Graphics and Multimedia: Unit 1 2D Primitives
Graphics and Multimedia: Unit 1 2D Primitives
Graphics and Multimedia: Unit 1 2D Primitives
1. Define Computer Graphics.
The use of a computer to produce and manipulate pictorial images on a video screen, as
in animation techniques or the production of audio visual aids.
(a) butt caps, (b) mund caps, and (c) projecting square caps
setPolylineColourIndex (61 );
23. What is line clipping and what are their parametric representations?
A line segment with end points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) one or both end points outside
clipping rectangle, the parametric representation x= x1 +u(x2 – x1) y= y1 +u( y – y1)
26. What is the major difference between symmetric DDA and simple DDA.
Text clipping is to clip the components of individual characters. All or None text
clipping, All or none character clipping and single character clipping.
44. Digitize a line from (10,12) to (15,15) on a raster screen using Bresenhams straight line
(11,13), (12,13), (13,14), (14,14) and (15,15)
The line type, width and color are the attributes of the line. The line type include solid line,
dashed lines, and dotted lines.
The viewing pipeline is a group of processes common from wireframe display through to near photo-
realistic image generation, and is basically concerned with transforming objects to be displayed from
specific viewpoint and removing surfaces that cannot be seen from this viewpoint.
It describes a 3D object as a set of surfaces that separate the object interior from the
environment. e.g. polygon facets and spline patches.
Uses: Choosing maximum and minimum intensities Range of distances over which the
intensities are to vary Modeling the effect of atmosphere
Viewpoint Coordinate System -Also known as the "camera" coordinate system. This
coordinate system is based upon the viewpoint of the observer, and changes as they change their
view. Moving an object "forward" in this coordinate system moves it along the direction that the
viewer happens to be looking at the time.
With this model it is easier to pick the correct colour. The model also allows you to do some
things in code which you can't really achieve with RGB, such as determining what a lighter
or darker tone of a given RGB colour is.
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to
the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On
a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and
13. Define Animation. Explain in detail about the animation language (8)
14. Describe briefly Modeling and Coordinate transformation in computer graphics.
15. Derive the Outline projection of coordinate position(x,y,z) to position (x0,y0) on the view plane
16. Compare HLS and HSV color models.
17. Discuss about the Properties of light.
18. Explain any one visible surface identification algorithm.
19. Explain a method to rotate an object about an axis that is not parallel to the coordinate
axis with neat diagram and derive the transformation matrix for the same.
20. Discuss on the various visualization techniques.(8)
21. Discuss on Area subdivision method of hidden surface identification algorithm.
22. Explain Virtual reality in detail?
23. Discuss briefly about parallel projections.(8) (NOV/DEC 2015)
24. Write brief notes on color models?(8) (NOV/DEC 2015)
1. Define Multimedia?
1. Document Imaging
2. Image Processing and Image Recognition
3. Full Motion Digital Video Applications
4. Electronic messaging
5. Entertainment
6. Corporate Communications
1. Facsimile
2. Document Images
3. Photographic Images
4. Geographic Information System Maps (GIS)
5. Voice Commands and Voice Synthesis
6. Audio Messages
7. Video Messages
8. Full motion stored and Live Video
9. Holographic Images
10. Fractals
1. Photographic images are used in Imaging Systems that are used for identification
2. Security Badges
3. Fingerprint Cards
4. Photo Identification Systems
5. Bank Signature Cards
6. Patient Medical Histories
GIS means Geographic Information System maps. It is used for natural resource and wild
life management and urban planning.
9. What are the two technologies used for storage and display of GIS systems?
•Raster Storage
•Raster Image (Raster Image has basic color map, vector overlay and text display)
This approach breaks down the message completely to a canonical form based on
phonetics. It is used for presenting the results of an action to the user in a synthesized voice. It is
used in Patient Monitoring System in a Surgical Theatre.
Full motion video refers to prestored video clip. i.e., video stored in CD
Eg: games, courseware, training manuals, MM online manuals etc Live video
refers to live telecast.
It is live and must be processed while the camera is capturing it i.e., Instant
occurring is transferred at the same time.
Holography is defined as the means of creating a unique photographic image without the
use of lens. The photographic recording of the image is called a Hologram.
It is used in design and manufacturing tasks. Holographs on credit cards are used to
ensure authenticity.
Fractals are regular objects with a high degree of irregular shapes. It is a lossy
Compression technique but it doesn’t change the shape of the image. Fractals are decompressed
images that result from a compression format
a. Insurance agencies
b. Law offices
c. Country and State Governments
d. Federal Government
e. Department of Defence (DOD)
An image processing system will alter the contents of the image. It involves Image Recognition,
Image Enhancement, Image Synthesis and Image Reconstruction.
21. Explain Image Calibration?
The overall image density is calibrated. In Image calibration the image pixels are adjusted
to a predefined level.
The intensity level of the frame is averaged to overcome the effects of very dark or very
light areas by adjusting the middle tones.
Image Animation is a technology developed by Walt Disney and brought to every home
in the form of cartoons.
Optical Character Recognition is used for data entry by scanning typed or printed words
in a form. OCR technology is now available in software it has the capability to decipher a large
number of printed fonts used in many document image applications. It is used for reading the
number of invoice or for capturing entire photographs of text.
It is used for recognizing hand written characters. The key consideration of these systems
is the ability to recognize the writer-independent cursive handwriting in real time. It has been
evolved from pen-based systems and it allows the user to write commands on an electronic
Vector data is the collection of points and some mathematical functions. It treats an
image as a series of points (or collection of dots) and mathematical functions that describe the
figures such as line, circles, arcs etc.
The process of converting rustered (scattered) data into vector data is known as
Image Compression is the process of reducing the size of the image by removing
redundant information in a lossless or lossy manner to conserve storage space and transmission
To manage large multimedia data objects efficiently Reduce file size for storage of
objects Compression eliminate redundancies in the pattern of data .
1. Lossy Compression
2. Lossless Compression
Lossy compression causes some information to be lost. Even if some data is lost it does
not affect the originality of the image. It is used for compressing audio, grayscale or color images
and video objects in which absolute data accuracy is not essential. it is used in Medical
Screening Systems, Video teleconferencing and Multimedia Electronic messaging systems
Lossless compression preserves the exact image throughout the compression and
decompression process. Lossless Compression techniques are good for text data and for
repetitive images in images like binary and grayscale images.
1. Packbits Encoding
2. CCITT Group3 1D
3. CCITT Group3 2D
4. CCITT Group 4
5. Lempel-Ziv and Welch Algorithm (LZW) CCITT
Binary Images contain black and white pixels and generated when a document is scanned
in a binary mode.
Cadence is the term used to define the regular rise and fall in the intensity of sound.
Examples are the beats in music, changes in intensity of sound as a person speaks.
In a Busy image adjacent pixels or group of adjacent pixels change rapidly. The grayscale
or color images or known as Continuous-tone images
If the number of bytes is increased than the bytes in runlentgh encoding.i.e. If the number
of bytes is increased than the original image during Compression then it is called Negative
1. Facsimile Systems
2. Printer Systems
3. Document Storage and Retrieval Systems
4. Video Teleconferencing Systems
5. Electronic Multimedia Messaging Systems
6. Medical Screening Systems
It is an interface developed by Seagate. ST506 defines the operation of signals between a hard
disk controller and the hard disk. It is used to control platter speed and the movement of heads
for a drive. ST506 have two ribbon cables i.e., a 36-pin and 20-pin cable. The encoding schemes
used are MFM, FM and RLL (Run Length Limited).
MFM means Modified Frequency Modulation. Parallel data is converted to a series of encoded
pulse by MFM.
ESDI means Enhanced Small Device Interface. It converts the data into serial bit streams. It uses
two ribbon cables, 36-pin cable for control signal and a 20-pin cable for data signal.
IDE means Integrated Device Electronics. IDE interface supports two drives; one acts as master
and other as slave. A jumper on drive electronics configures the drive as master or a slave.
SCSI means Small Computer System Interface. It was developed by X3T9.2 Standard. It defines
both hardware and software interfaces.
SCSI1 defines an 8-bit parallel data path between a host adapter and a device. The SCSI1
specification calls the host adapter as initiator and the device as target. There can be a
combination of up to eight initiators and targets daisy chained on the bus.
23. State the different phases of a SCSI bus and its uses?
Arbitration phase - an initiator starts arbitration and tries to acquire the bus
Selection phase - selects the target to which it needs to talk
Command Phase - request a command from the initiator
Data Phase - request data transfer with the initiator
Status Phase - indicates the end of data transfer to the initiator
Message Phase - target enters this phase to interrupt the initiator’s signaling &
completion of the read command
Bus free Phase - phase without any activity on the bus; the bus can settle down
Before the next transaction
SCSI2 has faster data transfer rates. The new command defined for SCSI2 is tagged command.
The tagged command was defined to queue up commands; up to 256 commands can be queued
up for a single device.
Seek latency
Rotational latency
Seek on one drive and then on second drive and then reconnect to first drive when seek is
In midtransfer seek device controller can be set to seek during data transfer through a
separate port provided on the SCSI chip.
A track close to the head will be read first and then a more distant track even though the distant
track was requested first.
Transfer rate is defined as the rate at which data is transfered from the drive buffer to the
host adapter memory.
I/O per second is a measure of the number of Input / Output transactions performed in a
second. It is defines as I/O per second = Maximum throughput / Block size
Command queuing allows execution of multiple sequential commands with system CPU
intervention. It helps in minimizing head switching and disk rotational latency.
Disk spanning is a method of attaching multiple drives to a single host adapter. In this
approach all drives appear as a single contiguous logical unit. Data is written to the first drive
first and when the first drive is full the controller switches to second drive and so on.
RAID level 0 has multiple drives connected to a single disk controller. Data is striped to
spread segments of data across multiple drives. The data being written to the disk is broken into
segments. The first segment is written to first drive, second segment to second drive and so on. It
is used in database applications.
RAID level 1 causes two copies of every file to be written on two separate drives. Each
main drive has a mirror drive. All data written to main drive is written to the mirror drive at the
same time. Complete data redundancy is achieved. It is used in mainframe and network systems.
RAID level 2 is called as Bit Interleaving of data. It contains arrays of multiple drives
connected to a disk array controller using SCSI channels. Data is written one bit at a time and it
is interleaved across multiple drives. It also contains multiple check disks to detect and correct
errors. It uses Hamming Error Correction Codes to detect and correct errors.
During data writes a parity bit is generated and written to the parity drive. During data reads
parity checking takes place. This process is called On-the-fly parity generation and parity
44. Explain Sector Interleaving?
RAID level s is called as Block Interleaving. Data is block interleaved and it does not use
a dedicated parity drive. Parity data is spread across multiple drives in the data stream. Multiple
concurrent reads and writes can be performed in RAID 5.
Optical media is used for storing large volumes of data. It is indestructible and unaffected
by magnetic field or water. E.g. Optical drives such as CD-ROM, WORM, and Rewriteable
Optical Systems.
Polycarbonate Substrate
Reflective Aluminium layer
Protective coat of lacquer
MPEG-2 (also known as H.222/H.262 as defined by the ITU) is a standard for "the
generic coding of moving pictures and ISO/IEC 13818 MPEG-2 at the ISO Store.
1. List the types of fixed and removable storage devices available for multimedia, and
discuss the strength and weakness of each one.
2. Explain the data compression technique used in multimedia.
3. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and
digitized audio in multimedia production.
4. List and explain important steps and considerations in recording and editing digital
5. Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images and vector images.
6. Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia.
7. Explain Color, Gray Scale and Still Video Image Compression method.
2 What is Hypermedia?
The linking of media for easy access is called Hypermedia. The media may be of any
type such as text, audio, video etc. A hypermedia document contains a text and any other
sub objects such as images, sound, full-motion video etc
3. What is Hypertext?
The linking of associated data for easy access is called Hypertext. It is an application of
indexing text to provide a rapid search of specific text strings in one or more documents. It is
an integral component of Hypermedia. Hypermedia document is the basic object and text is a
sub object.
Multimedia PC is a computer that has a CD-ROM or DVD drive and supports 8-bit and
16-bit waveform audio recording and playback, MIDI sound synthesis, and MPEG movie
watching, with a central processor fast enough and a RAM large enough to enable the user to
play and interact with these media in real time, and with a hard disk large enough to store
multimedia works that the user can create.
Multimedia user interface is a computer interface that communicates with users multiple
Virtual Reality systems are designed to produce the cognitive effect of feeling immersed
in the environment. It is created by the computer using sensory inputs such as vision, hearing,
feeling and sensation of motion.
8. State the key design issues that provide virtual reality functionality?
1. Human factors
2. Multimedia Inputs and Outputs
3. Virtual Reality Modeling
4. Virtual Reality Design considerations
Set-top box is the short name for the next generation of digital information processing
systems. Set-top system acts as a cable converter as well as programmable interface between
user and service provider. It allows users to connect a computer system to a television set.
1. Dedicated Systems
2. Departmental Systems
Lag is defined as the time between the participant action and the associated application
response. The design factors used to measure lag are
1. Location of multimedia object server
2. Network bandwidth
3. Capability of workstation to process multiple streams concurrently
16. State the approaches used for designing concurrent operation of multiple devices and
user feedback?
1. Simulation Loops
2. Multiple Processes
3. Concurrent Objects
A set of objects such as sound clips, video clips, graphics and sensory stimuli participate
in simulation. A procedure is created and timestep is allocated for each object. Each procedure is
assigned a slot in the timeline for simulation. It is called loop because the main process loops
around the simple logic of which the object is scheduled next. The simulation rate is bound to the
display rate.
1. Media Editors
2. Authoring Application
3. Hypermedia Object Creation
4. Multimedia Object Locator and Browser
Navigation refers to the sequence in which the application progress and objects are created,
searched and used. It can be done in direct mode or browse mode.
The telephone metaphor combines normal windows user interface ideas with the
telephone keypad. The telephone metaphor on a computer screen allows using the computer
interface as telephone keypad is used.
Aural User Interface (AUI) allows computer systems to accept speech as direct input and
provide an oral response to the user actions. The real challenge in AUI systems is to create an
aural desktop that substitutes voice and ear for the keyboard and display.
Mobile Messaging (MM) is a presence enabled messaging service that aims to transpose
the Internet desktop messaging such as ICQ or MSN experience to the usage scenario of being
connected via a mobile/cellular device.
Scaling allows enlarging or shrinking the whole or part of an image. Image scaling is
performed after decompression. The image is scaled to fit in a user defined window.
Zooming means enlarging a digital image to see it more clearly or make it easier to alter.
It allows the user to see more detail for a specific area of the image.
Frame Interleaving defines the structure of the video file in terms of the layout of sound
and video components.
1:1 interleaving means that the storage for every video frame is followed by storage for
sound component of that frame.
The playback control can be exercised at the time of decompression and playback. This is
called programmed degradation. Programmed degradation get into effective when the client
workstation is unable to keep up with the incoming data.
User workstation can serve as the input node for voice or video input. It can also serve as
the output node for text, graphics, image, audio/voice or video.
The database server supports the database requirements of the application and stores the
attribute information for real-world objects in the application. Database servers are based on the
UNIX OS/2 or Windows platform.
Voice mail server is connected to a PBX (Private Branch Exchange). It is used for voice
mail messages.
Video Server manages video objects. Video servers should be capable of maintaining
constant playback speed.
10. Explain the types of multimedia authoring systems? (8) (NOV/DEC 2015)
11. Describe the term Hypermedia and applications? (8) (NOV/DEC 2015)