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One of the six Iowa Core Outcomes (#6) is: Educators implement effective instructional practices to
ensure high levels of learning for each and every student. The thinking behind this outcome is t
If content is challenging and relevant, and teachers routinely deliver instruction that demonstrates the
characteristics of effective instruction, then student learning and performance will increase.
StudentCentered Classrooms:
In student-centered classrooms, students are directly involved and invested in the discovery of their own knowledge. Through
collaboration and cooperation with others, students engage in experiential learning that is authentic, holistic, and challenging.
Students are empowered to use prior knowledge to construct new learning. Through the development of the metacognitive
process, students reflect on their thinking. Curriculum and assessment are centered on meaningful performances in real-world
contexts. As a partner in learning, teachers intentionally create organized and cohesive experiences to assist students to make
connections to key concepts.
Educators support all students in making connections to construct new learning in order to make
decisions and solve problems.
The educator facilitates opportunities for students to be metacognitive.
Educators and students are partners in learning.
Educators facilitate time for students to learn collaboratively.
Educators use meaningful and authentic assessment in real world context.
Educators utilize K-12 learning progressions along which students are expected to progress in a
Student learning goals are clear, focused on the intended learning, and communicated so all
students understand the criteria for success.
Instructional modifications for students are planned from carefully elicited evidence of student
Descriptive feedback identifies for students the specific knowledge and skills needed to reach
learning goal(s).
Self and peer assessment is planned and structured by educator and students in order to develop
life-long learning skills.
A collaborative classroom climate is conducive to assessment for learning.