane framework, nite displacement analysis is conducted by setting an arch axial force from the in-plane design loads imposed by earthquakes or storms along with the horizontal lateral load multiplied by a coecient. For vertical in-plane loading, assuming a three-dimensional framework of arch ribs and lateral braces, microscopic displacement analysis is conducted using the vertical design load multiplied by a coecient. Of the two member forces calculated for each load, the larger one is selected and design is carried out assuming a straight column.

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


12.5 Camber
In structures where the nished shape must be maintained, a manufacturing camber shall be provided, in principle.

While it is common to provide a manufacturing camber to account for the dead load (xed load), in a composite structure or composite girder of steel or concrete a manufacturing camber should also be provided for hard dry shrinkage and creep as well as deection due to concrete pre-stressing. In Standards and Handbook for Designing Railway Structures - Steel/Composite Structures (SI unit version) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000], the rule is to provide a manufacturing camber for the purpose of avoiding unfavorable eects in terms of ride comfort and safety and preventing sag of the bridge girders due external dead loads. In the case of plate girders, it is a rule to provide a manufacturing camber for a bridge girder with a span over 30 m to deal with the deection caused by the dead load of the main girder; in some cases it is better to provide a camber also for a bridge girder with a span of less than 30 m if deection resulting from the dead loads is particularly large. In addition, part of the train load should be considered in the case of an open deck bridge girder carrying a railway. In the case of composite girders, it is a rule to provide a camber for the steel girder against deection caused by the dead load regardless of span. On the other hand, in Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002], there are no provisions as to the span length.

12.6 Members Considered as Substructure

Members considered to possess properties of a substructure, such as the base of a column in a rigid frame, shall be designed carefully with a view to points such as selection of design loads, rust prevention, and transmission of loads to the foundation.

This clause is specied by reference to sections 15.2, 15.3, 15.12, and 15.13 of Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002] and Standards and Handbook for Designing Railway Structures - Steel/Composite Structures (SI unit version) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000. Any part of the column base of a rigid frame structure that is under the ground or in water must be protected with reinforced concrete, corrosion resistant plating, corrosion resistant paint, etc. In general, a rigid frame structure is designed on the premise that the column base is completely xed or completely hinged. Hence, the quality of the anchor design has a great inuence on the quality of the entire rigid frame structure. Since specic design methods are not provided in Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges, individual design standards have been drawn up by each of the former public corporations that construct many rigid frame structures [Metropolitan Expressway Corporation, 2003, Hanshin Expressway Corporation, 2000, Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation, 2003, Fukuoka-Kitakyushu Expressway Corporation, 2002]. Regarding types of anchor structure, there are four basic designs as presented in Table C12.6.1: 1 bearing plate, 2 reinforced concrete, 3 direct xing, and 4 piling. The type of structure adopted and details of verication dier among the former public corporations. In the case of Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd. (the former Hanshin Expressway Corporation), though it has a long track record in the


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

construction of bearing plates of composite reinforced anchor frame type, it has been omitted because the design standards are under review. In Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures (Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1994), essential details for the design of reinforced concrete anchors for rigid frames are given along with proposals for implementing the limit state design method. Meanwhile, Study Report on Evaluation Method for Critical Strength of Structures (Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2002) gives a method of evaluating the bearing force at the anchor and presents the results of a study of the method based on Reference and Handbook for Highway Bridges.
Table C12.6.1 Structural type of anchor part in each former public corporation

Furthermore, in Standards for Designing Steel Structures [Architectural Institute of Japan, 1973] and Guidelines and Handbook for Designing Limit State of Steel Structures [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002], there are provisions with respect to designing the column base. An outline of these follows. (1) Sections 17.1 and 17.2 of Standards for Designing Steel Structures [Architectural Institute of Japan, 1973] stipulate that the design must be in accordance with the following (Fig.C12.6.1).

Fig.C12.6.1 Anchor part

a) If the column base is assumed to be xed: 1) Wing plates and ribs should be used to prevent deformation of the base plate. In addition, joints with the main column member should be completed or combined with the foundation

Chapter 12 General Considerations for Framed Structures


by coating with reinforced concrete. 2) The bottom surface of the base plate and the upper surface of the foundation must be rmly connected. In this case, the area of the base plate and the sectional area of the anchor bolts may be calculated by regarding the structure as a reinforced concrete column with a cross section that takes the form of the base plate and with reinforcement consisting of the tensile anchor bolts. The thickness of the base plate can be calculated by assuming that the additional reactive forces acting on the base plate will be added to the rectangular plate divided by stieners. 3) If the shear force at the column base is assumed to be transmitted via the frictional force between the bottom surface of the base plate and the concrete, the friction factor should be set at 0.4. b) If the column base is assumed to be a pin and is subject to a tensile force, anchor bolts must carry the shear force of the column base and a combination of the tensile force and the shear force must be considered. (2) In Guidelines and Handbook for Designing Limit State of Steel Structures [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2002], column bases are classied into three types: 1 exposed column, 2 reinforced column, and 3 embedded column. For design, it is also stipulated that, by considering structural division of the designed structure framework, the overall plastic bearing force or the yield bearing force must exceed the bearing forces in the ultimate limit state and in the service limit state.

12.7 Considerations of Torsion Acting on Steel Towers

Power transmission towers and columns are subject to torsional loads due to non-uniform tension in the cables. In this case, the sectional forces shall be calculated and the safety of the structure veried.

While this chapter can be used in the design of truss-type power transmission towers and steel columns, as shown in Fig.C12.7.1, attention should be paid to situations in which one or more of the suspended cables is severed by a phenomenon such as snowfall or wind, causing the steel tower or steel column to be subject to non-uniform tension. This provision is made in accordance with Explanation 33 in section 3.1 of [Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1979]. In general, the calculation of these

Fig.C12.7.2 Cross section of a steel Fig.C12.7.1 Power transmission tower tower/column


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

torsional forces (torsional moment) is very complicated because they are represented by a high-order indeterminate equation; however, stress may be calculated using the following simplied equations. P p= 2 ba (C12.7.1) q = 2 P B + b2 Ba q= 2 P B + b2 As shown in Fig.C12.7.2, by dividing the non-uniform tension P into two forces p in the same direction and torsion consisting of a combination of q and q , the stress of each member can be calculated based on the individual horizontal forces.
References in Chapter 12 Architectural Institute of Japan (1973) Design Code for Steel Structure. Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (1979) Standards for Designing Supporting Objects for Electric Transmission Architectural Institute of Japan (1980) Guidelines and Handbook for Designing Tower-shaped Steel Structures Japan Road Association (1980) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary. Fumio Nishino, Chitoshi Miki, and Atsushi Suzuki (1981) Bridge and fundamentals, background and practice for revising reference and handbook for highway II, Chapter 13 Rigid frame structure Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General, PART B; Composite Structures. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1994) Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures, Steel Structure Series 6 Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Hanshin Expressway Corporation (2000) Design Standards, Part 2, Standards for Designing Structure (Bridges) Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002) Study Report on Evaluation Method for Critical Strength of Structure Architectural Institute of Japan (2002) Guidelines and Handbook for Designing Limit State of Steel Structure (SI Unit Version) Japan Road Association (2002) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume. Fukuoka-Kitakyushu Expressway Corporation (2002) Design Standards, Part 2, Standards for Designing Structure (Bridges) Metropolitan Expressway Corporation (2003) Recommendations for Design of Bridge Structures of Metropolitan Expressway Bridges Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation (2003) Standards for Designing Steel Structure Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2005) Guidelines for Designing against Buckling, Second Revision (Version 2005)


Chapter 13 Plate Structures

13.1 General
(1) This chapter applies to the design of plate structures. Plate elements and stiened plate elements should be designed according to Chapters 6 and 10. A structure that can be considered a frame structure shall be designed according to Chapter 12. (2) The structural analysis of special structures to which this chapter does not apply shall be carried out under rational loading and support conditions. (3) Structural details and both of loading and support conditions for structural analysis should be followed design engineer.


Most steel structures consist of plate elements. This chapter is applicable to steel structures for which buckling behavior is a signicant determinant of performance. (1) (1) The structural characteristics of plate structures, as covered in this chapter, can be seen as aggregates of at plate elements with clear static performance, such as steel girders, steel deck plates, steel piers, and so on. Therefore, this chapter is applicable to the following structures consisting of plate elements: - steel deck plate, - steel girder subjected to the bending moment, - beam-to-column section of rigid frame structure, - sections under concentrated loading, such as diaphragms or panel points of truss members, and so on. The design of plate elements under compression, however, should follow the prescriptions given in section 6.3.1. In cases where the local deformation of the elements is small and the characteristics of structure as a whole can be understood as those of a rigid frame member, the design of the structure is outside the scope of this chapter and should follow section 10.3.1. These provisions may be applied correspondingly to members such as curved plate elements, including the web plate of a curved girder or a corrugated steel plate, by replacing the curved plate element with an equivalent element. Structural analysis for structural design of the plate structure should be carried out with a suitable numerical model that simulates the static role of each element. A steel deck plate, which is an example of a plate structure subjected to out-of-plane loading, the distributed load acts directly on the deck plate, while rib plates work with nearby parts of the deck plate to transmit the forces to the steel girder or beam. In this situation, the components of stress for the steel deck plate can be estimated using plate bending theory while those for the rib plates can be estimated using beam theory with eective width. (2) When structural analysis of a plate structure is carried out using plate theory, a rational approach should be applied with attention paid both to loading and support conditions. Typical considerations are stress in the plate element, local stress concentrations, and elastic buckling stress. Because of the simple shape of a plate element these can be obtained from the chart where both the displacement and force boundary conditions are clear. However, in other cases where the stress of a non-standard plate structure is estimated by a numerical analysis method such as


Standard Specications of steel and composite structures[Design]

the nite element method, the nite elements should be set up using a mesh arrangement that does not result in reduced precision. Furthermore, the following requirements must be met: 1) The loading system to which a plate element is subjected can be divided into the direct load on the plate and the transmitted load that takes the form of stress at the boundary of the plate. It is necessary to carry out numerical analysis using a structural system that includes structural members with clear loading conditions or, if the load factor and distribution of loading are not clear, that sets the most disadvantageous loading conditions for each element. 2) Where a partial structural model is extracted from the whole structure, it is necessary to apply reasonable support conditions. Using spring supports is recommended as a way to model imperfect boundary supports. However, if the spring constant is uncertain, the most disadvantageous boundary condition should be set by the spring constant in numerical analysis. 3) Given that the responsible engineer has the authority to nd that global load capacity is not inuenced by local stress concentrations nor by local buckling of each element, this decision could compromise the safety level of the whole structure. Careful attention is necessary to the initial deformation and residual stress because they may reduce the strength of the plate structure.

13.2 Eective Width

The stress and the exural stiness of girders and beams subjected to the bending moment shall be calculated with considering the inuence of the shear lag by using eective width.

The longitudinal stress acting on the ange plate of a ribbed steel girder or a steel deck plate has an uneven distribution in the transverse direction if a bending moment is acting the girder or deck. This phenomenon is known as shear lag. Complex calculations of displacement and girder stress are required to model shear lag. Therefore, eective width and constant eective stress can be dened corresponding to uneven longitudinal stress, and exural resistance and maximum stress should be estimated by using the above eective width and the eective stress. Japan Specications for Highway Bridges (II Steel Bridges) [Japan Road Association, 2002a] regulate the eective width in section 8.4.4 and section 10.3.5, while Design Standard for Railway Structures (Composite Steel Structures) [General Railway Technology Institute, 2000] follows the these specications.

13.3 Steel Girder Web

The post-buckling strength can be expected in the steel girder web which is subjected to both of in-plane bending and shear loadings. The inuence of welding distortion, stress in the manufacture, transportation and construction should be considered in the design of the steel girder web.

Refer to [Japan Road Association, 2002a and General Railway Technology Institute, 2000] for stiening of the web plates of a steel girder. One solution for reducing the cost of public works is to shift the general concept of construction

Chapter 13 Plate Structures


work from minimum process to minimum weight. This can lead to greater web thickness as the number of horizontal and vertical stieners is reduced. The aspect ratio is limited to less than 1.5 in [Japan Road Association, 2002a], but experimental results have shown that the aspect ratio can be extended up to 3.0 [Ogaki, 1998][Nara, 1997]. Japan Highway Corporation has adopted a design code that allows reduction in the number of vertical stieners for the web plate of a continuous composite 2-main girder bridge with a pre-stressed concrete slab. Over 30 bridges have been constructed according to this code in the past 10 years. However, the code requires that the following conditions should be satised: shear stress can be evaluated small and positive bending moment are aected, stress gradient of bottom ange can be calculate less than -1.2, and so on.

13.4 Plate Structure Subjected to Out-Plane Loading or Combined Out-Plane and In-Plane Loadings
(1) In case of stiening of steel plate subjected to out-plane loading, the arrangement and the stiness of stieners should be dened as both the deection and the stress not to exceed the limit value, and veried the safety for load performance of the stieners themselves. (2) In case of stiening of steel plate subjected to combine out-plane and in-plane loadings, the safety for load performance of the stiened plate shall be veried against each loading and both loadings.


Where a steel plate subjected to out-of-plane loading is to be stiened, it is common to determine the spacing, location, and stiness of the stieners so as to ensure the safety of the plate element. Furthermore, the safety of the stieners should be veried, since they may be aected by bending moment or shear force from the steel plate. The limit state of the steel plate should be veried in consideration of both stresses that is related to plate bending and that is related girder behavior with eective width and their stiener. However, evaluation of plate bending stress should be entrusted to the responsible engineer.

13.5 Other Plate Structures

The rectangle plate structure with uniform shape and thickness should be designed by chapter 6. The plate structures other than the above-mentioned shall be designed with paying many attentions to their mechanical characteristics.

Corrugated steel plates and longitudinally proled steel plates (LP plates) are examples of rectangular plate element with varying shape or thickness. Corrugated steel plate is used to form the web plate of pre-stressed concrete bridges in expectation that its geometry will have an eect on improving shear buckling resistance. A simple estimating method for the load capacity of the corrugated steel web of a steel-concrete composite girder is proposed in [Taniguchi et al., 2003 and Kato et al., 2002]. A method of estimating the buckling strength of LP plate, which follows the method of evaluating the buckling strength of a plate of uniform thickness by taking into account the equivalent thickness, is proposed in [Murakami et al., 1997 and Hotta et al., 1997].


Standard Specications of steel and composite structures[Design]

13.6 Load Concentrate Point

The load concentrate point, such as the supports, shall be designed with verifying the safety against concentrate loading.

The safety of points of load concentration, such as supports and attachments between a girder and ribs or braces, should be ensured by means of vertical stieners, diaphragms, or similar. In the design of load concentration points, refer to the following design codes: [Japan Road Association, 2002a, Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, 1994, and Metropolitan Highway Corporation, 2003]. Details of connections between superstructure and isolating supports should be designed such that the reaction force due to the dead load and the live load is transmitted smoothly to the bearing support. Furthermore, an isolating support should able to transmit the inertial force of the superstructure to the bearing support during earthquakes and should be designed such that no local deformation occurs. An isolating support consists of the girder web, vertical stieners and diaphragms on the support itself, ribs, and other components. The design of the vertical stieners and diaphragms for the support is carried out as for a steel bearing support. Ribs should be designed such that the bearing stress is distributed equally, while the stress due to rotational displacement of the superstructure should also be distributed uniformly. Vertical stieners on the support should be extended until the edge of a rubber bearing to ensure that stress is properly transmitted because the plane geometry of a rubber bearing is larger than that of a steel bearing.

13.7 Beam-to-Column Connection

At the beam-to-column connection, the stress between the beam members and the column members shall be smoothly transmitted. In addition, the beam-to-column connection shall be designed with paying many attentions to the stress concentration in local area.

For the design of a beam-to-column connection without a haunch or with a linear or circular haunch, refer to [Japan Highway Corporation, 1998, Metropolitan Highway corporation, 2003, and Nagoya Highway Corporation, 2003]. On the other hand, beam-to-column connections with other geometries can be designed by nite element analysis or following the three design codes referenced. In recent years, fatigue failures in the beam-to-column connections of steel rigid frame piers have been reported [Miki et al., 2003]. In order to avoid fatigue failure, sucient attention must be paid to welding in the design, manufacture, and construction of beam-to-column connections. [Metropolitan Highway Corporation, 2003] recommends beam-to-column connections with llets.

13.8 Panel Connection

Panel connection should be a simple structure as much as possible to smoothly transmit membrane forces each other. In addition, structural details of panel connection should be considered to be easy connect of each member, to enable easy maintenance work, such as inspection, drain, cleaning and so on.

Chapter 13 Plate Structures



For the panel connections of a truss structure, provisions for the thickness of the gusset plate are given in [Japan Road Association, 2002a, Institute of Railway Technology, 2000, and Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1976]. Where the panel connection is particularly aected by high loading or secondary stress, refer to [Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1976]. When connecting a suspension member or the supporting column of an arch structure with a stiened girder or arch rib, it is must be ensured that no defects arise as a result of stress concentrations and secondary stress in the panel connection. [Japan Bridge Association, 2002] gives some information about the structural details of such panel connections. Where a tubular member is used for the connection, refer to section 10.5.

13.9 Cross Beam, Cross Frame, Lateral Bracing and Diaphragms

13.9.1 General (1) Structural details of steel girder should be enable to maintain the shape and the stiness of the structure, to transmit lateral loading to the support. (2) Details of load concentration point of steel girder and truss structure should be enable to maintain the shape and transmit concentration load. (3) Geometrical properties of cross-frame and lateral bracing should be considered both of the structural rigidity and the construction. (4) All the followings are satised, slenderness parameter of the member can be applied the criterion in chapter 10, bridge structure is considered as a plane structure that pays attention to main girder or main structure, cross-frame or lateral bracing without performing as a principal member, cross-frame or lateral bracing is installed as a truss member.

(1) Cross-beams, cross frames, lateral braces, and diaphragms are member that help maintain sectional form, ensure stiness, transmit lateral loadings smoothly to the supports, and help satisfy the spatial functions of a structure. This article prescribes that such members should, in principle, be tted to steel girders, such as in [Japan Road Association, 2002a and Institute of Railway Technology, 2000]. In the case of a bridge with two narrow I-shaped girders, it is necessary to pay careful attention to global lateral buckling of the whole structure when the number of lateral braces is reduced. [Japan Road Association, 2002a] prescribes the following requirements with regard to this type of failure: 1) The safety against lateral buckling of a two main girder bridge should be veried in the case that the moment of inertia with respect to the horizontal axis is less than that with respect to the vertical axis and the ratio of span to web interval exceeds 18.0. 2) 2) The torsional stiness of a curved girder should be increased by way of installing lateral bracing. In recent years, it has become possible to reduce the number of lateral braces, cross beams, and cross frames or simplify them for the purpose of structural simplication. When this is done, the structural system must complement the function of the lateral braces and cross frames in order to ensure resistance to lateral loading of the steel girder and the stability of the whole structure.


Standard Specications of steel and composite structures[Design]

(2) Where eccentric loading aects a box-girder or where wheel loading directly aects the ange plate, [Railway Technology Research Institute, 2000] requires that diaphragms have sucient stiness against shear buckling and prescribes detailing in accordance with [Japan Road Association, 2002a]. (3) Since the stress aecting cross frames and lateral braces is small, their cross-section is dominated by the slenderness ratio. However, the minimum size of L-angles is regulated in principal to avoid the installation of narrow members as cross frames and lateral braces from the viewpoint of stability.

13.9.2 Cross beam In case that the slab is supported with several main girders, the cross beam on support or the cross beam for load distribution should be installed between each main girder.

[Japan Road Association, 2002a] recommends that cross beams for load distribution should be installed at intervals that do not exceed 20 m so as not to violate the assumptions made in the design of the concrete slab if the span of each girder exceeds 10 m. These cross beams for load distribution should have sucient stiness to overcome the inuence of relative deection between each girder and the concrete slab. Filled cross beams are recommended for curved girders. Connections between the main girder and the cross beams should be designed in consideration of the load transmission mechanism.

13.9.3 Cross frame (1) At the support of deck bridge, the end cross-frame should be installed between each main girder or each main structure. (2) The cross-frame which takes charge of load distribution should be designed as the principal member. (3) The cross-frame of the skew bridge should be placed with paying attention to the analytical procedure, production and construction process. (4) All the followings are satised, cross-frame can be reduced, structural rigidity is ensured as whole structure such as reduced main girder bridge, responsibility design engineer verify the structural safety.

Since reaction forces arise if a member is damaged or if there is uncertainty about a member, cross beams should be installed between each girder of an upper deck bridge.

13.9.4 Lateral bracing (1) Structural details of steel girder should be enable to transmit lateral loading to the support. (2) All the followings are satised, upper lateral bracing can be reduced, bridge type is the deck bridge, the orthotropic deck or concrete slab is connected with main girder, horizontal motion of main girder is restrained.


Chapter 13 Plate Structures


(1) In order to ensure the stiness of the main girder, [Japan Road Association, 2002a] requires that lateral bracing is installed at the top and bottom of the main girder. (2) Lateral bracing can be omitted in a case where the oor system and the main girder are connected tightly to each other with a concrete slab or steel deck plate. However, lateral bracing may also help prevent deformation of the structure during construction so it may be better not omit the lateral bracing depending on the erection method. [Japan Road Association, 2002a] allows the bottom lateral bracing to be omitted as long as the span is less than 25mm and strong cross framing is installed. Omitting the lateral bracing in a curved girder may lead to a decrease in the torsion resistance of the whole structure, so [Japan Road Association, 2002a] prescribes that lateral girders must be present in the case of a curved girder.

13.9.5 Diaphragms (1) Diaphragm should be placed as followings in standard, an angle of skew direction in the supporting part of the skew girder bridge, a right angle to main girder in the intermediate part of the skew girder bridge, a normal direction to main girder in the curved girder bridge. (2) An opening, or a manhole, should be installed in the diaphragm if necessary.

(1) Generally, a diaphragm should be installed at a right angle to the main girder, except in the case of a skew bridge; this increases the stiness of the diaphragm itself and simplies manufacture. A few examples of provisions relating to diaphragm spacing are given below: [Metropolitan Highway Corporation, 2003]: intervals of about 6m are recommended, [Japan Highway Corporation, 2000]: interval not to exceed 6m, [Nagoya Highway Corporation, 2003]: spandrel-lled diaphragms can be installed at intervals o less than 6m; sub-diaphragms are required if the interval is over 6m. (2) [Japan Road Association, 1980] proposed characteristic values of stiness parameter, K, according to the shape of the opening and the opening ratio, , as follows: < 0.4: lled spandrel type, > 0.8: rigid frame type, other : cross frame type.
References in Chapter 13 JSCE (1976) Research Report on the Honshu-Shikoku Connecting Bridge Superstructure Steel. Japan Road Association (1980) Manual on Steel Bridge Design Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1994) Ultimate Strength and Design of Steel Structures, Steel Structure Series 6 Nara Takashi, Ogura Tsutomu (1995) Shear strength and vertical stiener of the steel girder web plate panel, Japanese Society of Steel Construction, Structural Steel Collection Annual Report Volume 3 dissertation. Tada Hiroyuki (1996) Design and construction of bridge deck pavement. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART A; Structures in General. Nara Takashi, Ogura Tsutomu (1997) Evaluation of ultimate shear strength of web plate panel considering the vertical stiener, J. Steel Constr. Eng., JSSC, Vol.5. Using the design method TEPAHotta Takashi, Nishimura Nobuo, Murakami Shigeyuki, Taki Hideaki (1997) PURETO I digit local buckling of the section, the papers annual steel structure Album Report, Vol.5, pp.239-246. Murakami Shigeyuki, Nishimura Nobuo, T. Horita (1997) TEPAPURETO compressive strength of the prominent freedom, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.43A, pp.107-116.


Standard Specications of steel and composite structures[Design]

Japan Highway Public Corporation (1998) Design Guide Vol.2. Kazuo Ogaki, Hee Kawaguti, Isoe Akira, Takahashi Akikazu, Kawashiri Katsutoshi, Nagai Masatugudashi (1998) Two real synthesis for design of stiened steel main girder bridge main girder Research experience, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.44A, pp.1229-1239. Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite structures JSCE (2002) Report of international standards for structural steel research and analysis. Japan Road Association (2002a) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume. Japan Road Association (2002b) Fatigue Design Guideline for Steel Highway Bridges Japan Highway Public Corporation (Japan) Expressway Technology Center) (2002) PC oor slab two continuous composite steel beam bridge design and construction documentation. Katou Hisato, Takashi Kawabata Atsushi, Nishimura Nobuo (2002) Practical use of force and displacement of the bridge cross-section steel-concrete composite structure with a corrugated steel web Calculus, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.703/I-59, pp.293-300. Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation (2003) Design Guide for Highway Bridge Structures Capital. Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation (2003) Design Guide for Steel Structures. Yoda Teruhiko Tanikuti Nozomi (2003) Study of simple bending analysis of composite girder with corrugated steel web, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.577/I-41, pp.107-120. Miki Tizu, Akira Hiroshi Hirabayashi, Tokita Hideo Hiroshi Konishi Taku, Yaginuma Toshiyasu (2003) Fatigue cleavage mode of the plate pair conguration and angle of the steel pier, construction of Journal of the Association, No.745/I-65, pp.105-119. DASt-Richtlinie 012 (1978) Deutscher Ausschuss for Stahlbau. AASHTO (2003) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specications- S.I. Units 2003 Interim Revisions. CEN (2003a) prEN 1993-1-1 : Eurocode 3 : Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-1 : General Rules and Rules for Buildings, Stage 49 draft. CEN (2003b) prEN 1993-2 : Eurocode 3 : Design of Steel Structures, Part 2 : Steel Bridges, Stage 34 draft. CEN (2003c) prEN 1993-1-5 : Eurocode 3 : Design of Steel Structures, Part 1.5 : Plated Structural Elements, Stage 34 draft.


Chapter 14 Slab Design

14.1 General
14.1.1 Structural scope This chapter applies mainly to designed slabs under out-of-plane actions.

The slab of a road bridge is often subjected to out-of-plane loading through the pavement. Where this is the case, the eect of pavement rigidity on the out-of-plane rigidity of the slab should be disregarded because the physical properties of the pavement are signicantly aected by temperature. It is generally accepted that the pavement has the eect of distributing this loading over the thickness of the slab. Further, the entry of water into a concrete slab may cause the strength of the slab to decrease under cyclic loading while steel members may corrode badly. For this reason, the surface of the slab should be protected with a waterproof layer.

14.1.2 Design action The design actions as stipulated in Chapter 2 shall be considered in the design of a slab to cope with variable actions such as a live load.

A slab is a member that directly supports the load and is subjected to variable actions, including live and impact loads. The eects of these variable actions should be fully taken into account in determining the actions on the slab used in design. Road and railway bridges are designed in accordance with the specications [Japan Road Association, 2002a; Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. If actual loads dierent from design actions are expected, the eects of these actual loads need to be taken into account. Although the available reference data on variable actions acting on slabs is limited, the distribution of axle loads can be estimated from the assumed trac volume and the ratio of large vehicles by consulting the literature (such as Technical Note No. 2700 of the Public Works Research Institute).

14.1.3 Analytical procedure (1) The analytical model shall be developed through the choice of an appropriate modeling range under appropriate boundary conditions. (2) In principle, the slab part shall be extracted as a board structure in the analysis. Depending on the purpose of the verication, the slab shall be modeled as having a large inuence on the stress state at the verication point. (3) In modeling each structural member, an appropriate element shall be chosen in consideration of its structural characteristics. (4) The value of each material physical property shall be made an appropriate value reecting its behavior. (5) The evaluation of the analytical results shall be based on the modeling conditions as appropriate.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


(1) Although it is desirable to model the entire structure, it may be modeled in part as long as this has no eect on the stress state at a verication point. Taking the unidirectional slab of a straight steel bridge as an example, the full width of the slab and about twice the width of the slab need, as a rule, to be modeled in the transverse and longitudinal directions, respectively. For slabs other than unidirectional ones as well as the slabs of horizontally curved bridges and those with a signicant longitudinal gradient, the extent of the model needs to be studied. As regards the support conditions of a slab supported on steel I girders, the assumption can be made that the slab is simply supported at the location of the girder webs. For a slab supported on a box girder, the support conditions at the top face of the upper ange of the box girder should be modeled appropriately. (2) When using FEM analysis in design, the slab is essentially regarded as a plate structure and design member forces and deections are calculated according to the rigidity and anisotropy of the slab, its span, the layout of girders, the skew angle, and other factors. For a concrete slab, only the concrete portion is modeled in general, while any steel plates, rebars, prestressing tendons, studs, and other components should be modeled as appropriate in consideration of their eects on the slab at the point of verication [Sakamoto et al., 2002; Honma et al., 2002]. Further, in modeling a pavement whose toughness falls in high-temperature environments, such as an asphalt pavement, only the slabs load distribution action is taken into account, while the exural rigidity of the slab should be left out of consideration. When the purpose of analysis is not to calculate design member forces or deections but to calculate local stresses, to check the load bearing capacity, or to understand the vibration characteristics, cracking properties of concrete, thermal stresses of concrete, and prestressing forces introduced in a prestressed concrete (PC) slab, the recommendation is to model the structural members in addition to the slab as determined necessary after consulting past cases [Miki et al., 2005; Nagayama et al., 1998; Kawabata et al., 2004a; Japan Bridge Association, 2004; Yasumatsu et al., 2003]. (3) The use of plate elements to check the overall behavior of a slab and calculate design member forces and deections is an ecient method. However, when the anisotropy of the slab is very large or the degree of deterioration of a reinforced concrete (RC) slab is taken into account, it is recommended to use elements capable of taking into account the anisotropy [Matsui et al., 1995; Sato et al., 1998; Honma et al., 2002]. When taking into account the orthotropy of a steel slab, analysis using the nite strip method, which takes into consideration a dynamic model composed of strips and lateral ribs, is also eective [Tada, 1971]. In determining the distribution of stresses in the direction of thickness or calculating the local stresses in members inside the slab, it is recommended to use solid, plate, beam, and other elements in combination for modeling. When solid elements are used for modeling, it is necessary to consider how the mesh is set in the direction of slab thickness or plate thickness so as to avoid shear locking. Further, in connecting elements having dierent degrees of freedom, it is necessary to deal appropriately with the degrees of freedom. When using higher-order elements, the eects of the characteristics of the elements on the results of the analysis need to be understood. And when taking into consideration steel girders in the modeling of the slab, the eccentricity caused by the thickness of the slab should be factored in. (4) In calculating the design member forces and deections for road bridges, steel members are dealt with as linear elastic bodies using the physical properties specied in the Specications for Highway Bridges (the Specications) [Japan Road Association, 2002] or obtained as test results. Concrete members are assumed to be linear elastic bodies, with cracks neglected when the elastic deections of girders under loading are not more than about L/500 (L/300 for cantilevers), using

Chapter 14 Slab Design


the physical properties specied in the Specications. In addition, when checking load-bearing capacity, the nonlinearity and cracking of concrete need to be taken into consideration, but appropriate modeling of these characteristics is a subject for future study. In carrying out the thermal stress analysis of slab concrete, the material nonlinearity specied in the Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002a] is taken into consideration [Japan Bridge Association, 2004.] For steel and other non-concrete materials, the physical properties of the materials are claried and the nonlinearity of the materials is taken into account as needed. (5) If the structure is modeled appropriately, the structural analysis factor, =1.0, for analysis results can be taken as 1.0, except for the case where assumptions in modeling are unclear or the analysis is nonlinear. In evaluating the results of analysis, it should be borne in mind that the results may vary depending on the type, shape, and size of the nite elements used. The preferred shape of nite elements in the vicinity of a point of interest is a square or cube. As a guide, nite elements should be about 50 mm in size when calculating design member forces; element sizing needs to be studied separately when calculating local stresses. There are some cases where excessively large values are derived by analysis at interSections of plate elements, at points where nodes of elements with large dierent rigidities are shared, in elements directly below loads, and in elements in restrained sections. In these cases, analysis values of adjacent nite elements are used for evaluation. Further, adequate attention needs to be paid to the relationship between the assumed element coordinate system and the global coordinate system.

14.2 Safety
14.2.1 Safety of slab (1) The slab shall be able to carry the load safely and directly, transmitting it to the supports. (2) The slab shall be designed so as to secure safety with respect to the two performance items that follow. 1 Safety in carrying the load directly 2 Safety as the main structural member

(1) A slab is subject to cyclic loading in addition to the dead load. As one of the oor framing members, the slab must transmit these loads safely to the girders as well as supporting them. Particularly when a slab is subjected to large cyclic loads, it is necessary to conrm that it is suciently safe even toward the end of its design service life. (2) The safety of the slab, as the plate member that directly supports the loads, needs to be ensured for its particular conditions of shape and support. Adequate safety must be ensured at the supports of the slab as well as for the slab in general. Further, the safety of the slab should be conrmed as needed during its transportation and/or construction until full completion. If the slab and girders are integrated into the main structural members or if the slab is subjected to large loads, such as earthquake and wind loading, in the in-plane direction, adequate safety needs to be ensured under these conditions also.

14.2.2 Out-of-plane shear (1) Under out-of-plane shear, the slab shall be completely safe against punching shear at the loading point.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(2) Under out-of-plane shear, the slab shall be safe against shear at the supports. (3) In the case of change of stress transmission mechanism, the safety of slab shall be considered under the inuence of cyclic loading.

(1) The slab that bears the load directly is subjected to an out-of-plane punching shear force that acts directly below the load point. The safety of the slab under the action of this force is veried based on the assumption that the force is distributed at an angle of 45 from the point at which the load acts. In this case, the eect of any eccentricity or unevenness of the loading near the loads point, if any, needs to be taken into consideration. The Specications prescribe a minimum slab thickness to assure adequate safety under these forces. The safety of concrete members can be veried in accordance with the Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002a.] (2) A slab supporting out-of-plane loads is subjected to a large shear force in the vicinity of its supports. It should be veried that the slab is safe at the load point where the maximum shear force is induced. The magnitude of the shear force used for the verication of safety at the supports should be determined, as a general rule, through analysis or tests. The Specications [Japan Road Association, 2002b] assure the safety of the slab at the supports of the slab under the action of this shear force by prescribing a minimum thickness for the slab and installing haunches at the supports. (3) There are cases where an irreversible change in the force transmission mechanism results from tensile stresses, such as when cracking occurs, in a concrete slab. In a case where the slab is subject to cyclic loading, its safety needs to be considered in consideration of the eect of such changes in the force transmission mechanism. In practical terms, anisotropy due to cracking should be taken into account in calculating member forces and concrete in the tensile stress area should be neglected in conducting verications.

14.2.3 Out-of-plane bending (1) Under out-of-plane bending, the slab shall be completely safe against the appropriate calculated out-of-plane bending. (2) In the case of according to proposed out-of-plane bending equation, it shall be necessary to note the coverage, the analytical condition, and accuracy and to carry out an appropriate correction if necessary.


(1) A slab that supports out-of-plane loads needs have adequate safety against the out-of-plane bending moment. The out-of-plane bending moment is determined from analysis or tests by assuming the most disadvantageous loading condition at the point of interest and taking into account uneven settlement at the slab supports, as well as the eects of support conditions that aect the direction in which the out-of-plane bending moment is induced. (2) The Specications [Japan Road Association, 2002b] prescribe an equation for the out-of-plane bending moment induced by the live load. This equation should be used with a clear understanding of the assumed loading conditions, the scope of application including the span of the slab, the support conditions of the slab, the presence/absence of anisotropy, the accuracy of the equation, and the safety factor in the equation.

Chapter 14 Slab Design


14.2.4 In-plane forces (1) Under in-plane forces, the slab shall be safe with respect to functioning as part of the main structure. It shall also be safe against earthquake, wind, and temperature changes. (2) When under in-plane forces caused by deformation of the slab supporting girder, the safety of the slab shall be considered of its inuence.

(1) In a composite structure consisting of a slab and girders and also in the case of a steel slab, there are additional forces as well as the out-of-plane load acting on the member because of its role as part of the main structure. The safety of the slab should be conrmed under these additional member forces as well as under the member forces arising because of its role as the oor framing that directly supports the load as well as combinations of the two. In combining the actions of the main structure and the oor framing, the safety factor can be set by taking into account of the circumstances under which combined member forces are induced. The Specications evaluate the safety of the slab under combined member forces by increasing the allowable stress by 40%. (2) If the girder supporting the slab undergoes signicant deformation, in-plane forces in addition to the in-plane bending moment may act on the slab. In this case, the slab needs to be designed to ensure its safety under these in-plane forces.

14.2.5 Safety verication of slab The safety of the slab shall be veried in consideration of pre-determined factors. At minimum, the verication of slab safety should be evaluated as follows. (1) General Part (2) Overhanging part (Support point and Base of handrail) (3) Girder end (4) Opening

In order to verify safety, a number of factors need to be determined in an appropriate manner. In particular, if there is concern that the slab thickness may be insucient, a large safety factor needs to be adopted, because any construction errors, including errors in slab thickness, can have a large eect slab strength. The bending moment equation specied in the Specications gives results with a 1020% safety margin as compared with theoretical values in consideration of the eects of structural analysis and construction errors. In addition to a general verication, slab safety should be veried in the areas specied in this section. Further, aside from the areas mentioned above, other areas requiring consideration are where the cross section changes, at construction joints, at anchorages for prestressing tendons, and at points where prestressing tendons deect. In these locations, the strength of members and the slab support conditions change. As structurally weak points, they should be provided with adequate reinforcement.

14.3 Serviceability
14.3.1 Serviceability of slab The serviceability of the slab shall be veried using three performance items as follows. (1) Deformation of slab


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

From the point of view of users, the slab shall perform without deformation so as to provide safety and comfort for pedestrians and trac. (2) Vibration of slab The slab shall perform without improper vibration under cyclic loading. (3) Drainage of slab The slab shall drain quickly, without water pooling on the slab surface.

(1) The slab is used by vehicles and pedestrians crossing the bridge. To ensure safe and comfortable crossing of the bridge, the roadway surface needs to be maintained as a continuous and even pavement. It is important, for drivers and pedestrians, that the road surface is free of irregularities and does not pool water. Irregularities and water pooling on a paved road surface are phenomena that arise because of the condition of the pavement or the waterproof layer. Compaction during construction and deformation of the slab under the pavement while the structure is in service have a great eect on the performance of the pavement and the waterproof layer. Accordingly, the slab needs should be rigid enough that concrete does not crack and impair constructability during paving work or cause failure of the waterproof layer. (2) The slab vibrates and causes noise as vehicles cross the bridge. Occasional noise does not pose any major problem but noise can sometimes have a major eect on residents near a bridge depending on its level. In particular, the slab needs to be rigid enough that low-frequency noise is not generated. (3) One of the factors that aects the serviceability of a bridge roadway is the drainage performance of the road surface. Rainwater falling on the road surface ows down the longitudinal and transverse slopes of the roadway and into storm drains. In recent years, high-functionality pavements with a porous surface layer have been used to reduce vehicle noise and rapidly drain water from the surface. When this type of surface is used, the base course comprises an impermeable bed that is supported directly on the slab. The performance of the pavement has a direct eect on drainage performance and the nished surface of the slab becomes an important factor. It is necessary to control the surface nish of the slab and the slab needs enough rigidity that harmful cracks do not form. Additionally, rainwater owing into the storm drains need to ow smoothly into the storm drainage system. To verify the serviceability of concrete parts of the structure, it is necessary to study cracking because if cracks develop to widths larger than the allowable size or chloride ion concentrations at the depth of the steel increase to the critical concentration or higher, steel corrosion will take place and reduce the durability of the structure. The consequent degradation in watertightness and outward appearance impairs the serviceability of the structure. Cracking has the eect of degrading the durability of concrete mainly by promoting corrosion of the steel; this is covered in Section 14.5 Corrosion Resistance and Resistance to Material Deterioration.

14.3.2 Serviceability verication of slab According to section 7.3 Verication of Serviceability, the serviceability of a slab should be veried using the following performance items. (1) Deformation of slab Deection under live load and condition of the slab surface shall be within limits. (2) Vibration of slab The slab shall not resonate at the frequency of passing trucks.

Chapter 14 Slab Design


(3) Drainage of slab The slab shall drain quickly without water pooling on the slab surface.

(1) The concrete slab of a road bridge is considered problem free in use if its deection under live loading is not more than 1/2000 of the slab span. Further, the slab surface is regarded as being rigid enough to resist deformation if any cracks are no wider than the limit value set during the design phase and if cracking is controlled below the target control value during construction. (2) The physical measures used to assess vibration characteristics include deection, natural frequency, and acceleration. In the design of the superstructure, a limit value is set on resonance frequency for footbridges and on deection under live loading for road bridges. The Report on Research Study of Vibration Phenomena Specic to Slabs [JSCE, 2004a] presents the relationship between the span and natural frequency of RC and PC slabs for steel road bridges, as shown in Figs.C14.3.1 and C14.3.2, respectively. The results of this survey of vibration and low-frequency problems (Table C14.3.1) indicate a high likelihood of low-frequency damage occurring when the natural frequency of the slab is about 10 Hz.This results from the fact that 10 Hz corresponds approximately to the frequency of the unsprung weight of large trucks [Kawabata et al., 2004a].

Fig.C14.3.1 Relationship between span and Fig.C14.3.2 Relationship between span and natural frequency of a slab (RC slab) natural frequency of a slab (PC slab) [JSCE, 2004a] [JSCE, 2004a]

Table C14.3.1 Results of survey of vibration and low-frequency problems [JSCE, 2004a]
Researchers Yamada et al. Noises and Vibrations 1978 Shimizu et al. Noises and Vibrations 1982 Yasuo Kajikawa Prestressed Concrete 2003 Itsuo Murai Noise Control 1982 Uchida et al. Nagano research Institute for Health and Pollution Report 1979 Ishii et al. Chiba Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Pollution Report 1981] Shozo Yamaga Japan Highway Public Corporation Research Institute Report 1977 Results of survey The frequency of the unsprung weight of large trucks is 820Hz. The dominant frequency of noise emitted from joints is 1050Hz. The dominant frequency of body sensory vibrations is about 14.5 Hz. The dominant frequency of noise emitted from the joints of elevated bridges is 1030Hz. The peak appears at 12.5Hz.

The peak appears at 12 Hz. Truss bridges: The peak appears at 1014Hz. Steel girder bridges: The peak appears at 10-18 Hz.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(3) The slab of a road bridge is regarded as satisfying the drainage performance requirement if the drainage system is constructed in accordance with the Road Earthworks: Guidelines for Drainage Works [Japan Road Association, 1987].

14.4 Fatigue Resistance

14.4.1 Fatigue resistance of slab (1) The slab fatigue resistance under cyclic loading (live load and wind load) shall be assured for the whole of the design working life. (2) The verication of slab fatigue resistance shall clarify the failure mechanism and examine the respective inuence of out-of-plane shear and out-of-plane bending. (3) The verication of slab fatigue resistance shall be based on the appropriate specications for fatigue strength.


This section covers slabs of concrete construction, including RC, PC, and steel-concrete composite slabs. (1) The fatigue resistance of the slab refers to the resistance of the slab to fatigue failure when cyclic loads (live or others) above a certain level act on it. The most important action that inuences the performance of a road bridge slab is the wheel loading. Wheel loading acts directly on the slab and the slab is subject to very severe conditions as a result of this repeated action. The requirements for fatigue resistance are that, under repeated wheel loading, the slab retains the safety factor set for each limit state during the design phase over the design service life and that the slab does not suer damage that results in the safety or serviceability of the slab falling below the allowable level. There are few cases where fatigue other than that caused by moving vehicles presents a problem with the slab. However, if large sound absorbing barriers are tted to the concrete barrier parapets, cantilevered sections of the slab may be subject to relatively large action caused by wind loading and this may cause specic vibrations. In this case, it is necessary to study the fatigue resistance of the slab under cyclic wind loading, depending on the magnitude of the stresses induced in the slab, as well as under other specic vibrations during the design service life of the slab. That is, the resistance of the slab to all cyclic actions, not only wind loading and vibration, needs to be ensured. (2) The mechanism of fatigue failure varies with the type of slab, so it is important to clarify the mechanism in the fatigue design of the slab. Once the failure mechanism has been claried, it is possible to determine the fatigue strength as well as verify the fatigue resistance of the slab under cyclic loading over the design service life. An RC slab subjected to cyclic loading during the design service period needs to be resistant to fatigue caused by the exural stress induced in the rebars and the slab concrete (exural fatigue durability), by the shear force induced in the cross section of the slab (shear fatigue durability), and by the punching shear force induced in the cross section of the slab (punching shear fatigue durability). For a PC slab, the resistance of prestressing tendons and anchorages to fatigue, in addition to the fatigue resistance required of the RC slab, needs to be ensured. In the case of a steel-concrete composite slab, the fatigue resistance of steel members, such as bottom steel plates, frame members, and rebars, concrete members, and the joints between steel and concrete members need to be veried. (3) In the evaluation of fatigue strength, it is important to clarify the intensity of loads acting on the slab and the frequency of loading, and to use an appropriate evaluation method. To set

Chapter 14 Slab Design


values for the cyclic action of trac loading, an assumption needs to be made as to the trac to be carried over the design service life of the slab. To be more precise, the magnitude and cumulative frequency distribution of the wheel loading need to be set. Although it is extremely dicult to correctly assess the cumulative sum of cyclic action imposed by wheel loading because vehicular trac patterns vary with the social situation and the development of surrounding roads, it is necessary to set this cumulative sum by predicting, as accurately as possible, future trac volumes based on measured trac on in-service roads similar to that carried by the bridge [Bridge Research Laboratory, Department of Structures and Bridges, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, 1988; Pavement Research Laboratory, Department of Roads, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, 1995; Miki et al., 1985; Mori et al., 1995]. The following methods of evaluation the cumulative sum are proposed: evaluation of fatigue strength based on the S-N curve determined from the results of a moving wheel load test; a method based on the relative fatigue strength; and a method based on the equivalent load and fatigue safety factor. Further, in a case where the eects of other cyclic actions such as wind loading might be expected, the magnitude and cumulative frequency distribution of such actions need to be set and appropriately evaluated to determine the cumulative sum of the actions during the design service life of the slab. Incidentally, concrete slabs are currently regarded as satisfying the predetermined level of safety if they meets the provisions of the Specications because it is known that their fatigue strength is signicantly improved as compared with conventional concrete slabs. Slab fatigue also includes out-of-plane exural and shear fatigue and out-of-plane punching shear fatigue. In the case of exural fatigue in a steel-concrete composite slab, it is generally the case that the steel fails in fatigue. In the case of the punching shear fatigue of a composite slab under live loading, it is the concrete that fails in fatigue, as in the fatigue failure pattern of RC slabs used for existing multiple girder bridges. To verify the resistance of the slab to fatigue, appropriate tests and analysis techniques capable of reproducing the failure mechanism of the slab should be used.

14.4.2 Fatigue due to out-of-plane shear (1) The slab shall exhibit durability against out-of-plane punching shear fatigue caused by wheel loading. (2) The slab shall exhibit durability against out-of-plane shear fatigue around its the supports.


(1) The slab that directly bears the load is subjected to an out-of-plane punching shear force that act directly below the load point. The slab may fail in fatigue under these punching shear forces. As a method of evaluating the resistance of the slab to fatigue under punching shear forces, a fatigue test using a wheel-loading test machine is available. This is a method of testing the slab by driving a steel wheel or a rubber tire simulating the wheel of a vehicle over the slab such that it exerts the wheel load on the slab. It has been veried that the fatigue failure of RS slabs used in actual bridges can be reproduced by this test. Various investigations have been carried out on punching shear failure after an RC slab has cracked transversely into multiple beam-like forms, and S-N curves based on the results of a moving wheel load test have been proposed [Matsui, 1987; Matsui, 1991; Yasumatsu et al., 1998]. However, the proposed S-N curves are represented by a single logarithmic function with an extremely gentle gradient (m=1/11 to 4/11). Variations in materials and construction work as well as variations in the intensity of loading due to dierences in loading patterns are extremely large


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

as compared with a change in the number of cycles of loading, N, on the time axis. Accordingly, it is dicult to judge the resistance of the slab to fatigue using the concept of the fatigue safety factor over the service life as compared with using the design service life.

Fig.C14.4.1 Typical S-N curve (Osaka University) [JSCE, 2004b]


P = 0.07166 log N + 0.7292 Ps

(C 14.4.1)

To avoid this, a proposition is made to express the assumed loads during the required design service life in the form of representative load and the number of cycles and dene the safety factor for the resistance of the concrete slab to fatigue as the ratio of the failure load on the S-N curve to the representative load [Kawabata et al. 2004b.]

Fig.C14.4.2 Typical evaluation of fatigue durability by safety factor [Kawabata et al. 2004b]

P = = where Nef f

1 P Pmax

log Nef f 14

Vpcd k

(C 14.4.2) (C 14.4.3)

equivalent number of cycles that is converted in such a manner that the fatigue

damage from the maximum wheel load, Pmax , becomes equivalent

Chapter 14 Slab Design



design punching shear capacity = (2a + b)/(a + b)

factor for the surface on which wheel load acts a : width of the surface on which the load acts, b : length of the surface on which the load acts

(2) Attention should also be given to the shear fatigue failure in the vicinity of the supports of the slab on which the reaction of the loads acting on the slab acts, in addition to the parts on which the wheel loads directly act.

14.4.3 Fatigue due to out-of-plane bending (1) The slab shall exhibit durability against out-of-plane bending. (2) Slab connection components shall exhibit durability against stress caused by out-of-plane bending.


(1) The slab subjected to out-of-plane loads should be safe against the fatigue caused by out-of-plane bending moment. The most common failure pattern in the case of concrete slabs is punching shear fatigue. For PC slabs, there has been no report on the fatigue failure of the slabs with their slab thicknesses increased by the large span of the slabs. It is presumed that the fatigue failure of rebars or prestressing tendons due to bending rather than the punching shear failure is dominant [Yasumatsu et al. 1998; Hase et al. 1999; Honma et al. 1999.] The same goes for steel-concrete composite slabs. The wheel-loading test that is conducted as a method of conrming the resistance of the slab to fatigue in some cases exerts a smaller bending moment on the slab than occurs in an actual bridge, primarily due to the limited size of the specimen (the short span of the slab). The exural fatigue durability of the slab should be veried by an appropriate method, such as a fatigue test in which a load acts at a xed point on a beam-shaped specimen simulating the cross section in the longitudinal or transverse direction of the bridge. (2) Members used to connect the components of a slab include shear connectors, which hold the concrete to the steel plate in a steel-concrete composite slab, and prestressing tendon anchorages in a PC slab. Shear connectors are generally of welded construction, so attention should be paid to the fatigue durability of the welds. To verify the fatigue durability of the steel portion of a steel-concrete composite slab, two methods are available: static testing or FEM analysis to determine the range in which stresses are induced in the steel portion and then to verify the fatigue durability of the steel based on standard fatigue strength classes. Because there may be cases where the stress at the point of interest is aected by alternating loading as wheels pass over, the point at which the load acts and the method of applying the load need to be carefully studied.

14.4.4 Inuence of water (1) A waterproof layer should be used to protect against inltration of water from the slab surface, which could damage the fatigue resistance of the slab. (2) If a waterproof -layer is not used, the slab fatigue resistance shall be veried in consideration of the inuence of water on the slab.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(1) It is known from water-immersion wheel-loading tests that the fatigue durability of a slab significantly decreases when there is standing water on its top surface. To prevent water penetrating the road surface and collecting on the top of the slab, a waterproof layer should be installed. (2) If no waterproof layer is installed, the eect on fatigue resistance of water standing on the slab surface needs to be taken into account.

14.5 Corrosion Resistance and Resistance to Material Deterioration

The materials used for the slab of a steel or composite structure shall exhibit sucient corrosion resistance and resistance to material deterioration. 14.5.1 Resistance to steel corrosion Steel components of the slab shall exhibit corrosion resistance. (1) steel corrosion (2) corrosion of steel used in the concrete

This section species, of the durability performance requirements for a slab, the basic performance with respect to changes in the materials used for the slab over time. The slab should not suer harmful degradation or damage, leading to a decline in safety and serviceability, as a result of actions on the components of the slab over the design service life of the slab. Although the slab should be provided with a waterproof layer, as described in Section 14.4, the slab should be highly resistant to material corrosion and degradation under the action of carbon dioxide, rainwater, and chemical components entering from the sides and bottom of the slab even if there is no waterproof layer or it fails to function. The width of cracks in the concrete has a very great eect on the corrosion resistance of the steel reinforcement used in the concrete. Where the concrete contains steel, the allowable crack width needs to be determined by taking into account local environmental conditions, the type of steel used, and the concrete cover depth. The Standard Specications for Concrete Structures [JSCE, 2002b] specify the allowable crack width in relation to steel corrosion according to environmental conditions and the type of steel. This allowable crack width relates to the minimum restriction on crack width that should be imposed so as to avoid corrosion. In a corrosive environment or a particularly severe corrosive environment, it is to be noted that crack widths should be controlled to below this allowable crack width and, at the same time, the requirement for chloride ion concentration at the depth of the steel needs to be satised. The allowable crack width in relation to watertightness is determined according to the required degree of watertightness and the dominant member forces acting on the slab by taking account of how the structure is to be used and the characteristics of loads acting on the structure. Cracks caused by the thermal stress arising from the heat of hydration of cement during curing are detailed in Report on Evaluation and Study of Eectiveness of Expansive Additives for Cast-in-situ PC Slabs [Japan Bridge Association, 2004]. The allowable crack width in relation to watertightness as addressed in past research as well as overseas specications regarding allowable crack width are detailed in the Guidelines for Survey, Repair and Reinforcement of Cracks in Concrete 2003 [Japan Concrete Institute, 2003]. (1) For requirements related to the resistance to corrosion of steel exposed to the outside air, such as the bottom steel plates of a steel slab or a composite slab, the recommendation is to refer to Section 8.2.2 Corrosion Resistance, because the requirements are similar to those for the resistance to corrosion of steel members in general. For verication, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.3.2 Verication of Corrosion Resistance. (2) Major factors causing the corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete are carbonation and salt dam-

Chapter 14 Slab Design


age. For requirements related to resistance to steel corrosion due to carbonation of the concrete, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.2.2 Corrosion Resistance, because the requirements are similar to those for the resistance the corrosion of concrete members in general. For verication, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.3.2 Verication of Corrosion Resistance. Leading causes of salt damage are salt, carried by sea spray and onshore winds, being deposited on the concrete surface and moving into the concrete, where it corrodes the steel, and anti-freeze agents such as calcium chloride that are applied to roads in cold climates. For requirements related to the former, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.2.2 Corrosion Resistance, because the requirements are considered similar to those for the resistance of concrete members in general. For verication, reference should be made to the approximation formula for calculating chloride ion concentration in concrete in the section titled Concrete Subjected to the Actions of the Sea Water of the Japanese Architectural Standard Specications [Architectural Institute of Japan, 2003] in addition to Section 8.3.2 Verication of Corrosion Resistance. In the case of the latter, where water containing an anti-freeze agent is applied above the top of the slab, it is considered eective to protect the slab using a waterproof layer. To protect the slab from salt damage resulting from the use of an anti-freeze agent, requirements for and verication of the waterproong system are applicable and detailed in Report on Evaluation of Durability of Highly-functional Waterproof System [Highly-Functional Waterproof Committee, 2004].

14.5.2 Resistance to concrete deterioration Concrete components of the slab shall exhibit sucient resistance to material deterioration. (1) Damage due to alkali-aggregate reaction (2) Damage due to frost (3) Damage due to Chemical action

(1) For requirements for the protection of concrete damage due to the alkali-silica reaction, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.2.3 Resistance of Materials to Degradation, because the requirements are considered similar to those for the protection of concrete members in general. For verication, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.3.3 Verication of Resistance of Materials to Degradation. (2) For requirements for the protection of concrete from frost damage, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.2.3 Resistance of Materials to Degradation, because the requirements are considered similar to those for protection of concrete members in general against frost damage. For verication, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.3.3 Verication of Resistance of Materials to Degradation. (3) For requirements for the protection of concrete from damage due to chemical action, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.2.3 Resistance of Materials to Degradation, because the requirements are considered similar to those for the protection of concrete members in general. For verication, it is recommended to refer to Section 8.3.3 Verication of Resistance of Materials to Degradation.

14.6 Slabs of Various Types

A slab shall be appropriately designed and then constructed in the eld so as to perform as required with respect to each performance item.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


The materials used to construct slabs include steel and concrete. For RC slabs, which have a long track record, steel slabs, PC, which have recently found wide application, and composite slabs, structural details are available for various slab types that have been determined from experience and in consideration of constructability. In many cases, similar structures are realized by sticking closely to these details. This section describes typical structural details of slabs of various types that have a long track record of use for road bridges.

14.6.1 Reinforced concrete slab An RC slab shall be designed such that it satises each performance item. Performance shall be considered as satised through the observing of appropriate structural details. (1) Slab thickness (2) Connection to main girder (3) Execution precision (4) Reinforcement at girder end


RC slabs have found many applications in road bridges. The specications for such slabs are prescribed in the Specications [Japan Road Association, 2002b]. The Specications have been updated when necessary based on the results of investigations of damage, if found. The contents of the Specications are very persuasive even though they are not theoretically based. This section describes typical structural details of RC slabs as prescribed in the latest Specications. (1) Thickness of RC slab The Specications dene the thickness of the RC slab. In the general, where the main steel reinforcement is arranged in the transverse direction, the basic slab thickness, t(mm), is given as 40L + 110 for two-girder slabs and 30L + 110 for multi-girder slabs (and not less than 160 mm in both cases), where L is the span of the slab (m). In actual design, the slab thickness is increased by multiplying the basic slab thickness by a factor derived from the volume of largesized vehicle trac (thickness increased by 25% at maximum) and a factor derived from the additional bending moment caused by dierences in the rigidity of the girders. Specications are also given for cases where the slab has a cantilever section and where the span of the slab is in the direction of vehicle ow. The above equations for slab thickness are applicable to slabs of span L up to 4 m; they are not applicable to slabs beyond this maximum. (2) Slab to main girder connections The Specications prescribe that the slab should, as a general rule, be provided with reinforced haunches for connection to the support girders. Haunches eectively prevent cracks from occurring by reducing tensile stresses induced by the action of the slab in the vicinity of the main girders as well as distributing local stresses induced in the shear connector connecting slab to girder. The Specications prescribe that additional reinforcing bars (haunch bars) should be provided for haunches that are 80 mm or more in depth. (3) Assurance of construction accuracy The Specications prescribe that rebars of size D13, D16, D19, or D22 should be used as a general rule and that, having selected a suitable diameter that is not too large, they should be arranged at an appropriate spacing so as to distribute cracks, control crack width, and minimize rebar deection and bending during construction. This ensures that errors in the cover depth and alignment of rebars due to deformation of the bars during construction are a minimum.

Chapter 14 Slab Design


(4) Reinforcement of the slab at girder ends At girder ends, the slab loses continuity and is subjected to impulsive loads caused by level dierences at the expansion joints. These loads induce large bending moments in the direction of the main reinforcement and, consequently, the slab is prone to damage. To avoid this, the Specications prescribe that, at girder ends, the slab should be able to resist these loads by introducing cross girders or brackets at the girder end points, increasing the slab thickness, or arranging additional rebars.

14.6.2 Pre-stressed concrete slab A PC slab shall be designed such that it satises each performance item taking into account construction by pre-casting or post-casting. Performance shall be considered as satised through the observing of appropriate structural details. (1) Slab thickness (2) Connection to main girder (3) Connection between slabs (4) Reinforcement at girder end

The specications for PC slabs are prescribed in the Specications, as is the case with RC slabs. For RC slabs, the span direction is aligned with the orientation of the main reinforcement. For PC slabs, the span direction is in some cases dierent from the direction in which the prestressing forces are introduced. The Specications prescribe the slab thickness in each case. This section deals with typical structural details in the most common case where the span direction of the slab and the direction in which the prestressing forces are introduced are perpendicular to the direction in which vehicles operate. (1) Minimum thickness of PC slab The Specications prescribe that the minimum thickness of the PC slab under the abovementioned conditions should be 0.9 times the thickness of an RC slab: that is, (40L + 110) 0.9 (mm) for two-girder slabs and (30L +110) 0.9 (mm) for multi-girder slabs. The required increase in thickness for trac volume and uneven settlement is the same as for RC slabs. The PC slab can be made thinner than the RC slab because, when prestressing forces are introduced in the direction of the span, the bending moment induced under loading in the direction perpendicular to the span is smaller in the PC slab than in the RC slab. (See 5.4.2 Commentary of Part III Concrete Bridges of the Specications.) The maximum span was set at 4 m (with 1.5 m cantilevered sections) for RC slabs and is 6 m (with 3 m cantilever sections) for PC slabs. However, RC slabs with large spans have recently been designed; taking the Warashinagawa Bridge on the Second Tomei Expressway as an example, slabs with a span of 11 m and a thickness of 360 mm at the center of the span (530 mm on the girders) are adopted. (2) Slab to girder connections A post-tensioned PC slab is usually connected to the girders with stud shear connectors, as is the case with an RC slab. At the connection points, a PC slab is generally provided with haunches, as with an RC slab. Taking the Warashinagawa Bridge as an example, the haunches take the form of a large arch extending from the girder support to the center of the span. A pre-tensioned PC slab is connected to the girders by the same method as a post-tensioned PC slab, i.e. with shear connectors. Because the size of the openings in a precast slab at the girders is limited, thick or screwed shear connectors are in some cases used in consideration of


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

transportability and constructability. High-performance concrete has been used reliably to ll the space between girders and a precast slab. (3) Connections between slabs A standard joint (called a loop joint) is used to connect precast PC slabs together. For reference, a sectional view of a loop joint is shown in Fig.C14.6.1. Needless to say, this joint is of RC structure, and is adopted as a general joint for PC slabs after loading tests have been carried out.

Fig.C14.6.1 Loop joint

(4) Reinforcement of slab end At girder ends, concrete needs to be cast down to the expansion joints and girder end cross girders even when a pre-tensioned PC slab is used. For this reason, the structure of a post-tensioned PC slab or RC slab is, in many cases, adopted at girder ends. The concept of reinforcement design for RC slabs, including the doubling of the design bending moment at the girder ends, applies correspondingly to PC slabs. The Manual for Design and Construction of PC Slab Steel Continuous Composite Two-Girder Bridges [Expressway Technology Center, March 2002] points out that it is necessary to fully conrm that the predetermined prestress is introduced into the slab in the vicinity of cross girders and expansion joints at the slab end. As regards the member forces induced by prestressing, the this manual describes the following design concept: 1 Lay out prestressing tendons and introduce prestressing forces so as not to induce tensile stress in the PC slab under the dead load. 2 Lay out prestressing tendons and introduce prestressing forces so as not to cause cracks in the PC slab under the dead load and live load. The concept of allowing tensile stress to be induced and cracks to form in prestressed reinforced concrete (PRC) depending on the combination of loads is also described in the manual.

14.6.3 Steel-concrete composite slab A steel-concrete composite slab shall be designed such that it satises each performance item. Performance shall be considered as satised through the observing of appropriate structural details. (1) Slab thickness (2) Shear connector (3) Reinforcement at girder end

Most steel-concrete composite slabs are of relatively new structure. Although in basic form they comprise steel and concrete, there is an extremely wide variety of structure types: for example, there

Chapter 14 Slab Design


are composite slabs consisting of steel plate or sectional steel and concrete in which at bars, shear connectors, or bent truss rebars transmit the shear forces; and there are composite slabs of sandwich structure with superplasticized concrete placed between upper and lower steel plates or sectional steel. This section describes the structural details of a typical composite slab called the Robinson type. This is a composite slab in which shear connectors are provided on the bottom steel plate, rebars are laid over the top of the steel plate, and then concrete is placed. (1) Thickness of steel-concrete composite slab The Guidelines for Design of Steel Structures - Part B [JSCE, 1997] include an equation for calculating the minimum thickness of the concrete part of a steel-concrete composite slab Eq.(C14.6.1). (not less than 150 mm) hc = 25L + 100 (mm) where, L=span of the slab (m)
This equation is applicable to slabs subjected to a bending moment where the maximum span, L, is 8 m. Comparing the minimum thickness of the composite slab with that of the PC slab, there is no need to secure a concrete cover depth from the bottom steel plate of the composite slab, and these guidelines adopt a value that yields a composite slab thinner than the PC slab by an amount approximately equal to the lower concrete cover depth. When the bottom steel plate is included in the calculation of the composite cross section (note that there is a type of composite slab in which the bottom steel plate is a non-strengthening member), the standard thickness of the steel plate is about 8 mm. The equation also applies to composite slabs that use other types of steel bottom plate. (2) Shear connectors The above guidelines specify that shear connectors of well-tested design be used and that they should be designed so as to fully distribute the forces acting on the slab. The standard sizes of the shear connectors are specied as 16 and 19 mm so as not to cause harmful deformation of a slab that has a relatively thin bottom plate. The shear connectors should be evenly spaced 250 mm apart at maximum and 100 mm apart at minimum. The length of the shear connectors should be designed so that the top of a connector under positive bending moment is in compression. Based on test results, these guidelines specify that the shear stress, taking into account the fatigue acting on the shear connectors, should be limited to not more than 500 kgf/mm2 (49 N/mm2 ). (3) Reinforcement of slab at girder ends Since a composite slab loses continuity at the girder ends and is subject to impulsive loading caused by level dierences at the expansion joints, the slab is designed with increased thickness at girder ends, as in the case of RC slabs. In the case of a skew bridge, additional rebars are provided in a skew direction, as in the case of RC slabs. To reinforce the bottom steel plate in the vicinity of the girder ends, the number of rebars is increased or additional rebars are arranged in the skew direction. Recently, composite slabs this thickening at girder ends have been introduced to reduce the man-hours needed to machine the slab. In this case, a structural analysis is carried out to conrm that the bending moment induced in the slab, with concrete placed down to and enveloping the end cross girders, remains small enough that it presents no structural problems at the girder ends where the continuity is lost and the slab is subjected to impulsive loading.


14.6.4 Orthotropic steel deck An orthotropic steel deck shall be designed such that it satises each performance item. Performance shall be considered as satised through the observing of appropriate structural details.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(1) Thickness of steel deck (2) Eective width


(1) Thickness of steel slab The thickness of a steel slab deck plate should be not less than the following values for road bridges:
t = 0.037 b Roadway (under live load B)

where t 12mm where t 10mm

(C14.6.2) (C14.6.3) (C14.6.4)

t = 0.035 b where t 12mm Roadway (under live load A)

Sidewalk that acts as part of main girder t = 0.025 b

where b = spacing between vertical ribs (mm) The thickness of the deck plate for a sidewalk that does not act as part of the main girder can

be taken as 8 mm. a) The minimum plate thickness of the vertical ribs should be 8 mm. If the corrosion environment is categorized as good or if adequate attention is paid to corrosion prevention, the minimum plate thickness of the ribs with a closed cross section can be taken as 6 mm. b) Where a vertical rib intersects with a cross girder, the vertical rib should be as a general rule penetrate the cross girder and be welded to it. This requirement is described in the specications for road bridges [Japan Road Association, 2002b]. In the case of railway bridges, a similar requirement is made in Design Standards for Railway Structures (Steel and Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000]. For a steel slab with ballasted track, these standards include the following requirements: 1 the minimum thickness of the steel slab should be 12 mm and the spacing between vertical ribs should be not more than 30 times the slab thickness, 2 the height of rectangular cross section vertical ribs should be not more than 12 times the slab thickness, and 3 where a vertical rib intersects with a cross girder (horizontal rib), the vertical rib should penetrate the cross girder and be welded to it. (2) Eective width of steel slab In Section 8.4.4 of the above specications, the method of loading, the eective width of steel slab, and the standard values of bending moment and shear force used for the design in the ultimate limit state are specied [Japan Road Association, 200b]. Structural details, such as the layout and design of ribs, can be determined in accordance with the specications. Other standards are described below. 1) Design Standards for Railway Structures (Steel and Composite Structures) [Railway Technical Research Institute, 2000] In the Design Standards for Railway Structures, the requirements for steel slabs are specied in Chapter 12 Floor Framing. The steel slab in these design standards is dened as a steel plate reinforced with vertical ribs and horizontal ribs (or cross girders) to support the ballast. It is specied in Chapter 14 Plate Girders that in the case of deck plate girder bridges of steel slab type, because the steel slab acts as not only a slab but also the main girder ange, the member forces of the slab as a main girder and the member forces specied in Chapter 12.7 should be used for verication of the slab. The requirements set out in Chapter 12 are outlined below. 1 Structure of steel slab a) For ballasted track, the minimum thickness of the slab should be 12 mm and the spacing between the vertical ribs should, as a general rule, be not more than 30

Chapter 14 Slab Design


times the slab thickness. b) The height of the rectangular cross section vertical ribs should be not more than 12 times the slab thickness. c) Where a vertical rib and a cross girder intersect, the vertical rib should penetrate the cross girder and be welded to it. 2 Design of vertical ribs for steel slab The method of loading, the eective width of the steel slab, and the standard values of bending moment and shear force used for design in the ultimate limit state are specied. 3 Design of cross girders for steel slab The method of loading, the eective width of the steel slab, and the method of calculating the bending moment are specied. 2) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Ocials (AASHTO) The AASHTO Specications [AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specications, AASHTO, 2003] describe general requirements for the analysis of steel slabs, the distribution angle of wheel loads, the concept of the composite eect of slab and pavement, rened methods of analysis, methods of approximate analysis, and detailed requirements. These specications include cross-references to Chapter 2 General Design and Location Features, Chapter 4 Structural Analysis and Evaluation, and Chapter 6 Steel Structures. 3) The European Committee for Standardization (EUROCODE 3 (CEN, 2003)) In the EUROCODE, detailed specications are described in Appendix C: Recommendations for Structural Details of Steel Slabs of EUROCODE 3/Part 2: Steel Bridges. This appendix comprises three chapters: C1 Road Bridges, C2 Railway Bridges, and C3 Halfnished Products and Manufacturing Accuracy. In Appendix E Combination of Eects of Wheel and Tire Loads and Trac Loads of Road Bridges, combinations of the actions of slab, oor framing, and main girder are specied.
References in Chapter 14 Kazuo Tada(1971) Practical Calculation Method of Steel Plate Decks by Finite Strip Method, Bridge and Foundation Engineering, Vol.5, No.5, pp.6-14.Finite Strip Method Shozo Yamaga, Japan Highway Public Corporation Research Institute Report(1977) Survey on Low-frequency Airborne Vibration - Survey of Actual Situation of Sound Pressure and the Inuence on Houses, pp.311323. Shinji Yamada, Toshifumi Kosaka, Kiyoto Nakazawa(1978) Noises and Vibrations, A Consideration on the Reduction of Bridge Vibrations, Vol.2, No.5, pp.22-25. Hideo Uchida, Hidemi Kurita(1979) Nagano Research Institute for Health and Pollution Report, Low-frequency Airborne Vibration and noises/vibrations from the Achigawa Bridge of the Nishinomiya Line, Chuo Expressway, Vol.11, pp.80-91. Akira Ishii, Shigeo Higuchi, Masayoshi Mizukami, Teruhisa Negi, Keiichi Matsushima, Hiroshi Mafune(1981) Chiba Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Pollution Report, Low-frequency Airborne Vibration around the Keiyo Road at Yatsu, Narashino City, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-7. Kazuo Shimizu, Hiroaki Ochiai(1982) Noises and Vibrations, Measurement of Bridge Vibrations and Lowfrequency Sounds, Vol.6, No.6, pp.15-18. Japan Road Association(1987) Road Earthworks - Guidelines for Drainage Works. Shigeyuki Matsui(1987) On the Fatigue Strength of Highway Bridge RC Slabs under Moving Loads and the Inuence of Water, JCI Annual Convention Proceedings, 9-2, pp.627-632. Bridge Research Laboratory, Department of Structures and Bridges, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction(1988) PWRI Research Report, A Study on the Design Live Load in Limit State Design Method II, PWRI Research Report No.2700. Shigeyuki Matsui(1991) Prediction of the Span of Life of Bridges, Prediction of the Span of Fatigue Life of


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Highway Bridge RC Slabs, Journal of Japan Society for Safety Engineering, Vol.30, No.6, pp.432-440. Shigeyuki Matsui, Keizo Egashira, Shigeru Ishizaki(1995) A Few Considerations on the Design Bending Moment Formula for Long-span Slabs, Journal of Constructional Steel, Vol.3, pp.215-220. Pavement Research Laboratory, Department of Roads, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction(1995) PWRI Research Report, Analysis of the Survey Results on Vehicle Weight (No.4), PWRI Research Report No.3321. Takeshi Mori, Hitoshi KAajiwara, Yosuke Hasegawa(1995) The Development and Its Use of the Program to Examine the Fatigue Safety Performance of Steel Structures Based on the JSSC Guidelines, Steel Construction Engineering, Vol.2, No.8. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1997) Design Code for Steel Structures, PART B; Composite Structures. Hideaki Nagayama, Kazuomi Ichikawa, Atsunori Kawabata, Yasuhiro Imura(1998) Experimental Study on Strength of Slabs Performed with Long-span Precast PC-panel Rib, Proceeding of 1st Symposium on Decks of Steel Highway Bridges, pp.143-148. Koichi Sato, Takashi Kaneda, Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Katsumi Kodama(1998) A Study on Two-way Deterioration Ratio of Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Proceeding of 1st Symposium on Decks of Steel Highway Bridges, pp.31-36. Toshio Yasumatsu, Toshihiko Hase, Shuji Shinohara, Yoshimasa Nagase(1998) A Study of the Fatigue Design of the Slab of Steel Bridges to Considered the Trac Axle Load, Proceeding of 1st Symposium on Decks of Steel Highway Bridges, pp.77-82. Murai, Noise Control(1999) Road Business and Low-frequency Sound, Vol.23, No.5, pp.319-323. Toshihiko Hase, Yasushi Kamihigashi, Toshio Yasumatsu(1999) Estimation of the Durability of Long-span PC Slabs by Moving Wheel Load Fatigue Tests, Japan Highway Public Corporation Research Institute Report, Vol.36, pp.25-34. Moto Ikoma, Atsushi Honma, Koki Sugizaki, Tatsuhiko Kasai(1999) A Study on the Examination Method on the Limit State of PC Slabs, 55th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, CS-285. Railway Technical Research Institute(2000) Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary, Steel and Composite Structures Sumio Sakamoto, Akihiro Nakasono, Yoshiyuki Yasukawa, Naofumi Inaba, Masatsugu Nagai (2002) A Simplied Method to Evaluate Bending Moment due to Dead Loads for PC slab decks consisting of two plate girdes, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.48A, pp.1409-1416. Atsushi Honma, Toshihiko Hase, Kazushige Sakakibara, Kazumi Nakamura, Tadashi Uehara, Tatsuhiko Kasai(2002) Design and Construction of Long-span Cast-in-situ PC Slabs, Bridge and Foundation Engineering, Vol.36, No.10, pp.2-10. Japan Road Association (2002a) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary, I Common Specications Volume. Japan Road Association (2002b) Specications for Highway Bridges and Commentary I Common Specications, II Steel Highway Bridges Volume. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002a) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Construction Volume. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002b) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures, Structural Performance Verication Volume. Architectural Institute of Japan(2003) Japanese Architectural Standard Specications, JASS5 Reinforced Concrete Work 2003, pp.518-532. Japan Concrete Institute(2003) Guidelines for Survey, Repair and Reinforcement of Cracks in Concrete 2003-. Toshio Yasumatsu, Izumi Tanaka, Yasuhiro Sshimura, Tomonori Nakahara, Taro Tonegawa (2003) Study on Design of In Place PC Slab of continuous rigid frame 2- girder Bridge, Proceeding of 3rd Symposium on Decks of Highway Bridges, pp.103-108. Yasuo Kajikawa, Prestressed Concrete(2003) The Present Situation of Bridge Trac Vibrations and Environmental Countermeasures, Vol.45, No.4, pp.37-42. Atsunori Kawabata, Takuya Murakami(2004a) Dynamic Characteristics of Highway Bridges Deck Slabs, Proceeding of 4th Symposium on Decks of Highway Bridges, pp.79-84.

Chapter 14 Slab Design


Atsunori Kawabata, Reiko Akimoto(2004b) Performance Based Design Method for Fatigue Strength of RC Slab, Proceeding of 4th Symposium on Decks of Highway Bridges, pp.179-184. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2004a) Performance-Based Design of Decks of Highway Bridges, Rational Design and Higher Durability of Decks of Highway Bridges, pp107-108. Japan Society of Civil Engineers(2004b) Moving Wheel Load Test of Decks, Rational Design and Higher Durability of Decks of Highway Bridges. Highly-Functional Waterproof Committee(2004) Report on Evaluation of Durability of Highly-Functional Waterproof System for Decks of Highway Bridges. Japan Bridge Association, Expansive Additives Association(2004) Report on Evaluation and Study of Eectiveness of Expansive Additives for Cast-in-situ PC Slabs. Chitoshi Miki, Hisatada Suganuma, Masayuki Tomizawa, Fumitaka Machida(2005) Case Study on Fatigue Damage in Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, No.780/I, pp.57-70. Chitoshi Miki, Yuji Goto Hitoshi Yoshida Takeshi Mori (1985) Computer simulation studies on the fatigue load and fatigue design of highway bridges Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering of JSCE No.356 pp.37-46 AASHTO(2003) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specications- S.I. Units 2003 Interim Revisions CEN(2003) prEN 1993-2 : Eurocode 3 : Design of steel Structures, Part 2 : Steel Bridges, Stage 34 draft


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders

15.1 General This chapter shall apply to a steel-concrete composite girder, in which a concrete deck or a composite deck formed of steel and concrete is unied to the steel girders with shear connectors. In the design of a composite girder, verication shall be done to conrm the required performance regarding safety and serviceability of the girders as well as the connectors.

In design of a composite girder which consists of RC deck, PC deck or steel-concrete composite deck (see Chap.14) and the steel girders unied to it with share connectors, the required performance at the serviceability limit state, safety limit state and so on shall be satised. Design consideration on durability is also important. As for design of the steel girder section which resists own weight and the deck weight, please refer to Chapter 5. When the same grade steel is used for anges and web, the steel girder is called homogeneous type, and a girder is called hybrid type when the steel strength for the web, which usually receives smaller stress, is lower than the steel for anges. Although the hybrid type seems to be eective for cost reduction, this chapter will cover only the homogeneous type because the hybrid girders have been rarely constructed in Japan. There are two types of the composite girder, each which has dierent stress distribution inside the steel girder and concrete deck. One is the shored construction in which whole dead load and live load are resisted with the composite cross section. Another is unshored construction. In this structural system, the weight of steel and concrete (the rst phase dead load) is resisted with the steel girder only, and the second phase dead load such as curb, pavement and attachment as well as the live load are supported with the composite cross section. At the intermediate supports where cracks are generated into the concrete deck due to negative bending moment, the load is resisted with the structural system composed of the steel girder and rebars in the deck.

(a) Shored construction (b) Unshored construction (composite section carrying all loads) (composite section carrying superimpose
dead load and live load)

Fig.C15.1.1 Stress in composite girders

At the serviceability limit state, the required performance of structure is such that; 1) excessive deection of the girder is not generated, 2) the steel member is free from permanent strain and keeps the elastic behavior, 3) crack width in the concrete deck at intermediate supports is within allowable range, and 4) no fatigue by repeating trac load is introduced to welded portions of the web. The above mentioned requirements are to be ascertained as the followings. 1) Deection under the live load including impact shall be less than the value given in Highway

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


Bridge Specication [JRA, 2002] 2) Normal stress, shear stress and their equivalent stress shall be less than yield point of the steel. 3) Crack width in the deck shall be less than acceptable value dened based on environmental consideration. The calculation and verication will be described in 15.6. 4) Web bleeding is a phenomenon that a thin web plate repeats out-of-plain deection (elastic buckling) because of the trac load, and this deection may cause fatigue damages to portions such as the llet welding between the ange and web, vertical stieners, corner of ange and web. In order to prevent such damages, limit value of the depth-to-thickness ratio of web as a function by the span length is given in Eurocode [CEN, 2003]. At the safety limit state, safety of the structure under action of bending, share and their combination shall be conrmed. The composite girder is classied into three categories de-pending on the depththickness ratio of web plate: compact section, noncompact section and slender section. The compact section can raise its ultimate bending strength up to the fully plastic moment without suering any local buckling, and the noncompact section raises the strength higher than the yield moment but less than the fully plastic moment. The slender section cannot reach the yield moment because of the web buckling. In this chapter, the verication methods of safety will be discussed with the above mentioned denitions. It shall be pointed out that verication about the fatigue limit state is not mentioned here.

15.2 Strength of Composite Girder

15.2.1 Classication of cross sections (1) For calculation of the bending strength, cross sections of composite girders are classied by the same way for steel girders specied in Chapter 5: namely (a) compact section, (b) noncompact section, and (c) slender section. (2) When a compression ange of the steel girder is eectively restrained from buckling with a concrete deck by sucient shear connectors, the section can be classied in accordance with only the depth-thickness ratio of the web plate of steel girder. (3) For a composite girder receiving negative bending moment or having a steel compression ange that is not suciently unied to the concrete deck, the classication of cross section shall be done in accordance with the steel sections as being dened in

(1) Fig.C15.2.1 shows relationships between the bending moment and curvature for each section. In this gure, Mpl and My denote the plastic and yields moments, respectively.
Bending moment compact
Mpl My

noncompact slender


Fig.C15.2.1 Bending moment-curvature relationship of composite girder and section classi-cation


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(2) Section classications in AASHTO and Eurocode Table C15.2.1 shows a summary of section classications in AASHTO [AASHTO, 2005] and Eurocode [CEN, 2003]. In this table, criteria for only web plate are listed, on condition that there is no possibility of buckling in the compressive ange plate of composite girders under positive bending moment. In the table, tw and bw are the thickness and depth of the web plate respectively, and the other symbols are dened in Figs.C15.2.2 and C15.2.3.
Table C15.2.1 Section classication in Eurocode and AASHTO Class AASHTO Compact Noncompact Slender Class 1 Eurocode Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Denition Mmax Mpl Mmax My Mmax < My Mmax Mpl Mmax Mpl Mmax My Mmax < My Thickness/depth of web plate 2Dcp /tw 3.76 E/fy 2Dc /tw < 5.7 E/fy other than those above 36/ for 396/(13 1) for 41.5/ for bw /tw 456/(13 1) for 42/(0.67 + 0.33) bw /tw 62(1 ) other than those above bw /tw 0.5 > 0.5 0.5 > 0.5 for > 1.0 for 1.0

E : Young modulus of the steel fy : Standard value of yield strength of the steel = 235/fy [N/mm2 ]

(3) Section classication by conning eect due to the concrete deck and initial bending moment during erection Since the section classication criteria for composite girders in both AASHTO 2005 and Eurocode 2003 are based on those for steel girders, the conning eect due to the concrete deck on web buckling in composite girders is not taken into account. Furthermore, in the unshored composite girder, only the steel girder has to support the whole dead load, which means that initial bending moment in the erection stage is left. However, the inuence of the initial bending moment on the section classication criteria is not considered in AASHTO nor Eurocode. Reerence[JSSC, 2006], [Gupta et al., 2006] and Draft for Limit State Design Methods for Composite Girders [JSSC, 2006] have proposed the section classication criteria in which the eects of both concrete deck and initial bending moment are taken into consideration. The composite section can be classied according to these references as shown below. (a) Compact sections When the depth-thickness ratio of the web plate satises the following criterion, the section is classied as compact sections: bw 2.0 tw E fy (here, < 0.4) (C15.2.1)

where stands for the position of the plastic neutral axis (see, Fig.C15.2.2). (b) Noncompact sections Noncompact sections satises the followings: bw tw bw tw 1.7 0.67 + 0.33 E fy E fy ( > 1.0) ( 1.0) (C15.2.2)

2.5(1 )


Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders



tw bw




Fig.C15.2.2 Stress distribution in a compact section under full plastic moment

1 t b + M (a) + M (b) = + = + 1 Dc ='b

M (c)

Fig.C15.2.3 Superposition of stress in unshored composite girder

here : = 1 0.1 M1 Mys + 2.31 M1 Mys



M1 0.4) Mys


where, is the parameter for stress gradient (see, Fig.C15.2.3) in the web; M1 denotes the initial bending moment applied only steel section in unshored composite girders; Mys is the yield moment of the bare steel section. (c) Slender sections Slender sections are dened as other than above two. (4) When the compressive ange plate of a steel girder is connected to the concrete deck with enough shear connectors, there is no possibility of buckling of the ange. Accordingly, section may be classied depending on the web plate only. Even in composite section receiving positive bending moment, the compressive ange has a potential for buckling when the pitch of shear connectors is too large. If so, the current provision must not be applied. (5) When the compressive ange plate is not unied with the concrete deck or when a composite girder receives negative bending moment, the section shall be classied in accordance with 5.2.

15.2.2 Design bending resistance The design bending strength of a composite girder shall be determined by appropriate method(s) with consideration of the classication depending on either the compact, noncompact or slender section.

(1) Bending strength In general, the design bending strength of composite girders shall be determined by Eq.(C15.2.5) Eq.(C15.2.8). Mrd = Mr /b (C15.2.5)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

For compact sections For noncompact sections For slender sections

Mr = Mpl Mr = My Mr = Mef f

(C15.2.6) (C15.2.7) (C15.2.8)

where, Mrd : design bending strength Mr : bending strength, Mpl : plastic bending moment, My : yield bending moment, Mef f : bending moment with consideration of the eective area of the steel member given in 5.3.3, b : member factor. Examples of the calculation of the bending strength by plastic theory or by elastic theory are described below. (2) Calculation of the bending strength by plastic theory Mr can be determined by plastic theory. Examples of plastic stress distributions for a composite girder in positive and negative bending moment are shown in Fig.C15.2.4, where, bef f : eective width of the concrete deck, fcd : design compressive strength of concrete, fyd : design yield strength of the steel member, fsd : design yield strength of the reinforcement, Nc,f : plastic axial force of the concrete deck, Ns1 , Ns2 : plastic axial force of the reinforcement, Npl (+) : plastic axial force of the steel member (tension side), Npl (-) : plastic axial force of the steel member (compression side). The following assumptions are made in the calculation; (a) There is no slip between steel member, reinforcement and concrete. (b) The eective area of the steel member is decided by fyd (either tensile or compressive). (c) The eective area of the longitudinal reinforcement is decided by fsd (either tensile or com-pressive). However, the reinforcement in a concrete deck under compression is to be neglected. (d) The eective area of concrete in compression is decided by the eective width described in 15.7, and the concrete stress distribution between the upper surface of the concrete deck and the plastic neutral axis is assumed to be constant of 0.85fcd

(a) When plastic neutral axis is within the concrete deck in positive bending

(b) When plastic neutral axis is within the web receiving negative bending Fig.C15.2.4 Examples of plastic stress distributions for a composite girder in positive or negative bending moment (positive: tension)

According to Eurocode 4 [CEN, 2002], when composite cross sections is composed of steel grade S420 (fy =420 N/mm2 ) or S460 (fy =460 N/mm2 ) and when the distance xpl between the upper surface of the concrete deck and plastic neutral axis exceeds 15 % of the overall depth h

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


as shown in Fig.C15.2.5, the bending strength Mr is to be Mpl , where is the reduction factor. In addition, when the values xpl /h are greater than 0.4, the bending strength is to be determined by elastic theory or other appropriate methods. Moreover, Eurocode 4 requires Mrb not to exceed 0.9Mpl , when elastic analysis is used for a composite continuous girder with compact sections in positive bending moment area and when the girder meets both of following (a) and (b) conditions. Otherwise, use of more accurate inelastic global analysis is required. (a) A cross section under negative bending moment or cross section neighboring a support is either noncompact or slender. (b) The length ratio between both spans neighboring an intermediate support is less than 0.6 (shorter / longer).

Fig.C15.2.5 Reduction factor (positive: tension)

On the other hand, AASHTO [AASHTO, 2005] species the bending strength for the compact

sections under positive bending moment to be determined by either Eq.(C15.2.9) or Eq.(C15.2.10) when the specied minimum yield strength of the steel anges does not exceed 485 N/mm2 . Mr Mr = = Mpl Mpl 1.07 0.7 Dp Dt (Dp 0.1Dt ) (C15.2.9)

(0.1Dt < Dp 0.42Dt) (C15.2.10)

where, Dp : the distance between the upper surface of the concrete deck and plastic neutral axis (mm), Dt : total depth of the composite section. However in a continuous span, Mr is required not to exceed the value decided by Eq.(C15.2.11), when the following either condition meets; (a) The span under consideration and both sections neighboring an intermediate support do not satisfy the prescribed requirement. (b) Sections of both spans neighboring an intermediate support do not satisfy the required plastic rotating capability. Mr = 1.3Rh My (C15.2.11)

where Rh : hybrid factor ( = 1.0 for homogeneous sections) (3) Calculation of the bending strength by elastic theory The design bending strength of compact, noncompact or slender sections can be determined by elastic theory. In use of the elastic theory, Bernoulli-Euler theory (a plane in the cross section before deformation keeps plane after the deformation) is assumed, and the eective width specied in 15.7 is to be considered. As for the characteristic strength, the followings should be premised: fcd : Concrete in compression. Generally, the area of concrete in tension is to be neglected. fyd : Structural steel member in compression or tension.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

fsd : Reinforcement in compression or tension. Generally, reinforcement in a concrete deck receiving compression may be ne-glected. For the calculation of slender sections, the eective area of the steel member specied in 5.3.3 should be used.

15.2.3 Verication of bending moment The bending moment of a composite girder shall be veried using the following: i where Mrd Msd i Msd 1.0 Mrd (15.2.1)

Design bending moment Design bending strength Structural factor


The basic equation for verication is Eq.(15.2.1). The followings are examples of the verication to steel sections and composite sections. (1) Verication of steel sections only Steel girders of the unshored composite girders need to carry the dead loads such as own weight, the weight of frame works, the weight of wet concrete, etc., until the concrete hardens. In such case, safety of the steel girders should be veried by conrming Eq.(15.2.1) to become not greater than 1.0 while the following gures are used: Msd by the rst phase dead load, and Mrd by the steel girder only. In addition, safety against the buckling of a ange or a web, and lateral or lateral-torsional buckling of steel girders in the construction stage shall be ascertained in accordance with Chapters 5 and 6. (2) Verication of composite sections For the verication to composite sections, such factors shall be appropriately considered as the dead load, the live load, the eect of the construction sequence (history of given load), shrinkage and creep of the concrete, and temperature dierence between the concrete deck and the steel girders, etc. When the bending strength is calculated by plastic theory for compact sections, such points can be neglected as the eect of the construction sequence, shrinkage and creep of concrete, and temperature dierence between the concrete deck and the steel girders, because the verication is done against the plastic stress state. By contraries, these points shall be appropriately taken into account when the bending strength is calculated by elastic theory for noncompact or slender section, because the verication is done against the elastic stress state.

15.2.4 Shear strength The design shear strength of a composite girder is equal to that of the steel girder used in the composite girder.


Although contribution by the oor deck on shear strength is expected, it is decided not to take account for safety margin. Shear strength Vr of the steel girder can be calculated with Eq.(C15.2.12)

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


[Basler, 1961] ; 3 1 cr /y Vr cr = + Vy y 2 1 + 2 (C15.2.12)

where cr is shear buckling stress, y is yield shear stress, Vy = y hw tw is yield shear strength, hw is web depth, tw is web thickness, is aspect ratio ( 3.0). Web shear buckling strength cr ( y ) is calculated as follows; (e 0.8y ) e cr = (C15.2.13) 0.8e y (e 0.8y ) 2 E 12(1 2 ) tw hw

e = ks where ks is to be calculated as follows ks =


5.34 + 4.00/2 4.00 + 5.34/2

( 1) ( 1)


In Eq.(C15.2.12), the rst term in the right hand side is shear buckling strength and the second term is strength of the post-buckling due to diagonal tension eld. At the ends of girders, arranging rigid vertical stieners is required by Specications for Highway Bridges [JRA 2003], because the postbuckling strength cannot be always expected. When one horizontal stiener is provided to the web, the sum of shear strength of each panel (upper and lower of the stiener) calculated by Eq.(C15.2.12) is to be shear strength of the stiened web.

15.2.5 Verication of shear At the safety limit state, the section shall satisfy the following equation: i where Vrd Vsd i Vsd 1.0 Vrd (15.2.2)

Design shear strength Vr /b Design shear moment Structural factor


The way of safety check against shear failure is given.

15.2.6 Verication of combined bending and shear When bending moment and vertical shear force simultaneously act on a composite girder, the combined action due to these forces shall be considered.

When a composite girder is subjected to a combination of a large bending moment and a large shear force, it is necessary to verify not only the action of each force individually but also the combined eect of the forces. Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary [RTRI, 2000] gives the following quadratic


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

1 n=m=4 n=m=2



0 0


Fig.C15.2.6 Shear-moment interaction diagram

equation for plate girders and similar structures. This equation is based on Mises yield condition and also takes into account post-buckling strength in the diagonal tension eld and the combined stresses are taken. The strength amplication factor is reduced according to past experience. a b i 1.1

M Mr

V Vr



where, M, V applied bending moment and applied shear force Mr , Vr bending strength and shear strength a , b , i partial factors Furthermore, the 4th-order Eq.(C15.2.17) is adopted for recently developed two-main-girders bridges (such as the Chidori-no-sawakawa Bridge). (1.7)4 M Mr

V Vr



In the above two equations, Vr may be replaced by the sum of shear buckling strength and strength due to the diagonal tension eld. However, this brings up the question of how the partial factors and the strength in the diagonal tension eld can be evaluated. Further, attention is necessary for consistency with the rules about vertical stiener spacings given in Highway Bridge Specications [JRA, 2002] when this 4th-order equation is used. There are many studies covering the evaluation of bending strength, ultimate shear strength, and strength against combined bending and shear force for web plates with vertical stieners only. In particular, various correlative equations have been proposed by Basler et al. for combined ultimate strength against bending and shear. Currently, the following power sum correlation is considered eective as a relatively simple design equation: Mu 0 Mu

Vu 0 Vu

= 1.0


where, Mu , Vu ultimate bending strength and ultimate shear strength when both are simultaneously loaded 0 0 , Vu ultimate bending strength and ultimate shear strength Mu when either one is loaded m, n arbitrary constants Figure C15.2.6 shows moment-shear interactions for m = n = 1, 2, and 4. As m and n are increased, the interaction between bending and shear is drastically reduced.

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


The natural properties of a girder are that bending moment is resisted mainly by the anges while shear force is resisted by the web plate. In this respect, it is considered that the above interaction curves at or around m = n = 4 well represent the behavior of a composite girder. If appropriate factors were to be sought by colleting test data and/or by exact numerical calculation results, there is a high possibility that new interaction equations may become available as design tools, possibly using dierent values of n and m.

15.3 Structural Analysis and Resultant Force

Linear elastic analysis shall basically be used for structural design of composite girders. In the case of continuous composite girders, tensile cracks may take place in the concrete deck near intermediate supports, accordingly resultant forces shall be calculated with consideration of the reduction of the stiness caused by these cracks. When the full plastic bending moment is expected as the bending strength, attention must be paid to the redistribution of the resultant forces associated with the inelastic behavior.

At the safety limit state of a composite girder, plastic region is widely spread into the girder, and the stress resultant is accordingly redistributed. This phenomenon can be solved by nonlinear analysis, though this is not necessarily preferable at practical design stage due to its complexity. In this chapter, the maximum bending strength of girder is to be restricted up to Class 2 section dened in Eurocode, whose strength is equal to the plastic moment, and thus the elastic analysis can be used while attentions are paid to the redistribution of stress resultant. On the other hand, Class 1 section corresponds to rolled steel sections which have relatively large plate thickness compared with the size of section, and its ultimate state usually becomes unstable mechanism in which plural hinges are formed inside the structure. Such case requires the plastic analysis, but its design is often governed by the serviceability limit or the fatigue limit state instead of the safety limit state.

0.15 L1 0.15 L2

Concrete deck

L1 > 0.6 L2


Fig.C15.3.1 Section to decide moment of inertia around intermediate support

At intermediate supports, the concrete cracks produce, and the exural rigidity depends on cracking state which is inuenced by load intensity and loading pattern. Exact evaluation of exural rigidity at the section is thus dicult. Though several propositions on dening method for the exural rigidity have been available [Johnson et.al., 1998], this specication requires the moment of inertia for deciding exural rigidity to be calculated from the cross section that is composed of the steel girder and re-bars both which are located in 15% length of each span neighboring the intermediate support as being shown in Fig.C15.3.1.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

15.4 Shear Connectors

15.4.1 General (1) Shear connectors arranged at the interface of the concrete deck and steel girders shall be veried to satisfy required performances. (2) Shear connectors shall be properly designed for both safety limit state and fatigue limit state in order to ensure sucient structural performance throughout the design working life. (3) Shear connectors shall have sucient deformation capacity enabling to redistribute the horizontal shear force between the concrete and the steel to wider area, because this redistribution can occur at the safety limit state (4) When two or more dierent types of shear connector are used within the same span of a composite girder, inuence by the dierence on shear force versus slip relationship shall be adequately considered.

(1) and (2) Shear connectors are important structural members indispensable for the composite girder, and accordingly they shall be designed suciently safe against each limit state. In particular, it is necessary to understand type, size and frequency of the acting force, and the transmission mechanism of the force by the shear connectors shall be clearly grasped. When the transmitting force and the mechanism are not clear, suitable experiment or detailed analysis etc. are needed to decide structure of the shear connectors and thus to conrm their safety. So far, the shear connectors of composite girders are designed only against the horizontal shear force in the longitudinal direction. In the case of composite minimized-number of main girders bridge, however, transverse load such as earthquake or wind has stronger inuence than the longitudinal load in terms of the design load for shear connectors arranged near supports. The load, accordingly, often governs design, because the transverse load is transmitted from the concrete deck to cross beam at the support and then to the shoes. Moreover such bridges usually have wide distance between the main girders, and the shear connectors arranged around the internal cross beams may receive pullout force due to rotation of the concrete deck which is caused from the second phase dead load, the prestress and live load [Sakai, et al. 1995, 1997]. The share connectors arranged this portion, therefore, must be designed against not only the horizontal shear force in the longitudinal direction but also the force in the transverse direction as well as the pullout force. As for evaluation of design strength of the stud simultaneously receiving plural forces, a reference [Ohtani, et.al, 1994] is available. Eurocode[CEN, 2002] requires a special consideration when shear connectors are given the pullout force being larger than 1/10 of their tensile strength. (3) It is one method that some shear connectors are allowed to enter elastic state but safety and performance of the structure are secured by whole group of connectors. However, it is necessary to conrm the safety when allowing the elasto-plastic behavior of the shear connectors over total span of the main girder is intended.

15.4.2 Type of shear connectors (1) Shear connectors are devices provided at the interface between the steel element and the concrete deck in order to resist internal shear. (2) Shear connectors shall be mechanical devices that join the steel and the concrete. However, other types of shear connector can be used as long as their safety is veried in proper ways.

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders



(1) This chapter describes a composite girder bridge where the concrete deck is united with the shear connectors to the upper surface of the ange of steel girder. The shear connectors in a composite structure are jointing devices to integrate both steel and concrete, and in this sense, steel members or a part of them both buried into the concrete like steel framed concrete structures belong to the shear connectors. However, it is necessary for designing the share connectors of the composite structure to distinguish the dierences in dynamic behavior, fatigue characteristic, etc. of them from those of the burial type. (2) The shear connectors are classied into (a) mechanical joint, (b) friction bonding, (c) adhesion, and (d) adhesives, each which contains the following methods. (a) (a)Mechanical joints: Stud (High strength stud [Eguchi,et.al.1999]), Cupler-joint stud [Ishikawa,et.al.2001], High-rigidity stud [Hiragi,et.al.2001], Delayed-composite stud [Kitagawa,et. al.2001], Shape steel, Block dowels, Perforated-plate dowels and Angle-connector. (b) Friction type joint: High tensile bolt. (c) Adhesion type joint: Protrudent rolled steels (checkered steel plate, rugged-surface H-shape steel). (d) Bonding type joint: Epoxy resin. Among these, mechanical joins have been overwhelmingly used because high composite eect can be expected even with small contacting area. In this specication, mechanical joints are regarded as the prime shear connectors for composite girder bridges based on domestic and foreign researches and the construction experiences. In road bridges, the headed stud connectors have been very widely applyed, because they are excellent in construction easiness and high economy. For railway bridges, shear connectors called block dowels are generally used. This type of connector consists of a steel block or a horseshoeshape plate to which a semicircle re-bar is welded. This re-bar prevents the deck from lifting up. Other than the headed studs and block dowels, there are perforated-plate dowels [Leonhalt,1987] and angle-connector which unies the ange plate and concrete deck in corrugated steel-web bridges [Igase,et.al.2002]. On the other hand, connection methods other than mechanical joints, such as high tension bolts, are used for precast concrete deck panels. The adhesion type joint and the bonding type joint have no record of being solely used, though the adhesion type joint and the friction connector with high tensile bolts are recently studied for practical use[Uenaka,et.al.1998; Tokumitsu,et.al.1998]. However, the adhesion type joint keeps the connection only at the interface between the steel and concrete, this type thus has an anxiety of durability that peeling from the interface of the concrete may precede when only this type connectors are used. In the case of a composite minimized-number of main girders bridge, arrangement of connectors might face diculty because too many connectors are needed per one main girder when only mechanical joints are used. This tendency will be remarkable for the case of precast deck panels, because the location for the shear connectors to be arranged is restricted. If a mechanical joint is going to be used, one method of easy arrangement is use of the group studs for instance. As for other methods, using mechanical joints or friction joints together with the adhesion type joints or the bonding type joints can be eective, though such idea needs a lot of studies in the future.

15.4.3 Ultimate limit state for shear connectors Safety and durability of the shear connectors shall be veried against the safety limit state and the fatigue limit state, respectively. The ultimate load shall be applied to the former, while the service load shall be used to the latter.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


Safety and durability are considered as required performances associated with shear connectors. The safety limit state and fatigue limit states are selected to represent these required performances.

15.4.4 Verication at safety limit state At the safety limit state, shear connectors shall satisfy both of the following equations: 1 qsd i 1.1 qrd Qsd i Qrd where qsd qrd Qsd Qrd i 1.0 1.0 (15.4.1) (15.4.2)

Horizontal design shear force per unit length Horizontal design shear strength per unit length Total horizontal design shear force over a longitudinal length where the size, type, and spacing of shear connectors are kept same Total horizontal design shear strength over the same length Structural factor. For a standard structure, taken to be i = 1.0.


In this specication, plastic deformation of shear connectors is allowed at the safety limit state, so similar to Eurocode, qsd can exceed qrd by 10% as shown in Fig.C15.4.1. In this case, local slip deformation between the steel girder and the concrete deck occurs. However, when Qsd does not exceed Qrd for each longitudinal length (Lab ) where the type and conguration of shear connectors are kept unchanged as shown in Fig.C15.4.1, the section is judged to possess adequate exural capacity as a composite section. Hence, Eq.(15.4.1) and Eq.(15.4.2) are employed to check the safety limit state for shear connectors. To exert the full exural capacity as a composite section in such cases, it is necessary that the shear connectors have sucient deformation capacity as pointed out at 15.4.1(3). The boundary of Lab can be taken at such points that the type and pitch of the shear connector are changed, inection points where the bending moment becomes zero and points where the maximum or minimum bending moment is generated. Qsd can be calculated as the dierence between the axial forces Na and Nb in concrete deck (a and

CL Na xa qsd xb Na qrd Msa Nb qsd Nb Msb

Qrd xa

Lab xb

Fig.C15.4.1 Horizontal design shear force and design strength

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


b are arbitrary two sections in the deck). Qsd = Nb Na = On the other hand, Qrd can be calculated from Qrd = nab Vud (C15.4.2)
xb xa

qsd dx


where Qrd is the number of the shear connectors installed within Lab , and Vud stands for the design shear strength of one connector.

15.4.5 Verication at fatigue limit state At the fatigue limit state, shear connectors shall satisfy the following equation: i where Vsd Vrd i Vsd 1.0 Vrd (15.4.3)

Fluctuation of design shear force acting on an individual shear connector

or one group of the connectors.

Allowable uctuation of the design shear strength against fatigue. Structural factor


Vrd of a stud is written as Vsd in Eq.(C15.4.5) and Eq.(C15.4.6) in the commentary of 15.4.6. 15.4.6 Design strength of shear connectors This clause covers rules regarding the design shear strength of (1) headed stud connectors, (2) perforated-plate dowels (perfobond ribs), and (3) block dowels. Use of the other types of shear connector is of course allowed, but the design strength shall be properly determined through experiment or other methods. Design shear strength of headed studs (1) The design strength of headed studs shall be determined by using appropriate methods with consideration of the casting direction of the concrete for the deck. (2) When headed studs are subject to tensile force as well as shear force and when the inuence of the tensile force is not negligible, a more accurate method enabling to consider the tensile force shall be used. (3) When headed studs are arranged in groups, inuence of the grouped arrangement shall be taken into consideration by appropriate method(s).

(1) It is well known that casting direction of concrete aects the shear strength of connector. As being shown in Fig.C15.4.2, casting direction of the concrete associated with the structural system is classied into 4 types, namely, type A: composite bridges, type B: lower ange of corrugated steel-web bridges, type C and D : steel-RC mixed girder bridges or composite piers. The design shear strength of a headed stud shall preferably be calculated by the following equations given in Manual for Verication of Performance of Hybrid Structures [JSCE, 2002]. Safety limit state (Type A, B, C, D)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

The following two equations whichever generates a smaller value.

Vsud Vsud

= (31Ass

(hss /dss )fcd + 10000)/ b

(C15.4.3) (C15.4.4)

= Ass fsud /b

However, hss /dss > 4 where, Vsrd : design shear strength of the stud (N) Ass : area of the shank of the stud (mm2 ), dss : diameter of the shank of the stud (mm), hss : height of the stud (mm), fcd : design compressive strength of concrete (N/mm2 ) (=fck /c ), fck : the characateristic compressive strength of concrete (N/mm2 ), fsud : design tensile strength of the stud (N/mm2 ) (= fsuk /s ), fsuk : characateristic tensile strength of the stud (N/mm2 ), c : material factor of concrete (=1.3), s : material factor of the stud (=1.0), b : member factor (=1.3). Fatigue limit state

(Type A, C, D)

Vsrd /Vsu0 = 0.99N 0.105 Vsrd /Vsu0 = 0.93N


(C15.4.5) (C15.4.6)

(Type B) where, Vsu0 = (31Ass

(hss /dss )fck + 10000)/ b

where, Vsrd : design shear strength of the stud for fatigue (range of uctuation) (N), N : fatigue life or equivalent number of repeating cycles of load, b : member factor (=1.0). Most design of the headed stud connectors in Japan is done in accordance with the Highway Bridge Specication [JRA 2002]. However, the design shear strength of the headed studs described here is only for the serviceability limit state because this specication is based on the allowable stress design method. In addition, application of the minimized-number main girders bridge is not necessarily intended in this specication. The equations of Eq.(C15.4.3) - Eq.(C15.4.6) are obtained through multivariable linear regression analyses on the typical push-out test data [Hiragi,et al, 1989]. The correlation coecients for the static strength and the fatigue strength are relatively high as 0.894 and 0.795, respectively. The applicable range of the equations Eq.(C15.4.3) and Eq.(C15.4.4), which are valid for all the types of A to D for; the diameter of the shank of stud is 1332 mm; the height of the stud is 50 210 mm; the tensile strength of stud is 402549 N/mm2 , and the design compressive strength of concrete is 1463 N/mm2 . The applicable range of the equations Eq.(C15.4.5) and Eq.(C15.4.6) for; the diameter of shank of stud is 1322 mm; the height of stud is 60150 mm; the tensile strength of stud is 402549 N/mm2 ; and the design compressive strength of concrete is 2055 N/mm2 . Neighboring sections of an intermediate support of composite continuous girders are subjected to repeated negative bending moment due to the trac load, accordingly the fatigue strength of the steel ange having welded studs was found to decrease in proportion to the shear force acting on the studs [Kajikawa et al., 1985]. It is therefore desirable to reduce suitably the fatigue strength of the headed studs which are calculated by Eq.(C15.4.5) or Eq.(C15.4.6), depending on the magnitude of tensile stress acting in the ange. For fsuk , the lowest value given in specications (for example, JIS B 1198 Headed studs: fsuk = 400 N/mm2 ) shall be used. And, the member factor for the safety limit state b shall be 1.3 with consideration of complex stress distribution around studs and the structural importance of them. (2) Headed studs shall be mainly used to resist the longitudinal and transversal shear force. When the headed studs receive not only the shear force but also the tensile force and when this inuence

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


can not be neglected, additional investigations are needed to decide the design strength of stud, to which references [e.g. Otani et. al, 1994] are available. (3) Grouped arrangement of headed studs is useful when, for example, precast concrete deck panels are used in a composite bridge. However, if the studs are arranged so closely, reduction of the shear strength per one stud may be induced due to overlapping of the concrete stress near the studs. In this case, a suitable reduction factor to be used in Eq.(C15.4.3) - Eq.(C15.4.6) must be determined while taking this inuence into account. References [e.g. Okada et. al, 2006] can be used for this evaluation. The following points should be considered for application of the grouped arrangement of headed studs. Non-uniform distribution of the longitudinal shear force. Possibility of slip or separation between the concrete deck and the steel girder. Buckling of the steel ange. Local failure of the concrete deck due to high concentrated forces acting on the grouped studs. In the case of precast concrete deck panels, shape of holes for installing the grouped studs, the distance between the side face of a hole and the shank of studs, etc. [Kurita et al, 2005]. Design shear strength of perforated-plate dowels (1) The design shear strength of the perforated-plate dowels shall be separately evaluated for the two cases by suitable way(s); one is that transverse re-bars run through a perforations and the other is that transverse re-bars do not run through. (2) The shear strength of a perforated steel plate itself shall be greater than the whole strength as a shear connector.

(1) In perforated-plate dowels, the shear force is resisted with the portion of concrete lled into holes of the perforated steel plate as if the portion acts like shear connectors. The horizontal shear force acting to the interface of the steel and the concrete deck is supported as the bearing stress of the concrete, and the steel plate which receives the reaction from concrete transmits the force to entire steel girder through the llet welding between the plate and girder. The design shear strength of perforated-plate dowels for the ultimate state may be calculated


Direction of concrete casting

Fig.C15.4.2 Classication of headed studs depending on concreting irection


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

by the following equations: (a) For perforated-plate dowels without transverse re-bars: Vaud = 3.38d2 t d
1 /2

fcd 121 103



with the application limit as the followings based on experimental parameters: 35.8 103 < d2 t d
1 /2

fcd < 194.0 103


where d is the diameter of a perforation (mm), t is the thickness of the perforated steel plate (mm), fcd is the deign strength of concrete (N/mm2 ). (b) For perforated-plate dowels with transverse re-bars:
2 3 Vaud = 1.45 (d2 2 st )fcd + st fst 106.1 10 /b


with the application limit as the followings based on experimental parameters:

2 3 73.2 103 < (d2 2 st )fcd + st fst < 488.0 10


where st and fst are the diameter (mm) and the tensile strength (N/mm2 ) of the re-bar. The member factor b can be 1.3. Two equations Eq.(C15.4.7) and Eq.(C15.4.9) present design shear strength at the safety limit state for the two kinds of perforated-plate dowels [Hosaka, et.al. 2000]. These equations are obtained by a regression analysis of the logarithm type that puts experimental data of the studies into the Leonhardts equation [Leonhardt, 1987]. Eq.(C15.4.7) is with consideration of thickness-diameter ratio (t/d), and Eq.(C15.4.9) takes the diameter as well as the tensile strength of re-bars into consideration besides t/d. The correlation coecients calculated in statistical processing have high accuracy of 0.971 (without re-bars) and 0.979 (with re-bars), and the curves derived from the equations lowered by two times of standard deviation so that they might cover the scatter of experimental data. However, the applicable range of two equations shall be properly set so as to produce positive value for the design shear strength. Leonhardt[1987] proposed the equation for such case that no transverse re-bars were arranged, because he considered that this type of share connectors was purely made of concrete, however, experimental studies [Hosaka, et.al. 1998] showed that the maximum shear strength of perforated-plate dowels was improved by arranging the transverse re-bars. The rst term in Eq.(C15.4.9) shows the shear strength given as concrete-connectors, and the second term shows the shear strength added by presence of the transverse re-bars. Moreover, the transverse rebars can increase slipping capability at the contact area between the steel girder and concrete deck, which in turn reduces drop of the post-peak bearing performance and raises the deection capability. Although any problems about fatigue of this type connectors used in composite girders have not been reported yet, suitable verications shall be conducted when necessity of checking fatigue safety of perforated-plate dowels or the welded portions arises. (2) Shear strength of the perforated steel plate between one hole to another can be calculated in accordance with [Leonhardt, 1987]: Vr = 100 y As 60 3 (C15.4.11)

where, Vr : Shear strength of the perforated steel plate (N), As : Cross-sectional area of the plate between two holes (mm2 ), y : Yield strength of the steel plate (N/mm2 ).

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


The design shear strength of the steel plate calculated from Eq.(C15.4.11) shall exceed the

design shear strength Vsd of perforated-plate dowels calculated in (1), and shall be veried with the following equation. i Vsd 1.0 Vrd (Vrd = Vr ) b (C15.4.12)

When the perforated-plate dowels are used in restrained concrete like inside a steel cell, etc.

where rise of the shear strength can be expected, proper examination to calculate real strength is needed. Design shear strength of block dowels The design shear strength of block dowels shall be evaluated in proper way(s).

Design strength of block dowels for the safety limit state can be calculated with the equation Eq.(C15.4.13) or Eq.(C15.4.14) whichever yields smaller value when consideration of the fatigue is not needed, and can be determined with Eq.(C15.4.15) when consideration of the fatigue is needed. a) When considerations of the fatigue is not needed: Vbud Vbud = (fbud A1 + 0.7fu A2 /s )/b = (fbud A1 + 30B/c )/b (C15.4.13) (C15.4.14)

where, Vbud Design shear strength of block dowel without consideration of the fatigue (N). fbud = fck /c Design bearing strength of the concrete in front of the block dowel (N/mm2 ),

1.1 = 0.55

(A 4A1 ) A/A1 (A < 4A1 )


Eective bearing area of a block dowel (mm2 ). A2 Cross sectional area of semicircle re-bar which is diagonally xed to block (mm2 ). 2h2 b 0 hc


(for deck without haunch) (for deck with haunch)

hc b0 fu B c s b

Thickness of the deck (mm). Distance between the upper surface of steel ange and the upper surface of deck (mm). Width at the lower end of haunch where the steel ange and concrete deck meet (mm). Characteristics tensile strength of the steel (N/mm2 ). Diameter of semicircle re-bar which is diagonally xed to block (mm). Width of the block (mm). Material factor for concrete, and can be generally set to 1.3. Material factor for steel, and can be generally set to 1.0. Member factor, and can be generally set to 1.3.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

In both equations of Eq.(C15.4.13) and Eq.(C15.4.14), the rst term of the right hand side shows the strength by the block itself, and the second term shows the strength by the semicircle re-bar. Regarding this second term, Eq.(C15.4.13) is for the case when the semicircle re-bar governs the strength, and Eq.(C15.4.14) is derived on condition that the upper limit of bearing strength of re-bars suciently embedded into concrete with appropriate cover is considered 30 N/mm2 . b) When considerations of the fatigue is needed: Vbud = (fbud A1 )/b where, Vbud Fluctuation of design shear strength when considerations of the fatigue is needed (N) b Member factor, and can be generally set to 1.3 Portions where fatigue may occur are: (a) welded part between shear connectors and the steel girder, (b) the semicircle re-bar, and (c) the concrete facing shear connectors, among which the part (c) is in mind here. However, contribution by the semicircle re-bar is omitted from Eq.(C15.4.15) because the welded point of the re-bar seems to be vulnerable against cyclic loading. The clauses and explanations given here follow [JSCE, 2002], but its original is written in [RTRI, 2000]. The block dowel is combination of a steel block or horseshoe-shaped steel plate and a semicircle re-bar, and this type of shear connectors has been widely used in railway structures. The slip of block dowel between the steel girder and concrete is small under ordinary service condition, so verication for the service limit state is not generally required. However, the performance of this type of shear connectors diers depending on direction, which heterogeneous eect is not observed in the headed stud connectors. The verication equations shown here are for the longitudinal (along the bridge axis) horizontal shear force, and thus they are not directly applicable to the transverse (perpendicular to the bridge axis) horizontal shear. (C15.4.15)

15.4.7 Inuence of steel girder plasticity on horizontal shear force If the steel girder shows plastic behavior at the safety limit state, the horizontal design shear force acting the connectors within this plastic zone shall be properly determined with consideration of this inuence.

When design is made on so-called compact section in which some portion inside the steel girder enters the plastic range, it should be noted that the distribution of horizontal shear diers from one obtained with the linear elastic analysis because of this inuence. The total horizontal shear force from xa to xb section can be a dierence of the axial force Na and Nb of the concrete deck as shown in Fig.C15.4.3. In this example, the axial force Na is calculated from conventional elastic beam theory since the section at xa is assumed to be elastic. When the section at xb is full plastic, then the axial force of the concrete deck can be obtained easily, but calculating the axial force is not easy when the section at xb is partially plastic. In this case, N can be decided as the corresponding point to an arbitrary M on the line shown in Fig.C15.4.3 which linearly connects the initial yielding state (Ny , My ) and the full plastic state (Np , Mp ).

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders



xa Na Nb qsd Na Msa xa xb Nb Msb M M


Mp My

Ny N


Fig.C15.4.3 Relationship between bending moment and axial force of concrete deck

15.5 Detailing of Shear Connectors

15.5.1 Headed stud connectors (1) The standard shank diameter shall be 19mm or 22mm. For determination of material properties, types, shapes and proportions, it is desirable to obey JIS B 1198 Headed stud connectors. (2) The maximum spacing of headed stud connectors shall be determined so that the required performance as the shear connectors may be satised while preventing occurrence of buckling of the anges of the girders and other undesirable behaviors. (3) The minimum spacing of headed stud connectors shall be determined so that the required performance as the shear connectors may be satised while allowing easy work execution and preventing generation of harmful cracks in the concrete deck. (4) The distance between the shank surface of a headed stud connector and the edge of the girder ange shall preferably be greater than 25mm. (5) In a composite minimized-number main girders bridge, headed stud connectors shall be arranged with consideration of not only longitudinal shear force but also transverse shear force as well as tensile force. (6) Cross section of the concrete deck near headed stud connectors shall have sucient safety against the shear force acting from the connectors. (7) Holes provided in precast concrete deck panels for installing the shear connectors shall have appropriate details to enable doing easy work as well as avoiding local failure.


(1) Based on actual experiences in design and construction, a standard diameter of the shank is decided 19mm or 22mm. Experimental study [JH, 1998] and analytical study [Okada et. al, 2005] on the shear strength of 25mm diameter stud, however, were conducted, and real applications of 25mm diameter studs have been increased. Studs having other diameter than the standard values can be thus used, if the required performance of the stud is properly evaluated by experiments or analyses. (2) As for the maximum spacing of the stud, Highway Bridge Specication [JRA, 2002] gives the regulation that the required performance as shear connectors for composite girders can be re-


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]


(4) (5)



garded satisfactory when the maximum spacing of the studs is not greater than 3 times of the total thickness of the concrete deck nor 600mm. AASHTO[AASHTO, 2005] sets the maximum spac-ing to be not greater than 800mm. Eurocode[CEN, 2003] decided the maximum spacing to be not greater than 4 times of the total thickness of the concrete deck nor 800mm and also gave additional restrictions for the class 1 or class 2 section depending on the thickness and the yield strength of the compressive ange in order to prevent buckling. As for the minimum spacing of the studs, Highway Bridge Specication [JRA, 2002] gives the regulation that the required performance as shear connectors for composite girders can be regarded satisfactory when the longitudinal minimum spacing is 5d (d : diameter of the shank) or 100mm whichever is larger and when the transverse minimum spacing is d +30mm. AASHTO[AASHTO, 2005] sets the minimum longitudinal and transverse spacing to be 6d and 4d, respectively. Eurocode 4[CEN, 2003] decided the minimum longitudinal spacing to be 5d and the minimum transversal spacing to be 4d for rigid deck and 2.5d for other decks. Appropriate design is needed based on these rules. This is in accordance with Highway Bridge Specication [JRA, 2002], AASHTO[AASHTO, 2005] and Eurocode 4[CEN, 2003]. In a composite minimized-number main girders bridge or other similar types of bridges where the width of deck is large; elimination of the lateral bracings and simplication of the cross girders are often done, studs should be suitably arranged with consideration of the transverse force and the tensile force which are induced by wind, earthquake, prestress, trac load and so on. A cross section of the deck near the studs where local shear failure may happen, it is necessary to check if adequate safety against the shear force acting on the headed studs is secured or not. If needed, supplementary reinforcement should be arranged there. The head of a stud should be generally embedded in main part of the concrete deck (instead of the haunch) deeper than 50mm in order to exert enough anchoring eect. The share holes provided in a precast deck panel shall have appropriate detail to allow easy concreting work, and attention is also needed about the concrete property to be cast in-situ. For example, the size of shear holes shall be large enough to accommodate the grouped studs and to compact concrete properly. Moreover, adequate reinforcement should be arranged to prevent from local faire of the concrete at or near the shear holes.

15.5.2 Perforated-plate dowels (1) The thickness of a perforated steel plate and the diameter of the re-bars running through the perforations shall be properly determined. (2) The diameter of the perforations shall be properly determined with consideration of compaction work and bleeding of the concrete. (3) The maximum longitudinal spacing of two adjacent perforations shall be determined so as to satisfy the required performance as the shear connectors. (4) The concrete cover over the perforated-plate dowels shall be sucient value. (5) When two or more perforated steel plates are installed in parallel, sucient transverse spacing shall be secured. (6) Details of the perforated-plate dowels shall be determined with sucient consideration of fatigue.


(1) Perforated-plate dowels shall have enough strength against the bearing stress from concrete and, be preferably thicker than 12mm which is considered necessary by previous experiences in order to

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


(2) (3)




induce shear failure of the concrete. In addition, the standard diameter of transverse re-bars is to be 13mm, because the re-bars must resist not only the horizontal shear force but also lifting up of the concrete deck. The steel portion of perforated-plate dowels placed in even compressive stress zone is basically free from occurrence of buckling due to connement given from the concrete. The diameter of the hole should preferably be more than the value equivalent to the diameter of transverse re-bars plus the maximum aggregate size. The center-to-center spacing of perforations is desirably small as much as possible to transmit the shear force smoothly, but 500mm or less that corresponds to 2.5 times of the minimum deck thickness is regarded as a standard. In the case of larger spacing more than 500mm, enough reinforcement around the perforated-plate dowels is needed. The cover from the top surface of concrete to the upper edge of perforated steel plate is preferably more than 100mm. When the cover is thin, concrete bearing strength in front of the dowels and whole strength as share connector will be reduced. When two or more perforated steel plates are arranged in parallel, their spacing is preferably wider than the value of about three times of the height of plate, as the experimental result [Hosaka, et.al, 2002] concluded that two shear connectors arranged in this manner did not inuence each other and the concrete in-between worked eectively. Basically, perforated-plate dowels have high fatigue resistance [Taira, et.al, 1997]. It is necessary to secure suitable distance from the bottom of perforations to the bottom of concrete deck for sake of keeping welding quality of the perforated-steel plates and the upper ange of girder and avoiding generation of the fatigue cracks from the perforations. Especially when the perforations are provided in very large tensile stress zone, verication about fatigue of the main body as well as the welded portion of the perforated-plate dowels is to be done. It has been recently known that arrangement of two or more perforated-plate dowels in parallel, instead of only one just above the web of girder, is eective to raise the fatigue resistance when the horizontal shear and uplifting force simultaneously act [Hosaka, et.al, 2002].

15.5.3 Block connectors (1) In block dowels having a semicircle re-bar, the angle between the re-bar and the upper surface of steel ange shall generally be 45 degrees. (2) The standard thickness of steel plate and the diameter of a re-bar used in block dowels shall be at least 16mm. (3) Any shear connectors that may induce a wedge action to the concrete deck are not allowed.


These clauses are quoted from [RTRI, 2000].

15.6 Verication of Crack Width in Composite Girders

Crack width in the concrete deck due to composite action with a steel girder and crack width due to local bending caused by the wheel load shall satisfy the following equations: i wmd wa wbd i wa 1.0 1.0 (15.6.1) (15.6.2)


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

where wa i

Design critical value of crack width Structural factor; for standard structures i = 1.0


(1) Design critical value of crack width The design critical value of crack width for concrete decks shall be determined with consideration of environmental condition as well as a type and presence or absence of waterproof layer in the concrete deck. If no special investigation about the critical crack width is carried out, the value given in Concrete Standard Specication [JSCE, 2002] may be used. The critical crack width is given there as a function of environmental conditions and cover C . (2) Crack width due to main girder eect There are several methods to calculate the crack width of a concrete deck as shown in [JSCE, 2002], [CEB/FIP-90,1993], [Hanswille, 1996, 1997] and [Nagai et.al, 2002]. The calculation method proposed by Nagai et al. [2004] taking the initial crack state into account will be explained below. The design crack width wmd is given in term of the negative design bending moment for crack width calculation Md : wER wCR w CR + MER MCR (Md MCR ) (MCR Md MER ) (C15.6.1) wmd = wER (MER Md ) where MCR is the negative bending moment at initial cracking, and MER is the negative bending moment at the boundary from the initial crack state to the stabilized crack state. The initial crack width wCR and stabilized crack width wER are obtained as follows. a) Initial crack width wCR = L NCR m NCR Es As Es As

(m = 0.60)


where NCR = m (1 + ns )Ac is the axial force of a concrete deck at initial cracking; m stands for the stress at the middle section of the concrete deck; Es denotes the Youngs modulus of steel; As and Ac are the cross sectional area of re-bars and the concrete deck, respectively; n = Es /Ec is the modular ratio; s is the reinforcement ratio. csd denotes shrinkage, and may assign to csd = 150 under normal conditions. The crack spacing in the initial cracking sate is given by: L= sr2 2.7fct (1 + ns ) (C15.6.3)

where sr2 = NCR /As and fct is the tensile strength of concrete, and is the re-bar diameter. b) Stabilized crack width wER = L Md fct fct ysr + Es Ist Es st s Es s

( = 0.2) (C15.6.4)

where st = Ast Ist /Ag Ig ; Ast and Ist are the area and inertia moment of the steel girder with re-bars respectively; Ag and Ig are the area and inertia moment of the steel girder; ysr denotes the distance between the centroid decided by re-bars as well as the steel girder and the upper re-bars. The mean crack spacing in the stabilized state is: L = 4C + 0.7(Cs ) where C is the pure cover of re-bars, and Cs is the pitch of re-bars. (C15.6.5)

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


(3) Crack width due to deck eect wbd = L B fct Es Es s


( = 0.2)


(4) Minimum reinforcement required from initial cracking stage The relationship between the crack width and the reinforcement ratio in the initial cracking stage is obtained from Eq.(C15.6.2). The reinforcement ratio is thus led as a function of the crack width as shown in Fig.C15.6.1 on condition that stress gradient within a concrete deck is neglected for simplicity and cracks generation occurs when the stress at the middle section of the concrete deck m becomes the tensile strength of concrete, The approximate minimum reinforcement ratio can be estimated from this gure.

Reinforcement ratio

0.024 0.022 0.02 0.018 0.016 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 Crack width [ mm]

=19mm =22mm =25mm



Fig.C15.6.1 Relationship between reinforcement ratio and crack width in initial crack state (concrete tensile strength= 2.5N/mm2 ,

= 150 )

15.7 Eective Width of Concrete Deck for Composite Girders

Eective width of the concrete deck of composite girders shall be properly determined depending on which limit state is under consideration.

The eective width given in Specications for HIghway Bridges [JRA, 2002] is based on the linear elastic theory, and the eective width accordingly dose not change depending on the magnitude of load. In the limit state design method, however, the eective width may change depending on the corresponding limit states. In the followings, the eective widths for individual limit states will be explained. (1) Eective width for ultimate limit states In the ultimate state when the concrete deck for the compact section becomes inelastic, the wider eective width can be expected than that in the elastic stress state owing to inelastic redistribution of stress in the concrete deck. It is possible to estimate the eective width directly by means of FE analyses with consideration of shear-lag eect. Unless a precise analysis such as FEM or experiment is used, the eective width at the ultimate state may be estimate in accordance with Eurocode [CEN, 1997] or AASHTO [AASHTO, 2005]. (2) Eective width for fatigue limit state The eective described in Highway Bridge Specication [JRA, 2002] may be applied, because the stress condition is nearly assumed to be elastic.


Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

(3) Eective width for crack width calculation Strain in re-bars in the concrete deck is needed for calculation of crack width in a concrete deck. The eective width Be is thus dened as the width of the concrete deck for estimation of the maximum strain max in the re-bars, and is obtained by integrating the re-bar strain se over the transverse width Be = 1 max
0 B

se ds


where the denitions of Be and B are shown in Fig.C15.7.1.

B Be


Fig.C15.7.1 Denitions of eective width Be and total width B

An eective width equation Eq.(C15.7.2) [Okui et al., 2005] have been proposed for a standard

two I-girders composite bridge under the dead load as well as live load but without consideration of shrinkage of the concrete. Be0 = 1 1.09 B B Le + 1.57 B Le


for 0.2 < B/Le < 0.35, where Le is the equivalent span length. In this equation, Be0 stands for the eective width, in which subscript e0 is used to clarify neglecting shrinkage. Since the eective width varies depending on the strain, a correction equation is also proposed: Be = 1.17 0.228 Be0 max cr + 0.068 max cr


for 1 max /cr 3.5, where cr = fct /Ec is the concrete crack strain calculated form the tensile strength fct and Youngs modulus Ec of concrete.
Reference in Chapter 15 Kajikawa, Y., and Maeda, Y. (1985) : Fatigue strength of ange platewith stud shear connector subjected to combined tension and shear, J. Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, No.362/I-4, pp. 285-295. Hiragi, H., Matsui, S., and Fukumoto, Y. (1989) : Derivation of strength of headed stud shear connectors Static strength -, J. Structural Eng., JSCE, Vol.35A, pp. 1221-1232. Ohtani, Y., Kinoshita, J., and Tsuji, B. (1994) : Design shear strength of stud an-chor under combined loads, J. Steel Constr. Eng., JSSC, Vol.2, pp. 699-706. Sakai, F., Yabe, J., Ohgaki, K., Hashimoto, Y., and Tomoda, T.(1995)A study on three-dimensional characteristics of composite bridge with two plate girders, J. of Struct. Eng., JSCE, Vol.41A, pp.945-954. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (1996) Standard Specication for Concrete Structures. Sakai, F., Yabe, J., Ohgaki, K., and Hashimoto, Y. (1997): A study on positioning of cross beam in composite two-plate-girder bridges, Bridge and Foundation Engineering, No.3, pp.31-38. Taira, Y., Amano, R., and Ohtuka, K.,(1997): Fatigue characteristics of perforated-plate dowels, JCI, Vol19, No.2, pp.1503-1508. Hosaka, T., Hiragi,H., Koeda, Y., Tachibana, Y., and Watanabe,H.(1998):An experimental study on characteristics of shear connectors in composite continuous girders for railway bridges, J. of Struct. Eng., JSCE, Vol.44A, pp.1497-1504.

Chapter 15 Design of Composite Girders


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Standard Specications for Steel and Composite Structures [Design]

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Standard Specifications for Steel and Composite Structures 2007 I. General provision, II. Structural Planning, III. Design
First edition 2007

Published by Committee on Steel structure Subcommittee of Standard Specifications for Steel and Composite Structures Japan Society of Civil Engineers Yotsuya 1-chome Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 160-0004 Japan Fax +81-3-5379-2769 http://www.jsce.or.jp ISBN 978-4-8106-0565-5 E-mail pub@jsce.or.jp

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