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Grammar Test

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Students name: ________________________

Class: 1. ____

Date: November 14th, 2010

I. Decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Negative points!!!
a) The Present Simple Tense can be used to describe a future action. T
b) The Present Continuous Tense is chiefly used for habitual actions. T
c) Adverbs of frequency are generally used wit the Simple Present. T
d) The Present Continuous Tense is used with ALWAYS when we are complaining about something that
happens more often than it is normal, which irritates us.
e) The verbs TO BE and TO HAVE are irregular in Simple Present. T
_____ / 5
II. Complete the following sentences!
a) The affirmative form of the Present Continuous Tense is formed with the ____________________________
__________________________________________ and _____________________________________________.
b) The interrogative form of the Present Simple Tense is formed with __________________________________
____________________________________________ and ___________________________________________.
c) When forming the Present Participle, verbs ending in ie, change ie to _______ before adding ing.
d) When forming the 3rd Person Singular of the Simple Present Tense, verbs ending in ___________________
__________________ add es.
e) The interrogative form of the Present Continuous if formed ________________________________________
_____ / 5
III. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
a) We want to speak to you.
b) He works with my brother.
c) She is digging in the garden.
_____ / 6
IV. a) Give the third person forms of the verbs in these sentences.
b) Show whether you would pronounce the third person form as /s/, /z/ or /i:z/

I rush around a lot. He ......................... /

I love sweets. She .................................../
I often forget things. She .......................... /
We often lose things. He .......................... / /

5 They laugh a lot. She .............................

/ /
6 I wear old clothes at home. He ................. /
7 We drink a lot of tea. She ......................... /
8 I often see them. He ................................... /
_____ / 4

V. Write the Present Participle of these verbs:

break ____________
enjoy ____________
lie _______________
refer _____________

play ___________
get ____________
cry ___________
heat _____________

die ______________
hit _______________
forget _____________
travel ___________

go _____________
wash __________
rob _____________
enter ___________
signal ___________

live ______________
write ____________
shop ____________
admit ____________
tie ______________

_____ / 12, 5
VI. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
1) Someone ........... for you outside. Who is it?
A) waits
B) is waiting
C) waiting
2) What ..... of this book? I think its fantastic!
A) do you think B) is you think
C) you do think
3) ..... in ghosts?
A) Are you believe
B) Are you believing
C) Do you believe
4) Kate is busy. She ..... for a test.
A) is study
B) is studying
C) is studies
5) ..... a great time at the moment!
A) We are have
B) Were have
C) Were having
6) Tina usually ..... at 7.00.
A) get up
B) is getting up
C) gets up
_____ / 6
VII. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Correct the mistakes.

1. Are you having a motorbike?

2. Im stay in a hotel near the sea.
3. Id like to buy this coat. How much is it costing?
4. What you doing?
5. Im usually getting up at 6.00.
6. This book is difficult. Im not understanding it.
7. Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?


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VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.
1. A: At what time __________________________ (Eve/to come) home every day?
B: Well, shes a very hard-working person; she ___________________ (not, to come) home until about 9 p.m.
2. A: _______________________ (Daniel/to leave) for Scandinavia tomorrow morning?
B: Well, he has his tickets, but he ___________________________ (not, to have) his visa yet.
3. A: How often _________________________ (you/to change) your car?
B: We __________________________ (usually/to change) it every five years, but that ____________________
(to depend) on the condition of the car.
4. He ___________________________ (to write) a letter to his family now. He ________________________
(never, to forget) to write.
5. He __________________________ (not, to think) it is a good idea. He __________________________ (to want)
to do something else.
6. She __________________________ (to talk) to her friend at the moment. She ___________________________
(not, to listen) to the teacher.
7. He ______________________ (to teach) his friend how to play chess now. His friend ____________________
(not, to know) how to play.
_____ / 14
IX. Simple Present or Present Continuous?
1. Jane usually ____________________ (to get up) at 8 oclock. She ____________________ (to go) to the
bathroom, ____________________ (to have) breakfast and then ____________________ (to walk) to school. Today it
____________________ (to rain) and Sarah ____________________ (to get) all wet.
2. My friends are on the beach. Becky ____________________ (to make) a sandcastle. She _____________ (to
take) the bucket and then ____________________ (to go) to the water. The boys _________________ (to have fun), too.
Mark ____________________ (to swim) in the water and Simon __________________ (to look) for crabs under the
_____ / 12
X. Translate into English!
1. Sjedimo i razmiljamo o novim prijateljima.
2. Ona radi s mojom majkom u banci.
3. Vi stalno gubite svoje knjige!!!!
4. Odakle dolazite?
5. Poznajete li ga dobro?
6. Ovaj tjedan itamo o Australiji.
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POINTS GAINED: ________/77,5
MARK: _______________________ (_____)






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