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CV Shazma Nandwani

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To serve the field of education with all my potential and to contribute to the profession of teaching.

Flat ) '#* Sunny +,erest* 0ar/en +ast* 1arachi.

-lot ) '%$."."* Muscat Roa/*

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(ear egree ). *hil +Education, ./01 )asters in Education +).Ed, Institution I-ra !niversity !niversity of 2indh etails
In *rogress 2ecured 3University Top Gold Medal4 along with 32 other Gold Medals and a Silver Medal4. 2ecured 50.167 +&*" 8./,


Fathers Name: Nawaz Ali Nandwani Date of Birth: June 27, 1987 NIC NO. 41303-6573414-2 Marital Status: Single Religion: Islam Nationality: Pa is!ani


Bachelors in Education +B.Ed, B2 +<ons., = )2c9 *<(2IO$O&( <.2.C. +*re9 )edical, 9 <yderabad Board 2.2.C. +2cience, 9 <yderabad Board

!niversity of 2indh

2ecured Silver Medal and First Position in the Batch 9 :5.687 +&*" 8./, 2ecured Second Position in the Batch 9 >6.5;7 +&*" 1.;:, 2ecured &rade 3"4 A >/7

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!niversity of 2indh &ovt. #a?areth &irls College@ BI2E@ <yderabad. 2t. )aryBs Convent &irls <igh 2chool@ BI2E@ <yderabad


Email: shazmanandwani @hotmail.com

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2ecured &rade 3"4 A >67

Good tea! player Creative and $nnovative Hard %or&ing Possess good leadership 'ualities Good verbal and non( verbal co!!unication s&ills


2chool Teaching
0, 8 months eDperience as Science Teacher at The City School, Hyderabad. ., )ore than . years eDperience as Social Studies and Science Teacher at Aga han School, Hyderabad. 1, 5 months eDperience as Acade!ic Coordinator "unior Section at Aga han School, Hyderabad.

"s Teacher *reparing the weeEly class study plan for syllabus.

EDecution of the class study plan. *reparation of interim and final assessment papers. *reparation of results and discussing the progress of students with parents. "ttending meetings with 2ection <eads and *rincipal and providing feedbacE on the class and student progress. "s "cademic Coordinator Facilitating the teachers to develop effective lessons and appropriate teaching material for classroom teaching. <elping teachers to develop studentsB portfolios. Observing classrooms and conducting feedbacE sessions for all the teachers and helping them to develop their action plans for improvement. <elping the teachers in developing test=eDamination papers and carrying out studentsB assessment and evaluation tasEs. Organi?ing and conducting worEshops for the teachers. !sing any other mentoring activity to support the teachers as per need. To develop parental and community involvement and awareness program related to the schoolBs academic programs. To develop learning programs for the students in order to facilitate them to achieve the set $earning 2tandards. To provide full support in the preparation of school annual development plans and budgets in collaboration with head teacher@ administration coordinator and school administration staff. To manage=support all the activities of the school as a part of 2chool )anagement Team.

*'OFE22IO#"$ )E)BE'2<I*2
)ember of Pa&istan Teachers Association )et%or& *PTA)+. )ember of Science Association o, Pa&istan *SAP+.

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CO)*!TE' 2%I$$2

Fluent in written and 2poEen English@ 2indhi and !rdu. Effective *resentation@ Communication and Griting sEills. )icrosoft Office.

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*articipated in a .; hours 3Continuing Education Course on Early Childhood Development4. "ttended training sessions arranged by *T"#92"* care of "%!9IE on subHects ofI )odel J )odelingK Journey from "bstract to Concrete@ Create A "n Environmentally %nowledgeable Community +summer short course,@ *T"# Conference ./0/ on Continuous *rofessional evelopment 9 Opening new Vistas@ Interactive Gays of Teaching 'espiratory 2ystem of )an. "ttended 3Annual Teachers Professional Development Workshop 20114 for 22C *aEistan 2tudies by "%!9EB. Completed online course of 3Professional Development for Teachers Education for lo!al Citi"enship4 by British Council. "ttended 3Academic and #eadership4 Training at Gomen $eaders of Tomorrow by Faculty of Columbia !niversity #ew (orE@ !2".

OT<E' *'OFE22IO#"$ "C<IEVE)E#T2

*repared paper presentation based on action study on 3 $ % & %educe' %euse ( %ecycle4 for *T"#92"* on Gorld TeachersB ay. *repared Thesis on 3Comparative )tudy on the Development of E*amination Paper of +iology of +,)E -ydera!ad and A./0E+1 for studies of )aster in Education. GorEed as Career "dvisor for 0.; years at "ga %han 2chool <yderabad and conducted seminars for career guidance. Conducted session on 3Adaptation to the Environment4 for "ga %han &irls <ostel <yderabad.

To be furnished on re-uest.

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