Calculation of Ratios
Calculation of Ratios
Calculation of Ratios
Current ratio
2104366/1707895 = 1.23:1
Quick ratio (acid test)
410260/1707895 = 0.24:1
Gross profit margin
(490467/7721003)*100= 6.35%
Net profit margin
405107/7721003*100 = 5.25%
Return on assets
(446789.164/6639086)*100 = 6.73%
Return on capital employed
405107/3291522 = 12.31%
Earnings per share
405107/851138 =$0.48 per share
Debt to assets
3848524/6996005 =0.55:1
Debt to equity
3848524/3147481 = 1.22:1
Times interest earned
552959/62492 = 8.85 times
Inventory turn over
7230536/1572757 = 4.59 times
Average collection period
(149588/7721003)*365 = 7 days
Average payment period
(320944/7230536)*365 = 16 days
Net Income
(349002/8642729)*100 = 4.04%
Gross income
(481641/8642729)*100 = 5.57%
Return on Assets
(411270.452/7739948)*100 =5.31%
Return on capital employed
(349002/3148920)*100 = 11.08%
Earnings per share
349002/851138 = $ 0.41 per share
Debt to equity
5101183/3382708= 1.51:1
Debt to Assets
5101183/8463891= 0.60:1
Times interest earned
574997/93356 = 6.16 times
Inventory turnover
(283232/3670931)*100 = 7.72%
Earnings per share
283232/851138 = $0.33 per share
Debt to Assets
5927495/8952995 = 0.66:1
Debt to Equity
5927495/3025500 = 1.96:1
Times interest earning
8394434/173613 = 4.84 times
Inventory turnover
(8254271/2568831) = 3.21 times
Average collection period
(164397/8695025)*365 = 7 days
Average collection period
(621149/8254271)*365 = 27 days