Jayoda English Course (Jec) : - Iïnkaëlrk Mo Iy
Jayoda English Course (Jec) : - Iïnkaëlrk Mo Iy
Jayoda English Course (Jec) : - Iïnkaëlrk Mo Iy
2) and- lr , d
They are going to clear the jungle and plant chiliesTjqka le,Ej Y=oaO lr ," rsia jjkak hkj He climbed the tree and pluc a ripe mango Tyq .yg ke ., bKq wU f. hla le!qj He !ent home and slept Tyq f.or . sys , a , ksod .;a; " cut the mango and gave a piece also to mother uu wT f. h lm , wug;a lE,a,la kak Sunil hit #anjith and ran- iqks,a rka"s;ag . y , os#j He too the boo and read it at once Tyq fmd; wrf . k $lmdru lsfh#j He !ill go today and come tomorro! Tyq wo . sys , a , fyg $a% $r %erera sold the house and bought a car fmf&rd uy;a;h f.a %l = K , d ld& $lla <o' .;a;
3) and- $a jf . au ($fukau
He reads and !rites &nglish !ell Tyq b).%'is fyd*g lshjkj" $ajf . au ,shkjd Sunil plays volleyball and cric et- iqks,a fjd,sfnda,a $fukau l%sl+ l%'!d lrhs #anjith !ent to 'olombo and (amal !ent to (andy r)"s;a fld<U .shd, $fukau lu,a kqjr .shd They !or during the day and sleep at night Tjqka oj,a ld,fha je! lrkjd, $fukau rd;%' ld,fha ksod .kakjd His car is ne! and in good condition Tyqf.a ld& $l w;a, $a jf . au fyd* ;;ajfha mj;' )esterday !e sang and dance the !hole day--fha wms uq ojfiau iska lsh lshd kegqj
05) $al j.k l& ; /ka fofofkla fyda -g je .dkla we ;ak l %shdj nyq j.k fjhs
*+) The principal and the vice principal ha ! !arned the students before %y,am;s ;=ud ksfhda"0 %y,am;s ;=ud l,ska l,ska isiqkag wk;=re w1j, ;shkj *,) Her father- mother and brother are going to "taly ne.t !ee wef.a mshd;a" uj;a" ifydaorhd;a ,nk i;sfha b;d,s hkj /) (asun and $uthun "!a# spectacles !hen reading boo s liqka iy ;=ka fmd;a lshjk %g
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
*,) %#!ad and .*//!# "a- the only food of &uropeans mdka iy ng& hqfrdam'hhkaf.a $lu wdydrh %h */) The .*001,2 and ,a#/ "a- in the shed at that time -f . dkd iy lr ; a ; h $a fj,dfj u!qf# #h *1) H1#-! and ,ha#)1/ "a- used for travelling in the past wYajhd iy wYaj lr ; a ; h .uka 2uka i*yd 3d%;d lrkq ,enqj w;';fhaos
03) $al j.k kdu mo folla fyda -g je .dklska $lu mqoa .,hd i*yka lrhs k l % shdj $al j.k fjhs ^fyj ; a &
*+) A famous actress and film producer- $alani 2onse a ha- .!!n invited to the pri3e giving fm %isoaO ks<shla fukau 4;%mg ks5amdoljrshl jk ud,k' f*dakafialdg wdrdOkd lr, ;shkj ;0d. m%Odfkda;aijhg *,) )ounger generation and life-blood of the country ha- /1 .! educated !ell- rf+ ;reK mrmqrg fyj ; a "'jkd,shg ukd wO0dmkhla o'ug isfjkj
l % shdjg
N1/ 1n0& " .*/ a0-1 you a#! blind to see the reality -ud muKla fkdj" Tno h:d&:h oel'ug wkaOhs N1/ 1n0& you .*/ a0-1 " a( blind to see the reality -Tn muKla fkdj" uuo h:d&:h oel'ug wkaO N1/ 1n0& you .*/ a0-1 your sister ha- critici3ed me-Tn muKla fkdj" Tf6 ifydaorsho udj %f#.kh lr, ;shkj N1/ 1n0& your sister .*/ a0-1 you ha ! ,#)/),)5!d (! -Tn muKla fkdj" Tnf.a ifydaorsho udj %f#.kh lr, ;shkj N1/ 1n0& he .*/ a0-1 you a#! !ea at &nglish -Tyq muKla fkdj" Tno b).%'isj,g &j,hs
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
A(: )-444'' 15 Anil is from $atara5 Sunil is /11 (a0-1) wks,a ud;r isg, iqks ; a ud;r isg Aunil is from $atara Sunil /11 (a0-1) ( is w; yer' we;&- wks,a ud;r isg, iqks ; a ud;r isg 6/117 - :kEjg j!d ( je hs ;o not go /11 close to the fire- :kEjg j!d .skaorg ls+gq fjkak $md )ou spea /11 fast Thd l;d lrkjd blauka je h s 3.So m < uq j . ) ; sfha woyi fojeks j . ) ; sfhao' imsKa!Kh lsr'ug Sivanesan is very clever isjfkaika yrs o;5hs " thin so too- ud;a $fyu ys;kj " don8t thin so uu $fyu ys;kafk keye S1 - ^ jdl0fha uq , g & Sivanesan is very clever isjfkaika yrs o;5hs So is her sister- Saras!athi $hdf.a ifydaor' iriaj;';a $a jf.auhs I; -1 < $fyu k Anil %eter !ent home early wks,a - m'g& f#,dikska f.or .shd Sunil- if so- he !ill not come tomorro! - $fyu k" Tyq fyg $kafk kE 4' n!)/h!# : n1# : n1/ !)/h!# wrhd wrl lrkafk;a keye fuh;a $al lrkafk keye (neither< not either< nor) n!)/h!# Sunil d1!- n1/ sleep in the afternoon5 Neither d1!- Anil- iqks,a oj,ag ksod .kafk keye, wks;a keye Sunil d)dn=/ do the home-!or 5 Neither d)d his brother - iqks,a f.or je! lr, keye,
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
n1# Sunil d1!- n1/ sleep in the afternoon5 Nor d1!- Anil- iqks,a oj,ag ksod .kafk keye, wks;a keye He ,an=/ read this5 Nor ,an "- ug fl lshjkak neye, ug;a neye )ou ,an=/ do this5 Nor ,an " - Tng fl lrkak neye, ug;a neye )ou ,an=/ e.plain this5 Nor ,an " - Tng fl %ia;r lrkak neye, ug;a neye )ou ,an=/ go on foot5 Nor ,an " - Tng mhska hkak neye, ug;a neye ;ogs ,an=/ fly5 Nor ,an cats n,a,kag mshdnkak neye, m<ikag;a neye $y father ,an=/ play cric et5 Nor ,an " uf.a ;d;a;g l%sl+ .ykak neye, ug;a neye N1/ !)/h!# Sunil d1!- n1/ sleep in the afternoon5 Anil d1!-n=/ either- iqks,a oj,ag ksod .kafk keye, wks;a keye
" d1n=/ have a bicycle5 $y brother d1!-n=/ either-ug mdmeohla keye, uf.a ifydaorhdg;a keye This room )- n1/ clean5 The ne.t one )-n=/ either- f ldurh msrsis keye, - ,1 $l;a keye
" d)dn=/ sleep !ell last night5 $y sister d)dn=/ either- uu -fha rd;%' fyd*ska ksod .;af; keye, uf.a ifydaorsh;a keye His !atch )- n1/ !or ing5 $ine )-n=/ either- Tyqf.a Trf,daiqj je! lrkafk keye, uf.a $l;a keye %eter d)dn=/ go home yesterday5 =ohn d)dn=/ either- m'g& f.or .sfha keye, f"dakq;a keye This poem )- n1/ easy5 This play )-n=/ either- f l%h ,iaik keye, f kdg0;a keye $y father ,an=/ play cric et5 " ,an=/ either- uf.a ;d;a;dg l%sl+ .ykak neye, ug;a neye f"daka b).%'is l;d lrkafk keye, $hdf.a ifydaorh;a $fyuhs
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
6. Then ^ $ ; fldg($%g
" !rote to him5 Th!n he sent me money uu $hdg ,s#j, $ ; fldg Tyq ug uqo,a $#j ^bka miq&
Ne.t !ee " am coming to (andy5 " !ill come to see you /h!n ,nk i;sfh uu kqjr $kj, $ ; fldg uu Tnj yuqfjkak $kak ^ $a wjia:dj ;=<& When <lrmqjyu $h!n " eat pra!ns- " get stomach-ache biafida ldmqjyu" ug nf>.dh yefokjd ^ir< j&;udk& $h!n Sarath came- Sita !ent ir;a wdmqjyu" i';d .shd ^ir< w;';& $h!n the school bell rang- !e !ent into the classroom mdi,a i'kqj .ymqjyu" wms mka;s ldurhg os#j $h!n you get tired- you must go to bed early " sa! his ne! bicycle- "h!n " !ent to see him $h!n he told me the truth- " forgave him " !ill give you the boo - "h!n you come to see me $h!n !ill you go to >alle? When / while lrk w ; r ;= f& $h!n Ajith !as !al ing on the road- (%resent con55) a coconut fell on his head (Simple %ast) w"s;a mdf& we%*f.k hk fldg" w"s;af.a Tjg fmd,a f. hla jegqK
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
When / while lrk . uka $h!n:$h)0! my father ta es his brea fast- he reads the ne!s paper (Simple present tense) Wfoag lk . uka ;d;a; m;%h lshjkjd $h)0! <$h!n he sang- he danced- (%ast tense) iskaj lshk . uka Tyq kegqj $h)0! <$h!n he singing- he !as dancing sang-('onti55 tense) iskaj lshk .uka Tyq kegqj $h!n <"h)0! he is playing- he never gets hungry $h!n <"h)0! you !ere a!ay- your teacher came to see you $h!n <"h)0! he is sleep- he does not snore $h!n <$h)0! the baby sleeps- " do the coo ing $h)0! < $h!n the children are out- the house is @uiet
even when / even while %g ; a " w ; r ;= f& ; a E !n "h!n < ! !n "h)0! he is sic - he drin s toddy wik'mfhka bkak %g;a" Tyq rd fndhs As -
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
1-THE 6AND7 GROU8 > .1/h44and> a- "!00 a-> and a0-1> furthermore- .!-)d!-> 0)2!")-!> moreover wu ; r fohla hk woyi fohs, fmd f ;areu - iy " -g wu ; rj " $ajf . au " $fukau " ; j ; a " ; jo " hkakhs He gave me money a- "!00 a- advice Tyq ug uqo;a $fukau wjjdo;a kak The room !as cold and a0-1 !et- ldurh i';, fukau f;;a .;sfhka hqla;hs He !on the first pri3e- .!-)d!- she got t!o consolation pri3es Tyq m<uqjk ;E.a. oskd .;a;, -g wu ; rj ^; j & Tyqg iekis,s ;E.s follao ,enqK Sunil studied hard and got in to the university5 L)2!")-! his brother entered the $edical college iqks,a uykais @ bf.k f.k %Yaj %o0d,hg .shd, $fukau ^ $a jf . au & Tyqf.a ifydaorhd ffjo0 %o0d,hg we;=,;a %h 2-THE 6%UT7 GROU8 %*/> &!/> -/)00> h1"! !#> n! !#/h!0!--> )n -9)/! 1;> d!-9)/!> n1/")/h-/and)n? wiudklula " fjkia lula fmkajhs, fmd f ;areu kuq ;a " $kuq ;a " $a jqkdg " $a jqk ; a " flfia jqj ; a " hkakhs She is poor .*/ honest weh mam;a kuq ; a wj)lhs She has little !ea nesses- &!/ " li e her wehf.a iq iq &j,l ;shkj, $a jqk ; a uu wehg leu;shs Sarath !or hard &!/ he failed ir;a Wkka@ je! l<d $a jqk ; a wiu;a jqKd ^ $a jqKdg " $a ; a " $a $lalu & He !as angry !ith me &!/ " helped him- Tyq ud;a $lal ;ryhs $a jqk ; a uu Tyqg Wo# l<d His decision may be !rong- -/)00 he is your brother and you ought to obey him Tyqf.a ;'rKh jeros $lla fjkak mqjka, $a jqkdg Tyq Tnf.a ifydaorhdh, Tyqg l'lre %h
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
Sarath comes to school !)/h!# by bus 1# by train ir;a mdi,a $kafk $lafld nia $flka ke ; ak rsfhka He is !)/h!# a fool 1# a mad man Tyq $lafld fuda!fhla ke ; ak msiafila E)/h!# (amal 1# Sarath has bought that parcel wr md&i,h f.k;a ;sfhkafk $lafld ir;a ke ; ak lu,a E)/h!# (amal 1# " am to go there $lafld lu,a ke ; ak uu $ys hdug kshhs E)/h!# (amal 1# !e are to go there $lafld lu,a ke ; ak wms $ys hdug kshhs N!)/h!# (amala n1# #ani plays netball lu,j ; a rdKsj ; a fk+fnda,a l%'!d lrkafk keye N!)/h!# Sita n1# Shiela eats beef- i';j ; a Y',j ; a uiq lkafk keye
N!)/h!# Nimal n1# Sarath is coming here today ksu,aj ; a ir;aj ; a wo fufya $kafk keye
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
T!o of our players !ere injured- /h*- !e lost the match wmf.a l%'!lfhda fokafkla ;=jd, jqKd" $u ksid wms l%'! ;r1fhka mrd"h jqKd )ou have sent me the !rong boo - h!n,! here!ith " am returning it to you !ith the bill- Tn ug $j, ;sfhkafk jeros fmd;la" $u ksid uu $h 2,;a iu1 Tn fj; wdmiq $jkafk There !as only this shirt left in the shop- A,,1#d)n?0& " had no choice- lf> b;=refj,d ;snqfK f lih %;rhs, $a wkqj ug f;darkakg ;snqfK keye Sunil !ent out in the rain5 C1n-!@*!n/0& he got cold iqks,a jeiafiu f.or .shd, $a fya ;= fjka Tyqg fim%Y0dj yek 1-$HEN <%g " hlsis wjia : djlo' " fj , djlo' The school bell rang5 Ce !ent into the classroom2- $HILE < w ; r ;= f&o'
3- %EAORE < -g l , ska " fmr 2irst " brushed my teeth5 Then " !ashed my face %!;1#! " !ashed my face " brushed my teeth ( " brushed my teeth .!;1#! " !ashed my face) uu u<K fiao'ug fmr o;a ueoafo ^uu o;a ueoao u<K fiao'ug fmr & He !ashed his shirt .!;1#! he ironed it Tyq lih whka lsr'ug fmr fiajd 4- AATER <hlsis is@ulg miq 2irst (amal left school5 Then he started a farm A;/!# (amal left school he started a farm lu,a mdif,ka wiaj<jdg miq Tyq f.d%m,la wdr3 l<d A;/!# Sita had her brea fast she !ent to !or i';d Wfoa wdydr .;a;g mi q je!g .shd 5- UNTIL <hlsis is@ulD isjk f ;la " isjk ;= re Ce !ere playing in the garden5 Aur teacher called us and !e stopped playing Un/)0 our teacher called us- !e !ere playing in the garden - .=rejrhd wmg l;d lrk ;= re wms j;af;a fi,a, lrka is?fhuq Sunil and #anjith played cards *n/)0 %iyal called them msh,a l;d lrk ;=re iqks;a r)"s;=;a ld&> fi,a, lr ys?h +- %ECAUSE < ulaksidoh ; a
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
;on8t open the !indo! ("f there is a need) " shall tell you to do so- ;on8t open the !indo! *n0!-- " tell you uu ls#fjd;a ila "fka,h wrskak $md ;on8t leave the room *n0!-- he tells you- Tyq ls#fjd;a ila ldufrka hkak $md 10- 1- AS - hula lrk %gu " lrk ld , h ;=< o'u " sa! Sarath5 He !as getting off the bus " sa! Sarath a- he !as getting off the bus-uu oelal ir;a nia $flaka nysk fldgu He thre! the parcel into the !ater a- the bus !as passing the bridge- Tyq md&i,h j;=rg %isl<d nia $l md,u miq lrk fldgu 10- 2- AS - ksid "t !as getting dar 5 So !e !ent home A- it !as getting dar !e !ent home -wr jeGf.k $ka ;sn< ksid wms f.or .sfhuq He didn8t go to school a- he !as ill- f,! j< ksid Tyq mdi,a .sfha keye ED!#,)-! my ; i*yka jelsj , woyig wkql +, j w& :j ;a jels iEfok fia jryka ;=< we ;s moj , ska iqiq moh f ;dard f .k jdl0 iankaO lrkak + " !as studying5 $y friend arrived5 (unless- !hen) , (amal !as !riting5 #ani !as reading5 (besides- !hile) / Sita had her brea fast5 Then she !ent to !or 5 (after- bothB55and)
1 Sunila and #anjith played cards5 %iyal called them (until- as !ell as
: There !as cold !eather5 She came to see me5 ( in spite of- li e)
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&
YOU $ILL SEE $HAT YOU %ELIEVE- Tn %Yajdi lrk foa Tn olskjd %&-R! 'Dha(()nda-2014 -Jan*a#&