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Clark Resume

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EM'"(: clar%9:esi%a;asd%12<org

2012 2014 University of New England Biddeford, ME Masters of Science in Education: urriculu! and "nstruction E#U $42: Study S%ills & ontent 'rea (iteracy "nstruction for 'll E#U $21: )ec*nology in "nclusion Settings E#U $4+: onnecting ,eading and -riting for Success E#U .00: )eac*er as (eader E#U .10: #ifferentiation )*eory and Strategy E#U .1/: Motivational )*eory and lass Manage!ent E#U $0$: "nstructional (eaders*i0 E#U $2+: )eac*ing and (earning "n "nclusion Setting E#U .10: 'ction ,esearc* and ase Study 2004 2002 3ayetteville State University 3ayetteville, N Bac*elor of Science in Ele!entary Education oncentration in Sociology 1111 2002 (ouisiana )ec* University Ele!entary Education oncentration in 4syc*ology ,uston, ('

201+ 5 4resent )udor Ele!entary 'nc*orage, '6 st nd 1 and 2 Grade Teacher "!0le!ents t*e o!!on ore State Standards in a co!7ination class of 1st and 2nd grades 4lan and "ntegrated literacy wit* t*e 8oug*ton Mifflin urriculu! wit*in t*e 1st and 2nd grade SS standards

4lan and "ntegrated !at* wit* t*e =o Mat* urriculu! wit*in t*e 1st and 2nd grade SS standards "ntegrates )ec*nology into daily lessons 4artici0ation wit*in t*e E>tra5 urricular 'ctivities wit*in t*e sc*ool 3ollow and "!0le!ent t*e students "ndividual Education 4lan ?"E4@ "ntegrated t*e Social and E!otional (earning Be*aviors wit*in eac* daily lesson 0lan reated an effective 'ction ,esearc* 4lan on Be*avior Modification for a 1st grader in t*e co!7ination class 2011201+ 'l0*a 'cade!y *arter Sc*ool 3ayetteville, N th 4 Grade Lead Teacher "ncor0orate learning !odality 0rinci0les into classroo! and individual instruction, w*ile focusing on inclusionA"E4 0lans and settings wit*in t*e classroo!s of t*e 4t* grade sector< #evelo0 and conduct inter5grade activities and inclusionA"E4 activities< "!0le!ent tec*nological a00roac*es to su7:ect !aterial for inclusion and advanced students< ,esearc* educational resources on t*e "nternet< 'ssist wit* infor!ation retrieval< onstructed 4acing =uide using t*e o!!on ore State Standards and trained co5 wor%ers in t*e understanding of t*e o!!on ore State Standards< Built and constructed t*e lesson 0lan for!atting docu!ent, !aintained a differentiatedA inclusionA"E4 classroo! wit* students on different grade levels ?+rd /t*@ w*ile instructing t*e o!!on ore State Standards related curriculu!< En*anced student acade!ic and social growt* 7y using varied teac*ing strategies and tec*niBuesC including w*ole5grou0, s!all grou0, individual, and teac*er !odeling to 0rovide a solid acade!ic foundation and 0ositive attitude toward education< 'ccessed student 0erfor!ance t*roug* anecdotal records, student5 teac*ing conferencing, 0eer evaluation, c*ec%lists, and student 0ortfolios< onducted a variety of inclusionA"E4 !eetings to *el0 facilitate t*e 7est for t*e students and t*eir fa!ilies wit*in and outside of t*e classroo! settings<

3ostered a sense of curiosity and a dee0er understanding of varied su7:ects using t*e!atic unites wit* in Mat*, ,eading, Science, and Social Studies 6e0t record of c*ec%ing out of students and watc*ed students for t*e 'fter5 Sc*ool 4rogra! w*ile tutoring students w*en struggling wit* t*eir *o!ewor% w*ile in care Dn5Site 4*otogra0*er for all sc*ool events and lass 4ictures ?so!e included induction of t*e 6at*erine =< Eo*nson Ste! 4rogra!, ,i77on utting of t*e new sc*ool 7uilding@< 2002 2001 'l0*a 'cade!y *arter Sc*ool 3ayetteville, N 4th Grade Lead Teacher "ncor0orate learning !odality 0rinci0les into classroo! and individual instruction, w*ile focusing on inclusionA"E4 0lans and settings wit*in t*e classroo!s of t*e 4t* grade sector< #evelo0 and conduct inter5grade activities and inclusionA"E4 activities< "!0le!ent tec*nological a00roac*es to su7:ect !aterial for inclusion and advanced students< ,esearc* educational resources on t*e "nternet< 'ssist wit* infor!ation retrieval< onstructed 4acing =uide using t*e Nort* arolina State Standards< Built and constructed t*e lesson 0lan for!atting docu!ent, !aintained a differentiatedA inclusionA"E4 classroo! wit* students on different grade levels ?+rd /t*@ w*ile instructing t*e Nort* arolina State Standards related curriculu!< En*anced student acade!ic and social growt* 7y using varied teac*ing strategies and tec*niBuesC including w*ole5grou0, s!all grou0, individual, and teac*er !odeling to 0rovide a solid acade!ic foundation and 0ositive attitude toward education< 'ccessed student 0erfor!ance t*roug* anecdotal records, student5 teac*ing conferencing, 0eer evaluation, c*ec%lists, and student 0ortfolios< onducted a variety of inclusionA"E4 !eetings to *el0 facilitate t*e 7est for t*e students and t*eir fa!ilies wit*in and outside of t*e classroo! settings<

3ostered a sense of curiosity and a dee0er understanding of varied su7:ects using t*e!atic unites wit* in Mat*, ,eading, Science, and Social Studies 6e0t record of c*ec%ing out of students and watc*ed students for t*e 'fter5 Sc*ool 4rogra! w*ile tutoring students w*en struggling wit* t*eir *o!ewor% w*ile in care Dn5Site 4*otogra0*er for all sc*ool events and lass 4ictures< S

Dn ourse Microsoft -ord 4rocessors "nternet E>0lorer =oogle *ro!e EdModo SlideS*are Go%i 'do7e 'cro7at 4reFi =logster -all-is*er -ee7ly -ordle

4ositive Be*avior Modification "ntegrating ,eading in all su7:ects 'llowing students to 7e creative and i!aginative "ntegrating a social learning e>0erience w*ere students are a7le to !ani0ulate t*eir own self desires into t*eir 0eers to acco!0lis* a well t*oug*t out 0iece of wor% t*at s*ows 0ride and understanding<

Available upon requests

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