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Year&Sem: 3 & 5 Max Mark: 100 Date: 12.09.11: Answer All The Questions 2x10 20marks

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Elambalur Perambalur 621 212

Year&Sem: 3
& 5
Branch: CIVIL Max Mark: 100
Date: 12.09.11
Answer all the questions 2x10=20marks
1. What is design period? State its importance in ater s!pp"# s#stem design.
$. List o!t the standards %or ater &!a"it# parameters.
'. (isting!ish )eteen coag!"ation and %"occ!"ation
*. Write a)o!t na"gonda techni&!e to remo+e %"!oride %rom ra agter.
,. What is meant )# re"ati+e sta)i"it# o% seage
-. .i+e e/amp"es %or positi+e disp"acement p!mps
0. (isting!ish )eteen the primar# and secondar# treatment o% seage
1. What is a"ga"2 )acteria s#m)iotic in o/idation ditch to treat asteater
3. Write short"# a)o!t the or4ing princip"e o% sta)i"i5ation pond
16. 7ention an# to rec"amation techni&!e's o% ater
PART-B 1-/,816mar4s
11. A9.In three consec!ti+e decades the pop!"ation o% a ton is *66662 1666662 and 1'6666. :ind
the sat!ration pop!"ation and e/pected pop!"ation in the ne/t '6 #ears;169
B9 List the %actors to )e considered hi"e se"ecting site %or an inta4e str!ct!res ;-9
1$. ;A9.=/p"ain e/p"ain mem)rane %i"ter techni&!e ;19
;B9."ist the +ario!s >oints adopted in ater s!pp"# pipes. =/p"ain an# to ith neat s4etches
1'. ;A9in p"ain sedimentation tan42 pro+e that sett"ing +e"ocit# o% partic"es is e&!a" to s!r%ace
"oading rate ;19
;B9.dra a neat s4etch o% a rapid gra+it# %i"ter and descri)e ho it or4s. What are its
ad+antages o+er s"o sand %i"ter? ;19
1*. ;A9.e/p"ain the genera" methods o% distri)!tion o% ater emp"o#ed in m!nicipa" ater s!pp"#
scheme. ;19
;B9. e/p"ain hard# cross method o% so"+ing the pipe netor4 pro)"ems ;19
1,. ;A9.e/p"ain the B<( test and its "imitations;19
;B9. descri)e the drop manho"e and its %!nctioning ;19
1-. ;A9.design an o!t %a"" circ!"ar seer o% the separate s#stem r!nning 6.0 time %!"" %or a ton
ith a pop!"ation o% 162666 persons ith a ater s!pp"# at $66 "pcd. The seer can )e "aid at a
s"ope o% 1 in 1666 ith n86.61$. a se"%-c"eansing +e"ocit# o% 6.0, m?sec is to )e de+e"oped. The
dr# eather %"o ma# )e ta4en as 1?' o% the ma/im!m discharge and 1,@ o% the ater
s!pp"ied. 1-
10. A9 ith a neat %"o diagram2 /p"ain acti+ated s"!dge process in treating aste ater. (isc!ss
the +ario!s design parameter in+o"+ed in it? 1-
11. A9 s4etch +ertica" cross section o% tric4"ing %i"ter. =/p"ain the )io"ogica" process in+o"+ed in it.
B9 rite a note grit cham)er.
13. A9 state the conditions o% seage %a+o!ring di"!tion itho!t an# treatment.
B9 hat is seage sic4ness? List its e%%ects and pre+enti+e methods.
$6. A9 hat are the di%%erent 5ones o% po""!tion in a ri+er po""!ted )# asteater stream? Present
#o!r anser ith a neat s4etch o% o/#gen sag c!r+e.
Prepared )# Appro+ed )#
7r.T.="a+aras! 7r.S.Amar

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