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Replaced Fall 2010 Course Outline For Engineering 36 Engineering Mechanics - Statics Catalog Description

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Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 36 ENGINEERING MECH NIC! " !# #IC!

Catalog $escription% 36 Engineering Mechanics - Statics

Fall 2005 Replaced Fall 2010

3 units

Force systems under equilibrium conditions !ector "ro"erties o# #orces$ moments$ cou"les$ and resultants rigid body structures hydrostatics shear and bending-moment diagrams #riction centroids area%mass moments o# inertia& 'ra"hical$ algebraic$ and numerical (com"uter) solutions o# !ector mechanics "roblems& *rerequisite+ *hysics ,- and Engineering 25 (both com"leted .ith a grade o# /C/ or higher)& Strongly recommended+ Mathematics 2 (concurrent enrollment encouraged)& (Formerly Engineering 35&) 2 hours lecture$ 3 hours laboratory& 01y"ical contact hours+ lecture 35$ laboratory 52&52 &rere'uisite !(ills% 3e#ore entering the course the student should be able to+ 4& analy5e and sol!e a !ariety o# "roblems o#ten using calculus in to"ics such as+ a& addition$ subtraction$ dot "roduct and cross "roduct o# !ectors b& linear and rotational 6inematics c& dynamics d& momentum e& .or6$ 6inetic energy$ and "otential energy #& rotational 6inematics and dynamics g& statics h& gra!itation i& #luids 7& .a!es 2& o"erate standard laboratory equi"ment 3& analy5e laboratory data ,& .rite com"rehensi!e laboratory re"orts& 5& analy5e engineering%science .ord "roblems to #ormulate a mathematical model o# the "roblem 6& e8"ress in M-19-3 notation+ scalars$ !ectors$ matrices :& "er#orm$ using M-19-3 or E;CE9$ mathematical o"erations on !ectors$ scalars$ and matrices 6& addition and subtraction l& multi"lication and addition m& e8"onentiation <& com"ute$ using M-19-3 or E;CE9$ the numerical-!alue o# standard mathematical #unctions a& trigonometric #unctions b& e8"onential #unctions c& square-roots and absolute !alues =& im"ort data to M-19-3 #or subsequent analysis #rom data-sources a& data-acquisition-system data-#iles b& s"readsheet #iles 40& construct gra"hical "lots #or mathematical-#unctions in t.o or three dimensions 44& #ormulate a #it to gi!en data in terms o# a mathematical cur!e$ or model$ based on linear$ "olynomial$ "o.er$ or e8"onential #unctions a& assess the goodness-o#-#it #or the mathematical model using regression analysis 42& a""ly M-19-3 to #ind the numerical solution to systems o# linear equations a& uniquely determined b& underdetermined c& o!erdetermined 43& "er#orm using M-19-3 or E;CE9 statistical analysis o# e8"erimental data to determine the mean$ median$ standard de!iation$ and other measures that characteri5e the nature o# the data 4,& com"uter$ #or em"irical or #unctional data$ numerical de#inite-integrals and discrete-"oint deri!ati!es

Chabot College Course >utline #or Engineering 36$ *age 2 Fall 2005 45& sol!e numerically$ using M-19-3$ linear$ second order$ constant-coe##icient$ nonhomogenous ordinary di##erential equations 46& assess$ symbolically$ using M-19-3 a& the solution to transcendental equations b& deri!ati!es$ antideri!ati!es$ and integrals c& solutions to ordinary di##erential equations 4:& a""ly$ using E;CE9$ linear regression analysis to 8y data-sets to determine #or the best-#it line the+ slo"e$ interce"t$ and correlation-coe##icient 4<& dra. using M-19-3 or E;CE9 t.o-dimensional Cartesian (8y) line-"lots .ith multi"le data-sets (multi"le lines) 4=& dra. using E;CE9 qualitati!e-com"arison charts such as 3ar-Charts and Column-Charts in t.o or three dimensions 20& "er#orm$ using M-19-3 and E;CE9$ mathematical-logic o"erations 24& com"ose E;CE9 ?isual-3asic M-C@> "rograms%#unctions to automate re"etiti!e s"readsheet tas6s& E)pected Outco*e for !tudents% A"on com"letion o# the course$ the student should be able to+ 4& "er#orm !ector-mathematical o"erations a& addition%subtraction b& dot "roduct$ cross "roduct c& mi8ed tri"le "roduct 2& e8"ress a !ector in terms o# its Cartesian com"onents 3& dra. #ree-body diagrams to de"ict the #orces acting on "oints$ rigid bodies$ and mechanical de!ices ,& distinguish bet.een internal and e8ternal #orces 5& state the "rinci"le o# transmissibility 6& com"ute the moment o# a a& #orce about a "oint b& #orce about an a8is c& cou"le :& sol!e #or the reaction #orces at the su""orts o# #orce-loaded 2B or 3B rigid-bodies <& identi#y statically indeterminate su""ort reactions =& state the conditions #or static equilibrium o# a 2B or 3B rigid body 40& use !ectors and !ector mechanics to sol!e #or un6no.n #orces and moments acting on "oints and rigid bodies 44& com"ute the center o# gra!ity #or 2B and 3B bodies 42& com"ute the centroid o# lines$ areas$ and !olumes by a& com"osition o# standard #orms b& mathematical integration 43& com"ute the #irst-moment o# areas and lines 4,& e!aluate the hydrostatic #orces a""lied to submerged rigid bodies 45& trusses a& determine the #orce reactions at the su""orts b& com"ute the #orces in truss-members 46& analy5e machines to determine the trans#ormation and%or modi#ication o# the a""lied #orces 4:& assess #orces in loaded beams a& e!aluate reaction #orces b& com"ute shear-#orces and bending-moments c& dra. shear and bending moment diagrams 4<& assess #orces in loaded cables a& com"ute sha"e and tension #or cables .ith 4) concentrated li!e-loads 2) distributed li!e-loads 3) dead-load (cable .eight) only

Chabot College Course >utline #or Engineering 36$ *age 3 Fall 2005 4=& 20& 24& 22& e8"lain the coe##icient o# #riction com"ute the #riction #orce on a rigid body gi!en the #orce-loading and coe##icient o# #riction sol!e "roblems in!ol!ing dry and belt #riction com"ute the second-moment (moment o# inertia) #or a& areas b& !olumes c& masses 23& a""ly the *arallel -8is 1heorem to the calculation o# moments o# inertia to com"ute the+ a& radius o# gyration b& "olar moment o# inertia c& "roduct o# inertia Course Content% 4& ?ector mathematical o"erations a& addition$ subtraction$ negation b& dot-"roduct$ cross-"roduct c& mi8ed tri"le "roduct 2& 1he *rinci"le o# static equilibrium+ CF D 0 a& Ee.tonFs First 9a. o# Motion b& decom"osition o# #orce !ectors into Cartesian com"onents c& unit !ectors 3& Statics o# "articles in t.o or three dimensions a& s"ace (dimensional) diagram b& #ree body diagrams 4) internal !s& e8ternal #orces ,& Equi!alent system o# #orces a& moment o# a #orce about a "oint or a8is b& moment o# a #orce-cou"le c& equi!alent #orce systems+ #orces only$ moments and #orces d& !arignonFs theorem 5& Statics o# rigid bodies a& constructing #ree-body diagrams b& line-o#-action and the "rinci"le o# transmissibility c& equilibrium o# t.o-#orce and three-#orce bodies d& #orce reactions at su""orts and connections in t.o and three dimensions e& determinate and indeterminate reaction systems #& su""ort-reaction ty"es 4) ball 2) rough sur#ace roller 3) ball-and-soc6et ,) uni!ersal 7oint 5) #i8ed su""ort 6) hinge and bearing :) "in and brac6et 6& Bistributed #orces+ centroids and centers o# gra!ity a& #irst moment o# areas and lines b& theorem o# *a""us-'uldinus :& Forces on Submerged Sur#aces a& hydrodstatic-"ressure !ersus #luid-de"th b& #ree body diagrams #or submerged bodies c& center o# "ressure location using the #irst moment o# areas d& resultant o# hydrostatic #orces <& -nalysis o# structures+ a& trusses+ #orces in members

Chabot College Course >utline #or Engineering 36$ *age , Fall 2005 4) method o# 7oints 2) method o# sections b& #rames and machines+ transmission and trans#ormation o# #orces =& Forces in beams and cables+ a& shear and bending-moment diagrams #or "oint-loaded and distributed-loaded beams b& cables .ith concentrated and distributed #orce-loads 40& Friction+ a& la.s o# dry #riction b& coe##icient o# sliding and static #riction c& angle o# #riction d& #riction #orces+ F D GE e& #ree-body diagrams that include #riction #orces #& belt #riction #orces and the angle o# .ra" 44& Moments o# Hnertia+ a& second moment b& radius o# gyration c& "roduct o# inertia d& "arallel-a8is theorem e& moments o# inertia #or com"osite areas%masses Met+ods of &resentation% 4& Formal lectures using *o.er*oint and%or Ihite3oard "resentations 2& Com"uter demonstrations 3& Class discussion o# "roblems$ solutions and studentFs questions

Chabot College Course >utline #or Engineering 36$ *age 5 Fall 2005 ssign*ents and Met+ods of E,aluating !tudent &rogress% 4& 1y"ical assignments a& @ead cha"ter-: in the te8t on the analysis o# shear-#orces and bending-moments in structural beams b& Com"lete e8ercises #rom the te8t boo6$ or those created by the instructor 4) 'i!en a com"osite mass$ calculate the moment o# inertia (second moment) about the a8is sho.n in the diagram in the te8t& 2) - set o# Slab-tongs uses a scissor mechanism as sho.n in the diagram at right& For a =60 lb concrete slab$ determine the #orce on the #aces o# the tongs at "oints E J F 3) - 0&6 lb cylinder C rests on cylinder B as sho.n in the diagram at right& 1he coe##icient o# static #riction$ Gs$ is the same #or "oints - J 3& Ase M-19-3 so#t.are to determine #or Gs in the range o# 0-0&,$ the largest countercloc6.ise cou"le M that can be a""lied to cylinder B i# it is E>1 to rotate& 2& Methods o# e!aluating student "rogress a& .ee6ly home.or6 assignments b& e8aminations c& #inal e8amination #e)t-oo(.s/ .#0pical/% Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 7/e, Ferdinand *& 3eer$ E& @ussell Kohnston$ Kr&$ Elliot @& Eisenberg$ Iilliam E& Clausen$ 'eorge L& Staab$ Mc'ra.-Lill$ 200, Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 10/E, @ussell C& Libbeler$ *rentice Lall$ 200, Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 4/E, -nthony M 3ed#ord$ Iallace Fo.ler$ *rentice Lal$ 2005 Engineering Mechanics , Volume 1, Statics, K& 9& Meriam$ 9& 'lenn Mraige$ Kohn Iiley$ 2004 !pecial !tudent Materials% 4& M-19-3 So#t.are

3ruce Mayer$ *E N 2446<62:4&doc Ee. EE'@25 *re@eq$ M-1L2 Co@eq$ A"dated content$ @eEumber #rom EE'@ 35 Kul0,

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