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CS2401 Computer Graphics PDF

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2 & 16 Marks Question and Answer

Subject Code & Name: CS2401 / COMPUTER GRAPHICS
1. Define Computer graphics.
Computer graphics remains one of the most existing and rapidly growing computer fields. Computer graphics
may be defined as a pictorial representation or graphical representation of objects in a computer.
2. What is meant by scan code?
When a key is pressed on the keyboard, the keyboard controller places a code carry to the key pressed into a
part of the memory called as the keyboard buffer. This code is called as the scan code.
3. What is meant by refreshing of the screen?
Some method is needed for maintaining the picture on the screen. Refreshing of screen is done by keeping the
phosphorus glowing to redraw the picture repeatedly. (i.e.)By quickly directing the electronic beam back to
the same points.
4. Define Random scan/Raster scan displays?
Random scan is a method in which the display is made by the electronic beam which is directed only to the
points or part of the screen where the picture is to be drawn.
The Raster scan system is a scanning technique in which the electrons sweep from top to bottom and from
left to right. The intensity is turned on or off to light and unlight the pixel.
5. List out the merits and demerits of Penetration techniques?
The merits and demerits of the Penetration techniques are as follows
It is an inexpensive technique
It has only four colors
The quality of the picture is not good when it is compared to other
It can display color scans in monitors
Poor limitation etc.
6. List out the merits and demerits of DVST?
The merits and demerits of direct view storage tubes [DVST] are as follows
It has a flat screen
Refreshing of screen is not required
Selective or part erasing of screen is not possible
It has poor contrast
Performance is inferior to the refresh CRT.
7. What do you mean by emissive and non-emissive displays?
The emissive display converts electrical energy into light energy. The plasma panels, thin film electroluminescent displays are the examples. The Non emissive are optical effects to convert the sunlight or light
from any other source to graphic form. Liquid crystal display is an example.
8. List out the merits and demerits of Plasma panel display?
Refreshing is not required

Produce a very steady image free of Flicker

Less bulky than a CRT. Demerits
Poor resolution of up to 60 d.p.i
It requires complex addressing and wiring
It is costlier than CRT.
9. What is persistence?
The time it takes the emitted light from the screen to decay one tenth of its original intensity is called as
10. What is resolution?
The maximum number of points that can be displayed without an overlap on a CRT is called as resolution.
11. What is Aspect ratio?
The ratio of vertical points to the horizontal points necessary to produce length of lines in both directions of
the screen is called the Aspect ratio. Usually the aspect ratio is .
19. Define pixel?
Pixel is shortened forms of picture element. Each screen point is referred to as pixel or pel.
20. What is frame buffer?
Picture definition is stored in a memory area called frame buffer or refresh
21. What is bitmap and what is pixmap?
The frame buffer used in the black and white system is known as bitmap which take one bit per pixel. For
systems with multiple bits per pixel, the frame buffer is often referred to as a pixmap.

1. What is an output primitive?

Graphics programming packages provide function to describe a scene in terms of these basic geometric
structures, referred to as output primitives.
2. What do you mean by jaggies?
Line with stair step appearance is known as jaggies.
3. What is point in the computer graphics system?
The point is a most basic graphical element & is completely defined by a pair of user
coordinates (x , y).
4. Write short notes on lines?
A line is of infinite extent can be defined by an angle of slope . and one point on the line P=P(x,y). This can
also be defined as Y=mx+C where C is the Y- intercept.
5. Define Circle?
Circle is defined by its center xc, yc and its radius in user coordinate units. The equation of the circle is (x-xc)
+ (y-yc) = r2.
6. Define Ellipse?
An ellipse can use the same parameters xc, yc ,r as a circle, in addition to the eccentricity e. the eqn of an
ellipse is: (x-xc)2/a2 + (y-yc)2/b2 = 1
7. Define polygon?
A polygon is any closed continues sequence of line segments ie, a polyline whose last node point is same as

that of its first node point. The line segments form the sides of the polygon and their intersecting points form
the vertices of the polygon.
8. Distinguish between convex and concave polygons?
If the line joining any two points in the polygon lies completely inside the polygon then, they are known as
convex polygons. If the line joining any two points in the polygon lies outside the polygon then, they are
known as concave polygons.
9. What is seed fill?
One way to fill a polygon is to start from a given point (seed) known to be inside the polygon and highlight
outward from this point i.e neighboring pixels until encounter the boundary pixels, this approach is called
seed fill.
10. What is scan line algorithm?
One way to fill the polygon is to apply the inside test. i.e to check whether the pixel is inside the polygon or
outside the polygon and then highlight the pixel which lie inside the polygon. This approach is known as
scan-line algorithm.
11. Define coherence properties?
A coherence property of a scene is apart of a scene by which relate one part of the scene with the other parts
of the scene.
12. What is an active edge list in the scan line algorithm?
The active edge list for a scan line contains all edges crossed by that scan line.
13. What is a winding number?
Winding number method is used to check whether a given point is inside or out side the polygon. In this
method give a direction number to all the edges which cross the scan line. If the edge starts below the line
and ends above scan line give direction as -1 . otherwise1. Fr polygons or two dimensional objects, the point
is said to be inside when the value of winding number is nonzero.
14. What is cell array?
The cell array is a primitive that allows users to display an arbitrary shape defined
as a two dimensional grid pattern.
15. What is type face?
Letters, numbers and other characters can be displayed in a variety of sizes and styles. The overall design
style for a set of characters is called a type face.
16. What do you mean by font?
The term font referred to a set of cast metal character forms in a particular size and format,
such as 10-point courier italic.

17. What is a bitmapped font?

A simple method for representing the character shapes in a particular typeface is to use rectangular grid
patterns. The set of characters are then referred to as a bitmap font.
18. What is an outline font?
A flexible scheme is to describe character shapes using straight-line and curve sections. In this case, the set of
character is called an out line font.
19. What is an attribute parameter?
Any parameter that affects the way a primitive is to be displayed is referred to as an attribute parameter.

20. What are the various attributes of a line?

The line type, width and color are the attributes of the line. The line type include solid line, dashed lines, and
dotted lines.
21. What is pixel mask?
Pixel mask is a string containing the digits 1 and 0 to indicate which positions to plot along the line path. The
mask 1111000, could be used to display a dashed line with a dash length of 4 and inter dot spacing of three.
22. What is a Line cap?
Line caps can be used to adjust the shape of the line ends to give a better appearance. There are three types of
line caps. Butt cap which has a square end, round cap which has a semi circle end, projecting square cap
which has one half of the line width beyond the specified end points.
23. List out the methods used for smoothly joining two line segments?
Mitter join-by extending the outer boundaries of each of the two lines until they meet.
Round join by capping the connection between the two segments with a circular
boundary whose diameter is equal to the line width.
Bevel join by displaying the line segments with butt caps and filling in the triangular
gap where the segment meet.
24. What is Color Look up table?
In color displays, 24 bits per pixel are commonly used, where 8 bits represent 256 level for each color. It is
necessary to read 24-bit for each pixel from frame buffer. This is very time consuming. To avoid this video
controller uses look up table to store many entries to pixel values in RGB format. This look up table is
commonly known as colour table.
25. What is tiling patterns?
The process of filling an area with rectangular pattern is called tiling and rectangular fill
patterns are sometimes referred to as tiling patterns.
26. What is soft fill?
Soft fill is a filling method in which fill color is combined with the background colors.
27. What is kerned character?
The characters which extend beyond the character body limits is known as kerned character.
Example f and j.
28. What is character up vector?
The orientation for a displayed character string is set according to the direction of the character up vector.
29. Define bundled attributes?
Individual attribute commands provide a simple and direct method for specifying attributes when a single
output device is used. When several kinds of output device are available at a graphics installation, it is
convenient to set up a table for each output device that lists set of attribute values that are to be used on that
device to display each primitive type. Attribute specified in this manner is known as bundled attribute.
30. What is aliasing?
In the line drawing algorithms, all rasterzed locations do not match with the true line and have to represent a
straight line. This problem is severe in low resolution screens. In such screens line appears like a stair-step.
This effect is known as aliasing.
31. What is antialiasing?
The process of adjusting intensities of the pixels along the line to minimize the effect of

aliasing is called antialiasing.

32. What is pixel phasing?
Pixel phasing is an antialiasing technique, stair steps are smoothed out by moving the electron beam to more
nearly approximate positions specified by the object geometry.
1. What is Transformation?
Transformation is the process of introducing changes in the shape size and orientation of the object using
scaling rotation reflection shearing & translation etc.
2. Write short notes on active and passive transformations?
In the active transformation the points x and xrepresent different coordinates of the same coordinate system.
Here all the points are acted upon by the same transformation and hence the shape of the object is not
distorted. In a passive transformation the points x and xrepresent same points in the space but in a different
coordinate system. Here the change in the coordinates is merely due to the change in the type of the user
coordinate system.
3. What is translation?
Translation is the process of changing the position of an object in a straight-line path from one
coordinate location to another. Every point (x , y) in the object must under go a displacement to
(x,y). the transformation is:
x = x + tx ;y =y+ty
4. What is rotation?
A 2-D rotation is done by repositioning the coordinates along a circular path, in the x-y plane by making an
angle with the axes. The transformation is given by: X = r cos (q + f) and Y = r sin (q + f).
5. What is scaling?
The scaling transformations changes the shape of an object and can be carried out by multiplying each vertex
(x,y) by scaling factor Sx,Sy where Sx is the scaling factor of x and Sy is the scaling factor of y.
6. What is shearing?
The shearing transformation actually slants the object along the X direction or the Y direction as required.ie;
this transformation slants the shape of an object along a required plane.
7. What is reflection?
The reflection is actually the transformation that produces a mirror image of an object. For this use some
angles and lines of reflection.
8. Distinguish between window port & view port?
A portion of a picture that is to be displayed by a window is known as window port. The display area of the
part selected or the form in which the selected part is viewed is known as view port.
9. Define clipping?
Clipping is the method of cutting a graphics display to neatly fit a predefined graphics region or the view
10. What is covering (exterior clipping)?
This is just opposite to clipping. This removes the lines coming inside the windows and displays the
remaining. Covering is mainly used to make labels on the complex pictures.
11. What is the need of homogeneous coordinates?
To perform more than one transformation at a time, use homogeneous coordinates or matrixes. They reduce

unwanted calculations intermediate steps saves time and memory and produce a sequence of transformations.
12. Distinguish between uniform scaling and differential scaling?
When the scaling factors sx and sy are assigned to the same value, a uniform scaling is produced that
maintains relative object proportions. Unequal values for sx and sy result in a differential scaling that is often
used in design application.
13. What is fixed point scaling?
The location of a scaled object can be controlled by a position called the fixed point that is to remain
unchanged after the scaling transformation.
14. Define Affine transformation?
A coordinate transformation of the form
X= axxx +axyy+bx, y ayxx+ayy y+by
is called a two-dimensional affine transformation. Each of the transformed coordinates x and y
is a linear function of the original coordinates x and y , and parameters aij and bk are constants
determined by the transformation type.
15. Distinguish between bitBlt and pixBlt?
Raster functions that manipulate rectangular pixel arrays are generally referred to as raster ops. Moving a
block of pixels from one location to another is also called a block transfer of pixel values. On a bilevel
system, this operation is called a bitBlt (bit-block transfer), on multilevel system t is called pixBlt.
16. List out the various Text clipping?
.All-or-none string clipping -if all of the string is inside a clip window, keep it otherwise discards.
All-or-none character clipping discard only those characters that are not completely inside
the window. Any character that either overlaps or is outside a window boundary is clipped.
Individual characters if an individual character overlaps a clip window boundary, clip
off the parts of the character that are outside the window.
1. What are the various representation schemes used in three dimensional objects?
.Boundary representation (B-res) describe the 3 dimensional object as a set of surfaces that separate the
object interior from the environment.
.Space-portioning representation describe interior properties, by partitioning the spatial region containing an
object into a set of small, no overlapping, contiguous solids.
2. What is Polygon mesh?
Polygon mesh is a method to represent the polygon, when the object surfaces aretiled, it is more convenient
to specify the surface facets with a mesh function. The various meshes are
Triangle strip (n-2) connected triangles
Quadrilateral mesh generates (n-1)(m-1) Quadrilateral
3. What is Bezier Basis Function?
Bezier Basis functions are a set of polynomials, which can be used instead of the primitive polynomial basis,
and have some useful properties for interactive curve design.
4. What is surface patch?
A single surface element can be defined as the surface traced out as two parameters (u, v) take all possible
values between 0 and 1 in a two-parameter representation. Such a single surface element is known as a
surface patch.

5. Write short notes on rendering bi-cubic surface patches of constant u and v method?
The simple way is to draw the iso-parmetric lines of the surface. Discrete approximations to curves on the
surface are produced by holding one parameter constant and allowing the other to vary at discrete intervals
over its whole range. This produce curves of constant u and constant v.
6. What are the advantages of rendering polygons by scan line method?
i. The max and min values of the scan were easily found.
ii. The intersection of scan lines with edges is easily calculated by a simple incremental
iii. The depth of the polygon at each pixel is easily calculated by an incremental
7. What are the advantages of rendering by patch splitting?
i. It is fast-especially on workstations with a hardware polygon-rendering pipeline.
ii. Its speed can be varied by altering the depth of sub-division.
8. Define B-Spline curve?
A B-Spline curve is a set of piecewise(usually cubic) polynomial segments that pass close to a set of control
points. However the curve does not pass through these control points, it only passes close to them.
9. What is a spline?
To produce a smooth curve through a designed set of points, a flexible strip called spline is used. Such a
spline curve can be mathematically described with a piecewise cubic polynomial function whose first and
second derivatives are continuous across various curve section.
10. What is the use of control points?
Spline curve can be specified by giving a set of coordinate positions called control points, which indicates the
general shape of the curve, can specify spline curve.
11. What are the different ways of specifying spline curve?
Using a set of boundary conditions that are imposed on the spline.
Using the state matrix that characteristics the spline
Using a set of blending functions that calculate the positions along the curve path by
specifying combination of geometric constraints on the curve
12. What are the important properties of Bezier Curve?
It needs only four control points
It always passes through the first and last control points
The curve lies entirely within the convex half formed by four control points.
13. Differentiate between interpolation spline and approximation spline?
When the spline curve passes through all the control points then it is called interpolate. When the curve is not
passing through all the control points then that curve is called approximation spline.
14. What do you mean by parabolic splines?
For parabolic splines a parabola is fitted through the first three points p1,p2,p3 of the data array of kot points.
Then a second parabolic arc is found to fit the sequence of points p2, p3, p4. This continues in this way until
a parabolic arc is found to fit through points pn-2, pn-1 and pn. The final plotted curve is a meshing together
of all these parabolic arcs.
15. What is cubic spline?
Cubic splines are a straight forward extension of the concepts underlying parabolic spline. The total curve in
this case is a sequence of arcs of cubic rather than parabolic curves

18. Define Projection?

The process of displaying 3D into a 2D display unit is known as projection. The projection transforms 3D
objects into a 2D projection plane.
19. What are the steps involved in 3D transformation?
Modeling Transformation
Viewing Transformation
Projection Transformation
Workstation Transformation
20. What do you mean by view plane?
A view plane is nothing but the film plane in camera which is positioned and oriented
for a particular shot of the scene.
21. What is view-plane normal vector?
This normal vector is the direction perpendicular to the view plane and it is called as [DXN DYN DZN]
22. What is view distance?
The view plane normal vector is a directed line segment from the view plane to the view reference point. The
length of this directed line segment is referred to as view distance
23. Define projection?
The process of converting the description of objects from world coordinates to viewing coordinates is known
as projection
24. What you mean by parallel projection?
Parallel projection is one in which z coordinates is discarded and parallel lines from each vertex on the object
are extended until they intersect the view plane.
25. What do you mean by Perspective projection?
Perspective projection is one in which the lines of projection are not parallel. Instead, they all converge at a
single point called the center of projection.
26. What is Projection reference point?
In Perspective projection, the lines of projection are not parallel. Instead, they all converge at a single point
called Projection reference point.
27. What is the use of Projection reference point?
In Perspective projection, the object positions are transformed to the view plane along these converged
projection line and the projected view of an object is determined by calculating the intersection of the
converged projection lines with the view plane.
28. What are the different types of parallel projections?
The parallel projections are basically categorized into two types, depending on the relation between the
direction of projection and the normal to the view plane. They are orthographic parallel projection and
oblique projection.
29. What is orthographic parallel projection?
When the direction of the projection is normal (perpendicular) to the view plane then the
projection is known as orthographic parallel projection
30. What is orthographic oblique projection?

When the direction of the projection is not normal (not perpendicular) to the view plane then the projection is
known as oblique projection.
31. What is an axonometric orthographic projection?
The orthographic projection can display more than one face of an object.Such an orthographic projection is
called axonometric orthographic projection.
32. What is cavalier projection?
The cavalier projection is one type of oblique projection, in which thedirection of projection makes a 45degree angle with the view plane.
33. What is cabinet projection?
The cabinet projection is one type of oblique projection, in which the direction of projection makes a n angle
of arctan (2)=63.4- with the view plane.
34. What is vanishing point?
The perspective projections of any set of parallel lines that are not parallel to the projection plane converge to
appoint known as vanishing point.
35. What do you mean by principle vanishing point.
The vanishing point of any set of lines that are parallel to one of the three principle axes of
an object is referred to as a principle vanishing point or axis vanishing point.
36. What is view reference point?
The view reference point is the center of the viewing coordinate system. It is often chosen to be close to or on
the surface of the some object in the scene.
1. Define computer graphics animation?
Computer graphics animation is the use of computer graphics equipment where the graphics output
presentation dynamically changes in real time. This is often also called real time animation.
2. What is tweening?
It is the process, which is applicable to animation objects defined by a sequence of
points, and that change shape from frame to frame.
3. Define frame?
One of the shape photographs that a film or video is made of is known as frame.
4. What is key frame?
One of the shape photographs that a film or video is made of the shape of an object is known initially and for
a small no of other frames called keyframe
5. What is pseudo animation?
Pseudo animation is creating a sequence of stills, photographing or video graphing each still as one frame,
and then later playing back the frames at a faster speed.
6. What is the normal speed of a visual animation?
Visual animation requires a playback of at least 25 frames per second.
7. What are the different tricks used in computer graphics animation?
a. Color look Up Table manipulation

b. Bit plane manipulation

c. Use of UDCS
d. Special drawing modes e. Sprites
f. Bit blitting
8. What is color look up table?
In color display unit it is necessary to read 44-bit for each pixel from buffer. This very time consuming
process. To avoid this video controller uses look up table to store many entries of pixel vales in RGB format.
This look up table is commonly known as color look up table.
9. What is solid modeling?
The construction of 3 dimensional objects for graphics display is often referred to as
solid modeling.
10. What is an intuitive interface?
The intuitive interface is one, which simulates the way a person would perform a corresponding operation on
real object rather than have menu command.
11. What is Sprite?
A Sprite is graphics shape in animation and games programs. Each sprite provided in the system
has its own memory area similar to but smaller than pixel
12. What is the UDC technique?
UDC stands for User Defined Character set. It is graphics animation trick, which is used
in early microcomputer system.
13. What is the use of hidden line removing algorithm?
The hidden line removal algorithm determines the lines, edges, surfaces or volumes that are visible or
invisible to an observer located at a specific point in space.
14. What is computer graphics realism?
The creation of realistic picture in computer graphics is known as realism. It is important in fields such as
simulation, design, entertainments, advertising, research, education, command, and control.
15. How realistic pictures are created in computer graphics?
To create a realistic picture, it must be process the scene or picture through viewing-coordinate
transformations and projection that transform three-dimensional viewing coordinates onto two-dimensional
device coordinates.
16. What is Fractals?
A Fractal is an object whose shape is irregular at all scales.
17. What is a Fractal Dimension?
Fractal has infinite detail and fractal dimension. A fractal imbedded in n- dimensional space could have any
fractional dimension between 0 and n. The Fractal Dimension D= LogN / Log S
Where N is the No of Pieces and S is the Scaling Factor.
18. What is random fractal?
The patterns in the random fractals are no longer perfect and the random defects at all
19. What is geometric fractal?

A geometric fractal is a fractal that repeats self-similar patterns over all scales.
20. What is Koch curve?
The Koch curve can be drawn by dividing line into 4 equal segments with scaling factor 1/3. and middle 2
segments are so adjusted that they form adjustment sides of an equilateral triangle.
21. What is turtle graphics program?
The turtle program is a Robert that can move in 2 dimensions and it has a pencil for
drawing. The turtle is defined by the following parameters.
Position of the turtle (x, y)
Heading of the turtle 0 the angle from the x axis.
22. What is graftals?
Graftals are applicable to represent realistic rendering plants and trees. A tree is represented by a String of
symbols 0, 1, [, ]
23. What is a Particle system?
A particle system is a method for modeling natural objects, or other irregularly shaped objects, that exhibit
fluid-like properties. Particle systems are suitable for realistic rendering of fuzzy objects, smoke, sea and
24. Give some examples for computer graphics standards?
CORE The Core graphics standard j.
GKS -- The Graphics Kernel system k.
PHIGS The Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System. l.
GSX The Graphics system extension m.
NAPLPS The North American presentation level protocol syntax.
(16 MARKS)
1. Explain in detail about the DDA scan conversion algorithm?
Step 1: Input the line endpoints and store the left endpoint in (x1, y1) and right endpoint in (x2, y2)
Step 2: Calculate the values of x and y using x =xb xa, y= yb ya
Step 3: if the values of x > y assign values of steps as x otherwise the values of steps as y
Step 4: Calculate the values of X increment and Y increment and assign the value x= xa
and y = ya
Step 5: for k=1 to steps do
X = X + X increment Y= Y + Y increment
putpixel(ceil(x), ceil(y),15)
Step 6: End
2. Explain Bresenhams line drawing algorithm?
Step 1: Input the line endpoints and store the left endpoint in (X0, Y0)
Step 2: Load (X0, Y0) in to the frame buffer
Step 3: Calculate constants x, y, 2 y, -2 x, and obtain the decision parameters as P0 = 2 y x
Step 4 : At each Xk along the line, starting at k = 0, perform the following test
If Pk < 0, the next point to plot is (Xk+1, Yk) and Pk+1 = Pk+2 y
Otherwise, the next point to plot is (Xk+1, Yk+1) and Pk+1 = Pk+2 y - 2 x
Step 5: Repeat step 4 x times
3. Explain Midpoint Circle algorithm?

Step 1:Input radius r and circle center(Xc, Yc)and obtain the first point on the circumference of a circle
centered on the origin as (X0, Y0) = (0, r)
Step 2: Calculate the initial values of the decision parameter as P0 = 5/4 r
Step 3: At each position starting at k perform the following test: If Pk < 0, the
next point to plot is (Xk+1, Yk) and Pk+1 = Pk+2 Xk+1 + 1
Otherwise the next point is (Xk+1, Yk+1) and Pk+1 = Pk+2 Xk+1 + 1- 2 Yk-1
Step 4: Determine symmetry points in the other seven octants
Step 5: Move each pixel position(X, Y) onto the circular path centered on (Xc, Yc) and plot the coordinate
values as X = X + Xc Y = Y + Yc
Step 6: Repeat steps 3 through until X>=Y Pk + 1= Pk + 2Y
Other wise, the next point is (Xk+1, Yk+1) and Pk + 1= Pk + 2 Y - 2 X
Step 5: Repeat steps 4 X times
4. Explain Ellipse generating Algorithm?
Step 1:Input radius rx, ry and ellipse center(Xc, Yc)and obtain the first point on the
circumference of a circle centered on the origin as (X0, Y0) = (0, ry)
Step 2: Calculate the initial values of the decision parameter in region 1 as
P10 =ry2 - rx2 ry+1/4 rx2
Step 3: At each position starting at Xk position in region 1,starting at k = 0, perform the
following test:
If Pk < 0, the next point to plot is (Xk+1, Yk) and 22 P1k+1 = P1k+2 ry Xk+1 + ry
Otherwise the next point is (Xk+1, Yk-1) and 222 P1k+1 = P1k+2 ry Xk+1 - 2ry Yk+1 + ry
Step 4: Calculate the initial values of the decision parameter in region 2 as
P20 =ry (X0+1/2)+ rx (Y0 1)-rx ry
Step 5: At each position starting at Yk position in region 2,starting at k = 0, perform the
following test:
If Pk > 0, the next point to plot is (Xk, Yk-1) and 22P2k+1 = P2k- 2 ry Yk+1 +rx
Otherwise the next point is (Xk+1, Yk-1) and 222P2k+1 = P2k- 2 ryYk+1 -2rx Yk+1 +rx
Step 6: Determine symmetry points in the other three octants
Step 7: Move each pixel position(X, Y) onto the circular path centered on (Xc, Yc) and plot the coordinate
values as X = X + Xc Y = Y + Yc
Step 8: Repeat steps for region 1 until 2 ry X>=2 ry Y
5.Explain Boundary fill Algorithm?
If the boundary is specified in a single color, the fill algorithm proceeds outward pixel-by- pixel until
the boundary color is encountered. This is called boundary fill algorithm.
void boundaryfill( int x, int y, int fill, int boundary)
int current;
current = getpixel (x, y);
if ((current != boundary) &&(current != nil)
setColor ( fill);
setPixel ( x, y);
boundaryfill (x+1, y, fill, boundary); boundaryfill (x-1,
y, fill, boundary); boundaryfill (x, y+1, fill, boundary);
boundaryfill (x, y-1, fill, boundary);

1. Explain reflection and shear?

It is a mirror image of an object
Rotating about 180 degree
Flat object moving in the xy plane
Reflection about y axis flips x coordinates
Reflection point as pivot point is same as above
To obtain the transformation matrix for reflection diagonal is y = -x
Clockwise rotation by 45 degree
Reflection about y axis
Counter wise rotation by 45 degree
Internal layer cause to slide over each other called shear
Transforms coordinate position as X = x + shx . y , Y =y
Shift in the position of objects relative to shearing reference lines are equivalent to translations
2. Explain Liang Barsky line clipping
Faster line clipper of the parametric equation of a line segment
Line parallel to one of the clipping boundaries
Line intersects the extension of boundary k
If u1 > u2 line is outside the clipping window
Else inside the clipping window
Clipping is done using the reflection in the clip window
3. Explain Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping
Clipping polygon which lies inside the clipping window
Four possible cases
If the first vertex is outside the window boundary and the second vertex inside
If the first vertex is inside the window boundary and the second vertex outside
If both are outside
If both are inside
Repeat the process of algorithm
Convex polygon are correctly clipped using this clipping
Concave and convex polygon are also used
4. Explain about clipping operations
Clip a picture from either outside or inside a region known
as clipping
Also called as clipping algorithm
The region against the object is known as clip window
Clipping operations on different types of objects
Point clipping
Polygon clipping
Area clipping
Line clipping
Curve clipping
Text clipping

Polygon and line clipping are the standard clipping components

1. Explain the three dimensional display methods?
Parallel projection
Perspective projection
2. Explain spline representation
It is referred to a curve drawn in a different manner
Interpolation and approximation splines
Set of coordinate points called control points
Curve can be translated , rotated and scaled
Enclosing a set of points called convex hull
Set of connected points is often called control graph
Parametric continuity condition
Geometric continuity condition
Spline specification
Explain general three dimensional rotations
Transformation sequences
P = T.Rx ( ) .T.P
Rotation in five steps
Translate the object that rotates in parallel coordinate axis
Rotate the object with one coordinate axis
Apply inverse rotation to its original position
Apply inverse translation to its original position
V = p2 p1
After rotation to original position
R( ) = T.M.T
1. Explain Back face detection method and Depth buffer method
Backface Detection method
Fast and simple object space method
For identifying the back faces of a polyhedron
Based ion inside outside test
Plane parameters A, B, C, D Ax +By+ Cz +D
Inside point is along the line of sight to the surface V.N = Vz C
Polygon is back face if C < 0
Polygon cannot see on any face if C = 0
Z component value is C <= 0
Depth Buffer Method
To compare the surface depths at each pixel position on the plane projection
Also referred as z- buffer method
Two buffer areas
Depth buffer to store depth values
Refresh buffer to store intensity values
Depth value for a surface position (x, y) Z( -Ax By D)/C
Depth z of next position (x + 1, y) Z( -A(x + 1)-By D)/C

2. Explain area subdivision and A- Buffer method

A Buffer Method
Extension idea of the depth buffer method
It represents an antialiased, area averaged, accumulation-buffer method
Only one visible surface
Two fields
Depth field Stores a positive or negative real number
Intensity field
Stores a surface intensity information or a pointer value
Data for each surface in the linked list includes
RGB intensity components
Opacity parameters
Percent of area coverage
Surface identifier
Pointer to next surface Area Sub Division Method
Image space method
The relative characteristic of surface are
Surrounding surface
Inside surface
Outside surface
Conditions for subdivision
All surfaces are outside surfaces with respect to the area
Only one inside
A surrounding surface with in the area boundaries
3. Explain Depth sorting method
Both image and object space operations]
Perform the basic function
Surface are sorted in order of decreasing depth Surface are scan converted in order, starting with
the surface of
greatest depth
Often referred as painters algorithm
Test listed in the order of increasing difficulty
Surface do not overlap
Projections of the two surfaces on to the view plane do not overlap
4. Explain key frame systems
Motion path can be given with a kinematics description
Physically based on force acting object
Frame in to individual component or object called cells
Transformation of object shapes from one form to another is called morphing
Two key frames for an object transformation
Preprocessing using vertex count Simulating accelerations
Time interval between keyframe is divided in to n + 1 t = (t2 t1) / n = 1 tBj = t1 + j t, j
= 1,2,3 ,
Time for jth in- between is tBj = t1 + t[ ( 1-cos[j / (n + 1)] ) / 2], j= 1, 2, 3, .

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