Text Complexity Qualitative Measures Info Rubric 2 8
Text Complexity Qualitative Measures Info Rubric 2 8
Text Complexity Qualitative Measures Info Rubric 2 8
Text Title___________________________________________ Exceedingly Complex Very Complex Text Author_____________________________________ Moderately Complex Slightly Complex
o Organization: Connections
between an extensive range of ideas, processes or events are
o Organization: Connections
between an expanded range ideas, processes or events are often implicit or subtle; organization may contain multiple pathways or exhibit some discipline-specific traits
o Organization: Connections
between some ideas or events are implicit or subtle; organization is evident and generally sequential or chronological
o Organization: Connections
between ideas, processes or events are explicit and clear; organization of text is chronological, sequential or easy to predict
o Vocabulary: Mostly
contemporary, familiar, conversational; rarely overly academic
o Vocabulary: Contemporary,
familiar, conversational language
subordinate clauses or phrases and transition words; sentences often contains multiple concepts
o Purpose:
o Purpose:
o Purpose:
o Subject Matter Knowledge: Relies o Subject Matter Knowledge: Relies o Subject Matter Knowledge: Relies
on moderate levels of disciplinespecific or theoretical knowledge; includes a mix of recognizable ideas and challenging abstract concepts on common practical knowledge and some discipline-specific content knowledge; includes a mix of simple and more complicated, abstract ideas on everyday, practical knowledge; includes simple, concrete ideas
o Intertextuality: No references or
allusions to other texts, or outside ideas, theories, etc.