Principles, Methods and Applications: Mike Uschold & Michael Gruninger AIAI-TR-191 February 1996
Principles, Methods and Applications: Mike Uschold & Michael Gruninger AIAI-TR-191 February 1996
Principles, Methods and Applications: Mike Uschold & Michael Gruninger AIAI-TR-191 February 1996
Mike Uschold
Arti cial Intelligence Applications Institute (AIAI) The University of Edinburgh 80 South Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1HN Scotland Tel: +44 (0)131 650-2732 Fax: +44 (0)131 650-6513 Email:
Michael Gruninger
Department of Industrial Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4 Canada +1 416-978-6347 +1 416-971-2479
This paper is intended to serve as a comprehensive introduction to the emerging eld concerned with the design and use of ontologies. We observe that disparate backgrounds, languages, tools, and techniques are a major barrier to e ective communication among people, organisations, and/or software systems. We show how the development and implementation of an explicit account of a shared understanding (i.e. an `ontology') in a given subject area, can improve such communication, which in turn, can give rise to greater reuse and sharing, inter-operability, and more reliable software. After motivating their need, we clarify just what ontologies are and what purposes they serve. We outline a methodology for developing and evaluating ontologies, rst discussing informal techniques, concerning such issues as scoping, handling ambiguity, reaching agreement and producing de nitions. We then consider the bene ts of and describe, a more formal approach. We re-visit the scoping phase, and discuss the role of formal languages and techniques in the speci cation, implementation and evaluation of ontologies. Finally, we review the state of the art and practice in this emerging eld, considering various case studies, software tools for ontology development, key research issues and future prospects.
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1 Introduction 2 Why Ontologies, and What are They?
2.1 What are the Problems? 2.2 How can we Solve them? 2.3 Examples 2.3.1 Unifying Research Fields 2.3.2 Semi-Conductor Fabrication 2.3.3 Spacecraft Mission Operations 2.4 What is an ontology?
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3 Uses of Ontologies
3.1 Communication 3.2 Inter-Operability 3.2.1 Ontologies as Inter-Lingua 3.2.2 Dimensions of Inter-Operability 3.3 Systems Engineering 3.3.1 Speci cation 3.3.2 Reliability 3.3.3 Reusability 4.1 Purpose and Scope 4.2 Building the Ontology 4.2.1 Capture 4.2.2 Coding 4.2.3 Integrating Existing Ontologies
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4.3 Evaluation 4.4 Documentation 4.5 Initial Guidelines for Designing Ontologies
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5 Ontology Capture
5.1 Scoping 5.2 Produce De nitions 5.2.1 Deciding What To Do Next 5.2.2 Reaching Agreement 5.3 Review 5.4 Meta-Ontology
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7 Ontologies in Practice
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7.1 Ontologies for Inter-Operability 7.1.1 Process Interchange Format 7.1.2 KRSL Plan Ontology 7.2 The Role of Standards 7.2.1 Work ow Management Coalition 7.2.2 STEP 7.2.3 CORBA 7.2.4 KIF and Conceptual Graphs 7.3 Implemented Integrated Ontologies 7.3.1 CYC 7.3.2 TOVE 7.3.3 Enterprise 7.3.4 KACTUS 7.3.5 Plinius 7.4 Computer Support Tools: KSL Ontology Server 7.4.1 Background 7.4.2 Overview 7.4.3 Specifying Ontologies 7.4.4 Translation
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8 Conclusions and Future Directions A The Plinius Project and its Ontology
A.1 Setting and scope A.2 Ontology development in Plinius A.3 Further information
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Introduction What Is Enterprise Model Integration? Why Is Enterprise Model Integration Hard? Why Ontologies? How Can Ontologies Enable The Integration Of Enterprise Modeling Tools? How Can Ontologies Enable The Integration Of Enterprise Models? What Are The Advantages Of Using Ontologies For IDSE Technology?
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1 Introduction
The overall goal of this paper is to give readers a practical understanding of the emerging eld concerned with the nature and use of ontologies. This is an introduction to the eld, rather than a comprehensive review of it. In particular, our aim is that readers will: Understand what is meant by the term `ontology' Know the range of purposes that an ontology may serve and thus to be able to identify when to use an ontology for their own problems Be familiar with a number of current applications of ontologies Be familiar with the current state of the technology, in particular: { the main steps in building an ontology, { analytical techniques and software tools to support the process of building and using ontologies, { current limitations of such techniques Have a better understanding of the potential for commercial exploitation of ontologies in the short, medium, and long term.
We begin by motivating the need for ontologies, in particular by describing a number of important problems that obstruct communication between or among people, organisations, and/or software systems. We illustrate that the development and implementation of an explicit account of a shared understanding (i.e.. an `ontology') in a given subject area, can help solve these problems. We brie y consider the nature of an ontology, and the range of uses that they have. We outline a skeletal methodology for the process of developing and using ontologies. In subsequent sections, we generalise and summarise our experiences in developing two signi cant ontologies in the domain of enterprise modelling. In doing so, we elaborate on some of the speci c steps outlined in the skeletal methodology. We consider rst, some important informal techniques for ontology development. We proceed by considering how to identify what the important concepts and ideas are in a domain of interest, thus limiting the scope of the ontology. Next, we give a procedure and suggest guidelines for producing the actual de nitions, and how to reach agreement. Next, we consider advantages of and describe a more formal approach to the development of ontologies. We re-visit the scoping phase, and discuss the role of formal languages and techniques in the speci cation, implementation and evaluation of ontologies.
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In x 7 we describe a variety of practical applications of ontologies. We look at various case studies, reviewing what is available by way of software tools and techniques for ontology development and implementation. We conclude by reviewing some important research issues, summarising the state of the art and discussing future directions.
In the context of building an IT system, this lack of a shared understanding leads to di culties in identifying requirements and thus in the de ning of a speci cation of the system. Disparate modelling methods, paradigms, languages and software tools severely limit:
the potential for re-use and sharing. In turn this leads to much wasted e ort re-inventing the wheel.
Communication between people with di erent needs and viewpoints arising from their
di ering contexts
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2.3 Examples
2.3.1 Unifying Research Fields
Here we describe an interesting example whereby a shared understanding can be used to enhance communication between people.
Situation/Problem: Researchers in the di erent but related elds of AI Planning, De-
cision Theory, and Distributed Systems Theory (from work in theoretical computer science) cannot readily make use of each other's results. This is because they have a di erent perspective on, and use di erent terms to describe, the same underlying ideas. Solution: Develop a unifying conceptual framework which enables research results in one eld to be applied to the other elds. How? Identify the common ideas in each of these elds and the terms used that correspond to them. Perform a careful technical analysis of what exactly these concepts are identify any exact matches, and note other important relationships between them. This unifying conceptual framework is intended to function as an lingua-franca enabling translation between the di erent perspectives in the three sub elds. When a new research result is published, it may be possible to interpret the results in one eld using terms from another. For example, a new algorithm to solve a problem in Distributed Systems Theory might be used as a new search algorithm in an AI planning system. So What? By allowing the conceptual frameworks and underlying assumptions in each of the three elds to be compared and built upon, there is great potential for increasing the rate of progress in all three elds by avoiding re-discovering equivalent results.
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This example was obtained from an invited talk by Michael George titled \Agents and Their Plans" given at IJCAI-95 in Montreal. Although much more remains to be done before the uni cation is fully accomplished, preliminary results are encouraging1.
and production line simulation package. The simulation package requires as input, a very large description of a model of the product ow in the factory, which incorporates various details of the WIP tracking mechanism. When new versions of the simulation package are released, or if a new supplier is chosen, the model must be converted to a new format. This conversion is both time-consuming and error-prone. Solution: Automate the process of converting the model when new external software is introduced. This both saves time and ensures model delity. How? There are 3 intersecting domains of interest: WIP tracking, product ow simulation, and the semi-conductor fabrication process. Whichever particular WIP tracking system or simulation package is used, the underlying concepts are the same. The approach was to develop a unifying framework which identi ed, de ned, and named all the important concepts in this intersection. The models are expressed in terms of this framework and stored in an Oracle relational database. An automatic translator converts the models from the Oracle DB into the format required by the simulation software. If the simulation software changes, then the translator must be changed, manually. However, the changes are usually relatively minor, especially compared to the original task of manually converting the model. The Oracle DB is itself populated by a translator that extracts information from the WIP tracking system. Just as the DB entries are automatically translated into model components required as input to the simulator, WIP system tracking entries are also automatically translated into DB entries. So What? This insulates the semiconductor fabrication company from changes in software provided externally, thus saving time and ensuring model delity. Development of the unifying framework assisted in the speci cation of the software for representing the appropriate concepts in the model and translating it into the appropriate format. The framework was the basis for implementing the sound software engineering practice of modularity, which in turn facilitated inter-operability of independently produced software.
1 There is no paper that directly corresponds to the talk, however, this material is covered by a number of papers that may be found at `'. 2 WIP is for Work In Progress such trackers monitor location and status of products as they are being assembled. They are updated every time value is added during production.
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Such a conceptualisation may be implicit, e.g. existing only in someone's head, or embodied in a piece of software. For example, an accounting package presumes some world view encompassing such concepts as invoice, and a department in an organisation. The word `ontology' is sometimes used to refer to this implicit conceptualisation. However, the more standard usage and that which we will adopt is that the ontology is an explicit account or representation of some part of] a conceptualisation.
What does an ontology look like? An explicit] ontology may take a variety of forms,
but necessarily it will include a vocabulary of terms and some speci cation of their meaning (i.e. de nitions). The degree of formality by which a vocabulary is created and meaning is speci ed varies considerably. Four somewhat arbitrary points along what might be thought of as a continuum are: highly informal: expressed loosely in natural language semi-informal: expressed in a restricted and structured form of natural language, greatly increasing clarity by reducing ambiguity, e.g. the text version of the `Enterprise Ontology' ct 19] (see x 7.3.3). semi-formal: expressed in an arti cial formally de ned language, e.g. the Ontolingua version of the Enterprise Ontology rigorously formal: meticulously de ned terms with formal semantics, theorems and proofs of such properties as soundness and completeness. e.g. TOVE. The following quote from the SRKB (Shared Re-usable Knowledge Bases) electronic mailing list nicely summarises what an ontology is and the various forms and contexts it arises in. \Ontologies are agreements about shared conceptualizations. Shared conceptualizations include conceptual frameworks for modeling domain knowledge contentspeci c protocols for communication among inter-operating agents and agreements about the representation of particular domain theories. In the knowledge sharing context, ontologies are speci ed in the form of de nitions of representational vocabulary. A very simple case would be a type hierarchy, specifying classes and their subsumption relationships. Relational database schemata also serve as ontologies by specifying the relations that can exist in some shared database and the integrity constraints that must hold for them." approaches to solving them. We aim to be non-controversial, merely re ecting how the term `ontology' is being used in this community. A separate concern is the unfortunate fact that there is no agreed meaning of the term (see 15] for a competent analysis of this situation).
Closing Remarks Our focus has been on identifying real problems and identifying real
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We identify three main categories of uses for ontologies. Within each, other distinctions may be important, such as the nature of the software, who the intended users are, and how general the domain is.
$' %&
Speci cation
Reusable Components
$ % $ %
Figure 1: Uses for Ontologies Part of the confusion is due to the fact that the central ideas and issues have been addressed in a number of contexts and elds, often using di erent terminology. For example, there is a strong similarity between a conceptual schema for a data base, and an ontology. Other areas concerned with these issues include knowledge representation and acquisition, ontologies for natural language understanding, domain modelling in software engineering, and enterprise integration.
3 Uses of Ontologies
In this section, we review and elaborate the motivations for ontologies that we discussed above. In doing so, we characterise the space of uses for ontologies. The literature is currently rich with descriptions of ontologies and their intended purposes. At a high level, most seem to be intended for some manner of re-use. Some of these purposes are implicit in the various interpretations of the word `ontology' that are commonly found in the literature, as noted in 15] (e.g. a vocabulary for 9] vs a meta-level speci cation of, a logical theory 32, 40]). Other dimensions of variation include the nature of the software with which the ontology will be used, whether it is intended to be shared within a small group and reused within that context for a variety of applications, or whether it is intended to be re-used by a larger community. Some view their ontologies mainly as a means to structure a knowledge base others conceive an ontology to be used as part of a knowledge
Page 8
base, e.g. by loading it in as a set of sentences which will be added to as appropriate still others view their ontology as an application-speci c inter-lingua (e.g. ATOS). 20, 21] Another important motivation for ontologies is to integrate models of di erent domains into a coherent framework. This arises in business process reengineering (where we need an integrated model of the enterprise and its processes, its organisations, its goals, and its customers), in distributed multiagent architectures (where di erent agents need to communicate and solve problems), and in concurrent engineering and design. With these intuitions, we sub-divide the space of uses for ontologies into the following three categories: Communication Inter-Operability Systems engineering: speci cation, reliability and reusability
3.1 Communication
Recall that ontologies reduce conceptual and terminological confusion by providing a unifying framework within an organisation. In this way, ontologies enable shared understanding and communication between people with di erent needs and viewpoints arising from their particular contexts. We will now consider in detail several aspects of the use of ontologies to facilitate communication among people within an organisation.
Normative Models Within any large-scale integrated software system, di erent people
must have a shared understanding of the system and its objectives. By using an ontology, we can construct a normative model of the system. This creates a semantics for the system and an extendible model that can later be re ned, and which allows semantic transformations between di erent contexts. ships, keep track of what is linked, and explore and navigate through this network. Such a network is implicit within the system, but people often have di erent perspectives and perhaps use di erent assumptions. Thus there is a lack of shared understanding concerning the nature of the key relationships within the system. This is particularly important in applications which require the use of multiple ontologies from di erent domains. Ontologies serve to make all of these assumptions explicit by identifying the logical connections between elements across models of the system. In general, we will also want the ontology to support the ability to reason about the impact of possible changes to the system. For example, using an ontology to support enterprise modelling allows us to capture a picture of the enterprise that can be reworked. We can then
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answer questions about the enterprise model, such as what-if scenarios related to changing di erent parts of the enterprise during reengineering.
Consistency and Lack of Ambiguity One of the most important roles an ontology plays
in communication is that it provides unambiguous de nitions for terms used in a software system. Any set of software tools should be able to maintain consistency among themselves and the ontologies, though they need not be uniform. There may be the problem that a user's ontology is di erent from the ontology supporting the tool. In this case, we must provide an environment that can represent the di erent meanings for terms used by di erent people (\meaning mapper"). This also involves identifying the relevant assumptions used by di erent people, tools, or ontologies and the ability to capture multiple synonyms and utilise them in translation to various audiences. nicating agents, this integration through shared understanding becomes vital. We face the challenge of integrating di erent perspectives while capturing key distinctions in a given perspective. For example, people in di erent positions in an organisation will have di erent perspectives on what the organisation does, what goals it achieves, and how these goals are achieved. There is also the problem of integrating global and local views of the system. By using an ontology to provide a normative model of the system, this integration can be achieved by assisting participants in communicating and coming to an agreement. This also lays the groundwork for the development of standards within a community. By adopting a shared ontology, all participants use a standardised terminology for all objects and relations in their domains.
3.2 Inter-Operability
Many applications of ontologies address the issue of inter-operability, in which we have different users that need to exchange data or who are using di erent software tools. A major theme for the use of ontologies in domains such as enterprise modelling and multiagent architectures is the creation of an integrating environment for di erent software tools. Toolkits for spot solutions exist, but there is often no consistency among these tools.
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To translate from language Li to Lj and vice versa, a translator is required between Li and the inter-lingua and another between the inter-lingua and Lj . Thus, given n languages, only 2 O (n) translators are required, not O (n ).
# "! # "!
I 6 @ @ ? ; ;
; @ ; @ @; ;@ ; @ ; @
; ;
@ R @ -
# # "!"! # # "!"!
L2 L1
6 S o ?
S T1 w S
T2 ;;
Interlingua T4 SS w
S o
; ; T3 ;
# "! # "!
L2 L4
Figure 2: Ontology as Inter-Lingua for translators among the di erent users. To assist inter-operability, ontologies can be used to support translation between di erent languages and representations. One approach is to design unique translators for every two party exchange however, this would require ( 2) translators for di erent ontologies (see gure 2a). Using ontologies as inter-lingua to support translation, we can reduce the number of translators to ( ) for di erent ontologies, since it would only require translators from a native ontology into the interchange ontology (see gure 2b). This is the approach taken by the Process Interchange Format (PIF) Project.
O n n O n n
operation are under the direct control of some organisational unit. Di erences exist for historical reasons and legacy systems which will no longer change, need to be integrated.
Page 11
procedure viewer
1b procedure = ??
1c procedure = process
2b ?? = process
2c METHOD = process give me the 2d METHOD for... 3a 4 3b here is the METHOD for...
here is the process for...
method library
This illustrates the use of an ontology as an inter-lingua to integrate di erent software tools. The term procedure, used by one tool is translated into the term, method used by the other via the ontology, whose term for the same underlying concept is process.
Page 12
unit that wishes to insulate itself from changes imposed on it from the outside (as in the semi-conductor example in x 2.3.2). Note that `external' could mean another department in the same organisation.
arises from the issue of the integration of ontologies from di erent domains in order to support some task. For example, an ontology to support work ow management systems will need to integrate ontologies for processes, resources, products, services, and organisation. The set of work ow tools would then use this set of integrated ontologies.
di erent ontologies in the same domain because of legacy systems. For example, di erent tools may use di erent process ontologies to achieve inter-operability, we need to have a common ontology that both sets of tools can use. This is the most di cult challenge facing the use of ontologies, since it is usually not possible to impose the requirement of integration on the tools themselves rather we need to construct ontologies for tools that are already being used.
Integrating Ontologies Among Tools On the other hand, we may also need to integrate
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In a formal approach, an ontology provides a declarative speci cation of a software system, which allows us to reason about what the system is designed for, rather than how the system supports this functionality.
3.3.2 Reliability
Informal ontologies can improve the reliability of software systems by serving as a basis for manual checking of the design against the speci cation. Using formal ontologies enables the use of semi-]automated consistency checking of the software system with respect to the declarative speci cation. In addition, formal ontologies can be used to make explicit the various assumptions made by di erent components of a software system, facilitating their integration. For example, in the the Integrated Development Support Environment (IDSE), semantic constraints and relationships between di erent tools must be maintained for successful tool integration. Axioms stating these constraints are interpreted and enforced semi-automatically, thus facilitating integration (see appendix B for further details). This is closely related to the use of declarative constraints to maintain semantic integrity in data bases 2]. Declaratively speci ed assumptions may explicitly restrict the applicability of a particular ontology to a problem domain 12]. By proving that the ontology is capable of supporting various reasoning problems, we can demonstrate the reliability of the software system within the domain.
3.3.3 Reusability
To be e ective, ontologies must also support reusability, so that we can import and export modules among di erent software systems. The problem is that when software tools are applied to new domains, they may not perform as expected, since they relied on assumptions that were satis ed in the original applications but not in the new ones. By characterizing classes of domains and tasks within these domains, ontologies provide a framework for determining which aspects of an ontology are reusable between di erent domains and tasks. Ontologies provide an \easy to re-use" library of class objects for modelling problems and domains. The ultimate goal of this approach is the construction of a library of ontologies which can be reused and adapted to di erent general classes of problems and environments. One such library is being constructed at the Knowledge Systems Laboratory using their online Ontology Server (see x 7.4). To be useful, these ontologies must be customisable, both to the class of problems and the class of users, whether they be managers, consultants, or engineers. Further, the ontologies in such a library must be extendible, allowing the incorporation of new classes of constraints and the specialisation of concepts and constraints for a particular problem.
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One approach to extendibility is the notion of partially shared views 24] in the Process Interchange Format Project 25] (see x 7.1.1). There is a core PIF ontology which all translators operate with. In addition, there are di erent extensions of this core ontology which not all ontologies may share. In PIF, these extensions are captured by partially shared views, so that ontologies that have a partially shared view in common can translate without loss of expressiveness. Similarly, in the KRSL Plan Ontology (see x 7.1.2), there is a set of modular specialised ontologies augment the general categories with sets of concepts and alternative theories of more detailed notions commonly used by planning systems, such as speci c ontologies and theories of time points, temporal relations, and complex actions. they are and described a variety of circumstances in which they may be used. In the next few sections, we turn our attention to the process of building and evaluating ontologies. First we describe some of the important steps in building an ontology these are then elaborated on in sections 5 and 6.
Closing remarks { Thus far, we have motivated the need for ontologies, clari ed what
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4.2.1 Capture
By ontology capture, we mean 1) identi cation of the key concepts and relationships in the domain of interest 2) production of precise unambiguous text de nitions for such concepts and relationships 3) identi cation of terms to refer to such concepts and relationships and nally, agreeing on all of the above. Perhaps, the most directly relevant work reported is in 33], where Skuce argues for an intermediate representation of a conceptualisation which is more formal than loosely structured natural language, but less formal than a formal language. He proposes a speci c format for such an intermediate representation, which is to include assumptions, justi cations as well as precisely worded de nitions. In x 5 we describe the method successfully used for ontology capture in the development of the Enterprise Ontology in the Enterprise Project 19].
4.2.2 Coding
By coding, we mean explicit representation of the conceptualisation captured in the previous stage in some formal language. This will involve committing to the basic terms that will be used to specify the ontology (e.g. class, entity, relation) this is often called a `meta-ontology' because it is in essence, the underlying] ontology of representational terms that will be used to express the main ontology choosing a representation language (which is capable of supporting the meta-ontology) writing the code.
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With regards to choosing a language, possibly the most extensive work done in this area is the Plinius Project 36, 39] (see appendix A). They have experimented with a large variety of languages for representing their ontology in the materials science domain. These experiences could serve as a starting point for developing guidelines in choosing representation languages for ontologies. Coding and capture are sometimes merged into a single step. Indeed, some of the design decisions of the KSL Ontology Editor 3] presume that ontology builders may be developing the conceptualisation on the y3. This may be appropriate in some cases, however our experience suggests that many bene ts derive from separating the two. Insofar as an ontology is a kind of a knowledge base, there is a wealth of useful methodological guidance that is potentially applicable. A comprehensive methodology would make very clear what applies for building ontologies as opposed to knowledge bases in general. It will also clarify under what circumstances, if any, capture and coding stages may be merged. These are important research issues at this time.
4.3 Evaluation
Gomez-Perez 8] provides a good de nition of evaluation in the context of knowledge sharing technology: \to make a technical judgement of the ontologies, their associated software environment, and documentation with respect to a frame of reference The frame of reference may be requirements speci cations, competency questions, and/or the real world."
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Some detailed work has been done on the evaluation of ontologies which could contribute to a comprehensive methodology for building ontologies 6, 7, 12]. The approach taken in some of this work, is to look rst at what has been done in the eld of KBS, and to adapt it for ontologies.
4.4 Documentation
It may be desirable to have established guidelines for documenting ontologies, possibly differing according to type and purpose of the ontology. As pointed out by Skuce 33], one of the main barriers to e ective knowledge sharing, is the inadequate documentation of existing knowledge bases and ontologies. To address these problems all important assumptions should be documented, both about the main concepts de ned in the ontology, as well as the primitives used to express the de nitions in the ontology (i.e. the meta-ontology). The facilities provided by Ontolingua, and supported by the KSL Ontology Editor facilitate both formal and informal documentation of such assumptions. Though such facilities may be conceptually straightforward, they can have signi cant bene t.
Clarity An ontology should e ectively communicate the intended distinctions to humans who design agents. This means that ambiguity should be minimised, distinctions should be motivated, and examples should be given to help the reader understand de nitions that lack necessary and su cient conditions. When a de nition can be speci ed in formal axioms, it should be. In all cases, de nitions should be documented with natural language and examples to help clarify the intent. Coherence An ontology should be internally consistent. At the least, the de ning axioms
should be logically consistent. Coherence should also apply to the parts of the de nitions that are not axiomatic, such as the natural language documentation and examples.
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Extensibility An ontology should be designed to anticipate the uses of the shared vocabulary. It should o er a conceptual foundation for a range of anticipated tasks, and the representation should be crafted so that one can extend and specialise the ontology monotonically. One should be able to de ne new terms for special uses based on the existing vocabulary, in a way that does not require the revision of existing de nitions. The next two criteria help achieve extensibility.
commitment su cient to support the intended knowledge sharing activities. An ontology serves a di erent purpose to a knowledge base, and therefore a di erent notion of representational adequacy or completeness applies. A shared ontology need only describe a vocabulary for talking about a domain, whereas a knowledge base may include the knowledge needed to solve a problem or answer arbitrary queries about a domain. An ontology should make as few claims as possible about the world being modelled, allowing the parties committed to the ontology freedom to specialise and instantiate the ontology as needed. While making too may ontological commitments can limit extensibility, making too few can result in the ontology being consistent with incorrect or unintended worlds (i.e. models) 13, 14]. For this reason, it is bene cial to make ontological commitments with respect to aspects intrinsic to a domain the guideline above applies to contingent aspects of a domain. level without depending on a particular symbol-level encoding. The encoding bias of an axiomatisation, that is, representation choices that are made purely for the convenience of notation or implementation, should be minimised. The goal is to enable knowledge sharing across agents that may be implemented in di erent representation systems and styles of representation. This concludes the overview of an ontology development methodology and brief consideration of some initial guidelines. In the next section, we elaborate on the Ontology Capture phase.
5 Ontology Capture
Recall that ontology capture consists of identifying and de ning the important concepts and terms. In this section, we outline a procedure for ontology capture, and describe in some detail, the actual process we went through in creating the Enterprise Ontology 19]. We do not present this as a set of normative guidelines, supposing that it is better than all other approaches. Rather, it is one approach which worked well in our particular circumstances. The emphasis here will be on informal techniques, where the output is a `semi-informal' ontology consisting of very carefully de ned terms expressed in a restricted
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natural language (e.g. in the form of a glossary). In x 6 we describe a more formal approach which is better suited to a di erent set of circumstances. We consider the following four phases in turn: scoping, producing de nitions, review, and development of a meta-ontology.
5.1 Scoping
Brainstorming | Have a brain-storming session to produce all potentially relevant terms and phrases at this stage the terms alone represent the concepts, thus concealing signi cant ambiguities and di erences of opinion. Brainstorming worked well for us however if collectively, those involved possess insu cient domain expertise, another corpus of knowledge may need to be consulted to ensure adequate coverage. Grouping | Structure the terms loosely into work areas corresponding to naturally
arising sub-groups. In our case, groups arose such that terms were more related to other terms within the same group than they were to terms in other groups. Speci cally, for each term: provisionally categorise it for inclusion or exclusion, or note it as a borderline case. This was determined mainly by reference to a previously agreed requirements document keep notes to record such decisions for future reference group similar terms and potential synonyms together for further consideration. Finally, identify semantic cross-references between the areas i.e. concepts that are likely to refer to or be referred to by concepts in other areas. This information can be used to help identify which work area to tackle rst to minimise likelihood of re-work (see below). This concludes our consideration of informal methods for scoping in x 6 we consider scoping in a more formal context.
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Work Areas | Address each work area in turn. Start with work areas that have the
Terms | Proceed in a middle-out fashion rather than top-down or bottom up. That is,
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Z Z = ? Z Z Z ~ Z
Capture commonality
Level of detail
J J J J ^ J -
Various issues are a ected by the choice of whether to go bottom-up, top-down, or middle out. The latter makes it easier to spot commonality, results in stable models, and keeps the level of detail in control. This reduces inaccuracies which in turn leads to less re-work and overall e ort.
Figure 4: Why Middle Out? top can result in choosing and imposing arbitrary high-level categories. Because these are not naturally arising, there is a risk of less stability in the model which in turn leads to re-work and greater e ort. The emphasis on dividing up rather than putting together also results, for a di erent reason, in missing the commonality inherent in the complex web of inter-connected concepts. A middle-out approach, by contrast, strikes a balance in terms of the level detail. Detail arises only as necessary, by specialising the basic concepts, so some e ort is avoided. By starting with the most important concepts rst, and de ning higher level concepts in terms of these, the higher level categories naturally arise and thus are more likely to be stable. This, in turn, leads to less re-work and less overall e ort. Stability and spotting commonality and are extremely important, as is illustrated in the following real examples. Using a bottom-up approach, a major UK aerospace company took over two years to produce a soon to be out of date model. Many organisations use top-down analysis, which typically leads to a failure to recognise that the same entity can be both a buyer and a seller, with respect to to a given organisation. This results in a common occurrence whereby company A complains to company B that B owes A money, to which A responds that company B owes it even more money. The root of the problem is the failure to recognise that the primary concepts are the legal entities and the relationships between them (i.e. sale agreement). Buyer and seller are secondary concepts they are roles de ned in terms of the sale agreement. The IT systems based on viewing roles as primary typically can not recognise that multiple roles may cor-
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respond to the same underlying legal entity. Consequently, banks lend money to companies already in debt to them (a di erent department!), and most people get multiple statements from the same nancial institution, one for each account, rather than a single statement summarising all accounts. The idea of a role as a secondary notion is also discussed in 35]. The middle-out approach has been used successfully for many years as part of the BSDM, developed by IBM 17] the problems noted above are largely avoided. A major part of this method entails the development of a shared understanding of the most important things in an organisation this is used as a unifying framework for specifying and developing IT in the organisation. The `shared understanding' is referred to as a business map, or a business model, but it is the same as what we are calling an ontology. See 22] for a detailed comparison between the ontology and the business modelling communities. A major bene t of BSDM is stability currently IBM are developing a signi cant business based on production of generic BSDM models which can serve as the basis for a number of companies in the same industry (e.g. insurance). Models which were not stable would be of limited use.
Handling Ambiguous Terms | In the above special case where a term has many
possibly meanings, we proceeded as follows: 1. Suspend use of the term it is too ambiguous. 2. Clarify the ideas by carefully de ning each concept using as few technical terms as possible, or only those whose meaning is agreed { consult the dictionary, thesauri, and/or other technical glossaries. 3. It can be helpful to give these de nitions meaningless labels such as x1, x2, x3 etc. so they can be conveniently referred to in a neutral way. 4. Determine which, if any of the concepts are important enough to be in the ontology usually one]. 5. Choose a term for the concept, ideally avoiding the original ambiguous term (e.g. `thing' rather than entity or object).
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For example, consider the concept of doing something, for which there are a plethora of terms: activity, process, procedure to name a few. The following are all distinct, but closely related: 1. 2. 3. 4. A category of something to do (e.g. physical activity) A speci c kind of thing to do (e.g. go from A to B) A more speci c kind of thing to do (e.g. go from York to London) A general speci cation or plan of how to do something, a recipe, a set of instructions for example: go to train station in York ride train to London go to local destination in London 5. Something actually done (Ellen went form York to London on 1jan95) In the Enterprise Ontology, two of the above concepts (4 and 5) were named and de ned they are called Activity Speci cation and Activity respectively.
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producing code, there was a requirement that it be accessible to non-technical readers. To achieve an appropriate balance between technical precision and clarity, we : 1. kept the text de nitions relatively informal 2. equivalent, but more technically precise de nitions cast using the primitives in the meta-ontology are used in documentation directly accompanying the code.
Wording | Although the text version of the ontology served as the speci cation for
5.3 Review
Critically review de nitions, revising as appropriate where important decisions were made overturning previous decisions, keep track of the changes as a set of historical notes.
5.4 Meta-Ontology
Devise a meta-ontology, using the natural language de nitions as an an implicit requirements speci cation. The main terms de ned in the the Enterprise Meta-Ontology were Entity, Relationship, Role, State of A airs and Actor. These served as the basis for the formal coding stage.
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No Extra-Ontological Distinctions Key distinctions are made within the language, so that all conclusions can be drawn from the ontology alone. Without this property, we would need to represent various assumptions procedurally outside of the language of the ontology. However, since one of the purposes of the ontology is to provide a framework for shared understanding, if these assumptions are not represented within our ontology, we risk a disagreement in how di erent agents interpret these extra-ontological assumptions. No Hidden Assumptions All assumptions are made explicit. This is also addressing
the challenge of shared understanding { what is an obvious assumption for one person is not obvious to another. As long as these assumptions remain implicit, the potential for disagreement is present. This also plays a role in applying existing ontologies to new domains. Many software tools have been constructed in the context of a certain range of applications when these tools are applied to new domains, they may not perform as expected, since they relied on assumptions that were satis ed in the original applications but not in the new ones. Moreover, this provides an explicit characterisation of the relationships among di erent constraints. often need to search through these di erent possibilities. For example, in business process reengineering, we want to nd a new enterprise model which improves some aspect of the enterprise's performance. The problem is that we need to precisely de ne the set of possible alternatives. A declarative speci cation of an ontology provides a precise and rigorous characterisation of this design search space. If the speci cation is consistent with the axioms of the ontology, then it is a possible alternative model.
Design Options There may be several ways of representing any given problem, and we
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With a declarative speci cation, we can explicitly reason about di erent ontological commitments. For example, we can compare two di erent proposals for an ontology with respect to the classes of objects that they require and the properties and relations among these objects that they postulate.
Modi ability If we change part of the ontology, we need to determine what else must be changed. With a declarative speci cation, we have a precise characterisation of the relationships among di erent sets of constraints used to represent a problem. Without such a speci cation, these relationships may not be explicitly represented but instead be implicit in some partially shared understanding (which not everyone may actually share).
tologies provide a framework for determining which aspects of an ontology are reusable between di erent domains and tasks.
Re-Usability By characterizing classes of domains and tasks within these domains, on-
Adequacy Criteria A declarative speci cation allows us to de ne rigorous criteria for adequacy. We will see this later in this section in the methodology for the design and evaluation of ontologies. 6.1.2 Implementing Ontologies
In this section we introduce the notion of a formal language for implementing an ontology in particular, we will look at the Knowledge Interchange Format. We also introduce terms that we will need to discuss the formal methodology for designing and evaluating ontologies. KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format) is a language that has been developed by the InterLingua Working Group, under the DARPA Knowledge Sharing Initiative to facilitate knowledge sharing. Its features include: a formally de ned declarative semantics, provision for the expression of arbitrary sentences in rst-order logic. This gives it the expressive power to represent knowledge required for a typical application knowledge base. In this section, we will present some of the terminology for KIF 5] which will be used in these notes. In x 7.4.1, we will revisit KIF and its role in implementing ontologies. A universe of discourse is the set of all objects presumed to exist in the world. There are four special types of expressions in KIF { terms, sentences, rules, and de nitions. Terms are used to denote objects in the world being described this includes variables, which are used in quantifying over individual objects, and constants, that are used to denote
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individual objects. Sentences are used to express facts about the world. Rules are used to express legal steps of inference. De nitions are used to de ne constants. We will informally use the word axiom to refer to sentences or de nitions. For every set of objects, an n-ary function associates a unique object. For every set of objects, an n-ary relation associates a truth value the set of objects that evaluate to true speci es the objects that satisfy the relation. Function symbols in the language are used to denote functions and predicate symbols in the language are used to denote relations. We will use the terms axiomatisation or theory to refer to the set of axioms that we use to represent the meaning of the terms in an ontology.
n n
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Motivating Scenarios
Formal Terminology
Completeness Theorems
Formal Axioms
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S w S
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The competency questions specify the requirements for an ontology and as such are the mechanism for characterising the ontology design search space. The questions serve as constraints on what the ontology can be, rather than determining a particular design with its corresponding ontological commitments. There is no single ontology associated with a set of competency questions. Instead, the competency questions are used to evaluate the ontological commitments that have been made to see whether the ontology meets the requirements.
6.5 Terminology
6.5.1 Informal Terminology
Given the informal competency questions, we can extract the set of terms used in expressing the question these will form the basis for the speci cation of the terminology in a formal language. The informal methodology for ontology capture described in the preceding section is particularly useful at this stage. In addition to identifying the set of terms, we must also produce informal de nitions of the terms and address the problem of handling ambiguous terms. The informal dictionaries and glossaries de ned using this methodology provide the intended semantics of the terminology and lay the foundations for the speci cation of axioms in the formal language.
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More formally, these can be stated as the following forms, where ontology is the set of axioms in the proposed ontology, ground is a set of ground literals (instances), and is a rst-order sentence using only predicates in the language of ontology .
The axioms in the ontology provide the core axioms applicable to all objects and relations within the ontology as well as the de nition of classes of objects the set of instances of objects and relations in the formal competency question provides the constraints speci c to a particular problem. For example, in a process ontology, the axioms of the ontology contain the de nitions of complex actions and constraints on the occurrence of actions the set of instances would contain the particular plan, schedule, or scenario of external events. Every proposal for a new or extended ontology should be accompanied by a set of formal competency questions. It is also important to understand that all terms in the statement of the formal competency questions must be included in the terminology of the ontology. To have a formal declarative speci cation of an ontology, any sentences entailed using an ontology must be entailed by the axioms alone. It is only in this way that we can evaluate the ontology and claim that it is adequate, since this forces all intuitions to be made explicit. Another important issue in the use of ontologies is the notion of a library of ontologies which can be adapted to di erent classes of problems. The challenge in this case is to determine which ontologies are the most appropriate for a given problem. Using the above methodology, ontologies may be distinguished by their corresponding competency questions that is, one ontology may be able to represent a di erent set of competency questions than another ontology. In this case, the relationship between the ontologies can be formally represented by the questions.
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pleteness theorems for the ontology. These theorems have one of the following forms, where ontology is the set of axioms in the ontology, ground is a set of ground literals (instances), is a rst-order sentence specifying the query in the competency question, and is a set of rst-order sentences de ning the set of conditions under which the solutions to the problem are complete:
if and only if ontology ground j= . if and only if ontology ground is consistent. ontology j= or ontology ground j= : ontology ground All models of ontology ground agree on the extension of some predicate .
ground =
j ground j=
Completeness theorems can also provide a means of determining the extendibility of an ontology, by making explicit the role that each axiom plays in proving the theorem. Any extension to the ontology must be able to preserve the completeness theorems.
7 Ontologies in Practice
In this section, we will see how the ideas which we have presented are being used in practice. We will begin by giving an overview of several projects which are concerned with the construction of ontologies to support inter-operability. We will then broaden our scope and consider several endeavours within the industrial and academic communities concerned with the role of ontologies as standards. Next we consider several projects which have implemented ontologies dealing with various domains. We will conclude with a look at the KSL Ontology Server, a tool that is currently available for the design and development of ontologies. This section does not provide an exhaustive review of existing ontologies rather, it serves as an introduction to work in the eld.
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the exchange of business process models among di erent process representations. Tools inter-operate by translating between their native format and PIF. The project pursues the above goals by developing PIF (an inter-lingua to unify heterogeneous process representations) along with local translators between PIF and local process representations. It also provides a mechanism for extending PIF to accommodate di erent expressive needs in a modular way 24]. In this sense, there is a core PIF ontology with which all translators operate. In addition, there are di erent extensions of this core ontology which not all ontologies may share for example, di erent sets of ontologies may have di erent ontologies for time, complex actions, or constraints. In PIF, these extensions are captured by partially shared views, so that ontologies that have a partially shared view in common can translate without loss of expressiveness. The PIF project aims to support translations such that process descriptions can be automatically translated back and forth between PIF and other process representations with as little loss of meaning as possible. If translation cannot be done fully automatically, the human e orts needed to assist the translation should be minimised. If a translator cannot translate part of a PIF process description to its target format, it should translate as much of the description as possible (and not, for example, simply issue an error message and give up). In addition, it should represent any untranslatable parts so that the translator can add them back to the process description when it is translated back into PIF.
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7.2.2 STEP
STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) is an inter-lingua for de ning and specifying products 18]. The primary motivation for STEP is to achieve inter-operability and to enable product data to be exchanged among di erent computer systems and environments associated with the complete product lifecycle. This includes design, manufacture, utilisation, maintenance, and disposal. This use may involve many computer systems, including some that may be located in di erent organisations. In order to support such uses, organisations must be able to represent their product information in a common computerinterpretable format that is required to remain complete and consistent when exchanged among di erent computer systems.
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The overall objective of STEP is to provide a mechanism that is capable of describing product data throughout the life cycle of a product, independent from any particular system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral le exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product data bases and archiving. The ultimate goal is an integrated product information database that is accessible and useful to all the resources necessary to support a product over its lifecycle. STEP uses the formal speci cation language, EXPRESS, to specify the product information to be represented.
7.2.3 CORBA
CORBA (the Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is an emerging standard for retrieving objects and invoking operations on objects across a network 30]. It is a collaborative project developed by and endorsed by (to varying degrees) the members of the Object Management Group (OMG). CORBA provides mechanisms by which objects transparently make requests and receive responses. The ORB provides inter-operability between applications on di erent machines in heterogeneous distributed environments and seamlessly interconnects multiple object systems. It has a language Interface De nition Language (IDL) which speci es objects and operations to an ORB and allows operations to be invoked on those objects by remote/distributed applications. IDL is also supported by the KSL Ontology Server (see x 7.4), which provides a translator between IDL and Ontolingua. There is also a de nition of an Object Model, which de nes what an object is in the CORBA space. The object implementation provides the semantics of the objects in this sense, we can consider the object model to be a step towards an ontology. The CORBA project also incorporates informal notions of ontologies. As part of the project, the Business Object Management group has developed a glossary of terms to be used in the object model. Although this glossary is not in itself an ontology, it does provide an informal framework for shared understanding.
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7.3.1 CYC
CYC 27] is a project of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in Austin, Texas that provides a foundation for common sense reasoning by developing ontologies for a wide variety of domain-speci c applications. All of the knowledge in CYC is represented declaratively in the form of assertions in a variant of rst-order logic called CYCL. The CYC knowledge base itself contains simple assertions, inference rules, and control rules for inference an inference engine can be used to derive new assertions using this knowledge base. The ontologies underlying CYC are organised into sets of modules known as microtheories. Each microtheory captures the knowledge and reasoning required for some particular domain, such as space, time, causality, or agents. Multiple microtheories may exist for a given domain, re ecting the di erent perspectives and assumptions made by people modelling that domain. In this sense, CYC is not a monolithic integrated ontology rather, it is a network of microtheories for a set of domains whose union covers the di erent ontological commitments that can be made within those domains.
7.3.2 TOVE
The goal of the TOVE (TOronto Virtual Enterprise) 11] project is to create an enterprise ontology that has the following characteristics: 1) provides a shared terminology for the enterprise that every application can jointly understand and use, 2) de nes the meaning (semantics) of each term in a precise and as unambiguous manner as possible using First Order Logic, 3) implements the semantics in a set of Prolog axioms that enable TOVE to automatically deduce the answer to many `common sense' questions about the enterprise, and 4) de nes a symbology for depicting a term or the concept constructed thereof in a graphical context. The TOVE ontologies constitute an integrated enterprise model, providing support for more powerful reasoning in problems that require the interaction of the following ontologies: Activities, states, and time Organisation Resources Products
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Services Manufacturing Cost Quality This framework provides a characterisation of classes of enterprises by sets of assumptions over their processes, goals, and organisation constraints.
7.3.3 Enterprise
The overall objective of the Enterprise Project4 19] is to improve and where necessary replace existing modelling methods with a framework for integrating methods and tools which are appropriate to enterprise modelling and the management of change. This framework is based on an ontology for enterprise modelling. A goal of the Enterprise Project is to provide a computer-based toolset which will help capture aspects of a business and analyse these to identify and compare options for the meeting the business requirements. The toolset will provide task management support to users by helping them perform enterprise modelling activities and guiding them through the toolset facilities. These facilities will enable 1) capture and description of an enterprise, 2) speci cations of business problems/requirements (consistent with the ontology), 3) identi cation and evaluation of solution options and alternative design and implementation paths at strategic, tactical and operational levels, and 4) representations for the de nition of relevant metrics and advanced simulation support.
several major sections. These are listed below, along with a few of the most important concepts for each.
Figure 3 illustrates how the ontology is intended to facilitate inter-operation among tools.
4 The Enterprise Project is led by AIAI at The University of Edinburgh and the partners are IBM UK, Lloyd's Register, Logica and Unilever. The project is supported by the Department of Trade and Industry.
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7.3.4 KACTUS
KACTUS 32, 40] is a European ESPRIT project aiming at the development of a methodology for the reuse of knowledge about technical systems during their life-cycle , so that we can use the same knowledge base for design, diagnosis, operation, maintenance, redesign, and instruction. KACTUS supports an integrated approach embracing computer integrated manufacturing and engineering methods, and knowledge engineering methods by creating an ontological and computational basis for reuse of product knowledge across di erent applications within technical domains. It achieves this by creating domain ontologies and reusing them for di erent applications. In addition, KACTUS attempts to integrate its ontologies with existing standards, such as STEP, by using the ontologies where available to capture domain data. The main formalism in KACTUS is CML (Conceptual Modelling Language). This language was originally developed as part of the KADS and CommonKADS projects. CML can be used to model knowledge. CML is di erent from most other ontology formalisms in that it makes an explicit distinction between domain knowledge, inference knowledge, task knowledge and problem-solving knowledge. CML uses a notation that is mostly informal, that is knowledge modelled in CML cannot be executed by a program. KACTUS also provides a toolkit that is an interactive environment for browsing, editing and managing (libraries of) ontologies. The KACTUS toolkit supports the theoretical and application oriented work packages by providing an environment in which one can experiment with theoretical issues (e.g. organisation of libraries of ontologies, mappings between ontologies, translating between di erent ontology formalisms) and also perform practical work (e.g. browse, edit and query ontologies in various formalisms). In addition to CML, the KACTUS toolkit also provides support for EXPRESS and Ontolingua.
7.3.5 Plinius
The goal of the Plinius project 38] is semi-automatic knowledge extraction from natural language texts, in particular, literature on mechanical properties of ceramic materials. Since the texts cover a wide range of subjects, a set of integrated ontologies is required to cover concepts such as materials and their properties, processes to make these materials, and aws of materials such as cracks and pores. The ontologies in the Plinius project are a combination of formal and informal approaches. A lexicon is used to map natural language tokens onto formal expressions in the knowledge representation language. The ontology speci es a language in which the semantic part of the lexicon is expressed. See appendix A for further details of this project.
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Loom, IDL, CLIPS, ...
The Ontology Server supports three main types of usage. Authors and readers edit and browse ontologies using HTTP. An API allows remote applications to query and update ontologies. Stand-alone applications use ontologies after they are translated into the appropriate target languages
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7.4.1 Background
The background and basis for the Ontology Server is Ontolingua 9], which ambiguously] referred both to the language for representing ontologies, and to the implementation. The goals of the Ontolingua project were to overcome di culties in knowledge sharing due to lack of consistency between knowledge bases with respect to vocabulary, semantics, and underlying assumptions. Ontolingua was conceived and built as a system for de ning portable ontologies. Services it provided included parsing, cross-referencing and analysing ontologies. Portability was achieved by translating ontologies into various target languages which could be directly inserted into external software. This was the rst comprehensive attempt to demonstrate the ontology as inter-lingua idea which facilitates reuse, sharing, and improves potential for inter-operation. In a wider context, this work is part of a knowledge sharing initiative 4] which has been active for a number of years. An important early result from this e ort was the development of KIF, of which Ontolingua, the representation language, is a mild syntactic variant.
Knowledge Interchange Format KIF 5] is designed to be an inter-lingua which, ideally, any knowledge base can be translated to/from. Crucially, KIF speci cations are meant to be sharable. KIF is designed to be state of the art, i.e. able to represent most/all of the important concepts and distinctions available in today's advanced knowledge representation languages. It is based on predicate calculus, but is extended to cater for advanced capabilities such as de ning terms representing meta-knowledge specifying sets and encoding commonly used facilities for non-monotonic reasoning. KIF includes \model-theoretic semantics for the language and an axiomatisation of the primitive object types such as sets, lists, relations, and functions" 9]. The idea is that new target languages will be catered for by development of new translators. Importantly, development of such translators is meant to be possible with no prior knowledge of other languages that the knowledge base may be translated into or from. Ontolingua used KIF to explore this idea.
A note on terminology { From this point on, we will adopt the current usage for the
term `Ontolingua', which refers to the representation language used by the current Ontology Server, and not the system. The term `Ontology Editor' is also sometimes used loosely to refer to the whole system, though strictly, the editor is just part of the system.
7.4.2 Overview
Ontologies are speci ed using KIF syntax and semantics, augmented by natural language descriptions. The Server translates these ontologies into the representation language of choice. Currently, translators exist for nearly a dozen languages.
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Ontolingua itself, is not an implemented knowledge representation language. Initially there was no support of automated reasoning, although as the Ontology Editor develops, some simple and useful inferences are being incorporated. The intention is that Ontolingua speci cations represent knowledge at the epistimological level in a clear unambiguous manner. Where practical, key assumptions (e.g. constraints relationships) are formalised as KIF expressions, otherwise, they are expressed in natural language text. The Ontology Server di ers from and/or extends the original Ontolingua system in a number of important ways (see 3] for details): It is a remote compute server available on the world-wide web ( It provides an extensible library of sharable reusable ontologies with suitable protections for proprietary, group, and private work. There is an extensive browsing capability which allows convenient viewing of ontologies. Currently, the format is most suitable for ontologies constructed using an objectoriented style. It has extended the original representation language to support decomposition of ontologies into modules and assembling new ontologies from existing modules from the library. This includes a mechanism for handling name con icts. It provides explicit support for collaborative work. This includes the concept of a session to which multiple parties can be attached parties are automatically informed of each others' activities. It has an application programmer's interface (API) which allows remote applications to query and modify ontologies stored on the Server over the Internet. As well as translating into multiple output languages, it also allows multiple input languages (e.g. CORBA's IDL). The xed internal representation is semantically equivalent to a set of axioms represented in KIF. Ontolingua is one of the input languages.
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(Define-Class Author (?X) "An author is an agent who writes things. An author must have a name, which is its real name as an agent. The name as author may or may not be the agent's name, but usually is." :Def (And (Agent ?X) (Has-One ?X Name)) :Issues ((:See-Also "Has-Name augmented in this ontology.")))
`Name' can be thought of as a slot for the class Author. `Has-One' is a second-order relation used to specify the cardinality of the slot. The `:Def' portion of the de nition gives necessary conditions on class membership. The English translation of the two conjuncts in the above de nition are: (1) all authors are agents (2) every author has exactly one name. In addition to `:Def', there are other keywords for labelling statements in Ontolingua de nitions. Below is a summary of some of the main keywords and their meaning: :Def necessary conditions (may have variables) :Iff-Def necessary and su cient conditions :Lambda-Body KIF term to compute value of function :Axiom-Def necessary conditions (no variables) Full documentation is available on line.
7.4.4 Translation
We will not discuss the details of translation, but some of the di culties and tradeo s are worth mentioning. It was designed to meet the following competing requirements: 1. the de nition language is to be expressive, declarative and system independent 2. it should support translation into less expressive languages 3. It should be easy to add translations into additional target languages. Achieving all three is impossible. Translation into less expressive languages means that translation will necessarily be incomplete. The Ontology Server is biased towards an object-oriented representation style. The editor's input language steers ontology builders towards the object-oriented subset of KIF that uses the Frame Ontology, a set of idioms in First-Order Logic which are easily translated into object-oriented languages. For example, (dog ?x) ! (mammal ?x) is an idiom for the subclass
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relationship (i.e. every dog is a mammal). The translator is equipped with special purpose code to recognise such idioms which is much less work than processing arbitrary expressions in rst-order logic. It is possible for users to write arbitrary axioms in KIF, but it is awkward for them to do so. As a result, most users most of the time write de nitions that are readily translated into the object-oriented languages. The principle is: never prevent users from saying what they want to say, but encourage them to say things in a way that it is easy to work with.
Closing Remarks The Ontolingua language, and the overall approach to the ontology development and use supported by the Ontology Server appear to be emerging as de facto standards. They were found to be a major bene t during the formal encoding of the Enterprise Ontology, and seem to be the basis for much research in the eld. One author of this paper found the developers to be extremely helpful and responsive, showing unusual commitment to his being a satis ed user. The Ontology Server is undergoing active development, and thus will continue to improve.
Communication between and among people and organisations, e.g. to unify di erent
research elds (see page 3) Inter-Operability: among systems, e.g. using the ontology as an inter-lingua to unify di erent languages and software tools (see gures 2 and 3) System Engineering Bene ts: Ontologies also assist in the process of building and maintaining software systems, both knowledge-based and otherwise. In particular, Re-Usability: the ontology, when represented in a formal language can be (or become so by automatic translation) a re-usable and/or shared component in a software system e.g. the Ontology Server in batch mode ( gure 7) Reliability: A formal representation facilitates automatic consistency checking Speci cation: the ontology can assist the process of identifying requirements and de ning a speci cation for an IT system, e.g. a BSDM `map' 17]. We have also presented several methodologies and tools that can support the design and evaluation of new ontologies. We rst considered an informal approach to developing ontologies that included the following steps:
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Identify purpose and scope Ontology capture, including the production of precise unambiguous de nitions for the terms of the ontology and agreement on these de nitions Ontology coding, including the speci cation of the meta-ontology and identi cation of the representation language for the ontology Integrating existing ontologies Evaluation Documentation. We then considered a more rigorous approach to the development of ontologies and discussed the role of formal languages in the speci cation, implementation and evaluation of ontologies. In this approach, the scope of an ontology is de ned by a set of competency questions, which are di erent reasoning problems that the ontology is expected to support. The de nitions and constraints of the ontology are formally evaluated with respect to these competency questions. Throughout, we suggested guidelines based on our experience for various stages of development. These methodologies will become increasingly important as ontologies are developed for new domains and new classes of problems, and much further work remains to elaborate and improve them. For example, it is unclear under which circumstances di erent approaches are most appropriate
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Work ow Management Coalition, STEP, and the KRSL Plan Ontology, the development of ontologies that can serve as inter-lingua among a set of tools is becoming more prominent. Such ontologies, in conjunction with translators, facilitate integration among and between di erent sets of domain tools (e.g. see gure 3). Given the large number of legacy systems, it will be di cult to design integrated ontologies that all of the systems can use. Rather, well-de ned translators among these systems will be crucial, and this will require ontologies to support the translation. In this way, individual systems can maintain their private ontologies. The development of new ontologies that can serve as inter-lingua among di erent software systems also has a major impact on reusability. Solutions found in one domain can be reused by other applications by translating the problems and solutions using the inter-lingua ontologies. The challenges in this endeavour of developing new ontologies are in the identi cation of the di erent domains for the tools and ontologies, since the bene t of ontologies is greatest when they are generic and can be applied to a wide range of domains. For example, what are the di erences between the PIF ontology, the KRSL plan ontology, and the ontologies in the Work ow Management Coalition? Perhaps there is some ontology that is generic enough that it can serve as an inter-lingua among these ontologies. The enterprise domain is one where ontologies may provide great bene ts, e.g. as as interlingua among business process reengineering tools. However, there are a number of independently developed enterprise ontologies whose di erences are unclear, similar to the above situation. In addition, there will be the challenge of integrating ontologies from di erent domains. For example, if we use a common process ontology such as PIF, how do we integrate this with a possible common organisation ontology or a common product ontology such as STEP/EXPRESS? Both of these ontologies would be used as inter-lingua for their particular domains, but there will some interaction among them. A product ontology is related to the process ontology through the notions of process plans an organisation ontology is related to the process ontology through notions such as commitment and responsibility for performing di erent processes. velop ontology design tools that can assist in the integration of ontologies. The development of tools to support ontology design and evaluation is particularly important for the case of distributed teams. The challenge is even greater when these teams are developing ontologies in di erent domains. In this case we need software tools that can manage consistency among the ontologies as they are being designed. Steps in this direction are already being taken. We already discussed the Ontology Server 3]. In x 6 we described how competency questions can assist ontology evaluation. Gomez-Perez is building tools to assist in evaluation of ontologies expressed in Ontolingua 6, 7].
Ontologies for Inter-Operability As we saw with the various projects such as PIF, the
Tools for Ontology Design Given the challenge of integrating ontologies, we need to de-
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ontologies is to facilitate reusability. The ultimate goal of this approach is the construction of libraries of ontologies which can be reused, customised, and adapted to di erent general classes of problems and environments. Users would construct the ontology appropriate for their problems by importing various modules of ontologies from the library. An example of this can be seen in the partially shared views of ontologies in the PIF project 24] and Process Handbook 28] projects. An application of this approach will be to construct archives or repositories of ontologies that have been used in various domains. These domain-speci c ontologies could then be structured into more generic classes so that they could be applied to a wider range of general problems. Such repositories of ontologies could be used to facilitate benchmarking among di erent companies. For example, a ship-building enterprise could reuse the ontologies designed for house construction enterprises. The challenges facing this application of ontologies are concerned with ownership of the ontology libraries in particular, will companies want to share ontologies that could potentially be used by their competitors.
Ontology Libraries As we saw earlier in this paper, one of the primary applications of
New Ontologies We need to develop more expressive ontologies for activities/processes, resources, products, services, and organisation. This includes support for reasoning about the constraints that agents must satisfy, such as goals, commitments, and policies. The development of ontologies for new domains and new classes of problems is an important step in widening the application of ontologies. This includes ontologies for enterprise modelling, materials science and engineering, petrochemical and plastics industries, natural language lexicons, and medicine.
and/or merge ontologies when several exist in a given domain. Each may have subtly di erent assumptions, though signi cant overlap may exist. They may have been created from di erent perspectives, and therefore not easily re-used. We need to develop ontology design tools that can assist in the integration of ontologies as they are being designed. In particular, there is the problem of developing new ontologies while maximising reuse of existing ontologies. Although one of the primary uses of ontologies is the support of knowledge sharing, surprisingly little work has been done on the actual integration of existing ontologies a major exception being the KSL Ontology Server. Even for ontologies within the same domain, such as enterprise modelling and natural language glossaries, competing ontologies have been designed independently with little or no reuse of existing ontologies. At the very least, more work needs to be done in explicating the relationships among the various ontologies that have been developed within similar domains. This situation is beginning to improve, if only slightly. For example, although the PIF, WfMC, and KRSL e orts had independent origins, there are now some formal links. The extent to which these ontologies can or should be merged is is unclear, however e orts are underway to ensure compatibility and uniformity where possible.
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ontologies such as activities and time. We need new methodologies for designing domainspeci c ontologies such methodologies need to balance the need for expressing detailed domain knowledge with the objective of designing generic ontologies that maximize the bene t of reuse.
We are grateful to Martin King, IBM UK, for the analysis and examples of the bene ts of the middle-out approach to building ontologies. Adam Farquhar provided information about and checked our descriptions of the KSL Ontology Server. Michael George did the same for our description of his invited talk at IJCAI95. John Fraser assisted in describing the Enterprise Project. Asuncion Gomez-Perez provided information about her work on evaluating ontologies. Nicola Guarino provided helpful comments on an early draft. Austin Tate drew our attention to the existence of the Work ow Management Coalition and links between this, PIF and the KRSL planning ontology. The use of BSDM industry models was brought to our attention by Martin Gladwell, IBM UK. Joshua Duhl drew our attention to various practical applications of ontologies. Florence Fillion and Chris Menzel provided details of the IDSE project. Paul van der Vet provided the summary of the Plinius project.
1] ANSI. Conceptual graphs, a presentation language for knowledge in conceptual models working draft of proposed american national standard. Technical Report X3T2/95019r1, ANSI, 1995. Contact person: J.F. Sowa. 2] S. Embury and P. Gray. Compiling a declarative high-level language for semantic integrity constraints. Technical Report AUCS/TR9506, University of Aberdeen, 1995. 3] A. Farquhar, R. Fikes, W. Pratt, and J. Rice. Collaborative ontology construction for information integration. Technical Report KSL-95-63, Stanford University Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1995. 4] R. Fikes, M. Cutkosky, T. Gruber, and J. van Baalen. Knowledge sharing technology project overview. Technical Report KSL-91-71, Stanford University, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1991. 5] M.R. Genesereth and R.E. Fikes. Knowledge interchange format, version 3.0 reference manual. Technical Report Logic-92-1, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 1992. 6] A. Gomez-Perez. Some ideas and examples to evaluate ontologies. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Arti cial Intelligence Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995.
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7] A. Gomez-Perez. Guidelines to verify completeness and consistency in ontologies. 1996. to appear at the Third World Congress on Expert Systems. 8] A. Gomez-Perez, N. Juristo, and J. Pazos. Evaluation and assessment of knowledge sharing technology. In N.J. Mars, editor, Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995, pages 289{296. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995. 9] T. Gruber. A translation approach to portable ontology speci cations. Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2):199{220, 1993. 10] T. Gruber. Towards principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(5/6):907{928, 1995. 11] M. Gruninger and M.S. Fox. The logic of enterprise modelling. In J. Brown and D. O'Sullivan, editors, Reengineering the Enterprise, pages 83{98. Chapman and Hall, 1995. 12] M. Gruninger and M.S. Fox. Methodology for the design and evaluation of ontologies. In Workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing. International Joint Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, 1995. 13] N. Guarino, M Carrara, and P. Giaretta. Formalizing ontological committment. In J. Doyle, E. Sandewall, and P. Torasso, editors, National Conference on Arti cial Intelligence Conference (AAAI-94). Morgan Kaufman, Seattle, 1994. 14] N. Guarino, M Carrata, and P. Giaretta. An ontology of meta-level categories. In J. Doyle, E. Sandewall, and P. Torasso, editors, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (KR94), pages 270{ 280. Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo, CA, 1994. 15] N. Guarino and P Giaretta. Ontologies and knowledge bases- towards a terminalogical clari cation. In N.J. Mars, editor, Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases - Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995, pages 25{32. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995. 16] N. Guarino and R. Poli. The role of formal ontology in the information technology. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(5/6):623{624, 1995. This is an editorial introduction to a special issue on this topic. 17] IBM. Introduction to business system development method. Technical Report GE195387-01, International Business Machines Corporation, 1990. 18] Initial release of international standard (is) 10303. Technical Report IS 10303, International Standards Organization, 1994. 19] Fraser. J., A. Tate, and M. Uschold. The enterprise toolset - an open enterprise architecture. In The Impact of Ontologies on Reuse, Interoperability and Distributed Processing, pages 42{50. Unicom Seminars, London, 1995. Further information about the Enterprise Project and Ontology is available on the World Wide Web from: entprise/enterprise/.
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20] Fuchs. J. and J. Wheadon. Prospective applications of ontologies for future space missions. In The Impact of Ontologies on Reuse, Interoperability and Distributed Processing, pages 83{96. Unicom Seminars, London, 1995. 21] M. Jones, J. Wheadon, D. Whitgift, M. Niezatte, R. Timmermans, I. Rodriguez, and R. Romero. An agent based approach to spacecraft mission operations. In N.J. Mars, editor, Towards Very Large Knowledges Bases - Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995, pages 259{269. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995. 22] M. King. Knowledge reuse in business domains: Experience with ibm bsdm. In The Impact of Ontologies on Reuse, Interoperability and Distributed Processing, pages 97{ 107. Unicom Seminars, London, 1995. 23] G. Lako . Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press, 1987. 24] J. Lee and T. Malone. Partially shared views: A scheme for communicating among groups that use di erent type hierarchies. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 8(1):1{26, 1990. 25] J. Lee, G. Yost, and PIF Working Group. The pif process interchange format and framework. Technical Report 180, MIT Center for Coordination Science, 1995. 26] N. Lehrer. Knowledge representation speci cation language. Technical report, DARPA/Rome Laboratory Planning and Scheduling Initiative, 1993. Reference Manual. 27] D. Lenat and R.V. Guha. Building Large Knowledge-based Systems: Representation and Inference in the CYC Project. Addison Wesley, 1990. 28] T. Malone, K. Crowston, J. Lee, and D. Pentland. Tools for inventing organizations: Toward a handbook of organizational processes. Technical Report 141, MIT Center for Coordination Science, 1993. 29] Work ow Management Coalition Members. Glossary - a work ow management coalition speci cation. Technical report, The Work ow Management Coalition, 1994. 30] T.J. Mowbray and R. Zahavi. The ESSENTIAL COBRA: System Integration Using Distributed Objects. John Wiley and Object Management Group, 1995. 31] A. T. Schreiber, B. J. Wielinga, J. M. Akkermans, W. Van de Velde, and A. Anjewierden. Cml: The commonkads conceptual modelling language. In L. Steels, A. T. Schreiber, and W. Van de Velde, editors, A Future for Knowledge Acquisition: Proceedings of the 8th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop EKAW 94, pages 1{25. Springer-Verlag, 1994. Volume 867 of Lecture Notes in Arti cial Intelligence. 32] G. Schreiber, B. Wielinga, and W. Jansweijer. The kactus view on the `o' word. In Workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing. International Joint Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, 1995. 33] D. Skuce. Conventions for reaching agreement on shared ontologies. In Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems Workshop, 1995.
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34] J. Sowa. Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1984. 35] J. Sowa. Top-level ontological categories. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(5/6):669{686, 1995. 36] P.H. Speel, P.E. van Raalte, P.E. van der Vet, and N.J. Mars. Scalability of the performance of knowledge representation systems. In Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases - Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995, pages 173{183. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995. 37] M. Uschold and M. King. Towards a methodology for building ontologies. In Workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing. International Joint Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, 1995. Also available as AIAI-TR-183 from AIAI, The University of Edinburgh. 38] P. van der Vet and N. Mars. Structured system of concepts for storing, retrieving, and manipulating chemical information. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 33:564{568, 1993. 39] P.E. van der Vet and N.J. Speel, P.H.and Mars. Ontologies for very large knowledge bases in materials science: a case study. In N.J. Mars, editor, Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases - Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995, pages 73{83. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995. 40] R. Wielinga, G. Schreiber, W. Jansweijer, A. Anjewierden, and F. van Hamelen. Framework and formalism for expressing ontologies. Technical report, University of Amsterdam, 1994. Esprit Project 8145 Deliverable DO1b1, available from
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1. By demanding that all domain knowledge in the system is expressed in ontology concepts, the various resources of the system co-operate smoothly. 2. The ontology speci es a language in which the semantic part of the lexicon is to be expressed. The transition from natural language to knowledge representation language is partly supported by a lexicon, which maps natural-language tokens onto formal expressions in the knowledge representation language. The ontology speci es the nonlogical constants that may be used. 3. The ontology implicitly speci es the desired output of the language-dependent process. Any message in the source text that cannot be expressed in ontology concepts cannot occur in the output. As a consequence of these purposes, the ontology is also helpful in deciding about further use of the interim knowledge base and of integrated knowledge derived from the interim knowledge base by means of one of the integration programs.
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ter Stal, Plinius intermediate report, Memoranda Informatica 94-35, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 1994. Paul E. van der Vet and Nicolaas J.I. Mars, \Ontologies for very large knowledge bases in materials science: a case study", in: Towards very large knowledge bases, Nicolaas J.I. Mars (ed.), Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1995, pp. 73{83. Piet-Hein Speel, Selecting knowledge representation systems, Ph.D. thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available through WWW at URL
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B.1 Introduction
This brief paper describes the role of ontologies in a commercial computational environment that supports the integration of enterprise models. The environment is called the Integrated Development Support Environment (IDSE) and was developed by Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. (KBSI) as part of the Information Integration for Concurrent Engineering (IICE) project funded by Armstrong Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, USA. The paper is organized as a set of questions and answers intended to guide the reader in understanding the role and appropriateness of ontologies in providing solutions to the problem of enterprise model integration.
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3. Logical connectedness: Logical connections between elements across models must be identi ed and maintained. These logical connections will enable the implications of changes in one model to be propagated to other relevant models. This feature is critical in providing support for change assessment and the simulation of alternatives.
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The main impediment to enterprise modeling tool integration is that it is not possible, for all practical purposes, to impose strict requirements on the tools themselves. A useful model integration environment should allow any enterprise modeling tool to be easily integrated in the environment. Hence, it is not possible, for example, to require from the tools that they use a given dynamic data linkage capability such as the Dynamic Data Exchange Protocol. If such a requirement was made on the tools, then only those tools that can be modi ed or built to satisfy those requirements could be integrated. 3. Number of di ering contexts: To integrate two or more models is, among other things, to identify relevant logical connections between elements of those models. Each enterprise model is created and maintained by some set of agents in a given context. However, the agent across di erent context often live in very di erent worlds each brings to his or her own context (and hence to the corresponding enterprise model) a unique body of background knowledge, with its own distinctive logic, cast in its own distinctive vocabulary. Such knowledge constitutes a semantic backdrop without which it is impossible in general to interpret the data generated in that context, and hence the bearing of the models created and maintained in that context on models in other contexts. Thus the information carried by the data in a model-whether explicitly in virtue of the basic semantics of the data or implicitly in virtue of cross-contextual constraints-cannot be shared with other contexts that lack that knowledge.
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Finally, the third impediment-the problem of di ering contexts-can be addressed by de ning precisely the terms used in the various contexts, that is, by capturing the ontology of the domains relevant to the contexts in which the models are created. These ontologies can then be used manually or automatically to provide support for understanding the models and for drawing logical connections between elements in the models.
B.5 How Can Ontologies Enable The Integration Of Enterprise Modeling Tools?
The speci cation of a tool's ontology provides a formal, structured description of (i) the information types managed by the tool, (ii) how those types are structured and how data are stored within the tool, and (iii) the constraints that must be maintained on the types and their structure. In an integrated environment in which tools communicate and share information through a neutral medium (eg, some global repository of information), a tool's ontology speci cation can therefore be used to automatically integrate the tool into the environment.
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What are the advantages of using ontology speci cations to integrate enterprise tools within an environment?
There are four primary advantages to using ontology speci cations to integrate enterprise modeling tools: Ontologies enable the tool integration process to be automated. This is because ontology speci cations provide a description of a system (in this case a tool) that is both formal and precise enough to be computer processable and interpretable. The automation of that process, in turn, greatly facilitates the integration of tools in the environment and eliminates the need to recon gure the ESD every time a tool is added to the environment. Ontology speci cations eliminate the need to hard-code the object structures and their associated constraints in the ESD. Hence, the process of upgrading a tool that is part of the environment is greatly facilitated and enhanced. All that is needed is for the ontology of the tool to be modi ed accordingly and for the changes to be sent to the ESD interpreter. There is no need to modify the code and recompile any of the components of the environment. Finally, ontology speci cations provide a documented design rationale, or justi cation, of how the information sent by a tool to the ESD is stored in the knowledge base. If the process was done manually, it is likely that the rationale for choosing a given object and data structures would go undocumented.
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denote, and that describes precisely the relationships between those concepts. Like a method ontology, then, a domain ontology can be browsed by an agent to determine the meaning of terms used in a model. This browsing activity supports three activities that are central to model integration. By using domain ontologies to interpret models, an agent can (i) disambiguate the terms used in the models, ie, the agent can identify situations in which the same term is used with di erent meanings in di erent contexts (ii) recognize when di erent terms used in di erent contexts denote the same concept and (iii) identify dependencies and logical connections between elements in the same model and across models. These three activities are critical for ensuring the consistency of models and their integration. Domain ontologies are also used by the ESD's truth maintenance system to enforce constraints on domain elements and to propagate changes. To illustrate, consider this simplistic example of a furniture ontology that contains (i) the concepts of table, where some of the characteristics of a table as described in the ontology are its height, the length of its legs, and the thickness of its top and (ii) an axiom that states that the height of a table is equal to the thickness of its top plus the length of it's legs. Given any value for two of the three attributes for a given table (say its height and the length of its legs), the ESD's truth maintenance system would use the axiom in the ontology to deduce the value of the third attribute (the thickness of its top). If values were given for the three attributes and the axiom was violated, the ESD's truth maintenance system would detect an inconsistency and ask the user to resolve it.
B.7 What Are The Advantages Of Using Ontologies For IDSE Technology?
Ontologies provide signi cant advantages in the development and use of IDSE technology. The most prominent advantage of using ontologies is automation. Because of their formal nature, ontology speci cations are well suited to be interpreted and used directly by computer programs. This advantage was crucial in the IDSE in that it enables the automation of the tool integration process and, hence, makes the IDSE an expendable, easy to update environment. Another important advantage of using ontologies is that they provide an application-independent speci cation of a domain, method, or modeling tool. These speci cations represent, in essence, a reusable and documented recording of an enterprise's corporate knowledge. Because they are application independent, these speci cations are not biased in their description of concepts in the domain they describe and the relationships between these concepts. Thus, they can be reused in a number of projects and situations. Finally, because of their formal and informal aspects, ontologies can be used both as mechanisms to automate various processes (such as tool integration, change management, or constraint propagation) and as documentation support for model interpretation. This dual use of ontologies makes a system such as the IDSE very attractive in that the logical connections and dependencies between model elements are implemented as they are described in the ontology.
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