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Global Beginner End-of-Year Test Part A Grammar and vocabulary

A Complete the questions with these words. Be careful! There are three extra words. Are Can Did Do How How much Is Who Example How much is the tic!et" # $$$ time does the train lea%e" & $$$ 'ou usuall' dri%e to wor!" ( $$$ there a supermar!et near here" ) $$$ do 'ou wor! with" * $$$ 'ou married" + $$$ 'ou ta!e photos with 'our phone" , $$$ did she die" B -nderline the correct words. Example He love / loves foot.all. / What is / are 'our nationalit'" 0 1aren dont / doesnt spea! Italian. #2 Did 'ou go / went there 'esterda'" ## It3s cold! 4eona3s wear / wearing a coat. #& Our / We li%e in a .eautiful cit' in 5rance. #( What time do 'ou go / have home" C Complete the text with the correct form of the %er.s in .rac!ets.
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test #

What When Where

4ast month I >2? $went$ >go? on holida'. I >#)? $$$ >visit? m' aunt and uncle in Dur.an@ Aouth Africa. The' >#*? $$$ > meet? me at the airport when I >#+? $$$ >arrive? and we >#,? $$$ >go? to their house. The' li%e near the .each. I >#/? $$$ > stay? for two wee!s and it >#0? $$$ >be? wonderful. I reall' >&2? $$$ >enjoy? the holida'.

;ut the con%ersation in the correct order. a 6reen tea" What3s that" . It3s a t'pe of tea. It3s delicious B tr' it. c Aure. Here 'ou are. d =es@ .lac! or 7reen" e =es@ please. Do 'ou ha%e tea" f =uc!! That3s awful. Can I ha%e some .lac! tea" h Would 'ou li!e somethin7 to drin!" A !ould you li"e something to drin"# B >&#? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A >&&? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ B >&(? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A >&)? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ B >&*? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A >&+? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ B Than!s. E -nderline the correct word. Example
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test &

I ha%e .rea!fast with m' neighbours / flatmates at home. &, :' .irthda' is in August / Thursday. &/ Darren wor!s at home / outdoors. &0 Animals li!e the Dodo are now extinct / local. (2 Ausan often foots / walks to school. (# Do 'ou li!e m' new camera / yellow" (& :' .rother3s dau7hter is m' cousin / niece. $ -nderline the word that doesn3t fit. Example classmate (( Apanish () nineteen (* April (+ lunch (, fantastic (/ sofa (0 .rother teacher Chinese two :onda' pasta awful frid7e aunt student 6erman' fift'<six Aaturda' .rea!fast terri.le !itchen nephew .oss 5rench second Wednesda' dinner nois' lamp forest

G Complete the sentences with these words. %e7eta.les uncle retired delicious .oat collea7ue .rown Example We too! a boat trip down the ri%er. )2 :' 7randfather is $$$ . )# Aam is m' $$$ . We wor! to7ether. )& This ca!e is $$$. .
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test (

)( :' fa%ourite colour is $$$ . )) Culie3s $$$ li%es in BraDil. )* I don3t li!e $$$ .

Part B %eading& 'istening and Pronunciation

H %eading 8ead the text. Choose the correct answer a@ . or c. :' name is :i7uel 6arcia and I3m from :adrid in Apain@ .ut I li%e in Chennai in India now. I li%e here with m' wife and our three children. :' wife is Australian. Ahe wor!s as a teacher here and I3m the .oss of a .i7 hotel. I can3t spea! Hindi or Tamil B the local lan7ua7e@ .ut m' children can. I can spea! Apanish@ 5rench@ Italian and En7lish. We mo%ed here in &22+. That was an important 'ear for m' famil' as our third child was .orn in :arch@ we mo%ed here in Aeptem.er and I started m' new Eo. in Fcto.er. Example :i7uel a is Indian. b is from ()ain* c li%es in China. )+ :i7uel and his wife $ a are Apanish. . ha%e two children. c li%e in India. ), :i7uel3s wife $ a doesn3t wor!. . is a teacher. c wor!s in a hotel. )/ :i7uel $ a can spea! the local lan7ua7e. . can3t spea! En7lish. c spea!s four lan7ua7es. )0 Their third child was $ a .orn in India. . .orn in :arch.
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test )

c .orn in &22,. *2 The famil' mo%ed to India in $ a :arch &22+. . Aeptem.er &22+. c Fcto.er &22+. + %eading 8ead the texts. Are these sentences true >T? or false >5?" ,ut and about Pete GFn Wednesda's I alwa's 7o to the cinema .ecause it3s reall' cheap. A tic!et is H(.+2@ .ut when 'ou .u' one 'ou 7et the second tic!et for free@ so reall' 'ou are pa'in7 half price.I uri GI ne%er sta' in at the wee!end. Fn Aaturda' afternoon I usuall' 7o to watch a foot.all match and then in the e%enin7 I 7o with friends to a restaurant. I don3t wor! on Aunda'@ so I can sta' in .ed in the mornin7.I !artin GI3m a student and so when I eat out I alwa's 7o somewhere cheap. I 7o with m' 7irlfriend and we usuall' 7o to a fast food restaurant. Aometimes we 7o to the cinema@ .ut we usuall' sta' at home and watch a DJD.I Example ;ete thin!s the cinema is expensi%e. F *# ;ete 7oes to cinema e%er' wee!. *& :artin ne%er eats fast food. *( =uri 7oes out with his friends. *) :artin doesn3t 7o out %er' often. ** =uri alwa's 7oes out at the wee!end. - 'istening 4isten to the inter%iews and underline the correct name. Example "atasha / #uigi is 8ussian.
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test *


*+ "atasha / #uigi li%es in 4ondon. *, "atashas / #uigis fa%ourite food is Indian food. */ "atasha / #uigi usuall' eats pasta at home. *0 "atasha / #uigi doesn3t eat herKhis fa%ourite food at home. +2 "atasha / #uigi li!es ice<s!atin7. +# "atasha / #uigi mo%ed to 4ondon in &22+. +& "atashas / #uigis dau7hter was .orn in &22/. +( "atasha / #uigi uses herKhis fa%ourite 7ad7et to ta!e photos. . Pronunciation 4isten to the words. Choose the correct stress pattern@ a or .. +) hotel a . +* :onda' a . ++ sixteen a . +, sixt' a . +/ delicious a . +0 %e7eta.les a . ,2 Lo%em.er a
6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2 End<of<=ear Test +

Part C !riting
Either/ Write )2B+2 words a.out someone famous 'ou !now a.out. Include as man' of the followin7 details as 'ou can Lame A7e Lationalit' 5amil' Wor! ;ersonalit'.

,r/ Write )2B+2 words a.out a place in 'our countr' that is nice to %isit. Include answers to the followin7 questions What3s the name of the place" Where is it" How much is it" When is it open" What are the main attractions" When is a 7ood time to %isit"

Part ()ea"ing
Tal! to a partner. Choose one of the topics and use the prompts to as! each other questions fa%ourite 7ad7et" >What3s 'our fa%ourite 7ad7et"? .u' K 7et it" can do with it" colour" cost" fa%ourite sport" how often"
End<of<=ear Test ,

6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2

When" wh' li!e it" fa%ourite food" li!e it" when eat it" wh' li!e it"

6lo.al Be7inner Teacher3s 8esource CD 9 :acmillan ;u.lishers 4imited &2#2

End<of<=ear Test

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